Rochester Review V60 N1--Undergraduates (2024)

Eleanor Otto has been named a trustee of the World University, with responsibility for approving new schools and colleges for the university.

Laura Auburn Kavanaugh married James Kavanaugh on November 11, 1995, in Norfolk, Conn. She reports that this past Christmas marked the 40th year of operation of the Christmas tree farm she runs and adds, "It is always a disappointment that there's so little news from the '30s classes."

Dean Freiday delivered the keynote address and received an honorary doctorate at commencement ceremonies last May for the Houston Graduate School of Theology. A noted Quaker author and statesman, Freiday is a fellow at Catholic and Quaker Studies in Manasquan, N.J. He is the author of five books, including a translation of Robert Barclay's Apology for the True Christian Divinity (1678) into modern English.

In honor of her 60th class reunion last June, Ruth Goodman Rand Rapport sent in her poem, "1997 Ode."

Here's to the class of '37,
Let's drink a special toast!
In fact, we're looking pretty good--
Or should we say--almost.
We used to think just elderly
Would meet a 60th time,
But just to prove our fitness is
The subject of this rhyme.

It may have been heredity
Or college years they say,
Or maybe even vitamins
That helped us reach this day.
At any rate it's fun to check
Our questionnaires and note
Some universal threads involved
That many of us wrote.

We surely are well traveled
And enjoy golf to a "tee";
There's gardening and bridge as well,
And one man dares to ski!
We're honest in our answers
For worst habits up to date,
Admit procrastination
And a bit of overweight.

We seem to be especially
A most romantic group,
And disregarding talk shows,
We do really have a scoop.
Would you believe it's marriage
Rating highest in our lives?
With men admitting to it
Even more than lucky wives.

And then came many questions
Connected with our college,
That place of higher learning
So full of extra knowledge.
For favorite professor,
Dr. May still led the rest,
While several men named Helmkamp
As the leader in this test.

The favorite traditions
Mention dandelion yellow,
Plus other songs involving
That color rich and mellow.
Returning to our campus
Did produce some big surprise;
In fact, a great reaction
Was especially to size!

Advice to undergraduates
Means working hard and well,
With fun advised, but one man stressed
Their "studying like hell"!
Our Rochester Review now brings us
Very up to date,
And we take pride in learning
Just how highly we do rate.

New President Tom Jackson
Tells of Renaissance great plans,
Explaining all the newest trends
For us devoted fans.
So 60th reunions
Are as special as can be,
With our continued loyalty
Beside the Genesee!

Mabel Kysor Rugg and Donald Rugg '37 (MA) write that they are "happily settled in Kendal-at-Hanover in New Hampshire and are very pleased with Kendal's approach to retirement living. Between us we are very busy with chorale singing, energy conservation, transportation planning, continuing education classes at Dartmouth, concerts, and lectures. We have excellent health care and still enjoy our Vermont country property in the summer."

William Wheeler '64W (Mas) writes in response to a request a few issues back for memories of World War II. "I was drafted on January 18, 1943, and went into medical limited service with the 76th General Hospital. Basic training in Kansas for six weeks. We sailed to Britain on Battleship Washington, landing in Liverpool. Our unit went to Belfast, N. Ireland, and I was able to see the conflict and suspicion there first hand. . . . We landed in Normandy about three weeks after D-Day, living in large tents and/or pup tents. . . . I came home after a little more than three years and met Elizabeth Evans '49. We married on September 6, 1947, and we're celebrating our 50th this year!" He adds, "Remember me to all my friends!"

C. William Tayler in February received a certificate of recognition in honor of his six years of service on the board of the Frederick B. Abramson Memorial Foundation. The foundation raises funds to give college scholarships to Washington, D.C., public high school seniors. Tayler, who had been a partner with Abramson for many years in the law firm of Sachs and Tayler, is now of counsel with Whiteford, Taylor & Preston in Washington.

Elizabeth Evans Wheeler (see '43).

Class Correspondent
Kenneth Hubel
2562 Oak Circle N.E.
N. Liberty, IA 52317
(319) 626-6562

Chuck Wadhams wrote of his marriage to Anne Schaaff in the early 1950s, their four children, and their eight grandchildren. He served in the U.S. Navy for two years during the Korean conflict, then returned to Rochester and the life insurance business. He and his family have spent the last 20 years in Fresno, Calif., "recruiting, managing, and consulting in financial planning, picking up many professional letters and a degree in the process." He and Anne retired eight years ago and spend their time in travel, church work, genealogy, sports, Rotary, and the Fresno Ballet where Chuck plays the role of Herr Drosselmeier in their annual Nutcracker presentation.

Carl Whiteman wrote and enclosed a description of the course of his illness in 1995 that required neurosurgery at Strong Memorial Hospital. Despite the complicated course, he has apparently recovered and is doing well. He reflected on his appreciation of the skills and efforts of Harm Potter '38, '54 (Mas) and the late Chuck Dalton '20 in helping the University prepare for the influx of veterans in 1945. He wrote also of the pleasure of meeting with two recipients of the Koller-Diez scholarships, an opportunity that clarified for him the value of financial contributions from members of our class. Carl is at 707 Harvard Street, Rochester, NY 14607-1524.

Deborah Weilerstein recently participated in an Elderhostel program at the University of Haifa in Israel. The topic was "Dynamics of the Middle East," with lectures presented by experts in the politics of Israel. The program also included local field trips.

45TH REUNION, JUNE 5-7, 1998

In February, Terri Feinglass Ross received a Zenith Award from the Women's Council of Realtors in Rochester. The award is given to real estate sales people who close 35 or more transactions in a year. Ross has worked for The Prudential Rochester Realty in Pittsford since 1977.

REUNION, JUNE 5-6, 1998

Class Correspondents
Valorie Evans Rathbone '60W (Mas) and John Rathbone '59
R.D. #2, Box 55
Hamilton, NY 13346-9581
(315) 824-3049

In their post-Christmas tidings, Dick Wedemeyer and wife Jane were happy to announce the arrival of grandson Zachary Trevor Hanson in February of 1996. They also thoroughly enjoyed a sailing cruise through the Greek Isles in October (remaining afloat for the whole trip), a visit with son Trevor in Mexico, and joint Italian lessons. Dick is still active in the field of career management. . . . Your correspondents had an opportunity one snowy March weekend to visit Dick DeBrine, a member of the Trustees' Council of the College, and wife Joan at their B&B in Charlestown, N.H. It was a wonderful opportunity to reminisce and catch up on family at the elegant Maplehedge amid ideal New England surroundings. Unfortunately and most regrettably, we missed Mike Sherbrook and Linda Fikes Sherbrook '59 by a week! . . . We understand that Dee Molinari will be traveling in Russia for two weeks in June and, in the autumn, will be visiting Italy to trace her family's roots. Have a good trip, Dee, and welcome to the third most popular hobby! . . . The University has confirmed that Diane Morrell Jenkins has retired (as of June 1996) from her position with the alumni office. Thank you for all the assistance you gave your classmates over the years, Diane, and best wishes! . . . And finally, your class correspondents would like to announce the arrival of grandson #2, Evyn Bartlett, on St. Patrick's Day, 1997, at Keflavik, Iceland. No, we have not yet seen him!

As we write this, we are starting the final 12-month countdown to the 40th reunion of our "better than good, better than great" Class of '58. Make plans now for June 5 and 6, 1998, because we do want to see you-all there!

Now, here is a personal note. This may well be the penultimate, if not the final, submission from your current class correspondents. When we took on the role of class correspondents at the 35th reunion, we all agreed that this was a shared responsibility between the entire class and us. We have enjoyed serving the class, but for the most part, you--our readers--and we realize that very few classmates are contacting us to let us know how or what they are doing. Please know that we greatly appreciate hearing from our faithful correspondents and wish to hear from some of the hundreds of other classmates. But, with little input from our old friends and acquaintances, we have begun to feel that we serve little or no purpose and are superfluous to the needs of both the class and the University. After all, we can all contact the alumni office or the public relations office directly! If you want to contact us, you can drop us a line via "snail mail" at the above or send us a note electronically at

In April, William MacKnight received the American Chemical Society's Award in Polymer Chemistry at the society's national meeting in San Francisco. MacKnight is a polymer scientist and professor at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. He received the ACS award for his contributions to understanding how molecular forces between chains of plastic polymers determine how strong they are.

REUNION, JUNE 5-6, 1998

REUNION, JUNE 5-6, 1998

Alice Glarden Brand, professor of English at SUNY Brockport, has had her third collection of poetry, Court of Common Pleas, published by the Edwin Mellen Press. . . . Anne C. Loveland has published American Evangelicals and the U.S. Military, 1942-1993, which she describes as "a history of the conservative Christians' spiritual offensive against the armed forces." Loveland is T. Harry Williams Professor of American History at Louisiana State University.

REUNION, JUNE 5-6, 1998

In April, Constance Brainard Pettinger received a Distinguished Community Service Award in honor of her 15 years as executive director of Reston (Va.) Interfaith. The award was created as a special one-time recognition of Pettinger's service to Reston Interfaith, which combines the resources of Reston-area religious organizations to provide services such as day care, food, and shelter to the area poor.

REUNION, JUNE 5-6, 1998

Karl S. Roth wrote to announce "the awarding of the doctor of medicine degree to Christopher Roth from the Medical College of Virginia in May 1997. Marc (son #2), a professional photographer, was the recorder of the event, and Alexander Kristof 'Parham' (son #3), age 7, supervised dad's hooding of his big brother."

REUNION, JUNE 5-6, 1998

Ray Riek has joined Zeigler Coal Holding Co., in Fairview Heights, Ill., as vice president of technology. Riek had been director of technology with Monsanto Co.

REUNION, JUNE 5-6, 1998

Stewart E. Gloyer is vice president of the oleochemicals division of Witco Corporation in Greenwich, Conn. . . . Michael A. LaCombe '72M (Res) has been elected to a second term on the American College of Physicians Board of Regents, which manages the business affairs of the college. LaCombe, an internist in private practice in Bridgeton, Maine, is associate editor of Annals of Internal Medicine and The American Journal of Medicine. His fifth book, The Pocket Pediatrician, was at, press time, scheduled for publication in the spring.

Bruce Feldman is vice president of human resources for Southeastern Companies, Inc., an employee leasing and human resources management company in Tampa, Fla. . . . Gwen Meltzer Greene participated in the panel discussion "Working Women: Women in the Field of Finance," held at the University in May. Greene is associate director of private client services at Bear, Stearns & Co. She is a member of the Trustees' Council of the College and has served as director of tourism for New York City Mayor John Lindsay and as a reporter and producer for local television news. . . . Richard G. Hull is the author of PC SCHEME Mini Manual, recently published by McGraw-Hill. Hull is associate professor of computing sciences at Lenoir-Rhyne College in Hickory, N.C. He and his wife, Carol Hamilton, also perform folk music together under the stage name, Something Else. . . . Bruce Russell '68W (MS) reports he published a practical book on technology change and alienation on the Internet in December 1996. . . . David Strimple wrote in January to say he had accepted an appointment as technology specialist for North Attleborough Schools in Massachusetts.

Carl J. Camelo, Jr. '68 (Mas) married Carol T. Nickerson on Oct. 12, 1996. Camelo is a senior information systems analyst with the Polaroid Corporation in Waltham, Mass. His wife is an analyst with John Hanco*ck Financial Services in Boston. The couple live in Quincy, Mass. . . . Mark Frohman wrote to protest the lack of news from his classmates. Frohman says, "This is intolerable and must be corrected." For his part, Frohman reports that he has been married to his wife, Sue, for 30 years and they have two sons, Scott (a Bucknell graduate) and Gregg (a Michigan graduate). "Next issue, let's see a full page of '66ers!" he urges.

Harold E. Fox '72M (MD) represented the University at the installation of William Brody as president of Johns Hopkins. Fox is Dorothy Edwards Professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics and obstetrician/gynecologist-in-chief at Hopkins. . . . Ira Klein has been granted a U.S. patent for use of the antibiotic, Biaxin, for the treatment of obesity. He has two additional patents pending for the treatment of hypercholesterolemia, fatty liver, and alcoholic hepatitis. Klein is a gastroenterologist in Houston.

CORRECTION: In the "paper" edition we published the wrong reunion dates. As the College moves to a "cluster" system, your next reunion is June 4-5, 1999.

Kenneth Kolpan, a Boston lawyer, spoke in May at the legal seminar at the Second World Congress on Brain Injury in Seville, Spain. The five-day congress was sponsored by the International Brain Injury Association and featured seminars and lectures with participants from around the world. Kolpan, a graduate of Boston College School of Law, has handled several hundred closed-head injury cases and is an assistant professor at the Tufts University School of Medicine. He also serves as co-chair of the Trial Lawyers Conference of the National Brain Injury Association. . . . Cathy Jones Minehan participated in the panel discussion "Working Women: Women in the Field of Finance," held at the University in May. Minehan is president and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and an expert in payment systems. . . . Gareth Stenner is chief operating officer for Operation Blessing International Relief & Development Corporation. He writes, "We converted an L-1011 jet into a flying hospital, which was launched in May 1996. Since that time the Flying Hospital has visited El Salvador, Panama, and Kiev, Ukraine, where a total of 22,000 people have been treated, with over 700 receiving operations (orthopaedics, ophthalmology, plastics, dental)." . . . Bernard Weinstein has been named a fellow of the American Physical Society. Weinstein is professor of physics at the University of Buffalo. The society cited him for his applications of the diamond anvil cell to semiconductor physics.

Lynn Abbey writes, "This year will see the publication of my 15th fantasy novel. I'm currently living in Oklahoma and homesick for a 'real' winter." . . . Neil Baldwin wrote the screenplay for Man Ray: Prophet of the Avant-Garde, an American Masters production shown in April on PBS. Baldwin wrote Man Ray: American Artist, which is considered the definitive biography of the artist, and serves as executive director of the National Book Foundation. He is at work on a new book, Plumed Serpent: The Biography of a Mexican Myth.

Andrew Tievsky received the Berlex/American Society of Neuroradiology Research Fellowship Award for his work in stroke research with echoplanar MRI at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. The monetary award provides support for a year as research fellow in functional MRI. Tievsky left private practice in radiology in 1996 to pursue a career in academics. He lives in Bethesda, Md. . . . Thomas D. Walters is working as a software engineer in Rochester.

David Epstein '72S (MBA) writes, "I'm now a retired Naval Reservist (commander), but still working at U.S. General Accounting Office as a civilian. My wife, Wendy, and I own two travel agencies in Bethesda, Md., and would welcome alumni patronage. The toll-free number is (888) 298-2988. Our three children are high school juniors and seniors and one or more might end up at Rochester. So you can see, we'll need those commission dollars! I am also participating in VAN, interviewing undergraduate applicants." . . . Navy Lt. Richard D. Sanford participated in March in the evacuation of Americans from Albania. Sanford is assigned to the missile frigate USS Hawes, which is based in Norfolk, Va. . . . Chuck Waugh has been an independent computer consultant since 1981 and is currently working at Prodigy Services. He lives in Fair Lawn, N.J.

Kathleen Boley Nickels received an M.Ed. in organization and management from Antioch University in Keene, N.H., on May 3, 1997. . . . Stuart Schneider (see Alumni Gazette, Collector's Collector).

CORRECTION: In the "paper" edition we published the wrong reunion dates. As the College moves to a "cluster" system, your next reunion is June 2-3, 2000.

Howard A. Silverman married Deborah Haeger on Oct. 19, 1996, in Dearborn, Mich. . . . Amy Glasser Dell '74, '78 (PhD), Sharon Hauselt Anderson '74, Nancy Spector Ryder '74, and Maralyn Goldsmith Solarz '74 report "with great sorrow the death of Ann Day Wheeler on April 25th after a fierce and valiant battle against breast cancer. She held an M.B.A. from Yale, and worked at a number of posts in the public sector and in the non-profit area, most recently as director of the Center for Youth Education and Development at the Roxbury office of the State of Massachusetts Welfare Department. Outside of her work, she made several cross-country trips, ran in the Boston Marathon, spent months traveling in Europe, lived in Stowe, Vermont, as a ski bum, went on safari in east Africa, climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro, and vacationed on Block Island, where she is buried. Annie brought to her struggle the same tenacity, determination, strength, and great good humor with which she lived her life. Even at the end, in the ways left open to her, she called the shots. Annie leaves behind her boyfriend, Michael Byrnes; her father, Ira Wheeler; her sister, Darcy Bacon; her brother, Tim Wheeler; and a multitude of friends who loved her. The world is a much poorer place, and she is greatly missed."

Karen L. Casser writes that she and her husband, Steve Schiff, live in Washington, D.C., where she practices technology law with the technology, entertainment, and communications firm of Roberts & Eckard. Casser and her husband have two daughters, Sydney Rebecca, 8, and Erica Beth, 6. . . . Peter Robbins reports that he graduated from Temple University School of Medicine in 1979. "Following training in nuclear medicine, I stayed on faculty for a year before relocating to Hawaii. I am now medical director of nuclear medicine at Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children in Honolulu and clinical associate professor of medicine at the University of Hawaii School of Medicine." . . . Linda E. Rosenzweig reports she is living in metropolitan Washington, D.C., with her husband and three children (13-year-old daughter and 9 and 6-year-old sons). Rosenzweig is an employee benefits lawyer affiliated with Spencer Fane Britt & Browne, a law firm based in Kansas City. She is also chair of the Employee Benefits Law Committee of the Torts and Insurance Practice Section of the American Bar Association, and recently completed the second edition of a reference book on health benefits law. . . . Mike Schoch writes, "I was looking around on the Web and was glad to find a UR home page. Say hi to everyone. It has been a few years." Schoch lives in Pittsfield, Mass.

Rochester Review V60 N1--Undergraduates (1)

David Dorsey sends in this update on his activities. His first non-fiction book, The Force, an account of a year in the life of a group of Xerox sales representatives, was published by Random House two years ago. "It was widely and enthusiastically reviewed," he writes, "and Business Week named it one of the top ten business books of the year. Twentieth Century Fox also bought an option on the book." At press time, Viking was to publish his first novel in August, and he had a contract with Viking to do a second non-fiction book on life in the workplace. Dorsey was formerly business editor at the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle and has written for magazines such as Esquire and Fast Company. . . . Mark J. Moretti has been named chairman of the board of directors of Foodlink, which supplies food to human service charities, programs, and ecumenical organizations throughout the 10-county Greater Rochester area. Moretti, who has been a member of Foodlink since 1992, is a partner in the law firm of Phillips, Lytle, Hitchco*ck, Blaine & Huber in Rochester.

Joseph Patrick Carson writes, "My Deke brothers knew I had a fancy for Irish nurses; it just took me a while to find one who reciprocated! Karen (nee McAdam) and I married in 1985. We have three kids, T.J. (8), Doug (6), and Rebeka (2). I have the most interesting of employment relationships with the best of all possible agencies (the U.S. Department of Energy--the Mr. Hyde of the nuclear Navy's Dr. Jekyll)." . . . Stephen J. Duskin reports he is an associate at Robert M. Kramer & Associates, P.C., in King of Prussia, Pa., doing mergers and acquisitions work for public companies and coaching Little League for Katie, 10, and Stevie III, 9. . . . Betsy Rudolph writes, "I am living in Hong Kong with my husband and 6-year-old son. Would love to hear from old friends!"

REUNION, OCTOBER 17-18, 1997

Nancy Lieberman (see Alumni Gazette, p. 45). . . . Andrew Lyle Silverman writes that he is "delighted to announce the birth of twins, a daughter, Cydney Lane, and a son, Samuel Owen, on Aug. 6, 1996." . . . Mitchell H. Stabbe has joined the law firm of Dow, Lohnes & Albertson in Washington, D.C. Stabbe practices trademark, intellectual property, and litigation law.

Robert Bly is co-author of the I Hate Kathie Lee Gifford Book, published in February by Kensington Books. . . . Mark Connolly reports he has moved with his wife, Deborah, and children Peter, 7, and Katie, 5, to Greenville, N.C. Connolly, who has been with DuPont Company since 1984, is global technology manager for Dacron fiberfill and branded specialties. . . . Rick Peltzman is owner and operator of a Web site development company called End Point. In March he gave a lecture entitled "World Wide Web: The Final Frontier" at the Cyber Cafe in New York City.

John Fanta writes, "I have joined the Chicago Motor Club Insurance Company as senior attorney, where my duties include litigation management and claim counsel. My wife, Jane, and I are now living in Palatine, Ill." . . . Deborah Taytelbaum Joubert reports, "I have two kids, a son, Jonathan, 14, and a daughter, Joëlle, 12, and still live in Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles, where I run a translation office (Dutch, Spanish, Papiamentu)." . . . Stephen McLeod-Bryant '84M (MD) (See Alumni Gazette, Talking Head Doctor.) . . . Kathy Waller '83S (MBA) participated in the panel discussion "Working Women: Women in the Field of Finance," held at the University in May. Waller, a member of the Trustees' Council of the College, is financial services manager for the Africa Group of the Coca-Cola Company.

Edmund J. Burke reports his wife, Raven, gave birth to their first child, a daughter, Allaire Winslow, on April 2, 1997. "She's a healthy baby and very cute," he writes. . . . Byron Carsons (see '82). . . . Jeff Cohen (See After Words.) . . . After spending two years in Wales working at a Chevron/Texaco refinery, Mike Coyle reports he has returned to the United States and is now working as operations manager of Chevron's refinery in Perth Amboy, N.J. He writes, "I have recently seen Clyde Arillotta and Poon Tang and they are both alive and well." . . . Linda Whitman Flamm writes to report the birth of her third child, Micah Samuel Flamm, on Feb. 8, 1997, in Berkeley, Calif. . . . Aleta McLeod-Bryant '83 (MA) (See Alumni Gazette, Talking Head Doctor). . . . William Spohn '86 (Mas) writes, "I have been promoted to director of strategic and new product planning for Bacharach, Inc., in Pittsburgh. Sorry I missed my classmates at last year's reunion. If you can, e-mail me at"

REUNION, OCTOBER 17-18, 1997

Stacy Kole was moderator for the panel discussion "Working Women: Women in the Field of Finance," held at the University in May. Kole is assistant professor of economics and management at the Simon School. . . . Dan Leary was appointed senior court clerk in Manhattan Criminal Court in New York City. He writes, "I live in Breezy Point, Queens, with my wife, Lynn, and three-year-old son, Brian. We are expecting our second child in September. I still see Tom Lowney '84 and Mike Ryan, Byron Carsons '81 and bump into Rose Vega '83 in the courthouse as she is a special narcotics prosecutor for the Manhattan District Attorney." . . . Navy Lt. Cmdr. Daniel J. Lynch in February graduated from the College of Naval Command and Staff at the Naval War College in Newport, R.I. . . . Navy Lt. Cmdr. Jeffrey T. Powers is serving with Submarine Group Eight in Naples, Italy. . . . Richard Seid and Randi Fireman Seid write, "We expanded the family with the birth of identical twins, Karen and Elizabeth, on Jan. 30, 1997. Older brothers Michael and Matthew are big helpers!? We live in Larchmont, N.Y., and would love to hear from Madison Avenue to help pay tuition." . . . Bart Singer passed the patent bar exam in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and took a job at NASA Langley Research Center. . . . Karl Wiberg has been named group creative supervisor at Saatchi & Saatchi Business Communications in Rochester, a member of Saatchi & Saatchi Advertising Worldwide.

Bruce De Witt writes that he and his wife, Carol Parise DeWitt, "would like to announce the birth of our third child, a daughter, Susan Marie, on March 11, 1997." . . . Ray Fantone writes, "My second daughter, Rebecca Carolyn Fantone, was born Feb. 19, 1997. Her sister, Michelle, is happy to have some company and my wife, Ann, is doing fine." . . . Rena Gewirtzman-Schwartzbaum and her husband, David Schwartzbaum, write to announce the birth of their daughter, Rachel Talia, on Feb. 20, 1997. "Rachel joins big brother Aaron, 5, and big sister Hanna, 3. Grandpa Jerome Schwartzbaum is retired professor from the psychology department at the University," Rena says. . . . Steve Levison (see '84). . . . David Lewy is director of sales and business development for Advantage kbs. He says he has "one wife, two children, and a monkey on my back." . . . Craig Lucker (see '84). . . . Jennifer Pekale Schulman married Scott Schulman on Dec. 14, 1996. . . . Gary Stockman writes, "I am a partner in the Silicon Valley office of Copithorne & Bellows, a high-technology public relations firm. I'm married to Jenny Swift '84 and we have two children, Emma, 6, and Ben, 3." . . . Avie Tevanian has been named head of System Software Engineering for Apple Computer, Inc. Tevanian did graduate work at Carnegie Mellon under Rick Rashid '80 (PhD), who is now head of research at Microsoft. . . . Rose Vega (see '82). . . . Kurt Wierman received his doctorate in physics from the University of Nebraska in 1996 and is working at Applied Magnetics in Santa Barbara, Calif., as senior process engineer.

Dennis Begos writes that he and his wife, Debbie Mar Begos, planned to move from Cleveland to Boston in July. Begos will be taking a job doing general surgery with a group in Medford and Winchester. "We have two great boys, D.J., 3, and Stephen, 1," he writes. . . . Eric Bergman writes, "Since receiving my Ph.D. in cognitive psychology from Emory in 1990, I have been working at Sun Microsystems in the Human-Computer Interaction Group, first in Boston and now in Menlo Park, Calif. I still keep in touch with alums Ian Mohr (now a professor at NYU) and Steve Levison '83 (now a professor at Penn State). Still looking to locate former roommates Jim Chenault and Jon Finch. They must be professors somewhere." In May, Bergman was named demonstrations co-chair for the ACM CHI 98 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems to be held in April 1998 in Los Angeles. . . . Jay Bernstein reports he is married to Beatrice Fitter Bernstein and they have two children, Raizel, 4, and Eliana, 2. . . . Albert Bodamer '86S (MBA) has been appointed senior vice president of Ameritel, a nonfacilities-based wireless service provider and a subsidiary of USCI, Inc. Bodamer had been vice president and general manager of PriCellular Corporation. He will direct Ameritel activities from its headquarters in Norcross, Ga. . . . Faith Cooley reports she has moved to Seattle and is working for Tandem and AT&T Wireless. . . . Christi Genet Kemp writes, "My company, TechKnowQuest, Inc., is now four years old. We provide Microsoft authorized technical education, technical management consulting, and knowledge transfer to help companies be successful with new technologies. We recently had one of our projects showcased on the Microsoft Merchant Server Banner site ( Come visit us on the Web! Along with being a CEO, I'm also pursuing core somatics training. Be sure to call me if you're in Orlando. We're hiring (always)." . . . Tom Lowney (see '82). . . . Mike Mallah reports, "I recently finished a nine-year career as an F.B.I. agent in New York City. My wife and I just moved to San Francisco, where a friend and I have started a consulting company focused on business growth and strategy." . . . R. Whitney Meyers, Jr. is living in Dallas, Tex., "the diamond of the Bible Belt." He owns a thoroughbred horse with Gregory "Garf" Garofalo '87 called Pull the Trigger. "Lay your bets at Saratoga this summer in the Futurity Stakes," he writes. Meyers spent the last two years with Chris Pyun '90, owning and managing a restaurant called the Green Room, where Pyun was the chef. He writes, "I had dinner there with Michael Grey recently. I also saw a lot of alumni at the Ryder Cup, including Craig Lucker '83, Kevin Kelly '85, and the ever-elusive Dale Etzel. And one last question: What happened to Delta Sigma Phi?" . . . Jenny Swift (see '83).

Sascha Feinstein is author of Jazz Poetry: From the 1920s to the Present, recently published by Greenwood Publishing, and co-editor of The Second Set: The Jazz Poetry Anthology, Volume 2, published by Indiana University Press. Feinstein, who is co-director of the creative writing program at Lycoming College, has also founded a new national literary journal, Brilliant Corners: A Journal of Jazz and Literature. Feinstein reports that he and his wife had their second child, Divia, on March 25, 1997. . . . Jon Hall '88S (MBA) reports he is "working very hard at launching new multimedia products at Harris Semiconductor. Travels have taken me to Taiwan, Singapore, Munich, Japan, Korea, and the U.S. West Coast, all within six months. I am happily married and living in sunny Florida. No more Rochester snow!" . . . Kevin Kelly (see '84). . . . Larry Sternbane received his M.B.A. from Arizona State University in May 1997 and moved to Milwaukee to take a position as a customer service supervisor with America West Airlines.

Eric Cherches and Barbara Kimmel Cherches announce the birth of their daughter, Carly Nicole, on Jan. 25, 1997. Carly has a 2-year-old sister, Joanna. The family lives in New York City. . . . Miriam "Mim" Cohen married Joe Kuhn on Aug. 24, 1996, in Arlington Heights, Ill. Guests included Sandy Weiss, Kim Allen, and Elizabeth Reinhardt Nöe. . . . Scott Davidson received his Ph.D. in social-personality psychology from NYU in May. He teaches at NYU and does marketing research. . . . Jevon Garrett is in his own law practice in Ithaca, N.Y. He writes, "I have been married for two years and am a volunteer firefighter for the Cayuga Heights fire department. I have no children, yet. I have been in e-mail contact with Dean DeJong '86, '87 (MS), who is in Washington and doing well." . . . David Grebber writes, "My wife, Elissa, and I announce the birth of our daughter, Rachel Mollie, on April 18, 1997. Joining Rachel at home is Benjamin, age 2." . . . Tom Natalie writes that his son, Jacob Thomas, was born April 5, 1996. Natalie is working as project manager/engineer for Bausch & Lomb in Rochester and is also head coach for women's varsity soccer at Rochester Institute of Technology. "Unfortunately, R.I.T. fell to UR in 1996," he writes. . . . Daniel Perez reports, "I am part of an exciting startup company producing digital cameras for the consumer market. After 10 years in industry, I want alumni to be able to find and contact me via e-mail." Perez can be reached at . . . Karen Phillips-Richardson writes, "Eric Richardson and I are thrilled to announce the birth of our daughter, Samantha Michelle, on Nov. 8, 1996. Once her older brother, Andrew, now 3, realized she wasn't visiting, he settled into his role as a terrific big brother. We are thrilled with our new, larger family." . . . Michael Puttre is associate editor of Design News magazine in Newton, Mass. . . . Gabrielle Roth writes that she and her husband, Neil Ditchek, are thrilled to announce the birth of their first child, a son named Jacob Ryan, on July 27, 1996. She is an attorney at Dickstein Shapiro Morin & Dshinsky in Washington, D.C. . . . Navy Lt. Christopher J. Rouin is serving with Carrier Air Wing Two aboard the USS Constellation in the western Pacific. . . . Eric Steinberg was recently promoted to vice president, research, for the Paramount TV group. "I also want all my ex-teammates from the crew to know that I am still rowing and racing in Southern California," he adds.

REUNION, OCTOBER 17-18, 1997

Dale Borchert and Elizabeth Wells Borchert write, "We're pleased to announce that Thomas Melvin joined our family on March 3, 1997." . . . Joseph Burke graduated from Syracuse University law school in 1994 and is working with Coopers & Lybrand LLP in Chicago. . . . Wendy Weitzman Cohen '88 (MS) and Jeffrey J. Cohen report they proudly welcome their son, Alexander Gabriel, born on May 5, 1997. Wendy writes, "Alex is an absolute delight. To all of our UR friends visiting the Washington, D.C., area, please come and meet him!" . . . Lawrence Creatura '94S (MBA) (see Alumni Gazette, Peak Experience). . . . Chris Dugan reports that he and his wife, Patricia Dugan '89, and son, Shane (Class of '14) are alive and well in Philadelphia, where Chris is getting an M.B.A. from the Wharton School and Tricia is getting ready for baby number two (due in August). Chris will be working at McKinsey and Co. in New Jersey over the summer, which he says will allow for some prime Jersey Shore time with Shane. . . . Gregory Garofalo (see '84). . . . Justin O'Brien reports he is "living in Seattle, writing software, and playing jazz guitar." . . . Lisa Roberts Palombi writes, "I married James Palombi in September 1995 in Burlington, Vt., then moved to Chicago, where I run the children's department of a suburban public library. And, yes, I do use my theatrical training, both at work and in my real life!" . . . Robert Pavlicin writes, "I received my M.B.A. this past May from Indiana University in Bloomington. I double majored in marketing and finance and am now an abrasives (as in sandpaper) product manager at 3M in balmy St. Paul, Minn." . . . Nathaniel David Rochester moved from Arizona to Michigan in June 1996. He is vice president of Plating Systems Technologies, Inc. in Jackson, Mich. Rochester writes, "I am still married, with a daughter born in April 1995." . . . Patty Rupp '91M (MD) reports that she was a bridesmaid when her brother, Anthony Rupp '89, married Linda Leone on Jan. 18, 1997, in Buffalo. Patty writes, "I am still at Dartmouth, finishing my infectious diseases fellowship. I will begin a new job in internal medicine and infectious diseases at Alice Peck Day Hospital in Lebanon, N.H., in September. I'm still swimming, too." . . . Navy Lt. Robert Sallade in February was awarded the Navy Unit Commendation for supporting the search and recovery efforts of TWA Flight 800 while he was assigned to the USS Trenton.

Douglas Itkin married Anisa Raoof on May 26, 1996, at the Capt. Linnell House in Orleans, Mass. Itkin writes, "Many Rochester alumni were in attendance. Stay tuned for a Web site showing them at their best and worst. We currently live in Chatham, Cape Cod, Mass., with our boy, Sebastian, who also attended UR. (Actually he's a stray dog, see I work as a computer consultant, specializing in Internet design, marketing, and instruction. Anisa is an artist/designer/business owner (see . . . Matt Kilbury reports he is happily married with two daughters and another son or daughter on the way. Kilbury and his family live in Dallas. . . . Carolynn Luce writes that she and her husband, Chris Halton, have returned from tours of duty in Yokosuka, Japan. She is now working at M.S. Atlantic Command in Norfolk, Va. . . . Craig Mondschein '89S (MBA) reports that he and his wife, Elizabeth, are proud to announce the birth of their first child, Gabrielle Elizabeth, on April 25, 1997. Craig is the global cash manager for Cantor Fitzgerald Securities and Elizabeth is an attorney. The Mondscheins, who were married in January 1992, live in Merrick, Long Island. . . . Joe Porillo (see '91). . . . Maria Molina Svinth is a graduate student in the chemistry and biochemistry department at the University of Texas at Austin, working on her Ph.D. . . . Brian Sweeney writes, "Still in the Marines! Wife: Lynn and two daughters: Anna, 2, and Taryn, 1. I am living in northeast Pennsylvania, in charge of officer procurement for eastern Pennsylvania." . . . Robert Tilliss married Jennifer Chodos of Woodbridge, Conn. They live in New York City, where Tilliss is a sports investment banker for Chase Securities, Inc. Tilliss reports that Paul Schatz was best man at the wedding. . . . Bobby Yue married Shirley Wong on Nov. 23, 1996, in Hong Kong, where the couple lives.

Rochester Review V60 N1--Undergraduates (2)

Julie Boergers received her Ph.D. in child clinical psychology at the University of Denver in 1996 and is a postdoctoral fellow at the Brown University School of Medicine. . . . Navy Lt. Michael P. Casey in April completed the Submarine Officers Advanced Course at Naval Submarine School in Groton, Conn. . . . Susan Derylak is working as support coordinator for a computer support and training company in Niagara Falls. . . . Andrew Fields married Christiana Carlson on May 18, 1996, in Groton Long Point, Conn. He writes, "Been out of touch. Got a copy of the latest Rochester Review from a friend. I am working as a production manager for Bristol Myers Squibb." . . . Reba Mukerjee reports that she is a physician and has accepted a position in Washington, D.C. . . . Liz Frenkel Reingold writes, "I am living in Marlboro, N.J., with my husband, Lee, and son, David. I run my own consulting business from my home." . . . David Rubinowitz received an executive M.B.A. in finance from the City University of New York. "After seven years with John Hanco*ck," Rubinowitz writes, "I've joined a member firm of the NYMEX and have taken a position as a proprietary commodities trader. Baby Allie and wife Stacy are doing great. I'd like to give a shout out to the Woo (Dan Sunwoo) and the Hog (Dave Townes)." . . . Anthony Rupp (see '87). . . . Olivier Sartor (see '90). . . . April Silvers '93 (MS) (see '91). . . . Marna Stern (see '91). . . . Dawn Tudryn sends word that in February she became engaged to Alan Piciacchio. "We're planning a fall 1998 wedding. Also, I've moved out of the cleanroom and into the customer's office--still with IBM."

Larry Boylan (see '91). . . . Walter Davis lives in Monterey, Calif., where he works as a clinical psychologist for the state of California. He is a member of the Monterey Bay Aquarium and continues to work for the Volunteer Admissions Network (VAN), his graduate school, and the Monterey County AIDS Project. "Anyone wishing to call me may reach me at (408) 646-5129," he writes. . . . Steve Grove and his wife, Wanda, had a baby girl on Dec. 2, 1996. "Her name is Madeline Ray," Grove writes, "and she and Mom are doing great." He returned from a six-month cruise in November and left Washington in February to work at the Joint Warfare Analyses Center near Fredericksburg, Va. "Hope to see many of you in the D.C. area soon and that means you, French!" Grove writes. . . . Adam Konowe is a television producer and director living in Reston, Va. He is married to Yael Konowe, a graphic designer. . . . Jennifer LeBlanc (see '91). . . . Don McDonnell is corporate marketing manager for TSW International, a software company. . . Dave McGovern writes, "Well, last year I failed to make my third Olympic Team--and that's not to say I made the first two. Since graduating, I've been a racewalker on the U.S. National Track & Field Team. I've made four World Cup teams, a World Championships team, and several Pan Am Cup teams; won 12 national championships; and set U.S. national records; but still haven't come home with the Big Enchilada --a spot on the Olympic Team. So here I continue training until Sydney 2000. I have my own coaching business, Dave's World Class, and write for Walking magazine, but I've done nothing with my B.S. in biology/geology except parlay it into a master's in environmental planning from the University of Virginia. I headed south from Charlottesville to Greenville, S.C., to LaGrange, Ga., (while training for the '96 Olympic trials) to here--Mobile, Ala. It's warm enough here on the Gulf of Mexico to remind me of my semester in St. Croix, U.S.V.I. in '95. Lovin' it!". . . Ashley Sartor McNamara writes, "Michael McNamara and I were married August 10, 1996. Penny Pearson was maid of honor and Alicia McDonnell was a bridesmaid. My brother, Olivier Sartor '89, was a groomsman. Fourteen other University graduates also attended." . . . In March, Adam Perri wrote that he was "approaching three milestones: (1) completion of my divorce; (2) publication of my first book-length translation from Russian; (3) completion of my first year of law school at the University of Buffalo. I invite e-mail from UR friends and acquaintances." Perri can be reached at . . . Kenny Peyton (see '91). . . . Chris Pyun (see '84). . . . Steve Rappaport (see '91). . . . Carole Stambo completed her M.B.A. at Northeastern University in Boston in March 1997. . . . Alex Van Speybroek (see '91). . . . Helen Yood reported that she was to be married on August 9th to Neil Brady, and that they planned a honeymoon in southern Italy. She holds two master's degrees from Columbia University and now lives in Brooklyn. She is a special-education guidance counselor for the New York City Board of Education.

Rochester Review V60 N1--Undergraduates (3)

Luke P. Bellocchi writes, providing an update: "I finished my J.D. in 1995 and my L.L.M. in 1996. Passed my bar exams and joined the State Department as an attorney in November 1996. I enjoy my job and Washington very much." . . . Stephen Burnham is an M.B.A. student at Duke University, planning to graduate in May 1998. He writes, "Anyone interested in contacting me to ask questions about Duke or business school in general, or with a lucrative marketing position for me can e-mail me at". . . . Dan Cohen '96S (MBA) (see '93N). . . . Scott Fuller is a lieutenant in the Navy assigned to VP-16 out of NAS Jacksonville. In March he wrote, "I just returned from a nice dark winter in Iceland. I am getting ready to rotate to a shore tour and start an M.B.A. program in north Florida." . . . Celeste Y. Glasgow is an account executive with the Cleveland office of Edward Howard & Co., public relations counsel. (Also see '93). . . . Doug Green (see '93N). . . . Tadd Hughes is pursuing a Ph.D. in electrical engineering at Brown University, specializing in speech recognition. . . . Vince Joe '95M (MD) (see '93N). . . . In February Shujaat Khan wrote, "Finally out of school! I will be completing my M.B.A. from Harvard this spring and will be joining Merrill Lynch as an investment banker. A lot has changed since 1991: I am married, have a 2-year-old daughter, and the second one is on the way, due in August." . . . Marine Capt. Matthew P. McLaughlin in February graduated from the Department of Defense Public Affairs Officer Course at Fort Meade, Md. . . . Marianne Hendrie McMorris (see '92). . . . Jason Nortillo (see '92). . . . Baldwin Ng '93 (MS) writes, "I've relocated from the east end of I-90 to the west end of it (i.e., Boston to Seattle). Send me an e-mail and let me know what's up with you!" Ng can be reached at . . . Jennifer Papastephanou (see '92). . . . Deborah Gofas Peyton and Kenny Peyton '90 report they are moving to Monterey, Calif., where Deborah will attend the Naval Postgraduate School for her master's in electrical engineering. Kenny will continue taking courses toward a degree in physical therapy. . . . Sheri Ponzi is an adjunct instructor in the Women's Studies Department at SUNY New Paltz. "I'm part of a team that teaches the introductory course. I've also had a proposal accepted to teach a course in feminism and parenting. I would love to hear from Women's Caucus members. E-mail me at" she writes. . . . Navy Lt. Richard Sanford is serving aboard the USS Hawes in the Mediterranean. . . . Anthony Santarosa and Susan Bishara Santarosa announce the birth of their first child, Allesandra Rose Santarosa, on Jan. 16, 1997. . . . Ann Blair Silvers is working at the Institute of Human Origins in Berkeley, Calif., with Donald Johanson. On Oct. 12, 1996, she married Jonathan Silvers '92 in Piedmont, Calif. She writes, "In attendance were many other UR graduates, including matron of honor Sandra Stahlman Elliott and Eric Elliott, bridesmaid and sister to my husband April Silvers '89, '93 (MS), Linda Lofrumento, Karen Clark Callahan, Kristen Hobart Gerondelis (married to Peter Gerondelis '92), Jamie Klayman, Laura Thomas, Elan Kaplan '94, Alex Uram, Jennifer LeBlanc '90, Marna Stern '89, Steve Rappaport '90, Alex Van Speybroek '90, and Joe Porillo '88. I hope I haven't forgotten anyone. It was quite a reunion!" . . . Elise Song married Scott Kurlander on Oct. 19, 1996. Jane Hoder, Kim Indresano, and Kathy Strand were bridesmaids. Elise and her husband are both attorneys working in law firms in Baltimore. . . .

Rochester Review V60 N1--Undergraduates (4)
Lisa Rouff Willis '96 (MA) married Richard Willis in October 1996 ("the year of our 5th Reunion," she writes). Both are enrolled in Ph.D. programs at the University. Alumni in attendance included Joe Varlaro, Arthur Mitchell, Paul Gagnier, Larry Boylan '90, Andrew Cosgrove, Mark Muraven, Deana Manuse, Vaibhov Khasgiwala, Scott Vogler, Kristin Kurz, Patty Brooks, Michael Zenni, Larry Rosenbloom, Darrell Henze, Renee Gallucci Henze, Tracey Stapleton '92, Laura Cowing Brown, Bert Brown, Justine Bentfield '88N, and Robert Egerman '91, '95 (MS). . . . David Young (see '93N).

REUNION, OCTOBER 17-18, 1997

Stacy Alster is living in New York City and working at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center as the operating room materials manager. She is engaged to marry Seth Persky on March 28, 1998. UR alumni in the wedding party include: Dori Markoff, Lori Molack, and Sara Cutler Cohen. . . . Eva Barnett is an attorney with Shearman & Sterling in New York City and a member of the steering committee for the American Museum of Natural History. . . . In March, Cintra De Noyelles Bentley wrote, "I am a second-year law student in Chicago and a member of the American Bar Association Moot Court Team and the Executive Notes and Comments editor of Law Review. This summer I will be working for Ross & Hardies, a large Chicago law firm." . . . Brian Bowes married Elizabeth Dugan Bowes '94 on March 8, 1997, in Annapolis. Brian writes, "Heather MacDonald '94 was in the wedding and guests included people from the classes of '92 through '96. Elizabeth is on active duty in the U.S. Navy assigned to the USS Monterey and I work in the internal medicine department at Portsmouth Naval Hospital." . . . "Life is definitely great here in Tampa," writes Corey Brown. "Here is what I am up to. I have just completed my first year as a special educator at Jefferson High School in Tampa. I am an assistant football coach and an assistant track and field coach. I am proud to say that both sports which I coach won their district championship! I am still pursuing a double master's in educational leadership and exceptional student education.". . . Peter Gerondelis (see '91). . . . Julie Carr Miller and her husband, Timothy Trembley, report they welcomed their son, Jonathan Ellsworth Carr Trembley, in March 1996. Miller is public relations specialist for the Ronald McDonald House and volunteer coordinator for the American Red Cross. . . . In April, Zita Sidas submitted the following information about fellow alumni: "Louise Aibel '94 will be graduating from Emory University Law School in May, after which she'll be heading back to New York to study for the bar exam. Kate Bayard '94 has been studying for her first CEBS (Certified Employee Benefit Specialist) exam. Gail Bennett is consulting on a project in Denver and alternates weekends home to North Carolina. Paul Benning works for Keene Engineering and is consulting for BancBoston. Elizabeth Cogliano left her job at Boston University to take a position at M.I.T., where she is in charge of orientation and advises freshman peer advisors. She went on a skiing vacation to Colorado last winter. Helen Hight is attending the evening division of Widener Law School in Delaware. Jessica Hudon '94 is teaching kindergarten in Dedham and is loving every minute of it. Tracie Jordan '93 recently returned from vacationing in Italy. Mike Lihota married Robyn Edwards in Pennsylvania in May 1996. Carolyn Lubell is planning her August wedding. She and her fiance live in Massachusetts. Marianne Hendrie McMorris '91 had a poem published in the National Library of Poetry Anthology in Spring 1997. Peter Mendick is also getting married in August in Rochester. Stephen Muscato '92, '93 (MS) trades energy commodities and related financial products. His wife Ann Michelle Muscato is a product engineer for Kodak. Eileen Nachtwey is engaged to marry Dan LeBlanc and she has a new job working as an assistant in an architectural firm in Boston. Jason Nortillo '91 and Julie McCormick Nortillo have returned from overseas and now live in New Jersey, where Jason works for Cambridge Technologies Partners and Julie works at the American Institute for CPAs. Terry Olszewski married Lance Waldorf in October 1996 and they now live in New Jersey. Jennifer Papastephanou '91 is working on a master's degree at the University of Utah and she's also engaged. Valery Perry has been accepted into the doctoral program at George Mason University's Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution. Mary Balcom Reinshagen and her husband, Dennis, moved from Virginia to King Ferry, N.Y. Phil Slater is working toward his M.B.A. at Union College. James Woo married Robin Lynn Sandler in a small wedding in Connecticut in November 1996. John Wortman, Jr. works for Raytheon in Massachusetts."

REUNION, OCTOBER 17-18, 1997

Brian Altman writes, "I recently switched careers from psychology to investment banking. After spending two years in an organizational psychology Ph.D. program at Temple University, I relocated to Ramsey, N.J., to work as a consultant in the Asset-Backed Finance Group at Merrill Lynch in New York City." . . . Pat Boldosser is an infrared systems engineer with SEMCOR, Inc., a U.S. Naval contractor. In August 1996, he married Judith See. . . . Jeff Cohen sends an e-mail note, "I resigned from my job as director of operations at Quintel Entertainment, Inc., after two years. I have started my own Internet marketing business, JCDirect Inc. So far, business is growing extremely rapidly and I'm totally psyched!" He invites friends to e-mail him at and adds, "I also need to get my hands on a Garbage Plate, hmmmm?". . . Deena Forman graduated from the Medical College of Pennsylvania in May 1997. She planned to relocate to New York City in July to begin an internal medicine residency at Mt. Sinai Hospital. . . . Bryan M. Hausner is practicing law in Atlanta with the Kottis law firm. . . . Tracie Jordan (see '92). . . . Nate Loomis '95S (MBA) is a financial analyst for Xerox Business Services in Rochester. . . . Matthew Marks received an M.A. in international affairs with honors from the American University School of International Service in Washington, D.C., in January 1997. He writes, "I have been spending my time working for the last two years as a money-grubbing management consultant, primarily working with U.S. businesses looking to invest in India and other emerging markets in Asia. If anyone wants to know about the Asian market for U.S. soybeans (among other things), feel free to drop me a line." . . . Saxophonist-composer René Mogensen collaborates with percussionist Tom Beyer in the music group Extensions. The group presented a concert in May at the Alterknit Theater in New York City. Mogensen played saxophone in a solo performance featured on Expanding Horizons, a CD recently released by the New York University New Music and Dance Ensemble. . . . Shannon O'Mara is working at J.P. Morgan in New York City as an analyst. . . . In March, Homam Owainati wrote, "I got married and we now have a baby on the way. I will be attending Boston University to begin work on a master's in economics in the fall. I'm currently working in Amman, Jordan, in real estate development." . . . Arturo Pagan '94W (MS) (see '95). . . . Robert Reese writes: "After spending some time in the Pyrenees, I completed a year of Ph.D. work in economics at UC Santa Barbara, then decided that teaching was my calling. After a year at the Savannah Country Day School in Georgia, I accepted a position in Illinois, teaching at the Elgin Academy. I also direct Med-O-Lark Summer Camp in Maine, an international adolescent community. Would love to hear from past friends and Chicago-area alumni." . . . Anne Sutherland Reuter writes, "I married Michael Reuter '94 on Aug. 17, 1996. The wedding party included Celeste Glasgow Melton '91, Michael Baca '94, Robert Gilmore '94, and Chris Lamason '95. [Editor's note: This information was incorrectly reported in our last issue. Alumni Review regrets the error.] . . . Ian Schaad '94 (MS) (see '94). . . . Michelle Wertz (see '95).

REUNION, OCTOBER 17-18, 1997

Nina Aggarwal writes, "I am in the second year of a Ph.D. program in applied physics at the University of Maryland and would love to hear from fellow alumni in the Baltimore area." . . . Louise Aibel (see '92). . . . Michael Baca (see '93). . . . Katy Bayard (see '92). . . . Al Becker is sports editor for Suburban World Newspapers in Needham, Mass. . . . Elizabeth Dugan Bowes (see '92). . . . Andrew Burchill received his J.D. this year from Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, where he was a member of the Cardozo Law Review. He has joined the New York office of the international law firm of Fulbright & Jaworski, where he will focus his practice on corporate matters. . . . Beth Cheikes (see '96). . . . Christopher Colangelo is working on a Ph.D. in chemistry at the University of Georgia. . . . Stephanie Cooper received her master's in film and video at American University and then moved to the Brentwood area of Los Angeles. She works as the production assistant for the ABC daytime show, General Hospital. She is engaged to marry Todd Lawrence in August 1998 in Washington, D.C. . . . Jennifer DePrez is assistant soccer coach for the women's soccer team at West Virginia University. . . . Michael D. Fine sends an e-mail note that he is currently working on his Ph.D. in political science at the Claremont Graduate School in Claremont, Calif. . . . Ann Ford (see '95). . . . Robert Gilmore (see '93). . . . Jessica Hudon (see '92). . . . Elan Kaplan (see '91). . . . Heather MacDonald (see '92). . . . Lisa McDermott (see '93N). . . . Stephen Mortimer received his M.B.A. from the Simon School in May and is working as an equity analyst for Colonial Group mutual funds in Boston. . . . Len Opanashuk received his J.D. from the University of Buffalo School of Law in May. He is currently working on a book about serial murder as well as a novel. He interned with the Erie County District Attorney's Office in 1996 and worked in the Homicide Bureau and Special Investigations and Prosecutions for the F.B.I. as an honors intern in the summer of 1995. . . . Michael Reuter (see '93). . . . Elizabeth "Libbie" Tobin is women's head soccer coach at Robert Morris College in Pittsburgh, Pa. She had been head soccer coach at West Virginia Wesleyan. . . . Dennis Tucker (see '95). . . . Courtney Wilson is engaged to marry Ian Schaad '93, '94 (MS) on Oct. 4, 1997, in Albany, N.Y. The couple live in Hoboken, N.J.

REUNION, OCTOBER 17-18, 1997

Class Correspondent
David Thiel
620 Park Avenue, Suite 177
Rochester, NY 14607
(716) 242-8759

David sends word of activities at Auragen Communications, Inc., a Rochester-based firm that creates Web sites and other software to promote and sell business products. Fred Beer, Amanda Ridder '97, Damir Saracevic, David Seaman '97, and Dennis Tucker '94 also work for Auragen, which was formed by Beer and Saracevic in June 1995.

"Business is great! We just completed projects for Frontier and Danka. Also, we've recently completed sites for TentCity and Nalge Nunc International (the makers of NALGENE labware) and re-launched the Wegman's site."

Bernadette Almendras (see '96). . . . Tanya Anderson (see '96). . . . Jorge Arzola is a 2nd lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force and a second-year medical student at the University of Buffalo School of Medicine. . . . Stewart Bushman is pursuing a master's degree in aerospace engineering at the University of Illinois. . . . Navy Ensign Richard Butler helped commission the Navy warship USS The Sullivans in April in Staten Island, N.Y. . . . Theresa Clark (see '96). . . . In February, Stephen Faraci wrote, "After graduating, I was finally able to escape the unbearable Rochester winters to make my way south. I am currently a second-year law student at the University of Richmond. After receiving a few job opportunities here in Richmond, it looks as though I will be staying in the south." . . . Prea Gulati (see '96). . . . Ken Hahn is attending the Columbia University School of Dental and Oral Surgery. . . . Christian Hathaway Hamerstone writes, "I have moved to Washington, D.C., and love it. I am now working for Network MCI. Does anyone want to change long distance?"[Editor's Note: This information was incorrectly reported in our last issue. Alumni Review regrets the error.] . . . Juan Hernandez is working in the MIS department of a chemical company in Rochester, as a systems and network engineer. . . . Janine Jurkowski is working and taking classes for a master's in public health at Boston University. . . . William Kwik is a first-year student at the SUNY State College of Optometry in New York City. He expects to receive his O.D. in May 2001. . . . Chris Lamason (see '93). . . . Falgun Patel is in a Ph.D. program at the University of California at Davis, where he is researching waveguide lasers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. . . . Jennifer Romano writes that she and David Canning were married on February 15 in Cherry Hill, N.J. Members of the wedding party included Meredith Burrell, Miranda Chiu '96, Maura Gagan '96, Christina Petretta '96, Lance DeSpain, Gary Keller, Brian Bruen, Jon Read '97, and Ken Chapman '97. She adds, "We'd like to thank all of our U of R friends for coming!". . . Leotis Sanders (see '96). . . .

Rochester Review V60 N1--Undergraduates (5)
Melissa Sands married Robert Schrader in October 1996. Guests included: Jennifer Greenleaf, Michelle Wertz '93, Ann Ford '94, Anne von Kaenel, Carolyn Gray, Joey Anne Novarro, Joe Ranaldo '96, Muc Du, Dylon Abend, Jamie Walker '96, Jay Spoto, and Arturo Pagan '93, '94W (MS). . . . Marc Schatten is studying at the Vanderbilt University School of Law and expects to graduate in 1998. . . . Allison Seidberg writes, "I graduated from Cornell with a master's in health administration and will be working in Syracuse, N.Y. Also, I am engaged to marry Brad Pinsky in May 1998." . . . Maryanne Holderman Szymanski is a master's student in microbiology at Washington State University. She is part of a team there that is developing a natural insecticide for Washington apple growers by genetically altering a type of bacterium. . . . Kristine Taylor (see '93N). . . . Christy Van Dusen finished her master's at the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University in August 1996. She is now a reporter with the Observer-Dispatch newspaper in Utica, N.Y. . . . Alex Yip is a 1997 summer associate at the New York law firm of Simpson Thatcher & Bartlett.

REUNION, OCTOBER 17-18, 1997

In January, Jill Bernstein wrote to say she was enrolled in an American Sign Language interpreting and transliterating program in Columbus, Ohio, and planned to attend graduate school in the fall for health administration. . . . Rachel Bickford writes that she is living in Boulder, Colo., with Tanya Anderson '95, Theresa Clark '95, and Beth Cheikes '94. She plans to go to South America in January with the Peace Corps and currently works in a travel agency in Boulder. . . . In January Rod Bugarin wrote, "I'm spending all waking hours reading applications and recruiting students as the assistant director of admissions at Hampshire College in Amherst, Mass. And talk about a small world--ran into Prea Gulati '95, Leotis Sanders '95, '96W (MS), Bernadette Almendras '95, Ken Shieh, and Alice Ting while spending New Year's in Manhattan." . . . In February Marine 2nd Lt. Tracy L. Chavanne, Marine 2nd Lt. Eric Hollinshead, and Marine 2nd Lt. Heidi Hall Timmerman graduated from The Basic School at Marine Corps Combat Development Command in Quantico, Va. . . . Miranda Chiu, Maura Gagan, and Christina Petretta (see '95). . . . Terry Douglas is early intervention coordinator with the Health Economics Group in Rochester. . . . In March, Marc Gartner wrote, "I am completing my first year as a graduate student at Georgetown University, where I am studying international affairs and international business. In spite of the frequent all-nighters I still pull, I am enjoying it. D.C. is cool, too. Actually, it is WARM!" . . . Joe Ranaldo (see '95). . . . Jamison Scotto is engaged to marry Sara DeLameter on Aug. 30, 1997, in Plainville, Conn. Scotto will be attending the University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine. . . . Ajay Srivastava is a research associate for the chair of psychiatry at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston. . . . Jamie Walker (see '95). . . . Jean Jianjing Wang is working in Goldman Sachs in New York City.

REUNION, OCTOBER 17-18, 1997

Jon Read and Ken Chapman (see '95). . . . Amanda Ridder and David Seaman (see '95).

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Rochester Review--Volume 60 Number 1--Fall 1997
Copyright 1997, University of Rochester
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