Meet A Real King of Monsters-Book 1: The King Meets the Kaiju Girls - GojiraFan455515 (2024)

Chapter 1: Prologue: Something is rising

Chapter Text

November 5th, 2022

0800 hours

It's fitting that it's hear, Captain Douglas Gordon thought to himself as he stood on top of the USS Gotengo. Where was here, you may ask? Bikini Atoll.

The crisp blue waters, the sun-bleached sands and the elegant green palms swaying in the winds made it a perfect get-away vacation spot. It must have looked like this all those years ago. A small stretch of islands that no one had paid much attention to. Until one day. When man unleashed something extraordinary and terrifying all at once. That's why it was fitting in Captain Gordon's eyes. This is where it all began and now, it would be where it all ended.

On each of the tiny islands stretched out before him were several artillery batteries, loaded wit high explosive ordinance. Between the islands, ships from every nation and corner of the globe were present. America, Russia, China, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Canada, Wakanda and Japan, a handful were from the organization S.H.I.E.L.D, Stark Industries, Wayne Enterprises and LexCorp.

The battleships and artillery were loaded with TOW missiles, cruise missiles, radar-guided, heat-seekers, Hell even old Stark Industries weapons like the Jericho warheads and freezing weapons made by the criminal Victor Fries/Mr. Freeze. Whatever they could carry. The carriers sported a similar armament with their bombers and jets. The S.H.I.E.L.D. Hellicarrier was had every air attack vehicle out, ready to use.

Ultimately though, none of them really mattered. It wasn't an insult to any of them, it was a fact. They were all here to keep the target off balance and leadhimwhere they wanted him to go.

There was only one weapon that less conventional and could be seen on the island the Gotengo was on and Captain Gordon took another glance at it. Among the trees was a massive gun. It was bigger than anything on the nearby ships. It didn't fire any special rockets or bombs however. It fired dark energy. A power terrible enough to literally rip through time and space. At least that's what he was briefed. Dr. Victor Von Doom, Dr. Reed Richards, Princess Shuri, Dr. Hank Pym, Lucius Fox, Tony Stark, Lex Luthor and Dr. Bruce Banner had built it but it was never fired. Not even as a test fire. How ironic given their current surroundings and what happened here all those years ago.

They called it "Dimension Tide." Captain Gordon just called it what it was. A Black Hole Gun. Gordon was a simple man and he preferred simple titles over fanciful comic book names. The weapon would be considered excessive but not in this situation. It was pretty much their last shot at this point.

Almost seventy years ago, in 1954 on this very spot, the Americans detonated the very first Hydrogen Bomb. Up to that date, it had been the most powerful weapon ever created in history. No one could have predicted the consequences when they dropped it. It wasn't until much later when the cold reality hit them. The American's desire to claim victory in the Cold War of the 50's had awakened. . . something. A creature of such immense raw natural power that man's greatest war machines were powerless against it.

There was no clear theory of what he was. A survivor of the Age of Dinosaurs altered by radiation? An ancient monster brought to life by the H-Bomb's detonation? All they knew was that the bomb had brought him into existence and the world was never the same since.

For that was the day, Godzilla, King of the Monsters, had begun his reign.

Over the decades since, Godzilla had rampaged across the Earth. His need for destruction seemed insatiable. Relentless and most peculiar of all was that it seemed directed. Godzilla attacked power plants, nation capitals and military bases. To any outsider observer, the attacks seemed strategic in nature. Not random. It was as if Godzilla was picking his targets, choosing which held priority over the other. The idea that this prehistoric monster was a thinking one was disturbing for many.

Humanity had only ever succeeded in driving him off. It was the best they could do. Nothing seemed capable of killing him. Not even the superheroes that had risen. The Avengers, the Justice League, the X-Men, the Fantastic Four and Justice Society with the Power Rangers. Even the young heroes couldn't match him.

Hell, the God of Thunder, Thor and the Amazon heroine Wonder Woman had said that it was rumored among the Asgardians and Amazons that Godzilla, or another like him had killed the Olympian gods in the ancient past. The anti-hero, Ghost Rider had once said that he and his other Riders went to Hell because Godzilla himself was killing every demon and devil there. Whether this was true or not is not confirmed nor denied.

Nor even the other giant monsters that had risen after him could stop him. From time to time, these Kaiju focused Godzilla's rage away from humanity. Sometimes it even felt like he was protecting the Earth from them or establishing his dominance over the other Kaiju. The battles between Kaiju had repeatedly destroyed many great cities around the world, killing countless lives.

Earth now considered it to be a normal Tuesday to be rebuilding its cities from the ground up at this point

After so many decades of battles, speculation on his origins and objective, (if he had any) whether he was protecting the Earth or not, the governments of the world came to one conclusion. They have had enough. Godzilla was simply far too dangerous to remain here. Too much of a menace for all the times he 'saved' the Earth to pardon him any longer. He had escaped Monster Island too often. Other methods of containment had failed. They didn't want the King of Monsters captured anymore. They wanted him gone.

So began Operation: Dethrone the King. The final plan of a world that decided that they were done tolerating this "overgrown lizard." They needed to kill him. End this reign of terror he had gripped the planet for so long.

They would lure Godzilla to position and then fire Dimension Tide. If the weapon worked, it would create a singularity that would tear Godzilla from the very fabric of reality. Nothing could survive that.

There were some protests. A handful were from the superheroes themselves. That may not make sense but to Gordon it did. At one point or another, Godzilla had fought alongside the heroes against the Kaiju. Or against threats from the stars. Loki, Brainiac, Thanos, Darkseid, Kang the Conqueror, Galactus and Rita Repulsa had come to Earth time and time again and were almost always driven off by the combined alliance of heroes and the King of Monsters. It was even theorized that Godzilla even bested Trigon and Mephisto, two powerful demon lords of Hell, when he had entered Hell and exited.

Gordon could understand their reluctance to get rid of a creature that had allied with them in the past.

The other protests were the King's legion of fans. Some crazy religion that had grown among the population that believed that Godzilla and the other Kaiju were gods of old, or divine creatures of Mother Gaia. Gordon didn't give a damn. To these people, Godzilla was a force of nature. Any attempt to kill him would only make him more angry. Some even said that the use of Dimension Tide would end with the destruction of everyone nearby and culminate with the end of humanity.

The last protest was more practical and less dramatic. No one really knew what the Black Hole Gun would really do. There's a difference between what you say a gun does and what it really does to a person. It could kill Godzilla or unleash something worse. That was the small fear that Gordon had.

But there was no arguing now at this point. The decision had been made. His orders were given.

It was time to end the King's reign.

Warning alarms sounded across the fleet of ships, including the Gotengo. After entering the bridge, Gordon looked back towards the terminals around him. On the screen, he saw it. A large blip was approaching from the sky. Instantly, Gordon knew what that was and what it meant.

"Battle stations, everyone." He said before grabbing a mic to carry the order. "Repeat. Everyone, battle stations." Everyone rushed to obey, preparing for the inevitable. Guns trained towards the direction the air contact was approaching, for they knew what was going following close behind.

There was a blast of blue light off in the distant and something exploded in the heavens above. Black smoke pooled as the object grew bigger and wider as it careened from the sky towards the Atoll. A nearby battery of men ran for cover as the object crashed down on top of them. Gordon glanced up at the camera monitor along with a Mutant soldier, Ensign Ozaki.

Lying in a smoking heap of what little remained of the artillery position was a large metallic silver saurian machine. The Americans called this robot MechaGodzilla but the Japanese Anti-Megalosaurs Force(AMF)had called him Kiryu.(Machine Dragon.)

Kiryu was a unique robot. No matter what Lex Luthor would say. He was created using the bones of a dead Godzilla, with his DNA computers made from his own DNA. This, of course, led to bringing the dead Godzilla back alive. The cyborg had successfully driven Godzilla several times from Japanese shores. He was their most successful weapon against him, now he was scrap.

In an effort to enrage Godzilla to follow it to the firing line, Kiryu's crew, among a few heroes, flown off earlier in the morning. They were to engage Godzilla and force him to follow them to Bikini Atoll. From the looks of his scorched, broken and battered chassis, busted eye, broken tail, missing arm and crushed jaw, Gordon knew that Kiryu had put up a magnificent fight. But it was clear now that Godzilla had grown tired of the robot doppelganger and had decided to end him for good.

May his soul find peace,the Captain thought giving a salute. Hopefully his pilot, Lieutenant Akane Yashiro, was alright.

"Look!" Ozaki exclaimed. The camera moved towards the ocean. There, out past the shallows were the remains of a Jaeger called Gypsy Danger and the Power Rangers' Megazord with dead giant sea monsters that only Atlantis would know about.

Mere moments later, an explosion of water erupted closer to the coast of the Atoll. A pillar of blue foam shot up from the sea.

"He's here." Captain Gordon growled with a glare.

A big, grey, reptilian head jutted out of the deep. Piercing yellow eyes burning with rage stared down the assorted fleet of ships. A massive mouth full of teeth the size of city buses snarled at the crew. From here, Gordon saw the demi-god Hercules in the jaws, bloody and unmoving.

Bristling fins, still shining neon blue from using his famous weapon, swayed back and forth as the monster shook the water off his body. His nostrils flared at the sight of the guns surrounding him. The gigantic claws of his left hand bawling themselves into a fist. Then a huge tail the size of a thousand California redwood trees tied together rose out of the water. The scaly and spiky appendage swished in the air as if Godzilla was thinking of where to send it crashing down first.

Gordon saw a long, metallic, silver tail held in Godzilla's other hand. No doubt the Dragon Zord. He glanced back to Godzilla's face. He had seen the Kaiju before but never looking this enraged before. There were still fresh cuts and blows visible along the Kaiju's massive body. Kiryu and the others had, at least, left a few marks but not enough to stem the beast's anger.

Rearing his head up, breathing in the air all around him, Godzilla lurched forward, jaw opened wide and letting out a terrible, deafening roar. Hercules dropped from Godzilla's jaws and fell into the sea.


It shook and then shattered the glass of the assembled fleet's windows. Forced every man and woman to clutch their ears and even experienced sailors and soldiers to fall down from the sheer force of the sound.

With that, the monster then tossed the battered and smoking Dragon Zord towards the Atoll and began walking forward, creating miniature tidal waves as he stomped through the surf, towards the islands. All at once, every gun and plane in the air opened up and unleashed Hell.

Shells, missiles, bombs, you name it. They all crashed down onto Godzilla as he forced his way forward. He didn't even seem to be annoyed by the attacks. The battle with Kiryu, Gypsy and the Dragon Zord may have injured him a little, but he wasn't even tired. He was acting on pure unbridled rage now. Nothing but the destruction of this fleet and the foolish humans that dared attack him.

As a squad of jets flew over him, delivering their payload, Godzilla fired out a blast of Atomic Breath. A blue beam of radioactive fire shot of his mouth and cut a swath through the air. The squad of jets were obliterated in the blink of an eye.

A cruise missile crashed into Godzilla's face next. Followed by a Jericho warhead striking on his back. Instantly, Godzilla turned his head to where the missiles had come from. A battleship just a few feet away from him. He reached down and grabbed the vessel with his giant hand and picked it up as if it was a child's toy. Even from the monitor screen, Captain Gordon could see men fall from the deck and into the water below. Godzilla soon chucked the ship into the air, and it landed on another battleship, crushing it and twisting them both into a mangled mess of metal.

Two maser beams hit Godzilla, followed by missiles. He turned his head up and saw the Geruda I, Super X, Super X II and Super X III. He narrowed his eyes as he saw the Gotengo fly behind the four ships.

"Fire missiles!" Gordon ordered. "Fire everything you got!" With that the five flying ships fired missiles and rockets towards the Kaiju King.

Godzilla roared as he tanked all the hits before he fired his Atomic Breath in response. Super X II opened its Fire Mirror while Gotengo activated a force shield barrier around it and the other two ships moved to evade the beam of certain death.

The Super X II's Fire Mirror absorbed the Atomic Breath and reflected the beam back while the Gotengo fired its Phaser cannon. Godzilla gritted his teeth as his own beam hit him square in the chest along with the Phaser while the other Super Xs fired at him from the sides along with the Wakandan airships.

"Well, can't let them have all the fun," Director Nick Fury remarked before ordering, "Deploy all jets, lock onto his signature and fire all cannons at Godzilla." Maria Hill nodded her head in response. Shortly after, the jets on the Hellicarrier flew off the deck and towards the battle as the Hellicarrier's cannons aimed down to the giant monster.

Godzilla reached to knock Super X II into the Gotengo with his hand before swinging his tail to knock the other Super X's aside and snap the Wakandan ships in half. He then lifted his massive right foot into the air and stomped it back down so hard that it created a tidal wave to a group of destroyers. The ships were engulfed by the wave. One of their captains had managed to turn the ship fast enough to break through the wave with their nose. The other two weren't so lucky and were capsized by the wall of water.

Godzilla glared at the destruction briefly beforeturning to the skies. The SHIELD jets were closing in with fighter bombers. Ready to hit him with their ordinance. Godzilla simply raised his tail and whipped it into the sky. This forced them to break their run. Two weren't fast enough and became two balls of fire. Godzilla spun around and slammed his tail down onto another battleship, snapping it in two.

The Kaiju then let loose another blast of Atomic Breath. The blue pillar of fiery death shot across the battlefield and sliced into a carrier at the center of one of the American groups. It exploded into a ball of flame, its flight deck being ripped clean off as the blast tore it from underneath. Godzilla didn't cease fire however. He dragged his breath across the length of the American fleet, cutting into the Chinese and Russian flotillas. A sea of fire lashed out across the Bikini Atoll coast, sending dozens of boats and countless sailors to their watery graves.

However, the plan was still working despite all this carnage. The attacks weren't killing him but driving him closer to the Atoll. The missiles and bombs from the planes and ships were forcing him to advance towards the trap. Gordon was impressed at how accurate the military strategists were about the monster's reaction.

Godzilla was a fighter first and foremost. In every conflict, be it with Kaiju, the armies or superheroes, he only fled when his energy was spent or he thought it wasn't worth it.

That was the theory anyway. You can't really tell what a Kaiju was thinking unless you read minds like Charles Xavier, Jean Grey, Raven, and Miki Saegusa.

After Kiryu and the other mech's attack however, Godzilla was running on rage. This was the first time Kiryu had been used offensively against the monster. As predicted, Godzilla saw this as encroachment on his territory and decided to end the threat completely. That meant wiping out the source of the attack, like a bear going after an aggressive pack of wolves in their den.

And that was just what we are planning on,Gordon thought as the Gotengo flew towards the Black Hole gun.

Godzilla now stomped onto the beach of the first island in his path. The artillery guns started opening fire at this point, what little good it did. The missile barrages did nothing, the larger, concentrated energy cannons and beams from Japan and Wakanda worked better. In the end, Godzilla crushed the nearest artillery position with his foot and then fired his Atomic Breath at the nearest two islands to destroy the attackers there.

The Japanese fleet, closest to Dimension Tide with the Gotengo, now renewed their attack with vigor. The other ships lessened their assault in response. Firing enough to keep Godzilla forward but not enough to take his attention off the Japanese fleet.

Gordon activated the main intercom. "Concentrate all fire on the head!" he ordered his men and crew. "Make him come to us!"

The gunners did as instructed, hitting Godzilla in the head hard. The giant monster growled and roared in anger. Shaking his head to get the smoke from the explosions out of his eyes. With all the explosions and fire erupting all around his face, the Saurian Kaiju stomped back into the surf. He turned towards the offending Japanese fleet and bellowed before pushing towards the fleet that had always confronted him in the past.

Just as predicted.

When the titanic dinosaur closed the distance, the tree cover around Dimension Tide gave away. The weapon, which looked like a cross between a jet turbine and futuristic cannon, began to glow bright violet. As the inner mechanisms began to whirl, Godzilla's attention was turned to the weapon.

He co*cked his head like a cat, confused as to what was he looking at. He then roared loudly and reared his head back, his spines glowing neon blue again. It was clear. Whatever this thing was, he was going to destroy it.

Captain Gordon raced to activate the commlink again. "FIRE! Fire all guns! Fire at the head!" He ordered in a frantic pace.

"You heard the man, fire everything you got!" Fury barked in the Hellicarrier.

Gunners opened up. Cruise missiles crashed into Godzilla's head, just as he unleashed his Atomic Breath. The beam failed to hit dead on, grazing the base of Dimension Tide. Sparks and flames shot out of the weapon's side where the beam hit it, but the gun kept charging. Once the weapon had started cycling, nothing could stop it from discharging. Gordon wasn't really concerned about the damage. There wasn't anything they could do.

"Ten seconds to discharge!" Came a warning over the radio.

"All hands," Gordon called to his men, "Brace yourselves!"

A moment later, Dimension Tide fired a giant black and purple ball of energy from its barrel in a blinding flash of light. Trees, dirt, rocks and water were pulled into the singularity as it sped through the air. The discharge also sent out a booming shockwave that blew the leaves off nearby palm trees and created giant waves as it hit the water. The Gotengo and Hellicarrier rocked in the air. It was a miracle that none of them were blown out of the air.

The singularity sliced through the air, heading straight at Godzilla. The Kaiju had just recovered from the blow he had taken to his head and spotted the ball of energy heading for him. Godzilla just stared the incoming black hole down with a glare and snarl. True to his Wakandan name, Fearless Dragon, he didn't back down. He roared loudly at the object and shot his Atomic Breath at the incoming singularity.

The blue breath just seemed to be pulled inside but Godzilla refused to relent. Finally the black energy slammed into Godzilla, engulfing him entirely. The Kaiju let out one final roar before he was abruptly silenced by a massive explosion of energy.

Then, everything vanished in a flash of blinding violet light.

Gordon only raised his head when the light dissipated. He carefully looked up into the center of the Atoll on the monitor and saw. . . nothing. No black ball of energy, no Godzilla, just. . . water.

Everything was silent for a few moments more before a jubilant cry went out across the ship, the fleet and everyone on or around the Atoll itself. It took a moment for Gordon realized that he was cheering himself.

They had done it! Sixty eight years of terror and destruction, finally ended. Godzilla was gone. It took the combined efforts of nearly every developed Nation on Earth, but they had done what was considered to be the impossible. They had defeated the King of Monsters!

Director Fury looked towards Dimension Tide, the weapon that had given them this victory. And saw it smoking from every orifice and fires erupting from its mouth. Apparently Godzilla's last big shot had done enough damage. He couldn't be sure from looking from the Hellicarrier, but Fury suspected it wouldn't be firing again anytime soon.

Perhaps it was for the best. A weapon of that kind of power was too great for just one nation or organization to control. It had played its role. No sense in someone else besides Godzilla being on its business end.

It wasn't the time to feel down at that loss though. Though, maybe Stark and the ones who put so much effort to build it would be angry and a little sad about their machine being broken. This was a great victory for the world. Godzilla, King of the Monsters, was dead. There would be no more fear of the Kaiju's roar, his Atomic Breath, his massive footsteps. He would trouble them no more. He did feel annoyed at thinking of the World Security Council. General Ross was bound to be smug and declare that Thor and Wonder Woman were wrong: Godzilla was no god killer. Tell the Ghost Rider that Godzilla will go to Hell and stay there. His throng of worshippers who thought him to be a literal god had turned out to be wrong after all. He wasn't a force of nature at all. He was just an animal. One that needed that needed a really big gun to put down but nothing more.

However, in the back of his mind, Fury wondered a thought. A doubtful thought. A disturbing thought. A doubtful, disturbing thought.Godzilla had survived everything they threw at him, why not this?It wasn't like they could confirm the death. No body after all.

So what if Godzilla wasn't dead? What if something else happened? What if he had been transported to the future? Or the past or another dimension?

Fury tried to put the inward debate out of his mind as he look towards the sky on the deck of the Hellicarrier. Surely such thoughts were just the creeping paranoia he was known for. Disbelief at the accomplishment he had witnessed. Now was the time to look to a great future. With one less monster in the world. They could all start living again.

Bat-computer entry 4053-2234

November 5th, 2022

Subject: The King's Reign is Over

At 0900 hours, the United Nations had attacked Godzilla in a joint operation and used the weapon codenamed Dimension Tide to kill the Kaiju at Bikini Atoll in the South Pacific.

I feel. . . guilty as my fellow members of the JLA for allowing the operation to commence. Godzilla had battled by our side along with the Avengers and the other superhero teams when the situation called for it. From Jean Grey and Professor Xavier, we had learned his origins and his motives.

He had viewed our race to be arrogant and destructive. Greedy and selfish parasites and that we thought we owned our piece of land do everything we could and ignore the consequences. Captain Rogers, Diana, Peter Parker, Thor and Clark had set out to change his perspective. To show that not all humans were what he thought.

I suppose that it is why I feel guilty. We failed to prove him wrong. We will hold a funeral service with the other Hero teams at Monster Island. He was the last of his kind, a relic of a time forgotten, he deserves to be honored like the King he was. I hope that he does not hate us. And I hope that where ever he is, he may finally find peace.

Batman signing off.

The blackness faded and light finally returned. He gazed about the broken, cracked ground and the trees that have been pushed by the explosion. The air felt familiar yet different. He glanced up and saw the moon. Nothing seemed different. He didn't know where the human weapon had sent him but it didn't matter.

All that mattered was that Godzilla, King of the Monsters had survived yet another feeble attempt by man's machines against his life.

He roared defiantly into the air. To let all know that he was still alive. And those that had attacked him will pay. Any who defied his reign will burn beneath his shadow.

Dark blue eyes shot open as a man collapsed in the middle of a large temple with a gasp. He had a large dark green turtle shell on his back and a carapace on his front underneath a dark green tunic, a pair of tusks on his lower jaw with spikes on his elbows, dark green hair.

Hearing his collapse, a younger woman ran into view. She too had a turtle shell on her back, smaller elbow spikes, matching hair and eyes but no tusks. "Father, what is it?" she asked worriedly. "Are you alright?"

Before Gamera could answer, a woman landed on the ground with barely a sound. She had colorful butterfly wings and insect antenna on her forehead, bright blue eyes and wore a blue kamino. She walked to Gamera with a slightly worried expression. "Did you sense that too, Gamera?" Mothra asked.

"Sense what?" Gamora asked in confusion as she helped her father up. "A disturbance," Gamera replied. "Something is rising."

"What is it?" Gamora asked softly. "Not what," Mothra replied, "who. . . Someone powerful."

The three Kaiju exchanged a glance before the older turtle declared to the moth. "Inform the Queen."

Far away from the Temple of the Guardians of Yamato on the planet Mars. An old Kaiju's blood red eyes shot open as he sat up. He had bone white armor and a forked black reptilian tail with scales on his face and half skulls on his shoulders, black hair with white streaks and small but noticeable horns on his head. He looked around wearily before calling out, "Queen Ghidorah!"

A woman with golden hair, dragon wings on her back and a forked reptilian tail with red eyes. She wore golden robes with matching armor and dragon skulls on her shoulders. She crossed her arms in a annoyed attitude at having her beauty sleep interrupted before she became concerned upon seeing Monster X's expression. "What is it, old man?" she asked.

"When we approach Earth again, we must do with caution," Monster X said. "I've sensed a disturbance there."

Queen Ghidorah rose an eyebrow. "All the way out here?" she asked. "What do you know of it?"

"I don't know," Monster X replied with a shake of his head. ". . . Something-No, someone has. . . awakened. Someone. . . familiar yet different and. . . powerful."

Chapter 2: A New World


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


My grandmother used to tell me stories of a time of peace between the Nations. The Fire Nation. The Water Tribes. The Air Nomads and the Earth Kingdom with the Faunus and Viking tribes, the Kingdoms of Arendelle, Corona, Westeros, Vale, Mistral, Vacuo, Atlas and Mantle.

For a hundred years, the Queen of Grimm, Salem and the Fire Nation had led a war to conquer the other nations. But everything changed when the Galactic Empire and the Decepticon Army showed up. With superior weapons and technology led by Darth Vader and Megatron, they ended the war, drove the Creatures of Grimm to extinction and defeated Salem. . . but conqueredthe planet in the process.

Most of the Nations and Kingdoms have joined the Galactic Empire, turning a blind eye to the cruel tyranny it has.

Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them but when the world needed him most, he vanished before the war started and the Air nomads were wiped out. The Kaiju Girls have risen but seemed to have made a truce with the Empire.

Two years ago, my father left with the men of the Southern Water Tribe to join the Rebellion that had formed to fight against the Empire.

Some say the Avatar died with the Air Nomads and the cycle is broken. But I haven't lost hope. I believe the Avatar, the Kaiju Girls, or maybe some other help will come and drive the Empire off our planet.

Book 1: The King meets the Kaiju Girls
Chapter 1: A new world


The Isle of Berk

Welcome to Berk. It's twelve days north of Hopelessness and a few degrees south of Freezing to Death and located on what is known as the Meridian of Misery. It has been the home of the Viking Hooligan Tribe for seven generations.

For three hundred years, the Vikings of Berk had been at war against the dragons of the archipelago. Until the son of Stoick the Vast, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III had shown the stubborn people of Berk that they could live in peace with the dragons with the help of his best friend, Toothless the Night Fury.

Unfortunately, while the Vikings and dragons can live together, dragons are still, well, dragons. They'd steal food from the Vikings, scare the farm animals and poop on the village plaza at three o'clock on a daily basis.

Today, though? They flew out of the village and went to hide on the other side of the island. Well, except Toothless. But that was because he couldn't really fly by himself.

"Stormfly! Hookfang! Meatlug! Barf! Belch!" cried the residential dragon rider teens of Berk. Astrid Hofferson, Snotlout Jorgenson, Fishlegs Ingerman and the Thorston twins Ruffnut and Tuffnut. Hiccup and Toothless had come along to help their friends look for their dragon.

"I still understand what could have scared them off," Hiccup stated to the teens next to him, Astrid and Fishlegs. "I mean, what could possibly scare a thousand dragons that they'd fly away from the village?"

"You mean besides seeing Gobber with his dragon killing weapons?" Astrid asked in response. When Gobber was losing purpose in the village as a blacksmith, Hiccup tried to help him by including him at the Dragon Training Academy. Of course that didn't end well when he brought his dragon killing weapons.

"Maybe it had something to do that loud roar this morning," Tuffnut said offhandedly, getting the teens to stare at him. "What?"

"A loud roar?" Hiccup repeated sharing a glance with Astrid. "You mean a dragon roar?"

"I don't know," the male twin shrugged. "I heard it before the dragons flew away and all I know is that it wasn't any dragon I heard."

Hiccup looked to Astrid as they continued walking through the forest. Toothless walked behind the group of teens. The black dragon kept glancing back as if he could hear something behind them. His ears all stood erect every time he glanced back.

The Ghost flew through space. Its black void, a welcoming sight to its tired crew of rebels. Smuggling runs between other Rebel cells weren't easy as Ezra Bridger had hoped they would be. They'd always end with TIEs after them. The problem wasn't that he wanted to avoid a fight. Far from it. It was that all the work kept him from further Jedi training with Kannan Jarrus. He didn't voice his complains though. Partially to keep himself from sounding like a whiny brat and because Kannan's lessons on patience were stuck in his head. And he didn't want to get that lecture again.

Besides, he knew the smuggling runs were important. They were essential to keep the disparate Rebel cells supplied. One can't forge alliances between groups like these if one didn't bother to provide them with the means to keep fighting. Hera Syndulla had said one day they'd have a better means of supply beyond smuggling when the cells started acting like a real Alliance and not a bunch of random insurgents that only shared a common hatred for the Empire.

But every uprising had to start somewhere. And it really felt like they were accomplishing something. For a while the Ghost Crew had been on their own. Fighting on Lothal by themselves and Ezra thinking they were the only ones sticking it to the Empire's goons. Now there was a whole other world he was a part of. It felt good to know that they weren't alone.

But that didn't make things easier. The Empire was cracking down hard. Trying its best to not look weak in the face of the people. Their desire to tightened their iron grip on the Galaxy was driving more people to their cause but it was also making things more dangerous for the Rebels. Like Ezra's home world, Lothal had become less and less comforting. He supposed that was why he was accepting the need to leave it behind. Until the Empire was gone completely, Lothal wouldn't be a real home for anyone. Still, he hoped that one day soon the Ghost Crew would return and drive the Imperials away from Lothal once and for all.

At least the Ghost still felt like home. Zeb still argued with Chopper, Hera asked him for help during her routine maintenance checks on the ship, Sabine continued to paint the walls and Kannan offered training lessons when they had time. They helped him not go stir crazy and take his mind off the next mission.

But not now. Now he was sitting in the living quarters of the ship. They all knew it had to be something big and important if it was a call from Ahsoka Tano. She didn't call them for a personal face-to-face meeting just to talk about something simple like a change in schedule.

Ezra had a feeling it was some secret operation. That wasn't really the Force talking, more like a gut feeling. He was pretty sure that he wasn't the only one feeling it.

Speaking of which.

"Any ideas on what Ahsoka wants?" A feminine voice asked, bringing Ezra out of his thoughts.

It was Sabine Wren. The crew's Mandalorian graffiti artist and demolitions expert. Why someone who loved to paint enjoyed blowing stuff up so much, Ezra hasn't yet figured out. Her pink and orange tinted armor made her a unique standout among her people, not that Mandalorians were ever difficult to spot. Their armor wasn't very subtle to begin with after all. Sabine just made hers more expressive.

"Just hoping it's not something too crazy," Ezra shrugged. "I'd prefer not having to outrun more TIE patrols."

"Why? Still sore about how I'm ahead of you in kills?" She asked with a sly smile. "No," Ezra shook his head. "I'm just. . . you know it's Ahsoka. Her missions aren't exactly simple. It's bound to be something that ends up with us being chased by Imps."

"Look at it this way," Sabine began as she sat on the sofa and across the holo-table. "The fact she comes to us with those kinds of jobs suggests she has a lot of faith in us," she said reassuringly. "She knows we can get it done. We're her go-to people, how cool is that? We're like highly valued operatives of an Ex-Jedi commander!"

Ezra raised an eyebrow. "I don't think she'd appreciate you calling her that," he said cautiously. "Even with the 'ex' part in it."

Sabine shrugged in response before looking thoughtful. "Have you ever thought of asking her for some Jedi lessons?" she asked before holding a hand up. "I'm not saying Kannan's a bad teacher, but it doesn't hurt to have more than one."

"I think Kannan has thought of it," Ezra shrugged. He had thought of it himself but just thought that just because she still kept her lightsabers didn't mean she still kept the traditions of the Jedi. But he'll admit he'd like to be taught how dual wield lightsabers after seeing Ahsoka and Kannan do it.

"My guess is that the mission is going to a sabotage operation," Sabine said after a moment. "Like a fuel dump or weapons factory."

"That sounds a bit mundane," Ezra said. "Those types of targets are becoming more and more important now, Ezra." Sabine said. "Word is that the Empire is seriously ramping up production for their war machine. Crippling that before it gets rolling would be a huge boon to us."

He had heard about that over the holonet. The Imperial Senate had passed a new initiative allocating more funds to the Imperial Military's defense budget. But saying that the Senate was passing anything was an oxymoron now days. They were give something the Emperor wanted done and voted for it unanimously on his orders. That's how it worked. The Senate had no authority or real say. They were just a mouthpiece for the Empire.

Ezra shrugged. "I guess I wouldn't mind destroying some Imperial property," he admitted. "Better than skulking around and playing courier."

"It is getting a bit boring," Sabine concurred. "Can't believe I'm that about outrunning TIEs but it's hard to deny that it's getting tedious."

"Maybe they need to get better pilots," Ezra suggested.

"Or maybe they need to get shields on their fighters and stop making it so easy already," Sabine countered.

Both teens decided to stop there. It was probably not a good idea to give suggestions on how the Empire could improve its war machines. Best not to risk jinxing things and make their lives harder. Especially after what happened about meeting the Sith Lord back at Lothal.

"Okay everyone," Hera's voice spoke through the intercom. "We're approaching the rendezvous now. Get ready to disembark when we dock with Fulcrum's ship."

"Well duty calls," Sabin stated, jumping from her seat and getting to her feet. "I better get my gear."

Ezra nodded his head and stood up himself before heading to his room.

"It's good to see you all," Ahsoka greeted as the Ghost crew entered the main briefing room. Next to her were the Clone Troopers Captain Rex, Wolf and Gregor and two men and a woman with cat ears on her head with black stripes on her shoulders that the Ghost never met before. "This is Hakoda, chief of the Southern Water Tribe and his second in command, Bato. The woman is Sienna Kahn" Ahsoka said, gesturing to each mentioned person. "They're members of the Pandora's Raiders."

Hera rose an eyebrow. She had heard about that Rebel cell from the Outer Rim. "It's an honor to meet you," the chief said while Bato nodded in greeting and Sienna shook hands with Hera.

"I hope my request didn't come up on short notice," Ahsoka said. Kannan waved his hand dismissively. "We weren't in the middle of anything. We're hoping at this point you didn't calls here for another smugglers' run."

"Please tell me it involves punching a few bucket heads," pleaded Zeb from behind them. "I'm not built to be cooped up in a starship! I need to stretch my legs and hit something."

"Don't worry pal, you'll have plenty of time to do that." Rex said with a chuckle shared with his fellow clones.

This got most of the crew excited but Hera noticed the look on Ahsoka's face and that told her it wasn't going to be a typical mission.

"What are we walking into exactly?" she asked. "Weapons factory? Starship dock?"

"You'd wish," Wolfe said with a scoff. "First thing, you might need a history lesson unless you're all familiar with the giant monster attack on Coruscant during the Clone Wars."

Sabine and Ezra looked at each other confused with Zeb. Hera glanced to Kannan, thinking that he might. The Jedi slowly nodded his head. "I only heard a few details from the Jedi elders," he said. "Some creature the Republic captured got loose and went on a rampage."

"That is a brief summary," Ahsoka replied. "Allow us to give more details. You'll need them to understand the mission."

Gregor then stepped back to reveal a viewscreen that had a vicious looking creature in a image. It had a smooth round head, a long neck, thick brown scales, three arms with one on the back, flat fingers, a tail with a spiky tip and two furious green eyes.

"Whoa. Now that's what I call a monster." Sabine said, clearly fascinated.

"What is it?" Ezra asked as he walked up closer. "I've never seen anything like it."

"It's called a Zillo Beast." Rex answered as he and the Clones looked to the screen with Ahsoka. "And it's not surprising that you haven't, kid. They were were giant creatures only native to Malastare, home world of the Dugs."

"Their species was wiped out long ago by the Dugs when they started extracting their fuel from the planet." Ahsoka said. "The fuel was like a poison to them, and this was the only survivor."

Zeb turned to the side and grumbled. "I know what that's like." Hera instantly knew what he meant. The Zillo Beast's extinction sounded too similar to the Lasats. Killed over resources.

"How was it discovered?" Hera asked Ahsoka.

"In the aftermath of a bomb the Jedi used to defeat the Federation on Malastare," the Torguta replied as Rex changed the still image to old Clone War footage.

The bomb was impressive alright. Hera could see the shockwave had left the battle droids to lifeless husks and then opening a large hole in the ground that swallowed up a few Clone Troopers. The footage then showed the Zillo Beast waking up and starting to break out of the pit to attack the Clones and Dugs.

"As you can see, it was a bit cranky waking up," Wolfe remarked. "Even less so when the Dugs tried to use their gas. The Beast was a lot more resilient than they thought. The Republic forces eventually were able to take control of the situation and stun it with their energy weapons."

The footage changed to show what the Clone had said. "It took that many tanks to put it to sleep," Ezra noted in amazement at the monster's resilience. "That's one tough monster."

"Why go through all that trouble to stun it?" Sabine asked in curiosity. "Why not just kill it?"

"Jedi don't take the life of a creature that did nothing wrong," Ahsoka replied. "Especially if it's the last of its kind. It became a problem because of the Republic's bomb. The Jedi there wanted to stun the creature and take it where it wouldn't harm anyone and vice versa."

Hera frowned. "I'm guessing the Republic had other ideas."

"Not the Republic," Ahsoka shook her head, forming a deep frown. "Just the Supreme Chancellor Sheeve Palpatine. The Jedi convinced him to let the beast live because of how durable it was."

Gregor spoke up. "There was a belief that its scales could be used to give the Clones better armor."

"So he ordered for the Zillo Beast to be taken to Coruscant for study," Kannan said, sharing Ahsoka's frown. "Yeah, like that didn't sound like a good idea at all."

"Even before he became Emperor, Palpatine wasn't what you call humble," Ahsoka said, still frowning. "His arrogance got a lot of people killed when the creature broke out of its containment and began to rampage through the city."

Said rampage was seen on the screen. The three armed monstrous sized alien tore through crowded streets, climbed up building and even swatted Republic Gunships out of the sky by spinning around, swiping its massive arms in all directions.

"He's got some cool moves, I'll give it that much." Sabine noted, trying not to sound like she was admiring the creature's destruction too much.

Hera noticed something else though. The Zillo Beast looked almost purposeful in its intent. "It looks like its on a mission." she observed.

"It was suggested that the Zillo Beast may have been semi-sapient," Ahsoka replied. "Or at least intelligent enough to know who its enemy was. Palpatine decided then the quickest way to get what he wanted from the creature was to kill it. When the Zillo Beast broke out it immediately went to the Senate and the Chancellor. It almost managed to kill him too."

That made Zeb laugh heartily. "I'm beginning to like this monster more and more by the second," he declared with a grin. "Shame he failed. Would have saved us a lot of grief."

"Yeah, definitely would have been better for everyone," Kannan concurred with a growl under his breath.

The very thought that a giant monster had almost removed the greatest tyrant the Galaxy had ever known in recent history before he gained full power was enough to conjure up a few 'what if's' in anyone's mind. That made it a shame to see the monster get killed in the next footage. Like Zeb had said, if only they knew what was going to happen, maybe the Jedi would've let the monster get its revenge.

"When the Zillo Beast died, we thought that was the end of it," Rex said with a shake of his head. "Another casualty in the Republic's need to feed its war effort. But that's not the case. It didn't end there. In fact, it was just the beginning."

The footage changed to a darkened room. The camera shook momentarily before it settled on a form in the center. There, the Ghost crew saw a rather familiar hand, long neck and round head with a large primal green eye. The footage was blurry but it was clear enough for the rebels to see what it was. Another Zillo Beast.

"They found another one of those things" Sabine asked in astonishment.

"No, theymadeit." Ahsoka corrected. "Another one of the Emperor's tricks to the Jedi. According to our source, he's had scientists trying to clone the Zillo Beast since the day it was killed."

"But why?" Hera asked in confusion. "He got the scales, he improved the Clone's armor. Why make another one?"

"That's the troubling part," Rex informed grimly. "You just saw what that thing could do against the most advanced army of the Republic's heyday. Sure it was wild, but it still managed to destroy a good chunk of Coruscant before they stopped it. Now imagine if it was controlled and the Imps sicced it on some Rebels."

"A suppression unit," Hera concluded coldly after a moment. Sienna nodded and scowled at the image of the Zillo Beast clone. "You put a handful of those monsters on a planet, maybe two or three for each city or anything the Imps label important and you basically have the ultimate Rebellion squasher." she stated. "Any movement would be heavily restricted just by it being there and backed up by Stormtroopers."

"Making life very difficult for any cell trying to accomplish anything." Ahsoka added in a dire tone. "The Empire would have full control of the ground and more if our source's information is true."

"What do you mean?" Ezra asked cautiously.

"Weapons systems," The Torguta responded. "As if that things needs to be even more powerful, the Empire may be putting guns on it now."

Well that just made things infinitely worse, didn't it?Hera thought. "How long until its ready for deployment?" she asked in concern.

"Right now, it's unknown." Hakoda admitted. "Our source says that the Empire is still in prototype phase. Full scale production is still ways off. But they will be testing it soon. Rebel activity is on the rise and the Empire is getting desperate to find anything that can quell."

"And they're turning to this crazy idea that's been in development for years?" Zeb asked, not sounding convinced. "I get the concept and all but this is a bit ridiculous, even for the Empire."

The Lasat had a point, it was an outlandish idea. However, Hera had learned long ago that the Empire could stoop to some pretty extremes to get what it wanted. A monster playing watch dog, hardly the craziest thing she had heard of. Although admittedly, it was still pretty high on the list.

"I think we shouldn't take the chance and see this thing get out the door," Bato said. "From what we've seen on other planets, the Empire rules the galaxy through fear. Even just one of these things popping up on a planet could scare a lot of people away from joining the Rebellion."

"Better safe than sorry, I guess." Kannan concluded. "So how do we take this thing down? Drop a bunch of Malastare Gas on it when it goes out for a test run?"

Ahsoka shook her head "That won't do," she sadly informed him. "They're far enough along in their development that they'll just grow another one. We'd set them back a month or two at best if they don't dive into full scale production. To remove this threat entirely, we need to destroy the main lab and any research they have on the project."

Sabine clenched her fist and pumped it slightly in the air. "Yes, blow something up." she whispered gleefully.

Hera rolled her eyes at the Mandalorian's words. "Where can we find this lab?" she asked pressingly.

"Our home world," Hakoda said, gesturing to a holotable that displayed a planet with a shattered moon. "Planet Remnant in the Oum System. It's a resource rich world. Home to the Kaiju Girls, Faunus, Dragons and Element Benders." he informed. "It recently became part of the Empire seven years ago and they used it to house its little monster project the whole time."

So that's why they're here, Ezra realized. He had also heard about the Pandora's Raiders from the Outer Rim and he was confused why three members were here for this mission. He had heard about Remnant's Kaiju Girls. Giant female monster human hybrids. There was a few males from what he heard.

"That reminds me," Rex said. "Our source says that the Empire may have also created their own Kaiju Girls using the DNA of the Queen of Monsters: Godzilla."

"You had me sold when you said this place was home to dragons and elemental benders." Sabine declared. "I'm liking this mission more and more."

"You may not when you hear the major problem," Ahsoka replied gravely. "The planet is surrounded by an Imperial Blockade of Star Destroyers and Decepticons. They also have an Orbital Gun on the surface combined with the support of three of its nations." As she spoke the Star Destroyers, Orbital Gun, Decepticons and the symbols of the Remnantian Nations were shown on the screen. There was a lot of them indeed.

"We can't just slip by a blockade that big," Hera warned. "They're bound to see us approaching."

"No, but we do have a ticket in," Ahsoka said, gesturing to Sienna and Hakoda. "They're registered citizens of Remnant. They can fly to the planet with the ships they're on and enter their registration number. That's the ticket. Once you shake any escort, you can land, meet up with the Remnantian Rebels and begin the next phase of the plan."

"Taking out the Orbital Cannon," Hera presumed.

"Or better yet, capture it," Wolfe said. "With it in our control, a small fleet of ships can push past the blockade and land more troops on the surface. Then we'll assault the main lab and destroy it before its Zillo Beasts and Kaiju Girls move into mass production."

"This sounds like an invasion," Hera noted. "Is that why you contacted the Pandora's Raiders?"

"It's more like a raid," Ahsoka corrected. "We're not going to occupy the world just destroy the science facility. And yes the Raiders will provide more man and firepower." Well that either meant they took this threat seriously, had faith this plan will succeed or really wanted to hurt the Empire badly.

"What kind of weapons are you guys bringing in on this?" Kannan asked Sienna and Hakoda. "I'd like to know before we commit to anything."

"We've scrounged together enough heavy weapons and explosives for this mission." Sienna stated assuredly. "We've even managed to acquire and repair some old Republic Era assault vehicles. Not as strong as the Empire's new stuff but they're effective nonetheless. Better yet, you'll have plenty of air support from us."

Well that was a relief,Hera thought. Any Imperial facilities like the one they were talking about were bound to have a ton of TIEs protecting it. Between her and the Ghost, Hera could outfly a few squads but only for so long. Some wingmen on this mission would be greatly appreciated.

"Are they armed with old Clone Wars ships too?" Sabine asked, sounding a little terse. "I'd hate to think the only things we can get are Old Republic hand-me-downs." She paused and glanced to the Clones. "Uh, no offense." she said apologetically. The Clones had told them that the Empire had labeled the Clones to be "relics" when the Clone War ended.

Rex and his fellow Clones shrugged. They knew she didn't mean any insults at them.

"The bombers are mostly repurposed ones that we've fixed." Hakoda explained. "Our fighters are also heavily upgraded. They're more than a match for any TIE pilots on Remnant."

"Alright, we got some bombers and troopers, great." noted Zeb. "What does the Empire have on Remnant? If these things are so important then they must have a big garrison keeping watch over it."

"According to our source, the blockade is their primary defense along with their Orbital Cannon." Rex explained. "The garrison on the surface is made up of Decepticons, local soldiers from the Kingdom of Atlas and the Elemental Benders. Atlas and the Fire Nation also have build their own war machines with the new technology provided by the Empire. We don't need to worry about that. If everything goes as planned, we'll hit the main lab a few hours after we land before the Empire can respond. We'll get past their defenses, blow the lab and then make a break for orbit and hyperspace."

"Uh, what about the Kaiju Girls they've made?" Ezra asked. "From what I heard, they're pretty hard to kill. Especially Godzilla. Would they be destroyed when we hit the lab?"

"We won't need to destroy them." Sienna said. "Our source says that the Kaiju Girls have a neural chip implant in their head that makes them obey the Empire's commands. Once we get rid of those, they'll be free to join with the other Kaiju Girls."

"This is a pretty big step," Kannan said after sharing a glance with Hera. "And highly dangerous. Are you positive these creatures are almost ready for deployment?"

"According to our source, most certainly." Ahsoka stated confidently. "And given what's been happening lately, I wouldn't be surprised if the first planet the Empire send them was Lothal."

Kannan and Hera glanced to Ezra at that statement and saw the young boy having a look of great concern at the possibility. Lothal was already locked down enough. A giant monster or two parading across would be even worse.

"Alright," Kannan finally relented. "We're in, Ahsoka. We'll take that Orbital Cannon for you and see about removing anything that might be an obstacle. But I hope those Pandora Raiders are reliable."

"I assure you, we are." Sienna said, crossing her arms and her cat ears twitching.

"If you want, the Clones and I brought some extra weapons." Ahsoka said. "They're in the armory. It could help in your mission groundside."

"Sweet, dibs on the thermal detonators" Sabine declared jubilantly.

The Kingdoms of Atlas and Mantle

The shattered moon of Remnant shined above the floating Kingdom with the dance of celestial lights. No one on the landing platform at the Atlas Science Facility were paying attention though. Human or Decepticon. Everyone's eyes were glued to the descending ships.

One ship was an Imperial Shuttle, the other bore the Decepticon insignia. They moved towards the platform that had three platoons of Stormtroopers, Atlassian soldiers and Decepticons with the Imperial Overseer, Atlassian General and Specialist making sure that they looked presentable along with a handful of humanoid animal mutants. The Decepticon Seeker next to them didn't pay attention to them. They all stood at attention as the Decepticon transformed into his robot form.

He stood well over twenty feet. He was dark gray with spiky shoulders and clawed fingers with a large fusion cannon on his right forearm and blood red eyes.

The shuttle landed and its hatch dropped down. Moments later two tall figures emerged from the opening. One dressed in black armor and the other in silver armor that resembled a samurai of old. A small detachment of Stormtroopers of their own followed close behind them. The menacing, ominous sound of the black figure's breathing apparatus echoed through the air, growing louder as the figures approached the officers in front.


Said people, mutants and Cybertronians bowed their heads and stood at attention. One of the mutants, a black dog with large gray spikes protruding from his ribs and large claws greeted the silver figure. "Welcome home, Master Shredder."

Shredder paused and turned to the mutant. "You look terrible, Bradford." He said bluntly. It was not an insult but true. His student, Chris Bradford looked different the last time Shredder was at Remnant. His new mutation was most likely due to four mutant turtles, no doubt.

The Decepticon was greeted by the Seeker. "Lord Megatron. It's a pleasure to see you, Master Shredder and Lord Vader again." Starscream bowed his head before gesturing to the Overseer. "This is Jacques Schnee, Overseer of this facility. General James Ironwood and Specialist Winter Schnee are in charge of the Kingdoms military."

"Welcome back to Remnant, Lord Vader." Jacques said. "We are most pleased to have you here again, my Lord, as we are approaching the culmination of-"

"Spare me your platitudes, Overseer Schnee." Darth Vader said, his mask seemingly glaring at the man, his voice booming as he spoke. "We did not come here to listen to your patronizing banality. We are here to ensure that this project is nearing completion and that you are not wasting the Emperor's time."

"Of course, Lord Vader." Jacques quickly stated, backing off and bowing his head. "I did not mean to offend. I only wish to express how humbled we are to have-"

"Enough," another voice said behind Vader. The Overseer and General turned back to see the Fire Nation Princess Azula. She glared at Jacques as she walked to join the group. "Your groveling is demeaning to yourself and everyone else, Mr. Schnee." she stated bluntly. Despite the fact she was fourteen years of age, her glare was cold, calculating and unnerving to Jacques.

"We wish to assess your progress immediately." Shredder said. "Lead us to the main lab."

"O-Of course," Jacques said, trying not to look even more pathetic than he was already seemed and motioned for Vader and the others to follow him down a nearby staircase to a turbolift. "I can take you to the main lab right away."

As Vader, Shredder, Princess Azula and Megatron followed, so did General Ironwood and Specialist Schnee follow close behind. Vader sensed them before the former began to speak.

"Do you wish us to accompany you, Lord Vader?" General Ironwood asked astutely. "I imagine you wish to speak about the local garrison."

"In due time, but our primary concern is what you are guarding at the moment." Vader replied. "Follow if you must and unless you have information about the project, remain silent."

Ironwood and Schnee nodded in response before they walked after the group towards the turbolift.

"I trust you have valid explanations for many of the Emperor's concerns about this project," Shredder spoke.

"Such as why it has taken until now to produce significant results," added Princess Azula.

"Resource management and funding hasn't exactly been easy to come by," Overseer Schnee tried to explain. "We've been stalled financially in that regard in acquiring the appropriate materials we need to perfect the cloning process."

"Unless my memory is faulty," Megatron said, leaning down close to the white haired human, "you have been given substantial capital over the course of several years. Your excuse is hollow. The Empire have continued to allocate funds to this project in varying degrees that depend on your results. Which have been few."

"The Emperor himself is starting to question if you are using those funds properly," Azula said with narrowed eyes.

"We are, Princess Azula, I assure you." Jacques fretfully answered. "But resource management and capital are only one of our concerns. We have had setbacks over the years, as our lead scientists shall explain better in full. Atlas has never had the technology to clone living organisms. Even with the improved technology, we are not the Kaminoans. We are new to cloning, especially in the case of, well, giant monsters."

It sounded close to being valid but also sounded like another excuse, Darth Vader thought. They had been given substantial files concerning the cloning methods of the Kaminoans. How hard was it to transfer that knowledge onto a creature like the Zillo Beast and the Kaiju Girls? While they were unique creatures in their own way, flesh and blood they still were. Perhaps the lead scientists would better enlighten him and the others as to the complications. In the Sith Lord's eyes though, the Overseer was just offering excuse after excuse for the delays in production. Not encouraging.

The small party walked onto the turbolift now, Specialist Schnee pressing a button on the side. All the while Jacques continued to talk Vader and his fellow commanders' ears off about the project and their progress. It reeked of desperation to cover his shortcomings and the Sith and his allies were growing tired of the man.

Then again, Vader, Shredder and Azula grew tired of most politicians and bureaucrats easily and Megatron never cared about humans to begin with.

"If nothing else, you'll be pleased to know the simulations we've run, given our accumulated data, suggest the project has potential to exceed current expectations," Jacques spoke confidently. "Pacification of riots and other terrorist activity is total success. And that's not even factoring in our upgrades to the Zillo Beast and the Kaiju Girls' natural destructive tendencies."

"We are aware of the Zillo Beast's capabilities, Overseer Schnee," Shredder curtly replied. "And I am very familiar with what Kaiju Girls are capable of."

"We do not need reassurances that they will be a viable method of pacification." Megatron added. "We require evidence that you are close to putting the cloning process into full production as you claimed in your last report."

"In all honesty, I'm speaking for us all when I say that we're not really convinced." Azula stated. She and Lord Vader felt that they had every right be skeptic. They had gotten assurances in the past that progress was made. Every report claimed to be close. Megatron trusted word of his scientist but Vader and the others did not. It was tolerated at first, given how long it took to grow the Clone Army of the Republic. But with small uprisings spreading in the Outer Rim and threatening to go beyond, the Emperor's tolerance was at an end. It was time to find out whether those in charge were deliberately sabotaging the project or just incompetent.

Vader and the others had been ordered to see for themselves if the project was truly nearing success and, depending on their assessment, to ensure that they wasted no more of the Empire's time. Either the project would be shut down today or pushed to its conclusion.

"You'll see the complications we've had for yourselves, Lord Vader." hurriedly explained Jacques as the turbolift came to a stop. "The holding area is our first stop."

Megatron and Shredder shared a confused glance while Azula raised an eyebrow. "Holding area?" she repeated. "You have prisoners here?"

"Not exactly." Ironwood spoke up. "Most of them are one of the Kaiju Girl's offspring, the rest are. . . the reject pile."

The turbo lift opened to reveal a large room with several small cells. It resembled a small detainment block for a prison but the cells didn't contain people. Vader and Shredder approached a cell to get a better look of the occupant. A mangled mess of organic tissue began to bang its fist against the Hard Light Dust shield that stood between it and the Sith Lord and ninja master. It appeared to be a miniature Zillo Beast, but wrong. In so many ways. Its tail was were its third arm should be, it had an extra pair eyes, uneven scales, bigger feet and no toes.

Shredder shook his head. "Mutations." The ninja master discerned easily. "Failures of your cloning process."

Azula approached another cell on the opposite wall. Inside looked to be a miniature Kaiju Girl, a Godzilla to be more precise, but had pure black skin with red veins, a bald head and a skeletal tail with a single eye and a pair of wings besides maple leaf shaped dorsal fins on its back.

". . . Who did that Kaiju Girl mate with?" Azula asked in mild disgust. "No one," Winter replied. "Certainly not with her sister and she has never met the other Kaiju Girls, much less the males. The scientists concluded that it was a leap of evolution to reproduce offspring asexually. As far as we can tell, they'll listen to their mother who you'll learn is loyal to us."

Vader glanced at the other cells that held the Zillo Beast Rejects. All had their imperfections but by looking at the one mutation in front of him, he saw the true problem.

"I sense nothing but mindless rage from these. . . creatures," he stated bluntly, turning to Jacques. "This is not acceptable. We need Zillo Beasts who are controllable, that will bend to our will and we can direct. There is nothing within the minds of these monstrosities to control."

"Yes, that is why they are the Rejects and why we have them locked up." Jacques explained.

"Then why have you produced so many worthless miniature clones over the years?" Megatron demanded.

"It was a necessary step, Lord Megatron." The ninja master, Sith Lord, Fire Nation Princess and Decepticon leader turned to see the Decepticon Shockwave walking toward the group with Dr. Baxter Stockman, Dr. Pietro Polendina, Dr. Ishiro Serizawa and Dr. Sionver Boll.

"Explain, Shockwave." Megatron ordered.

"The Zillo Beast's genetic structure is highly unique in comparison to other organics," Shockwave began. "We first attempted to clone the creature on a smaller scale to understand its biology."

Stockman spoke up next. "But the cloning process proved to be imperfect, producing these rejects."

"Before we attempted to clone the Z-Beast fully sized," Dr. Polendina said, "we needed to crack the creature's genetic code in order to create it properly to the specifications the Emperor outlined for us."

"Why keep these abominations alive then?" Azula asked derisively. "To better understand our shortcomings, killing them would've made discovering where the cloning process was failing more difficult." Dr. Serizawa replied.

"We gathered samples from each of the creatures," Dr. Boll stated. "Slowly perfecting each failing. It is only recently that we dared risk a full-scale clone."

"The decision to keep them alive seems unorthodox," Shockwave admitted. "But we had use of them to test our cybernetic enhancements. With not wanting to damage our only living specimen that wasn't a mindless animal. Through keeping them alive, we discovered how to control the final specimen with cybernetic implants. The Zillo Beast is docile toward us and will only respond to issued commands and the programming we have instilled into it."

"Then I trust the prototype is ready?" Darth Vader inquired.

"Nearly ready," Dr. Stockman assured, "but if it will satisfy you guys and the Emperor, you're free to see for yourself."

The scientists then led the small group into a large hangar. There, they saw the fruits of over a decade of work. There standing before them, bound in massive metal restraints, was a Zillo Beast.

Darth Vader remembered how he had first come across the original Zillo Beast. The giant creature had torn through Coruscant and nearly killed his master. To think that the Jedi had been so insistent on letting that thing live, considering what it had almost cost the galaxy.

But in the end, it turned out for the best. The monster's rampage had given his master a clearer vision. One of a creature that could stomp out their enemies before they rose to threaten the Empire. No army could stand against this thing and the Dugs were allied with the Empire. Only they possessed the formula for the poison gas that killed the original Z-Beast. Of course, the Emperor had been wise to remove that weakness as long as the project proved viable.

The clone before him wasn't exactly the same as the original. It had been improved for lack of a better term. It was much bigger. Close to three hundred and fifty feet. Half of its head was covered by a metal silver plate. That was where the command-and-control implants would likely be located. As well as an advanced targeting system for the Zillo Beast's new long ranged weaponry.

Such examples of weaponry could be seen. Missile packs on its shoulders, gauntlets on each of its wrists, armed with laser based weapons. The third arm was barely visible so neither Vader or the others could see if the same held true or they had done some other design. The creature's torso was also covered with a large chest plate. Hopefully that contained the barrage weaponry component the Emperor had commissioned. The creature's open mouth revealed what appeared to be an energy beam weapon installed within.

All in all, everything seemed to be to the Emperor's specifications.Azula thought. They still didn't see the tail or third arm yet. They'll have to do that later to be sure that all parameters were met.

Shredder noticed one of the legs and front arms had been replaced with cybernetic parts. He had a feeling why but chose to speak. "I trust the added prosthetics were to make up for shortcomings."

"The cloning process is still a work in progress," Dr. Stockman admitted. "But this is our most successful prototype so far."

Dr. Polendina spoke up next. "The prosthetics do not hinder its mobility as far as we could tell, only strengthen its skeletal structure."

"The weapons systems have increased its destructive capacity tenfold." Shockwave informed. "The tail itself has been outfitted with electrical field generators, making it more deadly than before."

"And the third arm?" Megatron asked.

"The final components are still being installed," Dr. Boll replied. "The enhancements will hopefully be to your liking when it is finished."

"What of the Kaiju Girls?" Azula asked, turning away from the Zillo Beast.

Dr. Serizawa gestured, "Follow me this way." he said, leading the group to a door that led outside.

"Now, we cloned the most powerful Kaiju Girl known, Godzilla." Serizawa said. "They resemble the Queen of Monsters closely but have noticeable differences. One has adapted to live in a tundra like environment. We suspect that she may have common ancestor with artic reptiles. We called her Snow Godzilla. The other Kaiju Girl, Shin Gojira, is an interesting specimen."

"How so?" Darth Vader asked. "She has evolved through three different stages before reaching her current form now. Like a frog or an insect going through a growth cycle," Dr. Serizawa replied. "And as far as we know, she could evolve to a fifth form if need to be. May be even grow wings."

"Interesting," Azula mused. "Very interesting."

"And what of they're abilities?" Megatron asked. "Do they possess the Atomic Breath ability?"

"Yes, but Shin Gojira has the most destructive one." Dr. Stockman answered. "It starts out as simple fire like a dragon or a Leviathan Grimm before it could adjust into a laser like beam that could slice through solid rock. She could even shoot the laser beams from her back and her tail. Snow Godzilla seems to be the same as Godzilla herself but with some interesting side affects."

"Explain," Shredder commanded. "Well, one of our troopers was hit by the time when he was testing out a Colossus mech suit." Stockman explained. "He survived and well, de-aged about five years. And she possesses a teleportation Semblance."

"Time manipulation and teleportation?" Megatron remarked with a raised eyebrow. "Impressive."

"And there they are," Shockwave gestured as they walked outside.

The Kaiju Girls did look much like Godzilla. Snow Godzilla had white scales like what Dr. Serizawa had said with matching hair with black streaks and dorsal fins that were shaped like maple leaves and charcoal gray in the center. Shin Gojira looked to be covered with numerous scars with black and red hair. Her tail was as longer than what could be considered normal and moving like a cat's. Her dorsal fins were also maple leaf shaped as well with a red hue to them.

The two Kaiju Girls seemed to be mining their own business. Well, Shin Gojira appeared to be sleep standing while Snow Godzilla was playing in the snow like a child. She paused and turned her head to the group. She smiled and waved her hand at them.

"How soon can the Zillo Beast be ready for testing?" Darth Vader asked.

"We've set up a trial run dated two weeks from now," Jacques informed. "We'll have everything installed by then."

"Is it operational now?" The Fire Nation Princess asked.

The scientists, bar Shockwave looked taken aback by the sudden questioning. "Yes, but we still have weapon and systems checks to perform." Dr. Boll replied. "We needed to be sure that there are no bugs in the system to-"

"Unacceptable," Vader declared. "If it is operational now, it will be tested now."

The order forced the humans to pause. "Lord Vader, we need time to properly go over everything." General Ironwood stated. "I wish to see what the Zillo Beast can do as much as the next person, but isn't the safety of our forces-"

"The security of the Galaxy is what concerns my Master and I," the Sith Lord stated coldly. Shredder turned away from the Kaiju Girls to the scientists. "Lord Vader is correct. Too many terrorists are rising to challenge the Empire's authority and none of us will allow it to continue longer than it already has."

"You have had seven years to refine and perfect this project." Azula said. "It will see completion before we leave and full scale production will begin once that is done."

"But we still require time," Dr. Polendina insisted. "Installation of the final components is still required and our command/control unit still needs to be tested to ensure full control. If we rush this, we risk damaging our only prototype." he paused to cough a little. "It will take months to regrow a new one if something catastrophic happens."

"He's right," Specialist Schnee finally spoke up. "That would be more time and credits waster, Lord Vader. We cannot afford that at this stage. We still haven't set up the testing field. And with Grimm population being low, we don't have anything ready for the Zillo Beast to shoot at right now. We at least need some time to set that up, we're still hunting for a suitable Grimm like a Mega Goliath or a Leviathan."

Vader thought it over. Perhaps testing now this late in the day would be ill advised. But he and the others could agree that they were not going to wait two weeks. They had other duties to attend to after all.

"You have four days to sort these complications," he said at last.

"Four days?" Jacques shouted, wide eyed. "We can't possibly-!"

Azula pointed a finger in Jacques' face threateningly. "Four days, Overseer Schnee." she said coldly. "We will not wait a moment longer. Tell your subordinates to double their efforts. I believe I speak for us all when I say that I will not allow you to waste more of our time."

"But four days is-" Serizawa protested before Megatron leaned down to him with a glare. "Sufficient, Doctor," he said. "Be grateful that we have given you that much and hope that we do not change it to less."

Serizawa bowed his head, followed by Dr. Boll and the others. "It will be done, Lord Megatron, Lord Vader, Master Shredder and Princess Azula." Shockwave submitted.

"See that it is," Shredder replied. "We will not tolerate further disappointment."

"Now, General Ironwood, Specialist Schnee," Darth Vader called out. "Direct me to your garrison's main headquarters. I wish to properly inspect your forces along."

"At once, Lord Vader," the Atlassian General responded. "Follow me please."

The Sith Lord followed the Atlassian General and Specialist, the Ninja Master went to speak with his mutant soldiers, the Decepticon went back inside with the Fire Nation Princess, leaving the scientists and Jacques to ponder their deadline.

They had no choice but to increase their efforts. That was the nature of the Empire. You either performed at peak efficiency or failed.

She watched the dark human disappear from view. She stopped waving when her instincts had detected a dangerous being standing next to Dr. Serizawa and Polendina. It was strange, she had always felt on edge when she saw strangers with the scientists she considered to be family but this was different.

She felt cold. And not from the snow or the tundra climate.

She paused and looked around. "Shin." she whispered. "Shin, do you feel that?"

Shin Gojira opened her eyes with a yawn. "Huh?" she mumbled before she became full awake. Her phased array radar went off. Something or someone was nearby to be considered to be a threat.

"Yeah, I do." Shin Gojira replied as she strained he ears. Faintly but surely, she and Snow Godzilla could hear it.

A roar of dominance, challenge. A battle cry. A call for vengeance. It sounded similar to their own roars yet at the same time, not.

"I got a bad feeling about this," Shin Gojira muttered to herself.


One of the most spoken lines in the Star Wars franchise. Am I right?
Now, what do you think? This chapter was mainly a world building one for introducing what kind of world the OG Godzilla will be in.

The world he left was a fusion of Godzilla, Marvel, DC, Power Rangers and Pacific Rim.

This world is Godzilla, RWBY, Avatar The Last Airbender, Star Wars, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, How To Train Your Dragon, some Disney (Frozen and Tangled) House of the Dragon and Transformers Prime.

Is that a bit much? Probably.

Now the prologue ended with some of the Kaiju Girls sensing the powerful presence of the King of the Monsters. This chapter started off with the Dragons of Berk sensing him, the Vikings (Some of them) hearing his roar and the dragons are scared.

The Ghost crew are hired by Ahsoka to head to Remnant and get ready to destroy a lab facility that is creating monsters for the Galactic Empire. The Zillo Beast Clone, Snow Godzilla and Shin Gojira being a few. Darth Vader, Azula, Megatron and Shredder come to Remnant to oversee the operation themselves.

Snow Godzilla senses Darth Vader's dark nature and will be weary of the Sith Lord. But she also senses the presence of the King himself as well as Shin Gojira.

Next chapter: The King meets the Kaiju Girls Part 1. A Imperial patrol will stumble on the burning remains of a large camp, dead bodies of humans, Faunus and Grimm. They'll find a survivor before being chased by a Kaiju that isn't on record. The Rebels will arrive at Remnant. And the King will meet the Kaiju Girls.

Chapter 3: The King Meets the Kaiju Girls Part 1: First Impressions

Chapter Text

Anima, 65 miles from the Kingdom of Mistral. . .

When Jaune Arc joined the Empire, he had expected adventure through out the Galaxy. Maybe even save the Galaxy once or twice. Meet the Emperor, become a hero of the Empire, meet a nice girl and settle down.

Instead, he was a Scout Trooper, on a boring patrol through the forest of Anima looking for Grimm that might as well be extinct.

Maybe he should have enrolled to Beacon Academy.

It wasn't so bad he supposed. He had his friend, Marrow Amin with him. It was probably best that they haven't found anything close to a Grimm. He had grown up listening to stories from his grandparents how life used to be with the Grimm before the Empire came to Remnant. Back then they were told not to go out at night and here he was, walking in the woods at night.

However there were a few Grimm that have managed to evade the Empire's weapons. Geist, deep sea dwelling Grimm but most importantly, the Chill still evade detection. Now that was a Grimm he did not want to meet.

As he and Marrow continued their search, their patrol lead, Corporal Curwood pulled up to their speeder bikes.

"Find anything?" he asked as he dismounted.

"We just started, sir." Marrow responded. "Relax."

"Sorry, just in the mood to shoot something," Curwood explained with a shrug. "Someone took the last burger at the mess hall today and I'm missing my shows right now. Killing a Grimm would help me feel better, you know?"

"I know that feeling," Jaune replied with a nod and a chuckle.

"You know, I heard the Sergeant say that if we find a dragon, he's going to make a saddle and make it his pet." Marrow said. "I think he's curious about what the Vikings say is true that people can ride them."

"That would be awesome," Jaune said, smiling under his helmet. "What dragon would you get, if you could? I'd like something like a Skrill or a Deadly Nadder."

"Don't get your hopes up, Arc." Curwood said. "Those Targaryens are pretty adamant that dragons are not pets. And I believe them. Ain't no way reptiles that big are going to listen to us scrawny humans forever."

Maybe, but Jaune can dream.

"You hear that some dragons came to the watchtower?" Marrow asked. "A guard was nodding off and got his head eaten, helmet and everything. Messed up."

"Weird that they went that far from the Viking Archipelago," Jaune replied. "I mean, the only reason they would be out this far is if there was Nest with a Queen or an Alpha and most of them disappeared."

"Maybe they're tired of the Viking tribes," Curwood shrugged. "They're persistent, I'll give them that. But at least it's dragons and not the Kaiju Girls."

Jaune could agree with that. When his parents were his age, most of the Kaiju Girls haven't learned how to speak like a human or Faunus and the Great War was still happening. Godzilla caused the most destruction whenever she stumbled on a village or walked through a city out of all of them until she and the other Kaiju Girls got the attention of the Guardian Kaiju.

"Part of me is glad that I'm not too far from home, but working here is boring," Jaune mumbled.

"Hey, this is the easiest duty in the Outer Rim, Arc." Curwood argued. "Try working at Tatooine for a year. Worst assignment ever. Dealing with Hutt crime cartels, uppity farmers, it was hot, the days never seem to end when they should. And then there were the Krayt Dragons."

"Don't those live in caves far away from people?" Jaune asked as he and Marrow turned to the Corporal in surprise.

"Oh yeah, when they're not hungry," he countered. "But if they want a Dewback steak and they see one with a rider passing by. . . "

Both Marrow and Jaune shuddered at the implications. Krayt Dragons were some of the most terrifying creatures either of them had read about.

"That happen to you?" the Dog Faunus asked Curwood.

"My first CO actually," the Corporal elaborated. "Dewback didn't make it but he lived, barely. Was stuck in a Bacta tube for two months. Just managed to save his right arm. Nerves were shot though after that. Not the same man after nearly being eaten alive."

"I can imagine," Jaune remarked.

"Wildlife was the least of our problems." Curwood continued. "Be happy that the Faunus are decent people. The Sand People raids were the worst. Every couple of days they'd hit our patrols on the way to Anchorhead. Vicious things. Hate anything that don't even smell like them. I think they glorify violence. Bunch of freaks. Only good thing was that killing them got us respect from the locals. The point is we're lucky to be on a world where the worst we got to deal with is just creatures of darkness and wild dragons. Especially now, you hear about some of the stuff that's been going on in the other systems?"

Jaune and Marrow had heard. A lot of people were not appreciating the security they had all of a sudden. Jaune hoped things will quiet down soon. The riots he heard about didn't seem to make sense.

"I guess it's nice to know we're not stuck with crowd control." Marrow shrugged. "Killing Grimm and handling dragons is a lot less complicated than angry civvies."

"I hear ya," Curwood agreed. "I didn't join to shoot at pissed off farmers. Another reason I didn't like Tatooine. Had to get rough with some of the local vapor farmers. Not fun at all. Felt like the bad guy. You don't get enjoyment pushing around people just trying to scrape out a living."

As Curwood said this, Jaune noticed dragon tracks in the dirt when his flashlight passed over it. He shined his light at it and showed it to Marrow and Curwood.

"Monstrous Nightmare tracks," he said as they studied the tracks. "Weird to see this many together. Where do you think they headed?"

"No idea, but we may need backup if it's this many dragons," Marrow replied. "Yeah, good idea." concurred Curwood.

But as Jaune went to contact the other patrols, they heard a screech. Instantly, they aimed their weapons towards the sound and heard something moving through the brush. It didn't sound like a swarm but it sure was one big dragon.

"Amin, get ready to use your Semblance." Curwood ordered calmly. "Arc, set to stun. Fire as soon as it comes out of the tree brush."

No sooner than he say that a full grown screeching Terrible Terror ran out of the brush. Jaune felt his eyes bulge in surprise as the little dragon ran toward them. Marrow had raised his hand but paused upon seeing the foot long dragon as did Curwood. It stood on its hind legs and screeched at them, spreading its wings.

"Uh," was all Jaune could say.

The dragon went back to all fours and began to run in circles in front of the three Imperial Troopers, jumping in the air. It looked at them briefly and screeched.

"I. . . think it's trying to tell us something." Curwood stated in bewilderment. Sure enough, the little Terror ran to Jaune and began to tug on his foot with its small little jaws.

"Wait, do you smell that?" Marrow asked suddenly. Jaune and the Corporal paused and sniffed the air. Burning wood. Plant life on fire. Without thinking it through too much, the three troopers went after the smell. If there was a fire, it could endanger the outpost. They knew that they needed to get a visual on it, assess the situation and report it so they could put it out.

And Jaune had a feeling that it would be a big one given that a dragon came to them and was leading them to it.

It wasn't long when they came into a clearing that was filled with the remains of a camp. Jaune found that to be odd. He didn't recall hearing about a camp but he didn't focus on that. The trees around the camp were charred and blackened. The ground covered in soot and ash. There was a fire but it was dying. The foliage was burned beyond recognition.

Then there were the corpses. Both human and dragons. Most had all been crushed as if a giant stepped on them and others were burned alive.

The little Terror flew to the body of another Terrible Terror and nudged it with a sad expression. Jaune his heart clench at the sight.

"Holy. . . what the hell happened?" Curwood asked. "Lightning strike?"

Marrow looked up at the tree line and shook his head. "No, look at the trees. Lightning would come from above not the side and not at this wide a berth." the Dog Faunus said. "It's like someone used a blowtorch. A big one."

"A dragon maybe?" Jaune guessed before the Terror suddenly perked up, seeing something up ahead. Jaune followed its gaze.

Another dragon was lying on the ground. It was larger than the Terror by a large margin. It had dark purple scales, gills on its neck and a spiky frill.

"A Skrill," he said out loud. One of the most dangerous dragons known to humans and Faunus after the Night Fury. The other two Troopers turned to where he was looking as saw the dragon. Jaune slowly walked towards the dragon and saw another important detail. The Skrill had a saddle on its back and that it didn't appear to be injured. Just unconscious.

As Jaune took a few steps forward, the dragon opened its eyes and saw him approaching. Its lips curled and it growled at him. He heard the other Troopers raise their guns but he held his hand up to them. "Wait, look at its wings," he whispered. "It's just protecting something."

He took some slow steps forward and took off his helmet, holding a hand out to the dragon. "It's okay, buddy. Or gal, I don't know." he tried to assure the dragon with a nervous chuckle. "I'm not going to hurt you."

The Skrill looked around the burning camp and at the other Troopers behind Jaune before looking at the Terrible Terror in front of it. The dragon looked at Jaune wearily before slowly unfolding its wings around what it was protecting.

A woman dressed in red and had a large mane of black hair. Jaune walked forward and picked the woman off the ground. He felt for a pulse and looked back to his friends. "She's alive!" he called out.

Suddenly they heard something thumping towards them. It sounded like an AT-AT but bigger, way bigger. Whatever it was, it was getting closer and louder. The trees started to shake and sway with every step, snapping like toothpicks. A low grumbling roar sounded over the horizon. The two dragons and three Stormtroopers looked to where the slowly approaching pounding was coming from, two of them backing away as they did.

Then the clouds parted and moonlight shined down the large silhouette that towered over the trees. A large snout was visible followed by a set of vicious yellow reptilian eyes. They peered down, over three hundred feet above the trees to settle upon the dragons and troopers and gaze upon them from on high.

"Curwood, Marrow," Jaune said nervously, stepping back slowly. "What is. . .?"

"Just run, Arc," the Corporal managed to squeak out while Marrow's tail was between his legs, the Dog Faunus let out a few whimpers. "Just. Run!"

A booming roar broke the silence as the three Stormtroopers and the dragons raced back through the trees. The pounding footsteps followed after them, as did that terrifying roar. They could hear the trees being crushed behind them. Jaune didn't even want to ask what it was that was attacking them. He just wanted to run. Get back to his speeder and get the Hell out of here, warn the outpost! Warn everyone!

The woman in his arms slowly stirred before she opened her eyelids to reveal crimson red eyes. The Skrill roared as it ran beside them. The woman reached her hand to the dragon and Jaune paused to let her down and she made her way to the dragon's saddle.

As they were running, Curwood tripped on an outlying root. Jaune turned back towards the Corporal who reached out with his hand but before he could say a word, the crack of a tree cut through the air before the tree collapsed to the ground, trapping Curwood beneath its branches and rocks on the ground.

"Go! Just go!" He called out. "I can get out of this!"

Jaune nodded and kept running, the monster was still getting closer. He wanted to go back and help his fellow soldier out but all he kept thinking about were those eyes staring right at him from a thousand feet in the air. He ran to his speeder with Marrow when they heard a terrible scream followed by a stomp of the giant monster's foot.

"Curwood!" He called back, but he knew it was too late.

He could see the trees shaking as the creature approached. He fired into the them with his rifle, knowing it was futile, but angry all the same. This thing had just killed not just his superior officer but a friend. A friend he had left behind. He ignored Marrow calling to him before the Terrible Terror jumped onto his head and pulled on his hair, flapping its wings as if trying to carry Jaune by itself and then the roar came again.

Regaining his senses, Jaune stopped firing and jumped onto his speeder. Pushing down the throttle as he could, he and Marrow raced away into the darkness with the dragon rider flying beside them as the pounding gigantic feet stomped after them.

Raven Branwen liked to think that she was a person that wasn't easily scared. That she has stared into Death's face and spat at it more than once in her life because she's strong enough to do what she had to do to survive. But today, she was scared sh*tless. Completely. She doesn't fully know what had attacked her Tribe's camp in the middle of the night but what she does know is that she couldn't drive it off with the full power of Spring combined with the power of her Skrill companion.

This was one fight she now knew that she couldn't win. She looked back and saw the same burning yellow eyes glaring back at her. She had thought that the eyes of the Grimm Queen had unnerved her but those yellow eyes will haunt her nightmares along with the monster's roar.

The Watchtower lookout Trooper grabbed his gun and went to the edge of the wooden platform within his treetop hide-away. He spotted the two lone Speeder bikes and dragon rider (Wait, what?) screaming like madmen at the top of their longs. "IT'S COMING! IT'S COMING! BATTLE STATIONS!" they yelled. "BATTLE STATIONS!"

Before long, the entire outpost was moving up towards the edge of the cleared forest line. The lookout turned on his radio as the alarm got triggered.

"Unidentified creature approaching camp at rapid speed,"someone chirped in his ear."All troopers repel creature from perimeter. Hit it with heavy arms, sounds like a big one."

With that, the watchtower trooper grabbed his missile launcher and aimed at the trees, watching the troopers taking positions near the trees. Then he watched as a blue beam of flames shot out from above the trees and incinerated the entire group of defenders. The watch out trooper was knocked off his feet from the shockwave of the blast. He quickly got back up and raised his missile launcher. He saw something moving in the smoke and fired. There was an explosion followed by a low grumble. At the corner of his eye, he saw the Earth and Fire Bender division launch their element attacks in a combination of Earth and Fire.

As the Stormtrooper stared, something passed through the smoke. A huge snout, two yellow piercing eyes, dark grey reptilian scales and a snarling maw filled with large teeth. It stared at the trooper, smoke billowing about its head and from its mouth. In utter shock, the hardened Imperial soldier dropped his rocket launcher at his feet. He couldn't even bring himself to speak as the monster bore a hateful expression towards him.

The creature let out a terrifying, earth shattering roar in anger and then repaid the trooper for his earlier transgression. A blast of blue light shot out of the beast's mouth and engulfed the man, the lookout platform and the entire treetop. He only felt a brief but painful burning sensation as his life ended.

Below him, the entire outpost burned, along with every Stormtrooper still within. The only sound that could be heard for miles was their agony and when it died, all that remained was the ear splitting, earth shattering roar of the monster that had delivered them unto oblivion.


Godzilla now stood over the destruction, watching the fires consume his prey. He had destroyed them utterly, as he had others before. They were the first of this new world to know the King's wrath, but they would not be the last. He now knew he had a new enemy, much like those that sent him here to begin with. So alike, yet different. The magic wielding woman was proof of that. She was powerful but she was no Ancient One nor like that of Dr. Fate, Constantine, Wanda, Zatana and Strange.

They had shared many qualities, arrogance and pride among them. Their weapons were more potent but they were nothing compared to Stark Tech. No matter, they would not be enough to quiet his rage. He would see them all burn nonetheless. Every last one of them if these new humans don't learn their place.

"Let's try a focusing exercise," Kannan said to Ezra. "To help you get a feel for the world around you. Should help heighten your senses."

Ezra nodded and the two began the next exercise, both getting into a meditation stance together.

"Okay, now remember how you found the temple on Lothal and me on that Star Destroyer?" Kannan asked. "We're going to try something similar. I want you to focus your thoughts on everything else outside this room. See if you can see what the others are doing"

"Isn't that an invasion of privacy?" Ezra asked. "That hardly exists on this ship." Kannan replied dismissively. "Now focus."

Ezra did his best to do so. "I can see Zeb in the cargo hold. . . He's looking over the boxes we have the weapons hidden in."

"Good," Kannan nodded. "What about Chopper?"

Ezra's brow furrowed. "I think he's in my room. . . Oh, that little rust bucket! He's putting something in my cadet helmet!"

"You can clean it out later, stay focus." Kannan insisted, stopping the boy from leaving. "Find Sabine."

Ezra huffed before relaxing a bit. "She's in the nose turret, gazing into hyperspace I think, and taking down notes for inspiration." he reasoned after a moment. "And she feels at ease."

"That's good. Your ability to sense the emotions and feelings of others is a useful tool," Kannan said encouragingly. "Now check on Hera. Gauge how she feels."

". . . She feels reserved, focused and maybe a bit concerned," Ezra replied slowly. "About the mission maybe. And about us too. About what we got into."

"That's Hera alright," Kannan smiled a bit before focusing on the lesson. "In time, this will become a passive ability. The best Jedi Knights can nearly instantly sense the thoughts and feelings of those around them. If you hone and practice your abilities, you'll be able to read those around and even determine their intentions and actions."

"Really?" Ezra asked, sounding a bit excited.

"Well, it requires a lot of focus, and it won't be easy." Kannan warned. "It can be straining and even the Masters had difficulties with it. Most of the time you'll just get inklings. Feelings from the Force itself. Like the feelings you had when you sensed I was still alive when the Inquisitor caught me. It's best if you-"

Suddenly he felt something from Ezra. A great surge of something powerful. There was the briefest of flashes in his head. Fire and darkness and some kind of faint terrible screeching noise and then nothing. Violently kicked out of his meditation, Kannan found himself panting beside Ezra who was holding his own head in pain.

"What did you do?" Kannan asked in concern for his apprentice.

"I-I just tried to sense outside the ship a bit," Ezra stuttered. "Like the end of the hyperspace jump. But then I saw something."

"Yeah, I got a glimpse of it," Kannan admitted. "You were probably able to reach that far because we were sharing the meditative state together. Did you hear that screech too?"

"I don't think it was a screech, more like a roar. A weird one." elaborated Ezra. "It's hard to describe. I think I saw some kind of weird golden eye too. Very vicious looking, angry."

Kannan's expression became thoughtful as he thought of what Ezra had saw in the vision. "It might have been the Zillo Beast and the Kaiju Girls of Remnant. If that's the case, Ahsoka's source about this project is at least accurate." He got to his feet and helped Ezra up.

"Try not to do that again, okay?" he asked in a warning tone. "You're not ready for that level of sensing with the Force."

"Okay, I just wanted to see how far I could go," relented Ezra. "Well, next time we'll do it together." Kannan promised, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder. "I'm here to help you learn after all."

As Ezra smiled at his teacher, Hera's voice cut through on the intercom."Alright crew, we'll be exiting hyperspace in less than two minutes."she said."Everyone, get ready."

"Well, time to go monster hunting," Ezra said with a grin.

"I guess so," Kannan shrugged. "Let's head to the co*ckpit. Remnant awaits."

Atlas Academy, The Kingdom of Atlas

Tuesday, November 11th, 2023

1000 hours

"I think Lord Vader was duly impressed with our operations; wouldn't you say Specialist Schnee?" General Ironwood asked as they overlooked the academy from the General's office.

"That's a difficult assessment to make, sir." Winter argued. "Lord Vader isn't exactly outward in his emotional appearance."

"True, but he did complement our defense placements and noted how disciplined our men were," Ironwood noted. "If nothing else, he knows how truly secured this project and this planet is. Usually when Vader shows up, he takes full command and puts his 501st in charge. Here, he's letting us retain command and holding his personal troopers at bay. That's very rare and suggests that he has some confidence in us."

Ironwood's confidence was contrasted by Winter's skepticism. She was not convinced that they had won Vader's approval or the other High Generals. If anything, she was even more cautious than ever.

"That could just be because he doesn't think he needs to step in at this stage regarding security," she warned the General. "He could still be disappointed if we don't meet that four-day deadline of his for the test run. In which we have already lost twelve hours on since they arrived last night."

"No need to worry, Winter." Ironwood assured her. "I made my choice for a testing area before I went to sleep last night. I've already ordered several patrols to begin construction of a fake village for our "City in Chaos" scenario. It should be finished before the deadline ends, so long Vader and the others don't decide to push it up again."

"I suppose it's all in the hands of our scientists now," Winter replied, sounding a little sad. "They just keep getting more pressure put on them, don't they?"

"If they and Overseer Schnee had been faster and more efficient in their respective jobs, you would all be done." a young and cold voice said behind them. Turning around, Winter and Ironwood saw Princess Azula standing behind them.

"Forgive my bluntness, Princess Azula, but that isn't fair," Winter replied. "This isn't our scientist's normal field. Especially for Drs. Stockman, Polendina and Serizawa. Noneof them are experienced in cloning and they have been doing their best."

"If you say so," the Fire Nation Princess shrugged impassively. Suddenly the door opened behind Azula and an Atlassian soldier ran in with a data pad. He paused briefly and glanced at Azula before turning to Ironwood.

"Sir, we got a message from the outpost at Dragonstone in the Westeros Kingdoms," the soldier said urgently to the General. "A dragon has left its nest and flew out of the borders of Westeros Kingdoms."

Azula raised an eyebrow in mild interest upon the mention of dragon while Ironwood and Winter stiffened. "Which dragon is it?" Ironwood asked, pulling out his Scroll.

"The Cannibal."

The Ghost exited Hyperspace and approached Remnant. The first thing anyone in the co*ckpit had noticed was the Decepticon warship and the small fleet of Star Destroyers. It would certainly make anyone pause. But not the Ghost crew.

"You would think people would take notice with all the Imperial ships flying about," Sabine stated.

There were some people that probably were,Hera thought,but too afraid to ask questions.

Sienna and Hakoda contacted one of the Star Destroyer admirals and sent their registration number for Remnant. They were shortly allowed passage to Remnant but under the condition to be escorted by two TIE pilots.

"Well, at least we're past the Star Destroyers." Ezra remarked as the Ghost entered Remnant's atmosphere. "But how are we going to ditch these guys?"

"We can't shoot them down," Hakoda admitted. "The higher ups would be bound to notice a missing patrol."

"I got an idea," Hera replied before turning to their droid. "Chopper, hack their frequency."

The old droid blurped and grunted as he carried out the command. When it was done, Chopper let out a 'whoop whoop.'

"You gotta showboat for everything, don't ya?" Zeb grumbled with a eye roll. The droid responded with dismissal blurps.

"Quiet, you two," Here ordered. "Trying to hear." She turned up the volume on the comm and heard the TIE pilots chatting away. It was small talk, nothing useful. At first. The conversation suddenly took a different turn.

"Is this right?" the first pilot asked. "GC52? Grimm Country? Why'd they get moved up on the list?"

"Mission report says we need to verify their status while we're there." The second pilot explained. "Apparently they didn't check in this morning."

"So we're playing alarm clock because of a bunch of lazy Troopers?" The first pilot groaned. "Honestly, it's like they're making me hate this job."

"Orders are orders," the other pilot said in a scolding tone. "Look, we can radio them as we fly by. Call it in, get this civvie vessel to the city and get back to the Destroyer. We won't have to land."

This piqued everyone's interest a bit.

"We could use this as a distraction." Kannan suggested. "While they're checking in with the outpost, we can slip away. Jam their frequencies so that they land for repairs and we leave without them."

"That could work," Sienna mused. "We should hope that you'll be able to outrun them once we make our move."

However, a few minutes later they learned why the unresponsive outpost was unresponsive. It looked less like an Imperial outpost and more like a giant smoldering heap of burned trees and smoking craters. There was practically nothing left but the charred remains of buildings and a few bodies of what were once Stormtroopers.

"Uh, I think we may need to rethink the plan, Fearless Leaders," Sabine stated, disturbed by what she was saying. She wasn't the only one.

"I guess we know why they didn't check in," Ezra remarked as he looked out the co*ckpit window. "What happened?"

"I'll tell you," Zeb said grimly. "They got massacred, that's what."

Hakoda and Sienna shared a look. "A dragon?" the Water Tribe Chief asked.

"Big enough to do this? In Mistral? Unlikely," the Tiger Faunus replied. "And most giant Grimm are dead," she added. "Could be a Kaiju Girl."

Hera shook off her shock and flicked the comm back on. From the sounds of it, the pilots were just as bewildered as the Ghost Crew was.

"What in the Hell happened here?" One of them exclaimed. "A dragon?"

"Not sure, but whatever it was, it was big and it hit hard." the second pilot replied coolly. "Hey, look down there! Two o'clock!"

Kannan and the others followed his word and saw two Stormtroopers standing next to a dragon the size of a speeder bike and a woman, one of them was waving their arms at the aircraft. But Ezra saw something else.

A large footprint big as the Ghost less than fifty meters away from the survivors. It had four claws. Something in his gut, or maybe the Force told Ezra that wasn't a good thing. And for some reason he felt cold.

"Survivors!" The first pilot exclaimed. "Radio the civvie vessel! They could take them to the Animan Airfield Base for immediate medical attention."

"Right, we can't take them on our TIEs." The second pilot muttered to himself before contacting the Ghost. "We'll secure the area. Prepare your ship for retrieving potentially injured survivors."

The crew looked among themselves, unsure of what to do. They could use this as an chance to escape but at the same time they were curious about what happened.

"Copy that," Hera responded before turning off the radio and turning to the others. "We're going to work fast when we get on the ground. Things will get complicated if we get carted off to their airbase."

"Don't worry, I got an idea," Kannan assured her before turning to his Padawan and Mandalorian. "Sabine, Ezra, you two up for a little stealth?"

Ezra smirked a little while Sabine slipped her helmet on. "Was waiting for you to ask," the Mandalorian said with glee.

The TIEs got out of their fighters. One began to look around the area while the other went over to the survivors and the dragon. Or dragons, it seemed with a small dragon the size of an iguana in the hands of one of the troopers.

Ezra and Sabine sneaked out of the Ghost's airlock and stealthily made their way to the smoldering remains of the outpost's buildings.

"Alright, I'll get in position and you stun the first two guys. I'll take out the third guy." Sabine said.

"But what about the woman and the dragon?" Ezra asked.

"Didn't you communicate with animals once?" Sabine asked in return. Ezra shrugged in response. "Okay, easy enough. But not much cover though. Whatever wrecked this place didn't leave much."

"Just stay low to the ground," Sabine told him. "Shouldn't be too hard for you, Shorty."

Ezra would've said something but decided to keep quiet to avoid detection. The two split up in different directions, making sure to stay as quiet as possible.

The survivors started collapsing to the ground. The large dragon eyed the pilots wearily and wrapping its tail around the woman that seemed to be struggling to stay awake.

"Easy now, dragon." One wingman said, holding a hand up. "We're here to help."

"Summer. . ." the woman panted. ". . . Her name is Summer."

The other wingman held his Scroll before speaking to his fellow pilot. "Sir, I'm a large radiation reading. Like a fallout."

Well, that didn't sound good,Ezra thought before he rolled across the ground to what was left of a charred stump. The little dragon and one of the pilots turned to his direction before the other wingman called out. "Hey, I found something."

When Ezra peeked over the stump he saw the pilot that spoke holding a large insect with a ribbed shell.

"The Heck is that?" the wingman asked. The lead pilot shrugged. "No idea. Not like any bug I've ever seen. Looks more like a crab. But that's impossible. We're miles from the inland sea. Found it in some ditch."

The wingman turned to the woman. "Ma'am, can you tell us what attacked this place?"

"I-I'm not sure." she said, looking around fearfully. "I think it's a new Kaiju Girl or a large Class 10 dragon."

"Kriff," the lead pilot cursed. "We need to report this straight away then."

Unfortunately, they weren't going to. As the wingman went to pick up one of the unconscious Scout Troopers, Ezra saw Sabine nearby nodding her head to him. The Jedi Padawan nodded back and pulled out his stun blaster. He stepped out of his cover and fired at the wingman. The TIE pilot took the stun blast to the back and fell to his side. As the lead pilot looked to his downed partner, Sabin stunned him as well.

The Terrible Terror and the Skrill, Summer, jumped in surprise as the woman tried rising to her feet as the Mandalorian and the Jedi Padawan walked up to them. The two dragons growled. Summer wrapped her tail around her rider while the little Terror stood on one of the unconscious Scout Troopers' chest and hissed at the rebels.

Ezra held his hand up. "Easy, we're not going to hurt you." he said reassuringly. He reached out to the dragon's mind with the Force. The dragon growled at the Jedi Padawan, baring its teeth at him.

"Rebels," the woman stated tiredly. She sighed heavily. "Great . . . This is going to be a long day." Then she fell to the ground. The dragon stopped growling and looked down at her with a concerned expression.

Ezra blinked and looked to Sabine. ". . . So, what do we do with them?" he asked her.

"Well, they don't look like they can cause trouble." she shrugged. "Go get Zeb, I'll keep an eye on them."

Zeb carted the unconscious pair of pilots over to a stump and tied them up. He then brought the Scout Troopers to the center where everyone else gathered near the TIE fighters. Chopper had already placed himself inside the fighter and connected to its data computer.

As they waited for the droid to find the airbase, they turned to the curious case of the shell shocked Scout Troopers and Dragon rider with the bizarre crab creature. Sabine and Hakoda stared at the weird little insect-crab thing, trying to place it in their minds. The Terrible Terror sat on the blonde Scout Trooper's chest and curled up like a cat.

The Skrill stood close to its rider and growled at the Rebels every now and then.

"No clue," Sabine declared as Hakoda shook his head. "Nothing from my zoology books I can remember."

"And nothing I remember seeing as a sailor." Hakoda added. "It looks like it came from the ocean though. No idea how it got here."

Ezra and Kannan walked over to the footprint (Or ditch as one of the pilots saw it.) and studied it with Sienna.

"Do you think the Zillo Beast did this?" Ezra asked.

Kannan shook his head. "No. The Empire wouldn't have tested it out on their own people. They wouldn't kill their own soldiers like this." he replied.

"Could be a Kaiju Girl," Sienna murmured as she knelt down, her tiger ears flicking as she sniffed the air deeply. "A new species that just woke up. Humans and Faunus tend to stumble on a sleeping Kaiju Girl, and she wouldn't take kindly to her beauty sleep being interrupted."

"This could put a wrinkle in things," Kannan summarized. "Then again, if it just bothers the Empire or sticks to the woods, we should be fine."

Should was the operative word. Even Kannan wasn't sure they'd be that lucky. He was uneasy about this situation, everyone was. Maybe it was the fact that an animal, no matter how big didn't tend to attack humans. Maybe it was the giant footprint in the mud suggested that something comparable to a Zillo Beast running around. Or it was that brief vision he saw with Ezra back when the Ghost was still in hyperspace. Whatever the reason, Kannan knew he didn't like it. Not one bit. Something was wrong and it wasn't the Imperials.

Zeb looked to the shell-shocked Stormtroopers, one of them babbling about a fire monster. "What do we do with them?" the Lasat asked the group. "Leave them with the pilots?"

"We could use them," Hakoda suggested. "We just need your droid to find the airbase's location and radio frequency. Then we can figure out our next move."

It was right as the Water Tribe chief said this that Chopper let out self-congratulatory whoops from within the TIE fighter. Zeb climbed up to the top of the craft and looked inside. "So we got what we need, I assume?" he asked. The droid let out a string of happy sounding chirps and whirs in response and Zeb grinned.

"Great. Means we won't have to wait long to bash some Bucket heads in." he stated happily. "Hopefully we beat whatever this Fire Monster is to the punch this time."

Ezra opened his mouth say something in agreement before he heard something. It sound close to a wingbeat. A really large wingbeat. The Skrill and the Terrible Terror looked up to the sky and their expressions became fearful. Confused, Ezra turned to where they were looking.

Sienna and Hakoda had told them about Remnant's dragons. Those from the Viking archipelago came in all shapes and sizes while those from the Kingdoms of Westeros grew the more they aged. The dragon Ezra saw now was gigantic! It looked big enough to perch on a Star Destroyer.

Sabine looked and saw the dragon. "Dank farik!" she exclaimed, getting the rest of the crew's attention. The dragon blocked out the sun as it flew over them. Its large head looked down and its eyes narrowed as it circled the ruined outpost and landed next to the footprint. It sniffed the impression twice before growling.

The dragon rose to its full height and roared before flying up to the sky and out of view.




"That. . . was a big dragon," Zeb said. Slowly, Sienna nodded in agreement. "You don't see them that big these days," she concurred.

This world had a shattered moon.








Godzilla noticed that an hour after he woke up. How were the shattered pieces still floating, Godzilla had no clue. How that happened, Godzilla had a feeling that it wasn't humans using a nuclear bomb. Or it wasn't from a meteor. If anything, it was like a giant laser beam hit the moon.

This world was also home to black creatures that remind him of the demons from Hell. Such a creature had attacked him. It was a giant snake with two heads. Godzilla knew such snakes with two heads existed, but this was strange. Its second head was where the tail was instead of sprouting out of the neck. Part of the Kaiju was confused to how did that snake digest food exactly? Did one head eat the food and the other head puked it out? If that was the case, Godzilla hoped that head didn't bite him.

He had held the snake in his hands until he decided that it was annoying when it kept trying to sink its fangs into his scaly skin. He killed one head and simply dropped it. He got about five steps before the snake bit his tail. The Gojiran proceeded to grant the black snake's death wish.

And then the snake turned to ash and dust. Well, that was strange.

Then Godzilla found a giant black scorpion with boney white armor and red eyes with a yellow stinger. Only difference was, Godzilla didn't see it until he stepped on it. That too turned to dust.

One would question why Godzilla was taking this all in easily, but the superheroes would know better. And some villains would too, if I think about it. Godzilla had seen a lot of sh*t that he was used to it at this point as some of the heroes would say. And it was true. He had been in Hell, Apokolips, Titan and a bunch of other planets, seen all they had to offer. Being sent to a world where the moon was shattered and home to strange black creatures wasn't fazing him any time soon.

Though Godzilla would later admit that he was a little surprised when he saw a large dragon flying towards him with murderous intent.

It wasn't the murderous aura he sensed that surprised him but the fact that it was a dragon. Most of the dragons he had fought were not of earth (A certain golden hydra is a prime example.) and very few dragons existed on Earth when he killed the Olympian gods.

The dragon roared as it landed a few feet away from him, spreading its wings in an intimidating manner. Apparently the Cannibal was the Alpha of the area and wanted Godzilla to either leave to the Isle of Kaiju or get ready to fight.

The Isle of Kaiju?he repeated mentally. That name sounded familiar but not important at the moment. He growled to the dragon that he will do as he wish but he does not wish to fight.

There are few things Godzilla would respect the humans for. One thing was their sayings, "Respect the Elders" and "Beware the Old Man in the profession where people die young." It was two of the few sayings that Godzilla would take to heart should the situation call for it. For example, he would not go out of his way to kill an older Kaiju. For they had lived through a lot and survived. Depending on their personality, Godzilla would let them die peacefully.

The dragon before him was old. Not as old as Godzilla but as old as King Cesar, a Kaiju he held some respect. And he will give that same respect to the Cannibal.

The Cannibal hissed at him, giving him two choices. Leave or fight. Godzilla narrowed his eyes. He growled, asking if this fight is what the Cannibal really wanted.

The Cannibal blasted fire into the sky in response. Godzilla snorted before banging his fists together and co*cking his fists like Henry Cavil from Mission Impossible: Fallout then the Saurian Kaiju roared at the Kaiju sized dragon.

The Cannibal responded in kind with his own roar before the two giants charged to one another and collided. The dragon jumped into the air and dug his talons into the Kaiju's sides while biting his shoulder.

Godzilla cried out in mild pain before punching the Cannibal in the chest and stomach. The first three punches, the dragon brushed off. The five punches after, he started feel pain until he was knocked off Godzilla.

The Cannibal fell on his back briefly before he raised his head back up and blasted Godzilla in the face. Godzilla roared in response as his upper body disappeared in the fiery inferno. The Cannibal kept up the heat, so to speak, for thirty seconds before Godzilla's tail swung into view and collided with his face.

The dragon recoiled before he rose into the air with a flap of his 623 feet wingspan. He then fired at Godzilla again. The Kaiju let out another roar as he tried to shield his face with his arms. He could feel his skin burning from the intense heat. The fire kept up for more than sixty seconds before it stopped.

The upper part of Godzilla's body was charred, covered with burns and the right side of his face was burned. The Cannibal lunged like viper and sank his teeth into Godzilla's throat. He clamped tightly on the Kaiju's jugular before pulling back and ripping a large chunk of flesh from the wound. Large fountains of blood squirted out of Godzilla's throat as the Kaiju stumbled before falling to the ground with a heavyTHUD!

As the Gojiran bled out, the Cannibal landed on the ground and waited for Godzilla to go still. He nudged the Kaiju once before he roared to the sky in victory, blood running down his chin before he began to fly away.

He was hardly even a quarter of a mile away from Godzilla when the burns all over his body healed and the flesh of his face grew back and the wound on his neck began to close in a instant. Godzilla's yellow eyes snapped open and he growled as he rose back to his feet and roared to the dragon. Translation: Is that all you got?

The Cannibal was initially surprised that Godzilla had rapid regeneration like so but he quickly formed an new strategy. Burn the Kaiju's head off. If there was one thing the Cannibal had learned in his long life was that there was no living creature that could grow their head back.

Back in Godzilla's home world, quiet a few mutants and other people felt like they had the urge to prove their regeneration abilities for some unknown reason.

Back in Remnant, Godzilla turned away partly from the Cannibal as the dragon blasted his left side with fire. Unbeknownst to the dragon, Godzilla co*cked his fist back and waited until the dragon was close enough and punched him straight in the jaw, a handful of teeth and dragon blood flew through the air as the Cannibal landed on the ground.

Godzilla snorted as he placed a foot on the large dragon's back. He leaned forward and let out a roar of dominance to the Cannibal and told him two things. One, he could stand down, leave and let the Gojiran pass. Or he could continue fighting and he will die and his body will feed the vultures and other scavengers for weeks if not months.

The Cannibal looked up with a growl before his eyes narrowed in consideration. After a long moment, Kaiju and Dragon stared at one another before the latter made his choice.

Stormtroopers that were stationed on Remnant felt two things after a year. Relief that they didn't deal with Rebels as frequently as the other planets or grubby colonist. Or annoyed now that the Creatures of Grimm were now considered extinct. That wasn't as fun as it should have been, not when you had a supply of AT-ST walkers and blaster rifles at the ready. There were casualties but they were few and far in between now days. The only thing you look forward to was the dragons migrating to their nesting grounds and the tournaments at the Kingdoms of Westeros.

Again, not the most interesting assignment you could get. After all, you had all the firepower in the galaxy but not anything to really use it on. When you joined the Imperial Academy, they promised you excitement and adventure. They said nothing about being glorified security guards at the resource gathering facilities, power plants, Dust Mines, and the science lab that only General Ironwood's division had access to.

Still, Remnant was a vital component to Imperial operations now, so you could at least feel like you were doing an important job.

To one old soldier here in Anima though, it just felt like the end of the line. CT-3251 or Caine had been one of the first to be stationed on Remnant. It wasn't because he was a skilled soldier though, it was because he didn't have anywhere else to go. He didn't have much of a place in the army anymore, hadn't for a while. He just sat in his usual place in the Communications uplink station for the Animan Airbase, minding the commlink terminal as he always did. It was all anyone thought he was good for now. At least he had the other Comm Operators to keep him company.

"Anything going on out there in the Boiling Rock, fellas?" Caine asked hopefully over the line.

"All quiet here, Caine,"The comm replied back."Sorry."

"No, it's okay, Lee." Caine reassured him sadly. "Just, you know, trying to keep entertained."

"I hear ya, old man, I hear ya,"Lee replied."If you want, you can tell me one of your old war stories. I know some guys and gals here, they can listen too. They were asking me about the Separatist's attack on Kamino's cloning facility. You tell the story better than me."

"No, it's okay, Lee. I'm not in the story telling mood," Caine sadly relented. "Maybe another time."

"Alright, you take care of yourself,"Lee replied back.

Caine didn't like blowing off his fellow operators like that, but story telling just made him feel nostalgic and nostalgia made him feel old. Caine didn't like feeling old. It was ironic given that he was only in his early thirties by galactic standards. That was his age, not his body. The consequences of accelerated growth.

If it wasn't clear, Caine was a Clone Trooper. One of the last, he'd wager. He was a piece of a greater whole, that of the late infamous Bounty Hunter, Jango Fett. In his prime, Caine had been the tip of the spear, a member of the Grand Army of the Republic. An army manufactured in a lab meant to safeguard and protect the Republic. He had taken part in many battles that made up the Clone Wars.

That was then though, that was the Republic. This was the Empire now and they didn't need him anymore. Not unless it had something to do with the commlink terminal, which was all they felt he was good for. He didn't complain though, considering the other Clones were stuck doing mine work. At least this wasn't a job that was slowly killing him and he didn't worry about getting shot at. Everyone was more or less nice to him. Everyone here respected his veteran status and he appreciated that. They were probably the only people left in the Galaxy who even cared about an old Clone Trooper.

He didn't really appreciate that they would ask questions about the war though. There were times that he felt like telling them stories but not always. Some of the stories he just wanted to forget, especially one in particular he wished to forget all together.

At lunch he sat pondering when a Fire Nation General, Iroh, and his Commanding Officer Smith came to sit with him.

"Quiet day as usual?" Smith asked as Iroh poured some jasmine tea for the three of them.

"Dreadfully so I'm afraid." Caine replied. He sipped his tea before turning to the Fire Nation General. "How goes the search for the Avatar with your nephew?" he asked.

"About the same as you can expect for looking for a person last seen a hundred years ago," Iroh responded. "My nephew thinks we can find him in the South Pole. So I'd be seeing snow and ice for a while soon."

"He still believes that the Avatar is a Airbender?" Caine asked with a raised eyebrow getting a nod.

"It's a shame. Your nephew's got skills that look better serving the army than searching for a dead person." Smith stated. "Or if he still wants to look for a threat to the Fire Nation, he should start looking for the Blue Spirit."

"Please, Commander. The Blue Spirit is merely a myth." Iroh waved his hand dismissively.

"Tell that to Zhao," Smith retorted. "Now, to tell you the truth, I would give anything to be anywhere else. I'd rather be on Ryloth, where there's some real action. It's a waste of good pilots guarding this planet. If we were over there, the tail-heads wouldn't be so uppity."

Caine just shifted in his seat slightly. Smith caught himself. "Oh, Sorry, Caine," he apologized. "I know I promised not to bring up any places you were at on duty."

"It's fine, sir." Caine dismissed. "If I held you to that, you wouldn't be able to mention a ton of planets. I'm old, I'll deal with it."

Smith still apologized though. Iroh smiled. "It is appreciated that you have tea with me, you two."

"Hey don't mention it." Smith assured him. "Least I could do for a couple of old war heroes."

Caine laughed a little. "I wouldn't myself that. I didn't do all that much, to be honest."

"And I share the same sentiment," Iroh added. "Hey, you two have done way more than me, that's something." Smith said to them graciously. "I join up, I end up stuck in communications, listen to other people fight. Hell, I don't even get that pleasure anymore now that I think about it. I'm stuck here, making sure the TIE patrols are ordered, on time and efficient as per General 'Paranoid' Ironwood demands. Busy and boring work, pointless. But you two, you both fought in real battles. At least you made a difference out there, I never got that chance." he shrugs. "Probably never will."

"Hey, if these riots I hear about keep up, maybe you will get a chance," Caine suggested with a reassuring smile.

"Please," Smith scoffed, shaking his head. "These so-called uprisings never last long. They complain, smash some private property and then we capture some and try them for treason and then we move on. This is all going to blow over in a week, you'll see."

Smith leans back in his seat. "That's why everyone here appreciates you both more than anywhere planet side and otherwise," he continued. "You, Iroh, have won countless battles for the Fire Nation during the 100 year war and came close to conquering Ba Sing Se. Same for you, Caine. The guys on the Star Destroyers and other higher ups like Zhao look down on you Clones as relics, but us field guys know the truth. None of us would be here without you. Especially when we remember what you did. You put down the first Rebellion against the Empire, the very day it started. You were there and you made a difference."

Yeah, a difference. . . he made a difference alright.

That was what he was reminded of when he thought back to that day. When they gathered on Coruscant, marched up the steps and entered the Jedi Temple. Operation: Knightfall, they called it. The end of an era.

For thousands of years, the Jedi had been the Republic's sworn protectors. Then, in less than a few hours, they were nothing but a memory. A memory Cain had tried so hard to bury deep inside, because he hated thinking about it. He had fought with Jedi, battle alongside them.

They were heroes, he respected them and revered them. Then all of sudden that changed. Like the rest of the 501st, Caine had followed orders unquestioningly. In fact, he didn't feel regret, sadness or even a sense of anger at the Jedi's betrayal. When the order came down, it was like a switch was flipped. He felt nothing when it happened and nothing when it was over. That was what disturbed him the most. It wasn't that he followed the order that made him kill the people he and the Clones respected without batting an eye but the fact he felt nothing. It was just a mission, one he was compelled to do, because he needed to do it, had to do it. That was all. He couldn't explain to himself why it had been so easy.

He could still remember the looks on the Jedi he had gunned down. The shock. The confusion. The betrayal. They were good fighters, but they couldn't match the 501st and they were caught off guard, unable to comprehend what was happening. The whole operation was completely textbook. Yet the images that lingered still bothered Caine. Especially the young Jedi. The Padawans and younglings. Did they really have to be slaughtered? He had wondered. Surely not all of them had been involved with the Coup. Thing was though, he had asked those questions after it was all said and done, not during. And he didn't know why.

Before Caine could speak, the commlink came to life."This is TIE Flight JY75."a voice said."We are requesting permission to land. We have a couple of wounded troopers and a Dragon Rider civviegoing through some major shock. They were attacked by a wild dragon. CO requested I bring them in for medical treatment."

Smith snorted in response. "I really don't like dragons these days." he muttered. "Ah well, waved the guy in."

Caine nodded and replied to the pilot. "Bring him in, JY75. We'll get a shuttle ready to take him up to a Star Destroyer."

"Copy that."

Well it wasn't much but Caine was glad that something interesting was happening. Maybe today wouldn't be that boring after all.

The plan was working so far. Kannan, dressed as a TIE pilot, climbed out and helped get the Scout Troopers and the Dragon Rider out. The Skrill growled at him from where she stood. "Relax, I'm one of the good guys," he said getting a narrowed eyed expression in response. Other Imps showed up and escorted the poor soldiers and woman to the medical bay while Kannan was escorted to the main building.

"Okay, he's in," Hera said to the others while watching the Jedi Knight with her macro binoculars.

"Okay, how long until he gets the perimeter sensors shut off?" Zeb asked impatiently.

"Give him time, it's not like he has clearance." Hakoda said in a cautious tone. "Just be ready when he transmits. If we want to take out the tower and the TIEs on the ground, we need to be fast."

After a moment of silence near the tree line, Ezra spoke up. "How long do you think it will be when the Empire figures out something's up?"

"I give them ten minutes until they realize the perimeters got shut off," Sabin replied. "They'll start scouring the base once they suspect something."

"So stay together and follow my lead," Hera said. "Plant the charges on the fuel lines for the TIEs and book it to the tower. Chopper will fly the Phantom in and we'll set everything off all at once. While the place is burning, we get out and hope it will take them awhile for them to figure things out."

"Long enough for us to get to where the Orbital Gun is," Zeb added with a chuckle. "It won't take them long to know we're here when this goes down."

No, it won't,Hera agreed in her mind. But without the tower it will take a while for the Imps to report it. Right now, it all depends on Kannan getting into the tower without getting noticed.

Speaking of Kannan, he had sneaked into a room without being noticed. While the Imps were busy watching their viewscreens, Kannan moved over to a computer port and planted a wireless connection device inside the port. He tapped his commlink. "Chopper, you're in. Make it fast will ya?"

Chopper let out an annoyed noise in response but did his job. After a moment, the Jedi Knight took a look at the technical readout and saw that the perimeter sensors were deactivated. He then contacted Hera.

"Specter 2, you're in." He said. "See you at the tower."

Just as he walked out the door, he came face to face with an officer. The guy didn't look pleased to see a pilot come out of a room he shouldn't. Kannan did his best to remain calm.

"What are you doing in here?" he demanded. "Where's your authorization pass?"

"I don't need one," Kannan replied as he waved his hand. "I was here on your orders."

"You were here on my orders," the Officer repeated in a monotone.

"I was checking the records for my squad." Kannan said. "Everything's in the clear. I can move along now."

"Everything is clear then," the Officer monotoned. "Move along."

Kannan then walked past the complacent officer and moved down the hall. That was a close one. Thankfully, most Imperial officers didn't have strong minds. But there was no guarantee that he'd get lucky again. He needs to get to the tower as quickly as possible or his cover could get blown.

"Alright, that's where most of the fuel is," Hera said behind Ezra as they peeked around a corner. "We blow that up along with setting some charges on the TIEs themselves, we should be good."

"Look for the bombers," Sabine suggested from where she stood with Sienna and Zeb. She pulled out explosives from her pack and handed them to the others. "They should either be already loaded up or have their munitions nearby. That would make a nice fireball."

"Focus, Mandalorian," Sienna said. "Plant the charges, and get to the tower. Do not get spotted or every Trooper will be down here and gunning for us."

As they entered the first hangar, Ezra and Hera instantly spotted two TIEs sitting nearby. Crouching behind some crates, Hera motioned toward the first fighter. "You get that one, I'll set charges on the next." she whispered.

The two Rebels moved away from the crates and towards the mentioned TIEs. The guards out front didn't seem to be paying much attention so they were able to sneak up to the fighters without much difficulty.

However, just as Ezra placed his bomb under the fighter's wing coupling, they both heard something. A loud shrill shrieking roar that echoed across the horizon.


It caught both Ezra, Hera and Sienna's attention as did the tremendous footfalls that shook the ground beneath them.

BOOM! . . . BOOM!

The first footfall made them stumble. The second made the Rebels and any Trooper near by lose their footing. Sienna felt the hair on the back of her neck stand up on end as did the fur on her ears. "What was that" Ezra whispered over to Hera. The Twi'lek just looked back with concern. "Nothing good," she answered him.

In the Airbase's sick bay, Jaune, Marrow and Raven had been laying comatose for a few minutes now. Then, the shrieking roar echoed over the base. Their eyes opened in fear and they shot up in their beds. Medical personnel and droids move over to them as they started screaming aloud. Jaune looked confused, not really knowing where he and his friends were right now. Only that they weren't in the outpost. Right, someone found them, but that wasn't important right now. They could feel the terrible footsteps shaking the room.

BOOM! . . . BOOM!

It had followed them. That fire breathing demon had followed them!

BOOM! . . . BOOM!

A medic came over to them and tried to calm Jaune and the others down. "Don't worry, Private. You're safe, we're just having a bit of an earthquake."

Both Jaune and Raven looked at him blankly while Marrow hid under the bed. Raven grabbed the man by his shoulders. "Earthquake?! Are you stupid or something?!" she shouted in panic. "Didn't you hear that roar?!"

Jaune pushed the medical droid away and grabbed his helmet off the nearby table. "Marrow, let's go!" he pulled the Dog Faunus up to his feet. Snapping out of his fear, Marrow grabbed his helmet just as Raven picked up her sword.

BOOM! . . . BOOM!

Jaune looked back to the rest of the people in the room frantically as the footsteps grew louder. "Come on! We need to get out of here! Now!" he yelled at them.

"Private, you're in no condition to-"

"Don't you understand?! We need to the Hell out of here!" Marrow tried to plead them.

"We all need to evacuate before it's too late!" Raven added. "It's coming! Don't you understand, you idiots?! IT'S COMING!"

The room violently once more and they used the opportunity. Jaune snapped on his helmet and they forced themselves past the medics.

"We need to warn someone!" Jaune exclaimed.

"Who?" Marrow asked.

"Anyone!" Jaune snapped. "Trip a fire alarm, grab a gun and start shooting in the air, something!" Because if they didn't, they were all as good as dead.


This one was closer and made them lose their footing. Catching herself on the wall, Raven looked around frantically. The same thing happened the night before, right before her camp was destroyed.

Ezra, Hera and Sienna ran out of the hangar as Troopers rushed away from them onto the airfield. They kept themselves hidden behind some crates stored outside. The Jedi Padawan spotted Sabine and Zeb close by, the two poking their heads past a TIE bomber. Their gaze, along with everyone else in the base, was drawn to the trees further to the north of them. Trees were cracking and toppling over, smashing onto the forest floor. Above the tree line stood something gigantic. It took a minute for them to properly see against the darkness, but they soon made it out and were instantly filed with a twinge of horror.

A huge charcoal grey reptilian creature cast its enormous shadow over the base. Spikey fins ran down its back towards its huge swishing tail that whipped around, crashing trees like toothpicks as it moved. Its claws started clenching as it sneered down on the Imperials below. Its yellow eyes glared at them all with a purposeful grimace and rage before it opened its giant maw and let out the same terrible roar from before.


Then its throat and spikey fins started to resonate bright blue and at the apex of the glow, it released a blast of fire on the airbase's east side across from where the Rebels were hiding. The blue beam cut through three hangars and the refueling station. Fuel lines connected to it started to erupt in huge explosions. Stormtroopers ran for cover as hangars and the TIEs inside them went up in flames. The ground shook violently and buildings close to the blast crumpled and collapsed like a tower of cards.

"Karabast!" Zeb shouted as he backed away from the destruction in awe and fear.

Instantly the entire base went on alert. A shrill klaxon alarm sounded and a screaming announcer started shouting over the speaker system.

"All pilots! All pilots! Get to your craft now! We are under attack! Repeat, under attack!"

"No kidding," Ezra remarked in a fearful tone.

"Come on, we need to get out of sight!" Hera growled.

Already TIE pilots were rushing to any remaining aircraft while Stormtroopers ran for the armory to get better weapons. Hera grabbed Ezra and Sienna made a run for Sabine and Zeb who had ducked behind crates.

Within seconds, TIE fighters were lifting off. The Rebels stayed down, waiting for the hangars to empty. The screaming engines of the TIEs screamed to life as the they lifted off into the sky and turned to attack the giant lizard now besieging the base.

"Well, so much for lighting up the base," Sabine chuckled nervously. She turned to Sienna. "Is that one of the Kaiju Girls?"

"The only Kaiju Girl that this resembles is Godzilla," Sienna replied grimly. "Either this is one of the rare males or Godzilla's ugly sister."

"We still need to get to that tower but with the entire base on alert, staying out in the open is going to get us kill easy." Hera stated.

"We can sneak through the buildings," Ezra suggested. "With every Trooper trying to fight that Kaiju, the buildings will be empty save for a few Imps."

"It's worth a shot," Sienna agreed. "We'll head through the barracks, it will lead us to Flight Control. We can get to the gate from there."

The hangar was already empty, so the Rebels ran back out onto the field once more. Briefly, Hera looked back towards the Kaiju. She may not have seen Kaiju Girls like Sienna had but this three hundred and fifty foot tall behemoth didn't give off a vibe of an 'ugly sister' as Sienna had said.

She watched as the TIEs peppered the Kaiju with shots, but they seemed to do little against him. The Kaiju raised its massive arm and swatted at some of the craft like bugs. There were a few small explosions that erupted at the length of the monster's arm. Signs that the swing had connected with a least a few unfortunate pilots.

"They don't even seem to be making a dent on it," Zeb observed in an uncharacteristic worried tone.

"Let's hope they can keep it back long enough for us to get out of here," Hera stated, sharing his worry and concern.

The reached the barrack building and ran inside. The airfield wasn't much of a priority now, only the tower mattered now. Yet, the mission seemed even more daunting than previously thought.

The TIE fighters flew circles around the massive Kaiju, but Godzilla was undaunted by their aggression. They were nothing but gnats pricking against his scales. Their feeble assault was no different than the human planes he had so often faced against and their firepower was not different than that of LexCorp and that of other world technology. His roars shook the skies as the screaming little fighters danced around his head.

"Lasers ain't working, people,"one of the lead pilots claimed."Harass it instead! Get the bombers close enough to drop their ordinance. Elemental benders, stand by. Go for the eyes! See if that hurts him!"

Godzilla stomped forward, swiping at the air as the TIEs sped around him, their screeching engines only further agitated him. From above, a flight of the screaming attackers descended, firing up along the giant reptile's back.

"Come on, boys!"The lead pilot cried out."Let's show this overgrown dumb lizard what happens when you try to face off against the Empire!"

There was a tremendous war cry across the Imperial's radio frequency as the TIEs all centered their crosshairs on Godzilla's head. Enraged by their arrogance, Godzilla roared up at them and shut his eyes as lasers rained down on his face. They would all die for their insolence. As the TIE pilots continued their hollering, Godzilla reared his tail up and cut along their flight path through the air like a whip.

"Pull up! Pull-!"

The lead and his wingman were crushed upon against the swinging tail, destroyed upon contact like glass. Their pieces rained down on their airfield they were trying to protect. The other pilots looked on aghast.

"Elemental benders, attack! Earth, Fire and Water!"

"That thing just took out a whole squadron!"

"We'll make him pay boys! Earth Benders, attack! Our bombers are overhead! They're going to give him one nasty headache."

Boulders bigger than Godzilla's head launched out of the ground and hit him in the face and chest. Instead of feeling pain, Godzilla felt surprise. Blinking, he looked down at the boulders at his feet before lifting a hand up and caught a boulder without looking.Interesting yet I don'tcare.He reeled his hand back and threw the boulder back at the Earth Benders and killed them with their own element. He spun around, crushing the Fire Benders with his tail.

Bombs exploded across his back and along his brow. Godzilla shook his head. A nasty headache alright. But that was all it was. He looked to the sky and saw the flight of bombers passing overhead.

"Going for another drop!"said one of the bomber pilots."We got him hurting!"

Godzilla leaned back and sucked in air as his spines glowed bright blue and his mouth filled with atomic fire. One of the pilots saw this and tried get out a warning to his fellow pilots.

"Bomber lead! It's charging that ray weapon again! Get the Hell out of-"

It was too late. Godzilla's Atomic Breath fired into the sky and sliced through the bomber squadron. Their pained screams screeched through the commlinks as they were incinerated in a blaze of pure radiation. Godzilla aimed his Atomic Breath downwards, cutting through the fighters on his way down.

"By the Emperor! Look out!"

"Too fast! Coming in- AAARRGH!"

The TIEs exploded as the Atomic Breath shot through the sky. Godzilla relinquished but so many fighters were left and still determined to keep fighting.

"How do we kill this thing? We never covered this in basic!"

"Those spines on his back glow when he fires! Shoot at them! Maybe they're the source of his power!"

It was a panicked strategy out of desperation and one that would prove to be futile. All it did was anger Godzilla further. He had grown tired of these insects. They were just as worse as Megaguirus' brood. They were just machines though and Godzilla learned that machines can be broken long ago.

No matter what Stark and Luthor had said otherwise.

Atomic Breath would take too long, he needed a more efficient method. Once more, Godzilla's spines glowed bright blue, but this time Godzilla kept his mouth shut. His power began to resonate within him, reaching critical mass.

"Look out! Keep away from the mouth!"

That was a pointless gesture. There was no escape for them. With a bellowing roar, Godzilla unleashed a devastating Nuclear Pulse. The pulse destroyed the TIEs closest to the Kaiju while others soon found their instruments were all dead.

"Engines are dead! How is that possible?"

"I've lost power! Repeat, I've lost power!"

The fighters fell to earth and crashed onto the airbase's tarmac. The explosions from the falling craft ripped through the unsuspecting Troopers nearby. The entirety of the TIE squadrons at Anima were now gone. As Godzilla roared again, the Stormtroopers started pulling back and the Kaiju advanced once more.

"Fall back to Flight control!"one of the squad leaders ordered."Break out the Armored Transports! Go! Go!"

The Troopers started running, firing back at the giant as he stomped forward. Godzilla now started crushing the remaining empty hangars. The ordinance and the fuel inside exploding as he stomped through. He could see vehicles moving into the fight on the ground.

Pathetic humans in white. They were really no different than the ones from home. They were already dead, all of them. They just didn't know it yet.

From inside the main building for the airbase, Kannan had no idea what was happening outside. At first, he thought someone on Hera's end had jumped the gun but that didn't make sense, so he tried to stop one of the Troopers running out into the fight. But all he said was:

"Some kind of new Kaiju Girl. Not a pretty one. Come on, man, get to your TIE already!"

Kaiju girl. . . Was it the one that attacked the outpost? It couldn't be. But then the announcements from Flight Control soon confirmed it.

"The Kaiju Girl has destroyed our air support! Repeat, all TIEs are down! Everyone get to an armored transport and fire on that thing!"

Well, this was unexpected. Kannan quickly contacted Hera when he was alone. "Specter Two, what is going on out there?" he asked.

"A giant fire breathing lizard is burning the base to ash, Love." Hera replied, trying to alleviate the situation a bit. "I hope you're almost at the tower, because we are definitely not staying here."

"Okay, I'll keep moving. You guys just try to stay alive." He replied before he began running in the hall.

Try to stay alive, right.Hera thought drily. Not an easy thing to do when a giant monster was shaking the base with its footsteps alone. Each one seemed to be more worse than the last as it got closer.

Most of the Troopers were outside, but some had retreated inside to get better weapons. As the Rebels made their way down a corridor, they had crossed paths with a Trooper squad.

"What the-- Who the Hell are you people?!" One of them asked in surprise and confusion. Hera answered by pulling her blaster out and shot him in between the eyes.

Sienna pulled out her arrow tipped chain and began to attack the other troopers as the rest of the Rebels ducked into cover as blaster shots filled the hall.

"You think we'd be the least of their concerns," Sabine shouted over the blaster fire.

"Hey, between us and the giant monster outside, we can actually get killed." Ezra remarked back as he pulled out his lightsaber and began to use its stun gun function.

Caine and Iroh had done their best to rush outside through all the panic. Neither of them knew what was going on, but when they got outside, Caine wished they were still clueless. Through all his experience, the old Clone had never seen this. He had never met a Kaiju, female or otherwise. He couldn't even get words out of his mouth.

Iroh on the other hand did. He had met Kaiju before. Especially during his war on Ba Sing Sa. And one of the Kaiju he had met looked exactly like the one looming over the whole base. Albeit different.Oh no,he thought in dread.

"Uncle!" Turning to the side, he saw his nephew, Prince Zuko running towards him.

"Nephew, thank the Spirits you're alright." the old Firebender spoke in relief as he hugged the younger Firebender.

Caine watched their reunion before a blue glow caught his attention. The dorsal spines of the Kaiju had begun to glow before it fired a blue energy beam. The beam smashed into the Air Traffic Control Tower just behind him and the two Firebenders.

Before he could try to warn Iroh and his nephew about the falling debris, he was tackled from the side to the ground and luckily out of the way of the falling debris. When the dust cleared, the tower was just a burning pile of concrete and twisted metal. No doubt that there was still Officers and other personal when it was hit.

Caine looked up and saw that his savior was a Scout Trooper armed with a blaster and a shield that sheathed a sword. Next to him was another Scout Trooper Dog Faunus and a woman dressed in red and black with a mane of the blackest hair imaginable.

The red eyed woman furrowed her brows at the Firebender below her. "General Iroh?" she asked.

Iroh stared up at her before raising an eyebrow. "Ah, Lady Branwen." he said. "This is a pleasant surprise."

"That was close," the Scout Trooper said before offering a hand to Caine. "You alright?"

Caine accepted the hand. "I've lived through worse." he admitted as he stood up. "Communications Officer Caine. This General Iroh and Prince Zuko. Who are you, soldiers?"

"Private Arc and this is my partner Private Amin." The human Scout Trooper said. "And this is uh, Lady Branwen." Jaune paused briefly glancing at Raven. "Listen, you two look like you're in charge. We've been trying to convince people that we need to evacuate and retreat but none of them are listening!"

"Please, you have to talk to them!" Marrow added frantically.

"We can't fight this Kaiju!" Raven declared.

"What? How would you know?" Zuko asked, furrowing his remaining eyebrow.

"Because this Kaiju wiped out her camp and our outpost!" Jaune explained desperately, gripping Caine by the shoulders. "You don't understand! We tried our best! Even our elite Elemental Benders and turbo laser cannon didn't work. You can't fight this thing! We don't have the firepower! We. Need. To. Run!"

Caine still felt confused. They had fought this? When? And outpost wiped out? He hadn't heard about this over the wire as far as he could recall. Something was odd about this, looking at the Kaiju destroying the base, the old Clone decided that he didn't care at the moment.

The charges were quickly laid at critical support junctures throughout the remaining tower. The Rebels then made their way towards the top. Chopper had radioed in that he was on his way with the Phantom for pick up. Once that happened, they return to the Ghost and then Hera will put as much distance between them and the Kaiju and the doomed airbase as possible. They'd blow the tower in between all that but they were focused on getting out alive at the moment.

Kannan and Hakoda were the first to burst through the door at the top of the tower and behold the final moments of the Imperial Airbase. Stormtrooper transports were now retreating out of the southeastern gate in droves, heading out to the forest as fast as they could. Their comrades on foot or bike.

However the real sight was the Kaiju. It stomped close to the main command and control center. Raised its arms above its head and slammed them down into the structure. Then it used its beam attack on what remained. As it stomped on the burning remains, it turned towards the retreating transports.

"It's getting a bit too close for comfort now," Zeb grumbled in a worried tone.

"Don't worry, Zeb. Chopper's here now." Hera assured as the Phantom flew towards them.

Then suddenly, the Kaiju looked up and changed course towards the communications tower. Apparently, Hera wasn't the only one to see the Phantom.

"No, no, not us!" Sabine cried out in panic. She pointed to the side. "Chase after the Bucketheads!"

The Kaiju roared as if in response and quickened its pace to them. Chopper had gotten the Phantom in position and opened the back door. Just as the Kaiju was at eye level with them all. Hera rushed to the co*ckpit and took control. Imagine her reaction when she looked out the window, she saw the Kaiju's eye staring directly at her. It opened its mouth, giant teeth filling her view.

"Fly, Hera! Fly!" Kannan said frantically.

She pulled away, boosting the afterburners and narrowed missed the humongous teeth that almost chomped down on them. They sped away, the back door still open. Sabine took the detonator and looked out the open door. The Kaiju turned towards their retreating shuttle and roared after them as they escaped.

"Yeah, yeah," The Mandalorian shouted back in defiance. "Skree-onk or whatever. We heard you the first couple of hundred times! Wanna hear my roar?! It goes like this!" She jabbed her thumb on the trigger and shortly after, the entire base of the tower exploded. "Kaboom! Always a classic that never gets old!" she laughed. "Thanks for the assist, Big Grey! See ya around!"

The Kaiju reached to the top of the tower and ripped it off as it came crashing down. The Kaiju held it up in its hand like a javelin and then threw it after them.

Sabine's eyes widened before she shouted, "Hera, dive! DIVE!"

Acting on instinct, Hera made the Phantom dive just as the top of the tower scrapped the Phantom's topside. Sabine closed the door as they sped back towards the Ghost and soon were back in the air with their flying home in mere minutes. Hera turned on the afterburners and sped away from the burning rubble of the airbase and the Kaiju that had both helped them and almost killed them.

"Well, glad that's over," Zeb sighed in relief.

"I wouldn't bet on it," Hera said cautiously. "Things just shifted to a whole new level for us."

Caine's transport was a welcome sight by many a trooper. They piled in and on the vehicle in droves. Arc and Amin helped as many as possible onto the transport. Caine rushed out of the driver's seat now covered in the bright white armor of the Stormtroopers. He assisted getting the wounded Troopers into the vehicle for a moment before he let Prince Zuko and Raven take over. He made his way over to Smith and Iroh for a status report.

"Is this everyone, Smith?" he asked, a little frantic.

"Yes, all but one." Smith quickly explained. "I sent it out to search for survivors. I told them to pick up who they can and come back in five minutes. They should be on their way back." He then grimaces, balling his hands into fists. "Damn it all. First Command in battle and I have to retreat."

"There is no shame in retreating, Lieutenant Smith," Iroh said sagely. "Not when it saves your men's lives."

Smith nodded slowly. "Yes, yes, you're right, Old Iroh." he agreed.

Briefly, Caine thought back to what he saw when he was getting the transport and armor. He saw shadows of people jumping over the wall. Aura Users could that around Remnant. But the way he saw, reminded Caine of one type of people that could do something like that on their own.

Not possible,Caine told himself.It can't be.

"Here it comes," Smith said, bringing the old Clone out of his thoughts. The last transport was racing towards them. Then, tragedy struck. The Kaiju's foot slammed into the ground right behind it. The earth cracked and shifted, launching the transport into the air. The vehicle flipped forward and crashed onto its side, its side burning.

"Oh no," Smith said in dread. He turned to Jaune and Caine. "Caine, get to your transport and follow me. Private Arch, get on that Speeder Bike and come with us! We need to get those men out of that wreck.

"Copy that!" Jaune saluted before rushing to mount his bike.

Caine got in his transport once more and took it towards the burning transport. Jaune was riding along his left and Smith was hanging off the side of the driver's cabin with Raven riding Summer in the air. They got to the wreck and Smith jumped off to pry the doors open with Raven. Jaune helped them and together they got the doors open. Stumbling out came four badly injured Troopers. Jaune and Smith helped them to Caine's transport.

"Is there anyone else in there?" Smith asked desperately.

"N-No," one of the troopers said. "Our driver didn't make it."

Just as they got back onto the transport, their rescue efforts turned sour when the Kaiju turned towards them. Caine didn't know what to do and neither did Raven. Firing on the thing would only antagonize it, at its current speed of approach, they'd never outrun it. Smith's expression became firm.

"Caine, Raven, Arc. Knock the damaged transport back right side up," he ordered.

The two men and Huntress followed the order with the help of Raven's Skrill, ramming the damaged transport and getting it turned off its side. Lieutenant Smith then waved them off towards the retreating scores of Stormtroopers.

"Go on, I'll catch up!" he called out.

"But sir!" Caine shouted in protest and out of concern.

"Just do it, Old Timer!" Smith ordered once again. "You get those men aboard out of here!"

The old Clone did as he was told and Jaune and Raven returned to their respective mounts to follow the same orders. As they sped away, Caine looked back out the window and saw Smith clambering into the burning transport. Seconds later, the vehicle's mounted gun started firing at the Saurian Kaiju, aiming for his head. This got the creature's attention and he turned away from the retreating Stormtroopers and Elemental Benders. He lowered his head to the burning transport, still firing defiantly at the beast. The Kaiju growled angrily before opening its massive jaws and chomping them down on the vehicle. The Saurian Kaiju picked the vehicle up high before chomping the transport in half. The turret stopped firing as the two halves of the transport fell to earth.

Caine did his best to hold it together, gripping the wheel before taking a deep breath. He then activated the comm and contacted the other transports.

"All vehicles, this is Communications Officer Caine. Make for the Southeastern Gate and take the forest path to the valley of Windpath." he ordered. "Rendezvous at Outpost 0671, we'll figure out our next move there."

The humans in white were now retreating in those little metal coffins on wheels for what they deemed to be safety. The aliens had alluded him. It did not matter. There was no place on this planet they could hide. Godzilla looked to his handiwork. The airbase was still burning, smoke belching from the fire eating at the remains.

Another victory, greater than the one last night. He had proved to these new enemies that their weapons were of no use against him. Soon, they would realize that this world was no longer theirs. It was his kingdom now and they lived or died at his discretion. He roared loudly, making sure that the retreating white-clad human soldiers would hear him.

Let them know that this was the start. The beginning of a new order for this world. One that would see them burn within the fires of his rage.

"Oi, Giant Gecko!"

Godzilla stopped his roar at the woman's voice. He turned around and saw a woman standing before him.

(Play "Enemy" by Tommee Profit)

He tilted his head. She had long dark brown hair and skin with clothing made out of fur. He blinked and sniffed the woman's scent. A Kaiju in human form. Well, that was unexpected. Yet, she smelled familiar. His instincts whispered caution. When he opened his eyes, it clicked.


Godzilla sneered as memories came back. Memories of the time he met King Kong back in 1962. The time King Kong threw boulders at him. The time Kong electrocuted him and tried shoving a tree down his throat. In the 1990's time traveling terrorists had lied to Japan, saying the country didn't exist because the Saurian Kaiju destroyed it. They used the Ape Kaiju against him until the time travelers erased him from existence. Only to rewrite his story instead. Then came the recent ones. Fighting him when he was hunting aliens that were constructing another MechaGodzilla. One he destroyed before it could activate. The humans didn't know about the aliens and turned to Kong for protection. Kong traveled to the Hollow Earth and brought up a battle axe made out of Godzilla's own species.

The Kong's and Gojira's were ancient enemies in the times before the Great Extinctions. And Godzilla and King were the last of their kind, save for their offspring. And with this being a different world, Godzilla knew that he was staring at an enemy.

"Look, pal, I understand that you're confused about waking up in a different time," Queen Kong said firmly. "A lot of Kaiju has gone through the same thing. But attacking humans isn't the way to go. Come with me, and I'll take you to the others on Monster Island."

Godzilla briefly focused on the mention of others and the fact that this. . . Ape-Human Kaiju Girl could speak English very well, but he growled at the mention of Monster Island. His Kaiju brethren could say good things about Monster Island all they want but Godzilla saw what it was. A prison meant to keep them locked up in a small corner of the world while the humans did whatever he wanted. He only accepted its existence because it kept his children safe.

Godzilla shook his head and grumbled to Queen Kong. The female Ape-Human Kaiju Girl rose an eyebrow. "You speak in the Old Language? Great, I'm going to have to wait for one of the Guardians or my father to show up." she said.

Godzilla snorted dismissively and began to walk in the direction of the retreating soldiers in white. Queen Kong noticed. "Hey, wait. Where do you think you're going?"

Godzilla growled in response, not bothering to turn around. He was going to finish what he started.

Queen Kong may not have been fluent in the Old Language of Kaiju but she understood the gist of what this strange Kaiju said. She looked over to the destroyed airbase. Briefly she thought of the Iwi village and Kuroyuri. She turned back to the Saurian Kaiju. "I can't let you attack the humans and Faunus unprovoked."

Godzilla turned his head back to her, staring at her with one eye. He growled that these humans would have attacked him unprovoked first. Besides, he wasn't asking her permission.

"And I'm not asking either," Queen Kong said steely.

Godzilla turned around fully with a growl. He rose his tail and slammed it down hard and stomped on the ground, cracking the earth and making it quake. Queen Kong responded with slamming her fists down on the ground before beating on her chest and letting out a roar to Godzilla. The male Saurian Kaiju responded with a roar of his own.

Queen Kong growled before she charged at Godzilla. She jumped to perform a Superman Punch only for the Fearless Dragon to catch her fist and spun around and Judo Threw her over his shoulder. That Superman Punch was a move King Kong used on Godzilla too many times he could easily counter it now.

Queen Kong rose back to her feet and threw a punch to Godzilla followed by a kick. The Saurian Kaiju blocked the punch with his arm and the kick with his tail before he headbutted the Ape-Human Kaiju Girl. Queen Kong let out a grunt before growling and headbutting him back with a punch to the chest. Not flinching from the punch Godzilla merely caught her wrist and headbutted her again, this time with more force and she was sent stumbling back.

Godzilla rose his right foot and Spartan Kicked Queen Kong in the chest. As she recoiled, Godzilla spun around, executing his Tail Whip maneuver, knocked her feet out from under her. Godzilla then kicked her in the face, knocking her onto her back.

Sneering, Godzilla pulled a tree out of its roots. He grabbed Queen by the hair and shoved the tree down her throat. Payback, he growled. He then slammed his foot down on her chest.

Spitting the tree out, Queen Kong punched Godzilla in the knee. There was an audibleCRUNCH!Godzilla reared his head back and roared before slamming his foot down again, claws digging into her breast and pressure building on her ribcage. Queen tried to push his foot but was shoved to the ground.

Godzilla growled as he leaned down to her face with a glare. Queen glared back defiantly before Godzilla roared at her face. She grimaced at the smell of his breath before roaring back at him defiantly.

The King of Monsters and Queen of Skull Island roared at each other for dominance for a long moment before they both stopped.

Godzilla leaned back, surprised and impressed at her defiant attitude that is shared with her male variant. He rose an eyebrow at her.

Reading his expression, Queen grunted. "I. . . bow. . . to no one." she said.

Godzilla snorted. He can respect that. Before he could do anything, two giant vines launched out of the ground. One wrapped around his throat and the other wrapped around one of his dorsal fins before they pulled Godzilla off his feet.

As he stumbled back, more Kaiju-Human females came to Queen Kong's side. It may have been a while, but Godzilla recognized his Kaiju brethren in their human forms. Even if they're females. Briefly he wondered if this was a world where there was a Spider-Woman. If so, he preferred Spider-Gwen, Penni or Petra. He could tolerate them along with their male counterparts.

Rodan. Anguirus. . . Queen Cesar. Himself and his sister. Biollante. His female counterpart was shorter than himself. She had long, spiky and wild black hair. Dark skin tone with black scales at the edges of her face, a black bra under a large black trench coat, black underwear under a dark gray belt with black leggings that were tattered at the bottom, her feet covered in wrappings but other than that, they were bare and a black tail was trailing behind her, dorsal spines were not visible.

Instinctively, he sent a wave of emotions towards Biollante. Exasperation, slight annoyance, fondness and familiarity. The wave meant one simple greeting. An older sibling to his younger.

Hello, Sister.He paused and shook his head. This was not his Biollante.

"Am I tripping or does this guy look like you?" Rodan said to the She-Godzilla. "Or she." she shrugs before calling out to Godzilla. "Oi-Hey! Eres hombre o mujer?" she asked.

Godzilla rose a brow.Yeah, that sounds like Rodan alright.

"He's a male," Queen Kong said, leaning on Queen Cesar. "He plans to finish what he started," she gestures to the destroyed airbase. The She-Godzilla turns to him with a frown, fangs visible. "Look, you didn't get the memo, but we Kaiju live in peace with the humans and Faunus. It's been like that since we defeated Queen Ghidorah."

Godzilla growled, yellow eyes narrowing. Peace with the humans?! Briefly, he wondered what Faunus before brushing it off. Did his female variant forget what the human race has done? To the world? Their world? To her? He let out a roar of rage at them.

The roar seemed to catch the Kaiju Girls off guard.

"Godzilla."The King of Monsters paused. That powerful voice spoke in the Old Language of the Kaiju. Not Humans'. He looked to the sky and saw Mothra, Gamera and his daughter, Gamora. He stared at Mothra briefly. Even in human form, she was beautiful. He shook his head and focused on Gamera.

"We know who you are and that you are not from around here."Gamera said."The world has no place for you anymore. You have two choices. Kneel or be destroyed."

Godzilla huffed. The one thing he hates and respect Gamera was his ability to talk to him with no fear."You say that you know who I am, yet your words say otherwise."He grumbled."Thisworld has no place for me?Then I will carve a place out for me. I kneel before no one."he turns to glance at Mothra."You should know this."

Mothra nodded with a solemn look before turns to the other Kaiju Girls. "He's not open to negotiation." she said.

"Eh, his loss," Anguirus said. Two towers of boulders emerged beside her. Balls of fire and plasma ignited in the hands of Rodan, Gamera and Gamora while Queen Cesar pulled out a large wooden staff. Mothra and Biollante waved their hands and large rivers of water came out of their water skins.

Godzilla growled as he entered a fighting stance. They stared each other down before Godzilla snarled."Well, come on. I don't got all damn day."

That caused the Kaiju Girls and Gamera to spring to action. Anguirus launched boulder after boulder at the male Saurian Kaiju. Godzilla responded with punching and kicking the rocks and batting them away with his tail before batting one back at Anguirus. He tanked the balls of fire and plasma from Rodan, Godzilla and Gamera. He felt himself relax when Mothra and Biollante splashed him with water. Then he felt a little surprise when a large fan extended on the tip of Queen Cesar's staff and she launched a blast of wind at him.

Godzilla grunted as the blast of wind blew him back slightly before he shook his head. He dug his claws into the earth and anchored his tail. He was going to take a page out of the Hulk's book.

He spread his arms out and Thunder Clapped.

The results were expected. The Thunder Clap knocked the Kaiju off their feet and the ground rippled from the shockwave.

The female Godzilla got back up and charged. She punched the male Saurian Kaiju in his face and chest, knocking him back. Godzilla caught her fist."Peace has costed your strength."he said in Kaiju."Victory has defeated you."

He then headbutts her and then leaned back on his tail and dropkicked her in her chest. The female Godzilla yelled out in pain when her breasts were kicked and she was knocked back several yards.

Gamera and his daughter flew up and dived towards Godzilla, intent on delivering a double Superman Punch. Unfortunately, Godzilla had experienced this kind of attack many times and he knew how to react. He caught both of their fists, spun around and slammed them on the ground and on their shells. He then kicks them away and they knock Queens Cesar and Kong off their footing.

He hears Rodan flying behind him. Predictable. Without turning in her direction, he Tail Whipped her out of the sky.

He gazed down to the ground and sees it shifting and bulging. Anguirus. Godzilla rose his left foot up and slammed it down, sending a shockwave towards the digging Kaiju Girl. The shockwave launched Anguirus out of the ground.

Suddenly, thunder boomed in the sky above. Turning to the right, Godzilla saw a older male Kong channeling lightning from the sky and shooting at Godzilla.

Godzilla ignored the pain lightning usually gave him and focused on what the older Ape Kaiju-Human held. The axe. The axe made out of the dorsal spine, femur and skin of an ancient Gojiran.

If learning about the female Godzilla had been living in peace with humans, ignoring their crimes made Godzilla mad, seeing that axe filled him with a burning rage that rivals the Hulk's.

Roaring, the King of Monsters charged at the older male Ape Kaiju-Human at speed that should be considered impossible for a being of his size.

He grabbed King Kong by his throat and choke-body slammed him to the ground. He lifted up his foot and slammed it into his chest, cracking the Ape-Kaiju's chest and shattering the earth below him, knocking the wind out of him. He used his tail to pull the axe out of his grip and tossed it away.

"Father!" Queen Kong shouted before Godzilla heard the axe charging behind him. Oh right, there was another Kong and Gojiran that probably had knowledge of how the axe worked. Sure enough, he turned around and saw the female Godzilla charging up the axe that was held by Queen Kong as she jumped into the air.

"I'm going for the head!" she declared.Well, at least she's smarter than Thor.

Despite knowing that pain was coming and what he was about to do can be considered stupid, but he was going to do it. Charging up his Atomic Breath and fired at the axe. Queen Kong then slammed it down on his head, the atomic energy inside combusted in a large explosion.

The explosion knocked the Kaiju off their feet and knocked unconscious.

Spines glowing neon blue and eyes glowing like flames, Godzilla walked out of the smoke cracking his neck and rolling his shoulders. The female Gojiran was the only one to regain consciousness.

"Powerful enough to have it all,"he growled. He slammed both fists down on her and kneed her in the face."Yet you lack the will to take it!"

He grabbed her tail and began to spin her around like a sack of potatoes for three full minutes before throwing her into the distance.

Godzilla turned and saw Mothra. The two stared at each other before Mothra broke eye contact and moved to Rodan's side. Godzilla snorted and began to walk away. Hopefully, he made his point clear.

He bows before no one. Everyone bows before him.

"Incredible," Queen Ghidorah muttered as she and her Generals watched footage of the male Gojiran defeating the other Kaiju.

"The other Godzilla and her allies gave us Hell last time we fought," Gigan said. "This new Godzilla defeated them in less than five minutes."

"Outnumbered, yet he showed no fear," Ghidorah muttered. "Even tanked their hits without flinching."

"This could add some complications," SpaceGodzilla stated. "Especially now that Remnant is under Galactic Imperial control."

"Let's see how the Empire handles this new Godzilla." Ghidorah declared. She paused the footage of Godzilla roaring and turns to Monster X. "Remember what you told me about finding a King?" she turns back to the footage. "I believe I found him."

Chapter 4: Godzilla vs the Empire Round 1


Now, do any of you remember the T-Rex rampage in San Diego in The Lost World: Jurassic Park? 1997, I believe?

Do you recall a certain part of the scene where you see a couple of Japanese men running among the crowd?

The elder says in Japanese that he moved away from Tokyo to get away from this!

And Spielberg had said that he had some inspiration from Godzilla. . . sooooo. . . you see where I'm going with this?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The Kingdom of Atlas, Atlas Academy

Roughly 6 hours later. . .

The news trickled in slowly due to one of the communication towers down and was difficult to process at first. But it wasn't long until it became more clear. That Animan Airfield 01 had been virtually annihilated. The cause was a new Kaiju that seemed to be related to the Queen of Monsters. It had destroyed the main bulk of their air power and took out a handful of elite Fire and Earth Benders along with one of the Communication Towers.

The loss of an estimated 75% of their air based assets planet side was one thing but the destruction of the Communication Tower was the reason why the news took so long to come through. It had taken them forever to salvage appropriate holo-footage of the attack. What General Ironwood and the rest of the assembled Chief Staff saw of it was terrifying.

The Kaiju did bear some resemblance to the Kaiju Girl but more animalistic and less human. Perhaps a gender differentiation for the species. He certainly matched the female Godzilla's infamous ferocity, or even surpassed it. What was truly off putting was his weapons. There was the Atomic Breath. It seemed much more powerful than the female's and the pulse it had unleashed. Ironwood instantly knew that it was electromagnetic in some fashion when he brought the TIEs down. It had a limited range however, otherwise it would have taken out the base's power. The real concern was what else the Kaiju was capable of.

They had received these scattered reports from various Stormtroopers who had survived the attack and regrouped at the nearby outposts. It wasn't much to go on, the footage was in poor quality but it was enough to discern the events and it was admittedly disturbing. This new Kaiju had assaulted an Imperial base and been able to bulldoze through it without a scratch.

Then there was that roar. It wasn't easy to describe but unique. None of the Kaiju Girls sounded like so save for perhaps the Queen. It seemed to sound like a battle cry. A defiant angry call, daring its enemies to face it. And told them that they will die when you did.

Darth Vader was in the room with them, watching the footage as it came in. As was Megatron, Princess Azula and Shredder. Ironwood had done his best to not look at them, especially Darth Vader, but failed. The black mask may have not shown emotions, but the Atlassian General could tell that Vader was not pleased. The same with Shredder while Megatron and Azula were scowling. Specialist Schnee did her best to look attentive like Ironwood but Overseer Schnee didn't even seem to put any effort. The man was sweating profusely, holding his hand to his mouth in shock. And it became worse when he opened his fat stupid mouth.

"This is unprecedented!" he shouted in fright. "No Kaiju like this exists on Remnant! We have nothing of it on record! How did we miss this? How?!"

"It's possible this Kaiju was dormant for the seven years the Empire's been here," Doctor Serizawa spoke thoughtfully. "Perhaps a Dust mining operation or a deep sea Grimm hunt had awakened it from its hibernation."

"And now that it's done napping it has decided to hunt us down for its breakfast!" Jacques screeched frightfully. "We. . . we need to act! We need to stop it somehow! General, I order you to find a way to kill that thing!"

Ironwood rolled his eyes in response. As if he needs to be told how to do his job.

"We don't have to consider that," Dr. Serizawa said. "I can have Ms. Saegusa contact the Kaiju Girls. They can bring this Kaiju to Monster Island."

Little did he know, the Kaiju Girls already met the new Kaiju. First impressions were great. Just great.

That was me being a sarcastic narrator.

"Regardless, I've ordered all Field Commanders to be on guard." Ironwood explained. "You may contact Ms. Saegusa, Dr. Serizawa but my men will be ready for anything should this Kaiju be aggressive. Specialist Schnee will send this holo-footage to them."

"It's already done, sir." Winter assured. "Hopefully, the destruction of the Animan Imperial Communication Tower will not slow the transmission down. I'll contacted a Huntsman I know and trust that can track the Kaiju's movements as well as probe droids. We will not be caught off guard again. I have gone ahead and designated the male Kaiju as Alpha Predator One, per protocol. Threat level: Dragon."

While the threat level was concerning, at least they wouldn't have to refer to it as "the male Godzilla." This did nothing for Jacques' cowardice. He kept clutching his head and pacing in the room in a fright.

"Oh, this is terrible." he stated in dread. "Absolutely terrible! We need to send out everything we have! Throw them all at this Alpha Predator! Maybe even send the prototype to-!"

"No." Darth Vader finally spoke up, turning away from the footage. "I will not allow you to jeopardize the only Zillo-Beast you have managed to properly clone and outfit. You are in no position to make such decisions regarding the prototype's use."

"My Lord, I was only-" Jacques protested before being cut off by Princess Azula. "Displaying behavior unbecoming of a man of your station." she glared at the older man.

"If you wish to retain any authority and prestige you believe you've earned than you will keep your mouth shut." Shredder said coldly.

Jacques stopped talking, something that gave Ironwood and Winter great relief and a small sense of joy. None of them showed it though, not wanting to invoke Vader's or any of their anger onto themselves by accident. But, despite how stupid he sounded, there was some truth in his panicked words.

"Lord Vader, I think it would be wise if we considered our available forces," Ironwood spoke astutely. "With the loss of the majority of our planet-based air power, the ineffectiveness of our weapons, we should consider some form of reinforcement."

"That may indeed be necessary," Vader admitted. "My apprentice and I will see to the matter of reinforcement personally." He gestures to Princess Azula. "However, General, the task of eliminating this Alpha Predator is your responsibility. Keep that in mind."

"Well, how about we contact the Hero Association?" Winter suggested. "We wouldn't be wasting resources. Besides most of them have dealt with giant monsters that have always popped up like this. They could just send a S-Class Hero or two. Like King or one of the Seven like Queen Maeve or Homelander."

"Perhaps." Azula mused. Megatron turned to Dr. Serizawa. "You're the leading scientist who studies these Kaiju, what do you know of this new one?"

"Without sufficient data, I can only look back to my notes on the female Godzilla." Serizawa replied. "At the moment, I only have theories."

Megatron looked ready to say something but Darth Vader held a hand up to him. "Very well, Doctor. While the other scientists complete the Zillo-Beasts for testing, you will study this new Kaiju for potential weaknesses to exploit should the Kaiju Girls fail to bring it to Monster Island and it continues to be hostile to us."

The Kaiju scientist seemed reluctant but nodded his head. "Yes, Lord Vader. As you wish."

"Shredder, see to that the Seven and the Hero Association are notified of this new potential threat." Vader said to Shredder. The Sith Lord turns to Ironwood. "Should Alpha Predator One continue to be hostile and Dr. Serizawa has found a weakness, see to either its capture to bring to Monster Island or its swift destruction. Nothing must be allowed to jeopardize this project now."

With that, Vader left the room followed by Princess Azula and Shredder while Megatron left out another route.

Winter and Dr. Serizawa excused themselves and then Jacques felt like talking again.

"Is there really a way to kill this thing?" he asked Ironwood who wished he just left. "It seems nearly indestructible."

"There are few beings that truly indestructible, Jacq." Ironwood assured, recalling how Ozpin had him and others believe that about Salem before the Empire came and defeated her. "Now I suggest you keep your concerns towards completing the prototype. I will handle this Kaiju personally, rest assured of that."

As the Overseer left, and Ironwood looked to the Kaiju's holo-footage though, he wondered if it was Jacques or himself he was reassuring. This Kaiju wasn't a Grimm or a group terrorist like the White Fang. This was something he and his men had never been up against. He just hoped whatever backup Vader and Azula acquired would arrive soon, before the fate of Animan Airfield became Atlas's.

Monster Island

Five hours later. . .

When Godzilla woke up, her head was ringing as if she was having an hangover from Soma berry juice. "f*ck. . ." she muttered under her breath, holding her head.

"You alright, Mommy?" A ten-year-old Kaiju Girl with dark green tips on her hair asked concerned while an infant Kaiju Girl sat on the ground. She wore a small gray vest with three black stripes over a dark green shirt with light gray short shorts, a light green scarf hanged from her pocket. Two wrist bands were on her light wrist while a watch was on her right. Short leggings covered her knees and dark green sneakers.

"I've been better, Junior." Godzilla said dismissively.

"You sure? Mothra said you, Gamera and King Kong had your asses handed to you on a platter," A seventeen-year-old Kaiju Girl said from the door of the room. She wore a dark gray sports bra under a small black leather jacket with tight jeans that three noticeable tears on the thighs, a small chain hanging out of her pocket. Her spiky black hair had a small streak of amethyst, and her dorsal spines were large and amethyst. Her feet were bare and reptilian rather than human like the other Kaiju.

"Hey, watch the language around Minilla, Athena." Godzilla scolded lightly. Then she grimaced. "But Mothra isn't wrong." she slumped against the bed.

"And that it was a male Kaiju like us that did it?" Junior asked. Godzilla nodded. "Not exactly like us, but yes. He seemed more animalistic, even more compared to my mother."

"So, like me when you found me?" Athena asked. Godzilla shook her head. "Nah, you were a teenage girl waking up in the middle of a human city. Lost and scared. This guy, he wasn't, just angry and he knew what he was doing. Tough guy too."

"Yeah, Queen Kong said he tanked a hit to the head with the Axe." Junior nodded.

Godzilla nodded her head again with a huff. She vividly remembered the male Kaiju's pissed off look as he walked out of the smoke. The blow to his head did nothing. A part of her felt some respect for that level of power. She frowned as she recalled his words before getting beat into the ground and tossed around like a sack of potatoes.

"Peace has costed your strength. Victory has defeated you."

She looked at her hands. Was that what happened? Did she become complacent with the peace achieved after the victory over the invading Kaiju aliens?

Knock. Knock.

Mothra peeked in the doorway behind Athena. "Oh, good. You're awake." she said chirpily. "Miki is flying in." she informed. Godzilla nodded and sat up on the bed before she lifted the blanket off her body and stood up. Minilla smiled and crawled over to her. Godzilla smiled down at her and picked her up.

A helicopter landed on a platform that was close to Godzilla's level of height and out stepped Miki Saegusa."Greetings, Mothra and Godzilla!"she waved to the mentioned Kaiju Girls and spoke telepathically to them. Speaking telepathically was easier than trying to raise her voice or use a microphone.

"Hello, Miki." both Godzilla and Mothra greeted. Minilla smiled and waved her hand at Miki. The psychic smiled and waved in return."Hello, Minilla. Wow, you're bigger than the last time I sawyou!"she turns to the infant's mother."As she learned to speak?"she asked.

"No, but she has tapped into her Atomic Breath," Godzilla answered in a proud tone. As if on cue, Minilla belched out small sparks of Atomic Breath making the human and the Kaiju Girls to coo at her.

"So, what brings you here, Miki?" Mothra asked. Miki cleared her throat."An Imperial base wasattacked by a new Kaiju."she informed."A male of your species, Godzilla."

"We've met," Godzilla growled. Miki rose an eyebrow and turned to Mothra. "We've arrived at the base shortly after he had destroyed the base. Queen Kong had already engaged him in a fight before we arrived." the Moth Kaiju Girl informed.

"He didn't want to come to Monster Island," Godzilla added. "Seemed really pissed at the mention that we live in peace with the humans. When it came down to a fight, nothing we did hurt him." Granted, they didn't have a chance to do anything. The male seemed to react and counter them before they could react

"Oh, I see."Miki said."Is everyone alright?"

"Nothing too bad." Mothra replied. "Rodan and Anguirus just have a concussion as does Queen Cesar. Gamora has a crack in her shell. King and Queen Kong have a few cracked ribs." she listed. "Gamera was knocked unconscious and Godzilla here was thrown across a mountain range 6 miles away."

"Wow, that's impressive,"Miki said while Godzilla grumbled. "Biollante and I were the only ones that weren't seriously harmed." Mothra added.

"Oh. Well then,"Miki responded."I guess this is where the Empire handles the situation."

"What do they plan to do?" Mothra asked.

"I don't really know,"Miki shrugged."I have heard from Dr. Serizawa though that they will contact either Vought International or the Hero Association. By then, General Ironwood would have a plan to counteract who they dubbed Alpha Predator One."

"Alpha Predator?" Godzilla repeated. "He's tough, but I wouldn't really call him Alpha."

"He did defeat you though," Mothra pointed out. Godzilla glared at her. "It's true and you know it."

"Maybe we could try to talk to him," Junior supplied gesturing to her older sister. "I mean, you guys didn't really try the kid-friendly approach."

Godzilla opened her mouth to protest but Mothra said, "She's got a point. We were more like, Come with us or be destroyed. And that's not really kid-friendly."

"Great, we'll bring Minilla." Athena stated.

"Wait, what?" both Godzilla, Mothra and Miki exclaimed. "Why would you want to bring your little sister?!"

"Because what's more friendlier than a cute baby Kaiju?" Athena said, holding up Minilla who giggled. Godzilla looked at her hands and back at Athena. How did she grab the infant without her noticing?

Mothra shrugged. "Can't really argue with that," she said.

Godzilla sighed, glancing up to the sky briefly. "Fine, but he so much as growls at you, I want you to get away as soon as possible."

"Girl scouts honor," Both Junior and Athena said, holding two fingers up. Minilla babbled and tried to copy their hand gesture but held up three fingers instead of two.

Miki chuckled before turning back to the adult Kaiju Girls."Do you know where he came from?"she asked.

"We didn't really ask," Godzilla said a little sheepish. "He's not from around here though," Mothra replied. "Like an alien, but at the same time. . . not."

The Ghost crew arrived at a secret White Fang base and were greeted by Sienna's second in command. Adam Taurus. The two Faunus shook hands. "It's been a long time, High Leader." The Bull Faunus said. He nods to Hakoda. "Chief Hakoda. Welcome home."

"It's great to see you too, Adam." Sienna replied with a small smile. She turns to the four mutant turtles and five humans. "Ah, so these are the Ninja Turtles I've heard so much about."

The four turtles bowed in greeting. "High Leader Khan. I'm Leonardo. These are my brothers." The blue masked turtle said. "Raphael. Donatello and Michelangelo." He gestures to the red masked and the purple and orange ones.

"This is April O'Neil and Casey Jones." Leonardo gestures to the red haired girl and black haired boy with a hockey stick. The other humans stepped forward.

"Jack Darby." The older teen introduced.

"Miko." The girl with a pink streak gave a two finger salute. "And I'm Raff." the young boy with spiky brown hair and glasses said.

"Hey, nice rides," Sabine said, looking to the vehicles parked nearby. Suddenly, Adam looked sheepish. "Oh, right. I forgot." He cleared his throat. "It's all clear, Prime." he called to the red semi truck.

Instead of people coming out of the vehicles, the vehicles themselves began to transform into tall robots.

"Okay, did not see that coming," Zeb said with wide eyes. Chopper let out some warbled beeps and wheeled to the robots. The yellow looked down at the small astromech and beeped in response. Chopper beeped and bleeped and the two began to converse in beeps and bleeps.

"I am Optimus Prime," the tallest of the robots introduced in a powerful baritone voice. "Leader of the Autobots. We are autonomous organisms from the planet Cybertron." he then gestures to the red and beige Autobot. "Our medical officer Ratchet." Then to the yellow one. "Our scout Bumblebee." The short blue one. "Arcee." And the big green one. "And this is Bulkhead."

"Well, it's certainly nice to meet you all." Hera stated. "I'm Hera Syndulla. This is Kannan Jarrus. His Padawan, Ezra Bridger. Sabine Wren. Zeb." she gestures to Chopper. "The old bucket with a foul mouth is Chopper."

"That's one way to put it," Raff said, giving the astromech a sideways glance. Miko rose an eyebrow. "What did he say?" she asked.

"Words that would get me in trouble with my mom, even if the lingo is alien," Raff replied.

"Anyway," Hera said. "We need to get in contact with Fulcrum. There's been a wrinkle in the plan."

"A Kaiju?" Ahsoka repeated in astonishment through their holo-transmission. "A Kaiju stomped out of the woods and helped you burn down the Imperial base?"

"That's the short of it." Hera replied with a shrug. "To be honest, it did most of the work."

Rex was heard groaning in frustration out of view. "Why does everything have to be more complicated than it should?"

Hera and Kannan knew that they needed to inform Ahsoka about the appearance of the new Kaiju as Sienna and Hakoda said. It wasn't all bad news. The objectives regarding the airbase were reached and the Rebels' air support would have more free reign when they arrive. The problem was now that they would have to deal with the Empire ad possibly the new Kaiju when the Rebels landed here.

"Maybe we should just let Mr. Grumpy Scaly continue his rampage and call off the mission," Zeb suggested. "Chances are he'll do all our work for us."

"And leave destroying the Zillo Beast cloning lab and its research up to a rogue overgrown lizard?" Kannan asked rhetorically before shaking his head. "No, too risky. The Empire could kill him before he even gets to Atlas. It'd be leaving the mission to chance."

"Kannan is right." Ahsoka spoke in agreement. "This mission is too important to leave in the hands of a rogue chaotic element like this."

"Perhaps we can use it to our advantage." Rex spoke up. "The Empire will be out for the Kaiju now and probably send the bulk of their forces after it. That should give you guys a better chance at taking over the Orbital Gun."

"Maybe, but the Empire will also beef up their defenses in preparation to either defend or attack the Kaiju." Hera warned. "This Kaiju may simultaneously eat up and increase the forces we have to face in the assault."

Ahsoka nodded her head in acknowledgement but offered a counter. "There's still a window of opportunity we can exploit before those reinforcements arrive." she explained. "This could make getting down to the planet easier for us, if nothing else. If you can get the Orbital Gun down in that time frame, it will give us a greater chance to blow past the blockade surrounding the planet."

"We won't have long," Sabine said. "Average time for Imperial Reinforcement is pretty quick when called in. If we want to exploit this window we should do it soon."

"We'll recon the Orbital Gun and see what we're up against." Kannan said. "Hopefully that thing is as far away as possible from it."

"Our own forces will be in position soon." Ahsoka informed. "You need to get that gun on our side or we're not landing on the planet period. Keep an eye out for this Kaiju regardless. If it continues attacking Imperial installations for our mission. Other than that, steer clear of it. You're too valuable to the operation to go off monster hunting. Good luck. Fulcrum out." With that, Ahsoka's image faded.

"I sense Ahsoka may be right." Kannan said as they looked at each other. "That Kaiju isn't going to stop at the airbase. It's probably preparing for its next assault already."

"But this time, the Empire will be ready for it." Hera replied, crossing her arms. "I don't really envy getting in the middle of that kind of fight."

Kannan agreed with that. He's fine with the Empire and this new Kaiju destroying each other. It would their mission easier. But there was something about the Kaiju that made Kannan pause. Something that Hera seemed to pick up on.

"Can you sense anything from this Kaiju?" Hera asked. "What does it want, if anything?"

"I'm not sure," Kannan admitted. "It reminds me of the Zillo-Beast footage we saw. Directed, focused, not random. I felt something from it when I first saw it. Very faint, anger. . . a lot of it."

Sabine turned to Ezra. "Did you sense the same?" she asked. "Yeah, I felt it too," the boy agreed, rubbing his head. "I think it wanted to fight actually. The fact it opened fire on the Imperials first suggests as much."

"A troubling aspect," Optimus mused. "Animals don't seek battles on their own accord often."

"The attack suggests that this Kaiju has some level of sentience despite its more animalistic appearance compared to the other Kaiju," Ratchet added.

"If this Kaiju is intelligent, we shouldn't underestimate it," Leonardo says to the gathered Rebels. "Based on what you've said, it's powerful. If it's smart, that just makes it more dangerous."

"Well, it's a good thing we don't have to deal with it then," Zeb reminded them. "It's after the Bucketheads, not us."

"For now," Adam stated. "What are the chances it gets bored and comes after us instead?"

"Like Ahsoka said, we should keep an eye on it." Hera proclaimed. "Try to find out more about, maybe. Where it came from, why it's attacking the Empire."

Kannan suddenly realized something. "The Empire just lost a Communications Tower," he said abruptly. "They would want to keep an eye out for the Kaiju, make sure it doesn't sneak up on them."

Ezra caught on with what his master was saying. "A probe droid could keep an eye on it." he said slowly.

"The giant lizard probably won't even notice something that small," Sabine stated.

"We'll find a probe droid, disable it and reprogram it to spy on the Empire for us." Zeb declared.

"Booyakasha," Mikey said happily. "We get to see some monster action."

"And a way for us to steal the Orbital Gun," Arcee added.

"Chopper can easily rewire the Imp droid." Hera stated.

"The tricky part is making sure we disable it before it spots us or transmits anything that could give us away," Hakoda said.

"Tricky, but not impossible," Kannan assured. "I got a plan. All it requires is waiting for the Empire, droids included to distracted by another Kaiju attack."

"And if what we saw earlier this morning is any indication," Sienna spoke up. "Our big grey friend is probably already itching for another scrap."

5 hours later, 125 miles somewhere off the coast of Menagerie.

Godzilla rose out of the waves and stepped towards the island. He closed his eyes, atomic energy seeping out of his spores like steam. Slowly but surely, his body began to shrink as he got closer and closer to the shore.

He didn't like shrinking but he knew it was useful to hide from technology for a short time.

He flexed his shoulders as he stepped on shore. He paused as he sniffed the air. He detected a few familiar scents nearby. He walked towards the tree line and into the jungle. Before long, he came across a sight he had not seen in a long time.

Dinosaurs. Not mutated like Gorosaurus, Titanosaurus or the Devil Dinosaur nor evolved like those from Skull Island. Dinosaurs as they were 65 million years ago.

Godzilla stared wide eyed until he noticed a dinosaur had walked to him. A female Tyrannosaurus Rex. Who didn't seem happy that he was here. But then again, what else is new.

Godzilla took time to observe her. She had small but noticeable scars on her neck from old battles. She growled. Demanding, inquiring, curious, questioning presence.

Why is a Kaiju here in Jurassic Park?she was asking. Godzilla rose an eyebrow. Jurassic Park. . . sounded like some name humans would make up. Why did it sound like a movie he had watched back on Earth when he had turned human? He shook himself out of his thoughts.

I'm just merely resting.He replied with a grumble and swung his tail to the side.

The T-Rex snorted.You could rest on Monster Island. Isla Nublar and La Cinco Muertos belongs to the Dinosaurs.

Godzilla rose an eyebrow at that.La Cinco Muertos, eh? Sounds welcoming.

Behind him, someone was flying towards Godzilla at high speeds.

(And here comes Genos, acting like Adam Warlock.)

Suddenly Godzilla was bombarded with numerous blasts of plasma. He cried out in surprise, the T-Rex jumped back and the dinosaurs nearby ran away at the disturbance. When he opened his eyes and the smoke clear, Godzilla saw a human cyborg aiming its open palm at his right eye with a blank emotion.

"Incinerate," Genos, aka Demon Cyborg declared before blasting Godzilla in the face at point blank range. Godzilla spun around and Tail Whipped the cyborg away to the nearby river. The cyborg bounced across the surface and slammed into the river bed on the other side.

Godzilla rubbed his eye. That felt close to Iron Man's repulsor blasts. He looked down to Genos who rose to his feet. Godzilla closed his eyes and slowly but surely his body began to change. Most of his scales were replaced by human skin and clothes expanded over his legs and torso. His reptilian snout shrunk down to a human face and black hair grew on his head.

Godzilla had shrunk again to a human size and he sees the human cyborg bearing an expression of surprise.

"What? Haven't seen a Kaiju-Human hybrid?" Godzilla asked, spreading his arms out.

"Apologies," the cyborg stated. "I have met the Kaiju Girls before. Your other appearance gave the impression that you could not transform."

"I thought so too, back home." Godzilla replied, looking at one of his hands before glancing to his tail.

"Back home? Are you implying that. . . you are not from Remnant?" Genos asked.

Godzilla rose an eyebrow. Remnant, really? Then again, there's a planet called Apokolips and another named Ego, so this sounds better. "Yes, I am not from this world. I doubt I'm from this universe." he replied.

"I see and you want to return?" Genos asked.

". . . No." Godzilla replied. "Earth is no longer my home. The people have made that very clear the moment they attacked me and hit me with a black hole."

"What? A black hole?" Genos repeated before Godzilla appeared in front of him and falcon punched him in the chest, sending the cyborg flying into the jungle.

Godzilla turned to the T-Rex. "You should probably leave." he stated before being pelted by laser fire. He watches the Rex leave before he turns where Genos was firing. "Let me show what real fire power is, Cyborg." Godzilla growled, his dorsal spines glowing and his eye glowing yellow before he fired his Atomic Breath towards Genos.

Cyborg Demon took off and began flying in a circle around Godzilla and shooting at him with laser blasts and missiles. The King of Monsters stopped firing and then abruptly Thunder Clapped. The shockwave put out potential fires and sent Genos flying to the cliffside of a canyon. Godzilla ran over to his place in the bedrock and began to deliver heavy blows to the cyborg, pushing the half machine deeper into the rock and cracking the canyon wall.

"You were almost formidable, Cyborg," Godzilla says as he rips off Genos' right arm. "Almost close to other machines I've met in life." Images of Jet Jaguar, Vision, Cyborg and even the variants of MechaGodzilla come to mind. "Should your creator rebuild you, I hope he adds some upgrades so you can put up a better fight than you did here." He pulls back his fist and unsheathes his claws. He pauses as he sees the reflection of a bald man dressed in yellow with red gloves and boots a white cape running towards him on the metal of the cyborg from behind.

And here comes Saitama.

Just as the Saurian Kaiju turned around, he was knocked off his feet by a punch that felt akin to that of a Kryptonian and was sent flying up the canyon wall.

"Genos, are you okay?" Saitama, publicly known as Caped Baldly asked his disciple with a blank expression.

"Nothing I can't repair, Master." Genos replied. "Be careful, this Kaiju seems strong."

"A Kaiju? Really?" Saitama asks as he turns around and Godzilla landed a few feet in front of him. "Huh. I was under the impression most Kaiju were female."

Before Godzilla could retort, the cyborg spoke sheepishly to his master. "Uh, no, Master. There are some male Kaiju."

"Oh really? Huh. Learn something new every day." Saitama said intrigued yet still with a bored look on his face.

Godzilla narrowed his eyes a little before shooting forward. He swung his claws at the human who ducked faster than Godzilla had participated and gave Godzilla an uppercut that sent him flying twenty feet in the air. Saitama jumps up and punches Godzilla in the chest and he flies to another canyon wall.

The Saurian Kaiju looks down at his chest and sees a dent that begins to heal.Huh. A humanwith the strength of a Kryptonian. . . Finally, a worthy opponent.Godzilla grins at Saitama who lands a few feet away from him.

"Wait!" a trio of young voices called out suddenly.

Question marks appear around the Kaiju and human's head as three young Kaiju Girls run towards them.

"You don't have to do this!" the oldest one exclaimed to Godzilla.

"Wait, I thought he was bigger?" the middle one said in confusion. The youngest one squealed and reached for the two.

Godzilla instinctively grew to his Kaiju size and form. He looks at the three with wide eyes. The children jumped back at the sight. Godzilla sent a wave of affection, compassion and familiarity like he did with Biollante.

". . . Athena? Junior? Minilla?"Godzilla crooned as he lifted a hand and reached towards Junior before stopping. These weren't reallyhischildren. And how long has it been since he last saw his children? A year? Two? Then another realization came to mind.

He will never see them again.

They were back on Earth and he was here, another universe. His golden eyes began to water a bit. Athena would have to look after her younger brothers alone.

The variant of Athena in front of him saw the tears forming in his eyes. She didn't understand why the male Kaiju before her was starting to cry but she wanted to help him feel happy.

And then along came Homelander and he shot his laser vision down at the Kaiju below him and hit Junior in the arm.

The young Kaiju Girl screamed in pain as she was knocked off his feet. "Junior!" Athena cried out in alarm, running her sister's side. Godzilla's eyes widen in shock.

"Do I have your attention?" Homelander called out from the sky. "Listen, Barney. I'm telling you this once! Go to Monster Island, stay there and stay the f*ck away from my Kingdom."

"Homelander, you shot the wrong one, you idiot!" Saitama shouted from where he stood. "Not only that, you shot a kid!" He was ignored.

Godzilla leaned down to the crying Kaiju Girl and began to lick her bleeding arm. Once it was clean, he exhaled his radioactive breath on the wound and it empowered the Kaiju Girl's healing factor and it sealed up. Junior looks up in surprise he pats her on the head before he turns away towards the man hovering above him.

"Did you hear me, old fossil?!" Homelander asked before using his sonic scream. "STAY THE f*ck AWAY FROM MY KINGDOM!"

Godzilla stared unblinkingly before taking a deep breath. He then spoke in a deep and powerful voice. "I'm going to feed you your own heart."

Homelander stared owlishly before he burst out laughing. "Hahahaha! sh*t! That was a great line-!" He was cut off when Godzilla punched him and he went flying into the ocean.

"Listen you cheap evil Superman knockoff," Godzilla growled.Oh great. Now I'm sounding like thatinsufferable Merc with a Mouth."I couldn't care less about your kingdom. I don't care what lab you came from, but this is my domain now." He knew an alien when he smelled one. In front of him was no alien. Just a human with some super soldier serum in his veins.God, with the American Flag as a cape, its like Steve Rogers with some cheap knock off Kryptonian serum.he thought.And given how this man-child isnothing like Rogers, Kent or Kara, this is an insult to both of them."Plus, you messed with my-the kid." He punched his fist into his open palm and cracked his knuckles. "This is going to hurt you. . . a lot. And I'm going to enjoy it."

Homelander rose into the air and out of the water with a growl before he flew to Godzilla's chest and lifted him off the ground and flew him into the side of the volcano before flying him off the island and into the sea.

"Well, they completely forgot about us," Saitama stated bluntly, standing at the edge of the beach and watching Homelander carry the male Kaiju to the distance with maximum effort.

"Is he going to be okay?" Athena asked worriedly. Junior stood at her side, holding her arm.

"I think so, Homelander may be the one of the strongest S-Class heroes but the Kaiju can handle himself." Saitama dismissed.

"You're not worried about Homelander?" Junior asked. "No. Besides, Homelander's a bully." Saitama answered.

"But Master, we're supposed to fight the male Kaiju." Genos said from where he was imbedded in the cliffside.

"Oh yeah. I forgot. Well, I guess I should swim after them." With that Saitama jumped into the water and began to swim.

Athena looked over to Genos. "Are you okay?" she asked.

"I'm a little stuck, truth be told," Genos deadpanned.

Rexy watched Godzilla be carried off into the distance before shaking her head and walking into the jungle. Unaware that the island was now radiated by Godzilla.

Homelander slammed Godzilla into the ocean floor. Godzilla swatted him away like a bug. Homelander recovered and moved behind the Saurian Kaiju and shoved him to the ground. He grabbed onto one of Godzilla's dorsal fins and began to drag him across the sea floor until Godzilla unleashed a Nuclear Pulse that knocked Homelander back.

Godzilla rose to his feet and shook his head off the rocks in his spines. He opened his mouth and picked his teeth for the rocks stuck between his teeth.

He could hear Homelander approach him from behind again. He lifted his tail and Tail Whipped the Vought Superhero to the sea floor. The Saurian Kaiju turned around and kicked Homelander away. Godzilla then swam after him before he started swimming around and around him, making a whirlpool in the process.

When Homelander landed on the ground, he tried to get back up only for Godzilla to stomp on him. He fired his heat vision at the giant foot. When it lifted off him, he was then blasted by a radioactive cerulean beam.

He was blasted for three minutes before Godzilla stopped, only to stomp him with his right foot. Homelander held his hands up and tried to lift the giant foot but he couldn't. He shot his heat vision but Godzilla didn't flinch. He simply lifted his foot and stomped on Homelander harder.

Godzilla then punched Homelander three times, shattering the sea floor around him with every hit. Homelander fired his heat vision at Godzilla's face but the Saurian Kaiju leaned back and the laser beams shot past him.

The King of Monsters glared down before he felt a ship slam down on the back of his head. Blinking, he looked behind him and saw two pieces of a sinking ship.Did this human's heatvision hit a boat?he thought. This distraction allowed Homelander to shoot up and pick up Godzilla with maximum effort.(1)

Godzilla was carried out of the sea and to Menagerie. Homelander dropped him on a restaurant before dragging him through numerous houses before crashing him into a fuel station. The station exploded, killing Faunus nearby.

Homelander crawled out of the crater, covered in blood. He looks around at the Faunus looking at him and he looks at his blood stained hands. His image was getting ruined! His partner Queen Maeve landed near him as Saitama ran up the hill.

"What's the matter, gonna cry?" Godzilla walked out of the fire in his human form, unharmed. Covering his form was nanotech black armor with spikes.(2)His spines glowed neon blue as he rolled his shoulders.

"Oh, hey. He's still alive." Saitama stated before Homelander let out his Sonic Scream. "BACK OFF!" Both Godzilla and Maeve winced slightly while Saitama rubbed his ear and the Faunus held their bleeding ears in pain.

Homelander appeared in front of Godzilla, grabbed him by the throat and shot lasers straight into his eyes. "AFTER I'M DONE WITH YOU, I'LL BURN THOSE THREE BITCHES OF YOURS, THIS WORTHLESS ZOO OF ANIMALS AND EVERY KAIJU YOU KNOW!"

Suddenly Godzilla's hand shot out and covered Homelander's eyes. Homelander squirmed in the Kaiju's grip as he growled with his eyes covered in soot, "No one threatens my kids." He moved his hand down to Homelander's jaw and ripped it off its hinges, leaving it to dangle on a few strands of skin.

Saitama stared blankly while Maeve stared in surprise and horror.He did that with no effort,Maeve thought stepping back.

Godzilla grabbed Homelander's arms and snapped them like twigs. Homelander stepped back in fear and tripped on his own cape. The Saurian Kaiju-Human raised his foot up and stomped on Homelander's legs, breaking them one by one.

"Remember what I promised?" Godzilla asked before he stabbed his claws into Homelander's chest and then ripped out his heart. "Bon appetite," he stated coldly as he shoved it down Homelander's throat. Godzilla opened his eyes and they glowed like flames. "Enjoy."

"No! Please!" Homelander begged before his skull was crushed.

Godzilla held Homelander's corpse as he turned to Queen Maeve. "I don't care if you and any other super beings come after me, but if I hear that any harm came to the Kaiju Children," he holds up the corpse. "I'll do this and worse to those responsible." And he tosses the body down at Maeve's feet.

Maeve swallowed and stepped back with a nod of her head.

"That was impressive," Saitama stated. "Homelander was dubbed as the strongest S-Class hero."

Godzilla rose an eyebrow. "Him? Please, Supergirl and the Juggernaut were heavier hitters than him. They knew how to throw a punch."

Saitama rose an eyebrow.Supergirl and the Juggernaut?he thought.Who are they? I neverheard of them. "Really? That's interesting." he stated.

Godzilla pointed a blood covered finger at the bald man. "You on the other hand, are stronger." he declared. "I felt it when you punched me. You have strength that rivals a Kryptonian."

"Huh?" Saitama said in confusion before Godzilla spoke again. "Our battle is going to be legendary!" He then punched Saitama and sent him flying into the distance.

There wasn't much blue paint at the next outpost but Caine made due with what he had. It may not be regulation anymore, but the old Clone Trooper thought that armor didn't feel right if it wasn't personalized in some way. He made two blue crescents that went across his forehead and under his eyes. Then he drew a line down the nose bridge of the helmet and parted it to a upside down V when he came down to the mouth piece of the helmet.

It was the closest he had gotten to how he had painted his original helmet. If he had more time, Caine would have painted the chest and arm pieces, but he had a feeling he'd get guff from the Field Commanders if he went that far. He had heard that some Stormtroopers liked to stylize their helmets, depending if their commander let them or not. Usually it was not. He never understood why the Empire had made a big deal about that when the Stormtroopers took over from the Clone Troopers. He supposed it was to be more uniformed, more rigid and imposing. Caine just thought it was ironic that the new guys were now required to look exactly alike and the Clones were allowed to a greater expression of individuality. It's almost enough to make one laugh.

"Sweet war paint, sir," Jaune said, currently sitting across from him in the Transport with Marrow and Iroh and Zuko. Raven was riding her Skrill outside. "They only let us do that kind of stuff for camouflage."

"Thanks, Private." Caine replied as he looked over. "Just an old habit, I guess. Glad you like it."

"How's it feel to be back in armor then?" Marrow asked next, rather enthusiastically with his tail wagging before he noticed and grabbed it to make it stop.

Neither Jaune or Marrow could see it, but Caine was beaming.

"Honestly? Fantastic," he admitted, sounding more upbeat than Iroh could remember. Then his tone turned sour. "Wish it was under better circ*mstances."

"I think everyone feels that way," Jaune concurred cautiously. "This was not how I wanted my first real bit of combat to go."

"A full scale retreat from a giant rampaging monster is hardly the way anyone would want to be baptized on the battlefield." Iroh stated sagely. "At least we hadn't been massacred or separated." It was true. The survivors of Animan Airfield had made it to the next outpost in Wind Path. But they found themselves abandoning it as well when news came that the Kaiju was heading in their direction while battling a superhero. The two have begun their fight in Menagerie five hours ago. On one hand, Caine was glad there was a hero that could fight this Kaiju. But on the other hand, the fact they were fighting for that long was concerning. Was the superhero winning or the Kaiju?

As far as he could tell, they were being deployed to ahead of the Kaiju's path. They were going to counter the monster on the road to its next target as it battled the superhero. That's what he guessed. He didn't know the specifics, but Caine had a feeling that the Commanding Officer in charge of the operation would want to debrief him. He hoped it would be quick though, he didn't want to waste much time explaining and reliving the events from a few hours ago again. He wanted payback and he could tell Jaune and Marrow did as well as Prince Zuko. The two Scout Troopers and exiled Fire Nation Prince had been hunched over and uneasy since they had left the outpost.

That was going to be easier said than done though. Caine had faced a lot of scary things in his life, this Kaiju was a whole new level. Jaune had mentioned their outpost's turbolaser did nothing to stop it, but then again it was only one. Maybe more, bigger guns could make a dent in the creature. Something told him it wouldn't be that easy. There was something different about this Kaiju.

". . . So how does a Clone end up out here in Remnant?" Marrow asked suddenly, probably to get his mind off their current problem.

"I'm curious about this as well," Jaune admitted. His Terrible Terror was resting on his right shoulder.

"I guess I got lucky," Caine admitted with a shrug. "Most of us got discharged after the war. I was able to stay in though after making an appeal to my superior. He pulled some strings and I got transferred to another division before ending under General Ironwood's division when Remnant became Imperial to provide security. I've been doing communications work ever since. I'm probably the only Clone left in the Rep-I mean, Imperial Military."

"Well lucky us," Jaune said to him. "Almost everyone else here in the division are fresh out of the academy or used to be Huntsmen and Huntresses. It's nice to meet someone who has experience with combat right now."

Marrow turns to General Iroh. "It's also a honor to meet you too, sir. I know your campaign against Ba Sing Se, but the Dragon of the West is still a legend."

Both Iroh and Caine let out a short laugh. "Well, I don't have much experience against Kaiju," the old Clone stated.

"I have only encounter a Kaiju Girl like the one we've seen today," Iroh said. "Besides, in the Great War, while I fought for my nation as any General or Crown Prince should, the real enemy was Salem. For this situation, I suggest we take up bigger guns."

"I hear that, sir." Jaune wholeheartedly agreed. "Hopefully whatever the brass has in mind is enough to stop that thing. I personally think they need to bring down some Star Destroyers and a Hell lot of Walkers. Only chance we got."

Excessive? Yeah, but both Caine and Iroh understood where it was coming from. The former hoped the Field Officers were going to take this seriously himself. This Kaiju wasn't going to be an easy kill.

"Always wondered what it was like being bred and born for combat like that," Jaune admitted.(3)"I mean, I'm probably not even half the soldier you are. You were made to be one, I just picked up the job cause it sounded exciting."

"Don't sell yourself short yet, kid." Caine said. He turns to Marrow. "You two got a long career ahead of you. Chances are you'll turn out just as good as any Clone."

"Well assuming we take out the big grey fire breathing lizard, of course," Marrow added a bit nervous.

The transport suddenly came to a stop. They had arrived. Quickly they and the other troopers inside filed out and met with Raven Branwen. The landscape was different. It looked to be night time despite the time being 01239 hours, the terrain was crystalline in appearance with large and small craters.

Raven knew where this was. "The Land of Darkness," she said coldly. "The birthplace of the Creatures of Grimm."

Jaune and Marrow both felt spikes of ice stab through them as did Prince Zuko. This land was rumored to be the domain of the god of Darkness.

Both Iroh and Caine frowned as they focused on where they were. Based on their observations, they were on one side of a very large canyon. There were at least three or so armored companies, tanks and artillery pieces, lined up along both ends of the canyon. Caine could see the edge of the opposite cliff as well, where there were several turbolaser emplacements inside small caves within the cliff face. It stood to reason that there were more in the caves on their side as well.

"They're rolling out quite the welcome wagon," Zuko remarked.

"True, but is this an ambush or a defensive line?" Caine asked.

"Bit of both actually."

They all turned around and saw a Decepticon and a Fire Nation Commander the old Clone Trooper, the retired Fire Nation General and exiled Prince knew but wished they never did.

"Commander Zhao," Zuko greeted gruffly in barely hidden annoyance. "Prince Zuko, General Iroh, the Fire Nation is glad you survived the attack." Zhao said in false joy with a fake smile. He gestures to the Decepticon who is giving Caine a hard look. "This is Starscream." he introduced.

"We were told that you and Iroh are the most senior Officer to survive the destruction of Animan Airfield 01." the Cybertronian began before glancing downwards. "I was not told you also felt inclined to decorate your uniform in such a manner."

Caine took off his helmet, hoping that would explain enough. The Decepticon seeker just sighed when he saw the old soldier's face. "Ah, a Clone. I should've known." he responded in a tired and annoyed tone. "Well, suppose we'll allow it in this case, given the circ*mstances."

"Communications Officer Caine," the Clone saluted. "This is Scout Troopers Privates Arc and Amin. And this is Huntress Raven Branwen." He gestured to said Dragon Rider.

"Branwen?" Zhao repeated. "Why's the Bandit Queen working with the law?" Caine could tell that both Scout Troopers were surprised by that.

"The Kaiju massacred my Tribe." Raven said sternly. "I want it dead. You can arrest me after it's dead."

Starscream chuckled. "I like this one." he stated. "And the Scouts?"

"They were brought to the Airfield when a TIE patrol picked them up in a state of shock," Iroh informed. "They thought that they were attacked by dragons."

"I assume this TIE patrol was killed in the ensuing battle at the Airfield then?" Zhao questioned.

"We can only assume, sir." Caine admitted. Truth be told, he was confused a bit about the report a bit now that he said out loud himself. But both the Scouts and Bandit Huntress barely remembered anything after they blacked out during the attack. He couldn't really get the details he needed out of them to better explain matters, but he trusted that they were telling the truth as far as they remembered it. He didn't know the TIE pilot's side of things so most of the story was lost. But it didn't matter now, the Kaiju was the real concern.

"Well, I don't suppose the Privates and Bandit Queen have some insight they wish to share?" Starscream asked.

"Just one, Commander," Jaune said after sharing a look with his partner and Raven. "I hope you're bringing in Star Destroyer or two."

Zhao just huffed, as if to mock the very suggestion. "Such measures won't be necessary I'm sure." he informed them. "The Kaiju so far has only been engaged with small arms. Currently we have deployed a number of heavy weapons within and around the canyon. All of them high yield. General Ironwood's strategy has been laid out to the letter, we are following those directives as per his orders."

"If I may ask, sir, what exactly is the plan?" Caine asked.

Both Zhao and Starscream walked past them towards the edge of the canyon, standing straight as they did.

"The B-Class Superhero known as Mumen Rider and our probe droids are currently tracking the Kaiju on a direct course for the canyon as it battles the superhero known as Saitama or Caped Baldly," Zhao said as he looked up the large crack within the earth.

"We are unsure of the reason of its current course," Starscream stated. "But we know that a number of our key resource and power installations lay beyond this land as well as the Kingdom of Arendelle. When the beast arrives, two tank squads will engage upon his approach. They will lure him into the canyon and the rest of the companies shall then break cover while our artillery opens fire. The Kaiju, designated Alpha Predator One, will be trapped within the crossfire as turbolasers and tanks lay into him. The canyon's depth will bring him down to a considerable size from this position and the Earth Benders will trap him within the earth. We aim for the eyes and wherever its hide appears weakest. That should finish it."

It was a pretty textbook strategy. One they used on droids during the Clone Wars. You lured the enemy in, pulled back, allowed him to encircle himself and then surprise him with a lightning assault. It worked on battledroids, and regular armies, but Caine wasn't sure if it was the best for this situation. This Kaiju was far bigger and a group of droids were after all.

"Is this wise, sir?" he asked in a respectful tone. "We'd be engaging in close quarters, especially inside the canyon itself. Our long range capability seems to be our best option and a Star Destroyer could even the odds a bit."

"The Destroyers are needed to blockade this planet from potential intruders," Zhao stated. "Not to mention it would an excessive waste of air power."

"With communications hampered slightly, we wouldn't be able coordinate orbital bombardment effectively either." Starscream added. "It seems pointless to use such weapons on blowing up one angry reptile. Our forces will be sufficient."

Zhao pointed to one of the nearby tanks. It sported two large repulsor lift treads on both sides, the main body was stout with a swiveling turret on top of the vehicle and two missile launchers on the side. "That is a 2-M Repulsor Tank," he informed them. "Effective anti-armor weapon with a heavy laser cannon and missile launchers. We have three full companies mobilized in this canyon. They alone are the equivalent of one Star Destroyer's fire power."

He then gestured to another vehicle. It was large with eight legs and low to the ground with a heavy turbolaser on it. It reminded Caine about the Walkers from the Clone Wars. "And that is an SPMA," the Fire Nation Commander said proudly. "Self-Propelled Medium Artillery. The real thrust of this attack. Enough firepower to reduce a skyscraper in Coruscant to rubble in a single barrage. The heavy turbolaser is more accurate than the tanks. We have two full platoons worth of them on either side of the canyon. They will blind Alpha Predator One with relative ease, disabling his ability to fight back. Should it be needed, we have a few Huntsmen and Huntresses as well as professional superheroes. When he's wounded, they'll finish him off."

Starscream gave Caine a very pleased look. "So you see, Communications Officer Caine, the situation is well in hand." he said to the Clone Trooper. "We don't need a Star Destroyer to clean up this mess."

"I would advise that we exercise caution," Iroh spoke up. "I've met a similar Kaiju during the War and this one seems to be just as dangerous. We shouldn't assume that this will be enough."

Starscream just sighed in annoyance before he transformed into a jet and flew away. Zhao turns to him with an annoyed expression. "The decision as been made and we are not going to alter it, General Iroh."

"Sir, this Kaiju is extremely dangerous possesses abilities more akin to actual weapons than any animal I've ever seen," Caine spoke up. It destroyed much of Animan Airfield 01 with just one blast."

"You may appear seasoned, soldier but that is because you are a lab experiment with an overactive aging rate," Zhao shoved a finger into the older man's chest. "I have fought against Grimm, insurrectionists and terror groups in the past. That is why General Ironwood poached me from another division. Why his second in command, Specialist Schnee, placed me in charge of training the new recruits and the Fire Lord placed me in charge of this operation. The only reason we're speaking is because you are the only one of significant rank among your survivors."

This was the attitude that made the Fire Nation General, exiled Crown Prince and Clone trooper wish that they never met Zhao. Said exiled Fire Bender Prince moved to say something but Iroh held him back as Raven did the same for the Scout Troopers. Caine didn't care for Zhao's tone and let him continue his rant until he seemed to regain his professionalism again.

"To be frank, having a Clone placed in such capacity is. . . most distressing," He stated. "I hear your kind is. . . defective and hard to properly command. I hope that you follow my instructions and make sure your men do the same."

"Sir, I have no intention of disobeying orders," Caine said in a reassuring tone. "I only wish to advise caution on a course of action Iroh and I believe to be costly."

"I don't want your complaints, I want your compliance," Zhao reiterated. "So tell me if I have it or not."

Caine sighed mentally. It was like talking to a brick wall. It was pointless. "Yes sir." he relented at last. "You have it."

Zhao smiled smugly. "Very good," he declared as he began to walk away. "Full debriefing will be within the hour. A full report on Alpha Predator One's progress. I expect to see you there for your instructions on how your people are to function in this operation. Good day, gentlemen. And lady." With that, he left them, marching as all Fire Nation/Imperial Officers like him seem to do. Chest puffed out like a proud bird with a big head.

Caine glared at his back as he put his helmet back on. The Jedi at least, regardless of what they did in the end, respected the Clones they commanded for the most part.

"Guess he's not interested in listening to us," Jaune stated. "That's Zhao for you," Prince Zuko growled.

"He's got an ACME dynamite in front of him and it's going to blow up in his face." Raven declared with a glare to Zhao's back.

"Well, hopefully he's onto something." Caine said with a passive shrug. "Maybe all these tanks and guns will be enough to take the Kaiju down. If we just find a weakness, there's a chance we can pull it off."

"Well, any idea of where it might be?" Marrow asked.

"No, but maybe the probe droid report might give me some ideas," Caine replied a little thoughtfully. "Arc, Amin, Prince Zuko, go meet with the men. General Iroh and I will see about Zhao's debriefing and get back to you."

Both Jaune and Marrow saluted simply before departing with the younger Fire Bender to meet with the other men. Caine knew now it wasn't going to be easy. He was already thinking of a few holes in this plan as the Scouts left. By the time his mind settled, he realized that they may all be over their heads. If nothing else, maybe this fight will reveal some weakness in Alpha Predator One. He just hoped that not many soldiers will die to discover it.

After speaking to the survivors of the Kaiju attack, Marrow bumped into some old friends he knew from Atlas Academy while Zuko went to go meditate. This left Jaune alone.

Which wasn't the best idea. He grew tense every time he heard the sounds of the Walkers' footsteps. He tried taking deep breaths and mentally tell himself that it was just the Walkers not a Kaiju. He started tapping his finger a little to try and tune out the footsteps or else he'd go crazy and start shooting.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Huh?" Blinking, Jaune turned to the right and saw a Huntress. She was dressed in black and red clothing with a bright red cloak. Her hair was dyed red at the tips and she had silver eyes.

"You're one of the few that encountered the new Kaiju right?" she asked. "Are you okay?"

"Oh, yeah. Definitely." Jaune replied dismissively. "You sure? Because you look like you could use the company and my team is over there." She gestured over to where a large group of Huntsmen and Huntresses.

Jaune sighed and got up and followed her. "The name's Jaune Arc," he said to both the Huntress and her friends. "Short, easy to remember."

"I'm Ruby, Ruby Rose." the young woman in a red hood said with a beaming smile. "I'm leader of Team RWBY. . . And yes, that does cause some confusion."

"I'm Yang Xiao Long, Ruby's older sister." the blonde woman with a yellow and black robotic right arm introduced. Jaune blinked. For a split second he thought he was looking at Raven with blonde hair.Eh. It's probably because her hair is a mane like Raven's.

"I'm Yang's partner, Blake Belladonna," the Cat Faunus said reading a book.Wait, what kind of book is that? Ninjas of Love?

"Weiss Schnee, Ruby's partner." the snow white haired girl with blue eyes and a small scar over her left eye. Schnee? Jaune repeated mentally. Is she related to Specialist Schnee? "And yes, I'm related to the Atlassian-Imperial Specialist." she says as if reading Jaune's mind.

"Ah, that explains it." Jaune said as that really does explains it. But it did make him wonder why Winter's sister is a Huntress and not in the military like her. He turns to the three remaining Huntsman and Huntresses.

"We're Team PRN." the man with black hair. Is that a magenta streak in his hair? Jaune briefly thought. You don't see that, especially with most men. "I'm Lie Ren."

"Names Nora, Nora Valkyrie," the ginger haired woman said as she held a war hammer.

"And I'm Pyrrha Nikos," the red haired woman said politely.

"Nice to meet you," Jaune held an hand to shake.

"Excuse you, you're talking to Pyrrha Nikos!" Weiss exclaimed hotly. Jaune rose an eyebrow. "I know. She just said her name." he replied.

Weiss scoffed. "She graduated with the highest honors in Sanctum."

"And I'm a Scout Trooper," Jaune replied with a shrug. "I never heard of that."

"She won the Mistral Tournament four years in the row! A world record!" Weiss exclaimed. "The what?" Jaune asked. "I didn't watch much sports when I was younger."

He sees everyone else looking at him with surprised expressions while Weiss shook before she waved her arms angrily. "SHE'S ON THE FRONT OF EVERY PUMPKIN PETE'S MARSHMELLOW FLAKES BOX!"

Jaune let out a loud gasp. "That's you!" he exclaimed and imagined the mentioned cereal box behind the bashful Pyrrha. "But they only do that for star athletes and cartoon characters."

"Yes, it's nice," Pyrrha said. "Sadly, the cereal isn't very good for you."

"It can't be worse than what the Military makes you eat," Jaune replied before shuddering. Then he remembered the Terrible Terror on his back. "Oh, I forgot about this little bugger. This is Green Bean."

The Terror waved a front paw at the stunned group save for Nora and Ruby. Green Bean jumped onto Blake's head and sniffed at her black cat ears. He nipped on them before jumping onto Yang's head, dodging Blake slashing nails. He then seemed to dig into Yang's hair and poke his head out as if in a small haystack and climbed down her prosthetic arm. He bit on one of the fingers. He stuck his tongue in disgust and jumped on Ruby's lap. The young Huntress laughed and pulled a small bag from her belt. She held out a cookie and tossed at the Terror.

Green Bean smiled and gulped down the cookie. He stared up at Ruby before curling up on her lap. Ruby smiled and ran her hand down his back.

"Huh, surprisingly tame." Weiss commented.

"Yeah, I think he used to belong to the Branwen Tribe before the Kaiju found them." Jaune said thoughtfully.

"Wait, did you say the Branwen Tribe?" Yang asked, sitting up straighter. Jaune rose an eyebrow. "Yeah, based on what Commander Zhao said earlier, I think Green Bean belonged to someone in that tribe."

"You've met those bandits?" Weiss asked. Jaune shook his head. "No, my partner and commanding officer found what was left of their camp. Their leader is the only survivor."

"You mean Raven Branwen's here?" Yang stood up and demanded. "Uh, yeah. She's being debriefed or with her Skrill."

Yang stared with wide eyes before her lilac eyes became bloody red, much like Raven's, before she stormed off. He looked at them in confusion. "Did I say something?" he asked.

"Raven is her birth mother," Blake answered watching Yang leave with a concerned expression. "Oh, and she's the Bandit Queen," Jaune recalled what Zhao had said earlier.

"And she practically left Yang at her father's doorstep when she was born," Weiss added with crossed arms but a concerned look at Yang's retreating form.

"Oh." Jaune said in shock.Like, damn. Who knew Raven was such a deadbeat,he thought.

They all sat in uncomfortable silence before Nora spoke up. "You say that she has a Skrill?" she asked.

"Yeah and she named her Summer." Jaune said. Finding it ironic that he was talking about that particular species of dragon before meeting Raven. This makes Ruby to look at him with wide eyes.Oh, now what?"Is something wrong, Ruby?"

"Yeah. . . that was the name of my mom," Ruby said slowly. This surprises everyone. "Wait, so you and Yang. . . " Jaune trailed.

"Stepsisters, different mothers, same father." she stated with a shrug. "Oh. One of my sisters has a family so I thought you and Yang had a similar family.

"Well, I wouldn't know about that," Ruby replied. "Dad didn't talk about how his relationships with our mothers were and Summer died when I was too young to remember."

"That's rough," Jaune winced. "But hey, Raven named her dragon after her. So, I guess they had to have been close."

"I guess," Ruby murmured. Jaune gave a sigh. And here he was hoping to make a good impression and new friends. Instead, he has sent one confronting their deadbeat birth mother and another thinking about their childhood without a mother. They sat in silence again before he heard Marrow calling his name.

Turning around he saw the Dog Faunus Scout Trooper with the Atlassian-Imperial Ace-Ops. "The debrief will start soon, Jaune." Marrow said, waving his hand. "Come on."

"Well, see you in the battlefield," Jaune said to the team.

"It was nice to meet you, Jaune." Pyrrha said with a genuine smile. "Always a pleasure to meet someone who doesn't know my fame."

"Likewise," Jaune replied. Just as he reached Marrow, he and everyone else heard something that Jaune knows will give him nightmares for the rest of his days.


"He's coming," was all Jaune said grimly.

The Land of Darkness

30 minutes later. . .

A lone Beowulf slowly approached the entrance of its cave. It looked around cautiously. It could sense many humans nearby and it had to be cautious. The humans had better weapons now and more numbers than they did seven years ago and now its fellow Grimm were on the brink of being wiped off the face of Remnant.

The ground began shaking and it hid in the shadows of its cave, thinking a tank was approaching before its cave collapsed on top of it, killing it.

It was not a tank, but Godzilla and Saitama rolling on the ground, punching one another in the face while rolling. When Godzilla was on the bottom, he fired his Atomic Breath at the bald superhero, and he was sent into the air.

Saitama still had a blank expression while his yellow suit was ripped and torn as was his white cape. He flew high into the air before he began to fall back down. Just when he was under 100 feet off the ground, Godzilla had transformed back into his Kaiju form and Tail Whipped him into a large spike of rock. He punched where Saitama landed three times before Saitama jumped out of the rock and punched Godzilla in the chest. The Saurian Kaiju flew back and to the ground with a heavyTHUD!

Saitama landed on the ground and wiped his bleeding nose with a small smirk. Out of everyone Saitama had ever faced, this male Kaiju is the only one that gave him a bloody nose. Godzilla rose back up and swung his fist down at Saitama. The bald superhero dodged and kicked the Kaiju's right foot out from under him. He then jumped onto Godzilla's knee to get up to the Kaiju's face and gave a Consecutive Series: Normal Punches.

Godzilla morphed back to his human-hybrid form as he fell to the ground and stood up. He banged his fists together and roared at the bald superhero. "Come on!" he said. "Give me a real fight!"

Saitama grinned and appeared in front of Godzilla in a blur. "Consecutive series: Normal punches." he said as his left hand became a blur and punched Godzilla all over his upper body.

Godzilla remained still as if being stunned by the series of punches before his hand shot out and he caught Saitama's fist. ". . . Please," he scoffed before he punched Saitama in the head, bringing him to his knees. Godzilla held onto his opponent's fist and began to punch him in the head.

The fifth punch Saitama brushed off. The tenth punch started to make him dizzy. The eighteenth punch started to hurt his head. Pain, a concept Saitama wasn't familiar with for a long time since he began to train to be the strongest hero on the planet. Then Godzilla held his fist high and stretched Saitama's left arm out before bringing his fist down on where Saitama's left forearm meets his elbow and there is a loud sickeningCRUNCH!

Saitama screamed in pain as he gave Godzilla a Killer Move-Serious Series: Serious Punch with his right arm and sent Godzilla flying back into a cliffside.

Saitama held his left arm and smiled through the pain he felt.He broke my arm,he thought. He began to chuckle lowly before laughing in joy. "You are right in what you said, Kaiju-san. This fight will indeed be legendary!" he shouts to where Godzilla was.

The dust cloud disappears slowly and the air around the human Kaiju glows blue as his spines glow neon blue and atomic energy channels through his armor and the teeth of the armor stand up on end. He dusts his shoulder as he glares at Saitama and lets out an earth-shaking roar that blows the dust away.


Saitama began to charge at Godzilla at high speeds. Godzilla growled, channeling energy to his hands that began to glow as he got ready to Thunderclap and release a Nuclear Pulse at once.

Saitama swung his fist just as Godzilla clapped his Atomic charged hands.BOOM!The following explosion flattened the cliffside Godzilla was in and both combatants were in a large crater.

Human and Kaiju stood on opposite sides before charging at one another again. They threw a fist and punched each other in the face simultaneously. Godzilla recovered from the blow and gave Saitama a headbutt followed by a Tail Whip. Saitama instantly grabbed onto the scaly appendage and Godzilla knew what was going to happen next.

"Ugh, Ihateit when people grab my TAIL!" Godzilla shouted the end of the sentence as he was lifted off his feet and body slammed down. "And do that." he said into the ground in a muffled voice.

He spun around, pulling his tail free from Saitama's grip and kicking him in the chest with both feet and used his tail to rise to his feet. He grabbed onto Saitama's cape and wrapped it around the man's head. Using his tail to hold him upright, Godzilla began to rapidly punch Saitama's face with both hands. After the twentieth punch, the space where Saitama's face would be stained red. Saitama broke out of his tail's grip and punched Godzilla back, forcing the Kaiju to rip the cape from the superhero's shoulders.

Saitama grinned more as blood ran down his chin from his broken nose before he ran to Godzilla. The Saurian Human Kaiju grinned as both of their fists became a blur towards each other. Every fist and kick was either blocked or dodged. Every Tail Whip was ducked under.

After what felt like an eternity, Saitama managed to land another punch to Godzilla's chest, knocking the Human Saurian Kaiju back to the cliff. Godzilla shook himself before he raised both fists above his head and slammed them on the ground, shattering the surface and sending a wave of massive boulders to Saitama.

The bald superhero stared at the wave of boulders before he ran to the side of the wave in a blur. However, as soon as he stopped moving, Godzilla tackled him from the side and ran him into the side of the cliff.

The earth cracked, shifted and bulged as Godzilla ran under the surface, slamming Saitama's back against the rock like a battering ram.

Saitama gritted his teeth before screaming. Up on the surface, the ground suddenly exploded and Godzilla was seen flying out of the cloud of dust. Saitama jumped from the flying boulders and spun like a top as he flew towards Godzilla and delivered a Serious Punch and Godzilla was thrown back down to the crater.

Godzilla laid on the ground briefly and smiled. It had been a while since he had fought someone like this. Sure there was Zone Fighter, Superman, Thor, Wonder Woman, Jet Jaguar, the Hulk but this was someone new.(4)A human that had the strength of a Kryptonian with no serum or mutation involved at all.

He rose back up and saw the human standing close by. Godzilla felt genuine respect. This human's upper part of his suit was now destroyed by his Atomic Breath and being used as a battering ram through the earth, his arm was broken along with his nose and yet, he showed no fear. Just pure excitement and joy. Perhaps he had never had an opponent like Godzilla.

Charging up his Atomic Breath, Godzilla fired his primary weapon at Saitama who lifted his arm to block it. Saitama gritted his teeth. He has felt beam attacks before but this was actually hurting his skin. Like how you touch an active stove or oven. Not wanting to test the limit of his skin any further, Saitama ran to Godzilla and punched him in the face. The Atomic Breath beam hit the rock stalactite nearby.

"Wow, nearly six hours and now someone has a broken arm," Adam stated within the Ghost. The Rebel ship was out of visual range and its scrambler was at full capacity. To any Imp down there with a scanner, they were just space of air. As for their big grey friend, they could see him even when he was human sized just fine. He wasn't really that hard to spot. Sensors could read several probe droids circling the Kaiju regularly, probably trying to get a read on it for the Empire to better combat it.

"It's a surprise that it's Saitama," Leo said. "Most of his opponents don't survive his punches and have never managed to hurt him like so."

"Well, I guess Saitama's getting that fight he's been dreaming about," Donnie said. Miko gave him a curious look. "He dreams about getting his arm broken?"

"Not exactly. More like a fight that pushes him to his limits," Donnie replied. "This Kaiju must be really tough enough to give Saitama exactly that."

They could see the ground shattering and shifting more and more as the superhero and Kaiju traded blow for blow. Then the Kaiju caught Saitama's fist again. His tail knocked the man to his knees and began to punch the human in the head again like before. Just as he raised his fist high, Saitama moved around and punched him with his left arm and sent Godzilla flying into the air.

Saitama grunted in pain from using his broken arm to punch before shrugging it off and running to where Godzilla was going fall. Before the Saurian Human Kaiju was below ten feet in the air, Saitama threw his fist to Godzilla's back and punched between his spines and sent him flying miles into the ever night sky.

"Wow, I bet he could see our houses from up there," Casey said to April as they watched the Kaiju disappear into the clouds.

20 miles high. . .

". . . It's a nice view," Godzilla muttered drily before morphing back to his Kaiju form and letting gravity grab a hold of him.

Saitama looked up in surprise as he and the Rebels in the Ghost saw Godzilla falling down like a meteor at high speeds.

"Hera, I think we should move farther back," Kannan said urgently. "Way ahead of you," the Rebel pilot replied, and the Ghost Crew moved further away from the fight.

Saitama took a deep breath and jumped up to intercept Godzilla. Despite the situation, Saitama couldn't help but smile. This is what he wanted. This is the kind fight he dreamed about. A fight that would get his blood pumping, his heart racing and his adrenaline high.

Godzilla reared his fist back with a roar. Saitama did same, rearing his fist back and letting out a battle cry before the two fighters threw their fists at one another.


Saitama was sent flying thirty miles out of the Land of Darkness from the explosion more powerful than any bomb in Remnant's history while Godzilla landed close to where Saitama previously was and rolled to a stop.

Saitama chuckled weakly with a wheeze.That Kaiju really is strong,he thought impressed.Ihope. . . we fight again.With that, he lost consciousness.

Godzilla rose to his feet, shaking rocks off him. He looked around for his adversary. He sniffed the air. No, the human survived the explosion but succumbed to the pain. He then let out a roar of respect to his worthy opponent before stopping and then he began to stomp in the direction of where the Empire is.

"Is. . . Is that a man on a bike?" Hakoda asked, looking at the direction Godzilla and Saitama had come from. Sure enough, those that had watched the fight turned to where Hakoda was looking, and they could see a man riding a bike after the Kaiju.

"That's Mumen Rider of the Hero Association," Donnie said. "The Empire must have had him monitor the Kaiju.

"You'd think they'd have sent down a Star Destroyer to bombard it," Hera said curiously to Sienna and Kannan in the co*ckpit.

"They're probably worried about its Atomic Breath," Sienna suggested.

"Either that or they think it'll be overkill." Kannan added.

"You can always count on the Empire to be overconfident," Hera huffed in response.

Although, one could wonder if the same applied to the Kaiju. It just fought against a superhero and was on course to where the Empire was waiting for it. It didn't seem at all threatened by the show of force. The confrontation was inevitable now.

"How long do you think we'll have to get our probe?" she asked after a moment of silence.

"Not long," Kannan warned. "Either the probes will get shot down by friendly or that thing's massive tail when they get too close. We need to move quickly if we're going to get one intact. Otherwise we're going to lose time fixing one."

That was certainly something they couldn't. They needed to get it back up, running and spy on its former masters quickly. All they needed to do was knock one out before it could spot them and the key to that was speed.

"You think we can grab the probe fast enough?" she asked.

"It all depends on making sure they're all focused on the big scary titanic fire breathing lizard," Kannan reiterated.

"Which won't be too hard since he's kind of an eye catcher," Sienna remarked before she got up and left.

"I'm just hoping this all pays off in the end." Kannan said to the side. Hera looked at him curiously upon that remark. "What do you mean by that?"

"I mean I'm wondering if this is going to pay off the way you and Ahsoka want it to," Kannan argued. "No matter what happens, security at that cloning facility is going to be tightened. I'm thinking we need to consider changing the plan."

"You agreed to the plan," she reminded him.

"That was before the giant angry lizard showed up," he retorted. "I know you were hoping to show a united front, but maybe we should just consider just bombing that place with our air support and hope that's enough. Otherwise, I think we might be wasting the opportunity to kill that thing they're building."

Hera understood his concerns. Kannan had been hesitant about this operation. The reason he had gone along with it was to stop the Zillo-Beast they currently had close to finished. If it wasn't dead, it would probably be on Lothal within a month. Kannan didn't want that to happen. Partly because of the people the Ghost crew had left behind would suffer for it. Hera suspected though that it was mostly because it was Ezra's home planet.

"Believe me, I get where you're coming from," Hera assured him. "But you need to have faith in the overall picture. I'm positive Ahsoka will adjust the plan given these new circ*mstances. She wants that cloned Zillo-Beast dead as much as you do."

"I'm just worried we may have gotten in over our heads here, again." Kannan elaborated. "I want to do more, really. I just do want us getting forced into something we can't get out of. I want us to be ready, not jumping into things we're not prepared for. It's not fair expecting this much of us this soon. We've lost too much already, especially Ezra."

Hera shared his crestfallen look. They probably weren't ready for a lot things, honestly. But the Galaxy wouldn't wait for them to be and neither would the Empire. "We've all lost a lot, it's true," she agreed. "But we're part of something bigger now and we have to accept that. We need to believe we can do this or we're not going to get far in anything. It's like that old saying goes, I guess, trust in the Force."

"Yeah, that's always a bit of a wild card to be honest." Kannan responded with a bit of a jovial huff.

Before the conversation could go further, the sensors picked up something. The Imperials were opening fire on the Kaiju. The Empire was putting its plan into motion.

"Time to get to work then," Kannan declared, his face becoming more serious. "I'll make sure the others are ready."

Nabbing a probe droid from under the Empire's nose during a fight with a giant Kaiju," Hera stated as she took up the Ghost's stick. "If this wasn't on my bucket list before, it's about to be crossed off."

The attack was now underway. The tanks along the ridge had opened fire as soon as the Kaiju got into range. They shot volley after volley as fast as their turrets and gunners could manage. The creature didn't seem bothered at all by the constant barrage though, if anything to Caine, it looked like it was just making him angrier. He roared as the shots continued to batter his hard greenish gray scaly hid. Standing from a forward observation post among Raven and other Troops, watching the opening moves of the attack unfold, Caine radioed Zhao about the progress so far.

"Alpha Predator One is taking every shot the tanks are throwing at him," he reported. "He hasn't fired yet, but he definitely doesn't feel welcomed."

"It's nothing to be concerned about, Officer Caine,"Zhao informed him in a rather plain tone."We are merely luring into the trap. Advise the Tank Commanders to pull back once he's within half a kilometer of the canyon entrance. He won't be able to resist the chase."

"Yes sir," Caine replied back, biting back a few less than pleasant thoughts on the matter.

But he had to be right, the Kaiju wouldn't be able to resist the chase. The problem was, did they really want him to chase them? Especially when they all only seemed to annoy him.

But there wasn't much Caine could do about it though, he was lucky Zhao allowed him to man the observation post and not arrest Raven. The Fire Nation Commander was in charge of the operation, he had to carry out his orders.

Didn't mean he wouldn't act on his own initiative though, as he had a gut feeling he would soon have to.

It wasn't long before the Kaiju passed Zhao's line in the ground and the tanks pulled back from the edge. Was it his imagination or did the Kaiju pause briefly and look at the canyon before continuing? On another note of concern, the lumbering lizard still hadn't fired his Atomic Breath and Caine wondered why. Maybe it wasn't a big range as he thought or maybe he just didn't feel like using it.

Who could say as far as a mammoth reptile was concerned. Caine was trained to anticipate the tactics and moves of enemy soldiers not Kaiju.

As Zhao had predicted, the Kaiju soon entered the canyon. Caine, Raven and General Iroh along with the rest of the observation post pulled back to a safer position near the artillery positions hidden in the rocks nearby. These weren't mobile guns like the SPMAs or 2-M Repulsors. These were stationary and used when one wanted something with a longer range. They were slightly upgraded models from the ones Caine had seen used in the Clone Wars. It was among these guns that they were now waiting for the order to spring the trap. Caine and the others found Jaune manning one of the artillery cannons with an Atlassian-Imperial Ace-Op Elm Elderne.

"I'll give Zhao this much," Jaune began as he hefted a shell into the cannon. "These are some major guns. And compared to the ones on the Walkers, they're kids' toys. Maybe we can at least make the big gecko think twice."

"Let's not assume anything until we get some actual results," Caine warned. "I've been in enough scraps to know battles rarely go how you plan them to."

Starscream's voice suddenly came over the nearby command channel."All guns, the Kaiju isentering the total saturation target mark!"he declared."Fire at will! Earth Benders, get ready to stop him in his tracks! Reduce this monstrosity to ashes!"

On the Decepticon Commander's orders, Jaune quickly closed the shell hatch for the artillery cannon and gave a thumbs up to the gunner, Marrow. Within moments, that gun and several others opened up with a furious barrage of super-heated plasma. They all cascaded down upon the Kaiju's head. The beast roared back as the barrage continued, pouring shells down the length of his back.

"I think we're actually hurting it!" Jaune stated jubilantly as he loaded another shell. Caine looked through his macro binoculars, seeing for himself that the young Private wasn't wrong in his assumption. The Kaiju did looked to be in pain. Looking like in pain wasn't the same as actually being wounded or bleeding though and when the smoke cleared all Caine could see were those same angry yellow eyes from mere moments before.

"Earth Benders, now!"Zhao shouted over the radio. Soon as he said that, the bottom of the canyon shot forward like elevator doors and closed around the Kaiju's legs above the knees. As the Kaiju lurched forward with a roar that sounded surprised, the tanks and artillery Walkers lurched out of their cover and sped towards attack positions. Missiles and energy blasts hurtled into the monster's body from both sides of the canyon. They continued to pummel repeatedly, eliciting more angry roars and growls from him. He could see Starscream and his fellow Decepticon jets flying by and shooting at the Kaiju and dropping their own bombs.

Yet nothing seemed to be piercing the hide of the giant reptile. Caine couldn't make out any damage. No blood, no cuts, nothing. He knew the Kaiju Girl Godzilla was tough but this didn't make sense.

Zhao noticed it too, apparently as his next orders over the radio came down."Focus fire onAlpha Predator One's head,"he orders."Blow it clean off if you have to!"

The Kaiju acted before the tanks could. Some spines on his tail grew larger than they were before, now appearing like sickle blades on his tail before smashing the tail into the side of the canyon walls, shaking the very ground beneath them with each swipe and then swinging it down on the patches of rocks that pinned his legs like an axe, breaking the rocks apart and freeing his legs.The miniature earthquakes threw the aim of the Imperials off just enough that the Kaiju was able to escape their barrage and duck down into the canyon for cover entirely.

"Tanks, move up and fire down at the dumb animal!"Zhao ordered."Finish it off!"

Finish it off? Clearly the Fire Nation Commander didn't take the Kaiju's move for what it was but Caine could and he knew that Iroh could too. Alpha Predator One didn't fall down in pain, he just jumped down to get out of range of the tanks' fire. Those tail swipes probably destroyed the tanks he and his friends had seen earlier in those caves.

He could still feel the ground shaking and rumbling beneath his feet. The Kaiju was punching or slamming itself into the rock to get rid of the remaining tanks harassing him from below while at the same time avoiding the fire from the tanks and artillery above the canyon. Only the Decepticons could hit him directly but they weren't doing much damage.

The worse part was that Zhao was closing the gap between those tanks and the monster itself.

"Commander Zhao, I strongly advise against sending the tanks," Iroh warned in his own radio. "They'll be in danger at that close range to Alpha Predator One."

"Thank you for your advice, General Iroh,"Zhao replied haughtily."I shall take it under advisem*nt. Tank commanders, proceed to the canyon edge and lay into the target!"

All the retired Fire Nation General and old Clone Trooper could do was watch as the tanks and artillery moved closer for what they thought was an easy kill. It would not be as Caine realized that the Kaiju stopped moving.

Just as the 2-Ms approached the edge, a greenish grey scaly head rose up from below. It roared briefly before slamming its massive skull into the side of the canyon, crushing five tanks as it did so. The Kaiju's tail slashed across the opposite side of the canyon, smashing the tanks beneath it. The monster's hand raised up from below and dug into the rock where another 2-M squad was positioned, crushing them all in his grip.

The Imperials had now been lured into Alpha Predator One's trap.

"We need to get him off them!" Caine shouted at Jaune and Marrow. "He's slaughtering the tank crews at that range!"

Arc was already loading another shell in before Caine had finished speaking. "This one's danger close, Marrow!" Jaune yelled at him. "Hit him on the nose! Square between the nostrils!"

"I'll do one better!" Marrow promised back. "I'll shoot right up his nose!"

"I got an idea," Iroh stated. "Stand back." he told Caine and Raven. When they complied, the old Fire Bender waved his hands in a circle, holding two fingers up as electricity danced around his finger tips.

Both Iroh and Marrow fired the shot and let the shell and bolt of lightning fly through the sky before the former began to plummet back down and the latter zapped across the distance. True to the Dog Faunus's promise, they landed as close as reasonably possible to where he had said he'd put it.

Alpha Predator One seemed to snort and sniff as the shell exploded before recoiling when his nose was hit by the bolt of lightning.

He wasn't sure it had gone up the nostril, but Caine admired the shot nonetheless.

"Good aim, right on target," he reported. "Do it again, force him off the canyon wall!"

"Yeah," Jaune agreed, grabbing another shell to load up. "He'll be picking plasma out of his nose for the next decade when we're through with him!"

Unaware to him, that did happen to the Saurian Kaiju years ago.(God damn Lobo, you crazy bastich.)

As Arc loaded the shell, Caine noticed something through his macro binoculars. One of the Artillery Walkers was closing into range with the Kaiju's head. It apparently had the same idea as they did and was trying to shoot Alpha Predator One on the nose to make him back off from what was left of the tanks near the edge. Moments later, the second artillery shot landed on his head. An energy blast from the Walker hit him in the aftermath. They were really laying into him.

The Kaiju scratched at his nasal passage before lowering his hand and Caine swore that at that moment, the Kaiju locked eyes with him right through the macro binoculars. A red hot rage seemed to surge in the creature's yellow eyes. It was as if the beast's gaze was focused solely on Caine, seeing him and only him as it stared with utter contempt.

The battle itself suddenly vanished and all Caine could see were those eyes. Those angry, vicious, murderous eyes. The likes Caine had only seen on the head Clanker during the Clone Wars, General Grievous. He had only seen them twice in real life but they felt so like this. The creature's gaze was permeated with violence and wrath. A desire to kill and destroy. Then another thing happened.

The Kaiju's lips curled upward in what looked like a sad*stic smile.

It was as if the Kaiju was saying, 'I know that you just tried to hurt me. I know it was you. And now you'll die for it.'

Alpha Predator One broke the long murderous gaze and turned to the Walker that was still shooting at him. Again, Caine wondered why the Kaiju didn't fire his Atomic Breath at them but he didn't wonder long. The Kaiju grabbed the Walker in its hand like a toy. He reeled his hand back, almost like a ball player before releasing the captured Walker. It tumbled through the air like a child's toy.

Caine didn't need to guess where it was headed and he knew it would stop looking like a child's toy the closer it got. "Everyone! Evacuate!" he shouted for everyone near by to hear. "Get the Hell out of here! RUN! Walker incoming!"

He pointed up to the tumbling little black dot that was approaching them and everyone instantly followed his lead. The gunners jumped from their guns and made a mad dash for safety. Iroh ran so fast he left a trail of dust behind him. For an old man he sure could move. Caine grabbed Arc and pushed him in front of him as Marrow jumped from his gun.

"Oh no, no, no, no!" Jaune cried as he ran. The three of them ran as fast as they could manage before the Huntress Ruby Rose and Ace-Op Harriet Bree appeared in front of them.

"Hang on!" Ruby said as she grabbed Jaune and Caine while Harriet grabbed Marrow. "Hang on to what?" Jaune asked before the whole world suddenly became a blur of rose pedals one moment, the next they were with Prince Zuko, Team RWBY, PRN and the Ace-Ops behind some boulders. They all ducked down.

The Walker collapsed onto the guns soon after. The artillery pieces were crushed under the massive metal weight of the Walker and the shells faired no better. When detonated, the entire area was filled with exploding plasma and fire. Caine kept Jaune's head down as the blaze rocketed over them and Pyrrha Nikos held a shield over herself and her friends from the fire and several bits of debris.

When it was over, there wasn't a single gun left standing. Caine looked around and could see the bodies of troopers that didn't make it out of the blast radius in time nearby. Their armor was melted and scorched from the plasma blast, their corpses burned beyond recognition.

"Holy crap," Jaune said as he and the others poked their heads up. "He just destroyed our artillery position!"

"With one of our own walkers, even!" Marrow added.

It was worse than they knew. That Kaiju could've just fired his Atomic Breath anytime and got the same effect. Yet it hadn't. That smile told Caine plenty of answers. He was toying with them, maybe letting them forget he had the Atomic Breath before he fired the damn beam and incinerated them all.

And that murderous glare had given it away as well. He wanted to hurt them, show them that he could rain down death from the sky with just as deadly precision as any of them. Worse yet, his method was more effective.

This wasn't a dumb animal like Zhao had thought. It was, as Caine suspected, something far worse. The old Clone Trooper had only now just realized that they had made a big mistake. One that would probably cost every Stormtrooper here their lives.

Suddenly something else had flown from the canyon. Caine looked up and his eyes widened as Alpha Predator One soared through the air in his human form and landed smack dab in the center of the remaining Troopers. The teeth in his armor stood on end as he growled, looking at them all with his yellow eyes before flexing his fingers and his claws unsheathed.

"Commander, we need reinforcements!" Caine shouted to his commlink. "Alpha Predator One is in his human form! Send in the Captain! Send all the available forces you got! Do it! Do it now!"


The Kaiju roared as he jumped towards the closest Stormtrooper, claws outstretched and glistening in the moonlight. He slashed the man's throat while his tail swung and the sickle spines slashed across the chest of another. His left hand shot forward like a viper and grabbed the head of a third trooper and slammed him down against the rocky ground, shattering his skull.

He slowly lifted his gaze to all of them. They all stood frozen before Caine regained his emotions. A good death is its own reward. And good soldiers die defending what's behind them.

"For the Empire!" he shouted, raising his rifle and firing at the Kaiju human. Soon as he said that, this ignited the other's fighting spirit.

"For the Fire Nation!" Zuko and Iroh yelled as they blasted fire and lightning at Alpha Predator One. "For Remnant!" Jaune said as he joined in firing.

One trooper tried to step back while firing at Alpha Predator One but the Kaiju grabbed his arm and flipped him onto his stomach. He raised his foot and stomped down hard. The Trooper's helmet and skull shattered like glass.

A Fire Bender tried attacking him with a fire dagger but Godzilla caught his wrist. He spun the Fire Bender around before flipping him onto his back. He ducked under the fire of other Troopers and rolled onto the Fire Bender he had. Caine saw the Kaiju's spines stab and cut through the man's back like jagged blades while he pulled the man's arm back until it snapped.

Alpha Predator One rose back to his feet and blocked the attacks from the Huntsmen and Huntresses, moving at speeds faster than Caine had seen any human move with his arms and tail. He then leaned back to kick Ruby away before jumping in the air and doing a split kick to Yang and Blake. He then spun in the air, his tail slapped Weiss and Nora in the face. He then headbutted Clover Ebi and gave the other Ace-Ops punches to the chest. Their Aura shattered as they went stumbling and rolling back. He then gave an upper cut to Pyrrha.

The Kaiju tilted his head at seeing the Aura flicker and shatter before he grabbed an Earth Bender that tried to come at him with a rock lance by the arm. He punched the man three times in the face. The first punch broke the man's Aura, the second his helmet and the third most likely shattered his neck based on how he fell with a limp neck.

He looked at the down Hunters and dead Troopers before looking directly at Caine, Arc, Amin, Prince Zuko, Raven, and Iroh. The old Clone Trooper glanced at his friends silently asking if they were going to retreat.

Zuko responded by pulling out dual Dao swords. Raven pulled out her sword and Iroh followed by pulling out a dagger while holding up a ball of fire. Arc and Amin both held up a blaster pistol and rifle. Caine nodded silently and pulled out a combat knife from his belt.

This was the weirdest plan Kannan had ever come up with, but Ezra had to agree that not even the Imperials could see it coming. How could they? When they were too busy getting their white-armored butts handed to them by a colossal fire breathing dinosaur. Ezra almost felt sorry for them. Almost. They should have backed off instead of trying to engage the big greenish grey Kaiju again. The fact that it destroyed much of their planet side TIEs was enough evidence of that. He couldn't think of the bantha fodder the Bucketheads had just stepped in though, they had a job of their own to do.

"Alright, Chop, I think you're all set," he told the rusty droid as he pulled on the chord tightly to test it.

Chopper grumbled at the young boy angrily, expressing his distaste for this entire exercise even more. Zeb was quick to put him in his place. "Would you relax?" he scolded. "You're going to be fine. That cable is near as strong as my arm."

"Besides," Sabine spoke up. "You're the only one that can get close enough to shock one of those probes. The Phantom is too big, they'll pick it up on their sensors. But another droid like you flying around isn't going to get much attention until it's too late."

Chopper beeped and grumbled a series of sounds, filled with several expletives none of them would dare repeat. The gist of the response was essentially, "Why don't you go fishing for them with yourself as the hook then?" but in a far less polite way.

"They'll pick up our life signs and vitals as organics," Ezra said, repeating what Kannan had said. "You are more likely to be seen as another Imperial probe droid. Besides, if something goes wrong you can fly. You have your thrusters after all."

Chopper sprung his little arms as he spouted several angry beeps at Ezra and Sabine faster than they could process.

"You're not going to fall into a war zone if you're careful," Zeb said in exasperation.

"Now either you get ready to jump out or we'll throw you out, you little mouthy pile of bolts and nuts!" Sabine threatened.

Chopper grumbled something about the Droid Gottra and how maybe they had the right idea about organics and the like. Ezra sighed and patted the droid on the head. "Look, buddy, we're not going to let anything happen to you," he promised. "We'll be right up here, making sure nothing goes wrong."

"And we won't let you get too close to the shape shifting lizard monster man currently making life Hell for our Imperial friends," Sabine added. Chopper lets out a robotic 'grr,' of acceptance and rolled over to the edge of the Phantom's shuttle door, muttering another series of beeps as he did.

"Yeah, yeah, extra oil bath and everything when we're done," Zeb promised, waving his hand about. "Honestly, this isn't the craziest thing we've asked you to do."

Ezra looked up the co*ckpit. "Alright, we're good to go, Kannan." The Jedi Master took up the control stick in his hand and grinned back at them. "Let's go fishing then," he stated. "Scanners say we're right over a cluster of probes documenting the fight. We're out of range of their scanners, but we need to be quick. Good luck down there, Chop."

The droid gave another series of disgruntled beeps and rolled off the shuttle door with a guttural robotic scream.

The cord he was attached to spun out of its reel from the belly of the Phantom's exit at a frantic speed. Zeb had his hand over the locking mechanism, waiting for Kannan's signal. A mere minute later, it came. "Lock it!" he yelled back.

The Lasat pulled the lever and the reel stopped spinning. The chord went taught and began to swing back and forth in the sky. Ezra looked out the window, several hundred feet down to where he could just make out Chopper swaying in mid air.

"Is he okay?" Ezra called to Kannan. "His signal is coming through fine. I got it on the scope now," Kannan replied in a assuring tone.

The Padawan and Mandalorian walked back over with the Ninja Turtles to see how things were going from Chop's point of view. He saw the little droid was now staring at several Imperial probes, all recording the Kaiju still assaulting the Stormtroopers. Chopper now had front row seats to all the action. The Kaiju was still in his human form. Tanking blasts of fire from Fire Benders and shattering boulders from Earth Benders with his bare hands and tail. He blocked blows from an old Fire Nation soldier before headbutting the old man and sent him stumbling back. A Fire Bender around Ezra's age with a pony tail, bald head and a burnt eye jumped the Kaiju from his back, stabbing two swords into the Kaiju's back. The Kaiju reached back and grabbed him and threw to the older Fire Bender. His armor shifted the swords from his back to his front. He grabbed the swords by the hilt and held them in his hand before he charged at another group of Stormtroopers and began to slice through all of them like they were paper.

"They're really getting torn to shreds down there," Ezra spoke aloud, not really trying to hide his slight sense of sympathy for the Imps and their predicament.

"Which is why we should wrap this up quickly," Sabine said in agreement and not taking anymore pleasure in the sight than Ezra was. "That shape shifting and shrinking lizard man is going to mop them up eventually and he could take the probe droids with them."

"All Chop has to do is snag one," Kannan replied. "So let's hope he can be inconspicuous."

Chopper swayed for a few seconds, lining up his shot with one of the probe droids. When he thought he had him in his sights, the old astromech rocketed forward with his jump jet thrusters. Humming some kind ofFlight of the Valkyriesas he did. Kannan just sighed as he listened over the monitors.

"I'm just remembering he doesn't do inconspicuous well," he stated as he exhaled in exasperation. "Now I feel really stupid."

"Now?" Zeb chortled from where he stood in the back. "I thought this was pretty dumb from the start. I just didn't say anything because I thought it would be funny."

"Not helping," Leo said in annoyance.

Chopper did manage to close in on one of the probes, but for some reason it suddenly moved to the left. Both Jedi and Mandalorian got worried that it had spotted him. They gritted their teeth in fear that their plan was being blown and that the Imperials were going to learn that the Rebels were here any second.

Chopper sailed past the probes and was right above the Kaiju human, getting a good view as it held a Trooper by the throat and burned their head off. Chopper quickly swung around, turning around and fired his thrusters to come at one of the probes from the side. The chord twisted and turned as Chopper finally collided with his target. He shocked it shortly after impact his electroshock prod and then grabbed it with his little arms as it shorted out.

"He's got one!" Ezra shouted happily, shaking the back of Kannan's seat in delight.

"Zeb, pull him in, fast!" Kannan shouted. "We need to get it aboard and shut it down before it can turn back on and transmit!"

Zeb pulled the lever and Chopper began to ascend. To speed up his climb, Chopper blasted his jump jet thrusters and boosted back up to the Phantom with his prize. He dropped the probe on the floor and began to spin his head around while whooping excitedly. Zeb moved quickly and found the off switch for the probe droid.

"Well, you actually pulled it off," Zeb said to Chopper. "Color me surprised and impressed."

Chopper beeped a series of angry electronic sounds at Zeb and rolled up to the co*ckpit. "Yeah, next time I'm the bait," he huffed at the droid. "Like we're going to do something like this ever again."

Well, at least they now had their probe droid. All they needed to do now was hack it and make it spy for them. They didn't need to stick around here for that though, which was fine by everyone involved.

"I'll contact Hera and let her know we're coming back in." Kannan said. "With any luck, we'll be at the Orbital Gun by sundown and we can send in the droid to assess their defenses."

"Hopefully they haven sent too many Troopers there by now," Ezra replied. The young Jedi briefly looked out the co*ckpit window at the battle below. The Kaiju was still slaughtering the soldiers, using a tank as a bat to send soldiers and other tanks off the canyon ledge. Ezra could see smoke and fire rising all along the ridge.

"Those guys probably won't be a problem at least," he stated with a sullen look on his face. "Kannan, is it wrong I feel a little bad for them?"

"Jedi don't take pleasure in seeing things die," Kannan replied sagely. "There's nothing wrong in feeling bad for a life ending."

"Yeah, but they're still the enemy," Ezra reminded. "It feels weird. Aren't we supposed to not feel bad about this?"

"It's something every Jedi has to reconcile," Kannan admitted. "The fact that our enemies are people too and we will probably be forced to kill them. It's a sad fact of any conflict.

Ezra had never thought about it like that, but he supposed it made sense. He hated the Empire, for everything it did, but he did recall the time he infiltrated the Academy on Lothal. Those kids there were mostly just normal kids like he was. How many of the Stormtroopers they had fought and killed were once like that? He supposed he could take solace in the fact that it wasn't him doing any of the killing this time in this case. He still felt weird though.

His eyes were drawn to the Kaiju, as Kannan fired up the engines and got ready to leave. He wasn't sure, but as he looked at the creature he got a weird feeling. Kannan had described it before, anger, ferocious primal rage, seemed to emanate from the Kaiju. However, it didn't feel like hate, no not hate, but righteous fury. Like he had felt when he stood up to the Inquisitor on the Star Destroyer to help Kannan or before then when he had made that speech through the hacked Imperial Communications Tower. That kind of anger, that's what Ezra felt, but he didn't understand why. What was motivating this shape shifting and shrinking Kaiju?

As the Phantom turned to leave, Ezra finally got a hint to his answer. A tickle in the Force that resonated something beneath the fury and rage. Pain, deep, unrelenting pain. For something that happened, for something that someone did? He didn't know. Ezra was sure of one thing though. This wasn't a random attack. This thing had an endgame of some kind. He didn't know what it ultimately was, but Ezra knew what the Kaiju's current goal was; making the Troopers hurt. The Saurian Kaiju Human was definitely doing a good job of that so far.

Insects, the lot of them. Full of arrogance, pride and insolence.

So much like the humans from home. They still thought themselves stronger even after everything. Only difference was that almost everyone here had the control over the elements of Earth and Fire. Godzilla knew he could withstand their weapons but he didn't want to waste time. So much confidence in their toys, how sure they were of the power they could wield. Without their huge guns shooting plasma into his nose, he had regained the initiative. Godzilla would now teach them a lesson in true pain and crush them. Their pitiful tanks were nothing but bits of tin to him.

That didn't seem to deter them from fighting him hand to hand. Especially these young ones that were standing their ground and fighting him with super powers. Little Red Hood with a Scythe had superspeed. Snow White with a rapier had glyphs. Woman with Cat Ears left Shadow Clones that took hits. Goldilocks the Winter Soldier seemed to absorb kinetic energy from hits and hit back stronger. The Spartan Woman had powers that reminded Godzilla of Magneto. Ginger woman with a War Hammer could absorb electricity and hit stronger. The man with a magenta streak. . . well he didn't seem to have any powers along with the Trooper with camo armor.

He blocked the punches and kicks from Goldilocks the Winter Soldier with his tail and arms with a blank expression before rearing his fist back to throw a punch. The blonde woman did the same and her prosthetic arm collided with his. Her strength surprised him when they released a shockwave that cracked the earth beneath them but his strength won by shattering her prosthetic arm. 2 Left hooks. Right Hook. Cross. Jab. Jab. Haymaker. Uppercut. He spun around and Tail Whipped her feet out from under her and kicked her in the stomach, sending her flying.

Two bolts of lightning hit him in the torso. Looking up, he saw the magic user and her lightning dragon he had met before. "Remember me, Lizard Breath?"

"I do," Godzilla replied. "So you survived. Impressive. For a human with your level of magic."

"Yeah, we're all kinds of stubborn." she replied, saying the words Tony Stark had said to the Mad Titan years ago.

"So I've noticed," Godzilla said in a mixture of annoyance and respect. Suddenly a shield flew into view and smacked him in the face. It was dark blue and white with a symbol in the middle that looked like the British flag. It flew back to the owner. Godzilla blinked in mild confusion. "Margret Carter?" he whispered.

Indeed, standing before him was a variant of Margret Carter that became Captain America, or rather Captain Carter. Carter charged at Godzilla who punched the shield and the impact released a shockwave that pushed them both back. Godzilla shook his fist. So that was a genuine Vibranium shield. Either that meant Wakanda existed in this universe or didn't and a Vibranium meteor was somewhere here and the humans still harvested it.

"Marrow! Semblance!" One of the Troopers shouted. The Trooper with a Dog tail snapped his fingers, shouting, "Stay!"

Suddenly Godzilla froze where he was. His eyes looked back and forth. "What the actual f*ck?" he asked out loud.

"Give him all you got!" Captain Carter shouted. Female Flash ripoff with a Mohawk sped by, delivering lightning charged punches and kicks before the muscular woman with a Missile Launching War Hammer shot missiles at him. Red Riding Hood with a Scythe shot from her scythe, apparently it was also a gun. Snow White blasted him with waves of fire and ice. Woman with Cat ears shot him with her sword-kusarigama-pistol. Man with magenta streak did the same with his pistols that had curved blades under the barrel and the remaining Troopers.

Then both Captain Carter and Magneto the Spartan Woman began to throw their shields at him from different directions three times before jumping towards him. Carter slammed her shield into his face while the younger woman with red hair slammed hers into Godzilla's knees, knocking him off his feet.

Godzilla rolled on the ground. He tried to move again but his body didn't respond. Other than his mouth and eyes. He didn't focus on that. ". . . Why couldn't Captain America and Wonder Woman do something like that back at Earth with their shields?" he asked out loud.Wait, my mouth can still move. . .

"I don't know how much longer I can hold this!" Marrow exclaimed in a warning tone. Not long it would be as Godzilla used his Atomic Breath to push himself up to his feet. He kept firing and blasted near the Man with a Dog Tail. The explosion knocked him back and Godzilla could move again.

The Kaiju human charged to him, not letting him recover and use his admittedly dangerous power, or Semblance as it was called. He then Drop Kicked the man when he tried to stand up. Godzilla narrowed his eyes as he saw a shield of light flicker around the human's body. That was admittedly interesting. These humans had some magic shields protecting their bodies? That would explain why they recovered from his blows. But based on the flickering it was limited. That was good to know. Let's see how it holds against his Atomic Breath.

Before he could fire, Godzilla was shot in the back. Turning around, he saw that it came from the jets. Charging his Atomic Breath, he fired at the flying machines. At times like this, Godzilla could never tell whether the humans behind these war machines were brave, stupid or just mindless. Tony Stark, James Rhodes, Akane Yashiro, Tommy Oliver and others have shown that most are brave. Justin Hammer showed him that they can be stupid. The Chitahuri showed him mindless.

He got his answers when he saw this group of flying machines turn into robots. Of course. Robots in disguise. Why not.

These were indeed like a hive of insects, buzzing and crawling about in their little formations and carrying out their little strategies. As if whatever plans their hive mind, or whatever it was that drove them, would be enough. He'd reveal how great an error in judgment this was now.

He was shot by fire from Scarface Ponytail before Ginger woman with the War Hammer was struck by lightning. As Godzilla turned to face her, he was struck in the face by the hammer. He responded with swinging his tail at her before shifting to his Kaiju form and size. As soon as he did, the ground gave out under him and he slid back down to the canyon. It didn't concern him though. It was more like sliding into a dried creek to him.

Godzilla's fins lit up bright blue and he fired a blast of his Atomic Breath. He held back his full power to retain energy, even then it was enough. The tanks went bright red and began to melt into molten slag, their crews included.

As he kept firing, a series of energy beams slammed into the right side of his face, hitting close to his eye. He turned, snarling as the beams kept hitting his face. It was another walking tank, like the one he had thrown earlier. The stupid humans inside thought that they would fare better than the others. So much confidence in their little toys, how sure they were of the power they could wield. They knew nothing of real power, just in how they could abuse what little they had obtained. For that mistake their toy would now become their tomb.

Ignoring the beams, Godzilla turned away and then swatted the tiny machine with the tip of his tail. Looking back over his shoulder, he watched the puny weapon of war roll sideways across the ground. Pieces of its gun and chassis snapped off, more of the little white-clad humans in its way were crushed beneath it. Eventually the vehicle came to a stop when it smashed into a pile of large rocks. Flames rose up from the machine's belly, its legs now useless, flopping to the side.

As Godzilla moved to the front, a series of laser blasts struck him in the chin. He peered down with a growl and saw a single tank surrounded by more soldiers. Okay, this was getting tiresome. Did they not see what their comrades had suffered? They should've just retreated by now as they did before. Did they just not care? Did they all have death wishes? If that was the case, Godzilla will GLADLY oblige them.

He raised a fist over the tank and soldiers standing beside it. Then he dropped it down on all their heads and crushed them all. Godzilla dug his claws into the rock and slashed it across the canyon edge, churning up rock and earth. The upturned bits and pieces of the canyon's cliff rained back down on the soldiers below, burying them alive.

Godzilla looked back ahead of the canyon trench, just in time to see a true surprise. A column of tanks and robots were moving up towards him along the canyon floor. They fired missiles and laser cannon blasts in repeated succession. The shots slammed into his neck and chest. When one missile hit him in the head, Godzilla let loose a furious roar. That was a mistake.

He stomped forward through the canyon, stamping his foot down on one of the nearest tanks. He then raised his head up, swiveled it around as blue lights emanated from his fins. As his Atomic Breath boiled in the back of his throat, Godzilla could see the tanks and robots starting to back away from him. Only now, too late, did they understand. They and their weapons were not the danger. He is the danger.

He let loose a full blast, stretching it from the front to the back of their column, and up to the flying robots, obliterating one after the other as the blue beam of death cut through them. The tanks' turrets exploded off of them in little towers of flame, others were simply incinerated.

When it was over, the canyon was a sea of fire. Those beneath it who were not dead yet soon would be. Now the white-clad humans would know there was no defense. Not against him. Not against what he is. Godzilla turned towards his left and prepared to fire again. Blue energy burned and broiled through his teeth and then he released it in a massive beam that set the canyon edge ablaze with a wall of fire. Several more tanks, walking guns, robots and white-clad soldiers just melted away.

Godzilla prepared to fire another blast along the opposite canyon. They would learn. He'd turn this whole arid rocky desert into glass if he had to. Force was the only thing the humans respected and understood. And these humans would respect him or die.

Everything had gone wrong faster than even Caine had predicted they would. This wasn't a battle; this was a slaughter. Even Felucia was never this bad. At least they could hide behind the giant trees and none of the Clankers were three hundred and fifty feet tall and breathing fire. They weren't going to win this fight; Caine knew that now for sure. He wasn't about to run away though, not with good men still dying on the field.

With no guns left to man, Caine and the others sprang into action with the surviving artillery men and the Huntsmen and Huntresses. They had managed to find a few Speeder bikes and raced them towards the front. Yang Xiao Long was with Zuko because couldn't drive her motorcycle with one arm. She had explicably told Raven, who was apparently her birth mother, not to scratch it. They weren't driving to fight Alpha Predator One though, they were looking for wounded.

"There's a 2-M in Section 2 near the rock formation," he shouted on the radio as Jaune drove them through the fiery debris. "Could be survivors, get someone over there if you can."

"We're close to it, sir."responded Prince Zuko with Yang."We'll check on it and report back."

"Officer Caine,"Captain Carter suddenly reported in."We found some troopers alive! They got trapped under a 2-M strut that crashed down on their position when it exploded. We're getting them out now."

"Good," Caine replied. "Get them out of the field as fast as you can, Captain. Private Arc and I are going to see about an SPMA that got tossed into some rocks up ahead."

It wasn't long until Jaune stopped the speeder just a few feet away from the downed artillery Walker. With the Kaiju's rampage still ongoing behind them, they clambered onto the belly of the upside down vehicle. This would've been easier if these things had proper co*ckpit windows but luckily Walkers, no matter how big or small, had an escape hatch below the chassis and Jaune had a keen eye.

"I found the hatch here, sir." Jaune had said, banging on the metal stomach of the Walker. Caine walked over and saw the outline of the hatch. The mechanism appeared to be jammed, but that wasn't going to keep him out. "Stand back, Arc.," he told the Private as he raised his rifle. He stomped down hard on the hatch, hoping that anyone nearby on the other side could hear and stand back. The metal was too thick for his voice to carry through. In a blaze of red blaster bolts, the lock was blown away and Jaune forced open the heavy steel door with his Aura enhanced strength. Inside they found two Troopers, still alive, staring up at them.

"Anyone else in there?" Jaune called down.

"Just our driver," one responded. "But he's stuck in the co*ckpit! We need a cutting torch to get him out."

Thankfully, Caine had packed a cutting torch from the emergency supplies they found near the speeder bikes. He passed it to Jaune and ushered him down into the Walker. "Cut the driver out, Jaune." he ordered. "I'll help them out."

Jaune jumped down into the Walker and Caine reached his arm down to help the trapped Troopers out. As he did, he got a report from one of the rescue teams. Amin and Ebi from the sound of it.

"Found a survivor, Sir. He's unconscious but alive."

"Good, get him back to Command," Caine ordered. "We're bringing in three survivors ourselves."

As the two trapped Troopers got out, Caine looked towards the enemy for a moment. The super-sized reptile was still trashing what little remained of their attack force on the opposite side of the canyon. He sighed bitterly. He couldn't do anything for the soldiers over there. He had to keep focused on what he could do here.

That quickly became a lot more difficult when a familiar voice entered the comm channel.

"Officer Caine, where are you?"

Great, what did Zhao want? Reluctantly, the old Clone answered in the most respectable manner he could muster. Although, he didn't really feel like being respectable right now.

"Commander Zhao, I'm currently in the thick of it right now," he explained. "I'm trying to find survivors in the wreckage with what's left of the artillery team."

"Well, at least I've finally managed to get through all this chaos on the airwaves,"Zhao growled.

Starscream's voice came in."I take it the stationary artillery cannons are all gone then?"

They haven't been firing for the past ten minutes so yes, they're all gone, he wanted to say. He also wanted to add to that, 'I'm alive and uninjured by the way, thank you for asking,' in the most brazenly sarcastic way imaginable for a soldier. Caine's filter was in full effect though, so he went what Zhao was expecting.

"Alpha Predator One completely destroyed the position, Sir." he explained. "We only have Captain Carter, the Beacon Hunters and Ace-Ops along with a squad and a half of men left. We're doing our best to find survivors."

"And who exactly authorized this rescue operation of yours?"Zhao questioned sternly.

Was he really upset about what Caine suspected he was about to get chewed out for? He didn't realize he needed to clear it with Command to help save his fellow soldiers. But Caine just sucked it up and responded how he was supposed to, how he had been trained to. It may have been Captain Carter and General Iroh's idea but he wasn't to say that.

"I took it upon myself to coordinate the effort," he informed the Fire Nation Commander and Decepticon. "We've found several men alive so far."

"I don't care,"Zhao shouted back."You are a Communications Officer, you relay orders, you do not issue them of your own accord!"

"Get those men you've commandeered back here now!"Starscream added."We want all infantry off the field! We're going to send every vehicle we have left in a concentrated assault while the creature's back is turned! We're going to fire everything we have at him!"

Caine was almost out of respectability now, but he did his best to put up a decent front. "Sir, I don't believe that will work." he protested. "The Kaiju's hide is too thick and those fins of his provide extra protection. We need to fall back and conserve what forces we have left."

"We are not about to take a lesson in strategy from an aging lab experiment!"Zhao yelled back in a rage."Return those men to my command and clear the field for the assault now! I have every tank and gun left on the other side of the canyon distracting Alpha Predator One! I need to attack now before they're exhausted! So clear the field at once!"

Caine shut the radio off. He wasn't going to abandon the rescue efforts just so Zhao and Starscream could send more good soldiers to die pointlessly. He had to stop the attack and there was only one way. Zhao wouldn't send the rest of the tanks and Walkers in if Alpha Predator One turned his attention back to this side of the canyon. He knew the Kaiju hated artillery tanks the most but there were practically none on the field he could use to get the lizard's attention. Even the one he was currently on was in no shape to start firing again.

Jaune came back up a few seconds later, hoisting up an injured SPMA driver out of the hatch. Caine helped get him out and passed him down to his two crewmates waiting below as Raven and the others showed up in their Speeder bikes and motorcycle. Jaune managed to climb out of the overturned Walker by himself.

"Where to next, Sir?" Jaune asked. "We bringing these three back to the medics?"

"Yeah, along with everyone else." Caine replied in a grave tone. "Zhao and Starscream wants the field cleared so he can launch a full-scale assault while Alpha Predator One is distracted."

"WHAT?!" was the major reaction from the group while a few had exclaimed, "WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY THINKING?!"

"That's crazy!" Harriet exclaimed in shock. "That's just gonna add to the body count at this point!"

"I tried to tell him that and he didn't listen," the Clone Trooper informed the Ace-Op, shaking his head. "We need to get that thing's attention. If it turns away from Zhao's distraction, he'll be forced to to call off the attack."

"Ok, how do we do that?" Pyrrha asked. "Raven and Iroh. Use your lightning." Caine replied.

Raven and Iroh nodded before the former cupped her hands over her mouth and let a draconic shriek. Before long, her Skrill companion flew towards them. "Valkyrie, Elderne, do your hammers still have ammo?"

"Yes/You bet." was the answers from the women carrying missile/grenade launching war hammers.

"Ok, but are you sure about this?" Jaune asked. "I mean, Zhao and Starscream ain't going to like you spoiling their plan."

"They don't like me already," Caine reminded him sternly. "All I care about is making sure we don't lose more people to this meat grinder. You know as well as I do that we've already lost this fight. We need to save what we can or we'll never take this thing down." He looked at Jaune and the others. "Are you all with me?" he asked.

There was barely a hint of hesitation in any of them. Especially the youngest, Ruby. They all stood up, balling their fists (Or fist in Yang's case) as they nodded.

"We're with you," Jaune swore. "And Arcs never break a promise. Just tell us what to do."

Caine nodded. "Amin, call in one of the bikes nearby." he said to the Dog Faunus. "We'll have them pick up these three." He pointed to the three recued crewmates on the ground. "Huntsmen and Huntresses, help Branwen and General Iroh get Alpha Predator One's attention to us with everything you got."

He turns to Nora and Elm. "This may not work but I want you two to fire down the Kaiju's throat just as he is about to fire."

They followed Caine's orders to the letter, calling in a nearby speeder group to help get their survivors out of here. Harriet and Vine Zeki joined them with Clover. They didn't have long range weapons to assist. Caine then called up the rest of the bikers and told them to clear the area. If only to make sure they wouldn't get caught when the Kaiju's rage turned back to their side of the canyon. Mostly though, it was to give the illusion he was following Zhao's orders. By the time the Fire Nation Commander figured out what was happening, it would be too late.

Alpha Predator One was still attacking the forces on the opposite side of the canyon. Given how quickly it had made scrap out of their side's forces, Caine knew they wouldn't last much longer. Zhao and Starscream would be launching their attack any moment. If they had any chance of stopping it, they'd have to begin their attack now.

"Hit it with everything you got!" Jaune declared.

Dark clouds formed over Raven and her Skrill and lightning struck the Strike Class Dragon who roared in response. Team RWBY and PRN fired at the back of the Kaiju's head. Alpha Predator One's rampage suddenly stopped when the lightning him in the back and he slowly turned around to stare down at the Huntsmen and Huntresses. His mouth opened slightly as blue energy started pooling in the back of his mouth. Caine's stomach tightened. There was no way they could run fast enough to get away from that. Unless they tried something desperate, wouldn't be the first time today though.

"Elderne, Valkyrie! Now!" he shouted.

The ginger haired woman's front of her grenade launcher opened up. "Booyah!" Nora shouted as she and Elm fired, using the big blue ball of energy welling in the back of the Kaiju's throat as a bullseye. Now Caine had seen things fired but he was surprised and confused when Nora's grenades left a pink heart shaped cloud of smoke trailing behind them.

Alpha Predator One seemed to be confused before the grenades and missiles shot down his throat. There was a terrible explosion as the Kaiju's blast backfired, part of it spewing out of the side of his mouth and the rest erupting within.

Alpha Predator One roared in actual pain and anguish as it stumbled backwards, slamming into the canyon wall behind him. Smoke billowed up from his jaws as his giant hands held his throat and scratched at his inflamed snout.

Jaune and Caine shared a look. They were honestly surprised the blast hadn't blown the Kaiju's head off. It looked like they had at least taken him down a peg, but the grim reality soon came back.

Raven and Summer landed next to Team RWBY and PRN. "Get on, get on!" she exclaimed urgently. Yang was the first to jump on behind her while Blake followed. Zuko got on Yang's motorcycle with his uncle while Jaune and Caine got to their speeder bikes. The Saurian Kaiju forced himself off the canyon he had crashed into and back onto his feet. With smoke still pouring from his mouth and nostrils, the Kaiju raised his hands in front him and slammed them into the canyon. The rock wall cracked before sliding down to where they were as they either flew or sped away.

Caine and Jaune raced up a path leading to the surface of the canyon behind Zuko and Iroh. Just as they reached the top, the Kaiju's fists slammed down behind them. They had barely managed to just escape the crushing weight of the monster's claws.

The shockwave they could not avoid, however and both were sent flying in the air as they were thrown forward. Caine managed to roll with the wave better and got to his feet quickly. He raced back towards the fist closest to him, firing his blaster as he did.

This is stupid, he thought. Really stupid. This thing had killed a lot of good soldiers though and one good friend back in Anima. He had hurt badly just now, his plan and the Huntresses. Caine didn't feel like letting up now, not while it was still hurting. He raced to the still enclosed reptilian fists and grabbed onto one of the scales. He began firing into the hand at point blank range while he held on. The laser bolts seem to scorch the skin a bit, but not by much. This was little more than a big bite to him, nothing. Caine now instantly regretted this pretty foolhardy little attack of his.

Suddenly, the fist started rising into the air. Caine wasn't sure if the Kaiju had noticed him or if he was just lifting his hand back up. Either way, Caine didn't feel like sticking around to find out. The Clone Trooper fired one last time as he prepared to jump back down off the hand. Then he heard something snap as he slipped off. He landed with a thud on the ground, his armor covered in dirt now. He looked at his right hand and saw a piece of the monster's scale. Perhaps all that shooting had done some damage after all.

The Kaiju now turned back towards where the majority of the fire was coming from as Summer landed with the Huntresses and Huntsmen. However the Saurian Kaiju didn't go back to fighting them tooth and claw. Instead, he used the gash in the rock his body had created as a step ladder to get out of the canyon. He started stomping though what was left of the tanks and mobile artillery, moving away from the canyon altogether.

Caine supposed he couldn't blame the Kaiju from leaving. The creature had known it had won. He had broken their defenses and there was nothing left to preoccupy him in the slightest. The Kaiju just walked away with no real injuries of notice. Not even the shots that hit him in the mouth and caused his Atomic Breath to backfire moments before seemed to register with him anymore. They had thrown whole columns of tanks and heavy guns at this thing, yet to him it was nothing. All they had to show for their efforts were a lot of dead men, broken equipment and a piece of giant scale.

"You ripped that off him?" Jaune asked as he helped him to his feet after they watched the Kaiju walk away.

"Yeah, guess I did," Caine nodded. "At least we managed to break something off."

"And we know a weakness," Zuko added. "We hit him in the mouth next time, not the eyes. Less armor."

That honestly sounded like a good idea to Caine and Iroh agreed, but it would have to get past two people in particular. Well, a man and a robot alien. Speaking of which Starscream just landed near them as Zhao was racing towards them on the strut of a 2-M tank. Caine gave him credit. He half expected the Fire Nation Commander to show up in a fancy landspeeder. Didn't meant the Clone like the prospect of getting chewed out by the arrogant womp rat though. Zhao jumped off the strut and approached Caine and Jaune now, his face boiling with anger.

"Are you suffering from cell degeneration, Clone?" he rhetorically demanded. "I gave you specific orders and you disobeyed them!"

"We had the tanks read to get underway and your little stunt ruined everything!" Starscream exclaimed. "Not only did we lose our chance to catch him with his back turned, but you gave Alpha Predator One a means of escape! You just cost us our one chance to end that monstrosity quickly and efficiently! What possessed you to disobey our direct orders?"

Team RWBY and the other Hunters moved to say something but Raven, Amin and Iroh held them back. "With respect sirs," Caine began astutely. "I followed your orders. You told me to send the men back to your command and clear the field. I did. I acted within my own judgment from there and I decided that we needed a better plan. I believed using the Kaiju's Atomic Breath against it could be more effective than a full on assault."

"So you decided to play hero then?" Zhao asked haughtily. "Well, look how that turned out, Clone. We lost the objective! He's now stomping off to who knows where! Probably to another Imperial installation to demolish or worse yet, one of the kingdoms!"

"To be direct, Sir," Caine continued. "We had already lost this fight once it destroyer most of the heavy vehicles and killed most of our men. I think it is clear we need far bigger weapons than just tanks."

Zhao moved up into Caine's face, his glower growing ever wider. The Fire Nation Commander's eyes glared angrily though the helmet's visor at the old Clone. "I will decide what our strategy is and what we need," he declared. "You do not make decisions, period." He prodded Caine's chest with his fingertip, but the Clone refused to back down.

"Okay, this childish bickering has gone long enough," Captain Carter said, breaking the tension between the two. "Commander, Officer Caine recovered a piece of the Kaiju's hide." she said and held up Caine's hand into Zhao's field of vision. "And I broke a piece of the Kaiju's armor." she added, holding up a small black tooth shaped blade of the Kaiju's armor.

"We can use this," Jaune insisted. "We just need to send it down to the higher ups and have scientists look at it in a lab."

Zhao eyed the scale for a moment longer and then took it from Caine's hands as well as the shard from Captain Carter. "Very well, I suppose we can snatch a victory from this defeat with any luck," he relented, still sounding threatening as he did. "But trust me, Clone, this insubordination will not stand. I will see to both matters personally. Do not attempt to undermine me again. Dismissed."

With that said, Zhao walked away. Starscream joined him after giving one last look at Caine. Jaune and Marrow breathed a sigh of relief as they left. Caine just kept staring. Once again, his thoughts turned back to the Jedi and how they commanded their soldiers. Regardless of their faults, at the moment, Caine felt he would give anything to have any Jedi here instead of Zhao. It was the first time in a long time that he had ever wished a Jedi was leading him. They weren't here though, this wasn't the Republic anymore. It was the Empire. And this was just how the Empire treated its soldiers. But he kept that thought buried inside, where no one could hear, see or even sense it.

However, when Zhao and Starscream left, the other soldiers that followed him gathered around the old Clone. They started patting him on the back.

"Good job, officer."

"You too, Private."

"Didn't think we'd make it out of there."

There was a lot of praise to go around and it didn't stop when Caine and the others started to heading back with everyone else.

"Hey, let's give it up for Officer Caine and his team!" Ruby suddenly declared and this caused a few to chant his, Jaune, Iroh, Raven and Marrow's name during the walk back, even Captain Carter and the Hunters joined in as did the Decepticons. Caine then thought that maybe, just maybe, a little of the Old Republic was still alive after all.

They had hurt him, badly. He would recover, but it didn't matter. They had hurt him. The worthless little insects had hurt him. With his own Atomic Breath no less! (Damn it, he had hoped that Brainiac was the only one to think of that method.) How dare they. Their kind had no right, no right at all. They had already done more than enough to him. More than they could realize.

As Godzilla stomped away though, he did not feel hate for the white-clad humans. No, he felt pity for them as he knew how much they would suffer for this insult. He could already feel a great power residing in the mountains beyond the land of ice before him. He could feel its energy resonating in the very air. That is were he'd strike next.

They still believed they had power. That the small victory of sorts they had earned in the middle of a crushing defeat somehow vindicated them no doubt. He'd show them how wrong they were. How easy it was for that power to be stripped away. Then they'd know pain, greater than anything they had ever inflicted on him.

Break their toys, the monuments to their egos, the symbols of their dominion and they would crumble. They always did, save for some. These humans would be no different. Let them think they knew a weakness, a method to exploit. It would make no difference in the end; they would still be crushed. True power did not come from weapons, technology or even strength. It came from will and his will would prove to be stronger in the end. It always had.

For unlike the humans, he had nothing so material to lose in this world.

No allies, no friends, no Queen. . . No children. He was alone in this world.


Godzilla is fighting Saitama here. I figured that with what he is in this fanfic and whatnot, he could go toe to claw with One Punch Man (who is more based on the anime show during Season One and Two). More characters from that show will show up. Especially the Monster Association.

And yes, Godzilla can turn human if he wants to. That's something that happened back on Earth and made him allies with Marvel and DC superheroes alike.
(1) And yes, I had Godzilla "fight" Homelander and win. I realize now that I made Homelander stronger than he should be when I had him lift Godzilla off the ground and drag him across the sea floor and tank Godzilla's Atomic Breath. Homelander's strongest feat of durability was that he survived a nuclear explosion and feat of strength was that he held a fighter jet with one arm and tossed it as if it was made of paper. And Compound V seems to be weak to nuclear radiation. But is this the last we'll see of Homelander? We shall see.

(2) Godzilla's armor is similar to Steppenwolf's armor from the Snyder Cut of Justice League but black. And its made of Vibranium and Adamantium. Who designed it for him is up to you to decide.

(3) I find the exchange between Jaune and Caine ironic considering there is a few fanfics out there where Jaune is a Clone Trooper.
4) Yes, I was referencing to the crossover Godzilla had with Zone Fighter during the Showa Era.

Chapter 5: The Pandora Raiders

Chapter Text

Monster Island, Five hours later. . .

"He did that for you?" Godzilla asked her daughter Junior. The young Kaiju Girl nodded. "Yeah, he cleaned my wound, healed it with his breath and then told Homelander he was uh," she turned to her older sister. "What did he say again?"

"That he was going to feed Homelander his own heart," Athena replied. "Then he punched Homelander into the sea before the super bully carried him off to sea."

Godzilla shared a look with Mothra at that. That was. . . intriguing to hear that the male Kaiju had both healed her daughter and attacked the one who wounded her.

"Well, it looks like he kept his promise," Miki stated from where she was. She was looking at her Scroll when the Kaiju Girls looked to her. "Homelander and Godzilla landed in Menagerie and Godzilla broke his arms, legs and then ripped his heart out and crushed it and his skull."

"He seemed to fair well against the Empire," Monster X said to Queen Ghidorah. "He even killed one of the strongest heroes and defeated the other."

"Maybe so, Father but I feel like we haven't everything this male Kaiju can do," the Dragon Kaiju Girl said, watching the footage of Godzilla fighting the Empire, Homelander and Saitama either in his human form or Kaiju form. "Besides, you heard the Imperial radio transmissions. The battle commander had underestimated this male Godzilla in this first round, as the human say."

"Got to say, he looks appealing in his human form," Gigan spoke up. "Especially when he's covered in the blood of his enemies."

"True words spoken," Queen Ghidorah acknowledged, her lips curling upwards. "But I find his natural form more. . . appealing."

Ahsoka wasn't new to the role of a commander, she and Rex had grown up in a time of war after all. What made it different from then was the feeling of isolation. Before meeting Rex again, Ahsoka had felt more alone than ever. When she was a Jedi, she had comfort in the fact she had fellow Jedi. People she believed knew her, understood her and who she could call friends without hesitation. Now, that had changed. She and Rex weren't leading Republic soldiers anymore but rebellious misfits. People from across the Outer Rim who had various reasons for striking back against the galactic government. She was the one of the only people with a connection to the Force, she and Rex were the only ones who really knew what the Jedi were truly like, the good and bad.

Ahsoka supposed she had no one to blame for a lot of that save for herself. She had made her decision and it had both benefitted and cost her much. She had grown to accept that, but it didn't take away the sense of loss. Her departure from the Order was under less than pleasant circ*mstances, she didn't hold her former Jedi Masters at fault. Was she still disappointed in them? Of course, how couldn't she be? That didn't mean she still didn't think back to them fondly now and then.

But when she did, she always ended up thinking about was what had happened. She thought of Master Plo Koon being shot down by his beloved Wolf Squadron. Luminara dying in Imperial captivity yet kept alive enough to lure Jedi into a trap. The younglings she had trained. . . no, she didn't want to think of that. And Anakin, she really didn't want to think of. Not after what happened at Lothal, after what she sensed, what she was suspecting for some time.

"There's the leader." Rex said, breaking her train of thought.

The command ship was similar to the one she had been on during the Lothal mission before it was lost. Finding pilots to fill it was difficult, but she and Rex had managed to locate a even number willing to take on this dangerous mission. They had mainly looked for people that seemed a bit crazy but competent enough that they wouldn't worry about them going AWOL during a fight.

She said crazy because mostly they were the only people who would probably want this mission. They were thrill seekers, hot shots with something to prove. And that, of course, meant a number of them were oddballs, none more so than one particular group she and Rex had decided to meet personally.

In the middle of the hangar sat a few familiar aircrafts. ARC-170s, both Ahsoka and Rex had seen plenty of these during their years in the Clone Wars. Back then they were some of the best starfighters around, but they were quickly replaced by the cheaper TIEs soon after the war.

These were heavily modified though. In fact, Ahsoka had to guess that all of these starfighters in front of her, Rex and Bato were complete custom jobs. Some of the components looked to have been stripped from other ARCs in order to replace lost or damaged parts and mixed with other ship components. The guns on the wings were of a more modern design, probably packing a bigger punch and faster firing rate. The engines were upgraded as well, capable of faster speeds than the original factory-built ones, no doubt. All in all, the people who repaired these old fighters had invested a lot of time and money into them.

Said person in charge of these fights was standing in front of the trio just a few feet away. He stood over seven feet tall, wearing a flight suit and dark combat boots. He had blue skin, shoulder length black hair that was braided together, pointed ears, yellow eyes and a long blue tail. The Na'vi man turned away from his ARC and threw a brief salute at them as they approached.

"Fulcrum, Captain Rex, Bato," he greeted, shaking hands with the Water Tribesman. "How can I help you?"

"We're just here to make a formal inspection of things, Jake." Ahsoka explained simply.

"Ah, want to be sure you're getting your money's worth, yes?" Jake asked in return. "Well, you don't need to worry, Ms. Tano. The Pandora Raiders is the best rebel gang in the Outer Rim. Just point us at the Imps and you'll be planeside in no time."

The Pandora Raiders had made quite a name for themselves over the years since the Empire conquered the moon of Pandora. They weren't the most infamous or deadliest freelance fighter squadrons out there, but they were considered to be the most brazen by far. They had jumped more Imperial convoys in a few months than most pirates did in years. They were successful at it too, never sticking around in one place for long. They had been using an old Separatists Alliance Cruiser to host their slowly growing fleet of starfighters and bombers. In fact, a lot of their equipment was scavenged old ships that they had ruthlessly upgraded and jury rigged to match against the Empire's TIEs.

Ahsoka had came to them after their cruiser was in the shop after it had gotten into a scrap with a Star Destroyer and had barely gotten away. Repairing their cruiser was part of the contract between them, as well as a hefty sum of credits and upgraded parts. The leader, Jake Sully drove a hard bargain, but Ahsoka needed every experienced pilot she could convince to come on this little endeavor of hers. So really, it was worth the higher price, especially with Jake's track record. Which was impressive, given what he flew in.

"Nearly two hundred and sixty-one kills over the last year," Ahsoka said, recalling Jake's dossier. "I have to say I'm a bit surprised, given your choice of craft."

"It's been a slow year," Jake shrugged. "There would have been more from my second in command, but our motto is to snatch, grab and hyper out before the Imperial can do anything. Besides, TIE pilots aren't exactly expert fighters. They're trained to rely on numbers not skill. And those who are any good are in a flying metal death trap. Makes me think they should have kept the V-Wings around longer, those ships would have been more of a challenge."

Both Ahsoka and Rex looked Jake's starfighter that had his gang's symbol, a red Great Ikran of Pandora, wings spread out, talons stretched to grab something, fangs bared and next to the wordsTor'ruk Mak'to.

"Why an ARC-170?" Rex asked. He didn't need to ask about the Ikran. Pandora's dragon like creatures were quite vicious. "It's a rather old model by today's standards."

"Old but effective," Jake argued. "Its design is near perfect for any dogfight. It's swift, turns fast and hits hard. All it needed was some upgrades, specifically the kinds we made where it only needs one pilot. The only problem is finding the right parts to repair them when they get damaged," he admitted.

"Alright, so you like the classics then," Ahsoka stated. "Perhaps you could introduce your squadron now?"

"Sure," Jake shrugged. He turned around and waved for the three to come with him. "They're all over here. Follow me."

Jake had led them around his ARC-170, revealing a small table behind it. Around it was a Na'vi woman with shoulder length hair, a dark red shirt and pants without boots, two late teenage Na'vi, a Na'vi who appeared to be twelve years old and a human boy the same age as Ezra.

Next to them was a Jawa. One rarely sees them off of Tatooine. This particular Jawa had a series of bandoleers stretched over his shoulders, a blaster pistol holstered to his hip and a belt of explosives. The little hooded rodent was certainly loaded, it seemed.

However, what surprised Rex and Ahsoka was the scaly humanoid with a wide head, dreadlock like appendages for hair, sunken eyes, the left side of his face burnt and his eye dead and a missing mandible/tusk among the flexing mandibles around his mouth. A Yautja, otherwise known as a Predator, fighting on their side against the Empire. That was rarer than the Jawa. The Yautja race have never gotten involved in galactic conflicts except attack and hunt those who seemed to be strong fighters on all sides of the conflict for trophies, mainly skulls and spines.

Both the former Jedi and old Clone had to resist the instinct to act defensively. They both have had experience with Yautja, and it wasn't good. Now here was one staring at them and supposedly helping their mission. Well, their interest had skyrocketed. Now they really wanted to hear Jake's story behind this story of his.

"Raiders, meet our employer," Jake stated, introducing the Togruta to the team. "Commander Tano here is paying us in parts and fixing our cruiser. So be on your best behavior kids, and I'm talking to you too, Rico." he points at the Jawa. He turns to Ahsoka. "Commander, this is my son, Lo'at, my gunner. My wife, Neytiri is my wingman and oldest daughter, Kiri is her gunner. That there is Spider, he's also a pilot and my youngest Tuk. They're our go-to dive bombers now and lead the Y-Wing group. The little rat in the hood is Rico, our munitions tech and demolitions expert."

Jake then stepped over to slap the Predator on the shoulder who returned the gesture. "And this is Wolf, my second and our infiltration." Jake declared proudly. "He runs interception duty on bigger targets most of the time. You know his people, always out for bigger prey."

"We do know that much about his people," Ahsoka said, trying not to sound uncomfortable or tense with the scarred Yautja warrior. She didn't do a good job of it.

Wolf just snorted and clicked his mandibles. "I assumed the Rebellion was free for everyone to join." he said in a raspy and guttural voice. "What? Yautja are not allowed to hate the Empire?"

"No, it's just rare to find one that does," Rex replied in a rather cold tone. "Indeed, I had known that your people were neutral. In your point of view," Ahsoka said in the same tone.

Maybe they were being a bit harsh. This Yautja didn't do anything to her and Rex specifically but after being hunted down by a Hunter for their skull and spine, neither of them cared. They weren't really fans of these species. As a Jedi she was taught not to hold grudges and she understood that and didn't want to hold any animosity towards a potential ally but on the other hand, she wasn't a Jedi anymore. She turned to Jake for an explanation of some kind.

"This is a bit of an unorthodox group," Ahsoka said rather bluntly. Jake shrugged. "Way I hear it, that's the same for all Rebels, isn't it?" he asked in response. "What matters is we're good pilots and fighters and we're not big fans of Ol' wrinkle face Palpatine."

"Maybe, but we'd prefer some insight here." Ahsoka said. "How did your family, a Jawa and a Yautja come together?"

Jake frowned a little. "The same way for every other Rebel." he said. "The Empire screwed us. Our homeworld, Pandora may have dangerous wildlife but it has extremely valuable resources. The first time they came, we drove them off because I used to be a Stormtrooper before joining their Avatar Program. I knew their tactics. But the third time, they had sent down a couple of Destroyers. Those that survived were taken as prisoners and sold as slaves. Wolf, well, Wolf used to lead a Clan that worked for the Empire until the stabbed him in the back. . . Literally."

"We had slowly became dogs for the Empire," Wolf said in disgust. "No honor in hunting anyone that break the Empire's laws. We Yautja hunt those that are dangerous. You kill or get killed. Simple as that. That's what a real hunt is. Slowly the Clan lost sight of that and began thinking about the pay, not principles. And to make matters worse, they started to help the Empire get their hands on Xenomorphs. When they got tired of me 'clinging to the old ways'," he makes air quotes, a sign that he had hung around humans to pick up their gestures. "They ambushed me and left me for dead in the forests of Kashyyk with this very knife in my shoulder and my guts bleeding out." He holds up a Yautja knife.

"How did you survive that?" Bato asked. From what he had known, Yautja were enemies of Wookies.

"Wookies," Wolf replied, his lips curling upward as much as they could. "One of their patrols found me half dead and for whatever reason, decided to keep me from dying. And it was a tribe I had hunted in the past. Took me a full month to recover without my first aide kit and I decided to never hunt a Wookie of that tribe again. I helped Jake and his family escape their labor camp and they in turn helped me hunt down my old Clan and the Star Destroyer that harbored a Xenomorph hive. Turned it to space dust. Now. . . I hunt the Empire."

He sounded very sincere about that declaration, no matter how odd it sounded coming from a Yautja that seemed very old. She knew better to assume that everyone from a certain species acted and felt the same, but it was bizarre. Yautja prided themselves as great hunters, their culture revolved around hunting just like Trandoshans. To hear one giving up on hunting a specific species, especially Wookies, was strange.

"You mean you swore off hunting Wookies because they saved you?" Rex asked skeptically. "I don't mean to insinuate Yautja are incapable of honor, but how did you get to that point?"

"I respect my prey, all Yautja should respect their prey. Whether its human or not," Wolf explained. "Every hunt prove costly for Youngbloods, especially Wookies. They are strong and great fighters. Tough to bring down hand to hand. When the Clan started losing their principles, they began to feel that we would have an easier time if we went after the females and young more." He shook his head. "Even suggested to use Xenomorphs on them. Yautja do not hunt like that. We hunt warriors, the most skilled among their tribe, if they are female warriors than it was fair game. A hunt is a challenge. A test to your skills. You don't prove yourself a hunter and warrior by going after those that cannot fight. That's what Yautja believe and I spent many years teaching that the next generation of my tribe and they spat on it."

Ahsoka and the others were almost impressed. "That's almost like a Jedi saying," the Togruta noted. "Not exploiting those weaker than you, I mean."

"It's just simple logic," Wolf elaborated with a shrug. "Real hunters go after big game. Things that are predators themselves. Creatures or beings that can either swallow you whole or rip you apart. The Clan began to care about money from being assassins and slavers, not in challenging themselves or the Code. In the end, the Wookies I hunted for years proved to be better friends than those I called brothers for centuries."

"Wolf is a regular Yautja progressive," Neytiri finally spoke up. "Hunting for the Empire's credits ruins the whole point. Especially when there's still a whole galaxy of vicious monsters out there to kill."

"Besides, the Empire has better weapons, gear and training for the most part," Wolf added, his mandibles clicking as he spoke. "Hunting them can be a far greater challenge compared to Wookies." he shrugs. "It also doesn't hurt that they deserve it either."

That was the closest to a sense of moral high ground from a Yautja Ahsoka and Rex could expect. They both supposed the owed him the benefit of the doubt then. After all, she learned that former enemies can be great allies if given the chance. There was still one member then.

"What about your Jawa friend?" Rex asked. "The Empire bombed his sandcrawler or what?"

"Well, actually," Jake rubbed his neck in a sheepish manner and his wife rolled her eyes. "Rico kind of snuck aboard this Imperial shipment of thermal detonators we hijacked and. . . we got stuck with him."

"Apparently his tribe got tired of his destructive streak." Mo'at explained. "He's pretty obsessed with guns and bombs."

"Regardless, he's a valuable member to the team," Kiri added. Tuk nodded. "Yeah, the upgraded guns on our fighters?" she points to one of the ARCs. "He did all of it. He even modifies our rockets and bombs to be twice effective in battle. Swarm missiles, cluster bombs, he can make anything with the right components."

Spider shrugged. "Guess it comes with being a desert scavenger."

Rico spoke up in his high pitched language at that, saying "Ka-Boom, Ka-Boom," and started laughing. Or giggling. One cannot tell with how the Jawas sound.

"Don't worry, Rico, I'm sure Commander has something really big for us to blow up down at Remnant," Kiri said before walking up to Ahsoka who briefly noticed that the Na'vi teen was ahead taller than her and whispered, "You do have something that needs to explode down at Remnant, right? Because he'll get really snippy at best when we don't make a fireball on a mission or make something blow up at worse."

"We wouldn't have asked for help if we didn't require an extra big explosion of some kind," Ahsoka replied and this got the younger Na'vi to sigh in relief.

With all that said, Rico the Jawa did seem to be unstable, if just a bit. But Ahsoka just cared about whether or not his bombs will be enough to kill a Zillo Beast clone though so she wasn't to argue about having an explosion happy former desert dweller.

Not in this case at least.

Jake suddenly slapped his forehead. "I forgot about Bolts. He's our chief mechanic." he explained. "Runs our pit bots back on the cruiser. Bolts!" he called to one of the ARCs with a Pandora whale like creature and tumbling out of the engine block beneath the chassis of the starfighter was a droid. A Trade Federation Battle Droid, covered in oil and grease, but a Battle Droid nonetheless because Ahsoka and Rex had dismantled several thousands of droids during the Clone Wars.

"I'm almost done with the primary power converter sir," it spoke in that same high-pitched annoying voice the former Jedi and Clone Trooper recognized anywhere. "Sorry about the mess, I got my leg caught in some wiring on the way out."

"Nevermind that right now, Bolts," Jake said dismissively. "Meet Ahsoka Tano and Captain Rex, our employer and her partner."

Bolts clamped over to them and started shaking their hands. "Sir, Ma'am, pleased to meet you." he said in a genuine pleasant tone that Ahsoka never imagined coming from a Battle Droid.

When they pulled their hands away, both Rex and Ahsoka saw that they were covered in grease. Bolts looked, or sounded embarrassed when he noticed. "Whoops, sorry." he said sheepishly. "I forgot. I never have time for a clean up. Ships need fixing.

Ahsoka and Rex just brushed off the oil with their pants. Rex turned to look up at Jake. "Why do you have a Battle Droid as your mechanic?"

"He came with my ship," Jake replied rather succinctly. "Found him lodged in the engine. No clue how he got in there. I repaired him, reprogrammed him and now he fixes up our ships after missions."

"It's a living," Bolts proclaimed. "Better than being shot to pieces by laser fire. Of course every now and then the engine backfires and my motivator gets partially fired."

"Before you ask, no I could not change his voice," Jake said as if expecting that question. "I think the Trade Federation hardwired that voice to be more customer friendly."

Bolts lowered his head sadly. "I'm sorry, sir. I wish I had a cooler voice." he admitted.

"It's okay, Bolts." Lo'at said comfortingly. "Finish up on my ship and start on Spider's Y-Wing when you can."

"Roger, Roger," Bolts gave a thumbs up and clamped away to the starfighter he was working on. Kiri looked back to Ahsoka. "He's a bit of an accident prone but he's really good with engines." she said in the droid's defense.

Truthfully they didn't have a problem. Droids follow their programming. So if Bolts was working for the good guys, fine. She personally just really wished to never hear that annoying voice again.

"Just make sure he gets you ready for the attack, we'll be arriving in the Remnant system soon," Ahsoka said in response. "It'll be your job along with every other pilot here, break through the blockade of Destroyers and get us to the surface."

"We will get through," Neytiri promised, sounding fairly confident. "We can take what the Empire throws at us. I just hope you have a plan to even the odds a bit in our favor."

"I do," Ahsoka assured her. "It's already in motion, don't worry."

At least she hoped it was in motion. If the Ghost crew didn't deal with that Orbital gun soon, then it wouldn't matter how good the Pandora Raiders were. They wouldn't be able to make landfall with the planet shooting back up at them. The whole plan hinged on on the Lothal Rebels. And maybe the Kaiju they had encountered staying away as possible.

The Kingdom of Arendelle

If there's one thing Godzilla wouldn't like to admit, it is the fact that the superheroes he had met in his life have rubbed off on him. In this case, it was Black Widow and Batman's infiltration habits and desire to know every possible threat and outcome. What is he doing? Infiltrating a human city in his human form to find information about the world he is in.

At first he didn't care until about the world until he met a variant of Captain Margret Carter. If there was a female British version of Captain America that meant there could be other variants of superheroes he had known back on Earth. So he went to the public library and stayed when it was closed and looked through the history books. Studying the past can predict the future as Hydra had done back on Earth.

He learned about the 100 year old war ignited by the Fire Nation and manipulated by Salem the Grimm Queen. This along with genocide of the Air Nomads and the extinction of the Fire Nation dragons by Fire Lord Sozin enraged him briefly. It reminded him too much of Thanos and Hitler taken to the extreme. The fact that the war lasted this long was astonishing.

He read about the Creatures of Grimm. Which were the creatures he had encountered shortly after arriving. Apparently, they were black demon like creatures that had been considered to be dangerous and prevented humanity from expanding as Earth did. He supposed that's a reason the Kaiju Girls, especially his female counterpart wasn't at war with humanity in their view. The world had suffered a 100-year war. But to him that was all the more reason to go after humans. Back on Earth, the worse conflicts between nations lasted a few years at most. The Fire Nation wiped out the Air Nomads and the Southern Water benders.

At least humans didn't develop the atomic bomb in this world. But that did confuse him. If the atomic bomb wasn't made, how were these Kaiju Girls made? Most of his Kaiju brethren were created by nuclear radiation. Just how did the Kaiju Girls come to exist? Queen Cesar and Mothra he knew weren't mutants from the variants he had known. Were they natural? If that's the case, it filled more Godzilla with more questions.

He then read about Aura, Semblances and Dust. He didn't think that much of them. It seemed that everyone had the potential to be like the mutants of Earth if they unlocked their Aura. Dust did intrigue him though. Energy powered crystals nicknamed Nature's Wrath. This made him scoff. These humans and Faunus had no idea what Nature's Wrath was really like.

Speaking of Faunus, he did not care. He hated humans equally. Giving them animal parts like ears, claws, tails, scales and tails wasn't going to change his view. He also had no care for the spirits these nations speak of nor of the dragons unless they got in his way.

The last things he read was about the superheroes of this world. From both the Heroes Association and from Vought International. Apparently this world didn't have its own Avengers or a Justice League. It had Captain Carter, a variant of Batman that has been in retirement for a few years, an Iron Man and a Spiderman. He growled at the mention of Homelander. His public origin was that he was an alien that arrived when he was an infant.Well, doesn't that sound familiar.He thought with a frown. He was more glade to have killed Homelander and made a mental note to go after Vought International and its heroes based on the rumors of corruption. He frowned at the classifications for the superheroes. Especially the superhero he had fought was ranked Level B. If that was the case, he should have died when their fight reached one hour. Also why was he named Caped Bald Man and rumored to be a fraud?

He narrowed his eyes upon reading about the Guardians of the Globe, or more specifically Omni-Man. He couldn't explain why but despite reading what sounded like Superman, his instincts told him he was looking at General Zod.

He looked back at Spiderman's page and noticed something important. He stood up from his seat. This world's Peter Parker aka Spiderman died almost a year ago. He growled and scratched the table, leaving noticeable claw marks.

Of all the superheroes Godzilla had gotten to know over the years, Peter Parker was one of the few he had respected the most. The arachnid themed hero reminded him a lot of Junior. And he knew that the young web slinger respected him just as much.

"I got to admit, uh, Mr. Godzilla," he had said when he was caught and brought to the Avengers Mansion. "I'm a bit of a big fan of you. I grew up watching movies about you and my friend Harry collected some action figures of you and other Kaiju." All Godzilla could do in his special cell was blink in confusion and his first word as a human was, "What?"

He turned away after reading what Kingdom Spiderman was buried, Godzilla left the library, not caring if he left evidence via breaking down the front door. The power station in the mountain range he could sense can wait.

Paying respects to a variant of a friend was more important.

The hacked probe droid was doing its new job perfectly. None of the Stormtroopers guarding the base paid it much attention as it spied on them. The images were transmitted back to the Ghost where the whole crew and the Remnantian Rebels watched them with rapt attention with the Autobots. From what they have seen of the base, it was sealed up pretty tight. They all suspected that the Kaiju's continuing rampage was responsible for the increased security.

"They got a lot of Stormtroopers patrolling the area," Kannan observed. "It also looks they've deployed auto-turrets to supplement the turbolasers they have along the perimeter.

"That's not gonna do much if that monster attacks," Zeb noted.

"I wager they're hoping to drive it off rather than kill it at this point," Hera suggested.

"With how things turned out in the Grimm Lands, that's possible." Optimus Prime mused. Leo spoke up. "The turrets shouldn't be our concern. It's the added Stormtrooper presence and the AT-ST they have walking around."

The two-legged Walker was stomping around the perimeter, scanning the entire area. These things were different from the AT-DPs they had encountered back on Lothal. Those things were for smaller scale occupations. AT-STs were more heavily armed and armored, equipped with concussive grenade launchers and missiles. It wasn't going to be easy to get past, not without some decent explosives.

"I could plant a charge on one of the leg struts," Sabine suggested.

"Or one of us could flip it off its legs," Bulkhead, pounding his fist into his palm. "Sounds good to me," Raph stated.

"What about getting to the Orbital gun itself?" April asked. "The control room looks like its the most heavily guarded out of everything in this facility."

Speaking of the weapon, it was a three barreled gun attached to a large platform that could pivot in several directions for aim adjustments. The weapon itself was lodged into the side of the larger building that made up the complex surrounding the gun. Two large struts on either side dug into the ground beneath the gun, keeping it steady and no doubt reducing recoil. It was an impressive looking weapon, almost as large as an eight-story building. Any ship that went up against it wouldn't last long.

The probe could see into the gun's control room using its different scanner settings, revealing a number of security checkpoints with auto-turrets and Stormtroopers guarding the approach. The hallway they occupied probably housed the servers and computing systems required to properly aim and fire the weapon.

"All in all, there were about thirty Stormtroopers guarding the complex, inside and out, not counting the AT-ST." stated Hakoda. "Add in with the Elemental Benders, Decepticons, Huntsmen and Huntresses as well as Captain Carter."

"The turbolasers out in front make a frontal attack inadvisable," Sienna added. "But there is one weakness."

She points to the holo image. "Near the back of the complex. Looks like a maintenance hatch." Her finger hovered around what seemed to be a hatch on one of the buildings at the back of the main complex. It was still behind a wall they'd need to get over but the hatch could get them inside without having to fight their way though the Troopers outside.

"They must use it to get inside the gun's capacitor systems for fine tuning," Donnie reasoned.

"If we could work our way inside, we could work our way up to the main floor and the control room," Hera stated.

"That still leaves us with a lot of Bucketheads to fight through," Zeb warned. "We need to even the odds a bit.

"What if we turned their defense against them?" Jack asked suddenly, an epiphany evidently striking him. "Could we slice the auto-turrets' targeting systems and turn them on the Troopers?"

"It's possible," Optimus concluded, rubbing his chin in thought. "Your droid, Chopper should be able hack in." Kannan added. "But we need to find a terminal with access to the auto-turrets."

"That still leaves the Troopers outside though," Sabine warned. "Once they realize something is wrong they'll storm the building to take it back."

"Then we need to keep them out in the open," Adam reasoned. "I can get on the roof, turn one of the turrets they put up there against them and keep them away from the main entrance."

"If you can clear the area of gunners, we'll provide support," Optimus suggested. "But some soldiers are going to get back inside, so be ready for that."

This wasn't going to be an easy mission to pull off. They were going to be alone on this one, no Kaiju was going to help them avoid getting spotted. And there was a chance that the Imperials could warn the rest of the Empire that they were here once the attack started.

"Our main focus is getting the control of the main building and with it, the control of the Orbital gun," Kannan told them. "We need to hold that position and clear out what's left of the Stormtroopers around it. We're going to divide their attention as much as we can. They have numbers on their side, so we have to take that away from them."

The teams nodded in response before Ezra shot back to the holo image. "Hey look, something is coming into frame," he informed the others. "Get the probe to focus on it."

Hera hit a few buttons on her terminal and had the probe reposition. It had spotted a Imperial shuttle coming in for a landing in the courtyard. The doors opened and out stepped more Stormtroopers. But these they didn't look like regular Bucketheads. One group had red armor and the other had blue armor and one was painted black, all with matching orange visors that looked more like biker visors.

"I got a bad feeling about those guys," Sabine noted aloud.

"Those are the Reds and Blues," Adam said with a frown. "The Empires first batch of Remnantian Stormtroopers."

"Just what we need, Imperial Special Forces," Sienna stated in annoyance. "Why are they here?"

"The Kaiju's attacks must've spooked the Empire worse than we thought," Hera determined. "They're not taking half-measures anymore. They're escalating, using every advantage they have to keep the big lizard away."

"Chances are these guys aren't the only ones out there." Arcee declared.

"This changes nothing," Kannan stated firmly. "Special forces or not, we're heading in when it gets dark. We just need to adjust our plan to be ready for them. They still think the biggest problem they have is that Kaiju. We're going show them how wrong they are."


Winter entered Dr. Serizawa's room, spotting the Kaiju scientist hard at work at his holo besides Shockwave. On both of their tables were the images of Alpha Predator One as well as relevant data. In between them both, on a small examination slab, was the scale of Alpha Predator One and a piece of its metal armor they had received the day prior. Apparently both scientists had been hard at work trying to decipher what information they could from the samples. If the amount of data on their screens were any indication, it was quite a bit.

"Serizawa, Shockwave," she said aloud, grabbing the other human's attention. The Decepticon scientist remained focused on his work. "I thought you should know. Lord Vader has decided throw us some reinforcements. 501st Jumptroopers and General Ironwood has sent the Reds and Blues, some of Atlas's best soldiers. They're equipped with heavy weapons. Arc Casters, high explosive launchers, rotary blasters, rockets, you name it they have it. They're sent out to critical positions close to where Alpha Predator One has been seen. We've reached out to the Targaryen House and the Viking Dragon Riders. They'll more than likely be engaging him again soon. Hopefully they'll be more effective against him."

"It never hurts to be optimistic, I suppose," Serizawa shrugged.

"After what happened in the Grimm Lands, it is only logical to think it will not be easy," Shockwave said in monotone.

"I understand your concerns, Shockwave." Winter said to the Decepticon. "General Ironwood and Lord Megatron are hoping that the two of you have made some headway in your research. Brute strength won't defeat this creature, we know that know. We need to outsmart it instead. Have you learned anything from the scale and metal shard?"

"Well, despite the Kaiju's ability to turn into human or similar to the Kaiju Girls," Serizawa began. "His DNA is not close to human compared to the Kaiju Girls. He seems to be more reptilian in nature."

"It will take more time to be fully analyzed." Shockwave stated. "However, we have been able to make a number interesting discoveries. The first of which is that the shard is a mixture of Vibranium and another metal alloy that seems to be just as strong known as adamantium. The scale itself is radioactive, to a slight degree. It is logical to assume that Alpha Predator One is the same."

"That's not too much of a surprise," Winter replied. "All Kaiju Girls are radioactive themselves."

"Yes, but this is different," Serizawa replied. "The radiation is like nothing on record with no evidence of Aura around it. And it's not as if the scale is covered in radiation, it seems to be resonating with it. Like it is generating it."

The picture of the Kaiju was replaced by images Winter could assume was its cells in various conditions in states.

"I have tried to stimulate potential damage to cells through a number of tests," Shockwave explained robotically. "Extreme heat, cold, electric impulses, acids, toxins, poisons, even tested the sample to a variety of different blades."

"Very thorough, Shockwave," Winter nodded. "As you can see, this sample was damaged the most by electricity," Shockwave continued, pointing to one image.

"But, not long after we had recorded these images," Serizawa spoke again. "Something disturbing occurred." He then changed the image of the same sample. Winter's eyes widened in astonishment.

"They don't look like they've been touched," Winter stated. She turns to them. "How long did it take?"

"Only a few minutes," Shockwave replied. "The shock damage to the sample took the longest at five. This was on a small scale, not the creature as a whole. However, this means that Alpha Predator One has potentially a tremendous healing factor. Logically, this explains its ability to brush off the majority of the weapons and Elemental attacks."

"We should have realized this sooner," Winter reasoned. "Many reptiles have the ability to regrow their limbs. Even Reptilian Faunus can do that from I have heard. But I have never heard of them regenerating this fast. It's remarkable. . .and disturbing to say the least."

No wonder they didn't seem to be making much headway. This Kaiju could recover relatively quickly from anything thrown at it. If they wanted to actually kill this thing, they'd have to keep firing until it stopped moving altogether. Something that would be difficult since it would demolishing their forces at the same time.

"That still doesn't explain how it's able to survive some of our most powerful weapons systems," Winter noted. "Is its hide really that thick?"

"Hide, skeletal structure, the scales, it's all practically built like armor." Serizawa listed off. "It's similar to the Zillo-Beast actually. Energy weapons burn more than anything and the tests show the male Kaiju is highly resistant to extreme heat of any kind. You want to put it down, you need to get past its armor altogether. Otherwise you're nothing more than a wasp stinging an alligator to it."

"At least we know electricity can hurt it considerably," Winter considered. "Other than the mouth and eyes though, I can't think of any real weak points in that armor of his.

"I can," Shockwave declared. He switched his holo image back to the picture of Alpha Predator One. He highlighted a section of its lower waist near its tail. "Creatures of this immense size need a secondary brain in order to properly function its lower half. Again, similar to the Zillo Beast. If we destroy that, in theory, we can paralyze the Kaiju and make it an easy target. The only problem are the dorsal fins acting as extra armor and there is a possibility of a layer of bone protecting it. The soldiers would need something of high yield to break through it."

"I see. Any other points of weakness?" Winter asked. "Under the arms, near the shoulders," Dr. Serizawa suggested. "If it had the same layer of armor on its back there, it wouldn't be able to smash and punch things like it does so effectively. I doubt shooting there will kill it though. At this point, the best we can hope is that we can drive it off."

Winter couldn't help but agree. They were going to need something a lot bigger to kill this thing, but they could injure it at least. Wound it even. That much was clear. If they could hurt enough, maybe it will decide this little rampage wasn't worth the effort. Animals didn't regularly pick fights unless they felt threatened. Then again. nothing about this animal seemed regular.

"I'll be sure to send your reports to the front as soon as possible," Winter stated. "They'll need to know every detail they can if they have any hope of stopping this thing." She turns to leave. "As always, doctors, your works prove to be invaluable."

Serizawa sighed as she left. "I understand that you are reluctant to use your research to fight a Kaiju," Shockwave stated. "But even you must have realized that a Kaiju was going to awaken and be hostile to humans and Faunus."

"I suppose so," Serizawa stated. "I just don't understand why. Why would a Kaiju attack the humans shortly after awakening?"

"Perhaps Homelander killed its offspring," Shockwave mused. "The Kaiju was really enraged that the superhero shot the young Kaiju Girls."

"I have doubts of that." Serizawa replied. "Homelander may have done dark deeds, but even he never interacted with the Kaiju Girls unless it was a publicity stunt for Vought."

He looked to the image of the male Godzilla. Shockwave was right about something though. It did seem the Kaiju was enraged about something, the Kaiju Girls said the same, but what? What made this Kaiju so angry at humans?

Chapter 6: Godzilla vs the Empire Round 2

Chapter Text

The Kingdom of Vale

It was easy for Godzilla to enter the city without tripping any alarms. He did pause and stare at an old man that was nearby when he jumped onto the dock. The human Saurian Kaiju stared at the human without blinking and he stared back. He tilted his head. He looked familiar.

The man was an elder human. He had gray hair brushed back with a matching large mustache and dark sunglasses.

Finally, Godzilla blinked. He remembered now. He was Peter Parker's bus driver. . . no wait, wasn't he a security guard at the Smithsonian? A bartender? A WW II general? Why is it that Godzilla was feeling like he seen him once in Sakaar or Xandar?

"Well, good luck to what you plan on doing," he suddenly said to Godzilla before walking away.

He blinked slowly before Godzilla nodded once. "Thank you." he said politely while wondering on who the Hell that old man was.

"Excelsior!" the man suddenly called out when he was half a block away. The Kaiju blinked. Okay, seriously, who the f*ck is that?

2 hours later. . .

Godzilla stood with his arms crossed as he looked down at the gravestone surrounding by flowers, newspapers of Spiderman and merchandise. The gravestone read Peter Parker. Friend, Nephew, Husband.

Godzilla sighed deeply as he knelt down before the grave and placed his right hand on top. He bowed his head and whispered,"Yasumu kantan, wakai Kumo."A small tear fell down his face as he rose up. "I know you would have spoken against the plan to kill me. I'm sure you did your best."

He stared at the gravestone solemnly before turning away and walking. And came face to face with this world's variant of Mary Jane Parker and May Parker. Beside them was a variant of Miles Morales.Ah, so that's Spiderman #2,he thought, recalling what was said in the book.

He stared at them and they stared back. ". . . So, were you a friend?" MJ asked after a moment.

"My son was closer," Godzilla replied. "They were like brothers, really."And I think my daughterwas attracted to him at one point.He thought to himself.

This made May and Miles tense. "Osborn?" May whispered. Godzilla blinked at that before scoffing. "Trust me, I'm nothing like Osborn." he declared firmly.

"You say that, but my sense is telling me you're dangerous," Miles said with narrowed eyes.

Godzilla chuckled darkly. "Trust me, I'm more dangerous than Norman Osborn can ever dream." he said before turning to look back at the grave. "So, who was it? Octavius? Kraven? Connors? Electro? Rhino or Venom?"

"Nah, Venom was actually sad that he was dead," Miles replied before glancing at MJ. The red headed woman stepped forward and gestured for Miles to step back.

"It Captain Carter," she said. "Spider--Peter was one of the few Superheroes that stood against the Empire after they ended the Great War and conquered Remnant. The Captain was a soldier to the bone, and soldiers follow orders," she explained.

Godzilla looked taken aback by that before he growled.

"I know what you're thinking," May stated. "But please understand that Peter wouldn't want that."

"You're right, he probably wouldn't." Godzilla concurred simply before leaving.

The humans have said that there is five stages of grief. Denial. Anger. Bargaining. Depression. And acceptance. Well, there is one more that Godzilla would like to add.


Time to go back to work.

"Wow, I can't believe we're working with the Reds and Blues." Marrow stated in awe. The power station was a bustle of activity. Stormtroopers carrying heavy weapons and gear were running all over the place, getting ready for the inevitable assault. Reports said Alpha Predator One was on his way to their position in the mountains on a direct path for the power station. No one knew why it seemed fixated on the location, only that they couldn't let it fall.

If the station was destroyed, they'd be forced to reroute power. While it would keep them from shutting down, it decrease the recycling rate for the turbolasers. Their rate of fire would decrease and it would increase charge time for most of their vehicles. The probe droids wouldn't be able to recharge either. They'd lose sight of the Kaiju within a few hours.

And there was the Orbital Gun. Sure it had an emergency power but the complex's defense system would go offline and the gun would overheat faster.

Caine and the others were in the middle of, trying to help set up what defenses they could after Yang got her prosthetic arm replaced. Her Aura was recharging now and her broken bones were already healing. The bright side was that she and her mother were on good terms now.

Caine didn't believe their defenses would do any good much, not after the Grimm Lands. However, they did have have some extra help. AT-STs were patrolling the cliffs above them and they had more special forces. A platoon of Jumptroopers with heavy weapons. The old Clone wasn't sure if they could kill Alpha Predator One, but maybe they'd antagonize him enough to drive him away.

"Didn't think we had Jumptroopers stationed here," Jaune observed.

"They must have came from a neighboring system," Zuko suggested.

"Well, at least we have some reinforcements," Iroh stated.

"I still think we should just bring down a Destroyer and blast the scales off that bastard," Jaune argued. "Why wait for more Troopers?"

"The Kaiju is too close to the power station now," Clover explained. "We risk damaging it in the bombardment."

"Besides, I'm starting to wonder if a single Destroyer would be enough," Raven said as she was patting Summer on the neck.

"Officer Caine, we need to speak." The old Clone turned to see Zhao approaching with a middle aged man with silver hair and violet eyes in tow.

"This is Prince Daemon Targaryen. He is in charge of the Jumptrooper platoon sent to assist us in the station's defense." Zhao stated, introducing the Targaryen. "He wanted to meet you after I told him of how you wounded Alpha Predator One."

"Your actions so far proved to be the most effective," Daemon stated. "The Kaiju more than likely was delayed in coming here because it was forced to lick its wounds. You bought us time, that will hopefully make all the difference."

"It was more of a spur of the moment kind of thin," Caine admitted. "It was a stroke of luck that it happened." He ignored how two of the Ace-Ops nudged their leader.

Caine tried to keep humble, but he kept looking to Zhao and so did Zuko. It wasn't appropriate, but he kinda wanted to see the Fire Nation Commander's face when he saw that Prince Daemon actually approved of what he did back in the Grimm Lands. Needless to say, Zhao did not look all that happy.

"My Troopers have a plan of attack," Daemon continued. "One that we believe can help us in our efforts to drive the Kaiju off if not kill it. It appears to be vulnerable to electricity and we have a working theory that suggests it has a secondary brain that helps control its lower bodily functions."

"That makes sense," Jaune said. "Most giant dinosaurs have that."

"So you're going to hit it with everything you got near those potential weak points," Caine reasoned. "How are you going to accomplish that?"

"We'll handle that." Daemon replied. "What I need you to do is spread the word among the men. I got the impression that they respect you and your friends here given the chatter I heard. The Jumptroopers don't have enough Arc Casters to hand out, but we brought plenty of rocket launchers and we're going to distribute them among the troops. Your job is to have them shoot the Kaiju in the mouth and under his arms That should give my people the opportunity needed to bring this fight to the Kaiju directly."

Zhao suddenly intercut himself into the conversation again. "I don't believe it is wise to entrust infantry operations to a Clone, Prince Daemon." he declared. "Now I am in charge of this defense and-"

"My orders come from a higher authority," Daemon abruptly stated to Zhao. "I have instructions to carry out this strategy directly and personally, however I see fit. I have been assured that I would not have those instructions impeded in any way, shape or form by Starscream. You are still in command in regards to defending this installation. I am tasked with either killing or diverting Alpha Predator One away. You can keep command over the Walkers, guns and your own forces. I require three squads worth of men in order to carry out my orders and I am requesting that Officer Caine be placed in charge of them."

Zhao eyed the Targaryen Prince suspiciously. "Who exactly is this higher authority?" he asked.

"You want to know?" Daemon asked in response. "Well, here's a hint. He defeated Salem herself and killed half of your army when Fire Lord Ozai tried to resist the Empire when they came. Other than that, it's classified. General Ironwood and Starscream assured me nothing would interfere with my orders."

Caine sees looks of horror flash across Prince Zuko, Iroh and Zhao while Teams RWBY, PRN, the Ace-Ops and Raven stiffen. Jaune's Terrible Terror hissed and hid behind the Scout Trooper.

A look of defeat took Zhao's face as he nodded, trying to hide his thoughts. "Very well, Officer Caine will have his three squad command." he relented.

"Very good, Commander," Prince Daemon replied a little smug, understanding that he knew who he was talking about and that they were scared to disobey him. "If you excuse me, I need to prepare my men for the mission. Officer Caine, I trust you will relay my intel accordingly."

"Of course, Prince Daemon. You will have your ground support." Caine promised.

"Very good. Now the Dragon Riders will join the battle when its necessary." With that, Prince Daemon marched away. Zhao watched him as he left them with a scowl. He then turned to approach Caine directly.

"You must feel proud of yourself, Clone." he stated. "Thinking you can make me look the fool."

"I did nothing of the kind, sir." Caine replied, feeling his own temper boil up to the surface. "Prince Daemon has his orders and I will do my best to assist him in carrying them out. If you want to argue this, perhaps you should contact the higher authority instead of taking your frustration out on me."

"You forget that I am still your direct superior," Zhao countered, pointing at the old Clone's face. "If you honestly think I am going to let you humiliate me in front of the Targaryen Prince and these elite soldiers, you have another thing coming. If it were up to me, I would've stuck you on the cliffs in the Grimm Lands where you can't sabotage anymore of my attack strategies. My hands are tied in that regard, but not in this. You want to lead squads? Fine but a Communications Officer cannot lead troops in that capacity. So, effective immediately, you are no longer an officer. You have been demoted to Sergeant."

Caine didn't say anything but his friends were quick to jump in his defense.

"You can't do that, Zhao!" Zuko protested.

"Officer Caine is-" Ruby began before being cut off.

"An insubordinate laboratory relic that I will not have undermining my authority again," Zhao rebuffed, staring down the soldiers and Hunters in front of him. "And if any of you start undermining my command yourselves, you'll all find yourselves away from this battle and in a cell faster than you can physically comprehend."

"You want to say that again, Sideburns?" Yang growled before both Raven and Caine either pulled or pushed her back slightly while the latter stepped forward.

"If this is how you want to play it, Sir, then fine," Caine stated calmly. "Take away my officer's rank. I don't need it to lead and I don't need it to fight. But know I will take this matter up with General Ironwood at the nearest possible opportunity myself."

"Go ahead, Clone." Zhao dared. "You're lucky I'm not finding a way to outright discharge you after your previous disregard of my orders. Ironwood won't listen to a genetically degrading copy of a dead bounty hunter. Sooner or later you'll realize how truly irrelevant you've become."

"I don't need a reminder," Caine shot back. "But I have just as much right to be a soldier in this army as you do. And if you think my long years of service count for nothing, then you will be pleasantly surprised."

"I highly doubt it," Zhao answered in kind. "Now if you'll excuse me, Clone, I have a power station to defend."

"He has a name," Ruby said with a glare. "And it's Caine."

The Fire Nation Commander scoffed and left, probably feeling pretty proud of himself. Caine didn't really care. Let Zhao think he somehow earned a petty victory. All that concerned the old Clone was beating Alpha Predator One.

"This is wrong, sir," Jaune said defiantly. "He can't just rip away your rank like that."

"Yeah, if anything you should have been promoted." Blake said in an upset tone.

"Let it go, kids. It's not our primary concern." Caine told them. "We have a rampaging lizard on the way and we need to gather everyone up for the fight. Come on."

Caine walked off back to the the assembly area where the other Troopers were. Jaune and the others followed close behind.

"You really think the Jumptroopers can kill that thing like Prince Daemon says?" the blonde Scout Trooper asked.

"No idea, but I'm hoping whatever plan they got is a good one," Caine replied honestly.

"Best we all say our prayers and hope that these weaknesses they discovered have some weight to them." Raven said. "Whatever happens though, I get the feeling it's going to be a long night."


Turning to the left, Caine saw a young ginger haired girl with green eyes, a large bow, black leggings, beige blouse and skirt was racing towards them at high speeds.

Ruby's eyes widened and she waved her hands frantically while screaming in fear while the charging girl was smiling before tackling Ruby.

"Ow. . . my back." Ruby wheezed.


The rumbling earth beneath their feet announced the Kaiju's arrival long before they even saw him. But then they saw the Atomic Breath shoot through the sky and slice through the air. Caine took out his macro binoculars and saw probe droids being destroyed by the blue beam of death. Suddenly a probe droid was sent flying through a mountain pass, and it landed smack dab in the middle of the base.

(Play the Epic Version of Kai's Theme from Kung Fu Panda 3 by Samuel Kim)

He walked into view in his human form in the mountain pass. He didn't bother announcing himself with a roar, just a snarl as he approached the power station. The very sight of him made a few of the Stormtroopers a bit more wary.

"He does not look happy," noted one, backing away slightly.

"Captain Carter." the Kaiju suddenly called out. This surprised Caine and the others. They didn't think that Alpha Predator One could talk.

"CAPTAIN MARGRET CARTER!" The Kaiju raised his voice and his shout echoed through the mountains.

After a brief moment, the Super Soldier walked out from the line of Stormtroopers. "You called?" she asked.

"I was willing to spare you out of respect for Steve Grant Rogers," Alpha Predator One said, reaching behind him as the spikes on his armor stood up on end. He pulled out a katana. "But for what you did to Peter Parker, I'm going to kill you, your friends and reduce your city to ash and cinders." Blue flames ignited around his sword at the end of his declaration.

Captain Carter looked surprised at mention of Steve Rogers before she pulled out her shield. Kaiju Human and Super Soldier stared at one another before Alpha Predator One jumped towards Captain Carter and slashed at her shield with a roar. Sparks flew as his sword sliced against the Vibranium shield.

"Well, well, well." Queen Ghidorah mused. "Aren't you just full of surprises."

"I got a bad feeling about this, Sir." Jaune said to Caine in concern.

"What do we do?" Ruby asked.

Caine slipped on his helmet and turned towards his Troops. He needed to reassure them of their part of the plan or the defense of the station would fail.

"You don't have to worry about killing him," he reminded them. "We're only here to keep attention off the Jumptroopers and the station. Once he turns into his Kaiju form hit the weak spots and hit them often. The AT-STs should keep him back for a bit should Captain Carter fail. Now, let's get to our positions. Go!"

The Troopers took off in their separate squads, heading into various buildings that were built into the mountainside. If Alpha Predator One wanted to get to the main reactor, he'd have to get past the buildings along the path. That was where Caine planned to have his squads jump him. He and Arc along with the rest of their squad, would be taking up residence in the administrative building while the others get into the containment and turbine buildings.

"So, where should we hit the giant grey Trandoshan?" Jaune asked as they jumped into the elevator. "Armpits or mouth?"

"Either, if you can see it then you shoot it," Caine ordered in response.

Captain Carter was surprised at how well Alpha Predator One fought with the sword. It almost reminded her of the Fire Nation sword master Piandao or a Samurai.

The Kaiju punched her in the gut before spinning around and slamming his tail into her abdomen and sent her flying back. She pulled out her gun and fired at his face. Alpha Predator One just grimaced before slicing and deflecting the bullets with his katana. Carter rose back to her feet and charged to him, and the Kaiju ducked under her shield and slashed at her side. She grunted in pain and was knocked off her feet from the Kaiju's tail. She got back up to her feet and faced the Saurian-Human Kaiju.

Alpha Predator One roared as he jumped in the air, twisting and kicking at her shield and slamming his tail on it. He summersaulted in the air and delivered an axe kick that Captain Carter jumped out of the way. The Kaiju growled as he swung his claws at her shield as well as his sword. The Super Soldier threw her shield at him. It bounced off his wrist, knocking his sword out of his grip and back to her hand before she threw it back at him. The Kaiju snarled and batted it away. He then ran to her with a roar and tackled her through the wall behind her.

Ezra, Kannan, Sienna and the Turtles broke into one of the buildings without much trouble. They were three minutes in when suddenly an alarm when off and a PA announced, "Abort! Security Breach! Level Alpha!"

Leo, Raph and Donnie turned to glare at Mikey. "What? I didn't do it," he said defensively.

"Come on, this way." Kannan said, opening a door. The door led them to what looked to be a large training room for Troopers. Only one Trooper was at the monitors. It looked like he was one of the Reds and Blues Sienna and Adam have told them about.

Inside the training room, Red and Blue Troopers jumped into the training room.


"Shelia, we have to help them." The Blue Trooper said and Ezra was briefly confused on who was he talking to before the console in front of him spoke."What do you mean? Help who?"it asked in a female voice.

"The Reds," the Trooper said. "Alpha Predator One is fighting them and Captain Carter. We have to stop him." He continued as the Human Saurian Kaiju jumped into the room with Captain Carter in hand and threw her across the arena.

"Stop Alpha Predator One?"Shelia asked."Oh no, absolutely not. Our job is not to interfere with a simulation test. Our job is to observe and document."

"But he'll kill them!" The Trooper protested."Oh that would be wonderful! What a successful test!"

Ezra and Kannan shared a look with Sienna who nodded. The two Jedi, Tiger Faunus and mutant turtles pressed themselves against the wall and snuck past the Blue Trooper as stealthily as they could.

Meanwhile. . .

"Move it, men! Double time! Hell, I'll settle for triple time!" Sarge said to Simmons and Griff.

"Maybe we should just stand and fight," Simmons said. "I'm afraid we'll be picked off one by-" before he could finish, an arm burst through the metallic wall next to him and grabbed him by the throat.

"One," he whimpered before the wall was kicked towards him and Griff. Godzilla growled before he kicked Sarge into Griff's crouch and then he tackled them both through two walls behind them. He then threw across the arena and into a tower of oil drums.

"Nah, Screw this." Simmons said. "I need to get a bigger weapon as Godzilla glared at the Troopers with a growl and walked towards them.

"Caboose, help us!" Simmons cried as he looked to where the Blue was.

"How? The computer won't let me!" Caboose exclaimed. "She's mean! There are a lot of mean ladies in this place!"

"Push some buttons! I don't know!" Simmons replied.

"Buttons? Hell yeah, I love buttons." Caboose exclaimed and started pushing buttons. "Beep-a, boop-a, beep-a, boop-a."

Suddenly a rocket launcher landed next to Simmons. "Wow, that actually worked out perfectly," he stated as he picked up the launcher. "Thanks!"

"Great!" Caboose turned around and said to a orange masked human sized turtle. "How the Hell did I do that?" he asked.

Mikey shrugged and hummed 'I don't know,' before someone (Probably Raph) grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the room.

Simmons bumped into Tucker on the way back to the other Reds. "You got to help us, Tucker." Simmons said and glanced down at the sword on his belt. "Do you know how to use that thing?"

"My sword?" Tucker said in confusion. "f*ck yeah, I know how to use it. What's so difficult about swish, slice, dice and stab? It's a f*cking sword not a fighter jet."

"Just follow me." Simmons said, leading the way.

Back with Godzilla he was fighting both Griff and Sarge. Their bullets bouncing off his armor before he punched Sarge away. He knocked down Griff and held his leg up, rearing back his fist. "No, no, no, no! Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!" Griff yelled frantically before Godzilla Falcon Punched him in the crouch and then kicked him in the crouch. He flew into a portal and exited out another as he Tail Whipped Sarge. He paused and looked at the portal and saw that there were multiple through out the arena.

"Hey, Mondo Gecko!" He ducked under a plasma bolt and turned to see Tucker with his sword out. "Step away from the idiot!"

Godzilla raised his fists and both Trooper and Kaiju circled each other like wary predators. Before either of them made a move, however, a large metal crate landed right in front of them.

"What the-?!" Tucker exclaimed in shock and confusion.

"I saved Tucker!" cheered Caboose before he faltered. "Oh wait, I saved Tucker." he deadpanned.

"Caboose, what are you doing?!" Tucker asked. "You're messing up my plan with Simmons. I was supposed to distract Alpha Predator One for him."

Hearing that, Godzilla turned around and saw the Red Trooper on one of the far off crates. "You ratted me out, you son of a bitch!" Simmons yelled angrily and fearfully as he was loading his rocket launcher. He fired at the Kaiju who sidestepped to avoid the ballistic.

He reached and grabbed the portal next to him by its door frame and threw it at Simmons. "Oh sh*t!" he shouted and fired his rocket. The rocket entered the portal and exited another that was under Simmons spot. The rocket exploded and sent him flying into the portal and out of one in front of Godzilla who grabbed him by his shoulder and slammed him down before kicking him.

Back with Caboose in the observation room. "Can't we use turrets on him? Or some. . . fiery exploding thing?" he asked."That would be outside of my standard safety protocols. I cannot dothat."Shelia replied.

"Sarge, what do we do?" Tucker asked the Red. "I don't know, I never fought a Lizard man in my life." Sarge said.

"Yeah, I can tell. Try harder." Griff picked up a random traffic cone and held it like a baseball bat.

Godzilla charged and punched Tucker and held his arm to block the bullets from Sarge before punching him the fast in rapid speeds and then Tail Whipping him into a portal and he knocked Griff towards him.

Godzilla held his left leg up and Spartan Kicked Griff in the crouch and pushed him to the ground. He aimed his own gun at him.

"Oh no, Griff!" Simmons called out in worry.

"Yikes!" Griff yelped as Godzilla pulled the trigger.


"Damn it, Griff! You should be ashamed of yourself!" Sarge yelled in anger and annoyance. "You ran out of ammo again! That'syourresponsibility!"

Godzilla rose an eyebrow. Why was he more concerned that the gun was out of ammo and not the fact that Griff's life is on the line? Said Trooper was nonchalant and looking at Sarge now.

"Huh. I guess it's the second time my laziness actually came in handy-Oof!" he grunted as Godzilla stepped on his chest. "If I can't shoot you with the gun, I'll hit you with the gun." The Kaiju stated, holding the gun, ready to swing like a golf club.

". . . Protect me, Traffic Cone," Griff whimpered before Godzilla shouted, "Four!" and clubbed Griff and sent him flying into Simmons.

"Watch it!" Simmons said after being knocked down. "You watch it," Griff retorted.

"You're all idiots! Let me show you it's done!" Sarge exclaimed before being sucker punched by Godzilla and sent sliding to where Griff and Simmons were struggling to get up.

"Wow, nice demonstration, Sarge." Griff said sarcastically.

"Ah, shut up." Sarge snapped.

"Hey, guys. Look up there." Simmons whispered, nodding to the ceiling.

"Huh?" Next to Godzilla, Tucker glanced up and saw a large metal crate held by a crane. "Hey, Caboose. Remember how I said not to help me?" he called to the Blue in the observation room. "Forget that, I need you to help me! Right now!"

"What button holds up that crate?" Caboose asked the console."Mechanical controls are on theleft side of the console,"Shelia replied.

Tucker tuck and rolled out of the way as the crate landed on Godzilla with a loudCLANG!

"f*ck yeah! I can't believe that worked!" Tucker laughed before he saw that Godzilla was still standing and his head indented the crate and now it looked like he had a large metal box shaped hat. "Oh f*ck, that didn't work."

"I knew that wouldn't work."Shelia said."Alpha Predator One is a bit of a badass unstoppable force of nature."

Godzilla sank his claws into the underbelly of the crate. He lifted it off his head and threw towards the Reds and Blues.

Sarge, Griff and Simmons were against the wall. "Help! We're going to get crushed!" Griff shouted, banging his fists on the wall.

"Don't worry guys, I got this." Tucker said confidently. "Slice and Dice!" he shouted, slicing the crate in half. The two pieces flew past him and the contents--Bacta healing pads, spilled out and landed on the Troopers behind him.

"Uhg, wewerecrushed." Griff wheezed from under the pile.

"Guys?" Tucker turned around. "Ah f*ck. Can I get a medic?" Then he was punched by Godzilla and stumbled back.

"Okay, you know what? Come here!" Tucker charged with his sword. "Safety's is off and so are the kid gloves!"

"Oh Thank God, I thought I was a goner!" Simmons walked out from behind the metal crate. Apparently, he was unharmed. "Sarge, where are you?"

The older Red Trooper poked his head out of the pile of Bacta Healing pads. "What happened? I feel defeated. Yet inexplicably rejuvenated."

"Swish!" Tucker yelled, trying to hit Godzilla with his sword. He received three jabs to the ribs. "Slice!" The Kaiju ducked under his sword and spun around and Tail Slapped him in the face and gave him an uppercut that knocked off his helmet. "Stab!" Godzilla grabbed his arm, twisted it and punched him in face, bringing him down to his knees before kicking him in the chest. The Blue Trooper slid past the other Troopers and into a portal on the floor.

"Whoa, did you see that?" Griff asked. "Howwould Imiss that?" Simmons asked in response.

The portal Tucker exited sent him into Godzilla's grip. The Kaiju snarled before the sword in his hand deactivated. He looked at the hilt in confusion. "What's the matter, Alpha Predator One? Having trouble understanding human technology?" Tucker asked mockingly, getting the Kaiju to snarl at him again. "It's okay, happens to us all. Not me, of course-"

Sarge turned to Simmons. "That rocket launcher is one of the older models right?" he asked while punches were heard out of view from Tucker and Godzilla.

"I think so," Simmons replied.

"That means it has heat seeking. Let it rip!" Sarge ordered. Just then Tucker flew out of the portal next to them, his armor black.

"Son of a bitch!" the Blue Trooper exclaimed before he hit the floor. He got up to his knees looked at his hands. "Damn it, I hate this black stuff! What the Hell is it?!"

"It's Alpha Predator One!" Griff yelled. Tucker looked up at the other Troopers. "Huh?"

"Get him!" Sarge yelled as he and Griff ran to Tucker and began punching and kicking the now Black Trooper.

"Gah! Stop! I'm not Kaiju, I'm human!" Tucker exclaimed, trying to raise his arms up, blocking the punches from Sarge and kicks from Griff as best he could.

"Kicking is hard," Griff whined as he walked away and Sarge held Tucker in a chokehold and punched him in the face. "Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" Tucker yelled. Simmons then realized something. Alpha Predator One's voice wasn't that whiny. Meaning that wasn't a Kaiju but a human!

"Sarge! Sarge, stop!" Simmons said. "I think that's Tucker, not Alpha Predator One!"

"Yeah, I'm human! Not Kaiju!" Tucker exclaimed and Sarge punched him in the face before he pushed him away. "Get off me! Why did you do that?"

"Uh, old habit." the old Red Trooper replied gruffly and sheepishly before Tucker slipped on a Bacta Healing pad.

"Whoa, whoa!" Griff exclaimed as he caught Tucker. "Careful, you're going to fall in the portal again."

156 feet away, Godzilla stared at them before looking at the portal next to him. "Guys, I see him over there!" Griff said before Godzilla poked his head and shoulders out of the portal underneath him and Tucker.

"Uh oh." Griff said in worry.

"Griff, I see him." Tucker whispered before Godzilla punched the yellow Trooper in the groin.

"Why are you murdering my balls?" Griff wheezed as he fell through the portal, holding his crouch in pain.

Tucker waved his arms, trying to maintain balance but ended up falling through the portal. As soon as he came out, Godzilla slammed his tail down on him and to the ground. The Kaiju rose his tail back up and began slamming it down on Tucker's chest and face. "Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" Tucker shouted between every hit. "My face! My chest! My face! My chest! My face! My chest! My face! My Face! Pain! Pain! Pain! So much pain! Somebody do something!"

"Simmons, what are you waiting for?" Sarge exclaimed to Simmons who was looking at his launcher's crosshairs.

"They're both black! Which one do I shoot?" he asked.

"Shoot the one with the tail and spikes!" Tucker shouted. "Help! Me! Please!" Griff walked into view in his crosshairs, holding his crotch in pain. "Griff, you're in the way!" Simmons exclaimed. "Ah, I'm hurting!" Griff howled.

Godzilla looked toward Griff with a growl. He wrapped his tail around Tucker's leg and swung him at Griff. "Get over here!" he growled as he pulled Tucker back to him and punched him to the ground. The black paint flew off him and sent him bouncing over to the others.

"Wow, he punched the black right off of you," Sarge said.

". . . That sounds racist," Tucker said as he got up on his legs shakily.

"Fire in the hole!" Simmons shouted before firing.

Godzilla ran to a portal. "Into the rabbit hole," he jumped into it and out another. "And into Wonderland." he said as he ran to the Red and Blue Troopers with the missile behind him.

"Are you f*cking kidding me?!" Tucker shouted. "Run!" He shouted to his friends.

Godzilla cracked the knuckles of his right hand before punching Sarge, Simmons and Tucker in one swing.

"Oh no. No, no, no, no!" Griff shouted before trying to protect his crouch before Godzilla slid under him and the missile missed him by five inches. "Whew. That was close-" he said before he turned around.

The Kaiju dove into another portal while the missile flew towards a abundance of gas tanks and crates of Dust from the SDC.

(Que a slow motion scream.)

"OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH SSSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTT!" Griff screamed before the tanks and crates exploded behind and sent him and the Reds and Blues flying into the air.

Godzilla rolled out of the portal and held a superhero pose and slowly rose as the Reds and Blues landed around him. He looked up and used his tail to push a metal divider to the right a bit before Griff fell and landed on the divider balls first.

"Why won't you just kill me?" Griff whined before falling down as Godzilla walked away from him.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Queen Ghidorah and her fellow Alien Kaiju Girls laughed boisterously, holding their stomachs at what they have seen. Only Monster X felt some pity for the humans especially that male in blue armor.

Suddenly Godzilla was hit in the head by Captain Carter's shield. He slowly turned his head to glare at her. "You just don't know when to quit, do you?" he asked.

Carter spat some blood on the floor. "I can do this all day." she said confidently before throwing her shield.

Godzilla caught the shield, spun around in a blink and threw the shield back at her and it sliced right through her stomach. Carter let out a gasp before falling down in two pieces and her shield imbedded itself in the wall behind her.

"That's for Peter Parker, bitch." Godzilla growled. He walked over to the shield and pulled it out of the wall.Sorry, Captain Rogers, but this is the end of the line for her.He thought.

"Oh crap! Did you see that?" Caboose asked. "He killed Captain Carter. What chances do we have if the Super Soldier couldn't kill him?!"

"None, we have none." Sarge said bluntly. "We have no chance. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Retreat! I repeat, fall back. Retreat."

Godzilla snorted flames as he watched those Troopers run out of the room. He didn't have to chase those idiots. He needed to find that energy reactor. He was close, he can smell the energy in the air.

He looked at the shield on his arm and made his nanotech suit absorb the shield into it before he went to pick up his sword.

Roughly three minutes later. . .

As soon as the Kaiju got close, the AT-STs opened fire. Missiles, grenades and laser bolts exploded against the monster's head and neck. The giant reptile turned to the rock face, fire continuing to pour down on him. Enraged, the Kaiju smashed his claw into the mountainside. The rocks slipped out from beneath the feet of one of the Walkers and it fell over the edge, towards the ground below. It never reached the ground however, the Kaiju's other hand slammed into it, crushing it between the mountain and the Kaiju's fist.

"Do not stop firing!"Zhao ordered from his operations post near the reactor building."Lay into that monster with everything you have! All turbolasers, join in the attack!"

The turrets on the perimeter began to open fire, hitting Alpha Predator One along his jawline. This just earned a snarl from the Kaiju before it turned back to the AT-STs. It reached up and grabbed one of the little Walkers in its claws and pulled it away from the mountain cliffs. The pilot started screaming over the open channel, filling the helmets of every Stormtrooper tuned in to his final panicked words.


The giant lizard then ripped the Walker's head off with his jaws and spat it back out towards one of the turbolaser turrets. The little metal head tumbled through the air before crashing down on the turret. The gunnery crew ran as the resulting fireball from the collision rose into the sky. The Walker's legs were flung to the ground next like knives, smashing into another turret with the same outcome.

As Alpha Predator One easily pushed past the second line of defenses, Caine's squad arrived on their first assigned floor. They got a set of windows that looked right into the approaching Kaiju. Caine was the first to line up a shot with his launcher, he aimed right for the mouth. The next time the creature opened his trap to roar Caine fired. The projectile exploded through the glass, racing through the air towards the roaring beast. It collided with the inside of the Kaiju's cheek. A second fired from Jaune, hit the Kaiju's armpit. His mouth was still smoking as he turned to the general direction both shots had come from. They had gotten his attention, which proved the theory of the Kaiju's weak spots as far as Caine was concerned.

"Alright, pull back." Caine ordered. "We need to get to the next position."

"Why?" asked one of the Troopers. "We got a clear shot right here."

"So does he," Caine insisted grimly. "Now come on."

The Troopers followed the old Clone and they were right to do so. Just mere seconds later as they reached the stairs, something crashed through the side of the building. Sticking out of the structure's side where the squad had been standing just seconds ago was an AT-ST, now on fire and its crew's bodies lying among the smoldering ruins. What was left of them anyway.

Jaune stared in horror while one of the Troopers spoke to Caine. "It looks like we're just pissing him off, Sir."

"That's what the Jumptroopers want," he reminded him. "We keep the big guy's focus on us and that gives them the shot they need."

Up in the cliffs, the Jumptroopers were taking that very shot. Prince Daemon's second in command, Lieutenant Ember Taylor kept her eyes on the monster as it passed by. Now was their moment to strike. With a single hand gesture, her Jumptroopers activated their jetpacks and boosted themselves off the side of the cliff. They flew towards Kaiju's back and landed on it. Using the monster's scales to steady themselves, the Jumptroopers set about their work.

"Team One with me, we're going to the top of this cold-blooded mutant," Taylor declared. "Team Two, head down and keep your scanners out. Look for the target and keep me appraised. Keep your boosters primed and at the ready. We're going to fry this thing's brains one way or another. Let's move."

The Jumptroopers began their ascent, or descent depending on which brain they were headed for. Using their jetpacks the whole way would've depleted their fuel too quickly, especially on this living mountain. So they'd have to walk and only use their packs when they needed to. And when they found the brain, either in the skull or near the base of the tail, they'd light this creature up with enough electricity to power a small city. Taylor just hoped it was enough to render this ugly lizard brain dead or they'd all end up just plain dead.

Getting to the roof wasn't the easiest of tasks, but Sabine and Adam managed. The Mandalorian and Bull Faunus snaked through the upper maintenance corridors, trying to squeeze through the wiring and vents best they could. Sabine suddenly appreciated Ezra's ability to get through these tight spaces. That kid was a lot more nimble than he looked.

They found their way into an elevator shaft and climbed into one of the lift cars from above. From there it was just a simple task of pressing a button. Once they were on the roof however, there was another problem in the form of Huntsmen and Huntresses.

Both Adam and Sabine ducked into cover of a large cooling unit, keeping their eyes on the patrolling Hunters. Adam frowned as if recognizing some of them. Next to them were dragons. There was a large red dragon, a blue dragon with yellow spikes and a beak like mouth, a green two-headed dragon, a chubby dragon with small wings and a dragon black as the night sky.

"Specter Five to Specter One," Sabine said over the comm with a hushed whisper. "We're on the roof, what's your status?"

"Outside the objective now,"Kannan replied."Specter Three is inside security, he's slicing in. We're moving once the turrets have been turned. Should be any second now."

"Okay, we'll wait for the fireworks then," Sabine answered back.

Adam analyzed the situation. There were six Dragon Riders, four Huntresses, two Jumptroopers, the gunnery crews for the Turbolasers nearby. This could get complicated. They could try to attack now, maybe get behind one of them and take them out. But they probably didn't have time to sneak past the dragons and they couldn't risk blowing the others' sneak attack.

Luckily though, it looked like they didn't have to deal with the Dragon Riders. They left to attack the Kaiju storming the base.

Sabine did have one idea though. She could see one of the turrets on the far end of the roof section. She and Adam had to take it out anyway, so if she managed to toss a bomb on it from here she could blow it up anyway. The Huntresses and Jumptroopers would move to investigate. Then she and Adam could take out one of the nearby turbolaser crews, commandeer the gun itself and fire on the Troopers while they were distracted. It was better than just rushing in and spraying laser bolts everywhere at least. The big problem was landing one of her explosives near enough to the turret. That was going to prove to be a bit difficult.

"Alright Sabine," Adam heard the Mandalorian mutter to herself as she reached into her explosives pouch. "Your instructors used to say you had the best arm in the class. Time to see if that was just another lie of theirs."

Adam was a little curious about that remark but decided not to say anything. Sabine picked one of her sticky bombs. If she could just get it to land on the gun it would do the job. She pulled her helmet's targeting specs on her antenna down to better triangulate the arc of her throw. It didn't guarantee success, but it would make it easier to figure out what she could do.

As she was thinking things through, Kannan contacted her."Specter Five, autoturrets are aboutto turn,"he warned."We're a go, do you read?"

"Loud and clear, Fearless Leader," Sabine responded. "Loud and clear."

Well it was now or never. Sabine pulled her arm back and tossed the sticky bomb. It tumbled through the air, sailing towards its target. Sabine bit her lower lip in anticipation as the bomb descended, her fists clutching hard. Then there was a metallicCLUNK, right along the side of the turret. The crew must have noticed something had hit them, but they wouldn't have time to figure it out.

Sabine pressed the detonator in her other hand and watched as a glorious plume of purple and green fire exploded into the air and tore open the side of the turbolaser. Sabine smiled at the sight. She expected the boom caught the Huntresses and Jumptroopers' attention more than the color though. She did hope the latter played a small role in at least keeping their eyes glued to it.

Either way, the response was as she had expected and hoped for. The Jumptroopers moved off towards the exploded turret and the Mandalorian and Bull Faunus made their moves. They both rushed out of cover, the former moving towards the nearest turbolaser to her position while the latter charged towards the Huntresses.

The Huntress with black hair and cat ears turned around and blocked Adam's sword just in time with her own weapon.

"Adam?!" the Huntress exclaimed in shock. The Bull Faunus smirked in response. "It's been a long time, old friend."

"Blast him!" one of the Jumptroopers shouted. Adam blocked all the blaster bolts shot at him with his sword.

Everyone was so busy watching Adam fight the four Huntresses to notice Sabine rushing up behind the gunnery crew. She knocked one in the head with the butt of her blaster, causing him to slump against the controls of the turret. His backup nearby turned to see the Mandalorian girl kicking out the trooper off the gun's seat. She had already pulled her other blaster and fired into the trooper's face.

The Jumptroopers realized what was going on and turned towards Sabine's position. Jumping into the gunnery seat, Sabine took up the controls and turned the turret onto the Jumptroopers. She pressed down on the trigger and began firing blasts at the jetpack wearing bucketheads.

Her first shot missed as the Jumptrooper rolled to the side. He opened fire on her position, peppering the turret with blaster fire. Sabine fired again but this time aiming high, anticipating his attempt to fly up. Her laserbolt caught the elite Stormtrooper as he rose up, before inevitably crashing back down to the roof.

The second Jumptrooper was already in the air, rocketing towards her and firing from on high. Sabine led her target as before and laid down a trail of turbolaser shots in his flight path. One of the shots hit his pack and the trooper spun out of control for a few seconds before it detonated.

The Huntresses were holding their own against Adam, Sabine could see. And they seemed to have history with the Bull Faunus from what she could hear. Before she could aim the turret however, Adam called to her. "Stand down, Mandalorian. This is my fight."

"Adam, why are you doing this?" Blake asked as she and Weiss pushed their blade and rapier against Adam's. "There is a rampaging Kaiju that could destroy a city and kill people we're trying to stop."

"There's a tyrannical empire on the planet!" Adam replied. "The Kaiju can wait."

"You've said the same thing about the SDC," Weiss retorted. "Not that you were wrong, but why should listen to you about the Empire that ended the Great War and restored peace."

"Only a rich girl like you would call this peace." Adam spat before he kicked. "I've traveled the Galaxy, saw what the Empire does to other planets." he leans forward. "And let me tell you, it makes the SDC look tame."

"They are stripping planets of their resources and moving on to the next." he continued. "They're interested in us, not because of Dust, those crystals are useless outside of the atmosphere. But because of what people of Remnant can do. Aura, Semblances and control over the elements."

The Huntresses seem to falter at that. Sabine pondered if she should try to back Adam up on that. (Ezra's homeworld was one of those planets after all.) But she decided not to. She could see more Stormtroopers rushing towards the building. They certainly stirred up the nest, that was for sure. They'd need backup if they wanted to hold them all off.

"Specter Five to Specter Two," she said as she opened her comm. "We got clear skies. Better get here fast though. Bucketheads coming in hard and fast."

"Already on our way, Specter Five,"Hera replied."Hold them off until we get there."

Sabine started shooting on the Stormtroopers below her with the turbolaser, blasting a few as they tried to make their way inside the main complex.

"I'll take out as many as I can," she promised Hera. "I just hope the others are doing okay."

She knew that her fight on the roof with Adam against the Huntresses was lasting longer than she had hoped it would. There were probably a few squads of Stormtroopers inside the building. If they weren't on their way to Kannan and his team then they're making their way to the where where they had heard the blaster fire. If she and Adam were lucky, the autoturrets Chopper hacked would keep the Bucketheads at bay for awhile. Not forever though, and lest she forget there was still an AT-ST walking around. Sabine still had no idea how exactly she and Adam were going to hijack or destroy that thing now.

"Do what we always end up doing, Sabine." she told herself as she continued firing on the Stormtroopers below. "Wing it."

Alpha Predator One had pushed through the first line of defense with little effort. Already more AT-STs were moving into position on the ground and in the cliffs to keep the pressure on the Kaiju. The monster seemed to feel the sting of their attacks, but just didn't care. His attack was slower than previous ones though. Caine imagined Zhao thought he was wearing the lizard down.

The recently demoted Sergeant Clone Trooper wasn't so sure. For whatever reason, Alpha Predator One hadn't used his Atomic Breath yet. Perhaps what had happened in the Grimm Land canyon had left an impression and he was now being more cautious. If that was the case, than it was both good and bad. Good in that they didn't need to worry about the beam of death as much for the moment. Bad in that it proved to Caine that the Kaiju they were fighting was smarter than he looked.

There was little time to dwell on his fears, however. He needed to keep his disparate squads coordinated. As he looked out across the way from the building's top floor, he could see one of his teams' position on the roof of the containment building. The Kaiju was passing relatively close to them.

"Team Two, do you have a shot?" Caine asked through the radio.

"Yeah, but he's damn close,"came a response from Marrow.

"Just hit him where it counts and pull back," Caine ordered. "He can feel these missiles, so we know we're making a dent. We just need to be ready for when he retaliates."

"Copy sir,"the Dog Faunus Trooper replied."Firing one!"

At that moment a missile flew forth from the building, striking the Kaiju beneath the arm. A second shot struck him in the teeth, eliciting a roar of anger. A third missile struck him in the eye, forcing him to close it and scratch it as one would do if they dirt in the eye. He turned to the building with a snarl.

"Okay, he's hurting, now pull back!" Caine ordered.

Soon as he said that, Alpha Predator One spun on his heel, his tail swung just above Caine's building, missing it by a few feet before it swung down at the side of the building Team Two was at. The scaly appendage broke the bottom floor and the whole building caved in and Caine could only watch helplessly as it did so.

"Team Two!" he shouted frantically into the radio. "Team Two! Report status! Marrow! Are you injured? What happened?"

There was a long silence for a while as the Kaiju lumbered away from the demolished building. Caine, Jaune and Prince Zuko waited with baited breath, hoping the team had survived but the longer the silence stretched on, the more their hope dwindled.

"Regroup at the final line of defense," Caine ordered his squad after collecting himself. "Team Two did their job. It's up to Team Three and us now. If something goes wrong with this plan we'll need to lead this thing away from the reactor."

Riding throughout the Kaiju's rampage, Lieutenant Taylor still found herself and her men scaling the massive titan lizard. Ember wasn't sure if the creature could feel something so small creeping up his back, but she didn't want to take the chance. So she had her men take it slow. Not that it mattered anyway. They couldn't rush up this big grey monster if they tried. The Kaiju kept smashing and crashing about, constantly moving. Each footstep was like a tremor and almost knocked them off a few times. Taylor imagined the team lower on the Kaiju's back were having an easier time of it.

Prince Daemon was on his dragon, Caraxes the Blood Wyrm, along with five other Dragon Riders from the Isle of Berk, circling the Kaiju and blasting it with fire every time but the blasts seemed to do nothing to the Kaiju.

When they neared the top of the head, Taylor boosted up to one of the cresting smaller dorsal fins at the end of the row. Perching there beside her men, he scanned the creature's skull. The scanner had a hard time penetrating the thick hide, but eventually an image appeared in the viewscreen of what looked like the Kaiju's brainstem.

"There it is," she declared. "We fry that and this lizard is a vegetable."

But this was a two pronged attack. Taylor wanted to be sure they were ready to go at the same time as the other team before hitting the Kaiju. The second they did, it would know something was up for sure. She radioed the second team.

"Have you boys got to the second brain yet?" she asked them.

"Not sure,"one of her men answered back."Scans are picking up something big and blotchy beneath our position. But I can't tell if it's a liver or brain or whatever. They didn't teach us xeno-biology at the Academy, ma'am."

"Just tell me if it looks like grey matter than its pancreas," Ember ordered. "If the answer is yes, shoot it."

There was a moment of silence as the trooper thought."Okay, I'm seeing a lot of veins, maybethe nervous system."he finally admitted."I think it could be the target, but there is a lot of space between us and it from the looks of it. Like a second skull or something."

"We gotta take the chance these Arc Casters can do the job," Taylor told him. "Get them lined up! On my mark, people!"

Every Jumptrooper readied their Arc Caster at the back of the Kaiju's head, right where the stem was. Ember imagined the guys below were doing the same. She drummed her fingers on the trigger, let another crushing footstep sound and when the reverb stopped, gave the order.

"Weapons free!"

Taylor's squad fired all of their Arc Casters at once. The arcing lighting streams out from the rifles, slashing into the Kaiju's skull. The monster let out a painful scream, his head shook about. Some of the Jumptroopers lost their footing but quickly activated their jetpacks and boosted back to their positions.

"Do not let up!" Taylor ordered over the blasts. "Full charge!"

They poured the power on, the caster tearing into the Kaiju's skull, assaulting his brain. Below, the same was happening with the second team. Taylor could only tell though by the creature's back bucking slightly, suggesting he was hurting. She looked back for a moment and saw a huge pulsating blue ball of electricity further down near the tail. They were doing it, the casters had caught the second brain! They were killing it! It was time to amp up the assault.

"Prince Daemon. Commander Zhao, Starscream, Caine," Taylor radioed. "He's hurting! Open up with everything you have! Focus on the mouth and armpits! We need to keep hitting him!"

Caine didn't need to be told twice. As Zhao's AT-STs up top continued to pour on the pressure, Caine had his team in the turbine building open up on Alpha Predator One. Then he heard Daemon contact someone on the radio and suddenly a loud whistling shriek was heard, growing louder and louder in the night sky.

"NIGHT FURY!" a Trooper shouted. "GET DOWN!"

The Unholy Offspring of Lightning and Death itself, the Night Fury flew down at supersonic speed and blasted Alpha Predator One three times. Two shots in the armpits and the third collided with the Kaiju's mouth as he roared, ripping into his throat and inside his cheek.

"Choke on that you dumb grey bastard!" Jaune shouted as he and the other Troopers readied to fire another shot.

The Kaiju was in pain, anyone nearby could see that. Caine, however, suddenly saw something else. The creature's eyes opened up and the old Clone focused in with his marcobinoculars. He could see the pupils smoothing out into a vertical reptilian pupil. Like General Grievous' eyes, like before at the canyon in the Grimm Lands. Yes, the Kaiju was in pain, but pain only seemed to fuel its rage. Suddenly the Kaiju began to turn, roaring louder than before. His scream was deafening to all near. Windows shattered, Caine's team clutched at their ears as it threatened to burst their eardrums and the dragons were shaking their heads frantically. The only ones not affected were the Decepticons.

The Kaiju Girls heard the roar all the way from Monster Island. They stopped what they were doing and turned towards the direction of the roar, which sounded as if it was coming from every possible direction.

"DAMN! That's some roar," Gigan exclaimed while most of the other alien Kaiju Girls recoiled from the hologram. Even from their base, far from Remnant, they seemed to hear the roar.

Then Caine saw it, slicing through the air like a scythe, the Kaiju's massive tail. It smashed the Decepticons to bits and slammed into the mountain cliff with enough force to crack the rock face entirely. The AT-STs standing on it would fall with it like those before. The real danger was plain to see though. As the crack grew wider, creeping along the mountain at a rapid pace, Caine realized where the tail had hit. Just above the turbine building.

"Team Three, get out of there!" Caine screamed.

But he couldn't be heard over the Kaiju's ongoing roar. The rock face finally gave way and several tons of stone fell towards the turbine buildings. Caine watched as the falling boulders and AT-STs buried his men inside the building, utterly smashing the structure to pieces. The old Clone didn't even bother radioing them, he watched a large piece of rock crash into their exact position in the building. He knew they were dead.

But in truth, he soon realized the turbines weren't even the monstrous reptile's target. They were collateral. He was trying to get the Jumptroopers on his back, the ones shocking his second brain, off of him. And when that plan didn't prove to be enough, as evident by the ball of electricity resonating on his back where his tail met his hip, Alpha Predator One tried something else.

He pointed his snout to the sky, straight up to the shattered moon above him. Then his dorsal fins started to glow before he shot a blast of energy straight of his mouth, into the night sky above. Caine didn't understand why it was wasting a shot on literally nothing at first. Then he saw the ball of energy near the back of the tail just vanish. When the blue glow died, it was nowhere to be seen. Caine needed a few seconds to figure it out but it didn't take long.

"What happened?" Prince Zuko asked. "Where did the Jumptroopers go?"

"The Kaiju's spines weren't the source of the energy breath," Caine explained. "They let off the massive amounts of heat the weapon generated."

"You mean. . ." Iroh covered his mouth with one hand. Caine nodded grimly. "The dorsal fins probably incinerated the Jumptroopers, cooked them alive."

Taylor was near the top, on one of the fins. Caine couldn't see her Arc Caster team's ball of electricity either. He tried to contact her.

"Taylor, are you there?" he asked desperately. "Taylor, respond!"

The response came not through the radio, but another ball of electricity striking near the back of the Kaiju's head.

"I lost a man when the dorsal fins started getting hot and jump jetted off,"Taylor's voice informed Caine."But we're still in this game!"

Caine was relieved, even with his fears of what had happened to the second brain team confirmed. At least they still had one group shocking this monster's brain cells. At least they could still hurt him. They could still win.

Then Alpha Predator One raised his head up and smashed it against the mountainside.

The plan had gone almost how they wanted it to. When Chopper and Raf sliced into the autoturrets' targeting system, the Stormtroopers in the server room were taken completely by surprise. The two Jedi, Lasat, Tiger Faunus and four mutant turtles waited a few moments while the fighting continued inside. They didn't want to get caught in the crossfire. Kannan suspected they'd manage to take down a good chunk of the Troopers inside, but he didn't expect to get them all.

However about three minutes into the firefight, the shooting just stopped. He didn't think the Stormtroopers would all be dead by now, nor did he think they had managed to shoot every autoturret that fast. Something else must have happened and he didn't like it. He hoped that the other autoturrets located elsewhere in the base were still active, otherwise the Stormtroopers outside would be charging up the corridor any second now.

They wouldn't find answers to the little mystery standing out here though. It was time to head inside. Kannan and Sienna took point as he opened the door, their weapons at the ready, Ezra and Zeb by their sides and the Turtles behind them as they entered the server room. They found several dead Stormtroopers, a number of destroyed autoturrets hanging from the walls and others still intact but nonoperational. Something had definitely gone wrong.

"Chopper, Raf, what happened?" Kannan asked over the comm. "The autoturrets are offline."

A series of grumbling blurps growled over the commlink. Kannan's brow just furrowed at the droid's answer.

"What do you mean the server room's defenses have lost power? Get it back!"

But Raf spoke up. "It was cut manually. An emergency override in case something like this happened," he explained while Chopper growled indignantly. It hadn't killed power to all the turrets, just the ones in the room. "Which means that there are still Troopers alive in this room," Raf added nervously, probably quite a few. A fact that was confirmed in the next very second when a blaster bolt blazed by Kannan's head. The Bucketheads were indeed still alive and already gunning for them.

"Oh just perfect," Kannan grumbled as he fired back and Leo deflected laser blasts with his katanas. "Cover! Now!" the blue masked turtle shouted.

They all raced behind the nearest server they could find. Ezra and Kannan returned fire on the Stormtroopers, but the Imperials still had them sufficiently outnumbered. Getting through them was going to be a bit more challenging than Kannan thought. He briefly considered taking out his lightsaber and just cutting everyone here down. However he decided against it, things weren't exactly that dire just yet.

"So what's the new plan?" Ezra asked, taking a few shots at the Stormtroopers with his stun gun.

"I'm thinking," Kannan said, gritting through through his teeth. "I really thought the turrets would take out a few more than this."

"It's not so bad," Zeb tried to suggest, staying behind his server with Sienna as it was pelted with laser fire. "The autoturrets didn't get to hog all the fun after all."

"That isn't much of a bright side to this situation," Leo glowered at him from where he was. "Raph, Donnie, Sienna. You three and Zeb flank around the servers and take some of the troopers. Kannan, Ezra and I will cover you with Mikey."

Zeb, Raph and Donnie nodded with Sienna and took off to do their work. All Kannan and Ezra could do now was keep firing while Mikey and Leo made sure to keep the Troopers' attention on them. Meanwhile Zeb and the others worked their way quickly around the servers in the room. Finally, they got to the direct flank of two Stormtroopers. Zeb knew that he could've just shot them at this point but that wasn't Zeb's style. No, he need to get up close and personal.

Zeb extended his Bo-Rifle, activating the electrical staff while Donnie and Raph took out their respective weapons. A bo-staff and a pair of sais. Sienna pulled out her chain whip. They then charged forward. Zeb and Donnie socked the Troopers in the heads with their staffs, the Lasat's Bo-Rifle shocking him with electricity for a few moments before he pulled back and let the Trooper slump to the floor.

Raph looked out past the servers and immediately pulled back. Laserbolts crashed into his cover, the Stormtroopers were onto them. The shots currently hitting his position were being fired from further down the corridor and across the hall. Raph knew that they needed to get to the other side somehow. Thankfully, they could count on the others for a little extra help.

Both Master and Apprentice were suddenly charging up through the servers with Leo and Mikey, using Zeb and the others' attack to get closer to the objective. "Booyakasha!" Mikey cried as he began clubbing the Bucketheads with his num-chuks while Leo sliced through the others with his swords and kicked the last one to the floor and Ezra shot a stun blast on him.

Bo-Rifle still in hand, now retracted to its gun form, Zeb and Raph began leaping along the line of servers towards the Bucketheads who had been shooting them before. The Lasat and red masked turtle stopped only for a moment when they saw three Stormtroopers behind another set of servers across from them. Sienna saw them as well. She spun her chain before the arrow tip launched through the air and stabbed a Trooper in the chest. Sienna smirked as she spun her chain whip before the Trooper exploded, knocking the others down from the blast.

Raph and Donnie charged at the remaining Troopers with surprising speed and attacked them. The Troopers were down with cracked helmets or stab wounds from the two Turtles' respective weapons.

"Well that was some good exercise," Zeb stated as he dusted off his hands. "What's next?"

"We break through the door and take the main control room," Kannan reminded him. "Probably a bunch of Imperials in there though."

"And they know we're here." Leo added. "We need to get slicing through the controls fast."

There was a growling blurp from behind down the server corridor followed by a electronic whistle. The Turtles and Rebels turned to see Chopper rolling through the carnage they had wrought towards the door and them.

"Well just like you to show up after we've done all the hard work," Zeb grumbled at the droid. "Mind telling us where you've been while we were fighting the Bucketheads in here?"

Chopper responded with an indignant series of blurps, explaining very bluntly that he had been protecting their backsides. He had hacked into the door controls and set all the doors leading up to their position on lockdown. "Now the Stormtroopers would have to cut through them as well as face off against the autoturrets to make it up here." Raf added. "That bought us some more time."

"Alright, good work, you two," Kannan responded, doing his best to show he was grateful. "That should slow them down some. Now see about getting us through this door, would ya?"

While Raf looked eager to work, Chopper just let out a electronic sigh, no doubt not feeling fully appreciated but what else was new? Regardless, Kannan was hopeful they were almost done with this ordeal. They almost had this complex under control. Once they took the control room, the rest of the enemy defenses would falter. At least that was what the hope was. He knew better than anyone how things could change in a short period of time.

They had been winning, they had been hurting it, killing it maybe. At least that was what Taylor had thought. Now he wasn't so sure they had been winning at all. Even after getting his brains shocked, this thing kept going. For awhile after the Kaiju slammed his head into the mountain, Taylor was sure she was dead. That she'd been seeing a light or something soon, a voice calling her to beyond. She heard a voice alright, just not what she was expecting.

"Lieutenant Taylor, do you copy? Taylor, do you read?"

It was Caine, she was sure of it. Opening her eyes at last, Ember realized she wasn't dead. The blow had just knocked her out. She was still, miraculously, on the giant lizard, lodged partially between some of his massive scales and one of the dorsal fins. Taylor quickly forced herself out of her predicament, trying to put some distance between her and the dorsal fin itself. She did not want to be cooked alive like her other men had been.

At that moment she remembered her squad and looked around for them. But she found no trace. They had no been as lucky it seemed. She was the only survivor of the strike team, the only soldier with an Arc Caster still on the monster. That wasn't going to be enough to kill it, that was for sure. Maybe it would be enough at least drive the beast away from the power station.

"Caine," Taylor finally said through the helmet's commlink. "I'm alive, I'm alright. But the rest of my team is down. Prince Daemon, I'm going to try something else, lead this thing off the mountain. I need you and the Dragon Riders' help. Caine, you still have missile teams in the game?"

"Yeah, he's closing on the administrative building,"Caine explained."He's almost at the reactor. The ground defenses aren't even slowing him down anymore. He's just stepping on them."

"Just distract him for a bit, Caine." Taylor informed him. "If I'm lucky I can force him to leave, but I need to get back up to his head."

Over in the administrative building, Caine just nodded in response to the plan before finally acknowledging the order.

"Alright, we'll keep him preoccupied," he promised. "We really did a number on his mouth before, maybe we can help you weaken him if we get him there again."

That was Caine's hope at least. He got everyone ready along the top floor, spreading out their numbers to create maximum saturation. They'd fire every missile in their tubes at once, that would hopefully be enough to really hurt the Kaiju at this point. As the Saurian Kaiju male strode past, Caine himself lifted up one the missile launchers and aimed it towards the beast's eye.

"Last chance, people," he told his team. "Make it count!"

As the Kaiju once again stomped forward, Caine fired his shot. Jaune and the rest of the squad did the same while Zuko blasted fire and Iroh shot lightning, hitting the beast all along his head. Eyes, nostrils, jaw and neck. They all took a full blast. The Kaiju's face contorted into a rage, turning away from the administrative building, roaring in anger as he did. Caine didn't want to wait around for the Kaiju's eyes to turn onto them.

"Everyone, we need to get to the lower floors, move! Now!"

Caine's order wasn't fast enough though, as the Kaiju turned towards the large building and peered directly into it. The Kaiju spotted one of the missile troopers at the far end of their line and put his face right up to him. In a panic, the soldier slapped another missile into the tube and fired as the Kaiju roared at him. The projectile went straight down the monster's throat and exploded, causing the beast to cringe in a form of disgust.

"Maybe you should stick to smoking," the Trooper chided. "Should be more healthier than missiles."

The Kaiju did not appreciate the joke. (Because it reminded him of some wise cracking superheroes back on Earth.) Before Caine could yell at the soldier to get out there, the monster's hand crashed down into the building. The trooper was crushed as the reptilian claw cut through the side of the structure, the last thing Caine could hear of him was a pained scream of death. The Kaiju then started to turn and raised his tail high. Caine knew what was happening next.

"MOVE!" He ordered again, ushering what was left of his squad down the stairs.

He dove in last, rushing down the steps as the massive tail decapitated the upper floors of the building. Concrete, wires and steel crashed down on them as they ran, pieces of debris falling on their path or on top of them. Caine lost two more soldier before they finally escaped the crumbling stairway. One was simply crushed by a large piece of concrete. The other fell when a piece of debris took out a large chunk of the stairs, taking him with it.

Outside, Taylor, Prince Daemon and Hiccup H. Haddock watched the Kaiju pull its tail back to its side. None of them were sure if Caine was dead or alive at this point, but they put the thoughts aside. They needed to end this now. The force of the that Caine's squad had delivered had clearly injured the beast in some capacity.

"Ruff, Tuff. Gas cloud." Hiccup ordered and the Hideous Zippleback began spewing green gas around the Kaiju's chest. They wouldn't get a chance to do some real damage than at this moment. Boosting up to the creature's head with her jetpack, Taylor perched near the Kaiju's eye and pointed the Arc Caster down into the massive yellow optical orb.

"I'm not so easy to kill either!" she shouted at the Kaiju and then she fired.

A surge of electrical energy shot forth from the Caster and assaulted Alpha Predator One's eye. A roar of anger and pain sounded from the male Kaiju, echoing through the air. Ruffnut and Tuffnut ignited the Zippleback gas and it combusted in a fiery explosion. The Kaiju shook his head about, forcing Taylor off of his head. As the lieutenant fell, she activated her jetpack and kept on shooting. Both Jumptrooper and Dragon Riders blasted the Kaiju in the eye again, then near the wounds along his mouth. They went for maximum wherever they could.

"That's right, stay angry at us!" called the rider of the Monstrous Nightmare. "Stay focused on us! Snotlout! Snotlout! Oi! Oi! Oi!"

They began to fly backwards while firing at the Kaiju towards the mountain cliffs, intending for the monster to follow them away from the power station, all the way down the mountain pass. They just needed to lead him away and the reactor might be saved. A good plan, it might have worked.

"Snotlout, LOOK OUT!"

If it wasn't for the Kaiju turning away and its tail suddenly swatting at Caraxes, Hookfang and Taylor.

Then Alpha Predator One looked back, directly at Hiccup on Toothless and its lips curled upward into a sinister smile. The look sent shivers down Hiccup's spine before it turned forward. Its tail slammed down on the ground hard. Then a spine at the tip of the tail grew larger with a sickeningPOPand glowed blue. Then anotherPOPand the second spine up the tail grew larger and glowing brightly.


One by one, the spines on the Kaiju's tail grew larger, the blue glow traveling up the spine with the sound of an engine or turbine running was heard. Then the spines on Alpha Predator One's back all shot up larger, glowing blue like blue flames. He opened his mouth and a blue glow shined through his mouth hole. His spines clamped back down to their normal size before the Kaiju lurched forward and launched his Atomic Breath faster than what was shown on the footage. The beam cut through the air, releasing a shockwave that launched Walkers, tanks and humans high into the air. When the beam hit, it ignited a large explosion that made buildings that weren't hit crumble and break like a tower of cards and the dragons were sent flying back despite the fact they were 500 feet away from the explosion and a large mushroom cloud of smoke and fire went into the air.

When they righted themselves, Hiccup and Toothless flew back up and saw the Kaiju had turned around and was staring directly at them. His lips still curled upward as he raised his right turned over hand and curled his clawed fingers at them.

The translation was clear: Come, face me if you dare.

Hiccup glanced at the Kaiju and back at the explosion. He thought it over in his head. He thought about using its breath weapon against it like what the Clone Trooper did at the Grimm Lands but he saw how fast the Kaiju had shot his Atomic Breath before. Toothless wouldn't be able to shoot down its throat in time.

It knows,Hiccup realized.It knows that we would have thought of the same strategy.And its smile, it was toying with us. It was giving us a false sense of hope that we could hurt it and it crushed it with a display that showed it could attack faster than they could.It sounded impossible for an animalistic Kaiju to be that smart but then he realized a bizarre conclusion. It was sentient, human or not.

"Retreat!" He called to the other Dragon Riders. "I repeat, anyone still alive, retreat!" he said into the radio.

"Holy sh*t! That was. . . awesome!" Queen Ghidorah exclaimed. All that power, so destructive.

"You can say that again," SpaceGodzilla said, looking at the hologram in awe.

The force of the hit sent the Jumptrooper and the two Dragon Riders' flying straight into the administrative building. Taylor and Snotlout crashed through a window and slammed into a back wall. My pack stopped working, she thought weakly. Its electronics smoking. Snotlout saw that their Auras had shattered completely. Taylor was surprised either of them, but they could barely move. She wondered how many bones they had broken as they lay against the wall.

Hookfang lifted his head and groaned weakly, his eyes spinning before he slumped down to the floor. The ceiling collapsed and Prince Daemon fell through and landed beside the Jumptrooper and Viking Dragon Rider.

Luck was still with them in a sense though, as Caine soon appeared from out of the nearby stairwell. He rushed over to the Lieutenant, Targaryen Prince and Dragon Rider, trying to see if they were still alive.

"Everything alright. sirs, ma'am?" he asked.

"No," Snotlout answered for the three of them in a weak mumble and dropped his head on the floor. ". . . Mom, Dad, a big dinosaur slapped me and Hooky out of the sky. . . I'm really thirsty."

Caine had Arch and Zuko help them up, placing them on their shoulders. As they did, Alpha Predator One turned to the building again and began smashing the top floors once more. He was tired of playing around, he was taking this structure down and ignoring the Decepticons and other Troopers firing at him, Caine could just tell. They needed a fast exit. Thankfully, there was a turbolift system nearby. He had two of his men force the doors open. No lift operational, but they could still get down.

"Get out the cables," Caine ordered next. The quickly attached a series of long grappling cables to the sides of the lift and then tossed the ends down the shaft. Caine had the rest of the team go first, then Jaune and Iroh carrying Snotlout, then him and Zuko carrying Taylor and Prince Daemon on their backs. There was no time for slow descent so everyone started sliding down.

They began to slide quickly down the line towards the bottom of the building. Just as they did, everything above them started falling apart. The Kaiju was already collapsing the floors above. Caine felt the cable burning through his armor as they slid further down the shaft. When they landed on the crashed turbolift in the basem*nt below they only had seconds to get out through the doors. Debris and concrete exploded out of the shaft as they all ran outside. The roof of the basem*nt buckled as the building collapsed on top of them but it held, just barely.

"We need to find the emergency exit," Caine told the team. "It's our only way topside now."

"What about the power station, Sir?" One of the Troopers asked.

"I don't think that's our problem anymore," Jaune regretfully filled in. "It's Starscream and Zhao's."

A fact Caine agreed with and didn't like hearing in the slightest.

Sabine was firing down on the courtyard while Adam took his fight with the Huntresses elsewhere. Forcing the Stormtroopers away from the main door best she could. She was just one gun against a small army though and they had a lot of room to move around. She tracked their larger groups, firing blasts as they tried to charge forward. Stormtroopers let loose fire on the Mandalorian above in retaliation. Sabine kept ducking every now and then, laserfire striking the front of her turret.

Things got worse though when she heard the door to the roof open up. Stormtroopers had finally gotten to the roof and they were now coming for her. She wasn't going to last long like this. As the Troopers charged towards her position though, she heard something else besides their footsteps. It was the engine of a vehicle driving at high speeds and the engine of a starship swooping in from on high.

Screeching out of the night, the Phantom dived bombed the Stormtroopers as the Autobot Arcee zoomed around the corner on the courtyard and both starship and Autobot opened fire, cutting down the white armored soldiers with ease. The little starship came back around for another run, blasting was was left of the Troopers. They fired back but the ship and Autobot was far too fast for them to do any real damage. When the last Stormtrooper fell, the ship flew back over the courtyard and began shooting the Stormtroopers below.

"Nice timing, Hera." Sabine said through the radio. "Cutting a little close, didn't ya?"

"A little," Hera admitted. "Now let's clean up the Troopers out here. Kannan is gonna need our help in there soon."

Arce continued to fire at the Stormtroopers in the courtyard. Sabine did her best to help, firing on the scurrying Bucketheads as they tried to fight back. Her turbolaser blasts blew through their cover of one group. Sabine moved to the next target, chasing after one group of Troopers as they ran across the courtyard. They were firing up at her, but she kept on target. A few good blasts and they soon crumpled to the ground.

With Hera and Arcee covering her back, all that remained was to clear the courtyard. Then they could get inside and help the other Rebels with the Troopers that had gotten past. They still had a problem to deal with though, that one AT-ST. Sabine was starting to wonder where it was and when exactly it would show up. If they didn't takt that thing out, they would be in serious trouble.

The AT-ST Sabine was talking about fired up at the massive foot above it, only to be crushed beneath it with relative ease. Godzilla could now see the source of energy he felt. The main building was in sight, resonating with power that he could feel even now. The humans had fought to keep him from it, but their ferocity had only emboldened his resolve. They would not fight this hard if what he senses wasn't truly here.

Their final defenses had fallen, their pitiful robotic machines of little consequence to his forward march. Even those ridiculous flying drill machines, the weapons from Wakanda and Iron Man's suits from back home had were more a challenge. In the end, they hadn't proven to be the biggest threat. No, it was a small group of humans with jetpacks and those that had ridden on dragons. Those who had truly hurt him more. They were gone now though, dead. The Dragon Riders retreated. The only outcomes that were certain. They had tried similar tactics to those who had attacked him before. Their redundant strategy had cost them.

Still, they had hurt him again. Their weapons were starting to prove a match against him. They were relentless in their pursuit to kill him, just as the humans from Earth were. Godzilla did not see this as courage though, as he suspected the humans did. (With some exceptions among the superheroes, such as those who didn't posses strength to destroy a city or more.) No, it was arrogance, the same arrogance that permeated throughout their species in every universe. That of an unwillingness to accept the inevitable, to accept their punishment, to accept they were wrong.

So, just as before, he'd keep punishing them. He'd keep bringing destruction. He'd keep hitting them until they understood, until they accepted. This would be their first lesson. The power thought they had harnessed for themselves would feed him instead. Then they'd see how little control they truly had.

As he approached the station, laser weapons, fire blasts and boulders were firing at him from every corner. More of the AT-STs, turbolasers, Fire and Earth Benders, even a few with those missile launchers that had pestered him so this whole night. Worthless arrogant insects. They should have run while they had the chance. Now they'd suffer.

A swipe of his hand sent two of the little two-legged Walkers hurtling into the mountainside. He then stamped his foot on the ground, hard enough to create an earthquake that cracked the earth and an avalanche that swallowed the turrets and soldiers themselves in cold ice. He roared down at them, letting them know how small and insignificant they truly were.

Then a large blade of ice sliced across his chest. He hissed in mild pain at the sting and he saw the wielder land on the rock side beside him. It was the woman from before. The magic user that survived his rampage on the village. Time to end this little rivalry of theirs.

Like a viper, Godzilla lunged forward with open jaws and lightning speeds, he bit down on the rock face where she stood. Pulling back, he tasted rock, ice but he found what he was looking for. Human blood.

He narrowed his sights on the main building, where he could feel the power resonating. As he approached, more laser fire struck him in the face, coming from a turbolaser below. He turned and saw the humans on the rooftop. As he looked towards them, they fled. Finally, they realized the futility. Most of them anyway. One stood his ground, calling back to the humans who ran, calling them cowards, idiots, fools. He tried to take up the turret himself and fire on Godzilla.

The reptilian titan closed the gap between him and the little human. Eventually he stopped shooting and got up from his seat in the gun. He stared up at Godzilla, eye to eye. He was in a dark uniform and armor, military no doubt, with sideburns that made Sabretooth and Wolverine's look small and tame. Clearly by the commands he had been giving, this was their leader. He was in charge, he had been the one who organized the attack on him. He had to be.

The human leader fired at him, hitting him on the nose with balls of fire from his fists and screaming. Godzilla just roared back and crashed his fist on top of the stupid little ape. Debris collapsed onto the little human, crushing him beneath it. If his fist didn't kill him, Godzilla was confident that had. Without a leader, the attacks in the future would falter.


Confused, Godzilla turned around and was hit by a large green beam square in the chest that knocked him off his feet to a building that he crushed under his weight. Looking up, he saw a teenage girl that stood up to his torso. She had ginger hair with a large bow on the back of her head and green eyes. He blinked, thinking this was a Kaiju Girl he never met before he smelled the scent of wire, metal and electricity. A scent he was all too familiar with.

"Hello there!" she waved at him cheerfully. "I am Penny Jaguar Polendina! I am here to stop you from destroying this power station." she did some sign language and held her hands up, gesturing to the power station around them. She paused and looked around. "What's left of it, anyway." she added sheepishly.

Godzilla blinked in confusion as he stood up. . .Jaguar?he thought to himself. . .Jet Jaguar? Is thissupposed to be a female version of Jet Jaguar?He slapped both hands on his face and dragged them down his snout in exasperation. First female versions of himself and Kaiju he knew to be males, then Captain America. What's next? He paused and waved his hand to the side dismissively. Actually no, don't answer that. He doesn't want to know.

"I do not understand your confusion and exasperation," Penny stated, pulling the King of Monsters out of his thoughts. "But I will ignore it in favor of being focused on my mission to stop you."

Well, it's good to stay professional,he shrugged before he was kicked in the face by the giant robot girl. Composing himself, Godzilla began blocking all the punches, jabs and kicks the young robot girl sent to him. She definitely fights like her male counterpart. Then a bundle of large swords shot out of her back and fanned out behind her.

Godzilla blinked. Okay, that's new. Why didn't Jet Jaguar have that back on Earth? That would have been helpful in a bunch of situations he could count on two hands.

Actually the answer would be because Jet Jaguar wasn't designed to be a war machine. A sad contrast to the girl before him.

He caught two blades that shot towards his chest and stomach. When he pulled them, he heard Penny let out a cry of pain. He rose an eyebrow before he saw thin, barely perceptible cables and wire connecting the swords to her back. Oh. He then stabbed the swords into the ground and either ducked or tanked any swings of the 'flying' swords sent his way.

He sidestepped again and the sword sliced through a building. "Oh no!" Penny exclaimed as she ran to the building. "I'm so sorry! Is anyone hurt?" Godzilla winced a little, that sounded like something Jet would say if he didn't speak binary.

Godzilla spun around and Tail Whipped her to the ground. He glanced at the building, briefly considering destroying it out of spite of Penny but decided against it.

Penny activated her rocket thrusters and flew high into the air. She aimed her swords and fired laser blasts after laser blasts in a rapid pace.

Godzilla stared up, ignoring the lasers hitting him before he leaned back on his tail. He then used his tail to catapult him into the air towards Penny who stared shocked at the laws of physics being defied in such a way before being drop kicked in the chest and knocked out of the sky.

Godzilla then stomped on her chest hard, shattering her Aura. He reached down and picked her up by her head and put pressure on her head. Penny whined in pain, trying to pull his hands away and kick at his chest but they went ignored. He growled as he stared at her pained expression.

But then he stopped when he blinked and Jet Jaguar was in his hands instead. And that made him think of Jet Jaguar. Out of everyone Godzilla had met since 1954, Jet Jaguar was the only one, a robot at that, that genuinely became his friend and ally in battle and NEVER betrayed him. Whenever Godzilla went through a city, either because he was enraged, provoked or looking for a nuclear power plant, Jet never attacked him in defense of the city or the humans and would just scold him as if he was a kid stomping on someone's sand castle. (Which was true if one thought of it like that.) If Godzilla was battling a Jaeger like Gypsy Danger, a Mecha like Kiryu or a team of superheroes, Jet would act like that one kid that didn't want to see his friends fighting.

Shaking his head, Godzilla stared at Penny's expression as she cried in pain and thought of Jet Jaguar again. He growled and headbutted her in the head, knocking her out and throwing her aside like a sack of potatoes. He then walked away.

Godzilla now dug into the main structure, where the power resonated from. He broke through the tower and dug his hands into the structure. He tore through the concrete, the electronics, everything until he felt it in his grasp. He tore the reactor out of the tower, clutching it in his massive grip. He could already feel the power pouring into his body, filling him with a strength he had never experienced before. Their energy was greater than that of a dozen of the biggest plants on Earth combined with Stark's Arc Reactor.

And now it was his. All his. As it should be. With this power, he would burn the humans from the surface of this world. He would show them, all of them, how small they were, how insolent. They felt their technology gave them power, but it was an illusion. One he had exposed before and would do so again soon.

Sabine suddenly couldn't fire anymore. Her gun lost all power. The turret just wouldn't work, period. The lights for the facility also flickered off for a moment before emergency power kicked in. Something had taken out a portion of the grid. It was the only explanation. Well, it picked a worse time to happen.

Then an AT-ST decided to arrive. It opened fire on Arcee. The Autobot easily dodged the shots but it was a close call. Sabine got an idea of how to hijack the Walker.

"Arcee!" she called. "Get me behind the Walker and throw me at it!"

Arcee looked at the Walker and back at her before nodding. She transformed and Sabine jumped on her seat. They zoomed behind the Walker but instead of throwing her, Arcee transformed and jumped on the back of the Walker while Sabine was launched forward and landed with a thump.

"Not what I had in mind but it works," Sabine muttered before she grabbed onto the hatch and then got inside.

After killing the pilots, getting familiar with the controls, the Mandalorian continued the attack from there, Hera joining in by strafing the courtyard. They were routing the defenders. They needed to hurry the process up though. Kannan and the others were still inside and they were going to need backup sooner or later. With that in mind, Sabine pressed the attack on the now disorganized Stormtroopers, intending to wipe out the remnants and get inside.

"We're out of time," Kannan declared after being informed by Chopper and Raf of the power outrage resetting the locked doors. "We're going in, get ready."

The kid gloves were off now. Kannan and Ezra activated their lightsabers and opened the door, revealing the shocked faces of a number of Imperial Officers and Stormtroopers. They hadn't been expecting Jedi to be behind the attack it seemed. When they got over their shock, they started firing. Kannan and Ezra blocked their laserbolts with ease as did Leo, sending them back at the Imps while Zeb returned fire with Sienna. Stormtroopers slumped back against the walls as their own blaster fire was sent back at them.

Kannan then advanced on the lead Imperial, deflecting a laserbolt back into his hand, forcing him to drop his gun. Kannan held his blade close to the Imperial Officer's face who held up his hand. He knew he was beat.

"You're going to tell me how to operate this gun," Kannan barked at his prisoner. "Then you're going to tell what's left of your men outside and inside this complex to stand down."

The Imperial just laughed back in response. "I'll tell you nothing." he declared. "Nor will I tell my men to stand down. You might as well kill all right now, for all the good it will do you. I damaged the controls myself. You won't be able to use it against our fleet. Without those controls you'll be shooting blind. If you have an invasion force on the way, you'll more than likely shoot them instead."

"You're lying," Kannan grimaced back at him. "You wouldn't damage your own gun. You need it."

"Are you a hundred percent certain about that, Jedi?" The Officer asked in return. They stared at one another, the Jedi trying to see if he's lying and the Officer being defiant. ". . . Long live the Empire."

Kannan decided he had no time for this. He deactivated his lightsaber and punched the man hard enough to knock him out.

"You really think he damaged the targeting controls?" Ezra asked.

"No idea," Kannan admitted.

"I can do a full systems check later," Donnie declared. He pointed to the corridor. "Right now, we have bigger problems."

Stormtroopers were coming their way. Before they got to the control room, an explosion ripped through the corridor behind them. The Troopers tried to fight off their attacker before another explosion occurred in the middle of them. Rushing out of the smoke and fire appeared both Hera and Sabine. The Mandalorian offered a wave to her Rebel companions as they approached.

"Looks like we came just in time," she noted. "Sorry it took so long, a lot more Bucketheads than we thought."

"We managed to commandeer an AT-ST, so that's one extra source we can use," Hera added. "What's the gun's status?"

"After the loss of power, I'm not sure," Kannan replied. "The commanding Officer just claimed he destroyed the targeting controls so that might be a problem."

Hera shook her head at that, knowing what that meant as much as Kannan did if it was true. Like the Imp said. They'd be firing blind if that was the case.

"We need to do a systems check immediately." she stated.

"We're on it," Donnie stated with Raf and Chopper nodding or saluting. As the three of them went to the controls, Hera and Kannan found themselves standing side by side waiting for the purple masked turtle mutant, Raf and Chopper to finish.

"Well, halfway there," Kannan observed. "At least we will be when Fulcrum gets her people down here. That is, if the targeting system is still intact."

"Even if it isn't, we'll find a way," Hera assured him. "We always do. Frankly, I'm more concerned about that power outage."

As was Kannan. He didn't know what it had done to the Orbital Gun itself in general. The complex had its own power supply, but he suspected there would some complications if it had lost a connection to the power grid somehow. He did have a theory on how that happened though at least.

"Do you think that Kaiju caused the blackout somehow?" he asked Hera, trying to see if they were on the same page.

"I wouldn't rule it out," Hera admitted. "It would be pretty big coincidence if it wasn't actually."

Kannan nodded in agreement. He didn't like how this was turning out. The Kaiju was still a wrinkle and while it was preoccupied with the Empire for now there was no guarantee it would be that way forever. Then again, if the Kaiju was behind the blackout, that suggested these attacks weren't random. That there was indeed some kind of intelligence at work within the Kaiju as he sensed back at the airfield. Part of him wanted to find out more, to understand what this thing was. But for now, it wasn't his chief concern. He need to stay focused on the coming invasion. On stopping the Zillo-Beast cloning project.

And he hoped the giant furious fire breathing lizard would keep his focus on hurting the Empire.

Caine and his squad finally managed to escape the basem*nt, breaking out of an emergency escape hatch and back to fresh air. What they found upon their exit was devastated landscape. The mountain pass was choked with debris and broken vehicles as well as snow that fell down the mountainside. Fires raged in every structure, the power station itself in utter ruin. To Caine, it looked liked something had torn the reactor straight out of it. He didn't bother at guessing the cause, it was obvious.

As they navigated the destruction, looking for fellow survivors, they got a better picture of what had happened. Alpha Predator One had taken the reactor, chewed on it like a dog would a toy or a bone. Then it just left, taking the reactor with it as it, dragging it behind him. No one understood why it was doing that. They did know one thing for certain though, Zhao and Captain Carter were dead. The Kaiju crushed him with a single swipe of his fist and the Super Soldier was cut in half by her own shield. And so was Raven, eaten alive by Alpha Predator One. Penny Polendina and Yang Xiao Long were unconscious. The former because she fought the Kaiju, the latter passed out the same time Raven died. With Taylor and Prince Daemon injured, that meant the only real leader they had was Hiccup Haddock.

The station was destroyed, their forces utterly routed and Alpha Predator One was still on the loose. This had been a disaster, worse than the Airfield at Anima with even greater implications. They needed to get moving on this fast. As Caine helped see to Taylor, Snotlout and Prince Daemon's injuries, he gave Jaune some instructions.

"We need to contact command," he told him. "Get on the radio or a Scroll, send out a transmission. Tell them we need transports as soon as possible. We need to get ahead of that thing and cut it off."

"And then what?" Jaune asked. "Everything we throw at this thing just bounces off back in our faces. And now we don't have any heavy equipment."

"Doesn't matter, we need a plan of attack and some kind of battleplan," Caine informed him. "We need to get them a message about what happened. Something about that thing chewing on a reactor sounds iffy. They know more about this lizard than us right now, maybe they can tell us what it means. Give us a new plan, something. And we need to know where's it going if we're gonna pull any of that off."

Caine got up and put a hand on Arc's shoulder, trying to comfort him.

"I know we're up against the wall here, but we're not out of the game yet," he assured. "We can still win this, we can take him down. We just gotta play smarter than this, better. We hurt him, Arc. We're getting closer to killing him. I know it."

Jaune took a moment but finally relented. "Alright, I got your back sir." he assured him. "I'll see if I can scrounge up a radio or something. It will still take a while to get to them though, comm tower being down and signal being weak in these mountains."

"Just so long as it gets through," Caine replied sternly. "Go."

Jaune took off and Caine finally took a breath. He put on a good show for the kid, did his best to sound confident. Thing was though, he wasn't sure of anything he just said. They had hurt this thing, they had wounded him, but it didn't feel like it had helped at all. They were just making him angrier, making him more determined to strike back at them. Caine wasn't positive that they had anything in their arsenal that could stand up to this thing anymore. After tonight, he knew for sure they weren't fighting a rogue human that could transform into an uncontrollable angry giant lizard. They were fighting a living, thinking killing machine. It. . . He had purpose, he had intent and, as far as Caine was concerned, that intention and purpose was to kill every last one of them.

He was here to punish them, hurt them, ruin them. Caine didn't know why he felt that way, but something kept creeping into the back of his mind. He remembered seeing something the night of the first attack, something he didn't think anyone left alive could do anymore besides trained Huntsmen and Huntresses. This Kaiju had shown up at the same time. It couldn't just be a coincidence. Something felt wrong, very wrong, he could feel it. Everything was starting to spiral out of control and he didn't know if they were capable of stopping him now. Or if they ever had been.

Meanwhile in the room Alpha Predator One fought the Reds and Blues and killed Captain Carter, a Ground Bridge portal opened up and out stepped the Decepticon Soundwave. Without saying a word, he walked over to Captain Carter's corpse and took a blood sample. When that was done, he left without a trace.

Chapter 7: The God of Destruction

Chapter Text

3 hours later. . .

Ahsoka had a feeling Hera had bad news when she contacted them. That wasn't the Force telling her that. It was written all over the twi'lek's face when the hologram came through. Their simple plan had gone off the rails a bit. It wasn't anyone's fault but that wasn't comforting. They had taken out the Orbital Gun, they no longer had to worry about it shooting the invasion force down. Any hope of using it themselves against the Empire's blockade though was starting to seem remote.

All because of one Imperial Officer who had somehow guessed what the goal of their attack had been.

"Is there anyway to fix the targeting system?" Ahsoka asked urgently.

"Not in time for the invasion,"Hera sadly informed her. "That Imp really did a number on it. Several laser bolts straight through the targeting processor, it's completely fried. Donnie and Raf agree that we'd need a new one. As it stands, this gun is blind and on top of that, the power outage has decreased its cycling rate. Even if we get a lucky shot, the next one will probably miss when the Destroyers try to move out of range. Only bright side is the complex's own power source is holding, meaning we should still have the same damage output. Kinda useless when we can't even hit the backside of a bantha."

Sienna shared a look with Hakoda. The Water Tribe chief seemed to understand what the two Faunus were thinking, something most likely picked up when they travelled the Galaxy together for three years. He leaned towards Hera.

"Does Donatello have the schematics of the Orbital Gun?" he asked. Hera turned to him with a raised eyebrow but nodded. "Then there is a way we fix the gun." he stated.

"How so?" Ahsoka asked. "Long before the Great War, Remnant used to have two brother gods. Light and Darkness. They're responsible for Salem and the shattered moon. When they left, they left behind physical forms of their gifts to the mankind of Remnant. Knowledge, Creation, Destruction and Choice."

Sienna spoke up. "Should someone take one of these Relics they can use it. To gain knowledge. To create or destroy something of their choosing." he explained.

"How do you know of this?" Hera asked. Sienna shrugged. "It became public knowledge when the Empire ended the war and revealed the existence of Salem. If we get our hands on the Relic of Creation, we could build a new Orbital Gun."

"If that's the case, why hasn't the Empire used it to create a war machine?" Kannan asked.

"Because there are drawbacks," Hakoda replied. "For Knowledge, the Relic can answer three questions in every hundred years. Creation is that we have to be very detailed on what we want made, hence the schematics. But there is another thing. Only one creation from the Relic can exist and the current creation is the Kingdom of Atlas. If we intend to use it, the city will fall from the sky."

"There is another way." Adam declared. "The White Fang have looked through Imperial files of bases they have here on Remnant. One of them is hundred and fifty miles west of here. The files we got on it are blacked out, but they mention something of an alien shuttle landing here years ago. They don't have much information other than that it's from an alien race the Empire believes to be extinct."

"You want us to break into an Imperial Base, break out an alien prisoner that might be the last of its kind and use it against the Empire?" Hera asked.

"More or less," Adam shrugged. "It's either that, we try to look for the Relic and end up dropping a city of hundreds of people using it, or try to find a way to fire a blind gun at the blockade of Destroyers above us."

"Well when you put it like that," Ezra muttered before holding his head and falling against the wall with a scream of pain. Kannan held a hand over his chest while Ahsoka placed a hand on the side of her head.

"Ezra! You alright?" Sabin asked in concerned.

"Kannan?" Hera asked. "What's wrong?"

"There's. . . a great disturbance in the Force," Kannan said between pants.

"Like hundreds of people are crying out in terror," Ahsoka added.

"And being burned alive," Ezra finished in horror. Hera and Sabine shared a look of concern. That wasn't good.

Princess Azula held her temples. Beside her, Darth Vader stiffened and his head turned to the side.

"Lord Vader, Princess Azula," Winter ran towards them, her face pale. "You need to see this," she said, offering her Scroll with a shaky hand. Azula rose an eyebrow while Vader showed no visible reaction as she reached for the Scroll.

Union City

Union City. It was a blend of all kingdoms and nations. Benders, non-Benders, humans and Faunus. It was also the birth place of Margret Carter who became the world's first Super Solder and one of the first superheroes during the Great War.

The quiet, peaceful night is broken when loud sirens and alarms are heard throughout the city.

Half a mile from the city in the bay, water began to bulge as a blue light glowed beneath the surface. Out of the foam rose Godzilla. The male Saurian Kaiju roared as he rose out of the water and crashed through a bridge in front of him. His jaws parted and he let out a haunting roar.

Time to make good on his promise to Captain Carter.

"People of Remnant, this is Steve Martin of Remnant News."A news reporter said as the event is broadcasted live on television for the whole world to see."A Kaiju is attacking Union City, something that has not happened in nearly a decade. The Kaiju seems to bare a resemblance to the Kaiju Girl known as Godzilla but has no human resemblance whatsoever other than its upright posture."

"The Kaiju is making its way to the shore. The military is scrambling to defend the city. Evacuations are starting to take place but with the military not being effective against this Kaiju, it may not be an option. The monster does not look phased by the missiles and lasers fired at it at all."

Caine and the remaining Troopers and Decepticons were watching the rampage, broadcasting on their Scrolls and a TV screen. Yang woke up on a stretcher. Red flames flickered at the corner of her eyes. "What's going on?" she asked before she saw the footage of Alpha Predator One rampaging through a city. ". . . Forget I asked." she muttered, laying back down.

The city now only evacuated 30% of its people ten minutes into the attack as Godzilla wades through the buildings towards the center of town. With a purposeful grimace and a terrible sound, Godzilla pulled the high tension wires down. He can see the humans running in the streets as the soldiers try their best to evacuate them with others trying to drive the Kaiju off with their weaponry or Bending attacks, but nothing helped as they get crushed by Godzilla's foot or buildings falling on top of them and it was pure chaos as Godzilla just went through buildings as if they were made of tissue paper. A crowd of people ran down a street as cars, trucks and trains were flying from past the intersection.

Helpless people on a subway train scream as Godzilla looks in on them. He picks up a bus in his hand before throwing it back down. His spines glowed neon blue and he began spewing his Atomic Breath across the city. Fires spread through the city, bridges fell and explosions ignited everywhere he went.

He felt something hit his foot and saw that he had stepped on a railroad and a train had slammed into his foot. Opening his jaws, Godzilla leaned down and picked up a part of the train and held in the air before crushing it with his jaws like a tin can. He walked onto a street where crowds of people were fleeing for their lives. Godzilla growled as he stepped on two handfuls of the people before he spun around, his tail crashing through the buildings around him like a wrecking ball. Then he reached the center of the city, there stood a statue of Captain Carter. He growled at the statue before he reached up and grabbed its head. He then broke the stone head off. Spinning around, Godzilla Tail Whipped the statue and broke it off its knees. He stared at the head in his hands before he crushed it to rubble and roared to the heavens.

"The Kaiju has turned Union City into a sea of fire,"Steve stated in dread at what he was seeing."For all those seeing this on TV, this is not a work of fiction. This is real. A Kaiju is attacking Union City. I'm saying a prayer. A prayer for the whole world. May the gods help us."

Suddenly the Kaiju turned to look up towards the news helicopter."The Kaiju has spotted us. There is a very high chance it will kill us as well. This is Steve Martin of Remnant News Network signing off for the last time. Goodbye everyone. To my friends and colleagues, I'll tell my wife you said hello. Goodbye."

And then Godzilla blasted the helicopter out of the sky and the feed cuts off.

Monster Island

The Kaiju Girls watched through a big screen as they are watching the death and destruction that the male Godzilla was doing in Union City while Minilla was trying to copy the male Godzilla roar. Such an innocent child. Godzilla wanted to hug her close and make sure she never grew up to end up roaring while a city burned around her.

"I know he kicked our asses," Godzilla stated to her friends who watched the screen in horror. "But we got to do something if he's doing this to a city that hasn't provoked him in the slightest."

Mothra schooled herself and when her blue eyes met Godzilla's she wasn't sure what was in her gaze. Was that rage or horror she was trying to control from what she had seen. "Biollante and I will contact Miki and she'll send a message to the Empire. It will be the full moon in a few nights." Ah, of course. It was rage. Godzilla briefly wondered if she should feel sorry for the male Kaiju being on the receiving end of Mothra's rage or not. Especially since she's been on the receiving end two times in her life. (At least that people know of.)

"Someone should come with you," Gamera said. "Your ancient art may not be enough, even with the power of the Moon."

"Perhaps I can be of assistance."

Godzilla turned her head and her eyes widened in surprise as she saw the speaker.

Atlas HQ

Ironwood and the others watch Alpha Predator One destroying Union City after they gotten word of the destruction of the power station and the death of Captain Carter and Commander Zhao. "Well, consider Alpha Predator One's threat level to be changed to Level Demon."

Ironwood hadn't thought it could get worse after the destruction of the Animan Airfield. Now with the power grid disrupted and Union City destroyed in these latest attacks, he was starting to ponder every other possible way it could get worse. He started to wonder who was more of a nervous wreck, him or Jacques. The Overseer just couldn't stop pacing around, frantically rubbing his hands together and hyper-ventilating like his windpipe was going to close up suddenly. It didn't help that Darth Vader and the Shredder were looming over them all from afar with Megatron and Princess Azula. Vader was the most unnerving with his helmet's black vicious eyes staring at them. Even though you didn't see much of an expression on compared to Shredder, Ironwood could tell he was not pleased. He was beginning to think that was just Vader's normal emotional state, unpleased.

"This can't keep going on, Ironwood." Jacques stated at long last. "At this rate we're going to lose every installation and city on this planet!"

"If you honestly don't think I realize that, Overseer, then you're severely misjudging me," Ironwood snorted back. "Clearly we are dealing with an abnormal Kaiju. That much has become apparent. Fretting how bad things are going will not solve it. We need to formulate a better strategy to-"

"You have been formulating strategies continuously," Darth Vader interrupted harshly, slowly approaching as he did. "So far, you have failed to deliver on any of them. In the process you have cost me a considerable portion of my own Stormtroopers. We have lost two vital facilities, compromising this project's security and hardly anything you've done has achieved any tangible results."

"Considering your war record, General," Azula stated. "these developments are rather. . . disturbing."

Ironwood's eyes went to Vader's lightsaber, where the dark-armored Force User's hand rested uncomfortably close to it. He did his best to hide his fear of the weapon, although he doubted he was succeeding. There was something about Vader, the way he looked at you, that emotionless metal face bearing down on you, it felt wrong. He knew knew you were afraid of him, of what he could do. And Ironwood imagined he enjoyed that, probably one of the few things he did enjoy.

"My Lords, Princess, please, understand," He tried to argue. "This. . . thing isn't like anything we've ever faced compared to the mother of Godzilla a hundred years ago. We have done the best we can given the circ*mstances."

"If that were true, the Kaiju would already be dead," Megatron countered, no hint of sympathy within his voice. "Your excuses do not interest us. We came here to insure the completion of the project, not to watch you repeatedly fail to dispose of this potential threat."

"Perhaps it is time we throw caution to the wind," Winter suggested. "We can bring some of our Star Destroyers down to the surface. That would give us an advantage against the monster."

Darth Vader turned to the Atlassian Specialist menacingly and she gulped nervously while he glared at her direction. "Your actions have already weakened our defenses sufficiently enough," Vader declared. "We will allow you to pull ships from orbit and further endanger this project. With our power grid disrupted and the majority of the TIE fighters on the planet destroyed, we can ill afford placing more defensive resources toward this hunt. So long as this Kaiju's path is pointed away from this Kingdom and facility, we will hold the Star Destroyers in reserve."

"But maybe Specialist Schnee has a point, Lord Vader," Jacques interjected. "Who could possibly know of our work here? Of the Zillo Beast and Godzilla Cloning projects? Not even our men outside this Kingdom are aware of it."

"Do not presume that you know anything, Overseer," Shredder shot back viciously. "You have already consistently proven that you do not. The safety of this project is our only concern. That includes all potential threats. On Remnant and off."

Jacques backed away, finally shutting up. Ironwood mentally sighed in relief. Maybe they could go through this meeting without a lightsaber activation. Or a display of blue fire. Or a gun or blades pointed at them. He wouldn't argue the use of Star Destroyers, but perhaps they wouldn't need them. Not in his new plan.

"My Lords, Master, Princess, if I may," the Atlassian General began. "I have a new strategy that has a high chance of success. However, to implement it, I need to force the Kaiju's path to divert away from its present course."

Azula rose an eyebrow. "And how do you plan to accomplish that?" she asked.

"Our last reports place Alpha Predator One heading towards our test site for the Zillo Beast," Ironwood informed the Fire Nation Princess. "I believe a strategic defense force there will force the Kaiju down a different path. One that will lead it into a trap. I've already set the wheels in motion. All we need to do, is hurt the Kaiju enough and then have it chase us. From what I've observed, it seems to have a sense of vengeance if you will."

"That's not all it has, ladies and gentlemen."

Everyone looked to the elevator and saw Dr. Serizawa rushing in, towards them. He looked slightly frantic as he moved towards them, making his way towards the General's desk. In his hand, he held a data disk tightly.

"Forgive my intrusion," he requested. "But you all need to see this."

He lightly pushed past the group and plugged the disk into the desk. Within moments, a diagram of Alpha Predator One appeared in the space between them with various graphs and streams of data surrounding it. There was also a representation of a power reactor next to the holographic image of the Kaiju. Lines were flowing between the two, traveling into Alpha Predator One.

"The latest information we received from the power station attack made me realize something," he began to explain. "The Kaiju went to that power station for a reason. It wasn't random at all. He needed something there. The reactor core. It's why he was chewing on it, why he dragged it away. It was the sole reason he came there."

"Why would he want a reactor?" Winter asked. "To use it as a giant chew toy?"

"No, as an energy source," Serizawa shook his head and replied in a dire and fascinated tone. "The Kaiju feeds off radiation. It powers him in fact. The Atomic Breath he has is different than then the female Godzilla, it is not blue fire but some kind of radioactive ionized beam!"

He further illustrated his point by changing to another graph on the data disk. This one showed one of the Kaiju's cells being damaged by electricity in a small enclosed box.

"Working with the facts I knew to be true, I formulated a hypothesis," he stated as he pointed to the hologram. "Shockwave shocked Alpha Predator One's cells with two thousand volts of directed electrical current. Sufficient enough to severely damage it. Under circ*mstances it would heal in twenty minutes from this. I then subjected the cells to high concentrations of radiation from Dust powder."

The hologram showed the results of the test. The radiation hit the cells and within moments, they began to heal over, reconstruct themselves. Using a time lapsed feed, Serizawa showed that less than eight minutes, the cells were completely healed as if nothing had happened. Everyone, save for Vader, Megatron and Shredder, stared in disbelief.

"Incredible," Winter observed. "Radiation is actually beneficial to this Kaiju."

"Could the radiation increase the Kaiju's other abilities as well?" Ironwood asked curiously.

"It is a reasonable assumption," Serizawa answered. "This thing soaks up radiation like a sponge and uses it to feed, heal and empower itself. The reason those dorsal fins cooked those Jumptroopers alive is because if was releasing radioactive heat emissions. Like a reactor when it is venting."

Flipping to another graph, this one depicting Alpha Predator One with a large hole in its torso and possible representation of the Kaiju's insides. A very strange looking muscle was in the place of the heart. Looking far more complex than any animal and appearing to be some kind of large interconnecting organ with veins reaching out to every part of the body.

"This is a crude rendition, the inside of the animal probably looks nothing like this," Serizawa admitted before continuing. "But my theory is that inside this Kaiju is the organic equivalent of a radioactive core. It regulates the radiation the Kaiju absorbs and distributes it across its body. That powers the Atomic Breath, the pulse attack, its healing factor and who knows what else. If true, then this Kaiju is no mere mutation. It is a highly evolved, advanced life form."

"All very fascinating," Vader finally spoke up, his tone not fascinated at all. "But would you care to explain how this assists us in destroying it?"

"Well, ideally we would have a better shot if we could cut him off from radiation entirely." Dr. Serizawa responded without missing a beat. Despite his own opinion, Serizawa knew that containing this male Kaiju was no longer an option after Union City. "Not a lot of cities use reactors like the power station did. But Dust emits low frequency of radiation. Cutting him off from that source completely could be incredibly difficult."

Ironwood started scratching his head, suddenly realizing something that didn't make much sense. "Wait, if this thing can absorb radiation, how come it hasn't started doing that with the radiation in Dust?" he asked. "He could power himself instantly."

"Well the radiation is widely dispersed in small quantities of Dust, maybe it's not as reliable a method, that he has to constantly gather large amounts of Dust crystals to gain enough radiation," Serizawa considered. "There is also the possibility that he is also unaware of this. That he isn't consciously able to pinpoint the power source, again, because it is widely dispersed. But if that is true, it presents another question."

"Why would a Kaiju that evolved here not already know it could absorb radiation from crystals in the ground?" Winter fielded, the reality of that thought hitting her hard. "Dr. Serizawa, are you suggesting that this thing is quite possibly not native?"

"Unfortunately yes," Serizawa admitted sadly. "We know for a fact it is aware of this absorption ability as it went for the reactor for that purpose. It can probably sense radiation in mass quantities but has a problem with more widely dispersed terrestrial emissions. Its body is probably passively absorbing the radiation though, it's working at a slower rate, but it would explain its rapid recovery from some of our more successful hits. Of course, if it really isn't aware of the power source in the ground beneath its feet, if it isn't native, then we have to start asking the real big question. That being, where did it really come from?"

The thought hit Ironwood hard. This thing was possibly alien? If that was true, who sent it here and why? How, even, without any of them knowing? Was it recent? Was it here for centuries, sent by some ancient civilization and only just woken up? Did Rebels find it somewhere and smuggle it in to Remnant? No, that all sounded too ridiculous to be true. Something else must be at work here.

Not that Darth Vader seemed to care.

"The origin of this Kaiju is irrelevant," he announced. Azula seemed to get over her own curiosity of the matter and nodded in agreement to her master. "The only concern you must preoccupy yourselves with is killing it." she said.

"Cut him off any source of radiation somehow. If this is the key we've been searching for, we must act upon it," Megatron stated, his hand clenching into a fist. "Destroy this abomination so we may return to the far more important matter of completing the cloning projects."

"Continue with your plan, General Ironwood," Shredder permitted. "When we all meet here next, you best be prepared to spring your final trap and end this. We will tolerate no more disappointments."

With that, they marched away, Vader and Shredder's cape flowing behind them as they left. Serizawa suddenly heard his Scroll buzzing and he pulled it out of his pocket. The same occurred to Winter.

"Ms. Saegusa has been contacted by Mothra and Biollante," he says to Ironwood. "They are going to intercept Alpha Predator One."

"And the Hero Association is willing to send Omni Man and the Guardians of the Globe." Winter declared.

"Those Kaiju Girls have already faced this male," Jacques said. "Why should they bother facing him again?"

"It will be the full moon soon," Serizawa replied with a glare at the Overseer. "Mothra and Biollante will be more powerful at night."

"Very well," Ironwood said to the scientist before turning to Winter. "Make sure everything is ready at the test site before that Kaiju is even within two miles," he ordered her. "We need to get on top of this if we're going to lure him to the trap. I'll use Serizawa's information to revise the final plan. Make sure the troops on the ground are informed of all relevant information."

"Yes, sir." Winter concurred, moving briskly to follow through with his orders.

As Ironwood turned back to his desk, Jacques suddenly grabbed his shoulders briskly. "We need to do everything we can to make sure this works, James," he said to the General. "We have to put this extended hunt to an end. The more time we waste on this, the less time we have to complete the project by the deadline."

"Leave the matter of this Kaiju to me then and we shall end it," Ironwood assured him.

"I've been leaving this matter to you for a while and all you've managed to do is get me in even hotter water with Lord Vader and the others." Jacques argued. "We've already had enough spanners thrown into the works already with them here and this monster hunting business isn't helping."

Ironwood pulled his arm away from Jacques and dusted it off.

"Just let me handle this," he reiterated. "I'm charge of the military here after all. This is my department. I don't need you telling me how to do my job. Not with the Lords here with the Master and Fire Nation Princess."

"You're the Commander in Chief, yes, but I'm the Lead Administrator," Jacques reminded him angrily. "Everything you do reflects on me. Lord Vader has already made it clear he doesn't think highly of me, every one of your failures is just making it worse."

"I have not failed yet, Jacq," Ironwood glared back at the white haired man indignantly. "So just keep out of this and get back to doing administrative work instead. Relax for once and stop trying to butt into everything I do."

Ironwood walked away to the window of his office, not in the mood to hear more of Jacques' consistent badgering. As if he didn't know that every missed opportunity to kill this thing was making them and the Atlas Military look bad. It was making them all look bad. Jacques only cared about that in relation to himself though. Ironwood wished he'd just cool it already, before he said or did something really stupid. He was becoming more and more of a nervous wreck and it was not helping anyone.

Ironwood just hoped they'd get through today, that the operation would go as planned. Then they'd be rid of this damn Kaiju and be back to working on their own before too long. So long as everyone played their part and people like Jacques Schnee kept out of it.

It was more than two hours since Godzilla rampaged through Union City when the Saurian Kaiju had sensed that he was being followed. He sniffed the wind. Aliens. Two of them. A fish man. An Amazon. A two humans. A speedster. And. . . a cave man. . . ? Okay that last one, Godzilla doesn't have much experience with. Other than Vandal Savage.

Godzilla shrunk down to be seven feet tall and ten feet long before he walked into a river. He swam to the middle of the river and submerged. He sank down to the bottom. He waited for a few moments before the superheroes were closer and slowly began to move towards the shore similar to a crocodile or an alligator.

Something he learned from Waylon Jones and Dr. Curtis Connors.

He saw the superheroes-The Guardians of the Globe arrive at the shoreline, close to a deep part of the river where he was laying in wait. Omni Man (Superman with a mustache that looked like J. Jonah Jameson), Martian Man (Green Cone headed Mr. Fantastic), Aquarius (Blue man with a fish head), War Women (Wonder Woman with a Mace) , Darkwing (Black Batman), Red Rush (French Flash), Green Ghost and the Immortal (Super Abraham Lincoln).

The Immortal, huh?Godzilla rose an eyebrow.Let's put that name to the test. And see how fast Red Rush is.

"Show yourself!" challenged the Immortal.Well, since you asked so nicely.

With a propel of his tail, Godzilla launched himself out of the water like an alligator and lunged towards Immortal, only for a red blur, or rather a Red Rush push the Immortal out of Godzilla's path. He spun 180 degrees and Tail Whipped Omni Man and War Woman a few meters back before he landed on his feet.

"Well, here I am," Godzilla said in a deep, guttural voice, spreading his arms out and his lips curling upward slightly.

"You're going to pay for Captain Carter and the people of Union City," War Woman declared.

"Carter and the people who died paid for the death of Spiderman." Godzilla growled back. "Blood for blood."

"Don't act like you knew Spiderman," Immortal said.

"I should say that to you," Godzilla shot back. "The Multiverse is vast, but there are consistencies and I know that Peter Parker would look after the little guy until he dies."

"You know of the Multiverse?" Red Rush asked.

"If he was killed by one of his enemies, I would have just killed them and every criminal in the city," Godzilla ignored the speedster. "But he wasn't, and I could not ignore that he was killed by another superhero. And for that, the punishment was tenfold. Captain Carter will be judged for her crime in the realm of the deceased and those that died in Union City may or may not oversee the Super Soldier's punishment."

Godzilla raised his tail once and slammed it down, entering a fighting stance. "Now, I'll say this once." He growled. "Stand down, walk away and live."

A blast of water from Aquarius splashing in his face with the pressure of ten riot hoses and enough to push him back two inches was his answer.

Godzilla shook his head before blocking War Woman's mace twice and ducking down to dodge a third swing. He swung his claws towards her throat before Red Rush moved her away. The Saurian Kaiju glared at the red blur before he was hit by three explosive boomerangs from Darkwing. Looking up, he saw the vigilante riding on a hoverboard. Something he knew Bruce Wayne wouldn't do.

His dorsal fins glowed blue, and he shot his Atomic Breath. Darkwing managed to dodge the blue stream of radioactive death by six inches. Before he could chase the human superhero with his breath attack, the Immoral gave him a haymaker to the face and his Atomic Breath fired towards the river.

He lunged to bite down on the bearded man's throat before Red Rush moved Immortal away from his fangs. Before Godzilla could try to chase after them, War Woman slammed her mace against his left temple with a loudCLANG!The impact actually left his ears ringing.

Perhaps War Woman was more like Hawk Girl without wings.

Red Rush then began to run circles around Godzilla, creating a cyclone of dirt around Godzilla, obscuring his vision in a ten-foot radius. He looked around warily, remembering the fights he had with Barry Allen and Wally West back on Earth.

As he turned to the right, he was punched by Omni Man. Then he was kicked by the Immortal from the left. War Woman came and hit him at the back of the skull. Omni Man punched him in the knees and water blasted out of the ground like a geyser, launching Godzilla into the sky where Omni Man, Immortal and War Woman were hovering. All three of them slammed their fists and mace down on Godzilla's chest and stomach and sent him crashing down with aTHUD!Darkwing then tossed explosives on him before they exploded.

Godzilla simply stood up and dusted himself off and closed his eyes, breathing deeply. He began to see a pattern of who attacks him.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5-

Omni Man punched him in the chest with both fists.

6, 7, 8, 9, 10-

The Immortal kicked him in the right flank.

11, 12, 13, 14, 15-

And then War Woman slammed her mace into his jaw.

Opening his eyes, Godzilla let out an ear-splitting roar while stomping his foot on the ground, sending a shockwave that cracked the ground and Omni Man and Immortal flying as were Darkwing, War Woman and Aquarius and Red Rush tripped on one of the cracks in the earth before getting back up. The red speedster then switched from defensive to offensive.

He punched Godzilla in the face from two different directions with his superspeed while the rest of the Guardians were getting back to their feet. Godzilla then faked a look to the right, knowing Red Rush would come from the left. His clawed hand shot up and caught Red Rush's fist. He turned back and placed both of his heads on the sides of Red Rush's head. In response, Red Rush began punching Godzilla's chest at superspeed.

Now, in the back of his mind, Godzilla remembered that one of his children had asked some superheroes who had superspeed on how they saw the world. One of had explained that their perception was different and that was no different than for Red Rush. Even the briefest conversation could feel like hours.

For the Guardians and Godzilla, it happened under three seconds. For Red Rush, his glasses shattering, his hands breaking as he punched Godzilla's chest, his eye popping out of its socket before his skull was crushed, it all felt like it was under twelve hours.

Blood splattered on Godzilla's face and hands while Immortal and War Woman cried out, "NOOO!"

Martian Man ran and wrapped around Godzilla's legs like a robber band and both Omni Man and the Immortal flew and punched him in the jaw, knocking him off his feet. He simply rolled back to his feet, stretched his legs and made Martian Man go slack.

Godzilla ducked under three explosive shuriken that exploded upon hitting a tree. He looked at the direction they came and saw nothing. His tail shot up behind him and wrapped around Darkwing's ankle before swinging down and slamming the human superhero down on the rocky ground with enough force to break his nose. He lifted him again slammed him down with enough force to shatter his skull like glass before tossing his corpse at the Green Ghost who caught it.

"Oh no," the Green Ghost muttered in horror at the fact she was holding a corpse of one of her closest friends and at the realization that now that she made physical contact with someone, she was no longer transparent. Godzilla then stabbed the Green Ghost's head with his claws.

With a yell of anger, Aquarius fired a blast of water at Godzilla who turned around and blocked it with Green Ghost's body.

"Are you alright friend?" The fish man asked Martian Man who rose to his feet.

"I'll live," the alien huffed.

Godzilla grunted as War Woman hits him in the head again, but this time Godzilla Tail Whipped her away and caught her mace. Swinging it, he slammed it into Omni Man's face and sent him flying to a nearby waterfall. He dropped the mace and pounced on Aquarius. Holding his arms down, Godzilla clamped his jaws down on the fish man's head and ripped it off. He rose to his height and gulped down the blue fish head like an alligator eating a gar.

Martian Man stared at the headless body in horror before roaring in anger. Godzilla responded with his own roar before the Martian stretched and wrapped around the Kaiju's arms.

Both War Woman and the Immortal began punching him in the face. Godzilla would give them respect and credit where it was due. But War Woman should have realized that her mace hits harder than her fists. He felt something wet run down the tip of his snout and licked it. Blood.

"All of that for a drop of blood." He grinned at them before biting down the Martian wrapped around his arms. Unfortunately for the Guardians, Godzilla bit down on Martian Man's head and ripped it off.

The Immortal moved to punch the Kaiju, but Godzilla punched a hole through his chest, causing him to stagger back. War Woman let out a battle cry before Godzilla grabbed the back of her head and slammed her on the ground, cracking the earth beneath them.

Godzilla tossed the unconscious woman aside and jumped towards the waterfall. A short moment later, he jumped out with the unconscious Omni Man in his grasp. As he landed on the ground, he saw some distant flash of light in the far south. He dismissed it and walked towards the kneeling Immortal.

"I know what it's like to lose," he said, quoting a Mad Titan he had encountered and fought many times over the years back on Earth, had been mind-controlled or even allied with him in some cases. "To feel so desperate that you're right, yet to fail nonetheless." he walks towards the Immortal. "It's frightening, isn't it? It turns the legs to jelly, your heart pounds in your chest so hard you can hear it in your ears. I ask you to what end? You can dread it; you can try to run from it, but destiny still arrives all the same. And now it's here." he stopped in front of the Immortal and tossed Omni Man to the side. "Or should I say, I am."

". . . What are you?" The Immortal asked, coughing up some blood and wheezing.

Godzilla tilted his head at him. "I am inevitable. And you have failed the test." The last part made Immortal raise an eyebrow. "You are not immortal."

He then used his claws to cut the Immortal's head off. When it rolled to his feet, Godzilla raised his foot up and stomped on it like it was a bug.

". . . Y-You don't seem to understand. Remnant isn'tyoursto conquer."

He paused and turned to see Omni Man standing back up. "Ah yes, I was wondering what would break first." he remarked as Omni Man flew to him but Godzilla easily sidestepped him and Tail Whipped him to the ground. "Your spirit," he continued as he reached down, grabbing the Viltrumite by one hand on his neck and the other on his leg then he lifted the alien superhero above his head. "Or your body." He then slams Omni Man's back on his knee and there was an audibleSNAPbefore he dropped him on the ground.

With that said and done, Godzilla snorted dismissively before turning away and growing back to his natural size.

"That was all glorious," Queen Ghidorah declared in awe with a laugh. Destroying an entire city, and killing a handful of powerful superheroes. This male Kaiju continued to impress her.

"Man, I would love to see him kill more like he did just now." Gigan cackled.

"You may have a chance very soon," Monster X said. "Two Kaiju Girls are closing in on his location with a male Kaiju."

"Really? Which one is it?" Queen Ghidorah asked, eager to see her future king fight the Kaiju Girls again.

"The Moth, Godzilla's sister and. . . your older brother." Monster X replied. Her eyes widened before she looked at the hologram intently.

"Now this is going to be the best part."

Godzilla stared up at the shattered moon when he sensed their presence and more importantlyheranger. He morphed into his human-hybrid form and his lips curled up ever so slightly to reveal a mouth of sharp teeth.

In the early years of knowing her, an angry Mothra was a creature Godzilla did not want to encounter. Especially if it involved her son Leo. Or any child she had instantly grown found of, like Peter Parker, Tim Drake, Mantis, a new recruit of the Power Rangers, or even his own children, etc. After being turned human along with other Kaiju however, Godzilla found some enjoyment in making the shorter, benevolent Goddess of Peace lose her composure and erupt like Mount Vesuvius.


He turned around and sat on his knees and placed his hands on his lap. He didn't have to wait long as he saw the form of a woman with moth wings flying in the night sky with Biollante walking on the ground beneath her and a man with large dragon wings flying beside her.

A familiar scent hit his nostrils. One he knew all too well and hated more than the Mad Titan. More than Darkseid who killed many of his kind millions of years ago and corrupted his Queen. More than Brainiac who imprison him and his Kaiju brethren. More than HYDRA who captured his youngest heir. More than Doomsday who crippled his friend from flying. More than the Red Devil Kaiju who killed his second born. More than the Clown who almost killed his brother in arms with his venom. More than Trigon who possessed his sister and Venom who used his daughter as a puppet. More than humanity whose arrogance had destroyed the earth.

"You must bereallyangry at me if you're willing to fight alongsidehimof all people." Godzilla growled as he glared at a man with blonde hair, dragon horns, large golden wings, a forked and spiked tail, golden scales and crimson red eyes. Someone he recognized no matter what form he took.

King Ghidorah.

What Godzilla did not know was that this variant of King Ghidorah was not a tyrannical planet destroyer or conqueror like the one he knows and hates back on Earth but a Guardian Kaiju and exiled from Queen Ghidorah's empire.

But even if Godzilla was told that, he wouldn't give a damn. Old grudges die hard.

Mothra said nothing as she landed on the ground with hardly a sound and pulled out a pair of scythes from her belt.

Godzilla rose an eyebrow.No words? . . .Okay, now I must have really pissed her off. He thought and took a step back. A cloud began to block out the moonlight and then both Kaiju Girls and male Kaiju charged at Godzilla.

He blocked their weapons (Mothra and Biollante) and fists (Ghidorah) with his own hands and tail. Ducking and dodging, blocking and leaning back to avoid being cut by Mothra's scythes and Biollante's spear.

Ghidorah did a gesture and suddenly the ground beneath Godzilla's feet launched him into the air.

As Godzilla was in the air for a couple of seconds, he saw a familiar superhero running towards him. Saitama/Caped Baldy (Still wondering why he was called that and who came up with that).

"Kaiju-san! I am here for a rematch!" Saitama called out.

Godzilla landed on the ground and looked down at him before glancing at Ghidorah. "Very well, I shall take you both on."

Saitama grinned before jumping towards Godzilla as Ghidorah moved to attack him from the left. Godzilla didn't know whether to be insulted or not.

"Killer Move-Serious Series: Serious Punch!" Saitama shouted as he swung his fist. Godzilla ducked down however, and he punched Ghidorah in the face instead.

Godzilla quickly spun around and Tail Whipped Saitama to the ground before stepping on him. He ducked under Biollante's spear before his tail shot up and wrapped around the shaft and pulled the weapon out of her hands. He stabbed the spear into the ground and began to punch Biollante. Right hook to the face. Left jab twice. Cross. Backhand. Uppercut and followed by a punch to the gut.

Biollante staggered back before she recovered and threw her own fists. Godzilla blocked each attack before kneeing her in the stomach, grabbing her by the shoulder and threw her face first into the shaft of her spear and she fell to the ground.

"You still have much to learn, little sister." Godzilla said. His tail shot up and Tail Whipped Saitama away when he had jumped behind him.

Ghidorah made to fight him hand to hand but Godzilla blocked most of his attacks before attempting to do the same. But to his surprise this Ghidorah blocked most of his attacks. The two leaned back from each other, entering different fighting stances. They stared at each other like Bald Eagles before Ghidorah straightened and held his fist in his palm.

Godzilla rose an eyebrow before he actually returned the gesture. They had a short stare down as if waiting to see if one of them was going to be backing down before Ghidorah let out a yell and sent a couple of punches towards Godzilla's face and chest. Godzilla blocked them both with relative ease and parried a couple of kicks to his legs with his tail. He jumped high in the air and kicked at Ghidorah's face who blocked and parried each. When Godzilla landed, Ghidorah jumped up and mirrored the same attack. Soon their fists became a blur as they both attacked each other while at the same time defending themselves. The Saurian Kaiju spun around, swinging his tail at the Dragon Kaiju-Human's face who ducked down to dodge the appendage only to receive a blast of Atomic Breath to the chest.

Godzilla then let out a sound of surprise as he was hit by a massive tidal wave of water from Mothra and knocked off his feet. Ghidorah did some gestures with his hands and parts of the earth launched towards him.

Then the moon came out.

Godzilla batted two giant boulders with his fist and tail. He moved to deflect more before his arm froze in mid swing. Both his arms and his whole body froze in place.

God damn it. Not again.

Why does one of his opponents have the ability to freeze him in place?

He looked and saw that it was Mothra. She had her hands up and her wings seemed to glow in the pale moonlight. She moved her hands side to side in push and pull gestures and suddenly Godzilla was moving in sync with her hands. Godzilla roared in both surprise and pain as he felt his body move against his will.

Mothra glared at him with angry blue eyes before he was launched backwards and his spines stabbed into the side of a nearby mountain.

Saitama jumped towards him from the ground. He thrusted his fist and it looked as if he grew over a dozen fists that slammed into Godzilla's chest a large indent appeared on his ribcage with a sickeningCRUNCHas he was pushed into the mountain.

Godzilla coughed up blood as Ghidorah made the earth close up around him. He then started to roar in agony as he felt as if someone was moving his heart and lungs around in his torso and squeezing them tightly.

Ghidorah then began to bend the rock layer around Godzilla into a layer of molten rock. The Saurian Kaiju roared in slight pain before going into agony again as Mothra and Biollante were Bloodbending his insides.

Saitama punched Godzilla in the head again and again. Over and over he did this. Each hit released a shockwave and the mountain began to crumble behind the entrapped Saurian Kaiju male. The first seven punches Godzilla brushed off. The next seven started to make him dizzy. The next started to make him feel a skull splitting headache. Right hook. Left hook. Uppercut. Hammer blow. Mothra and Biollante were not helping with their blood magic. Drops of blood flew from his mouth along with a couple of teeth.

Godzilla gritted his teeth as he began to charge up his Nuclear Pulse. His spines glowed and then the glow spread across his body. Had his body not been covered by rock (molten or otherwise) his opponents would have thought he was turning into some blue elemental.

"That doesn't look good," Saitama deadpanned as he stood on top of Godzilla's head. Ghidorah saw the glow and called out to the bald superhero. "Sir, get back!" But it was too late. Godzilla let out a roar before a massive explosion erupted from his body, blasting Saitama off his head and into the air and the molten rock off. The following shockwave knocked Ghidorah and the two Waterbender Kaiju Girls back as a large mushroom shaped cloud rose into the sky.

Monster Island

"What is that?" Godzilla asked, looking to the distance.

"It's a. . . giant mushroom," Junior stated, tilting her head in confusion. Minilla and Athena tilted their heads at the distant cloud in confusion with the Kaiju Girl toddler making a cute coo.

Meanwhile. . .

Mothra and Biollante rose back up to their feet, brushing some trees off of them. Godzilla was making his way towards them, his burns from the molten rock healing up. Both Kaiju Girls lifted their hands up and began to Bloodbend his body again.

Godzilla roared out as he was forcefully stopped in his tracks. He growled angrily and gritted his teeth. He has killed gods, fought his way out of Hell itself. He was the master of himself. No one else. Not even Mothra.

Roaring in defiance and determination, Godzilla slowly raised his foot up and stepped forward with great effort. He moved his other foot forward and began to walk towards Mothra and Biollante with less effort in each step he took.

Both Kaiju Girls were being filled with disbelief. The male Kaiju was fighting through their Bloodbending. They looked up briefly to see if the moon was behind a cloud but saw none. How was this possible? No creature had ever resisted their Bloodbending save for the Avatar in the Avatar State.

Mothra Bloodbended his heart, making Godzilla nearly buckle in pain. Biollante unleashed large plant tendrils that shot from the ground and snaked around Godzilla's right leg, arm and some of his dorsal fins. He reached with his left to break the tendril off before Ghidorah grabbed his left arm and held it in arm lock. Godzilla gritted his teeth and tried to continue walking forward, dragging the male Dragon Kaiju and snapping off the vines.

Saitama jumped past his legs and punched both his knees in one swing while Mothra squeezed Godzilla's heart. The Saurian Kaiju gritted his teeth as he buckled but continued to march forward. Saitama went behind him and grabbed onto his tail and started to walk backwards to try to pull Godzilla backwards or rip his tail off. Whichever works.

Mothra gritted her teeth as her arms shook. She then got another idea. She dashed forward and placed her hands on the side of Godzilla's face.

"Sleep!" she demanded as her antenna glowed. Godzilla's eyes widened as he felt the urge to sleep. He recognized what this was and began to shake her hands off. His tail slammed down on Saitama before swinging into Ghidorah. He pulled Biollante off the ground and tried to slam her into Mothra but the Moth Kaiju Girl moved out of the way and maneuvered onto his shoulders.

"Sleep!" she ordered but Godzilla tried to shake her off. "SLEEP!!" she shouted at the top of her lungs while Godzilla let out a thundering roar that would have struck fear in the Midgard Serpent and even in the hearts of the most insane criminals of Gotham and the villains claimed to have no fear.

He swung his tail up and knocked Mothra off his shoulders. Godzilla panted as he stumbled away from Mothra slightly. Mothra panted from the effort she had put into using her Semblance.

Godzilla pulled his sword out and pointed it at the Moth Kaiju. Mothra rose back up and pulled out her scythes. The two Kaiju stared at one another before charging.

Their blades clashed and sparks flew. Mothra stumbled back from Godzilla's powerful blows while Godzilla advanced on her. She attached strands of silk to the handles of her weapons and spun them at Godzilla like chains.

The Saurian Kaiju ducked twice before one of the blades managed to cut him on the shoulder. He glanced down at the cut and snorted in mild amusem*nt. They then locked blades with Mothra leaning back and Godzilla towering over her.

"Okay, I'm getting tired of this," Godzilla stated before his tail wrapped around her wrists and pulled her weapons out of her grip. He then grabbed her by the throat and body slammed her on the ground.

Mothra winced in pain before moving her head to the side in order to dodge Godzilla's snapping jaws. He had no intention of killing her, simply give her a reminder to stay out of his way.

Suddenly he felt something stab into his collar and a burning pain shot through his arm. Looking down, he saw a stinger protruding from Mothra's wrist and stabbing his collarbone. He released his grip on her throat and stepped away from her while the Moth Kaiju gasped for air and coughed while rubbing her throat.

For a moment, Godzilla forgot that he wasn't on Earth and that this wasn't the Mothra he knew very well. At once he felt ashamed and betrayed. He may have some enjoyment of making Mothra angry or even frustrated, but he never intended to strike fear in her. Especially after becoming close to her. She would only use her stinger as a last resort. Or filled with fear and acted on instinct. Mothra stared at her sheathing stinger and up at the Saurian Kaiju. "I-I didn't mean to-" she stammered but Godzilla zoned out her words and began to walk away. His hand started to tremble, even as he morphed into his Kaiju Form. His vision blurs for a second before he shook his head to clear it.

". . . So, until next time?" Saitama called to Godzilla from where he stood. He then he remembered. "It's Wednesday! King would have bought a new video game today!" With that he ran as fast as the wind.

Chapter 8: A Couple of Bats help the Rebels' Prison Break

Chapter Text

Argus, Anima

"Leave your weapons behind." Adam ordered in a tone that meant to leave no room for arguments.

"Why not?" Hera asked with a raised eyebrow. "Just do it. We are not here for a fight." Adam replied.

"Trust me, when Adam Taurus says that it's mega serious." Jack replied. Neither he nor his friends knew who the Bull Faunus was taking them to, but they knew not to question him.

"Rafael, perhaps you and Bumblebee can scout the city," Optimus said to the youngest of the group. "Look at the security and the Imperial defenses."

"Sure thing," Raf nodded while Bumblebee let out a couple of robotic bleeps and bloops before he transformed into a Camaro and drove off with the brown-haired boy.

"Remind me why we're five miles outside of an Imperial city again?" Zeb asked as they walked out of the Ghost's ramp. Chopper let out some robotic garbles, correcting the Lasat that they were twelve miles away from the city of Argus.

"We're going to someone I knew for help to break into the Imperial Facility," Adam replied. "This mission requires stealth and he's the best there is when it comes to stealth."

"Hey, we can be stealthy!" Donnie protested. "Yeah, we're ninjas! Stealth is our game." Mikey added.

"Game, huh?" Adam repeated. "Well, he's still better than all four of you combined."

"So you know he's good, but is he trustworthy?" Kannan asked cautiously.

The Bull Faunus stopped in his tracks briefly. "He's no fan of the Empire." he replied after a moment of silence. "But I suppose our history is a bit rocky."

"That's reassuring," Sabine remarked in a sarcastic tone, especially the history he explained about the Cat Faunus back at the Power Station.

"Let's just take a leap of faith," Adam stated as he walked down a gravel road. Sienna shrugged. "If you say so," she said. She had a suspicion on who Adam was going to meet but didn't plan to say anything.

A man should always come to his father for help after all. Adopted or not.

Adam led them to a large manor. "Wow, he must be well, rich." Casey said in awe. April nodded in agreement though she had a feeling she had seen the manor before. Miko lifted her Scroll up and took a photo.

Adam walked up the steps and knocked on the door. A few moments later, it opened to reveal a young woman with black hair and amber eyes that widened at seeing the Bull Faunus.

"Hello Cinder," Adam greeted softly.

In another timeline, Cinder Fall would have been a loyal follower of the Grimm Queen Salem. In this world however, she was adopted by a man who was an orphan like her.

Cinder stared at Adam before her eyes narrowed. "You got balls to come back after what you did during the Fall of Beacon." she stated in an angry tone. This caused everyone behind the Bull Faunus to be filled with curiosity and Kannan looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"I need help," Adam replied. "Considering you brought an alien with a group of humans and giant human turtles and a," Cinder rose an eyebrow at Zeb. "Purple shaved Monkey man, yeah. You do."

"Hey!" Zeb cried out indignantly. Hera rose an eyebrow at being addressed as alien. Cinder just sighed tiredly. "Come in, come in. But be prepared to be thrown back out."

Adam seemed to relax slightly, and he walked into the manor doors. Hera and Kannan shared one glance before following. Most of the younger Rebels looked around the pictures and statues in the hall they walked in.

"I was half expecting Alfred to answer the door," Adam said to Cinder. The raven-haired woman stiffened at the statement. "Alfred passed away three months ago," she replied in a soft tone.

Adam froze at that response. His Grimm mask covered his eyes but based on his jaw dropping, he was stricken with shock and through the Force Kannan and Ezra sensed that the Bull Faunus was also stricken by grief. Sienna and Hakoda silently walked forward and placed their hands on Adam's shoulder as a sign of comfort.

"Well, well, well." A voice drawled with a slur as they heard someone walking down the stairs in front of the Rebels. It was a man dressed in black dress pants, a dark silver dress coat over a white shirt, and black shoes. His shoulder length hair was black and graying and he had a matching beard. "The prodigal son returns." He spread his arms wide with a smile.

"Qrow Wayne?!" April exclaimed in shock. Casey and the other people from Remnant (Except Sienna and Hakoda) looked to the man with wide eyes. The Ghost crew looked confused and curious and Chopper let a couple of bleeps that roughly translated to, 'Who's that?'

In this timeline, Qrow and Raven were separated at birth during the Hundred Year War. Qrow was adopted by Thomas and Martha Wayne and became one of the richest men in Remnant while Raven grew up to be leader of the Branwen Bandit Tribe.

"And he brought some friends!" Qrow exclaimed as he stumbled forward a bit. "Wow, finally." he said. "My little Red Bull has friends!"

"Are you drunk?" Kannan asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Not enough to forget what he did," Qrow replied as he turned back to Adam. "Did he tell ya? I took him from a hellhole, gave him a home. A family. Trained him how to fight. And what does he do when he wants to fight for Faunus Rights? He joins the White Fang and starts dropping bodies. And if that wasn't bad enough, he cuts one of my oldest niece's arms off!"

Qrow then begins laughing hysterically. He fell against the wall while holding his stomach. Ezra blinked as he noticed something. Qrow wasn't just laughing. He was crying. Tears were streaming down his cheeks from his dull crimson eyes.

Meanwhile Sabine's eyes widened in realization.The Huntress with blonde hair and the prosthetic arm!she thought. No wonder she was fighting with the intent to beat him to a pulp.

Adam felt the Rebels staring at his back, but he ignored them. He reached up and took his mask off. There was a mirror on the right side so the Rebels wouldn't see his left side. Qrow stopped laughing and stared at the Bull Faunus's face. Then he slumped down to the floor.

Passed out. Drunk.

Cinder sighed quietly. "To think there is merchandise of his alter ego." She and Adam moved to pick Qrow up. The two paused and looked at one another as if having a silent conversation before Adam turned away, the Rebels catching a glimpse of a blue eye before Adam placed his Grimm Mask back on and then both of them carried Qrow back upstairs.

"Wow, and I thought we had family issues," Raph remarked, getting an elbow jab from Leo.

Cinder and Adam came back downstairs and led them to a secret entrance that led to a lair under the manor.

"Do you have anything to do with the Kaiju?" Cinder asked as they stepped off the elevator. "Because according to our satellite over Anima, it showed up before you did."

Kannan rose an eyebrow at the question and Hera spoke up. "Showed up?" she repeated.

"One second not there," Cinder snapped her fingers. "There the next."

"Wait a second. You guys have a satellite?" Jack asked in surprise.

"Wayne Enterprises has seven satellites publicly known." Cinder replied nonchalantly.

Miko was half listening when she was looking at the lair they were in. Suddenly they heard the sound of an engine before a black hovercar drove in from a driveway.

Miko and Mikey gasped in shock and awe as a door opened up and the driver stepped out. He was dressed in black with a blood red bat symbol on his chest with a gray utility belt and bat ears on the side of his black mask.

"Well, well, the Red Hood is back," he said as he pulled off his mask and revealed a seventeen-year-old Whitley Schnee.

April, Casey, Jack, Miko and the Turtles stared at him in shock. "WHITLEY SCHNEE?!" Miko, Casey and Mikey exclaimed.

An hour later. . .

"Gods damn hangover," Qrow muttered as he opened his eyes. He reached the nightstand for a bottle of Vicodin and a glass of water. He took a pill and downed it with water. He saw a piece of paper on the nightstand. He reached to it and unfolded it.

I would like to say first things first. We intercepted Winter Schnee's call to you about monitoring the Kaiju called Alpha Predator One. Sienna has informed me that they found the Branwen Bandit Camp in smoldering ruins. The Kaiju had attacked the camp. Raven is the only survivor along with her Skrill companion. The Rebels left her in the Empire's care. I saw her again fighting alongside the Empire and Team RWBY against the Kaiju at the power station in the North Circle. Based on the reports, Raven was killed,and the Spring Maiden powers were passed down to Yang. I know because I was there. I am sorry. Truly.

Second, I am confident that you know what the Empire is doing here on Remnant. Your age doesn't matter. You're still the World's Greatest Detective. The Rebels, the Ghost Crew are here to destroy their lab and the cloning project. But we have hit a road bump. The Orbital Gun we commandeered has damaged controls. We can talk to the leader of the operation to find another way to use it but I have a plan to break an Imperial Prisoner out that could help us with the Imperial Destroyers. We could use your help.

-Adam T.

Qrow dropped the letter and held his head. Some tears began to stream his face again before he quickly wiped them away. He stood up from his bed and walked over to his desk. He placed his hands on his desk, taking deep breaths. He glanced up to a couple of photos. One was of his old Beacon Team STRQ with his sister, Taiyang Xiao Long and Summer Rose. The other was of his younger brother Bruce Wayne and their parents taken two days before Crime Alley.

You could have helped her. Helped them.

Qrow shook his head. He held his head and closed his eyes. He began to remember that one night where his world came crashing down. They had just left the movie theaters from watching The Mark of Zorro. He and Bruce were play fighting while their parents smiled in amusem*nt.

You've tried to hold me back. But you're weak. You know it in your soul. You're nothing but a hollow shell. A rusty trap.

And then a thug walked up to them, demanding the paper from Thomas and the necklace from Martha. Qrow pushed Bruce behind him, making sure he was safe from the danger. Or so he thought.

It happened so fast. Both he and Thomas tried to disarm the thug and knock him out. But the thug managed to shoot Thomas. Martha jumped to help but ended up being shot. Qrow tried to pull the gun away but then his Semblance activated. The gun fired a third time and Bruce fell. Qrow stared at the scene before him. Rain fell in drenching sheets. Water mixed with the pools of blood from the three bodies at his feet.

"Alfred wanted me to leave it all behind." Qrow muttered, shaking his head.

And now your sister paid the price. Deny it all you want, you still saw her as family. Who's going to be next? Your nieces? Your daughter?

Qrow dragged his hands down his face before he gains a look of determination. He stands up and walks to the door.

The time has come.

He turns around the storm outside of the manor. He can see a shadowy winged figure flying towards his window. Red eyes glowed as a large bat broke through the glass window with a screech, flying towards Qrow, fangs bared.

"Security for the Imperial Facility is tight." Leo stated. "Most of it is made up of Stormtroopers and Fire Nation soldiers. There are a few Kraang droids."

"Based on the schematics, it's an old rocket launching site. The entrance is at the top of the cliff," Sienna said, pointing at the top of the image. "The rest of it is built deep into the mountain."

"We can have the Ghost hover outside of their sensors." Hera stated. "Meanwhile Kannan can take-" Suddenly a loud whirring noise was heard. Looking up, the Rebels see a large black aircraft being lowered from a upper part of the cave. It was a peculiar sight for the Rebels from Lothal. It had a streamline design almost shaped like a bat in a diving position.

"I'll help you with this prison break of yours, and then you're all on your own." A modulated voice called from the shadows across the cave.

Looking to the direction the voice came from, the Rebels from Remnant had different reactions compared to the Ghost Crew.

Hakoda's eyes widened as did Leo. April and Jack dropped their coffee mugs while Mikey, Miko and Casey dropped their pizza. Cinder and Whitley smiled a little as did Adam.

For a split second, Kannan and Ezra thought they were looking at the Sith Lord they've met at Lothal while Sabine thought she was looking at the Shredder. He was dressed in black with a matching cape draped over his shoulders, the bottom shaped like bat wings and the man's black cowl had bat ears on the side and had a large bat symbol on his chest. The cowl covered the top half of his face save for his mouth where it was clear that the man underneath was now clean shaven. His eyes however, were now glowing bright crimson.

"Holy Chalupa," Raph cursed with wide eyes.

"Y-You-" April stammered.

"Y-Y-You're-" Jack stuttered.

"Y-Y-You are-" Miko mumbled.

"Yep," Cinder smirked.

"He's the God Damn Batman." Whitley declared, crossing his arms over his chest. "I thought you passed the mantle to me." he remarked.

The Batman smirked at the younger Bat ever so slightly. "I still got one last fight in me."

"Well, let's begin," Whitley declared. He turns to Cinder. "Suit up?" Cinder smirked before leaving briefly and came back, wearing a black suit with red and gold accents and a matching bat cowl and cape.

Thirty minutes later the Batwings, old and new, rose into the night sky and joined by the Ghost and flew off.

"Autobots, roll out!" Optimus called out before he and the rest of the Autobots transformed drove in the same direction the Batwings were flying.

It was night time by the time the Batwings, Ghost and the Autobots arrived five miles above the Imperial facility. Leo and Raph were with Whitley on the upgraded Batwing while Donnie and Mikey rode with Qrow and Cinder on the old one. For two hours, Mikey had asked to press some buttons before Cinder threatened to press the ejection button on his seat.

"Good luck," Hera said to Kannan as he and Ezra got on the Phantom with Adam, Sienna, Sabine and Hakoda. Kannan nodded back before the Phantom detached from the Ghost.

Meanwhile the Batmen pressed a button and suddenly the floor disappeared beneath them and the Turtles found themselves dangling in the air. Both Batmen and Black Bat's seats rotated around and faced them.

"Whoa!" Donnie exclaimed in surprise and fright.

"A little warning would have been nice!" Raph snapped while Leo grabbed onto his seatbelt while looking at the ground fearfully.

"Relax, Red." the young Batman said. "Yeah, no reason to worry." Black Bat added.

"You're all strapped to parachutes." the older Batman informed them.

"Sweet!" Mikey said with grin and noticed something. "Hey, where's yours?" he asked. This caused the other Turtles to realize that both Bats were not wearing parachutes. The older Batman merely stared at him with a blank expression, his red eyes betraying nothing while the younger Bats smirked before the three of them dropped from the Batwings. The older Bat smirked and breathed deeply as he divebombed with the Batwing and the shattered moon of Remnant behind him. He glanced over to the younger Bats on either side of him who smirked back before the three of them spread their wings in sync and glided down.

"Whoa! WHOOO!" Mikey cried out in joy and excitement before he dropped from the Batwing. "BOOYAHKASHA!" he screamed followed by his older brothers.

They all landed on the snowy ground just as the Phantom landed. The Turtles dropped their parachutes just as two of the bat vigilantes pulled out grappling hooks from their utility belts while the younger Batman simply held his fist up and a grappling hook shot from his forearm. Leo, Raph and Donnie pulled out their own grappling hooks as did Adam and Sienna and they glanced to Mikey who was feeling around his belt.

The orange masked Ninja Turtle chuckled nervously. "Forgot my grappling hook." he said, a sweat drop formed on his face. His brothers sighed in exasperation.

The older Batman reached his hand out towards him. Mikey gasped and moved to stand next to the bat vigilante, bouncing in excitement. Everyone else grappled up the rock face while Ezra and Kannan used the Force to jump up the cliff and climb. Mikey jumped onto Batman in a bridal style, only to see the Bat glaring at him. "Oh. Sorry," he chuckled nervously and dropped to his feet and then the Bat put an arm around his waist, and he hugged him before they were grappling up.

"We'll take this path and drive to the top," Optimus said, gesturing to a path that led to the top.

When they reached the top, the Bat vigilantes all vanished without a trace. "Relax, they know the plan." Adam assured them before they could speak. "They're most likely disabling any alarms and taking out any security as quickly and quietly as possible."

Sienna then gestured towards a nearby ladder, and she and Adam began to climb down. Kannan and Ezra shared a glance before climbing down the ladder as well followed by Sabine and the Turtles. They all reached the bottom and saw that one room was filled with scientists, based on their attire.

Leo pressed his index finger to his lips. "Shh." he whispered to the other Rebels. They all moved to walk to one of the tunnels in front of them before Mikey suddenly sneezed, the sound echoed like a gunshot.

One of the scientists looked up from his work and saw them standing outside the lab room, soon every scientist in the room glanced up at the Rebels. They all stared at each other before one of them walked to the side and slammed his fist on a large red button.

A siren blared and then multiple Kraang droids and Fire Nation soldiers showed up with a few Stormtroopers. "It is the ones known as the Turtles and the ones known as the White Fang." one of the Kraang stated. "Prepare to exterminate with extreme prejudice."

Just as the Kraang aimed their guns at the Rebels, the floor exploded in front of them. Kannan sees three black blurs flying out of the hole and small devices latched onto four of the Kraang's guns.

One of the Kraang droids sees the devices on the guns. "Kraang, there are devices that are explosives on the guns in the hands of Kraang!" he exclaimed robotically before the guns exploded, the small blast blew off the droids' arms off and the shrapnel knocked a couple of other droids and Fire Nation soldiers back.

Two Stormtroopers moved to look down the hole. One fired down at it with his blaster while the other fired at the Rebels. Adam and Leo swung their respective swords to deflect the laser bolts.

Suddenly a grappling hook shot from above and harpooned through one of the Stormtroopers' thigh and pulled him off the ground, leaving him hanging upside down.

The Trooper beside him backed up in fear just as the older Batman landed behind him. The Bat grabbed his arm holding the blaster rifle and twisted it, making the Trooper scream in pain before spinning him around and making him fire at the Kraang and Fire Nation soldiers. The droids were shot down while the humans jumped to avoid getting shot at their fellow soldier's gun.

The Batman turned to the Rebels. "Go! We'll take care of this." he said to them before pulling his grappling hook out and aiming it at a Trooper who was firing at him. He fired it and it impaled the Trooper in the shoulder. The Batman then put a Lightning Dust crystal in his grappling gun and electricity surged through the grappling line and the hook to the Trooper who cried out in pain before the older Batman pulled him towards him and punched him in the chest. The Trooper slid on the floor until he fell down the hole in the floor.

The Rebels ran down the hall and turned to the right. "Should we really leave them?" Ezra asked. "They're still outnumbered." Just then a Trooper hit the wall behind them. The Trooper's helmet cracked open and he slumped to the floor.

"It's the God Damn Batman!"

"There's two of them?!"

"Focus, Troopers! There's no way these are the real Batmen!"

"They're fine." Adam said dismissively. "You should feel sorry for the Troopers."

Back with the Batman, he ducked twice under the swings of a Firebender who was attacking him with a Fire Dagger. He grabbed the man and lifted him in the air as he screamed before slamming him down the floor, shattering both his Aura and the concrete under his back. In front of him, a Trooper entered the hallway and pulled out a grenade and pulled the pin. Before he could throw it, the younger Batman landed in view and kicked the upside down Trooper to him, the collision sent them both into the room the former just walked out of. Lifting his head up, he saw his grenade in front of him. He reached forward to try to throw it out of the room but it exploded in his hand.

Back outside the room, the two Batmen were fighting the Troopers and soldiers side by side. The younger Bat ducked and threw a Fire Nation into a stack of crates. Two Troopers fired at the older Bat before one of them pulled out a combat knife and the other ignited a Fire Dagger in his hand.

The older Batman jumped up, grabbed a Trooper and slammed his head down hard on a crate before using his grappling hook to throw it at one of the remaining soldiers. One of the Troopers managed to shoot the Bat's grappling hook out of his hand.

Meanwhile, Black Bat snuck into one of the laboratory rooms. She pulled open a drawer and looked through the files in it before she found a small black box. She held it in her hand and found out that it was made of lead. She opened it and found a green glowing mineral like object in it. She pulled it out and held it in her hand.This doesn't look like a normal Dust crystal,she thought as she put it in one of her belt pockets.

Both Bats charged to the soldiers and Troopers that tried to rush him. The two Bats blocked and parried every punch and kick sent their way before the older Bat elbowed a soldier away while the younger Bat punched two men in the face at once. The Black Bat attacked one from behind by drop kicking them. She spun around and kicked another in the chest and grabbed another by the helmet. She then used her Semblance, Scorching Caress, and melted the helmet and then slammed it down against the wall.

The older Bat grabbed a Firebender's wrist and used his Fire Dagger to deflect the Fire Dagger of another before kicking the man away and forcing the other to stab himself in the leg.

The last Trooper tried to tackle the older Bat but he ended up flipped onto his stomach and the older Bat began to rain heavy and brutal punches to the back of his head while he let shouts of pain before he passed out.

The three Bats rose up to look around for more Troopers but none showed up. Black Bat looked to her father and smirked a little. "Looks like you still got it, Old Man." she remarked.

The older Bat glared at her half heartedly. "Don't call me old."

Meanwhile the Rebels and the two White Fang were moving through the halls. Donnie held his turtle shell shaped phone in his hand. "It should be just. . . about here." he said before they came to the end of the hallway that opened up to a large room. In the middle of the room was a large round metal container.

"Donnie, you're up." Leo said to his brother who walked up to the door lock. He knelt down and pulled the panel off. He hooked his phone up and began typing in a command to unlock the door. After a short moment, the large cell's door opened up. Adam walked in with a flashlight as did Hakoda and Sienna.

The Bull Faunus's light shined on the prisoner on the floor. She had short black hair and wore a gray and old prison uniform. She seemed very malnourished.

Kannan noticed her condition as well and looked to Adam with a raised eyebrow. "Are you sure this is the right person?" he asked.

"She needs to be in the sun." Adam replied. "The Imperial Archives have information on her people." He knelt down and picked her up bridal style. They ran out of the cell just as more alarms went off.

Leo turned to the right and saw Mikey opening a compartment and pulling out a blue suit with a red S and cape. "Leo, I think this is suppose to be hers." he whispered.

They met with the Bats and heard more Troopers coming to them just as they got on an elevator platform. Ezra pushes the UP button but it starts to lift very, very slow. The older Batman sighed and reached down and planted a explosive under the platform. "Hold on," he ordered sternly. They waited for about two seconds before the explosive went off and the resulting explosion launched them up the shaft and out of the rocket tunnel. The Bats, Turtles and Faunus's Aura flickered as they rolled on the ground and the other Rebels skidded to a stop, using the Force to shield their bodies.

"Are you alright?" Optimus asked as he knelt down. "We're fine," Hakoda said.

Sabine lifted her head and looked to the older Batman. "You got to give me some of the explosives." she said with a grin under her helmet.

"Goodness, what happened to her?" Ratchet asked, his optics on the unconscious girl laying not to far from the Rebels. The sun rose and casted its first light on the girl's motionless body. What little flesh on her bones soon began to grow and soon she no longer looked malnourished.

Just as the Rebels were rising to their feet, the remaining garrison of Stormtroopers and Fire Nation soldiers were surrounding them.

"Looks like they don't want us to leave," Bulkhead noted. "Sure looks like it," Arcee remarked.

"What's the plan from here?" Mikey asked.

"Now. . . we try not to die." the old Batman declared, tightening his hands into fists. "Sounds good to me," Raph grinned as he pulled out his Sai. Behind him the girl had risen high into the air.

The Firebenders blasted at the Autobots and the Troopers fired at the girl in the sky. The blaster bolts shot holes through her uniform but didn't seem to penetrate her skin. Just as the Rebels moved to fight, the girl became a blur in the air, punching and throwing the Imperials off the cliff, into the ground or high into the air. It was all over in twenty seconds.

The girl stood, panting heavily before she fell down in exhaustion as the Batwings and the Phantom rose into view. Black Bat walked over to her in concern before she saw her expression change to nauseated. She paused in confusion as Adam and Mikey ran to her side.Wait a minute,she thought as she pulled out the green mineral from her belt. Wanting to test something, she held it closer to the girl. The girl whimpered as the green light shined on her face and tried to move away from it. Mikey pushed Black Bat's hand away slightly. The bat vigilante glanced at the mineral in her hand and hummed in a intrigued tone.

"That was awesome!" Miko exclaimed from the Ghost as the ramp opened.

When they returned to the manor, the first thing Qrow did was take a bath. He now stood in front of the mirror, his bat suit sprawled all over the floor behind him. He channeled his Aura through his arms and healed the small cuts and bruises. He sighed as the pain was ebbing away. "Another typical night of Batman." he muttered before pausing and glancing up at his reflection. To an outsider, they saw the reflection of Qrow Wayne, but to him, he was looking at the reflection of the Batman. "Another typical night of Batman," he repeated with a small smile and chuckled. "It's official. I'm back. Hehe. I'm back."

4 days later. . .

"Gave it our dam best shot and it blew up in our faces," Taylor growled through the pain in her shoulder. "Should have pulled out sooner than we did."

"I've been sucker-punched before," Snotlout admitted. "But never that hard or this bad. One hit and I'm out, like that. Unbelievable."

"Well, last time your paper jaw was hit by Thor's Mighty Hammer." Tuffnut replied. Astrid elbowed the Thorston before Hiccup placed a hand on his cousin. "Snotlout, if it's any consolation, you did get hit by a giant reptile." he said.

Both Snotlout and Amber leaned their heads back against the Imperial Dropship Transport, trying to support against the metal. The grey craft had taken a few hours to reach them, it wasn't until near daybreak before they arrived. Caine was just happy they were back in the game again and on the move.

"Thanks for getting us out of there, Sergeant Caine," Prince Daemon informed him. "We probably would've died in that tower if you and Private Arc hadn't been able to cart our asses down the turbolift shaft."

"Yeah, for an old time, you're still pretty spry." Ruffnut complimented.

"I was cloned from the Galaxy's most infamous Bounty Hunter," Caine chuckled warmly. "I guess it's in the genes. Although a regimental workout routine never hurts."

"Good to hear," Daemon replied. "Let's hope whoever's running things now appreciates that as much as we do. I don't know what they got cooked up next for that mega reptile, but we're going to need every Trooper on deck for it."

They hadn't been told exactly what the new plan was. The pilots didn't really have time to get all the details. All they knew was they had to get them to a specific set of coordinates where the next play against Alpha Predator One would go down. What was left of the power station's defense force, along with several other platoons were being ferried to some unknown destination by any transport that was still flying. Caine could see the other craft speeding along in the formation outside the large open doors of their transport. It was a pretty decent sized armada. Whatever this plan was, it was most certainly big.

Caine didn't know how big though until they arrived at their destination. An island. They had been flying over the sea for a few hours since leaving Anima and the power station a few days ago and have been seeing nothing. Until Jaune pointed something out ahead of them.

"Hey, guys, since when was there a city all the way out here?" he asked them all.

Caine and Hiccup walked to the open doors and looked out past Arc. He saw what looked like a city taking up residence on the small island. As they neared closer to it, Caine could see a number of large buildings, almost like Atlas or a small Coruscant. But something felt off about them. When he gave it a better look, he realized what it was. The buildings weren't really your traditional skyscrapers, they were pre-constructed buildings. Their seams, their foundations, structure, these weren't built from the ground up. Hiccup noticed them as well.

"Look at those creases along the structural points," the Viking Dragon Rider pointed out to the Scout Trooper. Caine spoke up to elaborate. "They're like puzzle pieces, made to fit together in a number of configurations. These buildings weren't built, they were assembled from already made bits and pieces. Probably over the course of a few days."

"You mean, it's like one of those urban combat environments they had us do drills on back at the Academy?" Jaune asked.

Blake shook her head in confusion. "Why would you build that this big on an island in the middle of nowhere?" she asked. "What kind of exercises would they be running here?"

"No idea what it was for before," the old Clone Trooper admitted before pointing down to the water. "But I know what they're using it for now."

Hiccup looked down where he pointed, Toothless following his example with Sharpshot and Green Bean on his head. All three dragons making noises of confusion and curiosity. "Well, that's a rare sight." Hiccup stated. "Naval vessels."

He was correct. Below them were Imperial Naval Vessels, the kind meant for coasting through the water and not the stars. The Imperial Maritime Division was rarely used in many operations, but they were still a formidable force. Caine could only imagine they were here to deal with Alpha Predator One when he arrived.

From high above, he could see a number of Advanced Scout Frigates. These fast repulsor lift powered craft sported two forward guns and were the smallest of the surface based ships. They were good for support operations with bigger ships as they could get under enemy guns. These fish shaped little craft made up the bulk of the battlegroup.

Among them were Heavy Destroyers. Large bulky clamshell-shaped ships with short range pummels, laser based weaponry that could bombard hard targets. The Heavy Destroyers sported dual pummels and were heavily armored. Used properly, they could do some serious damage.

There were also some Heavy Missile Destroyers in the battlegroup. Large bulky craft armed with dual missile launchers. They were mostly used against aircraft, but Caine supposed Alpha Predator One was big enough of a target that he might as well be an aircraft while he was standing up. Caine just hoped whatever they were armed with was good enough to penetrate the Kaiju's hide.

There were also a few smaller craft circling about the outside of the formation. These ships sported two frontal prongs, a large co*ckpit window and a smooth gliding chassis. These were Imperial Submarines, their primary function was also anti-air but they did have some underwater weapons as well.

"Don't usually see these guys out of dock," Amber stated as she and Prince Daemon stared over the side of the transport. "Looks like they're going to meet the Kaiju on their turf, a first line of defense before he reaches the island."

"This isn't enough to stop him," Caine observed. "I really hope they got a better plan than hitting him from the water. That's hardly the kind of change I was hoping for."

Their transport reached the island's beach and landed just a few meters from the pounding surf. Yang dismounted from Summer's back. She patted the Skrill before joining their group. Taylor and Snotlout limped off the aircraft, the former holding her shoulder as she did. Before they got very far though, they were stopped by an Imperial Maritime Officer.

"Prince Daemon and Lieutenant Taylor?" he said, looking to the injure Jumptrooper, gaining a nod from the Targaryen Prince and the best salute the Lieutenant could manage. "I'm General W.R. Monger. I am in charge of this Maritime Battlegroup." The General returned her salute and let the trio of Troopers and Huntresses at ease.

"How badly are you injured, Trooper?" he asked Taylor.

"I'll be good as soon as I can get something to help with the pain sir," the Lieutenant stated. "My Aura has healed the worst of the injury."

"Good to hear," Monger replied. "Your division redirected some Jumptroopers to the mock-up city. They could use your help. In fact, they'll need every Trooper's help to pull off the plan."

Caine stepped up, offering a brief salute of his own. "Sergeant Caine, sir." he began. "I was one of the Troopers who survived Animan Airfield. Sir, if I may ask, what exactly the plan?"

"Ah, you must be the Clone Trooper I kept hearing whispers about then," Monger stated, briefly eyeing the sergeant. "You've done well to survive repeated engagements with this Kaiju. We're going to need that. As to your question, it's complicated. Our task here isn't to kill the beast, it's to redirect its path towards a trap we are assembling."

Caine was a bit confused by that. He wasn't the only one. "A trap is being built for this thing?" Zuko asked.

"I hope it's some trap," Weiss muttered.

"How are we going to redirect it?" Ruby asked. "We've barely managed to scratch him half the time."

"True, but General Ironwood believes we can force it to change direction given the proper stimulus," Monger explained. "It is believed the Kaiju has a very aggressive threat response, setting its sights onto the nearest and most damaging aggressor and following them. If we can hit the Kaiju in the right spots, we can force it to chase us and with a little luck set it on a course for the trap."

"That sounds incredibly risky," Blake noted aloud. "What's the plan of attack on this exactly?"

Monger pointed to his battlegroup offshore, a small semblance of pride in his voice as he spoke. "Sending a captured Leviathan Grimm to lure it, my men will engage Alpha Predator One first." he stated broadly and gestured to a large Leviathan Grimm that was held within a large cage. Standing beside the cage was the superheroine named Ginormica, a silver haired woman that stood fifty feet tall. Next to her were members of Team Monster. The Missing Link between Man and Fish, B.O.B., Dr. co*ckroach PhD and Insectosaurus. "Enough direct hits followed by a strategic withdraw should force it to move in the direction we want. When he hits land, the Stormtroopers that have taken up positions in the fake buildings will ambush him with the Dragon Riders. We've also rigged explosives to go off when the Kaiju gets near. It's our hope we will antagonize the monster enough to direct it to the Northwest where our trap lies in wait."

The Huntresses and Huntsman stared at the caged Leviathan Grimm while Iroh spoke to Monger. "That Kaiju is going to crash into you with everything it has," he informed. "Your battlegroup is going to get hit hard."

Monger nodded sullenly, acknowledging the truth in the Fire Nation General's words. He was clearly troubled by it, but he didn't loose his sense of authority. "I'll admit, General Iroh, the risk is extremely high." he conceded sorrowfully. "I don't expect many of us will make it through this alive, not even your people. However, if my men do our jobs right, then you won't have to take the brunt of the losses today. All we have to do is get him to start heading Northwest and we're in the clear."

"It's going to take a lot of firepower to convince that lizard to head that way and stay on that path," Daemon observed. "I hope we're relying on something more than just sheer luck."

"General Ironwood wired that he has some insurance en route to assist in that," Monger insisted. "But it may not be enough to lead the Kaiju the way we want him to go alone. For now, we need to play to this monster's aggression, use it against him. It may be our only real advantage."

Ruby was starting to agree. The Kaiju's anger was what drove it, they knew that themselves. If they could use that against it, maybe they could herd him the way they wanted to. However, it all relied on how effective they were at setting him up along the path.

"Alright then, let's make this monster's rage work for us for once," she declared to her team and friends. She turned to General Monger. "Where are our positions?"

"The assembly area is handing out datapads that will show you," Monger informed them. "I'm told they have all the relevant information we need to know. Every inch of the plan, it outlined for us. We're not taking any chances on screw ups today. You'll find the assembly area at the edge of the mock-up's main street. Just head down the path, you'll find it. I'll maintain radio contact with the ground forces at all times. Now, I better get back to my command ship and prepare for the assault. Good luck to you all."

Caine watched the General leave them and they began their walk to the assembly area themselves. The old Clone Trooper was still a bit worried about the Maritime Division starting the attack out. Monger had confidence in men, but he was clearly worried himself. He had just accept that this would probably go bad. At least he wasn't like Zhao or Starscream, they didn't need another of any of them right now. Whatever potential pitfalls there were in this plan, it was certainly better than a blind assault like they had done before.

All they had to do was force a giant rampaging lizard to go the way they wanted. As Caine thought back to all the missions he had been on in the Clone Wars, he remembered all the near impossible tasks he and his Clone brothers had managed to pull off. None of them were anywhere this complicated though. Either this would be an operation for the history books or they'd all be incinerated when the Kaiju got on the beach. They'd find out what fate had in store for them in a few short hours.

Shortly after being released, the Leviathan swam as far as it could from the humans and the island. The Saurian Grimm swam at a leisurely pace now. Something was different. It's instincts were telling it to be very cautious instead of telling it to go hunting for humans. Cautious for what? The Grimm didn't know.

It got its answer when something rammed its stomach from below. The blow stunned the Leviathan Grimm as it rolled to its side in pain. Opening its eyes, the Grimm saw a Saurian Kaiju-Godzilla swimming under it.

Fear shot through the Grimm. The Kaiju was three times its size! It had to get out of the water! The island, its instincts told it. It had to get back to the island!

Righting itself, the Leviathan Grimm began to swim back the way it came as fast as it could. Hardly a minute passed before sharp teeth clamped on its hind leg. The Leviathan turned around and blasted fire at Godzilla's face. The Kaiju pulled away, but not without ripping the Grimm's foreleg while doing so.

Pain rippled through what was left of its leg. The pain fed the Grimm's motivation to swim faster. It was not fast enough.

Godzilla swam behind the Grimm before he dove down to the dark depths. He touched the sea floor and walked on all fours like a alligator and paused as the Leviathan swam above him. With a propel of his tail, Godzilla launched up like a torpedo. He opened his jaws and clamped them on the Leviathan's throat as the force of their collision sent them both flying out of the water. They were airborne for a moment, the Leviathan's roars of pain echoing through the air before they fell back into the water.

Once back underwater, Godzilla began to shake the Grimm in his jaws like a rapid dog before he ripped the Grimm's head off.

It was not enough to cool his anger. He bit on the Grimm's corpse and began to tear into it until all that remained was the Grimm's leg and tail as it slowly turned to dust and ash.

Chapter 9: The Trap

Chapter Text

The first thing Kara saw when she woke up was the Sun. She lifted her head up and saw that she was on the roof. A large roof at that. And that she was wearing her suit. She looked to the side of the roof and saw that masked man with horns sitting down not too far away, holding a paper. It was a newspaper, the front of it read,"Union City turned into a Sea of Fire by Male Godzilla Kaiju!"

"Who are you?" she said in a demanding tone. The Bull Faunus lowered his newspaper and glanced at her direction.

"Someone who doesn't want to hurt you." The Bull Faunus replied. "My name is Adam Taurus."

"Adam Taurus," she repeated. "My name is Kara, daughter of Zor-El." Suddenly over a dozen different kind of noises hit her ears and she could see Adam's bones as if his skin and flesh was made of see through glass. She held her head and grimaced in pain.

"Are you okay?" he asked in concern. "Is it always this loud?" she asked in response. Adam blinked under his mask and seemed to repeat what she just said silently to himself before realization seemed to hit him.

"Your heightened senses." he stated. Of course. The Imperial had recorded that in their files about her. "Kara, focus." he said to her. "Focus. Focus. Breathe."

Kara took deep breaths with her eyes closed. Soon all the noises faded away. When she opened her eyes, she could see Adam as a normal person would. No skeleton or organs visible. She sighed in relief. "Thank you," she said to the Bull Faunus.

Adam nodded before placing the newspaper down. "Now, it's been three days I assume you have some questions," he stated as he turned back to Kara with his arms crossed.

Kara nodded. "I am grateful that you broke me out of that cage, but why do it?" she asked.

"A vast majority of the people who put you in that cage were from the Galactic Empire," Adam began. "The Empire is one that rules with an iron fist. My allies and I are rebelling against them. We need your help to create a hole in the blockade of Star Destroyers for more Rebels to come down here on Remnant. We have hijacked a Orbital Gun but its controls are damaged. We've managed to work around that but you can even the odds more."

"Why should I help you?" she asked. "How do I know that Remnant won't put me back in another cage?"

"Well for one, this planet is home to dozens of super powered beings like you," Adam said. "As long as you act like a nice person and not harm innocents, Remnant won't have a reason to cage you. I mean, you're not here to conquer Remnant, are you?"

No, she was not. She simply had the intention of finding a new home after Krypton's destruction. Preferably with her younger cousin Kal-El, but it seems that fate had separated them. She had no idea where her cousin was now but she prayed to Rao that he was safe. She looked back to Adam and nodded firmly. "I will help you."

Adam nodded. "Thank you, Kara, daughter of Zor-El." he said in a grateful tone. "Come, the others are downstairs." he waved to the door ten feet from them.

"We've managed to make some changes to the overall plan." Hera filled them all in when Adam came down from the roof with who Miko and Mikey had dubbed Supergirl. It was either that or something else that sounded childish. "The Pandora Raiders have home made tracking devices that will be picked up on the Orbital Gun's targeting system. Both Kara and the gun can cripple the blockade enough for the Rebel fleet to make it to Remnant's surface."

"And maybe push the Destroyers away from the planet so they don't crash down to the planet," Hakoda added. "If we're going to drive the Empire off Remnant, I think it'd be safer to not let the Fire Nation or Atlas to get their hands on any ship big enough to carry a city and enough firepower to destroy a couple."

"Understood." Kara nodded.

"Hey, where's the old man?" Adam asked Whitley and Cinder. Both of them shrugged. Adam frowned a little. It would seem that Qrow was keeping his word that they were on their own after the little prison break. Though, he hadn't said anything of what he was doing after. Maybe he had a taste of being Batman again and didn't want to hang up the cowl and cape.

They would be coming out of hyperspace soon. When that happened, Jake wanted to be one of the first fighters off the deck. Hence why he and his son were sitting in the co*ckpit and the railgun waiting for the go. Shortly after meeting Admiral Raddus and his fleet, Ahsoka wanted them on point for this mission and they intended to follow that request through. Now Jake would admit that both he and Neytiri were concerned about the idea of painting Star Destroyers for the Orbital Gun and the Kryptonian mentioned, but the unease had evaporated quickly. Their Raiders and the Rebel Fleet were going to be the main thrust of the attack. They'd be leading the charge, breaking the blockade's fleet apart. He personally loved sticking it to the Empire's precious sense of superiority. Blowing up a good chunk of their Destroyer Fleet would be the biggest ego bruise against the Imps yet, especially since it would be with their own Orbital Gun.

"We're about to exit hyperspace, kids. And Wolf." Jake informed his Raiders. "The second we do, we're flying right down the Empire's throat. So let's get the final systems check out of the way and our engines warmed up now, because the second we can see real stars again we're off this deck."

"Spyder and Tuk here,"the young teenage human answered on the Comms."All weapons good to go. Trackers are loaded and ready for launch."His youngest daughter reported."Let's hope that gun carries the punch they sayit is,"Mo'at added.

"Wolf here,"the Yautja Elite replied next."All systems online, ready for another day of hunting Imperial pilots."

"Rico is in the gunner pod,"Batoinformed. Said Jawa was heard, clearly overexcited as ever, giggling like a maniac."Is it too late for someone else to be our gunner today?"Kiri asked.

"Sorry, Kiri," Jake said. "Better you and Bato have to deal with his semi-psycho tendencies than someone else in the fleet. You two can handle him just fine on your own."

"Just keep focused on leading the bombing wing."Neytiri said in Na'vi from next to Jake. "The only way we're getting the trackers on the Destroyers is if their shields are weakened enough. No way we'll get them attached otherwise."

Roughly five minutes later, the Pandora Raiders and a X-wing in Hyperspace exited it out of Hyperspace along with other ships like more X-Wings, Y-Wing, B-Wings and A-Wings the MC75 Star Cruiser, EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigates, Braha'tok-class gunships, Sphyrna-class Hammerhead corvettes, CR90 corvettes, GR-75 medium transports, Providence-class Dreadnoughts, Recusant-class light destroyers, Providence-class carrier/destroyers, one Lucrehulk-class battleship, Munificent-class star frigates, three Venator-class Star Destroyers and Autbot ships jumped out of Hyperspace.

"This is Admiral Raddus of the Rebel Alliance all squadrons report in."Raddus order his soldiers.

"Admiral this is Blue Leader standing by."Antoc Merrick said as his X-Wings, B-Wings and U-Wings were behind him.

"This is Green Leader standing by."Shara Bey said as she led her A-Wings.

"This is Gold Leader standing by."Jon "Dutch" Vander said as he led his Y-Wings.

"This is Red Leader standing by."Garven "Dave" Dreis said as he led his X-Wings.

"This is Grey Leader standing by."Norra Wexley said as she led her ARC-170 starfighter squad.

"This is the Aerialbots standing by."Silverbot said as he led his team and other Autobot flyers

"Red, Gold, Grey Squadrons and Aerialbots attack formation, defend the fleet. Blue and Green Squadrons , remember to escort our transports to Remnant so our troops can get a beachhead on the planet once the Orbital Gun has crippled the Destroyers."Raddus orders the fighters.

"Copy you Admiral, Blue Squadron with me."Antoc order his squad.

"Copy that Admiral, Green Squadron let's do this."Shara orders her A-Wing pilots.

"You got it, Admiral. Aerialbots, roll out."Silverbot declared.

"Stay sharp everyone."Ahsoka said from her command ship. "Pandora Raiders, remember that your primary targets are the Destroyers. Attach the trackers to them so the Ghost Crew can blast a hole through their lines. We will hold the line beyond the range of their guns for as long as possible. Good luck and may the Force be with you."

Jake just snorted. Luck, luck wasn't needed. It was all skill out there. One good pilot against another. Luck rarely had anything to do with it.

Remnant came into view with its shattered moon, as well as the line of Star Destroyers currently in orbit around the Rebels' intended landing zone. They had no doubt spotted their intrusion by now. It wouldn't be long before they would send out their TIEs. Jake could count at least Three Destroyers on this side of Remnant, blocking them and their attack force's route to the landing zone. Three ships to blow out of the sky, three ships of standing in the way of them getting to the ground. Bad odds in a normal circ*mstance, but they had a fleet of their own and tons of other flyers backing them up. Jake though still needed to know what they were up against.

"Bolts," he said, contacting the droid through his Comm. "We're getting in range of the Star Destroyers now. What do you see on the scope?"

"Several fighter wings heading towards you in standard attack formation, sir."the old Battledroid reported."Mostly regular variants, but we're detecting a few advanced fighters among them. They're probably the flight leads. I don't think they're happy to see you guys."

"What else is new?" Jake remarked to his wife who huffed aloud. "Wolf, take a wing below their flight pattern. Attack on my order. Lo'at, get ready to open fire on my mark. I'll have Bolt mark the nearest advanced fighters for us. Bato, you, Kiri and Rico stay close to me and the others. We're going to break through their fighters and hit their shield generators. Don't worry about the anti-air guns when we're close. We'll handle them.

"Heading down now,"Wolf replied."The Imps won't know what hit them."As he led a wing down beneath the opposing TIE flight pattern, Bolts contacted Jake again.

"Sir, we got an incoming transmission from the lead Star Destroyer,"he reported.

"Patch it through to Comms, Bolts," Jake said, smirking as he did. "And latch onto the transmission for me, will ya?"

"Roger, roger,"Bolts answered. Within moments the transmission filled his co*ckpit and those of the other Rebels, the pompous air of Imperial Superiority instantly recognizable."This is CaptainKeyes of the Imperial Star Destroyer Otachi,"the Imperial declared arrogantly."You have violated restricted Imperial Space. You will surrender or be destroyed."

"This is Captain Sully of the Pandora Raiders, I think I speak for all us Rebels when I say that I am not very fond of those options, Captain." Jake said, opening up the Comm to contact the Imperial directly. "Let me explain how this is really going to go down. We're gonna head down to that planet you're blockading and we're going to go through to do it. One way or another."

"Such insolence,"the Imperial Captain replied indignantly."Your toothless threats don't scare me in the slightest. I hope you enjoy being target practice, Rebel scum."

"Same to you, Imp." Jake snorted back. " Grey Leader! Silverbot! Open fire!"

Norra and Silverbot started raking shots along the TIE flight path, aiming for the advanced fighters who were leading the wings. Jake and Neytiri joined them in sniping the TIEs as they began to close in. They needed to take down as many of the squadron leaders as possible in the first hit, removing the most experienced among their number. The advanced fighters tried to break formation when they were targeted, but the two ARC-170s and the Aerialbot kept the focus as they attempted to disperse. Jake and Neytiri themselves managed to land three shots into one lead pilot's co*ckpit, exploding the inside of the craft in a fiery ball. Norra's shots clipped the wing of another, causing them to spin violently into one of his wingmen.

As the gap between the two forces became smaller, Jake unleashed his next attack and called Wolf back into the fray. The Yautja Elite and several other ARC-170s, raced up from the black void and screeched into the middle of the attack TIEs. Their lasers blasted apart many of the Imperial Fighters, Wolf himself blowing part several as he twisted and turned through the air, lighting up the sky with laser fire. He moved from one TIE to another, rocketing through their debris field as he raced up to the next one. Jake imagined that the Yautja never once let up on the trigger, gleefully cutting into the bellies of the TIEs before their pilots knew what was happening.

The tactic worked to Jake's expected result. While the TIEs weren't all destroyed, the attack from below caused enough confusion among them to force their formations to break early. As the wing formations of Rebels and Imperials met, it was the latter who found themselves in disarray. Knowing the Imperials though, Jake knew this wouldn't last long. The remaining squadron leaders would rally and start hitting back hard. They needed to use what time they had to make a break for the Star Destroyers.

"Wolf, Bato, run screening pattern," Jake ordered. "We need to keep the majority of the fighters away from the bombers. Lo'at, Silverbot, follow me towards the left Star Destroyer. Grey Leader and I'm going to hit the deck guns and give you a clear approach to the Shield Generators up top. Rico, keep watch on your six with the turret. Bato and Wolf can't keep every TIE off our backs."

"That sounds like a challenge,"the Yautja Elite chuckled.

Jake and Neytiri rolled their eyes at Wolf's hunt talk, he always got competitive during attacks on the Imps. Pro and Con of coming from a race of warriors and hunters.

"Just be ready to bring it in when I call you," Jake warned.

"Pandora Raider Leader is right,"Grey Leader said."The second the Imps figure out our game, they're going to shift tactics. So let's make this first run count."

Kicking in the boosters, both the Na'vi and Grey Leader took off towards their first target. Silverbot kept up with them from behind, his Aerialbots leading the attack formation with Nora's ARC-170s squad. Jake knew there would be a few TIEs in reserve around the Destroyers themselves to protect them from attacks, so getting past that screen of fighters would their first major obstacle. The next would be the guns, but he, Neytiri and Grey would take care of enough of those to give Silverbot and Lo'at the shot they needed.

It didn't take long before Norra spotted a squadron of fighters blocking her path. As they opened up on her, she turned hard on the stick, forcing herself into a loop. The G-forces strained against her body as she pulled up, flipped around and began diving back towards her targets. Her ARC-170 was facing the tops of the TIEs now, perfect targets. She strafed fire across their path, cutting into them from above. She destroyed two on her way down, winged a third and sped past the rest. Jamming the stick back hard, she turned her fighter back around to face the backsides of the TIEs from below this time. They were still on an interception course for Silverbot's Aerialbots and Lo'at's bombers.

"Great, Imps with a concept of focus," Norra grumbled to herself. "Just what I need."

She boosted back up towards the TIEs, screaming in from behind. She laid down a torrent of laser fire, ripping into the rear of one TIE and causing it to explode. She then switched targets and shot off the wing of a second TIE. As she was lining up her third shot though, green laser bolts streamed from above. An Advanced Fighter. Probably the Squadron Leader.

"Damn, forgot to look for him," she growled as she turned the ARC-170 to the left.

The TIE sped past her as she avoided his dive. She then boosted away, trying to catch up to the remaining TIEs. As she closed in on her targets, she watched as Bato and Kiri's bomber opened up. He fired two blasts that punctured the co*ckpit of one TIE, causing it to explode. He then lurched the bomber to the side to avoid another series of shots as he fired back his own and caught the offending TIE in the fuel cell. The little fighter exploded moments later. Norra could hear the Jawa screaming over the radio moments later.

"I did not mess up your shot, Rico,"Kiri grumbled as the bomber was leveling out.

Rico went back to shooting, firing on screeching TIEs coming in from above. With amazing precision, the little hooded desert rat managed to blast three of the Imperial Fighters from the sky with ease. Their little wings got systematically clipped, their fuel cells ruptured and one TIE even got a direct hit to his laser cannon. A second shot had them backfire and destroy the TIE with its own weapon.

As Norra admired the little Jawa's skills though, she took a hit to her rear shields. The Advanced Fighter was back on her tail and pursuing once more. She had an idea on how to shake him, but she needed Silverbot to pull if off.

"Silverbot, this Grey Leader, I'm coming alongside you guys," Nora said as she kicked the boosters into gear. "I got their flight lead on my six. Take him down."

"With pleasure," the Aerialbot responded with a snicker. Norra raced past the the Aerialbot leader, the Advanced TIE in pursuit. A series of shots from Silverbot's gun ripped into the wing facing him. Fire and smoke billowed out from the damaged energy arrays, causing the fighter to lurch from side to side. Norra took the chance to pull a 180 turn and barrel back down the injured fighter's throat. She fired a constant stream of lasers into the enemy pilot's face and in the next second she was flying through his smoking debris field. She and theTor'ruk Mak'toARC-170 eased out their speeds in front of Silverbot and Bato and Kiri's bomber.

"We got a straight shot now, boys," Norra stated. "I'm going for the turrets on the deck. Follow me in!"

"Roger that, Grey Leader,"both Jake and Silverbot said. They dove towards the Star Destroyer now.

Godzilla could see the little human ships in the distance, armed to the teeth with heavy weapons. They looked nothing like the ships from home. In fact, he wasn't sure most of them were even touching the water. And it looked like there was more dragons than last time. Water dragons mainly. It didn't matter, they had to be taken care of if he was to press on. There was still much to do on this new world and he could not be hindered.

As he watched the ships move about the waters, he thought back to Earth, back to the humans who had sent him here. They had gathered a fleet unlike any seen before, mustering all their weaponry together out of spite. Then they sent the two crude mechanical visage of himself out to attack him. Super-MechaGodzilla (Created by Howard Stark) and Kiryu (Created by Tony Stark), along with Gypsy Danger and the Dragon Zord as well as a few superheroes, most notable one was Hercules.

He had encountered that robotic mockery and Kiryu several times, mostly during his attacks on the Japanese mainland. They had prevented him a number of times from enacting his vengeance and against the others of his kind. That day was different though, they had them come after him.

Before, Godzilla had amused Super-MechaGodzilla, holding back as he refused to treat it as a foe worthy of his full power. Kiryu was different. It was a cyborg built around the corpse of his kin. A member of his tribe. Oh, how angry he was when he found THAT out. And it wasn't just him that was angry about Kiryu. Because of this, Godzilla did treat Kiryu as a worthy foe, because there were times when the spirt of the Gojiran Kaiju took control of the machine. There were times that he and Kiryu would fight side by side against a common enemy or powerful threat to the Earth. Kang the Conquer, Rita Repulsa and Ultron were prime examples.

When they fought, Godzilla retreated because he was tired of fighting. Other times, he managed to beat Kiryu and Super-MechaGodzilla, he took pleasure in that. But openly attacking, on his own territory? That was the final straw. He was done playing with the oversized toy and Kiryu. When Godzilla was done, his double and mechanical kin wasn't just defeated. There was nothing left of Super-MechaGodzilla and Kiryu? Broken, torn apart, scrap.

Hopefully, the humans will leave Kiryu and let the Gojiran Kaiju rest in peace. Or they'd deal with the Queen.

The humans always sought to use their technology in such a manner. To prove their superiority and flaunt their arrogance. They made his double and Kiryu to do just that. To show that they were stronger than him, that their machines and weapons could triumph over him and the rest of his kind. They thought themselves so clever to be able to create such things. Their tanks, their planes, their ships. Their suits. All tools of war they used against him, the aliens and each other whenever the mood struck them. They never thought about the consequences, only in their own selfish need for power, not understanding what it really meant.

The weapon that had sent him here was built with that in mind. Another attempt to kill him. He had felt its power as they activated it. More than that one weapon they had used so many years ago. Just as that one, they had made this weapon without thinking. Playing God as they always did. All because they needed to get rid of him. Even the Avengers and the Justice League agreed with them. They couldn't accept his existence. A handful have but the rest never will. It reminded them perhaps, of their own sins maybe. So they put faith in a giant gun to end it for them. To make their sin go away, as if it would wipe their hands clean.

It had failed, of course.

Merely transplanting is vengeance to another world. Although, this planet did have advantages. The power he had absorbed from the reactor had rejuvenated him, made him even stronger. He could feel it even now, coursing through his body. He wondered if that had changed anything, he had never soaked up so much radiation before. Only twice. That day so long, long ago and in 1995 and even both paled in comparison. In fact he could sense small amounts of power resonating in the ground. He could feel it there but it was strangely faint and he didn't understand why. With no way to know at the moment, he could not siphon it. Perhaps in time, he would learn the source.

Still, the world of Remnant was crawling with another set of humans, as depraved and guilty as any he had fought before. These white-clad soldiers and elemental benders. They placed their faith in technology, used it to cement power for themselves. He knew they were just as destructive, selfish and arrogant as those who had sent him here. It was just their nature, as it was his nature to reveal their folly unto them. The humans and their gods and devils from home hadn't been able to confine him like the others and neither would these humans. He would not yield in his mission, they would.

That was not an excuse to act blindly though. His rage against the double and Kiryu and the ships waiting for him had kept him from thinking clearly. He should've been able to destroy their weapon before it activated, probably taken it out first if he hadn't been so focused on the ships.(Well played, Fury and Ross.)This time, he would not be so distracted. Within his lookout among the rocks, he rubbed the purple flesh on the stab wound on his shoulder and decided upon a course of action. One that would show the white-clad army how small they truly were yet again. He'd obliterate their fleet of hovering ships, kill some dragons and move onto the city they were guarding on the island.

Different planet, different day, same old story. It was the nature of things. As it should be.

Just then the rocks beneath him shot up and hit him square in the jaws. He stumbled back a little while holding his jaw. He popped it back into place and then turned around as the rocks all came together and formed one large flat and smooth slab where he and the Kaiju before him could stand on. It would look as if they were standing on a large table.

Godzilla narrowed his yellow eyes. "Ghidorah," he growled with a glare. "Finally come to face me by yourself instead of hiding behind the Guardian Kaiju."

"I am a Guardian Kaiju," the Golden Dragon Kaiju-Human declared with a glare of his own. This made Godzilla narrow his eyes more. "Well then, no need to waste time." he replied.

And then he threw a punch to Ghidorah. The Dragon Kaiju blocked the punch and to the side to dodge the other punch before he pushed the Saurian Kaiju back. Godzilla stumbled back slightly before regaining his footing and transformed into his human form. He threw punches, kicks and claw slashes at the variant of his most hated enemy. Ghidorah blocked most of the attacks before being clawed across his chest. He gritted his teeth and threw his own attacks at Godzilla. Godzilla blocked, parried or dodged the punches thrown at him as well before the two moved away from each other. Then Ghidorah jumped up high and kicked at Godzilla who blocked each kick before he jumped and did the same move. Ghidorah blocked each kick before shifting the rock slab beneath them to make Godzilla slide to the edge. Godzilla dug his claws and skidded to a halt before both of their fists became a blur as they attacked and defended at the same time. After three full minutes, the two Kaiju leaned back and entered different battle stances.

The two Kaiju stared at each other like Bald Eagles before Ghidorah straightened up and held his fist in his palm. Golden Aura surrounded his body before complete copies of himself appeared around the Saurian Kaiju. Godzilla snorted smoke before returning the gesture. He remained still as the Ghidorah's charged at him.

He caught the leg of the Ghidorah from his right before slamming him down on the ground and stomped on his jaw hard enough to break it. The Ghidorah clone crumpled to dust. Godzilla leaned back to dodge the claw slash of another Ghidorah clone. He caught the Golden Dragon Kaiju-Human's wrist and spun to the ground. He rolled over the Ghidorah clone's back, his dorsal spines stabbing and slicing through its back while he broke its left arm.

Godzilla rose to his feet and caught the leg of a kicking Ghidorah. He kicked another Ghidorah away before kicking the Ghidorah he held at the hip while forcing the leg up until there was an audible SNAP.

Another Ghidorah tried to rush him but Godzilla caught its wrist and spun around. He held the clone's arm in a submissive hold while he began to deliver rapid punches to its face before twisting its neck and dropping it.

Godzilla's arms and tail became a blur as he blocked and parried the punches and kicks from four clones before he spun around, Tail Clubbing three in the face with enough force to shatter their skulls.

Just as he turned to the last one, he was blasted by Gravity Beams. He gritted his teeth in mild pain as King Ghidorah blasted him more and more. His spines glowed, not blue but fiery gold. He walked forward while Ghidorah kept blasting him with his Gravity Beams before he grabbed the Golden Dragon's wrists and headbutted him. Ghidorah grunted in pain before growling and threw his own headbutt at Godzilla. The Saurian Kaiju headbutted him with twice as much force and knocked Ghidorah to the ground.

Godzilla pinned the Guardian Kaiju with his foot and glared down at him. "Go back to Hell, Golden Devil." he growled. "And stay there."

Ghidorah chuckled mirthlessly. "You think I'm the Devil?" he asked as Godzilla inhaled. "You should meet my sister."

Godzilla unleashed his golden Atomic Breath at Ghidorah at point blank range in the chest. The beam morphed into a ball of radioactive energy and exploded, sending massive tidal waves in all directions. In the middle of it all was a huge mushroom cloud, reaching high into the atmosphere.

Mothra, Gamera, Queen Cesar, Biollante and Gamora gasped in shock as they collapsed to their knees. The five Guardian Kaiju, male and female, looked at each other with horrific expressions.

Meanwhile, Queen Ghidorah and her Alien Kaiju were cheering and laughing at the sight of the Guardian Kaiju being killed by the male Godzilla. Monster X, however looked at the hologram with a tinge of remorse.May you find peace, my son.

"Prepare the fortress," the Golden Queen declared. "It's time I meet him, face to face."

With blood and ash raining on his face and upper torso, Godzilla watched the monument to his power rise and roared in fury. The golden light was gone but his fury was not gone. A part of him told him that he killed a Guardian Kaiju but he did not care. Memories of King Ghidorah were running through his mind, reminding him why he killed this variant of the Golden Devil. Guardian or not.

Wiping out nearly all life on Earth while fighting Darkseid, forcing his Tribe to the sea. Dropping his friend Anguirus from high altitudes. Killing his Queen twice. Tormented his youngest son for months and nearly killed his sister.

He roared loud and full of hatred and fury. It would have struck fear in all of Apokolips, Asgard the Mad Titan and the realm of Hell itself. It sounded as if he was declaring war on the heavens and hells themselves.

It wouldn't be the first time.

For now though, he would settle for the armies of this world.

Hiccup and the Dragon Riders watched the battlegroup from high above in the air with Caine and the Huntsmen and Huntresses in their fake building, waiting for Alpha Predator One's approach. The remaining probes had last seen him in this part of the ocean on track for the island and the mockup city. He had to be close.

"Maybe he's afraid of water," Caboose suggested with a shrug.

"From the footage I've seen, I doubt that thing is afraid of anything," the Blue Trooper, Church responded with a huff.

"Yeah, we aren't that lucky." Jaune admitted.

Astrid turned to Hiccup and noticed he wasn't looking out to sea like the rest of them. "Hiccup, everything okay?" she asked.

"This whole place makes no sense," Hiccup said, gesturing to the walls of the fake building. "Why build a training ground this big? What were they setting up here?"

"Maybe it has something to do with Atlas," Astrid shrugged.

Caine understood Hiccup's questions. It wasn't their place to question but even he couldn't help wondering. Maybe it was just more of the disparate thoughts swimming around in his head. The ones he had since the other night about that shadow in the airfield. He kept trying to push them down, but that Kaiju kept dragging them up every time he looked in his direction. The old Clone Trooper just couldn't shake the fact that what he saw wasn't a coincidence, not with that thing stomping around.

Maybe once this thing was dead, once this lizard was no longer giving accusatory glares, he could figure things out. That is if they could kill this thing. He had to trust that this trap they were setting up for it would be good enough to pull that off. Caine however was wondering if they really understood what they were up against here. Hiccup did and he got Team RWBY and the Reds and Blues to understand that. He didn't want to sound insubordinate, but sometimes he wondered if he could trust all of command's decisions. Zhao was just one example of a long list of people who had treated him poorly.

All those comments he had made, those vicious put downs, calling him a lab experiment, he had heard them all before. It was why he had never gotten angry with Zhao or Starscream. They were nothing new. As soon as the advanced aging kicked in, the Empire he fought to bring about forgot about him. They didn't care, he wasn't needed, end of story. Everything he had done didn't matter, he was just some test tube human grown in a vat now, not a soldier. The war he'd been built for was over and so was he. He wondered if anyone in the higher ups even cared.

After all he had done, what he had seen, what he sacrificed for them and they just forgot about him. This isn't what they promised when the Empire was still the Republic. He took it to the chin though, just let it slide. Mostly because he was allowed to be in the military despite being declared a relic. Now though, the anger was cropping back up. That shadow kept nagging on his mind and it kept making him think more about what he had done, the greatest sacrifice he had ever done for the Empire. For a long time he just wanted to forget it, but now things had changed. He kept thinking about about how he had felt nothing and said nothing in the temple, how it hadn't hit him until later. And it was bringing up a few questions he had no answers to, much like this mockup town.

Like he said, Caine didn't believe it was a coincidence that Alpha Predator One had appeared at the same time as that shadow. At the same time these questions cropped up. And those eyes just kept looking at him with the same accusatory glare, that angry, vicious, soul-burning stare. He knew there was something behind those eyes, something more than just a man who could turn into a bloodthirsty animal. He wanted something, but Cain didn't know what and the not knowing frightened him even more.

"Hey," Lieutenant Taylor spoke up suddenly, breaking Caine out of his thoughts. "Something is out on the water."

Hiccup pulled out his spyglass while Caine and Prince Zuko did the same with their macro binoculars. The three of them looked out past the battle fleet. There was something barreling through the water beneath the waves. It was heading straight for the ships.

"He's here," Zuko glowered, his eyes narrowing.

The wake in the water grew larger with each passing second. As it neared the fleet, gunners lined up their weapons with the wake, knowing the enemy they had been waiting for was closing in. None of them had faced the Kaiju before, but they had heard plenty of stories about its rampage. For this reason, none of them broke eye contact with the wake for even an instant.

The waves soon crested to their peak and a series of dorsal spines poked out of the water. The jagged fins cut through the sea, heading straight for the ships.

~Yo-hohoho Yo-hohoho!~

A voice began to sing. Many looked for the source while one of the Advanced Scout Captains shouted to his gunners as the spines approached. "Brace yourselves! He's closing in!"

~Yo-hohoho Yo-hohoho!~
~Yo-hohoho Yo-hohoho!~
~Yo-hohoho Yo-hohoho!~

Trying to ignore the singing voice, no one dared fire. Not until they were sure they had a clear shot. Their briefing warned them that going for the body was useless, they needed to hit the head or nothing at this point.

~Binkusu no sake wo, todoke ni yuku yo~
~Umikaze kimikase namimakase~
~Shio no mukou de, yuuhi mo sawagu~
~Sora nya wa wo kaku, tori no uta~

They all got ready for impact instead, expecting the Kaiju to ram them with his spines. Some ships moved further back or attempted to get out of the way. Then suddenly, the ships just stopped, mere meters away from the ships at the edge of the battlegroup. The Imperials aboard were stunned, confused as to why the Kaiju had stopped so short. By the time they looked to their sonar screens for an answer, the Kaiju gave it to them.

~Yo-hohoho Yo-hohoho!~
~Yo-hohoho Yo-hohoho!~
~Yo-hohoho Yo-hohoho!~
~Yo-hohoho Yo-hohoho!~

The spines lifted up of the water, revealing that they weren't on the Kaiju's back but his tail. Alpha Predator One was under them at this very moment and was starting to surface. As the water lurched upwards from the Kaiju's approach, ships were pushed aside in the surf. The lucky ones just smashed together as they were tossed around in the waves. They unlucky ones were those closer to the epicenter.

The Kaiju's head rose snout first, jaws wide open. It's maw ejected out of the deep and crunched down on a Heavy Missile Destroyer in the middle of the battlegroup. As it snapped apart in his teeth, the Kaiju crashed his head into another of the Missile Destroyers beside him. He headed back under, but only briefly, before violently exploding once more from the deep and biting the tip of the bow and holding it in his mouth.

Then, with the ship still entrapped in his jaws, he rose up out of the water. His dorsal spines impaled or caught many of the small ships nearby. They fired their weapons at him, the Heavy Destroyers blasting away like mad while schools of Sea Shocker dragons zapped his legs with electricity. But it all did little to hurt Alpha Predator One. He shook the captured ships off his back and let them crash back down into the water from high above.

Now standing on the sea floor, the water surrounding the Kaiju looked more like a shallow pool than a deep body of water. He dropped the Missile Destroyer in his jaws down onto a pair of Heavy Destroyers below, crushing all three ships in a mess of mangled metal. He then roared at the small ships below and they responded by firing everything they had left at him.

Heavy Destroyers circled around, firing their pummels into the Kaiju's lower arms. It did little to force the beast back down into the surf. The Advanced Scout ships were practically useless, their weapons unable to even phase the lizard. The Kaiju swished his tail across the water once, sending a miniature tidal wave hurtling through the battlegroup. If the giant wave didn't capsize the ships, the tail smashed them apart.

The Missile Destroyers were more effective, managing to get their projectiles to strike the Kaiju in the face. The initial attack had destroyed most of them but there were still enough to force the creature to take notice. The Kaiju reptile reached down and grabbed the launcher off of one of the Destroyers, ripping it from the ship itself. He then tossed it down, missiles and all, towards the ships below. The explosion ripped apart a Missile Destroyer, sending debris flying everywhere as the rest of its forward magazine erupted.

The Kaiju continued to devastate the small fleet, smashing his great fist down onto ships or splitting them in two with a THWACK of his tail. The Kaiju's spines began to glow bright blue before it fired a blazing beam of energy that ripped through several of the ships still in front of him.

Out of direct line of sight from the Kaiju, General W.R. Monger kept watch on the battle through the images of a probe droid was feeding him. He hadn't expected the Kaiju to surface inside the battlegroup. An error on his part, he admitted. He'd have to push up his time table or risk losing the entire battlegroup.

"Submarine crews, move into position along the perimeter of the battlegroup," he ordered through the Comm "Fire at Alpha Predator One's legs from below the surface, try to get him back down into the surf. We need to buy time to get into firing range."

Submarines sped through the deep from around one side of the island towards Alpha Predator One. As they got into range, their sonar picked up the Kaiju. They readied torpedo tubes as they approached, taking aim near the Kaiju's joints.

"Fire all tubes at once and reload!" the lead sub pilot told the others. "Scauldrons, when he sticks his head down, spray your hot water on his taste buds and we're going to fire another volley down his gullet."

When they closed within range, the subs fired torpedos. They ejected out of the launch bays and rushed through the water towards the Kaiju's leg. When they collided with the Kaiju's scales, the blasts sent up plumes of water into the sky. Alpha Predator One roared aloud in anger and just as quickly ducked his head below the waves. The Tidal Class dragons got close and sprayed boiling hot water into his roaring his jaws and the Thunderdrums shot sonic blasts at the Kaiju's ears. The Kaiju shook his head and roared in mild pain. The same way anyone would if they had scalding hot water sprayed in their mouth combined with sonic blasts in their ears. The sub pilots looked on in horror as the Kaiju's yellow eyes narrowed on them.

"Fire! Quick, everyone, fire!" Fresh torpedos rushed out at the Kaiju, intending to strike him in the face. Instead, the monster slammed his claws into the sea bed and churned up a screen of stone and rocks. Most of the torpedos crashed harmlessly into the torn up sea floor, what did hit the giant lizard was inconsequential. The sub pilots kept trying to see behind the dust and boulders, but couldn't.

"Where's the target?" One asked. "Anyone got a visual?"

They got said visual moments later, when the Kaiju swam through the torn up sea floor right at them. The lead sub pilot's eyes went wide behind his visor.

"Surface! Surface! All subs surface!"

The subs tried to flee from the Kaiju's underwater charge, racing towards the surface or moving out of the creature's path. Some were lucky, others were not. The subs and dragons that weren't fast enough found themselves run down by the monster's furious swimming, crushed against his girth or sliced open by his dorsal fins.

The subs rushed to the surface and high tailed it towards the battlegroup. As they did so, the Kaiju breached the surface himself and began chasing after the subs. At least he wasn't in the middle of the battlegroup anymore, so they could effectively unleash their fire power on the reptile as he waded through the water. The subs could do the same, as the Kaiju chased them, they switched their weapons to the anti-air missile launchers.

"Fire everything, boys, keep him back!"

Missiles swarmed out of the sub's launchers, cascading down onto the Kaiju in rapid succession. Hitting him mostly in the eyes, it forced the male Kaiju to slow. One missile managed to hit Alpha Predator One at the semi open stab wound on the shoulder where purple veins were appearing. Growling through gritted teeth, the Kaiju charged up his Atomic Breath before opening his mouth and delivering a powerful blast. The beam cut through the water in front of the subs, cutting them off from the safety of the battlegroup. The Kaiju kept firing, boiling the water with his breath, aiming it further back towards the subs.

"Dive! Dive!" The lead pilot ordered. The subs did so, although too late for at least five of them. The beam destroyed them before they got too deep. Only two Scauldrons managed to swim away. The remaining Sea Shockers and Thunderdrums also retreated. The angry Kaiju refused to let up though, burning the sea red with his radioactive breath. When suddenly, something slammed into his face and exploded, halting his beam attack. The Kaiju shut his mouth instantly, not wanting to expose himself. The remaining ships' crews looked back to see a large vessel moving through the waves.

"It's the General!" shouted one of the Missile Destroyers' crewmen. "Thank the Emperor."

General W.R. Monger's vessel, theTakako, was no ordinary ship. It was a retrofitted old battleship, armed with three missile launchers and six mass driver guns, each attached in pairs to three turrets. TheTakakocoasted along repulsorlifts with three hydrofoil skiffs helping it to coast through the waters. It had a pointed bow and a large Conning Tower near the stern. Standing near the controls of the battleship was Monger himself, giving the Kaiju his own menacing glare.

"I knew this captured Trade Federation Advanced Battleship would see its day eventually," he stated. "Never thought it would be like this, but beggars can't be choosers. We've spent over sixteen years upgrading this old girl. Time to show this overgrown Stegosaurus Rex what theTakakocan do!" he turns to one of his crewmen. "Send the Vultures out first, distract Alpha Predator One and then open fire with every gun on deck!"

A compartment in the middle of the battleship opened, racing out of it were several old Trade Federation Vulture Droid Fighters. These little two pronged fighters had once been the servants of the Separatists, but now they only answered to Monger and the Battleship's control node. The flying robots fired on the Kaiju's face, going for the eyes and throat. Growling the beast tried to swat them out of the air as they approached before the blue blob monster known as B.O.B. jumped off one, "LEERROOYY JENKINS!" he shouted as landed on the Kaiju's right eye.

As the monster tried to fend off the annoying droids and the blue blob off his eye, Ginormica jumped off Insectosaurus and landed on the Kaiju's shoulder. She reached to her belt, pulling a handful (boat load) of grenades out. She pulled the pin off one of them and shoved her hand deep into the stab wound on Alpha Predator One's shoulder and left the grenades inside his flesh. Just as the Kaiju managed to get the blob off his face, Ginormica jumped into the water and then the grenades exploded in his arm. He roared in pain as bits of flesh and drops of blood flew from the now burning wound. Then he was hit hard by more rockets and mass driver shots from theTakako,striking him along the upper torso and face.

General W.R. Monger looked on relatively pleased, but he remembered the mission. He wasn't about to risk his men or his Monster Team trying kill this Kaiju, only antagonize it.

"Alright battlegroup, pull back to the Northwest and let this bastard chase us," he ordered. "Keep firing and keep him preoccupied. Do not let him disengage."

The battlegroup's remaining ships turned hard back around, trying to join Monger's battleship as they retreated. They fired on the Kaiju as they did so, refusing to let up their barrage. The Kaiju roared after them, absorbing their shots. When suddenly, it started to drop towards the water. It was diving again. The subs spotted him swimming for them soo after, following Monger's orders, they fired some torpedoes and turned to flee. Alpha Predator One fired an energy blast from his mouth in return, obliterating the projectiles, tearing through the subs and then exploding out of the water to decimate another Heavy Missile Destroyer.

The Kaiju's dorsal fins breached the surface again, cutting through the waves as it closed on the battlegroup. The ships fired on the spines, to little avail. Those that could not get out of the way were cut in two by the spines. A large hand shot out of the water suddenly and grabbed onto a Heavy Destroyer, pulling it under. The Kaiju's fins then cut through the rest of the battlegroup in his way and the titanic reptile pulled himself out of the deep once more. He stared down at the battleship below.

"Open fire! All Mass Drivers! All Missiles!" Monger ordered his crew. "Get him away from what's left of our ships!"

Even as the attacks hit the reptile hard, the Kaiju just roared at the vessel and slung his arm towards it. He released the Heavy Destroyer he had grabbed earlier and like a large flying disk, sent it hurtling towards theTakako. It crashed into the deck, destroying two of the mass driver turrets before it careened off the port side.

The droid fighters raced after the Kaiju. They began firing at the back of the Kaiju's head, raking him with laser bolts, trying to get him to disengage from theTakako. He just turned towards them. He then reached down and pulled a Missile Destroyer from the waves. He tossed the giant ship towards the fighters, charging up his beam as he did. When the destroyer was in the middle of the fighters he fired, letting the explosion of the ship's armaments destroy the droids in a massive fireball.

Insectosaurus flew in from behind and rammed his 350 foot tall body slam into Alpha Predator One and bit down on the purple veined stab wound. The Saurian Kaiju roared in pain before slamming his tail into the giant butterfly. Insectosaurus was sent flying back until he collided with a rocky cliff on the beach. Ginormica yelled as she landed on Alpha Predator One's shoulders and punched him in the head. Roaring, the Kaiju swung his tail and hit her in the stomach. The fifty foot tall woman fell into the sea. Alpha Predator One reached down to pick her up. He brought her close and sniffed her. His head tilted curiously before tossing her aside. The Kaiju's tail tip crashed down onto the battleship itself. The swipe destroyed one of the hydrofoils, snapping it off like a twig. The Takako began to list but it didn't stop shooting. Laser blasts and missiles cascaded along the Kaiju's back, forcing him to turn back all the way around. He waded through the water towards the now crippled ship, his snarl clearly visible to Monger. His men kept firing but the Kaiju didn't stop approaching. Damaged as they were, they couldn't turn the ship around and start running. They were taking on water fast and their weapons were down to near half strength.

Monger picked up the Comm.

"Land team, sorry to say we blew it," he stated as he watched a missile cruise into Alpha Predator One's face, the Kaiju barely even flinching. "It's up to you now." The Kaiju began to punch his right fist against the Takako. The ship shook as cracks formed on the hull. "Remember, get him to head Northwest. Get him on the path to the trap."

The massive reptilian Kaiju raised both his fists above his head as the battleship still fired defiantly. Was it the General's imagination or was that respect flashing in the Kaiju's eyes for a brief moment?

"At least my boys finally got their day." General W.R. Monger declared, raising his hand to salute. "And I finally met my match. Good luck, Troopers. For the Emp-"

The Kaiju's fists crashed down on the ship, breaking it in two.

Back in Space

The space battle raged on as Rebel fighters and TIEs engaged each other in a furious dance of laser fire. A few X-wings went into an attack formation on a Star Destroyer as TIEs soon started pulling back to protect the Destroyers.

"We're going in." a male pilot said. The X-Wings few in firing at the weapons on the Star Destroyer destroying a few of the turrets while losing only three X-Wings. At another Slingshot was dodging blaster fire from TIE's and Seekers.

"Come on" Slingshot said as he destroyed a shield generator on top of the Destroyer while being chased but his team and a few X-Wings and ARC-170's were assisting the Autobot.

Dutch and his squad of Y-Wings were going in. "Red leader, this is Gold leader we're starting our attack run on a Star Destroyer. Alright everyone, keep it tight and watch out for those towers." Dutch said.

The Y-Wings made their bombing run on the Star Destroyer damaging it severely, but it was an uphill battle for them. A squad of TIE's and Seekers flew in and started damaging the Profundity.

"Deflector shields are down to 50% we're sustaining heavy damage." a bridge officer said.

"There's no turning back now. We have to press the attack and buy more time for Ghost Crew to get the Orbital Gun back online." Raddus said.

The battle was chaotic as fighters were getting destroyed but five Y-wings flew through the chaos and made another attack run another Star Destroyer without the shield generator.

"Hit that opening." Dutch said.

"We see it Gold Leader, Ion Torpedoes away." a female pilot said.

The Y-Wings fired its Ion Torpedoes disabling the Star Destroyer in space, but their hope came as a powerful shot came from Remnant and destroyed the disabled ship making the Rebels cheer at this.

"They did it." Raddus said as he smiles at this. The Ghost Crew has done it.

"Direct hit!" the Rebels shouted with glee through the radio. "Target one destroyed!"

Another shot came and destroyed a Decepticon ship and then another shot crippled the Star Destroyer Otachi.

"All ships press on the attack." Raddus orders the fleet. Jake smirked just thinking on how the Imps were handling this. Their own weapon had been turned against them. If that didn't put a dent in Captain Keyes' ego, nothing would. Except maybe getting incinerated by the Orbital Gun itself, of course.

Suddenly a red and blue blur shot up from the planet's surface and through the underside of the Otachi. It flew out the top as fires erupted throughout the Destroyer. Upon squinting their eyes, Jake and Neytiri saw that it was a human looking young girl dressed in a blue costume with a red cape and a red S on her chest.

The two Na'vi looked to each other complexed as the young girl began to pull the Destroyer away from Remnant.Okay, that's a first.

Meanwhile Kiri was noticing something. "Hey, Bato, shouldn't the TIE reinforcements be coming outside by now?" she asked the Southern Water Tribesman.

"Now that you mention it," Bato replied, brows furrowing. "Yeah, they should have." Kiri hummed thoughtfully before Admiral Raddus spoke through the Comms.

"Rebels, the blockade has parted. Make way for planet side,"he ordered as the Profundity began flying to Remnant's atmosphere. Both Bato and Kiri looked at one another and shrugged before following the rest of the Rebel fleet to the planet's atmosphere.

"What's our casualties so far?" Jake asked.

"Sixteen, fighters among our own Raiders,"Wolf stated."Fulcrum's people lost a whole squadron."

"Welcome to Remnant," Silverbot declared as he and the rest of the Aerialbots flew down.

Caine and Hiccup had watched the whole fight in disbelief. The Imperial Maritime Division had given it their all, but it hadn't been enough for the plan to be completed. The Kaiju roared triumphantly as it held the tattered remains of theTakakoover his head before tossing it nose first into the water.

The Kaiju then submerged back into the water and continued swimming, more than likely towards the island. Caine looked to Taylor and Arc who looked just as concerned as they were.

"Alright, down to us then." The old Clone Trooper said grimly. Hiccup shrugged slightly. "No pressure."

"Uh, H. I think there are metric tons of pressure," Tuffnut said from his Zippleback head.

"Just get ready to blow the explosives when he gets near." Taylor told the Clone Trooper. Caine nodded to her and to Hiccup.

The Night Fury Rider nodded and turned to the Dragon Riders. "Let's not be heroes here, Riders. We just need to get him to divert to the Northwest, not stop him."

"No argument here," Jaune and a few of the Reds and Blues agreed.

Suddenly they heard something approaching the island fast. They all looked out and saw a rising tide moving towards them. A tsunami, headed right for their fake little town. The buildings could probably hold out against it, but the Troopers on the streets below wouldn't.

"Everyone!" Ember shouted through the radio. "Get inside! Now!"

The wave hit the shore and kept traveling towards the fake city, engulfing the beach, the trees and then hitting the streets hard. Caine watched as Troopers ran for cover inside the buildings trying to outrun the incoming tidal shift. Some made it inside, but there were a few squads who hadn't. The wall of water crushed any who weren't fast enough to get inside, taking them along for the ride. The mock city streets were suddenly a small series of rivers, with dead or drowning Stormtroopers floating in it.

That was when the Kaiju made landfall, announcing his presence to all as he stomped onto the wet sandy beach. His footsteps shook the earth even more than the tsunami, stomping towards their position. Caine readied his missile launcher.

"Alright," he said. "Come and get us then."

Alpha Predator One smashed into the mock city, crushing one of the buildings with a swipe of his arm. Briefly, he seemed confused at how easy the building crumbled, but he kept on marching through the streets undeterred. Caine wasn't frightened off either, he took aim with his missile launcher and fired. The blast struck the Kaiju in the eye, along with several other projectiles. The Kaiju was visibly enraged, but looked unsure of where to direct his wrath. The strategy was working, don't give the Kaiju one place to focus his rage on.

"Good, now we lead him towards the first explosive charge," Prince Daemon ordered. "I'll have teams one through four lead him over," Lieutenant Taylor stated.

"We trigger the bombs, collapse the building on him and reposition for the next charge. Rinse and repeat until we got him headed Northwest." Sarge added.

"Yeah, sure. Easy enough," Caboose chuckled nervously. "So long as we don't get pancaked in the process."

But then Alpha Predator One shrunk out of view and splashed down in the water filled streets.

"Toothless, echolocation," Hiccup ordered his Night Fury companion. The black dragon stood over the edge of the building and roared, releasing soundwaves out to the streets below. All this revealed though was the debris and dead Troopers in the water.

Suddenly, the Kaiju jumped out of the water in his human form and size. He landed on a building and started killing the Troopers there. He grabbed a Trooper by the throat and punched them three times. The first punch depleted the Trooper's Aura. The second shattered the Trooper's helmet and the third punch shattered the man's skull open. Half of the rest retreated while the others tried to buy them time to escape. They were aided by the autoturrets on the roof.

One hand, they didn't account for Alpha Predator One to shrink and attack the Troopers like so. On the other though, this was the building they wanted the Kaiju near. One trooper held up a remote. "FOR REMNANT!" they cried, pressing down on the button. Explosions erupted throughout the building and consumed the roof where the male Kaiju stood.

Through the fire, Hiccup could see the form of the Saurian Kaiju falling along with the collapsing building. Shortly after, he rose up to his feet in his Kaiju form, covered in dust and not looking at all please. Roaring in anger, the lizard titan began crashing through the city in the direction the building had toppled on him from.

"All Stormtroopers, converge on the second building," Ember ordered. "Open fire on Alpha Predator One when you're in position and be ready to move on my go."

Caine could only watch as the Kaiju pulverized his way through the fake city, crashing through the hastily put together towers with surprising speed. Only the missile strikes of the Stormtroopers' launchers managed to bring his attention to the next rigged building. That was good news. The bad news was that Alpha Predator One was in more of a hurry in this. The Kaiju moved quickly to engage, charging head long at the structure much faster than Taylor would've liked.

"Everyone out of there! Move!" she and Daemon ordered over the Comm. "Get away from the target building now!"

The Stormtroopers fled the structure as fast as they could, running into the transports parked nearby. The drivers most likely floored the accelerators, tearing away from the blast zone as fast as they could. However, not all the Troopers were fast enough. The Kaiju was soon upon them and in a rage, crashed his foot through the wall of the building. The stomp crashed down on the explosives, detonating them and killing them any Stormtroopers still inside. The resulting fireball shot out of the structure and up the Kaiju's leg, flames licking at his scales.

The shockwave did more damage though, as the force knocked the Kaiju right into a adjacent building. He crashed down onto his knee among the broken bits of metal and stone that made up the mock tower. The massive reptile stood up soon after though, bellowing at the sky. He turned back towards the shattered remains of the exploded building and used his tail to crush the south wall. He then began clawing at the remains, roaring as he did.

"Look at all those explosions, sister." Tuffnut said to his twin. "So big, so beautiful."

"Yeah, shame that they are short as they are magnificent." Ruffnut sighed in response. Jaune looked at them and shared a glance with Pyrrha. They both thought the same thing.What is wrong with those twins?

"I know that this is stating the obvious at this point," Prince Zuko spoke up. "But that thing has a major anger management problem."

"And coming from my nephew, that is saying something," General Iroh stated with a slight smirk while Zuko waved his hand at him indignantly.

"At least we're putting it to use for us for a change," Caine said. Hiccup looked at the building ahead of the the Kaiju with his spyglass. "One more building to go and he'll be in range for the final phase."

Caine and Jaune fired their launchers at Kaiju, aiming for the eye again. They needed him to get back on course, not taking out his aggression on a devastated building. Then their missiles were followed by several others from the surrounding structures in the mock city, other Stormtroopers, who like the old Clone Trooper, could see the end of the plan in sight. The Saurian Kaiju soon roused back onto the warpath and he began making head way towards the final rigged building. At this point, he began firing off his Atomic Breath at the buildings beneath him, setting them ablaze. Caine imagined a few Troopers were caught in the blue beam of death, but there was nothing him or anyone else could do for them now. At least he hadn't fired at the target building.

Then, almost as suddenly as he started attacking, Alpha Predator One stopped. The missiles and lasers kept hitting him, more exclusively from the final rigged structure. This time though, he had paused, glaring at the building.

"What's going on?" Ember asked. "Why isn't he attacking?"

Caine saw the Kaiju's hesitation and came to a realization on his own. The male Godzilla had discerned a pattern somehow, their pattern, and it was giving him reason to doubt his course of action. Something they could not afford.

He wasn't the only one who came to this realization. "Crap, he knows what we're up to," Hiccup stated.

"Impossible," Daemon retorted. "Even if he could transform to a human, there's no way he's figured it out this quick. He can't be that smart, he just can't."

Hiccup looked at the Kaiju's face and saw that it was looking at him. The fury and intelligence in that creature's gaze brought him back to the day he first met Toothless.

"-We need to force him to keep moving," Caine stated, bring Hiccup back to reality. "It's the only way he's going to get in range."

Taylor nodded in agreement and Church seemed to get an plan. "I got it," he said before talking on the Comm. "Agent Church to ground units, Concentrate your fire. Jumptrooper squads one and two, prepare to engage on-"

There was a sudden screech that sounded through the air, cutting off the Blue Trooper's orders. It started out low but grew louder with every second. Then, without warning, several green laser blasts struck Alpha Predator One in the side of his face. He turned west, towards the direction of the attack, as Caine. Screaming through the skies came several TIE fighters, racing to dive bomb and strafe the Kaiju below. Caine, Jaune, Taylor, the Fire Nation Prince and General, Daemon, Team RWBY, PRN, the Reds, Blues and the Dragon Riders just stared in disbelief.

"They're not part of the plan," Zuko noted aloud. "Where did they come from?"

"Must be from one of the Star Destroyers in orbit," Caine reasoned. "No way they're planetside. We don't have nearly that many left."

"If that's the case, what the Hell are they doing here?" Griff asked.

The TIEs screamed through the sky, buzzing about Alpha Predator One's head. He began stomping after the fighters, heading east, away from the target building.

"Those idiot flyboys are screwing up the whole plan!" Daemon screamed.

"You know, this is why we Vikings have stuck to riding Dragons and not advanced flying machines," Tuffnut said. "Tuffnut, focus!" Astrid snapped. "They're leading him away!"

"Worse," Fishlegs stated in fear, watching as the Kaiju's total size began to fill his whole field of vision. "They're leading him our way!"

The giant reptile roared as it chased after the TIE fighters, firing its deadly Atomic Breath after them. The Kaiju's massive girth scraped against the side of their building, forcing them to pull back. Bits of floor gave away beneath them as the Kaiju's elbow carved out a small section of the tower. The Kaiju continued to chase after the TIEs, seemingly forgetting about the building that had been shooting at him before. Everything was going wrong again, but Hiccup wasn't about to let it all crash and burn just yet.

"Riders, to the sky! We need to get him back on track," the Night Fury Rider stated sternly. Toothless growled before taking off. Astrid and the other Dragon Riders, including Yang followed him.

Hiccup and Toothless flew high into the sky before the black dragon turned around and began diving at supersonic speeds. His diving whistle was heard as Hiccup narrowed his eyes. "Toothless, barrel roll! Multiple blasts!" he cried out. Toothless barreled rolled as commanded while shooting multiple plasma blasts at the back of Alpha Predator One's head.

The Kaiju roared as his head was pelted with plasma blasts. Yang and Summer flew by and the Skrill shot multiple blasts of lightning at the Kaiju's face followed by Astrid and then Fishlegs with the former's Deadly Nadder Stormfly shooting her spines in Alpha Predator One's muzzle. The twins flew around the Kaiju's face and in front of its torso while their Hideous Zippleback sprayed its green gas in a large cloud in front of it before the left head ignited it.

Caine and the others watched from their rooftop. The TIEs were getting destroyed but the old Clone Trooper couldn't find any pity for them. Stupid TIEs, where had they come from? Monger didn't mention anything about them and they weren't in the briefing data pad. Someone must have sent them here. Probably someone who didn't really know the plan.

Snotlout and Hookfang however, landed on top of the Kaiju's head. Snotlout pulled out two large jars and uncapped them. "Monstrous Nightmare gel, baby!" he shouted as he poured the kerosene gel onto the Kaiju's eyeballs one after the other.

Alpha Predator One roared in pain before Snotlout lit two matches. "You need to lighten up." he remarked as he tossed the matches at the streaks of kerosene that ran down the Kaiju's face like tears. The gel ignited and the flames ran up the Kaiju's scaly face and then the fire exploded right on the Kaiju's eyes. The Saurian Kaiju roared louder in pain as flames burned on its eyeballs. He shook his head and rubbed at his face with his hands before he reached down blindly and walked to the streets that were still flooded with water. The Kaiju frantically scooped up water and splashed it on his eyes.

"That's what you get when you knock the Snotman and Hookster out of the sky!" Snotlout said, triumphantly. Hookfang flew up high with a screech just in time to dodge the Kaiju's tail. "HAHA! Not this time! Snotlout! Snotlout! Oi! Oi! Oi!"

Growling in anger, the Kaiju turned its head and glared at the Monstrous Nightmare Rider with a bloodshot eye.

"Aawww. Is the big Kaiju lizard angry?" Snotlout asked in a high-pitched mocking tone. "Well, here's my response." He said in a normal tone as he stood up, turned around, bend down and slid his pants down at the Kaiju's gaze.

"Snotlout!" Hiccup exclaimed, honestly torn between being amused at his cousin's antics or being horrified that he just dug his own grave.
"Snotlout!" Astrid scolded angrily. Of all the stupid things, he has done, this real took the cake. Why was he so muttonheaded?!
"Oi," Fishlegs facepalmed in exasperation.
"Oi." Yang muttered, turning away from the scene before her.
"Oi," the Reds and Blues said as they covered each other's eyes.

"What's happening?" Ruby asked as Weiss and Blake were covering her eyes. Ren was doing the same to Nora and Pyrrha and Jaune covered Penny's eyes. The last two looked at each other and blushed.

Caine and the remaining Troopers stared up in shock through out the mock city. Daemon just nodded in respect while Ember blushed heavily under her helmet.

"Bow-Chica-Bow-Wow!" Tucker exclaimed with a laugh. He and Caboose high fived. Church just whacked them both on the back of his head.

"Zuko, my nephew," Iroh began with a warm smile before showing an expression of complete and utter disgust. "Not even all the tea in the world will remove that revolting image." The Fire Nation Prince in response stared up with a shocked expression before his face turned green.

And Alpha Predator One?


Enough said.

Snotlout and Hookfang began to fly as fast as they can while the Kaiju ran after them, slashing his claws and snapping his jaws at them three times. By the fourth time, Toothless had zoomed by and fired a plasma blast down his throat and another at his right shoulder. The Kaiju stopped briefly and grasped his arm. The wound had now closed but the flesh around still had purple veins. Alpha Predator One looked back up at the Night Fury and his Rider and roared before chasing them.

"Should I be happy about the fact he's coming back or. . ." Jaune wondered out loud.

"Just hope he doesn't swish that tail our way," Caine told him.

Ember cleared her throat. "Get to the target building, we need to lure the Kaiju back there." she ordered.

By now, the Kaiju had gotten between their building and the target one. Troopers and Fire Nation Soldiers were already on position with Jumptroopers, firing on the Kaiju with Arc Casters. The streams of electrical currents shot into the reptilian titan, causing it to twitch wildly. It's tail lashed out violently as it turned, striking the lower portion of the building Cain and the others were standing on. The floor beneath them violently shook.

"I think you just jinxed us, Sir." Jaune told Caine nervously.

"Sorry about that, Jaune." Caine replied, trying to keep his balance.

The entire mockup tower began to tip diagonally towards the ground, away from Alpha Predator One. Prince Daemon jumped onto Caraxes followed by Zuko, Iroh and PRN. Yang and Summer landed and the members of Team RWBY climbed on the Skrill.

The Reds and Blues activated their jet packs and took off to the next building. Ember stayed. "I don't think my pack can carry us all," she told Caine and Jaune over the crumbling building.

"Take Arc!" Caine told her, taking his rifle off his back. "I got my own way off."

He didn't tell them it was probably a really stupid exit strategy. Taylor grabbed Arc and activated her pack, rocketing clear off the tumbling tower. Caine in the meantime, made a running jump off the roof. Suicide in most cases, but in this case he had a very large lizard to help him. Not willingly of course. His rifle had a grapple line loaded into the launch tube beneath it, like what they had in the Clone Wars. With careful aim, Caine fired the line at Alpha Predator One.

The line stuck into the Kaiju's arm, digging deep beneath a scale. Holding on for dear life, Caine tightened his grip on the rifle more than ever before. The Kaiju swung his arm as he walked, dragging Caine along for the ride.

"I REALLY DIDN'T THINK THIS THROUGH!" Caine shouted aloud as he was pulled along.

The cable held, but Caine was swung higher than he anticipated. He got a real good look at the underside of the Kaiju's jaw. Thankfully, he didn't have to worry about getting shot in the process, as Taylor's orders kept shouting through the Commlink in his helmet."Don't fire! Sergeant Caine is swinging on that thing! I Repeat! Do not fire!"

As Caine swung back down, he started heading towards the roof of another building. He waited until he was over it and let go of his rifle, letting the momentum of his swing carry him the rest of the way. He hit the roof hard, rolling several feet before finally coming to a stop just inches from the edge. He pulled himself up, panting as he did. Of all the crazy things he had ever done, that was in the top five somewhere.

"Never doing that again," he stated flatly to himself.

He lay there as the Kaiju walked by the building, still on course for the target building. Caine just used the moment to pause, considering the enormity of the beast for once, not just its power. He wondered, how was it exactly? How long had it been around? Probably longer than anyone alive today, that was for sure. It had been around that long and nothing had managed to kill it yet, despite all logic. Maybe that was the only thing the old Clone had in common with this thing. They were both surviving somehow. At least, for the moment anyway. Although, he doubted this lizard would ever have to be worried about being forgotten. Caine knew he never would.

Eventually, the others found him, flying down and landing on the roof he was. While Hiccup and Astrid scolded Snotlout, Caine waved the others to join him and enjoy the view for a bit. Jaune ran over to the old Clone Trooper and helped him up to his feet.

"That was insane, Sir." Jaune said in astonishment. "I guess those old bounty hunter genes are nothing to balk at."

"Kept me alive so far," Caine joked. "Despite my best efforts."

The Kaiju's roar halted the conversation as it stomped towards the target building. They could see the Jumptroopers leaving the structure, rocketing on their jetpacks from the doomed structure. The Kaiju reached the building but stopped from attacking it. Taylor held up a detonator.

"One more firework, people," she declared. "No sense in wasting more time." Pressing her finger on the button, the structure began to explode in Alpha Predator One's face. The explosion wasn't bad as the first two. But if the Saurian Kaiju had any suspicions, there were proven correct. Not that it mattered. Just as the reptilian titan walked around the crumbling inferno, a different kind of fire rained down on the side of the Kaiju's face, hitting him hard. Outside the fake city, on a plateau to the Northwest, several Self-Propelled Medium Artillery batteries opened fire. They hit the massive Kaiju's face with a massive amount of force, forcing his attention towards the Northwest. As he stomped towards his next target, Caine turned to Ember and Prince Daemon.

"Final phase," the old Clone Trooper told them. "We almost have him."

"Now let's hope the real air support we have for this operation shows up and do their job," Ember replied heatedly. Daemon narrowed his eyes. "Which reminds me, soon as this is done, I'm contacting headquarters. Someone seriously almost screwed us up with those TIEs and I want to know who."

Caine agreed. And he honestly hopes the jerk got what was coming to them. Right now though, he wants to rest. Swinging on a giant reptile, old bounty hunter genes or not, tend to do that you. For the moment, he'd just sit back and watch the big greyish green reptile start walking towards their trap.

Godzilla approached the beach as the artillery pounded him with laser fire. Their blasts struck all across his body, never letting up. Briefly, he wondered on what exactly they hoped to accomplish before he just outright incinerated them. With one blast of his Atomic Breath, the King of Monsters set the entire position with radioactive fire. The guns melted under the heat, exploding one after the other as their power cores for their lasers ignited.

Godzilla roared at the prospect of another victory. First the variant of his little sister, then he killed King Ghidorah and now just a victory over the Empire. His anger and rage was subsiding if only slightly. His cry was cut short when something from the sky hit him on the head. Laser blasts and and bombers collided into the side of his face. Growling in anger, he turned to the source of the attack. Several TIE bombers and one ship that looked like a modified Imperial Attack shuttle. They kept firing at his head, one bomb striking him hard in the eye. In a rag, Godzilla fired off his Atomic Breath again. This time though, it didn't connect. The flying machines broke away, heading Northwest, seemingly fleeing before his might.

As Godzilla watched them flee, however, he sensed something from the larger ship. Energy. Power. Strength. It all resided within the craft. He didn't know exactly what was inside, but Godzilla knew he wanted it. After the reactor on this planet had reinvigorated him, it was clear that this planet's energy was far greater than source he had come across before. Even the smallest amount could give him the edge he needed in the coming battles. He knew there would be more now. These humans were remarkably tenacious and arrogant. They would not be defeated quickly, something he had come to expect at this point with all of their kind.

A logical part of his mind, one that he developed more after spending time with Batman had told him to be cautious. This could be a trap of some kind. It has happened a lot back on Earth and other planets, Apokolips and Titan mainly. Well, if that was the case, there is one logical choice for Godzilla to make.

Spring the trap.

So that's what he'll do. He follow the humans to their trap, take the power in that ship for himself and then use it against the Empire while breaking out of whatever trap they have. They had insulted him by not offering a proper fight, fleeing like those HYDRA cowards. That and they were heading in the direction Godzilla was headed from the start. Soon, they would learn the folly of their abuse of the power they had achieved. As as the consequences of insulting him with such a brazenly cowardly attack.

Alpha Predator One was now on the path for the Northwestern trap, stomping through the surf after the shuttle that had attacked him. The plan had worked. Caine wanted to say that he knew it would, but to be honest he was surprised that they had pulled it off. For once, something Command had thought up had worked in their favor.

"Guess he couldn't resist the radioactive waste the shuttle was loaded up with after all," Taylor noted aloud. "The datapads said he had a taste for radiation. Guess it makes sense given what happened at the power station."

"Yeah, but now comes the hard part," Caine reminded her. "He may be headed right for their trap, question is though if its enough to stop him for good."

"We're just going to have to catch a ride and find out for ourselves." Prince Daemon informed the old Clone Trooper. "I'll gather up my men and whatever survivors are left. See if you can wave down a transport for us that can get us to wherever we're leading the megaton lizard to first."

Caine nodded his head and set to work. The end felt like it was in sight for once. That this little war of theirs was almost over. With any luck, what happened next would be the final play.

"Chief Hakoda," Adam said to the Southern Water Tribe Chief. "I've just got off with our allies at Kyoshi Island. Your children are there."

"What? Are you sure?" Hakoda asked the Bull Faunus who nodded. "The good news is that they've found the Avatar." he went on.

Hakoda and Sienna's eyes widened at that. The Avatar has returned? Sienna furrowed her brows. "Wait, what's the bad news?" she asked.

"The bad news is that the Avatar is a twelve year old boy!" exclaimed the red haired Bull Faunus. "And so far, he seems to have mastered Airbending."

Hakoda held his chin in thought. "Anything else, Adam?" Sienna asked when the man went silent.

Adam nodded. "I've sent them our coordinates." he replied. "The Kyoshi Warriors will be here with them in just a few hours now."

Ahsoka's Command Ship and the Profundity now hovered above the Orbital Gun site. Shuttles took them both down the rest of the way. Already, transports were landing in the fields beyond, unloading troops, vehicles, equipment and supplies for the coming raid. There was an impressive array of manpower and material pouring out onto the open terrain. The Rebels from Remnant; Autobots, the Southern Water Tribe warriors, the White Fang, the Ninja Turtles and the Rebels from the stars. The question now was if it would be enough.

Ahsoka, Rex and the other old Clone Troopers were greeted by Hera and Kannan. They smiled as they approached the Twi'lek pilot and the Jedi Knight. Rex and his brothers saluted them before leaving to check on the other Rebels.

"Well, it was a touch and go, but we've done it," Ahsoka told them. "We broke through the blockade and landed on the planet with only minor causalities."

"Still a long way to go," Kannan reminded her. "Not to mention the Empire is going to know we're here sooner or later. Sienna and Adam have told us that Atlas is going to be locked down tight, especially with our big scaly complication still running around."

Admiral Raddus walked out of his shuttle as Kannan said that. "We're sending a few of our fighter wings to recon the area," he informed him. "We'll at least know what we're facing. Then we can adjust our plan accordingly."

As he spoke, a few of those very fighters flew over their heads. They rocketed through the air, heading towards their intended target. They'd know pretty soon what the Empire had in store for them. Ahsoka knew Kannan still had a point though. The Kingdom of Atlas would be well guarded, especially with that Kaiju on the loose.

However, said Kaiju gave her an idea of sorts.

"I need a place to meditate for a bit," Ahsoka said stoically. "There is much to think about before our raid can truly begin. Especially with all that has happened."

"You can use the Ghost," Hera offered. "The others are busy inside the complex, gathering up extra weapons or watching over the Imperials we captured when we took the Orbital Gun. It's relatively quiet now."

"Sounds good to me," Ahsoka agreed. "Lead the way."

The Torguta followed Hera, a plan forming in her head as she did. It was probably a crazy one and it relied on gathering more information first. But considering everything they had already done at this point, it probably wasn't that crazy by comparison. At least she hoped it wasn't. In the back of her mind, she thought of Master Obi-Wan lecturing her about how she was taking too many cues from Anakin. Even further in the back of her mind, she hoped she wasn't taking too many herself. Not if they had anything to do with what she suspected about her former Master.

In the personal quarters he had arranged for himself prior to his arrival, Darth Vader sat meditating with his apprentice, Princess Azula. She had meditated once word was given to her via a Fire Sage that the Avatar, the master of all elements had returned. And while the Kingdom's head staff ran around repeatedly failing to achieve anything, he was busy reaching out to their new foe. The male Godzilla Kaiju was still on the rampage, this time headed in a direction of their choosing. This small victory did little to ease his mind on the subject, as it was only a plan half completed. The ultimate test lay in the final phase Ironwood had planned. The Sith Lord had little faith it would succeed, if only because Ironwood, like everyone else on this planet, was proving himself to be extremely lacking in ability.

However, he had to admit to one thing and that was how one of them had managed to make something stick. Doctor Serizawa's concerns about this reptilian titan being more than it seemed stayed in the back of his mind for a good while until he could no longer ignore them coupled with the rumors that the Kaiju could transform and shrink its size. He could not deny that the Kaiju seemed to have a thinking brain behind its brute muscle in its monstrous form. As the Kaiju scientist had suggested before, it was a disturbing thought. Vader decided to meditate on the matter, reach out through the Force and try to use it to determine what they were truly facing.

What he felt was both greater than him and yet shockingly familiar. He could feel pain. Great, unimaginable pain. A pain that boiled over into wrath. Into a blinding wave of rage that was all encompassing. All consuming. It permeated everything, all thoughts and feelings. For a moment, Vader feared he would be lost in it as it reminded him greatly of his past. He too had felt pain. Terrible unimaginable pain. And that pain fed his anger, his rage and his hate. It made him stronger than any Jedi before him.

However, through the Force he could also sense something else. A concept he had abandoned. Pity. A tinge of mercy. Some sense of compassion driving the rage. It was a contradiction in so many ways. One that flew in the face of what his master had taught him and he Azula. This Kaiju was indeed powerful and anger did play a part in that power. Destruction was in its blood it seemed. But it was not the sole source of his power, there was something else. A sense of justice or perhaps a differing concept of morality. The creature was more than just the layer of rage, it was more complicated than that.

Ultimately he could not place it. The Force could reach out and sense the creature's emotions and thoughts, but the connection was too muddled. The Kaiju's mind was not the same as his, it was far more complex. He could not attune to it. He doubted any Force User could, not alone anyway. The ability to speak through the Force to other species was a difficult enough skill to master on one's own. There were probably none who could do it now.

The meditation had revealed that this Kaiju was sentient, human form or not, as Serizawa suggested. And its ability to transform and shrink was a recent one gained. There was something else. It remembered some kind of wrong done to it. Some pain inflicted on it. Vader wondered if it was in anyway similar to his pain. Did a brother try to kill him? Did a mate turn on him? Did a family lie and mistreat him? Did a parent die in front of him? He doubted it. The similarities were cosmetic more than anything. The Kaiju didn't hate, unlike Vader. What made the Kaiju strong was something else. His rage came from somewhere else. Vader's came from hate, that was all he knew now.

For Azula, once she shifted her focus from the Avatar's presence in the Force, she too reached out to the Kaiju's mind as best as she could. She sensed something else from it. Loneliness. That briefly confused the Fire Nation Princess. Why did he feel like that? There other Kaiju, females at that and one of them was of his species. In the end, she dismissed it. It didn't matter if the male Kaiju was lonely. It was an enemy of the Empire, and it had to be destroyed.

All in all, this proved on thing to the Sith. However powerful Alpha Predator One was, it paled in comparison to their own power. Hatred combined with the Force knew no limits. It was greater than any form of energy that the male Godzilla Kaiju could siphon from their reactors. And before this war with the giant lizard was over, Darth Vader would prove it.

Is that so? So you're the two dark presences I've sensed.

Azula and Vader's eyes snapped open upon hearing a voice that was not their own. They rose to their feet at once and looked around. Just where did that voice come from? "The Kaiju," Darth Vader concluded aloud. Azula rose an eyebrow at him. "How is that possible?" she asked.

You are not the first people to look into my mind. I doubt you'd be the last. I just chose to acknowledge you. I must admit, you're different from the others. Your presence, your appearance. It all screams fear, anger, hatred, suffering. Just what exactly happened that set you on this path?

Azula pursed her lips while Vader's mask showed no reaction whatsoever. Both of them rose their mental shields to prevent the Kaiju from reading their minds. It felt as if the Kaiju's presence was now in the room. Circling them as it spoke to Vader before standing before them both. Azula then realized something. "So you've sensed our presence?"

I have a sixth sense. It tells me where I need to go and where my enemies are.

"If that's true, you wouldn't be following our forces," Vader pointed out. Neither he or Azula admitted about the trap waiting for the Kaiju. They didn't know the details at the moment and neither did the Kaiju. But ultimately, they didn't have to. Both Sith got the feeling that the Kaiju just shrugged at the older Sith's words.

Maybe. But there are times where the best course of action is to spring the trap.

While his mask didn't show it, those words reminded Vader of a time long ago. When he was a Jedi Knight rushing to save the Chancellor with his Jedi Master. Through the Force, suddenly both Force Users sensed the Kaiju's mood change.

Ah, I see now. You tried so hard to protect and preserve what was important to you the most. And yetyou are the one to set it all ablaze.You betrayed the people that took you in, burned their home and killed all of them, including children.

"Silence, beast." Darth Vader snapped. "You don't understand. The Jedi were hypocrites. They had all the power to help the Galaxy and they were too afraid to do so and they allowed the government to fall to corruption. They may have taken me in, but they had lied to me when I gave them devotion and loyalty."

Is where you stand any better?

Azula blinked at that question. It had thrown her off guard. And it felt as if it was directed to her as well as her master. "The Jedi created monsters in their wake," Darth Vader replied. "They teach one to deny their deepest feelings and instincts. They even deny love." He lowered his helmet down ever so slightly.

What does some Dark Lord like you know about love?

Darth Vader turned away and was silent for a long moment, save for his mechanical breathing. "I once knew a great love. One that the Jedi would have extinguished. Only in the Sith did I find acceptance." he said in a reminiscent tone. Azula turned to glance at the Sith Lord with a surprised expression and she was admittedly intrigued to know more. "By then it was too late. The Jedi had turned her against me."

And by whose hand did she die?

At her master's silence, Azula turned to look at his back fully with wide eyes. "It had to be done," Vader replied. Azula blinked and stepped back ever so slightly. To her surprise, she felt a wave of understanding from the presence of the Kaiju. This made her confused. How would this Kaiju understand what Vader was saying?

She was there, because of you. And you were so consumed and corrupted by your darkness that it blinded you from your actions. Your Master may have been there, but you, you are the one who killed her.

"No. I was freed by the Dark Side." Darth Vader replied and that phrase seemed to snap something in Azula. Yes, that's what the Dark Side did for her when Darth Vader came to the Fire Nation capital. It freed her. The two Sith turned to "face" the Kaiju's presence. "And should you escape the trap I will use it to destroy you."

You are not the first being to say that to me. And I doubt that you will be the last.

"Your arrogance will be your undoing." Vader replied coldly.


You know a lot about arrogance, don't you. . . Anakin Skywalker?

Just then, before Vader could reply the doors opened up behind him. Turning around, Vader and the Fire Nation Princess saw Megatron standing outside of the doorway. The two walked outside and looked up to him.

"What is it, Megatron?" Darth Vader asked the Decepticon Leader, his voice booming.

Megatron gestured to the Decepticon beside him. It was Soundwave. "Soundwave has completed his analysis." Megatron stated. "He believes the orders for the unauthorized flight of TIE Fighters that attacked Alpha Predator One originated from here in the Academy. He suspects it was transmitted through one of the communication terminals an hour before the attack began.

Yes, Vader remembered. When word came to him that TIEs from orbit had been diverted from their stations to attack the Kaiju, Megatron had ordered Soundwave to do a full investigation. Ironwood's plan was shaky enough without someone sabotaging it with their foolishness. However that left one thing.

He turned to Soundwave directly. "Search the Academy's computers until you discover the exact origin point, Soundwave." Vader demanded. "Then determine who precisely gave the order."

Soundwave wordlessly nodded and walked away. Azula then saw a Lieutenant Commander from Vader's own forces walking up to them with a nervous expression. She mentally sighed. She was in no mood to deal with nervous Officers.

"What is it, Lieutenant Commander?" she asked.

"Princess Azula, Lord Vader and Megatron," The Imperial Officer saluted the three of them but spoke in a nervous tone. "We recently received word from the blockade in orbit. There has been. . . an incident."

This caught the attention of both Darth Vader and Megatron fully. Both Decepticon and Sith Lord stared at him with no reaction save for the latter's hands clenching into fists. Azula's eyes narrowed as smoke plumed from her clenched fists.

"What kind of incident?" she asked in building anger.

Ahsoka walked out of the Ghost, returning from her meditation after a little more than an hour. By now, she could see that everything was unloaded from the transports. To all outward appearances they were ready for the assault, even if it was still miles from their location. However, they wouldn't be going anywhere until they knew what they'd be facing in the Kingdom of Atlas. That meant waiting for the Pandora Raiders to return with a recon report. No one was expecting it to be encouraging when they arrived, but they were all trying to be hopeful.

"So what were you meditating on exactly?" Kannan asked rather bluntly when Ahsoka approached.

"A number of things," she replied simply, before shifting the conversation to him with a question of her own. "Kannan, have you felt anything specific about this Kaiju that is attacking the Imperials?"

Kannan looked a bit caught off guard by the question, but despite his suspicious glare, he gave his answer. "Only that I'm not so sure it's an ordinary Kaiju." he admitted. "He could shrink his size down to a human, even transform into a human hybrid. And he knows how to fight." He turns to Optimus Prime. "And I assume something like that would have been know already."

"You would be correct, Kannan," Optimus replied. "A shapeshifting and size changing male Kaiju with enough power to destroy cities would have been on radar of any of Remnant's armies even before the Empire came. Especially his hostile behavior to humans and Faunus."

Kannan turned back to Ahsoka. "And he has a purpose behind the rage. Even in his monstrous appearance, it's not just pure instinct. I didn't even need to focus that hard to sense it when we were near the Kaiju. He's intelligent."

"I felt the same," Ezra added. "Like he was angry at something, but it felt more personal and directed. A memory of pain, but it was vague. I couldn't really figure it out until he attacked Union City. He didn't enjoy what he was doing but he felt like he was accomplishing something. Like getting revenge for something."

Ahsoka just nodded. She suspected Kannan was about to ask what the questioning was about, but they were interrupted by the sound of starfighter engines overhead. They all looked up to see a small flight of ARC-170s flying above them with a Yautja ship and moving into position for landing. Jake was back with his recon team at last. Now they'd get some answers as to what they were about to face.

The Na'vi pilots landed a few feet away from them and quickly rushed over to deliver their intel while Bato had a reunion with Hakoda and Sienna. Jake and Neytiri were both looking unhappy as they walked, until the former saw Hera among the group.

"Hey, you're the Twi'lek who manned the gun right?" he asked, stretching his arm out to her as did his wife. "Jake and Neytiri Sully, Leaders of Pandora Raiders. Got to say, that was some fine shooting, especially since you were using a blind gun."

"Well, your tracking beacons helped," Hera replied, shaking both of the Na'vi's hands, briefly surprised at the blue humanoid's size. "Hera Syndulla, pleasure to meet you. I've heard a bit about your exploits in the Outer Rim. You've been hitting the Empire's supply routes and patrols pretty hard for a while now."

"It pays the bills," Jake shrugged slightly. "Ticking off the Imps is it's own reward these days.

Hera looked over their shoulder to their fighter, giving it a good once over with her eyes. "You've really decked out that old 170," she noted. "Didn't think you could get that many guns on one. How does it handle?"

"Well enough," Neytiri insisted. "Added armor and weapons slow us down a bit, but we make up for it with maneuverability and some juiced up boosters when we're in a pinch as Ma Jake says."

"Added firepower also helps us rip through the enemy's shields faster," Jake added. "When you're trying to take out a ship's engines, that's what really counts."

Ahsoka interrupted the pilot Meet and Greet with a cough, catching both of their attention. They did, after all, have more pressing matters. Jake stood straight, getting back on track to rely his team's findings. They weren't promising.

"Sorry to say, but Atlas is under heavy lockdown." he warned. "Place is crawling with Decepticons, Kraang droids, Stormtroopers, Imperial and Remnantian. Most of them are also Benders. Fire, Earth and Water. They got our approach vector covered and we saw quite a few anti-air turrets installed throughout the Academy and the city of Mantle below. The real issue though, is their Walkers. AT-ATs, lots of them. With TCRI Walkers even more coming from the looks of it. And even more bad news is that they have a Decepticon Warship and three Star Destroyers."

"Sounds like they've been building up their defenses for awhile then," Kannan observed with a grim frown.

"One guess why," Zeb spoke up and Raph added. "Mr. Big Scaly and Angry is making them nervous."

"Given what they're protecting, it's not surprising," Optimus said, looking down at the hologram of Atlas. AT-ATs were stationed both on the floating city and the perimeter around Mantle, at least two companies' worth. If more were on the way, that didn't bode well for them.

"There's no way we have enough people to punch through all of that," Hera observed.

"Could we just bomb them with our air support?" Sabine asked, standing next to Wolf. "It would be risky but not as much as taking them all head on with ground units."

"I don't nearly have enough bombs and neither of our teams have enough Y-Wings to take them all out," Jake told the Mandalorian. "Combined together, maybe we can kill a few. But there will be a lot more showing up soon, long before we can get there."

"It sounds like we're in for a very hard fight." Admiral Raddus stated.

"But don't we have weapons capable of standing up to those kind of Walkers?" Miko asked.

"Problem with that, Miko, is that none of them are in great supply," Bulkhead replied.

"Cutting through the defenses isn't impossible," Leo spoke. "But getting through enough to successfully carry out the Raid is highly unlikely. Even with Supergirl on our side. And eventually we will have to face the Star Destroyers and their TIE Fighters. We wouldn't have air superiority when that happens."

"So what's our move then?" Kara asked. "With what happened at the Blockade, they probably already know that Rebels are here now. It won't take them long to reconfigure their plans to repel us instead of the Kaiju."

"More than likely," Ahsoka concurred. "I'm afraid our original lightning assault is out of the question now. For this raid to succeed, we need to reconsider our options."

"We have options?" Casey asked, not sounding like he believed that. "I don't usually care about the odds, but we're not going to last long against these kind of odds. We can't just barge in now. That wingless dragon Kaiju already rang the alarm bell before we even arrived."

"Indeed, he got us into this predicament," Ahsoka agreed. "So perhaps, he can get us out."

Everyone stared at Ahsoka like she was insane, eyes widened, brows turned up and more than a few of them doing a double take. Kannan seemed the most perturbed out of anyone. To be fair, Ahsoka knew she was going to sound crazy. The thing was though, like Casey said, they didn't really have many options.

"Whatever happened to not letting the rogue element dictate our mission?" Kannan asked her.

"That was before we suspected he was sapient," Ahsoka informed him. "Before we knew he was intelligent and not just an animal fighting to reclaim territory from intruders. You said it yourself, Kannan. There's a mind behind the rampage. Ezra senses it too, as do I. This Kaiju, whoever he is, might in fact be more than brute animalistic muscle."

"That doesn't guarantee anything," Kannan argued. "We don't even know why he seems to hate the Empire so much. Just because he's not their friend, doesn't mean he's ours. His attack on Union City proves that much."

"Besides, sentient or human form aside," Jake interjected. "You can't just ask him for help."

There was a brief silence at Jake's words, one that made the male adult Na'vi pilot think twice about his words. He and his wife looked to everyone around her, confused by their disposition. "You. . . can't just talk to it," he reiterated, unsure of his words now. "That's crazy, right?"

"You cannot seriously be suggesting what I think you are," Kannan interrupted with a growl. "Have you ever tried to connect to something like that? Ever at all? Because I don't think any Jedi ever has."

Most of the Galactic Rebels knew what the two Jedi were suggesting, those from Remnant and the Pandora Raiders, save for Wolf, were really confused. Leo himself turned to Sabine and Hera. "Mind getting us in the loop?" he asked.

"Jedi have an uncanny ability to speak to life through the Force," Hera explained. "They can tame wildlife, sometimes even control it. Like the fabled Jedi Mind Trick but a bit more invasive."

"Ezra's actually a pro at it." Sabine added, pointing to the young Padawan in training.

Jake turned to the ashen haired boy who was sheepishly trying to hide whatever pride he felt behind a shy smile.

"Wow, I heard you Jedi could do some crazy stuff," Kiri admitted. "But never this. So, what, you guys can actually control this giant Kaiju you've been mentioning?"

"In a way," Ahsoka admitted. "Although, it's a bit more complicated depending on the creature in question and the skill of the Force User."

"And no Jedi I have heard about has been able to convince a giant lizard that's as tall as a skyscraper on Coruscant to follow his or her commands," Kannan stated bluntly. "And if this thing is sentient outside of its human form, it probably wouldn't work. The more feral an animal is, the harder is to control. If he's intelligent as a Kaiju, that just makes it even more difficult. He could just as easily decide not to listen to us like how stronger minds can resist mind tricks."

It wasn't a simple technique to be sure, Ahsoka knew that. Mastering the ability to speak and tame animals was no easy task. Even Ahsoka hadn't really covered it when she was still at the temple. She had only taught herself about it much later on. However, there were other ways to achieve the same result, as Hakoda says.

"You don't need to consider using the Force, if you think it's impossible," the Southern Water Tribe chief said. "There is a woman who speaks to the Kaiju Girls without much effort with telepathy. She can speak to this male Godzilla Kaiju all the same."

"Miki Saegusa," Optimus stated. "She's a high-ranking member of MONARCH."

"Uh, I thought MONARCH was an Imperial organization," April said, both confused and intrigued. She had considered joining MONARCH before the Empire had come to Remnant.

"It's fronting as an Empire supporter." Sienna stated. "Its head scientist is actually our contact in Atlas, giving us info on the Zillo Beast and Godzilla cloning project. Once they know we're here, MONARCH will have its defense force aiding us in the coming raid."

Kannan still didn't look convinced before sighing. "Okay, where can we find this Miki Saegusa?" he asked the Remnantian Rebels.

"That's easy," Hakoda replied. "Monster Island."

Winter sighed in exhaustion as she walked out of her private bathroom in her personal quarters. She dried her hair with a towel before placing it on the counter. When she opened her eyes, she saw the reflection of a black figure with eyes standing behind her in the mirror.

She quickly pulled out a knife from her glove and spun around to stab at the intruder's throat. The black figure dodged her attack by tilting their head to the side. Winter stabbed at the figure's throat three more times but got the same result. She then threw a punch and two kicks, each were dodged and blocked before the figure grabbed her hand and pushed her against the wall. Winter grunted before the lights were turned on and she saw who was in her room. She almost called out his real name before remembering that they could be monitored.

"Batman?" she exclaimed seeing the vigilante in front of her.

"My nieces and their friends." the Batman growled lowly. "Where are they? I know they're with your Kaiju hunting force, what are they heading?"

"Their skills are needed to deal with a threat to all of Remnant." Winter replied automatically.

"Remnant or the Empire?" Batman asked in return. "Because Remnant has lived with Kaiju since before the Great War."

"And all but one Kaiju has been actively battling us," Winter replied. The Bat leaned forward. "You know as well as I that that one Kaiju's attack on the Fire Nation was well justified a hundred years ago. And this male Kaiju has shrugged off everything thrown at it by you Imperials and killed powerful superheroes and one powerful Guardian Kaiju. Including the Spring Maiden."

Winter sighed sadly. "I am sorry about-" the Bat held up a hand.

"Save it, Ice Queen." he growled. "Where are my nieces going?"

"Are you planning to take them out of the battle?" Winter asked. "No, I plan to get there before the battle begins." The two of them stare at one another before Winter grabbed a pen and wrote down the coordinates on a piece of paper and held it out to the Batman.

Winter turns away, placing her hands on the counter and lowered her head. "You shouldn't have come back, Batman. The Empire is not going to tolerate someone like you. They already took out Spiderman. I don't want the same thing to--" She turns back but finds that she is alone now. Nothing but an open window and a black feather on the windowsill.

Winter sighed quietly. "Good luck, Qrow."

Shortly after, Winter stood with General Ironwood, Overseer Schnee, Dr. Boll and Dr. Serizawa in the Command Hub when Darth Vader, Princess Azula, Shredder and Megatron arrived. For once, the Remantian Imperial General wasn't concerned. In fact, he was glad that they were here now so they could share the full details of their plan. Already sitting on the table were two large cannisters. One had a similar appearance to a large hourglass but made out of metal and its contents was unknown. The other had a glowing greenish haze shining through the glass. This was Ironwood's answer to their Kaiju problem, and he suspected that they would approve of this solution to their ails.

"Lord Vader, Lord Megatron, Master Shredder and Princess Azula." Ironwood greeted. "Everything is on schedule. The Kaiju is on his way as we speak to the quarry where we've laid the trap."

Neither Vader or the others said anything. Only Azula, Vader and Shredder were the only ones looking towards the cannisters for a brief moment. Ironwood didn't understand why they weren't speaking, but the General continued on with what he had planned.

"Yes, the cannisters. We'll get to that." Ironwood insisted, taking Vader and Azula's attention away from them. "But there are other elements to the plans. Winter has the hologram already prepared."

The Specialist activated the holographic table nearby, presenting a digital representation of the quarry. It was large and a rather deep circular entrenchment into the earth. A cone burrowed out of the rock. They had harvested the Dust and metals along with other elements the stone was rich with there. They used trains on repulsorlift tracks to transport the daily haul back up to the top of the quarry. Now it would serve a different purpose. The open grave for the monstrosity plaguing them.

"The quarry has been turned into a large prison cell of sorts," she began, pointing out several pieces of machinery installed along the edge of the pit and inside it. "These are ray shield and Hard Light Dust generators aligned both within and outside the quarry. The shields can be opened from the top slightly upon remote control. This will allow us to cut Alpha Predator One from any Dust radiation and it will give us a way to attack him from above."

At this time, a holographic image of the Kaiju began to walk into the center of the quarry. Once it reached it, several large poles appeared around the male Kaiju on the display. They surrounded the Kaiju with an energy fence, keeping him trapped behind beams of man made lightning shooting between the poles.

"We've hidden these electrical field towers inside collapsible steel containers," Ironwood explained. "When the Kaiju is lured between them with the radioactive waste we've set up as bait, we will drop the containers and activate the towers. They will create an electrical fence and keep him trapped long enough for the first stage of our attack. That's where the cannisters come into play."

Dr. Boll brought the green filled cannister over and and set it down along the side of the holographic table carefully. "When we were ordered to create the Zillo-Beast clone," she began, sounding slightly despondent as she spoke. "We needed a contingency if anything when wrong. So we manufactured as much of the only we knew was capable of destroying it. The poisonous Malastare gas bombs I developed to kill the original creature during the Clone Wars."

"Based on the tests Shockwave has conducted," she went on. "The gas is just as deadly to other organic organisms as well as the Zillo-Beast."

"I'm sure you are aware that there was only one Kaiju attack similar to the one in Union City," Dr. Serizawa spoke next. "The first Godzilla Kaiju Girl. She had attacked the Fire Nation Capital after Fire Lord Sozin attacked the Air Temples. My grandfather created something that killed her. The Oxygen Destroyer." He gestures to the hourglass like cannister next to him. He stared at the device with remorse. "It destroys the atoms of oxygen and liquify living tissue, reducing living organisms to bones."

"Once the Kaiju is trapped, our forces will saturate it from every angle with missiles and chemical throwers loaded with the stuff. The Oxygen Destroyer will be placed directly beneath the Kaiju and detonate. Then comes the final blow. We will open the top of the ray shield, which will be activated at the same time as the towers. Since he won't be able to flee from the gas or the Oxygen Destroyer, trapped behind the electrical fence, it will be weakened and unable to fight back. With the top of the ray shield opened, we will have the Global Defense Force's satellite, The Hammer, fire down on the Kaiju four times before it moves away in orbit. TIE Bombers will fly over and drop more payloads laden with more toxic gas as well as high yield explosives."

"Our own forces will be protected from gas within their vacuum-sealed armor," Winter added plainly. "And the Ground Bridges will take them to safety once the Oxygen Destroyer is deployed. The electrical towers may not hold him indefinitely, but they'll keep him in place long enough. At least until we have him appropriately saturated. He'll be unable to fight back against us. He'll either choke to death or be killed from the sustained fire from our heavy weapons. This is one fight Alpha Predator One is not going to win."

Both Ironwood and Winter waited for Vader or Megatron to give their blessing or more criticism. It did not come from them or Azula and Shredder. They just stared, looking between the cannisters and the hologram. It was unnerving to say the least, trying to figure out what they were thinking. Finally Azula broke the silence.

"An interesting plan, General." she declared. The Shredder nodded. "It may in fact work." he said.

"Perhaps you can redeem yourselves." Megatron stated. "As soon as we remove one final obstacle to its success."

"Obstacle?" Ironwood repeated, confused at the Decepticon Leader's words.

"Yes," Megatron slowly replied, turning and looking down at the human. "A traitor, to be specific."

Traitor? What was he talking about?Before Ironwood could even ask, Megatron supplied the answer. "Soundwave has uncovered why those TIE fighters nearly ruined your scheme to lure the Kaiju in." he informed the general. "They were given a direct order to set course for the test area island and engage the Kaiju at will. The order came from this Academy."

"That sounds more like negligence than--" Ironwood began before Darth Vader interrupted him.

"The order was also issued suspiciously around the same time as another attack," the tall dark-clad man said. "Galactic Rebels who have assaulted and destroyed three Star Destroyers with our own Orbital Gun and the Kryptonian prisoner, breaking through the blockade to Remnant's surface. They are amassing for an attack, more than likely on this very facility."

Ironwood was shocked by the news to say the least. Rebels had come and actually landed on Remnant and they were coming here. How did they find out about this project? How the Hell did they get a hold of their own Orbital Gun? Vader didn't seem interested in answering those questions. In fact, he didn't seem to have any questions at all concerning the matter. He and the others were focused only on those in this room at this moment.

"Soundwave located the terminal the unauthorized flight order was issued from," Vader went on, slowly turning his head about the room. "It came from the office of one of the senior staff in this room.

Vader's gaze finally landed on Jacques and was soon joined by the others. Ironwood stared at the Overseer, astonished by the relevation Vader had shared. Jacques, a traitor? It didn't make sense to Ironwood. He was incompetent to be sure and greedy, but a rebel?

The Overseer himself didn't really look good. The white haired and mustached man frantically looked about the room, his mouth agape at the accusation. He quickly put his hands up defensively. "Wait, wait, it's not what you think," he tried to assure them. "I'm not a traitor! I didn't mean to-"

"Your actions diverted critical resources away from the defense of the Star Destroyers," Shredder stated, approaching slowly and viciously towards the Overseer. "TIE fighter reinforcements that could've turned the tide against the Rebel forces and prevented them from breaking the blockade. The Kaiju's presence simply gave you the opportunity you needed to do so."

"No, Master Shredder, please," Jacques nervously denied. "I merely wanted to ensure that the monster was defeated. I felt added air support would help."

Ironwood now approached slightly as Shredder began to back Jacques towards the window. "You went behind my back, Jacq?!" the General shouted angrily. "You jeopardized the entire operation and issued orders without my knowledge!"

"I didn't want to chance matters," Jacques frantically declared. "Every other plan you made failed spectacularly. I didn't want to bank on you failing to lure it in, I wanted it dead. So I asked for a large squadron of TIEs to start attacking the Kaiju while it was in the middle of the fight with the Stormtroopers on the island!"

"You almost ruined everything, you idiot!" Ironwood shouted at him. "All because you were afraid of looking stupid again!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't know about the details of the plan, I couldn't rely on them," Jacques informed him, nearly tripping over himself as he walked backwards towards the window, Shredder encroaching on him further. "I'm only guilty of trying to take matters into my own hands. I'm no traitor! I had no knowledge of the Rebel attack!"

"Oh, so we're supposed to believe that you have simply poor timing along with lacking a spine," Azula spat back as the Shredder closed the gap between them even more.

Jacques began clutching the window behind him, sweat pouring from his brow and his teeth chattering wildly. He was whimpering incessantly as Shredder moved closer. Everyone could feel his fear and abject terror as the Shredder bared down on him.

"Master Shredder, please. I didn't mean to jeopardize the operation," he pathetically pleaded. "It was poor judgment on my part, nothing more. I apologize, I sincerely do! I'll make it right! I promise! I'll send forces to eradicate the Rebels! Throw them off the planet if we have to!"

"No, you will not." Shredder replied coldly, unmoved by the Overseer's begging.

Jacques pressed himself against the window as Shredder looked down on him. He looked so small up against the armored figure, shaking like a leaf in the storm. Winter didn't know what to think. She was angry with her father, of course but that didn't mean she liked seeing him so badly frightened.

"I would interrogate you in order to discover the truth," Shredder explained, his face so close Jacques could see his reflection on the Shredder's helmet as his red eyes glared at him. "But we don't have the equipment or the time to do so. At this moment, you must be considered to be one of two things. A traitor or a incompetent liability to the Empire. You have shown proof of both. And we cannot afford either."

Suddenly, Azula appeared and placed her hand on the Shredder's shoulder. The two stare at one another silently before Shredder turned around, facing away from Jacques. The Overseer looked confused for a moment, as did everyone else. Why the sudden last minute reprieve? Perhaps the Fire Nation Princess was being merciful and Jacques was to be carted into the brig until further notice? Yes, to Ironwood and Winter that seemed to be most likely.

Then, without warning, a lightsaber ignited in Azula's other hand and she thrusted it forward. The crimson blade pierced through the Overseer's chest, directly where his heart was. Ironwood looked on in terror as did Winter. Dr. Boll gasped, placing her hands over her mouth while Dr. Serizawa moved to stand in front of her. Meanwhile, Darth Vader, Megatron and Shredder held no reaction to the scene before them. Azula tightened her grip on her lightsaber as she stared at Jacques before pulling her blade out, watching his pained expression as she did. The Overseer's breathing became more sporadic and heavy with wheezes. He clutched at the burning smoldering hole in his chest. He fell to his knees, reaching towards his daughter Winter.

They say that your life flashes before your eyes when you die. That's what Winter experienced briefly. All the memories she had of her father played out in front of her. Her early years where she thought she had a loving father before she became thirteen and Jacques revealed that he only cared about the family fortune. This led to her mother Willow to become an alcoholic and then the bridge between them burned as she set to become a Huntress and later Military Specialist and he disowned her, took her title as heiress to the company shortly after. If that wasn't enough, he had done the same to her younger sister who had enrolled to Beacon Academy and took her title as heiress after the Fall of Beacon. He had spent years trying to groom their brother Whitley to be just like him but Qrow Branwen-Wayne ended up becoming the boy's mentor and father figure.

In another life, where there was no Empire, Winter Kara Schnee would have felt nothing for Jacques Schnee. In this life, Winter felt a small trace of pity as Azula stood before him with a cold expression.

That was when the Fire Nation Princess stretched her hand out and, instead of blasting Jacques with blue fire, through some invisible force, threw the Overseer into the window. The glass shattered and Jacques flew out into the open sky. He then plummeted towards the ground like a sack of rocks. Ironwood and Winter turned their gazes away as the body started to descend out of view. Azula turned back towards the stunned Senior Staff members that remained, her lightsaber still active.

"We will deal with the male Kaiju first," she declared coolly and dispassionately. "The Rebels will be hunted down as soon as it is destroyed. Work will continue on the Cyber Zillo-Beast prototype as planned. In fact, you will complete all final preparations as soon as possible."

"We will no longer accept failure, incompetence or excuses of any kind," Darth Vader declared. "You will prove your worth to the Empire or suffer a fate no different than that of Overseer Schnee."

Everyone remained silent as the Lords, Master and Princess looked at them. Boll and Serizawa eventually bowed their heads. Both Winter and Ironwood just saluted, trying to remain some sense of dignity and composure. With that, Azula deactivated her lightsaber and began to walk away with her Master.

"Destroy Alpha Predator One, General," Megatron ordered as he left. "I would hate that this lesson needs to be repeated."

And then they left, leaving all who had just witnessed Jacques's death paralyzed with fear. Ironwood watched as the Sith Lord and the others left, hardly able to breath from the shock of what he had just saw. A colleague had been killed right in front of him and the fourteen year old girl who did it barely felt a thing while doing so. Despite what Megatron had said, he didn't believe him for a second when he said that he would hate for this action to be repeated. In fact, any of them were probably already looking forward to it.

It brought a grim reality up to the surface at last. Either he killed Alpha Predator One or one of them would kill him. There was no other alternative. Moments ago, he had been confident, proud and sure of himself in the face Darth Vader and his allies for once. It had been a fleeting moment, one he would never feel again so long as Vader was concerned. He looked back to the window that Jacques had been ejected out of. Whether he was a traitor or not didn't matter, Ironwood knew he had been right to be afraid. Not of the Kaiju out there, but of the ones inside with them, looming over their shoulders like dark shadows.

Ironwood refocused his mind back on the matter at hand. He needed to kill the damn lizard and fast. Before either Vader, Azula, Shredder or Megatron felt the need to repeat their lesson on him next.

Caine didn't know what he expected when they arrived at the quarry. Some big bomb, a super weapon the Empire's been making, or just more tanks and guns. That's what he was thinking they'd be using. Instead, he was surprised to see the plan had been switched up a little. He could see a lot of Hard Light Dust and Ray Shield generators positioned around the edge of the pit and inside it. They made up several layers of protection that covered the entire quarry. It didn't long for the old Clone Trooper to figure out what they were doing.

"They're going to lock him inside," he told Jaune and the others. "They're turning the quarry into a prison cell."

"Fat lot of good that will do," The Scout Trooper cynically stated. "He'll just break out somehow. Probably overload the shields with his bad breath."

"Maybe there's more to the plan," Pyrrha suggested. Prince Zuko nodded. "I doubt Command just wants to contain him, not after all the trouble he's caused."

Caine suspected the Fire Nation Prince was right. The Empire wasn't much for just capturing troublemakers. Even if this thing was a shapeshifting Kaiju. It had been making a fool of them for weeks now. They couldn't let that slide. They had to kill him, just trapping him in a bubble wouldn't be enough.

Their transport landed and they along with the Dragon Riders made their way to a small command post where fellow soldiers were being assigned stations for the coming battle. Datapads with instructions were being given to every Trooper as they arrived. Apparently, there was no time to give a full briefing to everyone. That meant the big Kaiju was already on his way.

They were also being assigned weapons, mostly launchers. The stand out though looked to be a modified flamethrower pack. Caine remembered how some of the Clones had used them during the war. Specifically on non-Clankers. You couldn't really burn a droid. It was a pretty cruel way to go, but that was the nature of the the entire conflict with the Seppies. Compared to what Count Dooku's cronies had done, setting said cronies on fire didn't seem nearly as bad to him.

However, Caine soon realized that the modifications for the packs weren't there to allow them to hold more fuel or shoot farther. The hazard symbol on the back, the greenish glow from the containers that had been plugged into it, the fact the nozzle looked more like a sprayer and that it lacked an ignition flame were all dead give a ways. These throwers no longer contained fuel, they had something far worse than that inside. A fact that was all but confirmed when he overheard the Earth Kingdom General handing out the weapon's list of the safety instructions.

"Remember, make sure your armor is sealed before firing," he warned them all as he handed out the gear. "Be sure to aim with the wind too. Otherwise its going to come back on your squad and not the target."

Hiccup approached along with Astrid as the squad in front of them collected their packs and walked on. The Night Fury Rider should've just taken the pack himself and done the same, but he couldn't help but ask the nagging questions in his mind aloud. His thoughts were still swimming, wondering about the mockup town and what it was for. Now this matter had popped up out of nowhere and it just seemed to be convenient for them to just have this stuff on hand.

"I didn't know we had chemical throwers," Hiccup said to the Earth Kingdom General. "I figured the Imperial Senate banned them, from what I've read."

"The Imperial Senate does a lot of things," the EK General replied gruffly. "Don't mean we have to listen. Besides, in my book, when emergency measures get called down, the rule books on what we can and can't use go out the window. This is an emergency and I doubt the Senate is going to give a crap about us using gas to kill the overgrown angry T-Rex that's running around."

Hiccup eyed the green-glowing gas canister plugged into the pack. Then he glanced up to see a couple of Dai Lee agents, elite Earth Benders from Ba Sing Se, carrying a large box. Two of them bend the earth beneath them and they vanished into the ground. Before he could question further, Astrid did it for him.

"What's the thing those Dai Lee were carrying?" she asked.

"Don't know, don't care." The Earth Kingdom General answered plainly. "All I know is that they say it will kill the Kaiju and I'm personally hoping they're right. Now do you want one or not? Because if not, I'll assign you another position."

"We'll take a few," Hiccup answered quickly. "We're going to need every advantage we can get."

The General handed the pack over to the two Dragon Riders and soon handed others to the Old Clone, then to Jaune, the Reds, Blues and the other Dragon Riders. He listed off the safety requirements and sent them on their way.

While the Imperial Troopers double checked their suits' seals, the Dragon Riders had told their dragon companions to stay outside of the quarry when the battle began. None of them wanted their dragons getting sprayed with whatever was in the throwers.

Caine glanced to Jaune who was eyeing the thrower in his hands. He didn't seem all that comfortable with it. "Never thought I'd be using these," he stated. "I guess Command is getting desperate to kill that thing."

"Only thing we haven't tried is choking him to death," Caine shrugged. "It's a better plan tan I expected. This quarry isn't a cell, it's a gas chamber."

"Yeah, and we're the admission system," Ruby half heartedly joked. Neither she or her friends seemed all that enthusiastic about that fact. Maybe, like Hiccup, they suspected there was something off about the Empire having a gas weapon. The Grimm wouldn't be affected by such things, they didn't need to breath air. What did it do? How long had the Empire have it here? What was it originally planned to be used? Hiccup couldn't really say for sure. All he knew was that it didn't sit well in his gut. Something was odd about this, he just didn't know what exactly it was. Not yet anyway.

After checking their weapons, they found Daemon and Taylor by a repulsorlift shaft that headed down into the quarry caverns beneath them. The Jumptrooper Lieutenant eyed the throwers on their backs for a moment before brushing it aside. There were other matters on her mind.

"My Jumptroopers are going to be running interference for you guys while you hit Alpha Predator One with the spray," she explained. "The idea seems to be to hit him from all sides so that he doesn't know where to focus his attacks. Where did you guys get stationed?"

Caine looked at his datapad and quickly read the contents. "Team RWBY and PRN are one of the mining trains, mid-levels," he explained. "The Reds and Blues will be on the lower levels. They're going to have them loop around the quarry and pump the gas at him as we travel along. It should achieve full saturation of the quarry. If everything goes as planned, the OD and the Hammer will finish him off."

When did anything go to plan though?Hiccup thought. Never as far as this Kaiju was concerned at least. He didn't voice that though, he didn't want to showcase his concerns right now. On the whole, he thought it was a good idea that could work. It was just he kept getting a nagging feeling that it wouldn't be so simple.

"Just remember to keep your armor sealed and your masks on," Daemon said in a warning tone. "One slip up and you'll be the ones saturated."

At that moment, the sound of a jet engine was heard. They looked up and saw a black jet landing nearby.

"Is that what I think it is?" Weiss asked with wide eyes shared by Blake and Pyrrha. Ruby and Yang exchanged some glances before the two sisters walk to the Batwing.

Jaune couldn't help but stare. "They know Batman?!" he exclaimed.

"Uh, well. . ." Blake drawled before they could Yang's muffled voice shouting from within the Batwing before a klaxon alarm sounded, alerting every trooper in camp.

"Alpha Predator One sighted!"shouted an Officer over the Comms."Approaching target area at rapid speed! All hands to battle stations!"

Well, that was their cue. Caine and Jaune rushed into the lift while Daemon and Taylor moved to reconvene with his fellow Jumptroopers. As the lift began to descend into the caverns below where their train waited, Caine did his best to steel himself. This was it. Their last best chance to take this Kaiju out. With any luck, this gas would keep Alpha Predator One from thinking straight and it wouldn't be able to outsmart them this time. All they had to do was keep him contained long enough for the the gas, the Hammer and the Oxygen Destroyer to do its job. But he doubted the Kaiju would die so easily. Cornered and wounded animals always fought back all the harder. This Kaiju was more than just an animal though, and that made it all the more dangerous.

"You're going to do what?!" Godzilla asked Miki incredulously and gestured to the Rebels on the landing platform. "And you want to what?!"

"I'm going to talk to the male Godzilla Kaiju," Miki replied in a nonchalant tone.

"And we're going to try to form an alliance with the Kaiju to drive the Empire from Remnant." Ahsoka added dutifully with crossed arms. "Of course, you are free to join our alliance."

"With what you have told us about what the Empire is really doing," Mothra said while Godzilla wanted to say something. "I can understand that. But why ally with him? We are aware that he is no friend of the Empire but he has destroyed a city and killed over thousand people, superheroes and put others in the hospital."

"We also aim to understand him," Ahsoka replied. "If we do, we can form a temporary alliance against the Empire with him."

"If things go south, we can defend you," Queen Cesar said.

"I suppose that would be appreciated." Optimus replied. A young boy with blue arrow tattoos walks forward. "Guardian Queen Cesar, I am Avatar Aang." he said bowing down. "I have to ask, are the Air Nomads really gone?"

Cesar and Mothra chuckled in response warmly. "You don't have to worry, young Airbender." Cesar replied warmly and Mothra spoke. "I have saved a small tribe of Airbenders when Fire Lord Sozin attacked the temples. They have lived on Infant Island ever since."

"Really? Thank you for telling me, Mothra." Aang bowed again. "And. . . I am sorry for running away."

"You were--still are a child, Aang." Mothra replied dismissively. "I doubt you staying when the Comet came would have changed anything." Aang didn't look that convinced but his new friends Katara and Sokka placed a hand on each of shoulders comfortingly and he smiled lightly.

Jake suddenly pressed a finger to his Comms. He turned to Ahsoka. "We better get a move on. The Empire are about to do something about the male Godzilla according to Bolts." he said.

As the Rebels began to leave, Godzilla glanced to Mothra. "Are you seriously considering it?" she asked.

"After learning what the Empire is building, there's no question to it," Mothra replied. "You can't deny that you would too, especially since they have cloned you." Godzilla turned away, frowning at the mention of that.

"If you're referring to the male, you can't say that you're a bit curious to how he works," Mothra added. Godzilla sighed in response before nodding once.

He could smell a storm rolling in on the horizon. Hear its distant thunder from miles away. To some, it was an ominous omen. But to Godzilla, it was nothing more than a timely chorus. He could sense the desperation of his enemies. Their feeble efforts on that island were proof enough of that. It was only a matter of time before they were broken and he'd finally be free of their presence. The Empire would fall and Godzilla's new dominion would be assured.

He could already see where they had taken the energy he had sensed before. A large deep pit carved into a large plateau. No doubt created by the humans so they could feed their need for whatever resources this world held. Scavengers. Parasites. Leeches. Always seeking to burrow and drill and break the ground to satisfy their selfish wants and desires. Granted, this pit was deeper compared to ones on Earth and beyond. They had really dug deep, he could feel that just from the vibrations he felt as he stomped forward.

Did they think they could hide the energy he had sensed in something so far beneath the surface? More arrogant folly on their part. There was no cavern, artificial or otherwise that could deter him. He could already tell there were large portions of the pit's sides carved out so he could walk. They had practically given him a staircase.

Perhaps they hoped to trap him somehow then. Lead him in and collapse the rock on top of him. A possibility given that it had happened back in 1962 when he was smaller, younger and the world didn't have a lot of superheroes at the time,(At least as far as he was aware.)but he highly doubted it. Even if this was the plan, he could just climb out. It would just be another futile attempt to confine him.

He was already walking down the steps when he felt the ground shift beneath the tip of his tail. He paused and turned to look at his tail. One of the steps seemed to have vanished.Hmm. . .Earthbenders. Okay that is admittedly clever than he thought. Let's see if it works to keep him from climbing out.

As he continued walking, he began to recall how the humans back home had tried this before. They had used an island of course and not a pit, but the premise was the same. Put him some place isolated and forget him. Like a common animal at one of their zoos, as they called them. They at least had reason to think it would work. It had with the others. His fellow Kaiju. His kindred of sorts. Oh sure, they left to stretch their legs now and again, but more often than not they kept themselves confined for one reason or another.

For example, Anguirus. One of his trusted allies and oldest friend over the years. He remembered how the first MechaGodzilla arrived, how he was so enraged when Anguirus was mutilated by the mechanical Saurian and how much pleasure he felt when he ripped that tin can's head off. When other threats loomed, Godzilla knew he could always count on the stubby little spike ball to back him up and Anguirus never failed. However, Anguirus never had the same grudge against humans. He was a great warrior, but he had no desire to seek combat. The human's island offered him peace and he rarely saw a reason to leave anymore.

King Cesar was a Guardian Kaiju. One that had helped him defeat MechaGodzilla. He was a great warrior and Godzilla had grown to respect him greatly. But he had rarely attacked humans unless it was self defense and he always rose to combat threats, whether it was with Godzilla or one of the superhero teams. Though there was the time he was mind controlled by the Ten Rings, and he wasn't proud of that. The same for Manda and Varan. They were guardians of ancient civilizations that were long dead and didn't have anything against the humans of the present outside of HYDRA and Intergang who had exterminated their respective civilizations.

Rodan had been far less forgiving of the humans, especially after what they had done to him over the years. Like Anguirus, Rodan always had Godzilla's back against any threat on Earth and beyond. They butt heads every now and again, talk sh*t against one another but they still had a brotherly bond. One that Doomsday nearly ended. The flying saurian had grown tired of the constant struggle against the humans. Despite everything, Rodan just wanted a place to roost and for the humans to stay out of his way. The island was a decent enough compromise to him.

His sister, Biollante. Even when she had the spirit of a deceased human or not, she had no grudge against humans. The first time they met, Godzilla saw her as an intruder and she had taken the mantle of a Guardian Kaiju, willing to defend humans. Only when they both became humans did the two start to get along and start see each other has family, especially since they do share blood. She, like any younger sister, had tried to imitate Godzilla, having herself grow dorsal plates similar to his own, and evolve into a more threatening look. She was aware of her potential threat to humanity, so she went to the island willingly.

There was also Zilla. His protégé. He had imprinted and was raised by a human scientist, so he would blindly listen to his 'father' for anything. The island was a place where he could fish and not worry about damaging human boats. His mate Komodoithrax couldn't really care about man and just focused on survival. Thinking about Tuna Breath made Godzilla briefly wonder if his female counterpart was here on this world as well before brushing it off.

Then there was poor Titanosaurus. A poster child for the abuses of man. He had been mind controlled, brainwashed, mentally tortured by aliens and humans alike in efforts to use him against his own kind, mainly against Godzilla himself. The poor aquatic Saurian Kaiju's brain had been under such strain from all the attempts to contort and bend his will. He wanted it to stop and so he let the island become his retreat. His anger against the humans for what they had done to him had been dulled and while he still had inner strength and a warrior's spirit, his will was not nearly as strong as his heart. He too had compromised and let the humans jail him. "Say what you will, my King, but this island is better than being their tool again," Titanosaurus had told him once.

And of course, there was Baragon, who despite being a Guardian Kaiju, half the time wasn't really sure about anything. He was far too lazy and complacent to ever be a real threat to man.(Or just about anyone really. When not provoked.)He preferred to just lounge about the beaches of the island, soaking up sun.

The same was true of Gorosaurus, who thrived on the four square meals of meat the humans flew in to keep him and other carnivorous Kaiju content. And King Kong was busy to keep Skull Island in order lately, from what Godzilla heard last. The Gargantuan Twins were always too busy constantly battling with each other now and then to care about man. The yellow one in particular seemed to want to keep the green one stuck on the island with him, like he was another jailor inside the jail.(Or wait, was it the other around?)And when they weren't fighting each other, they were pulling pranks and impractical jokes on the other Kaiju on the island.

Kumonga just sat in that crater of hers, eating whatever the humans threw down into her web. Kamacuras just hung around said crater, nibbling at scraps. Kamoebas just slept at the bottom of the island's bay all day like the big fat hedonistic turtle he was. The same went for Ebirah, he didn't care about mankind other than using them as a food source.

Capitulation, laziness, contentment, compromise and surrender. That's what characterized those who stayed on that Monster Island. Creatures who let the humans cordon them off to a secluded little corner of the world so they could do as they pleased with the rest of it.

Godzilla could never accept that. Never let the humans shut him up and forget he existed.(Like said earlier, he allowed it to exist because it offered sanctuary to his children.)He wouldn't give them that satisfaction. A king did not bow to maggots because they felt they were owed their piece of land.(Even if he had grown to respect a handful of them.)The very thought of letting them get away with their crimes outraged Godzilla. The very thought they could just lock him away was just an added insult.

Only one other of his kind was able to avoid captivity. However, it was only because she fancied herself more of a defender than judge or attacker. Mothra, always the kindly pacifist willing to defend man and the Earth from evil within and without. The literal avatar of Earth itself, reincarnated as long as the Earth exists. Godzilla had known her almost as long as Anguirus and Rodan. Like them, they had once been enemies, but that has changed after they were transformed into humans the first time.How did that happen again? Oh yeah, Mr. Fantastic had used a shrink ray or something on us and something wrong. Wait, is that right? Or was it some magic spell meant to change us to be less of a threat to humanity?

Didn't Deadpool say that the timeline rebooted twice or something due to time travel shenanigans? Something about Superboy Prime? Or was it something to do with Barry Allen and his 'Flashpoint Paradox?' Wait, what am I thinking?Godzilla suddenly thought. That walking tumor with a mouth can hardly be trusted with anything.

And then there was the time Godzilla was turned into an alligator by a sorceress. And then Mothra got turned into a cat by the same sorceress a year later.Or was that a trick/prank from Loki?Godzilla could never have a clear memory on who turned him or the Kaiju into plain ordinary animals. It always had something to do with magic, sorcery, malfunctioning technology or the universal laws of traveling to a different universe.

Anyway, the point is that those scenarios had drawn out some unspoken thing between them. Especially when Godzilla was almost shot to death by police and animal control because he walked into the swimming pool of someone's birthday party as an alligator(At least hethinks it was someone's birthday party.)and Mothra almost got ran over in traffic and nearly drowned in one day as a cat.

Back on track.

They were complete opposites, they learned when they were humans. Godzilla had trust issues, Mothra trusted strangers as soon as she heard that they rescue animals for a living or if they were like Spiderman. Godzilla would kill for survival without any hesitation or second thoughts, Mothra would fight to subdue and immobilize. Godzilla was straight to the point, Mothra would soften the blows. When they had allied with the Justice League and the Avengers(Who had battled Godzilla twice at the time. Five or six times for the Hulk.)Mothra focused on threats from the stars and Godzilla focused on threats on Earth like Lex Luthor and Ultron or HYDRA. Then both were emotionally manipulated by ones who they thought were. . . more than friends. Godzilla by Talia Al Ghul and Mothra by a variant of Kang the Conqueror.

And then there was the time the two were on a romance magazine as the number one power couple in the world along with Batman and Wonder Woman, Black Panther and Storm. What was that name again? He knew it wasn't the Daily Bugle because J.J. Jameson knew better than to print something like about Godzilla. That was sure a hassle to deal with along with the press. Wait, what did they do about that? The years have blurred like tinted glass when it came to events outside of battles. Either he and the Avengers had told the world(Or whoever wrote the magazine)that he and Mothra were not a couple or they tried to play along with it before acting like they broke up. If memory serves correctly, that was also the year he swapped brains with Tony Stark for a month or two and the billionaire playboy's personality had rubbed off on him and he didn't know it until she called him out on it. It was either Tony Stark or SpaceGodzilla, both of which he prefers to not switch brains with for a month given the mess both of them would make that he would have to clean up.

Then things started getting more personal and they grew closer. Especially after Superman locked them in a room when he was fed up with their arguments.(Then again, that guy is so blind despite the fact he has like fifty differentvisions.)She still interfered from time to time after he left the League and Avengers and the two got involved in the Civil War, but Godzilla had grown past trying to do away with her. It was pointless, with her being reincarnated eventually and sometimes angry at him more than before. Besides, she had grown busy battling her alter ego, the far less peaceful and more malevolent Battra.

Like him, Battra disliked mankind as much as Godzilla but his reasons were more generalized and never personal. The Black Moth's actions seemed to be a dark reflection of Mothra, the yin to her yang. Acting only because it was what he was manifested as and not because of anything mankind had done to him. It never felt genuine and so Godzilla never counted him as a friend even when he helped them against a threat like Thanos or Darkseid.

Mothra was at least a creature he could reason with, who was at least sincere compared to most of the superheroes. He's not saying anything against most of them and while she wasn't blunt, she got the point across in full than most of the superheroes who would often get half of their point across because they feared his reaction unlike Mothra. That didn't make her right, but Godzilla would at least respect the commitment she had to her beliefs. He actually said that to her directly. They clashed from time to time, but she also always assisted him when the humans went too far on something like Kiryu or other threats to the Earth like Vandal Savage, Rita Repulsa, King Ghidorah, Thanos, Destroyah, Darkseid, Kang, Zod, Trigon, Brainiac, SpaceGodzilla, Ultron and his MechaGodzilla Legion, or the Batman Who Laughs and the Legion of Doom. She never saw things in absolutes like he did. Probably something that came with living with an evil twin. To her, humans weren't wholly good or bad, they were most of the time misguided or at least had the best intentions. She saw the superheroes as an example of that.

"You are embarrassingly naïve," Godzilla said to her bluntly, placing a hand on her head, ruffling her hair. "But I can tell you believe that in all your soul so that's enough to earn my respect."

"Gee, thanks." Mothra drawled sarcastically with a roll of her sapphire eyes. "Glad to know that you respect me."

For decades now, she had been trying to spread that philosophy to him though. Of course, not all of their discussions were in human tongue. They often communicated through thought, movement, smells, and sounds that were beyond the feeble understanding of man. It was the language of his kind. One of gesture and thought that few outside their world could comprehend. Only Miki Saegusa, Mothra's people of Infant Island seemed to truly understand and connect with the Kaiju. Oh, there were some telepaths like Professor Xavier, Raven, Jean Grey, Martian Manhunter and Ms. Martian to name a few or those with a connection to nature like Poison Ivy, Vixen, Beast Boy, Wolverine, Aquaman and the Atlanteans and empaths like Mantis understood it. It was because of this that Mothra argued her case to him.

"Man and Kaiju can live together as equals," she said during one such discussion. "All it requires is a sense of mutual respect and cooperation."

She kept expressing some high hope for him as well. That Godzilla could move past his rage and anger. Forgive the humans for the pain they caused. To her--

"You can be more than just a symbol of punishment and destruction." she said. "You can be a defender. A force for something greater than revenge."

". . . Wow. . . I knew you were naïve, Princess, but that's something else altogether." he replied.

"Goji. . ." Mothra sighed.

"No." he said outright. "Man does deserve me as a defender. They do not deserve protection. They get enough of that from Clark and the others. No, what they deserve from me is retribution."

Their sins could not and would not be forgotten. He refused to be broken like his fellow Kaiju, forced onto an island to grow fat and lazy. Mothra had her throng of worshippers, but they were nothing but stupid little insects bowing to her and every offspring she spawned like dumb monkeys. They only listened to her because she was akin to a goddess in their eyes.

Likewise, the humans attacked him because they recognized that this was true of him too. To their eyes, he was near as close to a god just as Superman, Wonder Woman and Thor along with Sentry, the Incredible Hulk, the Ghost Riders and even Shazam with Black Adam. Unlike those superheroes, they hated him, attacked him, hurt him, hounded him because he looked nothing like them. He was a living reminder of their sin and the adjudicator of their reckoning.

Man had to kill what they could not control. It had to kill what did not give into them. For nothing could be called a god unless it had unimaginable power and looked exactly like them it seemed and Godzilla's very existence challenged that. He had greater power than they ever could and that scared them, even the superheroes that he respected.

Well, Godzilla didn't have to concern himself with those people. He had a new set of like-minded humans to deal with. It was different though. This world had been burned by hundred-year war and was conquered by a tyrannical empire who killed heroes like Spiderman and let others like Homelander live. The bright side was that the humans of this world had some peace with the Kaiju Girls. He can use that to his advantage. He could snuff out the Empire and that superhero company Vought International, prune anything else that needs pruning and then have all the Kaiju and remaining superheroes bow before him. He could rule a new kingdom in peace. No arrogant little insects seeking to reassert themselves to a position they could never obtain. Mothra could have her worshippers. Mankind can have Earth. He'd settle for this planet. A new kingdom where he could rule in relative peace at last without surrendering in order to achieve it. A world that finally belonged to him once more. True paradise and not the fake one that had been constructed on that stupid Monster Island.

All he had to do was to keep fighting the Empire until it broke and he suspected that it would soon. Very soon. But first, the power source.

He reached he bottom of the pit at last and looked around. All the way down, Godzilla had expected to be attacked. That the soldiers would start shooting. However, this time, the soldiers didn't appear. They were probably hiding, quaking in fear as their prideful leaders held them back for the moment. That didn't matter. Either they'd strike soon enough or Godzilla could hunt them down in his human form. He saw that the Earthbenders had gotten rid of the staircase. If they planned to just trap him like this, it wouldn't be enough. They thought he couldn't climb out. He'd show them how wrong they were soon enough. And there was the power source. In the very center of the quarry, between several large upright metal structures was a big metal container holding the energy he sought. It was bigger than he thought. That aircraft just added its cargo to what was already inside this thing. No matter, it only meant more energy for him. Godzilla now approached the container rapidly, growing tired of waiting to claim his prize. He walked up to the metal box and bent down to grab it in his claws. Then without warning, the box exploded in front of him.

The blast blinded Godzilla temporarily as he blinked owlishly and then sneezed the ash that ended up his nostrils. When his eyesight returned, the first thing he saw was that there was shrapnel stuck in the scales of his arms. As for the energy, what little remained had disperse now. He scoffed. Okay, of all twenty things he had expected, this was near the bottom of the list. But to be honest, he thought the explosion would have been a bit bigger. Just then, the metal structures around him suddenly collapsed, revealing large metal poles. The poles came to life shortly after with electricity began to shoot between them. Within moments, the bands of lightning formed a fence around him. Next two energy shields covered the top of the pit.

He blinked. Why was this reminding him of Brainiac?

If this is how they planned to trap him, they were gravely mistaken. He'd break free of this cell easy enough, he had plenty of time in any case. However, as he roared up at the walls, he heard shots being fired from the rocky cliffs. He looked to see trains zooming around him. He could missiles and shells being fired at him from different directions. None of them hit him however, instead they landed at his feet within the electric fence perimeter. Mere seconds later, they started spewing a green cloud that began to creep towards him, slowly surrounding him as more missiles and shells landed in.

Gas. They intended to kill him with gas. For a moment, he wondered if they were really that desperate. But then he felt a slight pain in the back of his throat as well as smell a foul odor. He shook his head. Okay, he'll admit that this gas sure smells lethal. With Mothra's venom still in his system, it was best to not see if he could fight off two different things like this with his healing factor.

He shrunk down to his human size and form. He turns his head slightly and looked up at the soldiers he knew were hiding in the crevices in the walls of the pit. He gave them an evil smile as he walked towards an area bent down and dug up the ground and saw electric cables. Snorting, he grabbed them charged his atomic breath, but instead he kept his mouth shut as red bioelectricity was surging around his body, his eyes glowing crimson.

This was going to hurt a little but at the same time, it was going to be worth it.

Caine watches the creature in the pit as he shrunk down to his human form with his marcrobinoculars from his spot on the train. He sees the Kaiju looking around as the gas cloud grew larger and the old Clone Trooper notices the creature was unfazed on everything around him. That's when he notices he turns his head and looked at them until he saw that evil smile again, which meant nothing good.

"Hey, what is he's doing?" Nora asked.

They all notice him walking toward an area, close to the electric fence, bending down and he started digging up the ground until the cables were exposed. Caine's eyes widened as he sees the Saurian Kaiju picked them up in his hands and then ripped them apart. Then his spines started glowing with energy, but nothing came out but that was when they saw red bioelectricity around the Kaiju's body as it was pumping into the cables.

Soon, the consoles started to spark then got destroyed as the generators for the shields and the fence started to overload and exploded and with this the shield and fence were down now.

Then their train stopped in its tracks. The troopers around them lurched forward from the sudden stop while Caine and his team tried to hold their footing. "What. . . What happened?" Zuko asked.

"He. . . reversed the power back to the source," Caine said in shock.

"Okay, that Kaiju is way too clever," Caboose stated. "But hey, at least the gas is still there."

"Yes, but with the ray shields down, he could still breath," Pyrrha pointed out. "The point of those shields was to keep the gas in."

"We'll just have to keep him occupied." Iroh stated, pressing a finger to the Commlink he had in his ear. "Send them in."

"We need to reboot the system," Caine stated before pressing on his Comms. "I repeat we need to reboot the systems of the pit."

"Already on it, Officer Caine,"Prince Daemon replied on the Comms."Estimated time is two minutes."

Godzilla began to walk to the wall when he heard what sounded like a portal opening behind him. Before he could turn his head, he felt blades stabbing into his shoulder and neck. He roared in pain as he felt another stab into his side. He swung to through off his attacker from him. He had his battle armor form over him as he entered a battle stance. He kind of faltered when he saw that his attacker was a variant of Laura Kinney/X-23, the daughter of the Wolverine.

He growled, hand mildly rubbing his shoulder while looking at her claws stained with his blood. Adamantium, one of the only metals that could pierce his skin. He glanced up to her face. What little of it. A large red visor was covering her head. One he remembered Logan had wore in his days in the Weapon X program, something that appears to exist in this world. He felt some sadness, assuming that Logan, another respected and trusted friend, was also dead in this world.

Well, the best thing he could was free Logan's daughter from the Empire's control.

Before he could make a move however, he was shot in the back by high caliber bullets followed by missiles. He turned to the right and saw an black tank treading towards him. "Wait a minute," Godzilla tilted his head. "Does that tank have the face of a bat?" he asked before he was shot in face and there was enough force to knock him off his feet and sent him rolling into the cloud of gas behind him.

Coughing harshly from the gas, Godzilla quickly got to his feet and charged to the tank. He batted away the bullets and missiles fired at him and slammed his body against the Bat Tank. He grabbed onto its treads and flipped the tank onto its side. He walked up the front of it and knocked on it four times. When no answer came, he dug his claws into it and pulled it open. In the front seats were Team RWBY.

Ruby aimed Crescent Rose up to the Kaiju nervously while Blake held her weapon in pistol form in her hand. Weiss held up her rapier and Yang raised her fists, eyes red and flames dancing at the corner of her eyes.

"Isn't this a school day for you children?" Godzilla asked with a raised eyebrow before a bullet bounced off his face. He leaned forward. "Where is he?" he demanded sternly, leaning close to Ruby's face. "Where's the Batman?"

"Alpha Predator One."

Godzilla straightened up at hearing a familiar yet different voice. He turned around and saw the Batman wearing a black battle suit and cowl that covered his mouth with glowing whiteish blue eyes, cape billowing among the gas cloud. "Leave them alone." The Batman said.

Godzilla stepped away from the Bat Tank and walked towards the Batman, stopping only a few from him. The two stared at one another before Godzilla spoke. "We don't have to be enemies."

"Maybe so." The Batman said in agreement. "But you killed my sister." Before Godzilla could reply, the Bat held a large cannon and fired a sonic blast to the Kaiju Human's face. Godzilla grimaced as his ears began to ring in pain before his left hand grabbed the cannon and he Tail Whipped Batman to one of the posts for the electric fence.

He crumpled the cannon into a ball of twisted metal as Laura yelled as she charged and stabbed Godzilla in the neck, just above his armor. Godzilla roared before choking as a grappling hook wrapped around his neck and the Batman slammed his feet into Godzilla's chest and planted an explosive on his chest and maneuvered around him. The bomb went off just as Godzilla grabbed it. Laura then slashed across Godzilla's face as Batman planted another explosive between his spines. Godzilla swung his tail at Batman but the bat themed superhero caught the appendage and used it to swing around to the front of Godzilla and punched him in the face just as the explosive went off on his back.

Godzilla tried to roar in rage but ended up hacking and coughing. Right, the gas. And then he was punched in the face by the Batman and he felt electricity surge through his body with each punch. The Kaiju slashed his claws at the Batman who ducked and thrusted his palm at Godzilla's face and sprayed an unknown substance into Godzilla's eyes. But if he were to guess, it was a mixture of some acid, sand and super glue. The Saurian Kaiju roared in pain, closing his eyes for a moment. When he opened them, he felt the Bat latch something large to his face and had less than five seconds before it exploded. When the explosion subsided, Godzilla saw a black feather float down in front of him before he was kicked in the face by Batman.

Growling, Godzilla swung in a 180 and slammed his tail against Batman's torso and sent him flying into one of the buildings. He then held his hand and let Laura's claws stab through his palm. He reached up and grabbed the device on Laura's head and then snapped it in half before Spartan Kicking her in the chest and sending her flying to the wall.

He then ran to the building he had sent the Bat into. He paused and looked around as he saw that it was total darkness inside the building. Then he heard the beeping of bombs on countdown. That was when he realized that he had walked into one of the Bat's traps. Would it hurt? No, definitely not. But it was such a blow to his ego to fall into a trap made by a superhero with no powers.


The entire building exploded just as the electric fence and the ray shields turned back on. Godzilla stood among the ruins of the building before a large grappling hook harpooned through his tail. Godzilla roared in pain before he was abruptly yanked off his feet and spun around before he was thrown towards the center of the pit while part of his tail was ripped off.

"f*ck! Not again!" Godzilla growled in pain while holding the remaining part of his tail after he rolled on the ground. As it was regenerating back, he looked up to see the Batman swinging on his grappling hook before he threw a Batarang, not at Godzilla but at the chain of a wrecking ball on a nearby crane. The Bat quickly caught the chain and somersaulted while swinging the wrecking ball down to Godzilla.

The wrecking ball slammed into Godzilla's head, forcing him to his knees. He held up his right arm to block it but was still pushed back. His spines flashed and he fired his Atomic Breath at the chain. The wrecking ball nearly flew past him but Godzilla caught the chain with his hand and swung it at Batman who jumped to avoid it twice before being hit and sent flying across the pit.

The Bat stood up and dug his fingers into the construction vehicles at his sides and held them up like they were large gloves. Both Kaiju and man charged one another before the Bat punched Godzilla in the face, followed by a hammering blow to his head. Godzilla then held up his hands to block the two hits but then Batman headbutted him. Godzilla blinked before he abruptly headbutted him and sent him flying back.

Godzilla coughed into his fist and held a hand to his burning throat. Suddenly a green portal opened up behind the Batman. The Bat stood up and looked back at the Saurian Kaiju. The two stared at one another before the human walked backwards into the portal. Blinking, Godzilla looked around and sees similar portals appearing throughout the pit where he can smell the scent of the soldiers and suddenly their scents disappear much like the Batman.

Then he heard something from the center of the pit. He turns and sees a small pedestal and saw an all too familiar device.

No. Not that thing again. He would rather fight all of his most hated enemies and rivals for 600 days without rest or food than be within a mile of this device. A weapon made that had nearly killed him. A weapon that he only escaped from it by the slimmest of slimmest margins.

That blasted weapon had come back to haunt him once again. Godzilla stepped back in fear and transformed back into his Kaiju form. Only for the pain in his throat to increase as he now stood where the gas cloud was thick. Then with his binocular vision, he sees that the countdown had reached zero on the Oxygen Destroyer.

Ah f*ck.

He roared in both pure agony and anger as his vision went white.

He slowly cracked open his eyes and they burned. His throat burned and so did his lungs. He coughed and wheezed. Getting exposed to the Oxygen Destroyer on land just hits different than it did in the water.

Then the Batman stepped back in. Godzilla stared up, now understanding why his mouth was covered. The Bat smiled and walked around the Kaiju. He watched Godzilla cough and wheeze in the Kryptonite gas. "Breath it in." He said to the Kaiju who coughed and hacked. "That's fear." He added.

"Yeah, I'm familiar with fear," Godzilla remarked. "I recognize it anywhere." he shook his head while mentally noting that he pissed off this world's Batman when he's using a mixture of Fear Toxin and Ivy's Toxic dust. Combine that with the Oxygen Destroyer and the venom in his veins, he was in a lot of trouble.

"You're not brave." He stated with a shake of his head. Godzilla looked up to him with a glare and watery eyes before shooting to his feet. He threw his fist to punch the Bat, only for his fist to be caught by the hand of the Batman.

"Men are brave." Batman declared. After all, it was easy to act tough when you knew that you were bulletproof. Slowly, Godzilla looked at his fist in shock. Oh sh*t, not again. He threw a couple of more punches but they were blocked by Batman before the Bat headbutted him, causing him to stagger back.

Batman reared his right fist back and punched the Saurian Human in the face. He blocked another punch thrown by the weakened Kryptonian before kneeing him in the stomach and then elbowing him in the throat, which Godzilla grabbed at his throat, and then the Bat was back kicking him in the chest. Godzilla was sent flying back from the kick and he landed a false ground. He groaned in pain as the Batman walked towards him.

The Bat roared as he jumped high into the air and slammed his feet down on Godzilla's chest and pushed him through the false ground. They fell to the next floor and Godzilla landed on his back with Batman's metal boots digging into his chest.

He rolled onto his side, groaning in pain as Batman stepped off him, only to kick him in the ribs. He stumbled to his feet before he was punched in the face, followed by an uppercut to the jaw. Batman suddenly grabbed him by the throat, headbutted him and then shoved his face into concrete. He jabbed him in the face and then into his diaphragm, drawing the air out of him before throwing a cross punch that knocked him off his feet. The Bat suddenly stepped back into a portal and then a similar portal opened up beneath him. He fell through and landed right on top of the Oxygen Destroyer.

Oh great.

Caine stared down at the pit from the top as the blast began to subside. They finally had him. The Kaiju was knocked off his feet, most of the skin on his upper body were scorched and sizzling. Alpha Predator One was motionless for a short moment before he began to wheeze and roar in pain.

This wasn't exactly an honorable fight to be sure, Hiccup knew that, but he doubted any Trooper here cared. After seeing so many of their friends get killed by this Kaiju, escaping every ambush and fighting off every assault as well as killing heroes that they may have looked up to, fairness didn't matter anymore. They just wanted Alpha Predator One dead. Hiccup knew that but he couldn't find it in himself to agree.

Perhaps it was that part of him that made him become friends with Toothless and go against what Vikings believed in about dragons. That part of him was telling him that there was some reason that drove this Kaiju and he needed to understand him like he did with Toothless and be his friend not an enemy.

"Yeah! Choke on it, you cold-blooded son of a bitch!" Jaune shouted of the Kaiju's pained roars. "Choke on it hard!"

The Scout Trooper's cries were echoed by the Troopers nearby, some even whistled. Hiccup glanced to his fellow Dragon Riders and the Huntresses and Huntsmen. They didn't join in on the cheering and frankly, Hiccup didn't want to. It honestly reminded him of the time he was bullied.

Suddenly a blue light shined down on the quarry and aimed right where the Kaiju stood. Caine looked up with Hiccup and called out. "Everyone clear away from the edge!"

It was hardly a minute after he said that when a large laser beam shot from the sky and into the quarry. The ground shook beneath their feet followed by more of the Kaiju's pained filled roars.

Hiccup and the others crept to the edge and saw the Kaiju on his belly, his back was scorched and most of his dorsal fins were snapped off his back and littered the floor. This sight, followed by the scream from the Kaiju elicited a laugh from several Troopers.

"That's what you get when you mess with the Empire!" shouted one.

"That's for my family in Union City, motherf*cker!"

"Not so badass are you?" Another Trooper said tauntingly.

Meanwhile, the Thorston Twins weren't just awestruck by the explosions. They feltunworthyof it.

"I-I-I," Ruffnut said and began. . . crying? Tuffnut put an arm around her. "Sshh, sshh. It's okay, dear sister. No words are needed to describe thegodly beautywe are seeing." he said in a sage tone.

Caine would've joined in with the cheering,(Especially since the Kaiju killed Smith)but he wasn't about to celebrate prematurely. Until the Kaiju stopped moving, until he stopped breathing, this was hardly over. He knew as much because he suspected the giant lizard felt the same. That was what they taught in the first days of training back on Kamino. Know your enemy. Think like them. Never suspect that they would give up easily. If you think that for a moment then you might as well shoot yourself right then and there. Because Clone Troopers don't quit and neither do their enemies. This Kaiju was a survivor, Caine knew that for sure. He wouldn't stop fighting, not when he still thought he had a chance. He could at least respect that.

Alpha Predator One dropped to all fours as the barriers closed and then the Oxygen Destroyer detonated again. The barriers barely muffled the explosion and the scream of pain. The Troopers once more started cheering, thinking this was the end, but Caine knew better. He put up his hand and shouted over them all.

"Quiet," he yelled. "He's not even close to done, not yet."

As Caine predicted, the Kaiju's brain was kicking into gear. A blue glow emitted at the Kaiju's tail and the spine shot up with aPOP!Followed by the next. The remaining dorsal spines shot upwards as well and the scars on his body glowed blue.



The Kaiju raised his head up and breathed in deeply, something that he looked reluctant as he was aware that he was inhaling more of the toxic gas. His spines clamped back down and he fired his Atomic Breath at the Oxygen Destroyer.

The blast was no where as powerful as it was back at the power station, but it turned out to be a bad idea for the Kaiju to mix his radioactive breath with whatever was inside the Oxygen Destroyer.


When the blast subsided, Ruby could see that the Kaiju was more and more resembling that horror slasher that scared her as a kid. The Kaiju roared loudly in pain. If one were to ask her, Ruby would say that the Kaiju was severely weakened now. His scars and burns were not healing and it looked as ifhis very own Atomic Breath had burned his face and neck.

The ray shields powered down again and then The Hammer was brought down. Ruby shielded her eyes from the blast. Only her uncle didn't react much, other than his cape. She looked back down into the pit.

The Kaiju tried to rise to his feet but the laser had managed to blast off a good chunk of flesh on his ribs, back and more of his dorsal spines were blown off. He fell back to the ground, groaning in pain. She knew the creature had killed a lot of people, soldiers from and not from Remnant and civilians, but she didn't like seeing it--him in pain.

And yet, even from here, without binoculars, Ruby could see defiance in the Kaiju's eyes that seemed to look directly at her. It was if he was saying with his eyes,"Is that all you got? I'm still breathing. I can still move. This fight isn't over. I'm not buried yet."

Ground bridge portals appeared next to them. "Back to your battle stations," Prince Daemon said. "Starscream is in bound with his Seekers with heavy bombs. We need to saturate him with more of the gas. Go!"

Ruby stared at the gas thrower in her hand. It felt more wrong in her hands than before. She glanced to the Batman who was beginning to walk away back to his plane. She glanced to Wiess and Blake before glancing to Yang. Her sister was still staring down at the pit before she felt Ruby's gaze. She turned around to her before looking back at the pit and back to her. She nodded to Ruby once before walking to Summer.

"See you around, Jaune!" she called and waved to the Scout Trooper as did Weiss and Blake. Jaune was one of the last ones to walk into the Ground Bridge portal along with Pyrrha, Nora and Ren.

"If you ever come to Vale," Yang said as she got on her Skrill companion. "Come to Junior's Bar. Drinks will be on me."

Jaune's face wasn't visible in his helmet but Ruby would like to think he was smiling as he saluted them as they walked into the Batwing.

"Oh! Oh, I got a name for us!" Nora suddenly exclaimed as the four of them walked into the Ground Bridge. "JNPR!"

"That's. . . actually better than I thought it would be." Ren replied and Nora beamed and started chanting, "I'm Queen of the Castle." Jaune furrowed his brow and glanced to Pyrrha who shrugged in response.

He had managed to rise to his feet, as wobbly and swaying as he was and dug his claws into the wall to hold himself steady. Firing at the Oxygen Destroyer was decidedly not a good idea. And the gas still within the quarry was not helping.

He coughed and wheezed harshly while shaking his head. He looked up and roared as loud as his burning throat would allow it. The gas may still be here but he would still fight on. It did not matter if he still had Kaiju venom in his veins or that the air was toxic. He would rather die fighting than just succumb to the Empire's cowardly weapon.

His remaining spines glowed faintly, like dying candles and he channeled the energy down his arms and into his fists before punching the wall in front of him with all his might. The ground beneath his feet shook as large cracks formed on the wall before him, spreading upwards and to the sides like a web. He can see one of the trains suddenly lurch before going off the rails, but it exploding didn't improve the situation with more gas going up from it. The other trains seemed to have stopped in their tracks but the soldiers have kept on spraying their gas and launching bombs that rained down on him.

Suddenly he can see the red force fields have deactivated and then a blue light shines down on him.

Oh great. This thing. Some laser cannon that actually managed to hurt him greatly like Superman's Solar Flare vision. Godzilla growls before jumps and digs his claws into the rocky wall. Just as he begins to climb, his face is hit with the laser beam that was at least more than 600 feet wide in diameter. The good news was that it didn't blast off any more of his dorsal spines. The bad news was that it burned out his right eye along with more flesh from his right side. His grip loosened and he fell back down.

"Goji, what was one of the things I've always told you to do?" Suddenly, he can hear Mothra's voice. Now, if she was really hear, he would have said something that would have made her flustered or angry(That's probably the gas messing with his head.)but she wasn't so he can admit that what he did was very stupid for someone of his experience.

"Not walk into a trap with a co*cky/overconfident attitude." He said and saw the ray shields going off followed by another blue light coming down towards him.

"And what did you do?" Mothra asked and Godzilla can just see her with crossed arms. Something he usually saw amusing. Maybe not so much in this situation.

"Walked into a trap with a co*cky/overconfident attitude." He laid his head on the ground while rolling his remaining eye. He can just picture her reaction and can't decide if he would laugh or not. Should he say something in his defense? Like how was he supposed to know that these humans had an Oxygen Destroyer on hand?

The giant laser beam does not give him moment to think of it.

Coughing while holding his burning/smoking chest, Godzilla rises to his feet after the laser hit. He sees that the whole quarry is now green with the gas. He feels his head swaying a little, lightheaded like that one WW veteran who drank Thor's Asgardian beer, despite the god of thunder's warnings before the first encounter with Ultron. He jumps onto the wall, transforming back into his human form and size, digging his claws into the rock wall again and began to climb. He tried to hold his breath but with how his throat was from the gas, that didn't last. He gritted his teeth as he climbed before he pulled himself over onto a train track. This was a place he could breath relatively fresh air.

As he panted and coughed, he saw a train heading right towards him. Sighing, he jumped and landed right on the front of the train. He could see that he had surprised the driver before he smashed his hand in and stabbed his claws through their throat. He tossed the dead Trooper onto the tracks and climbed into the train. He looked ahead and saw the wrecked road he had destroyed. He looked down to the controls in front of him and adjusted the speed while destroying the breaks. He walked through the carts, killing any Trooper he came across before he was face to face with familiar Red and Blue Troopers.

Godzilla sighed as he spread his arms out and Thunder Clapped his hands, sending a shockwave that was weaker than his previous ones, but enough to knock the troopers off their feet and send them off the train. He picked up the orange Trooper in his hand.

"No. . . Please, don't." Griff begged with a whimper before Godzilla punched him in the groin. "Why? Just. . . why?" Griff wheezed as he was dropped to the floor.

Godzilla walked onto the next train cart and saw the two Firebenders he met before. The boy with a burned eye and the old man. The two glared at him before the boy blasted a volley of fire from his fists. Godzilla just sighed and kept walking forward, forcing the younger Firebender to walk back. Suddenly, the air around them became blue as lightning formed around the old man's fingers. Godzilla looked at his back. Three dorsal fins left. He turned back to face Iroh and his spines glowed weakly and he fired an Atomic Breath that looked more like a cloud of scalding hot vapor or mist just as the old man shot lightning at him. The bolt of lightning met the Atomic Breath in the middle and quickly overpowered the beam and blasted Godzilla in the chest. His armor absorbed most of it but a small bolt zapped his right eye socket.

Godzilla was knocked off his feet and off the train. "Everyone, we have to get off the train!" shouted a voice as Godzilla rolled on the ground and caught himself. "It's about to go off the rails!"

Looking to his left, he could see that the train was close to going off track. No pun intended. He could see some Troopers jumping off the train or going through the portals. Before he could make a move, a couple of Troopers had thrown their backpacks at his feet. "Fire in the hole!" one of them shouted.

Then another aimed his sniper rifle and fired. . . and missed by three feet. Godzilla stopped and stared at the sizzling mark left by the blaster bolt. The Trooper fired again and again but the results were the same.

Godzilla looked back and forth between the sniper and the backpacks at his feet while the Trooper continued to miss the mark. "You are less than fifty feet away and you're missing the mark." he said bluntly.

"It's the stupid helmet!" the Blue Trooper, Church, shouted as he took off his helmet and threw it at Godzilla. "They make the visors so dark, I can't see a thing!" he added snappily as the helmet bounced off Godzilla's head.

He aimed and fired. The blast was a mixture of fire and more toxic gas. Godzilla didn't know what was more toxic as he breathed in the gas as a human. The smell or the taste. He stepped away from the explosion, only to find out the hard way that he only five inches from the edge.

"Ah sh*t." Godzilla said as he fell back down.

Unaware to the Empire, the Rebel fleet was watching the battle in their ships. Hera was watching through her telescope and suddenly the Kaiju appeared and landed on the ground. If she were to guess, he had transformed from his human form. The entire pit was filled with gas.

"What is that stuff?" Zeb asked, looking over Hera's shoulder. "Looks familiar."

"It was on that old footage of the Zillo-Beast, remember?" Sabin reminded him. "It's the same gas they used to kill the original one on Coruscant."

"We should have suspected this," Ahsoka reasoned, sitting across from Hera. "The Empire would need a way to control their genetically modified clone and their Kaiju Girls if they got out of hand. So they made more of the gas just in case. Easy to do, considering they pretty much own every pump on Malastare now."

Hera looked back to the scope, watching the Kaiju continue to roar while trying to climb the pit. For once, the Kaiju didn't look as terrifying as it had when they had first saw it. Instead, he looked like any ordinary creature trying to survive in a desperate situation. She could sympathize with that at least.

"If we're going to help him, we need to move," she declared. Before anyone could reply, one of the Rebel pilots spoke on the Commlink. "There are multiple large boogies coming in from above. ETA two minutes."

Suddenly, the Force seemed to scream in Kannan, Ahsoka and Ezra's senses. "We need to move out of the way," Ahsoka declared urgently. "Now!"

The Kaiju Girls were a few miles behind the Rebel fleet, and they came to a stop when Godzilla and the Guardian Kaiju came to a stop. "Godzilla? What is it?" Anguirus asked in concern.

". . . She's here." the female Godzilla Kaiju replied after a moment.

"After all this time?" Rodan asked. "Why show up now?"

"Because there's something that has caught her attention," Gamora replied after a moment as she and the others looked ahead to where they can see the pit and the Imperial Forces around it.

As the TIE Fighters and Decepticon Seekers were about to make their attack on Godzilla, they were all hit by Gravity Beams that from the sky destroying every single fighter and bomber and that when the battle stop. "What?!" Starscream exclaimed as he transformed and hovered in the air. The storm clouds in the sky suddenly went from dark gray to dark gold.

Everyone outside of the pit froze as they saw a golden female humanoid Dragon Kaiju figure that looked like King Ghidorah appear from the sky. She had crimson red eyes, golden scales and a forked tail with large wings. All those from Remnant recognized who she was. It was Queen Ghidorah, the alien Kaiju Girl who had invaded Remnant during the Great War before the Galactic Empire had arrived. They all stiffen in fear or move to hide as she looks around at the Imperial and Remnantian forces with an evil smile on her face.

"I'M BAAAA-AAACK~!" Queen Ghidorah declared in a sing song voice before she pointed her finger at the forces of the Galactic Empire. "Go on, crush these pathetic fools that call themselves an Empire. Have fun."

That's when her father, SpaceGodzilla, Megalon, Gigan, female Destroyah, Battra, Orga, Hedorah and an army of female Mecha Godzilla appear from the skies along with her fortress as they started their attack on the Imperial forces in and around the pit. Monster X fired a Gravity Beam to the sky where the Hammer Satellite was and destroyed it.

"All forces, retreat!" Starscream shouted frantically. "Repeat! Retreat! Fall back!"

SpaceGodzilla and Gigan sliced and blasted the ray shield generators with their scythe blades and Aurora beam and the shields went offline for good. Battra waved her hands, Airbending the toxic gas out of the pit. Suddenly lightning flashed above them.

When the barrier went down, it was only a question of time. The storm he had smelt from before was now over the pit. Godzilla stared up into it and bellowed loudly, he could sense the presence of Kaiju at the surface but ignored them. This was his chance. The opportunity he had been waiting for.

Energy pooled in the back of his throat, building and swirling within him. When he released it, a tornado of what was left of his power ejected from his mouth and shot up straight into the sky. It collided with the thunderclouds above, absorbed itself into them. Within seconds, lightning crashed down from the skies and into the pit. Godzilla huddled up, turning his back to the heavens and steeled himself.

Pain slashed into his back as lightning bolts struck his back and remaining spines. It hurt but it also energized him. He could feel his scars healing and soon his right eye regenerated.POP!A dorsal spine had grown back on his spine.POP!Followed by the others.POP!


The power of lightning was transferred through his newly regrown dorsal fins and into his body, fueling it with their sheer ferocity and chaotic energy. Godzilla's eyes glowed a brighter blue with every bolt that struck him while his body jolted and pivoted from the strain. Yes, electricity hurt him, but only when used properly by an enemy. However, when natural lightning could be harnessed, its potential could be used to fuel him instead.

As new energy coursed through his veins, even with the pain searing across his whole body, Godzilla felt his full power returning, purging the venom in his system. With a triumphant roar that shook the very sky, he pounded his feet into the ground with a massive stomp before he punched the rock wall before him. A fissure opened in the pit and headed upwards to the surface before the whole thing came tumbling down in a massive rockslide.

Godzilla then powered up his Atomic Breath and fired it at the walls around him, at the remaining trains and where the soldiers would be hiding and at the remaining gas around him. The beam caused the gas to ignite into a sea of fire. Before, he would not risk this. The Oxygen Destroyer combined with the gas had sapped his strength and he needed all his strength to keep regenerating, using it to blow up the gas would have been ineffective, especially with more of the gas that was pumped into the quarry by the second. Now the flow had slowed, and his full power had returned to him. He did not need to hold back anymore.

He leaned down, hands on his thighs as flames licked at his scales. The gas and the venom were one thing, but the Oxygen Destroyer was another thing altogether. Especially since it had detonated on him more than twice. He needed to rest for a while. He looked around to see if any more of the Empire was still around. His eyes dropped and he rested his body against the wall.

Chapter 10: The King Meets the Kaiju Girls Part 1: Second Impressions and Introductions

Chapter Text

Roughly two hours later. . .

Godzilla groaned lightly as he finally woke up and notices two things. One, he was in his human form, and two, he was in a very large bed and the room he was in looked to be made for royalty and then he felt some weight on his chest as he looked down and saw golden hair in his vision before he moved his head to the side and saw that it was Queen Ghidorah lying on top of him sleeping.

"What the f*ck?!" Godzilla exclaimed in surprise as he sat up.

"If you were thinking that we mated, the answer is no we didn't." Queen Ghidorah said as she got up to straddle his lap as the covers came off her exposing her body as she looked at him with lust as she put her hands on his chest. "But if you want to right now, I don't mind."

Godzilla's eyebrow was now really twitching as this brought up some memories of after he had full adjusted to having a human body. Even more so of the times after he and Mothra got close. Thinking of those times, Godzilla now began to think a question he didn't really give much thought until now. What is up with these girls' bodies? They all seem to have one thing in common: large breasts. As far as he could tell back on Earth, none of the female Kaiju had that. Save for a select few.

"Are you admiring my beauty?" Queen Ghidorah said as she notices him staring at her body. Okay, she got him there. He didn't show it but the Kaiju Girls did have amazing bodies, even beautiful but didn't say anything. But then he growled when he felt her beginning to grind against him. He placed his hands on her shoulders and almost tossed her off the bed. If the bed was smaller, he would have succeeded.

Queen Ghidorah only chuckled in response before she stood up and walked towards to her dresser and began to get dressed. She glanced back at him. "Your necklace is on the counter there." Queen Ghidorah said, gesturing to the counter next to the bed.

Godzilla sighs at this as he grabbed his necklace and activate it so the armor formed on his body as he got off the bed and followed Ghidorah out of the room. The two walked side by side as Godzilla kept his guard up just in case if she was going do anything. Then he remembered of what the King Ghidorah he killed earlier had said to him before he dealt the final blow.

You should meet my sister.He glanced over to the female Ghidorah and rolled his eyes.Oh great.Just what Godzilla needed to deal with. He honestly should have seen this coming. There was a female variant of himself and the other Kaiju and King Ghidorah had claimed to be a Guardian Kaiju.

"Relax, I won't betray you." Queen Ghidorah said, noticing that the male Saurian Kaiju was side eying her warily.

Godzilla scoffed at this. "Like I believe you." he rolled his eyes.

"I see. So even in a different universe both our species are destined to be rivals." Queen Ghidorah said in a slight intrigued tone.

Godzilla looked at her in shock. "How did you know that?" Godzilla demanded.

Queen Ghidorah gave Godzilla a sly smile. "We been watching you ever since you destroyed that Imperial Air Base and defeated Gojiran and her allies under five minutes." she said. "We also heard you when you told that so-called Demon Cyborg that you came from another universe and that the people used a black hole to kill you but instead it transported you here on Remnant and you survived." She stares at Godzilla like a piece of meat. "That's impressive, most impressive indeed. Megalon's brain went into a melt down, kept saying it was impossible to survive a black hole." Queen Ghidorah said, laughing hard in amusem*nt to the memory. "I never saw her trying to come up with explanations on how you survived that and she's still saying it's very illogical for you to survive."

At this, Godzilla felt a small sense of pride at that that he even survive a black hole and was reminded of one time Peter Parker called him Piccolo from the DBZ series on time when he grew back half his body back from a devastating attack.

"I sensed your presence back in the pit," Godzilla said as he stopped walking and turned to her with narrowed eyes. "Why attack the Empire and not help them finish me off? It could have been one less threat to you and your army for conquering Remnant."

"I don't see you as a threat," Queen Ghidorah replied, smiling and her crimson eyes glistening. "More like what I've been looking for."

"What?" Godzilla asked, completely taken aback.

"I intend to conquer the universe," Queen Ghidorah replied. Godzilla shrugged at that. "Not much different from the Ghidorah I know," he muttered.Not to mention at least all the supervillains that I've met in the past fifty years.

"And I've been looking for an equal while doing so." she went on. "Someone who could rival my power. Even surpass it. Someone worthy of being my King. After watching your feats thus far, I believe you are the one."

Suddenly the other alien Kaiju Girls appeared from around the corner. Gigan and Megalon held up a banner that said "Hail to the King!" while Orga and Battra tossed confetti into the air and Monster X wore a party hat, holding a cake. A MechaGodzilla began doing the robot dance.

Godzilla's eyes widened and he stared at the Dragon Kaiju Girl with wide eyes. Silence reigned in the hallway and soon Gigan and Megalon were growing tired of holding the banner. "Uh, you alright, pal?" Orga asked after a moment and Godzilla held up his hand to her.

"Let me hold this expression a little bit longer," he said, expression not changing.

"Okay," Orga shrugged and they all went back to silence.




"I've lost my mind," Godzilla declared, shaking his head as he turned to the right and began to walk away.

"Huh? Wha-?" Queen Ghidorah stuttered as she and her followers watch Godzilla walking away and he walked straight through the wall. "Hey!"

"All these years. . ." Godzilla said to himself, rubbing his temples and ignoring Queen Ghidorah running after him. "Fighting armies of normal humans, superhumans, robots, aliens, alien robots, demons, alien demons, alien cyborgs, demon cyborgs, Kaiju, gods, goddesses, mutants, cyborgs and I've finally lost my mind."

He paused. ". . . Wait, maybe the Oxygen Destroyer killed me and I'm in Hell," he mused. ". . . If that's the case," he suddenly shouted. "MEPHISTO! TRIGON! LUCIFER! I'M COMING FOR YOU!"

"Huh, so there's a Hell," Gigan said before she took out a notepad and wrote it down.

"Look, I understand that you are shocked," Queen Ghidorah said as Godzilla walked through another wall. "But surely you can see the possibilities! Together we can have the entire universe bow before us! We'll be un-" Godzilla's tail covered her mouth.

Godzilla stopped walking and turned to her. "Here's some advice for looking for the right husband." he said. "Find someone who shares your interest for starters. Like Monster X."

"That's my father/daughter!" Both X and Queen Ghidorah exclaimed in offended tones. "The Hell's wrong with you!" Godzilla glanced between the two of them albeit surprised by that response and information.Huh.He had been wondering what was the relation of King Ghidorah and Monster X back in his universe. Though he had just assumed that Monster X was some Xilien-Ghidorahian hybrid. Then again, this is a different universe.

"Look, the point still stands." Godzilla said. "Find someone who wants to conquer the universe. I may aim to conquer Remnant, but I don't plan on conquering across the stars."Maybeif I had a different personality or something.(He did. In the Injustice timeline.)

"Seriously? Just one planet?" Queen Ghidorah asked incredulous tone. "I am not a conquer," Godzilla said firmly. That was too much like what humans are like. "Now, either let me get off whatever this place is and back to Remnant, or I can fight all of you and it'll end very, very bad for all of you."

Queen Ghidorah rose an eyebrow. "Well, I don't know about those options." she smirked. "How about we fight and you can see if I am worthy of being your Queen. You win, I offer my fate to your claws, though I do suggest my services to you however you please." This surprised both Godzilla and her followers. "If I win, well, I've already made my intentions known."

Godzilla blinked owlishly at that. A thought came to him.Would have I had to deal with something like this if Ghidorah was a female in my universe? Or is this just some characteristic for this female variant in this universe?He may never know and he hopes that he wouldn't. But strangely, he could see it happening. Both King Ghidorah and Queen here seem to crave power/dominion over the universe(This had made the Golden Terror the enemy of practically everyone, even those that are enemies of Earth.)and it would make sense if the female would be attracted to him for his potential to be a conquer. He supposes it would explain why the Ghidorah in his world had kidnapped his daughter after her eighteenth birthday. That and the Golden Terror had some relationships with people like Rita Repulsa and Hela.

He turned away, facing the wall and rubbed his chin. Why was he thinking this over? Because he was looking back at his history with the Golden Terror. Both he and Ghidorah were young and more hotheaded when their rivalry began. The one thing Godzilla hated other than the three-headed monster's world conquer and destroyer personality and the fact that Ghidorah nearly wiped out all life on Earth 65 million years ago, was that Ghidorah could not stay dead no matter what Godzilla or anyone did.(Hence why he told Guardian Ghidorah to stay dead.)Ghidorah would retreat from long battles with a missing head or two(Or a wing, a tail etc.)and come back as if nothing happened. And then there was the fact that his body parts, tails mainlywould grow their own body. That was the nature between them really. Godzilla would defend his territory and Ghidorah would always come back for a rematch.

Would peace be offered between them? Especially now that both Godzilla and King Ghidorah were older, wiser and more mature than they were back in 1964. Well, if there was, Godzilla wouldn't be the one offering.(No surprise there.)And here was a relatively peaceful settlement being offered. Of all things Godzilla thought of, this was the lowest. Or maybe add it on the list since he didn't think ofthiskind of option would be offered to him by a female version of Ghidorah.

If this Queen Ghidorah was really the female version of the Golden Terror, and she took the hint that he wasn't interested in her, that would just lead to another rivalry that would last another sixty years. Either that or she'd settle with someone who shares her interests in world conquering/destroying.

All told, not something desirable if he was to rule a dominion over Remnant in peace.

"How about I take you all on." Godzilla said after a moment and turned to face the Draconian Kaiju Girl. "For five hours." Queen Ghidorah slowly smirked. "Now that's better." she said.

Four hours later. . .

"Alright, let me get this straight," Caboose said as he and the remaining Imperial/Remnantian Troopers stood before the Rebels and the Kaiju Girls. They came close to fighting them before Mothra had claimed that the valley they were in was neutral ground so no fighting would occur. "The Empire is actually corrupt and tyrannical that rules with an iron fist and they take resources from planets under their rule while letting some of the worse crime syndicates run free. And they're here to create an army of their own Kaiju and Aura-Semblance enhanced element bending soldiers."

"Yes." Ahsoka replied.

"That is the most ridiculous and biggest load of bullsh*t I have ever heard in my life," Caboose exclaimed bluntly. He turns to the look to the fourth wall. "Which means it has to be true."

Arcee chuckled in amusem*nt. Hera and Kannan raised an eyebrow at that statement while the leader of the Dragon Riders rubbed his chin. "That would explain the toxic gas throwers," he muttered.

Penny raised a hand next to Pyrrha. "Not to mention the drama the Imperial representatives have with the other Kingdoms and not Atlas or the Fire Nation."

"Or the fact they've brainwashed Laura," Ren said, turning his gaze to the young woman who was sitting by herself. The mutant didn't acknowledge anyone before Toothless walked to her and nudged her with a concerned croon. Laura reached up and petted the Night Fury on the snout.

"Soldiers of Remnant," Sarge declared. "We've been tricked. We've been backstabbed. We've quite possibly been bamboozled."

"We've been duped." Tuffnut and Ruffnut said dramatically. Caraxes yawned as Daemon leaned against him with Ember.

"We've been smeckerdorfed!" Mikey shouted. Sarge pointed to the orange masked turtle. "That's not even a word but I agree with you." he said bluntly.

"Okay, even if that's true," Jaune spoke up. "Why think of working with Alpha Predator One? I know that he's no friend of the Empire, but he's certainly no friend of the people of Remnant."

"If we come to an understanding, we can prevent any more rampages," Ahsoka replied. Aang raised his hand.

"Can I point out that I don't think Alpha Predator One is his name?" he asked. Zuko snapped at him. "It's not like we had time to ask what his name was."

"Maybe that's why he's so cranky," Sokka said sarcastically. "No one's bothered to get to know him and he's angry about it."

"An understanding like that won't happen as long as he's up there." Godzilla pointed up to the sky where the large fortress,The Golden Demisehovered. "For all we know, that Golden Queen Bitch is brainwashing him."

"That's not happening," Miki said, pressing two fingers to her temples. "They're fighting. Have been for almost five hours now."

"Are you using the Force?" Ezra asked. Miki shook her head in amusem*nt. "No, just telepathy." she replied.

"Wow, I didn't think you'd be able to sense his mind from here," Ezra said in amazement. Miki was about to reply when a beam of Atomic Breath blasted through a wall of the flying fortress causing everyone to look up in shock.The Golden Demiseshook before the bottom broke apart as the male Godzilla Kaiju tackled Queen Ghidorah. The two traded punches and claw slashes before Queen Ghidorah double kicked the male Saurian Kaiju in the chest. He grabbed onto her tails and spun around as they fell to earth before he slammed her down on the ground, cracking the earth.

Queen Ghidorah fired Gravity Beams at the male Kaiju who Tail Whipped her in the face. He pounced and threw a punch to her face, but the Golden Dragon Kaiju Girl managed to move her head out of the way. She reached to back of his head and slammed his face down to the ground and he responded with slamming his tail into her stomach, knocking her back to the ground. His spines glowed blue but before he could open his jaws, Queen Ghidorah was up to her feet and forced Godzilla's head upward and his Atomic Breath shot into the air.

And right intoThe Golden Demise.

"Oh come on! Not again!" Queen Ghidorah exclaimed in anger at seeing her fortress being hit before she was Tail Whipped.

The female Godzilla felt some Deja vu as she saw the Golden Demise falling from the sky.

The male Kaiju Saurian took one step forward before being blasted in the back. Turning around, he saw Monster X hovering down towards the ground. The two male Kaiju stared at one another before charging. But then the male Godzilla jumped back and slid on his tail towards Monster X. "What the fu-?!" Monster X exclaimed before being dropkicked in the chest.

"Wow," Anguirus said in an impressed tone. She turns to the female Godzilla. "Hey, Godzilla, how come you've never done that."

"I-I didn't know if I could," the female Saurian Kaiju replied with wide eyes.

The male Godzilla roared in laughter, holding his sides.(Watch Vhrano's animated video ofGodzilla Badly Explains His Origin for the image.)"Oh, I enjoy the look of confusion when an inferior being meets a higher power." he chortled.

"Well, he's down to earth now," Nora said. "Should you guys talk to him now or wait for him to win?"

"If we wait, it wouldn't be long," Leo pointed out as the male Saurian Kaiju grabbed Monster X by the tail and slammed the male Draconian Kaiju down onto Queen Ghidorah, sending chunks of earth into the air and cracking the ground more. Both alien Kaiju moved to the side to dodge Godzilla's fist that slammed into the ground where they just were.

"Okay, as impressive and confusing to the laws of physics as that was," Mothra spoke up. "This whole plateau is neutral territory. So, we can please pause on the fighting?"

The male Saurian Kaiju paused and glanced over to her. He seemed to think for a moment before looking to Queen Ghidorah. "How long as it been since we started?" he asked.

"I don't know, let me check." Queen Ghidorah replied and turned to the burning fortress. "Gigan! How long has it been?"

Gigan coughed as she stumbled out of the Golden Demise while Megalon sprayed the building with a fire extinguisher and Orga used a fire riot hose. "About 4 hours and 55 seconds, my Queen." Then MechaGodzilla kicked her way out of the building an alarm clock ringing coming from her as she walked out. "Ah, I was a couple of seconds of slow," Gigan muttered.

The male Kaiju nodded at that before glancing down to Queen Ghidorah. "I would say that I win, given I destroyed your fortress."

"So, it would seem," Queen Ghidorah concurred. The male Saurian morphed into his human hybrid form. ". . . While I see your potential as an ally, know that I will be wary of you." he said sternly with a firm look. "So, I give you a choice. Swear an oath to me as your king and you will die by my side, in battle or otherwise. Or, if you swear fealty now only to betray me somewhere in the future. . . Know that you will die. Screaming."

After spitting some blood, Queen Ghidorah chuckled in response. "I expect nothing less," she replied before bowing down. "My King."

Godzilla snorted out smoke from his nostrils as Monster X followed his daughter's lead as did Orga, Battra, SpaceGodzilla, Destroyah. Gigan crossed her arms over her chest in an X, as did Megalon, clanging their scythe blades and drills together. MechaGodzilla saluted to him as did her fellow mechs.

Godzilla growled in content before he paused. He thought he heard something. A voice in his mind, but not his own and not the Dark Lord and his Apprentice or a memory. It took a moment to recognize whose voice it was and what they were asking.

Talk. We just want to talk.

Turning around, he saw the other Kaiju Girls and their fathers along with a large gathering of human soldiers. He narrowed his eyes as he saw the Imperial soldiers as well as what looked like Decepticons. But then he saw Miki Saegusa standing among the humans with her eyes closed. Well, that he didn't expect.

He walked towards them in a couple of steps. He sees Anguirus do some gestures and the earth the humans stood on risen up to the height of his torso like a giant stone table. He glanced at the Kaiju Girls before looking down to Miki.

"Alright, let's talk." he said.

Sighing, Miki opened her eyes, rubbing her head. "He's willing to listen." she said to the others.

Optimus Prime stared up at the male Human-Kaiju Saurian hybrid who stared right back. "You're different than the robots I've fought earlier." he said as he leaned in close. "You have a different symbol and your optics are a different color."

"I am an Autobot," Optimus replied respectfully. "My name is Optimus Prime. The Cybertronians who attacked you are Decepticons."

"Hmm, noted," the Kaiju said and he turned his gaze to Ahsoka and the other two Jedi. "And you're not human. What are you?"

"We're friends," Ahsoka approached respectfully.

The Kaiju's lips curled up and he let out a chuckle. "I've heard that before." he leans forward with a frown. "Your kind are not friends. Not anymore."

"We're not like the soldiers you fought, we mean no harm," Ahsoka reiterated. "We only wish to talk and understand. Perhaps we can help."

"And I've heard that before a lot." the Kaiju replied, frowning deepening. "I do not need help from your kind."

"We were planning on giving it to you anyway before those other Kaiju showed up," Kannan approached to speak. The Kaiju narrowed his eyes skeptically and he glanced to the other Kaiju before looking down at the Jedi. "Even if that was true, I would have escaped on my own. You were not needed."

"Didn't look like that from where I was standing," Kannan argued back. The Kaiju's arm moved forward, and his fist collided with the stone table, causing it to shake and many of the Rebels lost their footing. "Arrogant insect," the Kaiju snarled.

Mothra appeared by his side. "He didn't mean any disrespect," she said, placing a hand on his forearm.

"Mothra is correct," Optimus assured. "If anything, we all know how truly powerful you are. More importantly, we realized that you are intelligent in any form you take. It's why we're having this conversation in the first place. We just want to know more. For starters, can you tell us your name?"

"Name?" the male Kaiju huffed in amusem*nt. "I've been alive since the age of the dinosaurs. In that time, I've had many names." he said.(1)"Many have called me the King of Monsters. Others have called me the Wrath of Nature, the Punishment of Humanity's sins. The Asgardians have called me the God of Destruction. The Amazons have called me the Destroyer of Olympus and Killer of Zeus, Ares and Poseidon. The Atlanteans and Talokans have called me the Scourge of the Deep. The people in the Middle East even refer to me as The Sword of Allah. Atomic Titan. Apex Predator. The Wakandans have called meAkoyiki igon'qongqo, Fearless Dragon. The Bane of Doomsday. Terror of Lucifer. Darkseid's nemesis. Slayer of the Midgard Serpent. Wielder of the Hydrogen Katana." he pats his hand on the sword sheathed on his hip. He would have went on, but he decided that the other nicknames/titles given by his friends/allies would be unnecessary to be said. "But all know me as Gojira or rather Godzilla."

He paused and looked at his female counterpart. "Given that you share the same name, you can refer to me as Gojira."

"Well, it's unique," Ezra tried to compliment. "What does it mean?"

"Well, I don't know about its translation in this world, but in my world it means God Incarnate." Gojira replied. The tone he spoke made Ezra regret asking before he realized what else was said. "Wait, you're not from this world?" the young Jedi asked.

"With what I've read provided by the Imperial Archives, I doubt I'm from this universe." Gojira said with a shrug.

"That would explain what Black Bat had said," Leo said in realization. "She said that a satellite had detected his presence after the energy of a singularity."

Gojira nodded. "The people of Earth tried to kill me with a black hole gun. Didn't work." he added with a shrug.

"A black hole gun?" Kannan repeated. "How did you survive that?"

"I am not easily killed." Gojira replied simply with a hint of pride and smugness.

"We noticed," Ahsoka replied. "We've seen your previous battles with the Empire. You've done a lot of damage to them on this planet. We share a common foe in that regard."

"Oh, how expected." Gojira replied in a tone that had a hint of boredom. It was admittedly an odd response. One that Kannan found suspicious.

"You have a problem with us fighting them?" he asked.

"Your kindalways fighteach other," Gojira replied with a sneer. "No matter the galaxy, no matter the universe, you create petty wars among yourselves."

Kannan now felt rather offended by the accusation. "How the Hell are we petty?" he asked incredulously. "We're trying to stop the Empire from hurting people. That's a noble cause. A lot better than just mindless destruction."

Gojira raised his fist above his head this time and slammed it down hard enough to crack the stone table in front of Kannan who lost his footing. He leaned down and growled. "It is not mindless, insect." he growled. "It is retribution and punishment. The Empire is arrogant and exploitative. This world must be cleansed of them so that I may find peace."

"But we feel the same way," Ezra insisted. "We want to stop the Empire. We want peace. Not just on this planet, but everywhere."

Gojira laughed in a skeptic tone. "Your kinddoes notwant peace." he said in a serious tone. "You say that you do, but you turn on your word and create weapons of war, crumple each other cities, set ablaze towns, burn forests down, pollute the air and fill the seas with sunken ships."

"Sounds like your world isn't any better than our galaxy." Kannan remarked before rising back to his feet and moving away from the giant fist in front of him.

"So, you don't like our kind because of the people in your universe?" Ahsoka asked. "Because of their war-like behavior."

"Partially," Gojira replied. "I've reached these conclusions from past in counters." That wasn't good enough for Ahsoka though. She wanted a better explanation.

"Then why? Why attack them? I get that the Empire reminds you of them, but you said this was about punishment. What did they do?"

"The Empire is responsible for Spiderman's death," Gojira replied. "And humans have hurt me before. . . I still remember the time from before. Long before Man came when there was more of my kind. When the air was more clear and the water more clean. But then two beings powerful enough to be considered gods, vile gods, came to Earth and fought each other for supremacy for many days until the Golden Terror driven off Darkseid and began to wipe out all life until the Guardians driven him off. But even that wasn't enough to stop the Great Extinctions. My Tribe were forced to live deep in the oceans and hibernated for a long time. There was peace, but then there was a deafening thunderclap, a large cloud of smoke shaped like a mushroom, an engulfing fire vaporizing everything that was near, including my Tribe. My family gone."

"What was it?" Ezra asked.

"Humans playing god," Gojira replied, his lips curling down in a frown. "Harvesting energy that they barely scratched the surface and turned it into a weapon. The blast pulled me out of hibernation and changed me. I was bigger than what I once was. And the world I was awaken to was so vastly different than the one I hatched in. I was angered by what was built over my home. It was as if the humans had awakened me and changed me just to gloat."

"I attacked the city for many hours before retreating to the sea, tired from my rampage and tried to find peace from my traumatic awakening with a surviving member of my Tribe. But the humans struck back. With a weapon that boiled the very water around us and seared off our flesh, burn away our bodies down to the very bone."

"Damn," Casey said in shock.

"It was excruciating," Gojira said. "My kin did not survive and I had narrowly avoided death by the slimmest of margins by slipping into a crack in the ocean floor as a last resort. Took me almost a full year to recover. In that time, I felt the far off explosions of more bombs like those that had changed me. Sensed the cold conflict between nations building. That was when I understood. Humans are a vicious and self-destructive beings. They created weapons that brought me back and then another to kill, not caring what it would do to the environment."

"Humans would always seek to destroy that which stood in their way, whether it was nature itself or each other. I would never be safe as long as humans survived on Earth. Never be free. They would keep creating more weapons. More tools of death. They needed to be cowed, subdued, beaten, taught to stop abusing their power. I vowed that I would do so by showing them what true power was. That Nature could not be defeated. I would carve a place in the Earth by force if necessary. It was about survival as much as it was about revenge."

The humans had various reactions, but the Jedi sensed more behind the words. "You were angry over what the world became," Ezra reasoned, sounding distant as he did. "What you lost. What was happening to you and everything around you. So you turned against the world and everyone in it."

"And you did the same here because you sensed the Empire were the same," Ahsoka added. "You knew they would attack you first if they discovered you so you attacked them first."

"And you knew you had a better chance of chasing them off world," Kannan stated practically. "Leaving you at peace, just how you wanted at the start."

Gojira nodded, for once looking at Kannan with agreement. "When the Empire is gone, I will reign over my new home in peace."

"Then we can help you," Optimus assured him. "The only reason the Empire is even here is because they're building something. A powerful weapon and they have made their own Kaiju Girls for them to command. They're going to use them against other planets."

Gojira's expression became apathetic. "What do I care?" he asked.

"Because if you help us destroy their weapon, free the Kaiju Girls and the place they're building them, the Empire will leave," Kannan reiterated. "That's what you want, right?"

Gojira leaned down with a growl. "I will not be your weapon." he said. "I am no one's tool. Fight your own war. I am not part of it."

"We're not asking you to be our weapon," Ahsoka explained, "We're asking you to be an ally. The Empire is an enemy we both share, who we want off this planet for different reasons. What we're asking is a mutual partnership."

The three Jedi and Miki sensed a wave of apathy and disgust, rage growing within the male Kaiju. "I will be party to your kind's wars again." he said. "Your cause is not as noble as you claim." Displeasure within his words grew as he went on. "The Empire is using a powerful weapon and you ask me and these Kaiju to act as counters." he gestured to the Kaiju Girls and their fathers before he leaned forward and Ezra could see their reflections in his eyes filled with loathing.

"You wish to use me, you are no better than them." He stepped back and turned away and began to walk away.

Ahsoka's head dropped as she tried to think of a new angle, a new approach. Kannan looked about fed up with the whole thing, ready to give up. Mothra and the other Kaiju Girls looked ready to say something but, Ezra, however, strode forward and stood attentively.

"You're right," he admitted and Gojira paused. "We are asking you to get involved in our conflict. I don't know if that's right, but despite what you think, we're not like the Empire. If we were, we'd be forcing you to do this. Threaten to kill you, torture you to comply, steal people you love or destroy your family to get you to do what we want. But that's not us."

Ezra looked to both Ahsoka and Kannan briefly. His master looked a bit puzzled, but ushered him on as Ahsoka just nodded. He took the cue and continued.

"Those humans on your world, they hurt you, but it's because they didn't understand," he argued. "Maybe they didn't want to understand. Maybe they were just scared. No one knows better what fear can do to someone than me or my friends. We realized we couldn't stop the Empire on our own, that's why we joined each other. Became a crew. Became a family. Now we're asking you to help us. That has to be more than any human has ever done before with you."

"Not true," Gojira said slowly. "Some. . . humans have come to me for help. Offered me friendship. . . But they have betrayed me in the end."

Ezra went on, "We've never hurt you and to be honest we don't want to. If all you want is a place where you can find peace, where you can feel safe, then we share more in common than you realize." he said. "That's what we want, but we know we can't do it alone either."

Gojira turned his head and looked at Ezra with one eye. "Give us a chance," he asked humbly. "Let us show you we're different. Help us, please."

Recognition and nostalgia flashed in Gojira's eye as he stared at Ezra. Eventually, he turned to face them fully and stepped forward. "This weapon of the Empire, it could be used against me?" he asked.

"More than likely," Optimus answered. "Especially now that you've escaped this latest trap of theirs. The Empire is probably getting ready to use it right now. It is being built in the Kingdom of Atlas."

"If it is destroyed, the Empire will leave?" he asked.

"It's only reason they're occupying this world," Ahsoka replied.

"You will leave as well?"

"Yes," Ahsoka stated firmly.

Gojira stared at them with narrowed eyes before he nodded once. "I will destroy this weapon, but not for you." he said. "If this weapon is built in the city in the clouds, and you care about collateral damage, I suggest that you evacuate the city because I don't. I will pull that city out of the sky to achieve victory." With that said, he morphed into his Kaiju form and then walked away.

The humans looked among themselves. Well, it seemed they succeeded in asking the male Saurian Kaiju for help. Hiccup stepped forward. "We can Ground Bridge to Atlas and start evacuating the citizens." he said urgently.

"That would be best," Optimus Prime nodded. "I fear that Gojira was telling the truth when he said he does not care for collateral damage."

Both groups of Kaiju Girls followed after Gojira. Godzilla glared at the smug Queen Ghidorah before Gojira spoke. "You know about the Empire's weapon, correct?" he asked the golden Dragon Kaiju Girl. At her nod, he went on. "Tell me everything you know about it. Weapons and capabilities. The whole works."

"Of course, my King," she replied and she turned to Gigan.

Caine had managed to climb out of the pit. How he survived Queen Ghidorah's attack he didn't know but he was glad for it. He saw Alpha Predator One surrounded with the Kaiju Girls from Remnant and Queen Ghidorah's forces. They weren't fighting but the male Kaiju seemed to focused on the stone table before him. The old Clone Trooper pulled out his macrobinoculars and looked towards the edge of the stone table. He was stunned by what he saw.

There were three visible people standing before Alpha Predator One. One of them was a female Torgruta. Not just any Torgruta either. It was the Commander of the 501st. Next to her, he saw the man and boy had lightsabers dangling on their belts.

Caine froze in place, his mind racing. Some had survived, somehow they had survived. After all these years of thinking he had helped end them, now three were on the same planet as him. He thought back to the night of Alpha Predator One's first attack. When he saw a leaping shadow. Yes, that had been one of them, he was sure of it. They were hear and now talking to the Kaiju. It had been foolish to ignore his initial instincts and it had cost them.

There were Jedi on Remnant. Survivors of Order 66. Survivors of the attack on the Temple for all he knew. They were working with Alpha Predator One, intent on destroying the Empire here on Remnant and him with it. Fear and rage bubbled into Caine's mind as he pulled the macrobinoculars away. His breathing grew heavy, his grip tightened. And then, in the back of his mind, a voice came. A voice that repeated words long forgotten and now remembered. A mantra that he suddenly recalled speaking to himself over the screams of the Jedi on Coruscant. Along with those words, came the screams returned. Then out of nowhere, he spoke them in a robotic, menacing tone without even realizing it.

"Good soldiers follow orders."

Back at the bottom of the pit laid Gojira Godzilla's tail, left behind after the Batman tore it off now nearly six hours ago. In that time, it had grown to its full length.

And it was still growing.

Chapter 11: Godzilla vs the Empire Round 3

Chapter Text

Darth Vader stormed into the Command Center followed by Princess Azula and Lord Megatron stomped in, flanked by their personal guard. General Ironwood straightened from leaning over the command counsel and turned to face them. He had a feeling the Sith Lord and his allies wanted news on how the operation was going. Unfortunately, Ironwood had nothing to report. Interference from the sudden storm in the area cut off any communications from Starscream as well as the extra spike in radiation. It was taking longer to receive information. He needed to stall for time until he had something to report.

"Lord Vader, Princess Azula, Lord Megatron," he greeted, trying to sound in control. "I'm awaiting further information on the operation. Final confirmation of the Kaiju's death should be coming-"

"We do not need your report," Darth Vader boomed at him loudly. "The Kaiju has already escaped your trap."

Ironwood looked aghast. How could they possibly know that? This had to be a trick. A test to see how he would react to such a situation. He did his best to keep his composure.

"Lord Vader, I highly doubt it could've freed itself," he insisted. "Just because it is taking longer for Commander Starscream to report-"

"We are not mistaken, General," Azula declared. "We have sensed his escape through the Force. He is free of the quarry but not of his own hand."

Ironwood stared at them, wide-eyed, trying to see if they were joking or messing with him. None of them were. In fact, they looked enraged. Ironwood was afraid he was about to learn Jacques's lesson. That a lightsaber was going to stab him in the chest, or a fusion cannon or even a blast of fire was going to reduce him to ash. Instead, the Sith Lord stood there as his allies showed various forms of anger on their faces. So, Ironwood asked his question. If Alpha Predator One hadn't escaped on his own, that left only one explanation.

"Are you saying the Rebels helped him?"

"Worse," Megatron replied. "The Alien Kaiju that invaded Remnant before have returned and attacked the quarry. After that, both groups of Kaiju Girls have joined together under Alpha Predator One and the Rebels are following the Kaiju's wake."

"Following?" Ironwood paled. "Are you saying that Alpha Predator One is coming here? With an army of Kaiju?"

None of them answered that, but Azula simply raised an eyebrow at him, telling him everything. This was it then. Their last stand. That monster would come here with his army and destroy all their work and then the Rebels would mop up what was left. Composing himself, he stood at attention before them.

"What are your orders?" he asked readily.

"We've already ordered more AT-ATs down to the surface, along with special walkers held in reserve." Lord Vader said simply.

Azula spoke next. "Contact all Imperial Forces and relocate them here in Atlas and Mantle. We shall hold this kingdom and facility no matter the cost."

"Star Destroyers are on their way and I have already instructed Shockwave and Dr. Boll to finish final preparations on the Zillo Beast prototype immediately," Megatron said. "Shredder is preparing the psychic connection to one of the Kaiju Girls."

Ironwood looked back in surprise. They were considering unleashing the Zillo-Beast and the Godzilla clones on Alpha Predator One? That seemed to be a drastic measure. Not to mention potentially costly if it failed.

"Are you certain of this?" he asked, trying not to sound like he disagreed with the plan.

"With all the Kaiju coming, yes. We are certain." Azula said coldly. "Especially if all else fails."

Ironwood knew what that really meant with "All else" really referring to him. If he failed. Ironwood really did not want to think about what else Vader or any of them would do should that happen. As they turned back to the door.

"This shall be our final stand," Darth Vader declared. "Either Alpha Predator One and his Kaiju Army fall with the Rebels or this Kingdom does."

With that, Darth Vader, Princess Azula and Megatron left, taking the two former's personal guards of Stormtroopers and elite Firebenders with them. Again, Ironwood realized the real meaning behind the statement. it wasn't their last stand at all.

Just his.

Gojira, in his human size and form stood on top of the hill overlooking the Rebel camp as he watched them helping out the injured Imperials from his last attack. The Rebels decided that they couldn't ignore them entirely any longer and the Kaiju Girls deemed it necessary to rest. With what happened back in the pit on top of a five hour fight with Queen Ghidorah, he secretly agreed. He still felt the pain from the Oxygen Destroyer and the toxic gas, but that's when he heard footsteps approaching. Turning his head slightly, he looks and saw the Autobot Leader, Optimus Prime standing right next to him.

Optimus gestured to the spot beside the male Saurian Kaiju. "You don't mind if I stand here?" he asked respectfully.

Gojira just shrugged his shoulders in response. "Do what you like."

Optimus nodded his head as he too looked on the site that Gojira was looking at. "Tell me Gojira, why do you still hate the humans and now Faunus from your point of view?"

Gojira just sighs at this but decided to answer the bulky Autobot leader. "There's no difference between Humans and Faunus to me." he replied. "And it's not really hatred. Just anger. They're a violent and destructive race. You have to know what they're doing to their own planet." he turns back to Optimus. "I've read about your exploits, heard whispers about you from the Kingdoms of Vale and Arendelle, why fight for them?"

Optimus nodded his head as he understood on what Gojira meant. "My race was no different." he admitted as he closed his optics remembering the past when his home world was left barren thanks to the war along with other planets, they fought on leaving devastation on those worlds as well. Composing himself, he reopens his optics and looked on to the Rebels. The humans, Faunus, Mutants and aliens like the Autobots, the Na'vi family with their Jawa and Yautja friends, Lasat, Twi'lek and Torgruta with one young Kryptonian. "They're a young species, they have much to learn but I've seen goodness in them." he stated and turned back to Gojira. "There's more to them than meets the eye. You can deny it, but you have as well."

Gojira didn't say anything as he stilled listen to the Autobot. He could just imagine Mothra saying something like,It's true and you know it. Don't deny it, Goji."Tell me, what changed your mind after you heard about the Kaiju clones and Zillo Clone?" Optimus asked. "There was something in your eyes when you looked at Ezra."

Gojira was silent for a bit. ". . .Because he reminds me of Peter Parker. Along with a few others of my world." he admitted. Memories of other heroes back on Earth flashed in his mind. Those that didn't see him as a a destructive force but just an animal that was the last his kind and the first of a new one. Despite the walls he made, they saw through him and spent many years trying to be his friend. Did they succeed? Well. . . he wouldn't remember them if they failed.

Optimus smiled at this before frowning as a thought came to his mind. "Gojira, I need to tell you that when the Empire leaves this planet, there is a high probability that they will eventually be back for revenge. They will see you as a threat and will do everything in their power to kill you." He warned the male Kaiju. "They might destroy this planet if they have to and that means killing the Kaiju Girls like Godzilla and her children."

Gojira's eyes flash blue at this when he heard of the possibility of Godzilla's kids getting killed which was pissing him off even if they weren't his kids but he won't allow them to die. "Let them try." he growled.

Optimus noticed his tone but didn't say anything right away. He saw Gojira's eyes looking to the Kaiju Children. "You have children back on your world." he stated.

Gojira sighed and nodded his head. "Two sons and a daughter." he said softly. Were they his by blood? No, but he loved them as if they were.Athena, Junior and Minilla.My goddess, my princes."What hurts more than the fact I may never see them again is that this Junior is at the age when my-" he took a deep breath to steady himself. "And I fear her mother won't have the power to bring her back should the worst happen." Despite trying to keep his composure, he glanced over to the Alien Kaiju Girls, more accurately to Destroyah.

He and Athena screeched as Junior fell screeching in fear. A loud SNAP was heard when he landed on the-

He stiffened when he felt Optimus placed a hand on his shoulder. A bit unexpected due to Optimus' hands being big as the Hulk's but the gesture was appreciated. The two went silent as they looked back down the hill and watched the humans, Faunus, mutants and aliens interact.

Caine had always feared this day. In the back of his mind, he just knew it would happen. You can't expect to kill a whole damn order of one of the most powerful warriors in the Galaxy wholesale. No, some had to have escaped. He just kept lying to himself that they hadn't. Now, they were back. They were back for him. They had to be. And somehow, he didn't know how exactly, they had brought that Kaiju with them. It was the only explanation his mind could come up with for such a huge coincidence. This Kaiju shows up at the same time as a bunch of Jedi return? They attack this planet, of all planets, with him on it? No, not a coincidence. It couldn't be.

He had seen it with his own eyes. Those Jedi were controlling that Kaiju. He knew they could do that. Clones knew everything about the Jedi. For all he knew, every attack was orchestrated by them. That this creature was in fact part of whatever plan they had in store. Alpha Predator One was an instrument in this endeavor, being used to strike back against the Empire on this world. And why this world? Because he was here. One of the last Clones still active in the service. They must have found out about his deployment here and took the chance to get revenge for what had happened.

Caine didn't know if that was completely reasonable or if if sounded rational. The old Clone supposed it only made sense to him really. No one else had been at the Temple. No one else knew the details of what exactly they had to do that night. The only people who knew were the Clones that had been there and Jedi. To everyone else it was just some little blurb in a history book or a short film. They didn't know the truth, they were just told to regurgitate some story they had been fed. He knew what really happened and why the Jedi would be after a Clone like him.

He was right about the Kaiju having an intelligence and goal behind his actions. He didn't suspect it was due, at least in part, to Jedi trickery. That Kaiju was still a danger alright, still smarter than what Command seemed to believe, but now Caine knew where some of that direction it had came from. However, he didn't share it with the others or anyone even when they had said that they were there. He couldn't let people know Jedi were still alive. One, it would create a panic among the ranks and two, because his mind told him not to. He had to remain secretive, quiet so no one would stop him from doing what had to be done.

They all Ground Bridged to Atlas itself. And more forces were coming from the other Kingdoms to defend it.

Defend it, not just against the approaching Kaiju Army but Rebels who had somehow gotten past the blockade and onto Remnant. And they were following Alpha Predator One it seemed, and they'd be attacking Atlas alongside the Kaiju. That pretty much confirmed Caine's suspicions that the Jedi were directing the Kaiju. But again, he didn't say anything. He knew Command would not believe him about the Jedi with a more tangible threat in the form of a Rebel Assault on the way. Even if they did, they certainly wouldn't believe that three Jedi were directing Alpha Predator One Taking them out was key to finally killing that thing, he knew that. No one else would understand.

No, if he wanted the Jedi dead then he would have to rely on himself. He was the only person here capable of doing that. Jaune and the others, they wouldn't last long. They didn't understand the Jedi like he did. They hadn't fought beside them, they hadn't really known them and they certainly hadn't had fought one in their life ever. When the Rebels got inside this complex, and with the help of their big angry mutant wingless dragon friend they most certainly would, the Jedi would be with them. It would be up to him, a lone Clone(Ha! Rhyme.)to take them down. No one else.

As soon as they landed in Atlas, he broke off from the main group and slipped away into the inner bowels of the complex. He didn't know if either Jaune or his friends noticed his disappearance and he didn't really care. Was that harsh? Yes, but it was the truth. Caine had a mission. It wasn't new but it overrode everything else. Killing a Jedi was not easy however, let alone three. Add on he was no longer young. He wouldn't be a match for a Force User. Not by himself. He needed to gear up.

After nearly an hour of searching, Cain found what he was looking for. The main armory. Most of the guns had been taken away. Only the surplus remained but that was fine for him. He would take whatever there was left.

In the back of the room, there was a number of high-powered blaster rifles, long ranged and scoped. He knew better than to overload himself so he only took one. Not that he believed it would be much use against a Jedi, but there was always the chance of a lucky shot. He grabbed a number of grenades as well for a last resort. There was also a spare Arc Caster, but he doubted it would be that much effective. This was all to wear the Jedi. Tire them out. It was the only thing he could do. For backup, he picked up some blasters as well. Just in case things went wrong.

He found the real prize. A rotary blaster cannon, similar to the used back in the Clone Wars. This would be the weapon that could break the Jedi, the gun that could take one down. Of course, it was easier when there was at least five of them against one. He'd have to play it smart if he hoped for the cannon to be effective.

As he picked up the rotary blaster cannon, he noted how he struggled to hold it properly. It had been a long time since he had used one of these and he was not in his prime. These Jedi had years to train, while he hadn't seen any real action since the end of the war. The odds were against him here, but if there was any chance of survival he had to see this through.

"There you are, Sir."

Caine turned around to see Jaune standing in the doorway. The old Clone didn't say anything in response. He just hefted the rotary blaster to a table and then gather what he had grabbed into a satchel for later use.

"Uh, you really think you're going to need all this?" Jaune asked as he approached the Clone. "I mean, I know there's going to be a big Rebel force out there, but still."

"For what I'm fight, I'm going to need it," Caine stated bluntly.

"What you're fighting?" Jaune repeated, perplexed by the choice of words. "What are you talking about, Caine? You mean the Kaiju? That's kind of out of our hands at the moment, Sir."

"He's not the problem," Caine insisted through gritted teeth as he looked back to Jaune briefly.

The Scout Trooper was a bit put off by the Clone's sudden shift in tone. As Caine started a system check on the rotary blaster, Jaune approached him slowly. His concern was obvious, even through the helmet. "Is everything okay, Sir?" he asked tepidly.

"No," Caine replied bluntly. "Nothing has been okay for a while."

He wouldn't tell Jaune anything. He didn't need to know. He couldn't. He wouldn't last five seconds against a Jedi. Let alone three. Caine wouldn't be able to protect him. At least with Alpha Predator One, they were dealing with something indiscriminate. A creature focused on the battle as a whole and rarely individuals. At least in its Kaiju form. The Jedi were different. They were up close. They were personal and they had abilities that made soldiers like Jaune redundant. Besides, this was his mission, he couldn't bring him in on it. That wasn't how this worked.

"What's wrong?" Jaune asked again. "You been acting weird since we left the pit. Haven't said a word to me or the others. You've just muttered something about following orders and then nothing."

Caine stopped his work briefly, but did not speak or turn to the Scout Trooper.

"Do you know something about the Kaiju?" Jaune asked. "I mean, you've been right about him so far. Besides where he really comes from, that is."

Caine had heard about that. That Alpha Predator One was actually from another universe and he came here because the people of his world used an artificial black hole in an attempt to kill him. It made sense. Why and how the male Kaiju could shrink and transform. How he knew how to fight. The Kaiju Girls of Remnant and beyond knew how to fight, but not like Alpha Predator One. He was trained well and he was more experienced. And the battle in the Grimm Lands. He fought armies before. And he also knew how to fight superheroes. Caine would have been shocked to hear that, but his mind focused on the Jedi.

After a long silence, Caine spoke. "I did find something out," he informed the Scout Trooper. "But it's something you can't help with."

"What do you mean I can't help?" Jaune asked, sounding offending. "I thought we're a team!"

"I'm sorry, but that's just how it is," Cain replied. "It's something I got to do. I can't involve you. That's all I can say."

Arc still looked confused. He didn't say anything in response but he didn't move. He had a ton of questions, no doubt. Questions Caine couldn't answer. All he could do was try to explain.

"Remember when you said you hadn't expected your first combat to be like this," he began to recall, turning to the scout and staring him in the eyes. "What did you expect when you joined up?"

"Well, adventure mostly," Jaune admitted. "Serving the Galaxy, maintaining order, keeping the bad guys down."

"That's how I started too," Caine admitted morosely. "Heroic aspirations, noble ideas. Difference is, I didn't have a choice. I never had one. I was bred to go to war, from day one. That was all that ever mattered. I never thought about what would happen when it was over. When the war was done and the soldiers they bred to fight it were no longer needed. I just went day by day, doing what I was told, expecting it would all be worth a damn, that I was doing something important. In the end, I did do something important and it's the one thing I can't really remember much about except that I did it."

Jaune just stood perplexed, trying to figure out what the old soldier was trying to tell him. The others, the Huntresses and Prince Zuko stood at the doorway and looked confused. Caine supposed he was being cryptic. Like he suspected, Jaune just didn't understand. None of them did. They weren't clones. They didn't know.

"They gave us a bunch of promises when they made us," Caine continued. "Motivation to keep fighting, I guess. It seemed enough at first, but as time went on, their promises didn't seem to pan out like we wanted. Then we get ordered to take down the very people who commanded us. None of us even flinched. We just do it, because that's what good soldiers do. What do you get in return for that? For saving them from a conspiracy against them? Nothing."

"I remember," Jaune tried to squeak out. "You all got discharged." Pyrrha added nervously.

"We were thrown away, cast aside, tossed into a box or out to the streets and forgotten." Caine corrected them harshly. "We've done their dirty work, we did it proudly. We were good soldiers, we followed orders. We did what had to be done, didn't hesitate. Hell, it was easy! I don't why, but it was! And what's our reward for that kind of loyalty? We end up forcibly ejected from the one job we were born to do and left alone to rot!"

Jaune backed up slightly as Caine started shouting while Pyrrha and her teammates flinched. The old Clone Trooper caught himself and quickly calmed. He then asked another question. "Do any of you know of when the night the Jedi Temple on Coruscant was attacked by Republic Forces?" he asked.

"Well, you'd know more than us, Sir," Ren replied respectfully. Nora nodded. "Yeah, you were there."

"That's the thing, I don't know," Caine explained plainly. "I only get flashes, brief images. I don't remember anything substantial. Just that I was there. That there were Jedi and I killed them because they were traitors. I don't remember how many, who or how. Something happened that night and I can't remember it for some reason. I don't even know how I feel about it! Does that sound normal to any of you?"

The young men and women just shook their heads.

"That's the price of war, kids," Caine informed them grimly. "I killed a bunch of people who were the guardians of peace in the Republic for thousands of years and I don't even know how to feel about it. I only know what they told me and I have to accept that. What I can't accept is being treated like garbage by the very people who made me do the thing I can't remember! But I'm still loyal to them, a good soldier who follows orders. You know why?"

"No," Jaune admitted sadly. "I can't really say why, to be honest."

Caine walked over and placed a hand on the Scout Trooper's shoulder. "Because I have no where else to go," he said sullenly. "I never had a chance. I never had a chance to walk away from something bigger than myself. I'm a soldier, it's just what they made me to be. The hero they wanted, until they didn't need me anymore."

"I'm sorry, Sir." Jaune told him earnestly. "I. . . I didn't know that--"

"It aint' your fault, kid." Caine told him sadly, and glancing to the Fire Nation Prince, Huntresses and Huntsmen. "You're not the one who needs to apologize. None of you do." he added.

The old Clone went for the door, leaving Jaune and his friends standing there. Neither the scout, young Firebender, or the Hunters went after him. Caine decided to leave them with a parting bit of advice.

"Don't try to become heroes, kids." he warned them. "It's never worth it in the end. There's no real award. No glory. Just a few worthless bits of metal they pin to your shirt and memories you don't want to dwell on."

And some you couldn't,he would've added but he suspected that Jaune and the others already knew that though. Without another word, he left them behind and walked off into the Academy. He'd wait for his moment in the dark. Wait for the Jedi to come for him. And then, he would end what he started all those years ago. Only this time, he would feel something he could remember.

"That conversation was honestly a wild ride," Sabine stated to Ezra and Kiri as they sat in the lounge of the Ghost. The three, plus Adam who was trying to reach his father on his Scroll, were sitting while the Rebel Force were flying to Atlas. "I mean, I know that we spoke to the Kaiju Girls, but that conversation with Gojira was a whole other level."

"Try it with the Force," Ezra remarked. "I've sensed the thoughts and feelings of animals before, but it was different with Gojira."

"My people have done that back in Pandora with the animals," Kiri said in remembrance of old times. "But being in close proximity with Gojira, or any of the Kaiju really, felt akin to being in the presence of Eywa."

"Got to admit, it makes me wonder," Sabine said. "How do animals see us? How does nature view us?"

"Well, Gojira's not really an animal," Ezra hesitantly spoke up. "I mean, I guess he is like that in some sense, but he's more than that. Through the Force, it felt like I was communing with nature itself."

"He does have the name 'God' in his name," Kiri noted.

Sabine nodded and added, "Not to mention his pretty defiant attitude. Seems like he has a bit of an ego."

"Maybe, but there's a reason he isn't very humble," Ezra thoughtfully continued. "After surviving for so long, against near impossible odds, it's hard to claim he hasn't earned that image he's built for himself. To be honest, I think it's more self-confidence and esteem than ego. He knows and understands the kind of power he wields and refuses to hide it."

Sabine was drawing in her sketchbook before she looked up, her full attention on Ezra and their new friends. "You know what I'm still wrapping around my head?" she asked inquisitively. "The fact he's from another planet, another Universe even. That he was such a huge threat to the people of that world, that they got desperate enough to try something crazy. They made a weaponized black hole that actually sent him here to this planet!"

"And he survived that experience," Kiri said in agreement. "That is insane. No one in this Galaxy has ever made an artificial black hole, let alone anyone known to survive a black hole."

"His story, his words," Ezra replied. "But yeah, it did sound like he made a real nuisance of himself over in that world. He certainly doesn't feel sorry about it either."

"He's not exactly your average sapient being," Adam spoke up from where he sat. "His sense of morality may in fact be different from ours completely. Like, beyond our ability to understand fully."

"True," Sabine concurred. "I will admit though, just thinking how many people he's probably killed scares me a little."

Ezra felt the same and he could tell Kiri did too. Adam's mask didn't show anything, but he could sense his feelings through the Force. While Gojira didn't harbor any particular joy over what he had done, he had no regrets. His rage wasn't fueled by a hatred for humans, but anger still fed him. There was pity, and maybe respect for some, but no empathy for the entire race. Like Adam said, they could hardly judge a creature whose sense of right and wrong was separate from their own. But the thoughts currently swimming in Ezra's mind concerning these facts were not so easily banished.

"He thinks in terms of survival, mostly," Ezra said thoughtfully. "He attacks those who hurt him, people who are scared of him. He's filled with thoughts of revenge, subsists on violence, but that's just skin deep. I could sense more."

"Like what?" Sabine asked, sounding genuinely interested.

"Loss, pain," Ezra started with a careful tone in his voice. "And I could feel a more noble desire too. There was a small sense of fondness at times when he spoke, remembrance."

Sabine rose an eyebrow and Kiri spoke what she was thinking. "Are you saying the big grey shapeshifting lizard was getting nostalgic?" the teenage Na'vi girl asked, trying to stifle a bit of a laugh. "That he's. . . homesick?"

"However much it changed, he was still torn away from his home," Ezra explained in a wistful tone. "I think beneath all the anger over what the people did to him, there was an undercurrent. He saw an abuse of power, saw injustice, potential danger to his home. He wanted to stop it all, change things. Maybe he did things the wrong way, but there was more to it than just payback."

"Didn't he say that's all it was about though?" Sabine asked.

Ezra didn't really have an actual answer, just feelings lingering from the conversation with the male Saurian Kaiju. He could only shrug at the question and offer his best guess. "I'm just saying I felt there is or was a part of him that is a defender," he elaborated best he could. "A protective instinct. Maybe he won't admit it, but it's there."

The Mandalorian and Na'vi gave him curious looks, trying to figure out where this little talk was heading.

"He did agree to help us," Sabine relented. "All that stuff about doing it for himself could just be a cover. A way to keep up a tough guy act. You could ask Kannan or Ahsoka about it. Or even Miki. Maybe they felt it too."

"I don't know," Ezra sighed dismally as he stared off to the side. "I'm not sure about Miki but I don't think Kannan or Ahsoka took the same experience from the conversation like I did. Maybe I'm just reading too much into it."

Sabin leaned on the table, forcing Ezra to look to her. She had a small smile. "I'm big on art interpretation," she began simply. "Trust me on this, Ezra. You can never read too much into something or someone. People aren't simple sketches with two or three colors. They have various shades and colors to them. I doubt giant monsters are in any less complicated."

That got a chuckle out of Ezra, pulling him out of his funk. She was right. Kannan always told him to trust his feelings and what the Force was telling him. And right now, his feelings were telling him that Gojira or Godzilla, undoubtedly a big angry jerk of a fire breathing dinosaur, was more than he let on. He considered the idea of talking to Kannan or Ahsoka. Maybe even Miki. The idea to talk to the male Kaiju was the Togruta's after all. And Miki was the only one who talks to Kaiju all the time. However, the thought would have to wait as Hera's voice came over the Ghost's intercom.

"We're approaching the continent of Solitas."she announced."ETA to Atlas and Mantle 45 minutes. Setting down on Ahsoka's Juggernaut in the staging area. She says we'll have a good view our new friends' assault from there."

It was finally time. After days of planning and hard-fought battles, they were nearing the final objective. Everything now hinged on how much damage Gojira could do to the Imperials. With any luck, he and the Kaiju Girls would do the entire job for them. Needless to say, Ezra was hoping for some decent front row seats to the action. Whatever was about to unfold, he didn't want to miss a second of it.

The mountains that covered Gojira and the Kaiju Girls' approach, however slightly, became smaller and smaller with every step. Soon they began to walk onto a frozen tundra. The male Saurian Kaiju finally beheld the enemy stronghold. Before him and the others was two cities. One on the ground and looking normal as a city can. And the other was in the sky, anchored by cables reaching to the city under it, with large buildings and sky-piercing towers. Even from this distance, he could feel the energy sources within, including one in the center of the floating city, fueling the massive floating city and complex that no doubt housed many thousands of workers. All of this for one weapon and a couple of Kaiju clones? Well this sure felt familiar. Reminded Gojira of the time HYDRA made their own MechaGodzilla.

"That's a lot of Walkers," he heard Gigan state. Looking at where she was pointing, he and the others saw lined up along the outer perimeter was a large herd of mechanical beasts preparing for their arrival. If there was a mirror, Gojira would see that he and the female Saurian Kaiju Girl had a similar look of confusion and tilted their heads the same way. Of all the mechanized monstrosities(Not including a giant robot cat)Gojira had faced, these were the most bizarre. They looked like giant turtles with long legs like a giraffe. Gojira was smart enough to not presume they weren't dangerous though. All giant machines were dangerous and these were the largest weapons the Empire was throwing at him.

"If you think that's something," Queen Ghidorah spoke. "Trying looking up." Curious, Gojira and the others did exactly that. Gojira's eyes widened. He rarely saw things like this in the past back on Earth.

Slowly descending from the clouds, four large triangular ships emerged. Gojira blinked while he could hear some of the Kaiju whistling. He had encountered flying battleships before, like the Gotengo, especially in the initial phase when his fellow Kaiju were being rounded up and deposited on Monster Island. That and others like it, had ridiculous looking drills on them though. These ships were streamlined and militaristic to the core, lacking any digging tool on their noses. Perhaps the Empire did not share the same weird fascination with that tool like the Japanese had.

"Are these vessels armed?" he asked the Kaiju Girls.

"With enough power to destroy cities," Godzilla replied.

The male Saurian Kaiju snorted. "That means I'll finally be given a proper challenge to contend with." he nodded. "Good, I had been worried this would be boring."

"You think the Rebels would help us when they get here?" Biollante asked.

"I don't recommend to expect much," Gojira replied as he continued walking. "They're opportunistic and petty." They felt that their cause was more just than others. "But our goals do somewhat align, so I suspect that they told the truth when they claimed to leave when this was over. Their fight is with the Empire, not me or any of you." No sense in antagonizing them when they would soon no longer be a problem. "But knowing their kind, they'll still make us do most of the work."

"That's no concern," Queen Ghidorah said. "You've made it clear that you won't be their tool in this endeavor. That this is purely out of necessity of survival. They're benefitting of your actions, not the other way around."

Gojira nodded in agreement with the Golden Dragon Kaiju Girl. As long as the Rebels respected that, everything will be fine for everyone.

Of course, a voice in his head that sounded like his Queen questioned whether he was being a bit too broad in his low opinion again.(And he's sure she would really ask that.)The three who had spoken to him were different from the others of Remnant. The fact they attempted to speak first was interesting. Not a lot from Earth had done that the first time they met him. The youngest among them, Ezra was the least confrontational and the most genuine of the three. Like a certain web slinger. He earnestly asked for help, while the other two were either openly hostile or focused on making deals. The child even understood why he had refused at the start. That made going along with this plan for the moment at least worth tempting.

But regardless, as far as Gojira was concerned, this little war was another petty squabble playing out on another planet. He had seen a lot of groups like these Rebels before, some of them had even tried to use other Kaiju against him. Now these expected him to do the same, but he would not be directed like a puppet. He'd kill this Empire his way, along with their weapon. The Kaiju Girl clones? We shall see.

"It would take time for the ships to get into range," Gojira stated. "Meaning we can destroy the ground forces."

"And they'd be reluctant to fire when we're in the middle of the Walkers." Godzilla deduced and the male Saurian nodded his head. "And then we can let the Rebels distract the remainder and we can attack the city in the sky where we can root out the clones and the cyborg and destroy them both if need be." After that, this planet would be his.

Both male and female Gojirans cracked their necks and rolled their shoulders before they unleashed a mighty roar and walked into the field of combat. Fury burned in Gojira's eyes. It was time to finally end this farce and throw these soldiers off his world.

Ironwood now finally stood staring directly at the enemy they had been fighting for the past few days. In person, the giant lizard was a lot more intimidating than he first pictured him. He watched through his Command Ship's glass windows as the male Kaiju and his army ran onto the frozen tundra, both him and the female Godzilla were shrieking like mad in a pair of enraged and vicious battle cries.

Ironwood's resolve did not waver in the slightest. He had the firepower to blow this monster back into the hole it had crawled out of now. Its inhuman and bizarre cries would not break him. If the Kaiju Girls were going to stand against the military, then so be it. It was time to put these menaces down for good.

"Winter," Ironwood called to his Commander. "Order the AT-ATs forward, delta attack formation. AT-MPs are to offer support but are to remain at the back of the attack column. We will need them later when the Rebels assault the Kingdom."

"Yes, sir," Winter saluted. "Also, the Star Destroyer battlegroup is closing in on our position. Their arrival is imminent. I've already relayed your orders for them to stay away from the city and the Academy. If Alpha Predator One or Godzilla does manage to somehow shoot one down, we won't have to worry about them crashing on the city."

"Good, but that won't happen," Ironwood assured her. "Their shields will protect them from the Atomic Breaths and neither of them can fly. Once they have a clear shot, they can bombard Alpha Predator One until there's nothing left of the corpse."

By now, the AT-ATs were already closing on their targets. Ironwood turned to see Darth Vader already watching the proceedings. He quickly turned away before the Dark Lord could see him. Reminded of the stakes of the battle at hand, he finally gave the order.

"All AT-ATs, Decepticons, Elemental Benders, engage targets at will," he ordered. "Annihilate Alpha Predator One and the Kaiju Girls!"

Every AT-AT, Decepticon and Elemental Bender then started opening fire all at once. The final battle had begun.

Blazing hot lasers, powerful missiles, intense fire and massive boulders blasted and slammed against Gojira's scales followed by massive ice spikes. The male Saurian Kaiju simply brushed the ice spikes off his scales and kept charging through the fire along with the Kaiju Girls behind him. He already had his sights on the lead Walker that was traversing ahead of its pack. Its guns were raised high and blasting towards his face, the others following its lead.

"Gah! My eye!" He heard the female Gojiran exclaim. Ah, so that's what they were trying to do. Blind him. No matter, he did not need sight to destroy the machines. Closing his eyes, Gojira charged forward like an enraged Wolverine.

At the apex of his charge, Gojira lifted his leg up and slammed his foot down on the co*ckpit of the AT-AT. The running kick sent the Walker's head clean off and flying in the air. As the head crashed down, he stomped his foot through the rest of the AT-AT's body, and it exploded.

As smoke billowed around his head, Gojira looked around and saw more Walkers closing in, encircling around him and firing from all angles. Then he saw Rodan and Godzilla blasting fire at them to his left, Queen Ghidorah and Gigan blasting the other Walkers with Gravity Beams and red lasers. He snorted before raising his fists above his head. Hulk smash, he thought before slamming his fists down on the ground, sending a shockwave that blasted the Walkers before him away. He saw more of the bulk of the Empire's forces still blocking their path to Mantle and those remaining at the sides kept raining fire on him. He knew he couldn't risk leaving his or the others' backside open to this overgrown robot war horses. They need to thin their ranks before attacking Atlas properly.

"Gain way!" Anguirus shouted as she jumped over his head. She then curled up into a ball and executed her infamous Ball of Spikes move and started flattening Walkers and Decepticons.

Rodan soared through the air, leaving behind a supersonic wave that blew the Walkers off their feet below her.

Biollante and Mothra waved their hands and the snow and ice melted and then moved forward like a tidal wave towards the Decepticons in front of them.

Growling, Gojira stomped away from the wreckage of the Walker he had destroyed and turned to another at his left flank. He closed his mouth and charged his Atomic Breath before firing directly into the machine's co*ckpit. The blast tore through the machine's head, setting the co*ckpit on fire. It took a few more steps before tumbling forward to the ground.

But before Gojira could fire another blast, the AT-ATs raked lasers across his side side and up towards his head. Taken by surprise, the reptilian Kaiju dropped to the ground. He gritted his teeth as he turned his back to the bulk of their forces. He growled in anger at himself. He had just left himself open to attack, gave the Imperials an opening without knowing.

"My King, are you alright?" Queen Ghidorah asked. Gojira growled in response. "Disrupt their range of vision." he ordered.

"On it," Battra said before she and Orga blasted their beam attacks, then the black Moth Kaiju Girl used her Airbending to blast ice and snow up like a sandstorm.

The war machines had lost their target, but Gojira hadn't lost them. He watched a figure through the winds slowly move forward. As the Walker parted through the snow and ice, their co*ckpit was filled with a big claw. The pilots screamed as the claws ripped into the head of the machine and tore off what would be considered the lower jaw.

Gojira pushed the broken machine over onto its side, just as he heard another of the AT-ATs lurching forward. The giant Saurian Kaiju turned, lifted his tail and then slammed it down on the co*ckpit of the Walker as it emerged. The strike was powerful enough to decapitate the machine, the head tumbling down to the ground and then stepped on by Godzilla. The Walker toppled over after it, both crashing into the ground in a twisted heap.

Gojira snorted as the female Gojiran wiped her foot on the snow as if to wipe off dog sh*t. But then he watched as another Walker emerged just next to her. It fired several blasts into her front as she turned away. Growling, she aimed to swing her tail low at the Walker's legs. The strike broke the machine's right front knee joint and caused it trip over itself. The AT-AT smashed head first into the frozen tundra ground.

He glanced around and saw more Walkers walking towards him and the others. "The Empire was not lacking courage; I'll give them that." he muttered to himself before his face was hit with laser fire from the flying Decepticons. At least so long as they had their precious war machines to protect them. No matter, he'd take as many on as he could. He looked to the sky briefly, tracking the progress of the incoming flying ships. They were closing fast, but moving in a position far to the right of the cities. A strategy motivated by fear, no doubt, Gojira had seen it before. It showed that they weren't confident in their weapons as they appeared, for they feared the possibility of failure. Whereas Godzilla, with nothing to loose in this world, feared nothing.

But then he saw something that caught him off guard. The Gotengo flying in and attacking the Imperial Forces. He tilted his head in surprise. It looked the same yet there was a symbol of a butterfly with the word MONARCH on the side. This was followed by the Rebel ships he had seen earlier.

So, the Rebels were helping them after all? Well, wasn't today full of surprises? Might as well let them engage in their baser instincts. There was no sense in him and the Kaiju Girls having all the fun and there were plenty more Imperial Walkers to destroy.

Ahsoka watched as the Gotengo attacked three Imperial Walkers and Bato's bombers did the same for another. Sure, it was only four but it was less for Gojira and the Kaiju to deal with. It was all part of the plan. The Raiders and other assets would help thin the herd a little. Gojira and the Kaiju Girls were taking up the core attention of the Imperials for now, giving the Rebels a chance to strike their own blows to the enemy's defenses. She didn't know if Gojira would appreciate the help, but he didn't seem to mind it.

She did know that the approaching Star Destroyers were going to be a concern though. They had a lot of firepower backing them up. She imagined they wouldn't bring their full wrath down on their giant friends so long as their allies were in the way, but not for a while. The Empire was quick to sacrifice the lives of their soldiers for victory, especially if things were going badly.

"How long do we wait until we move in?" Kannan asked, standing beside her with the rest of the Ghost Crew and Optimus Prime in the hangar of her Cruiser. "He has them taking their sweet time in destroying the main defenses."

"I don't think Gojira or any of the female Kaiju are concerned with timetables," Ahsoka informed him. "Besides, they still have a lot of AT-ATs to kill. Until the and the main defenses are down, we'll be risking a gauntlet."

"Is there any way we can at least nudge him in the right direction?" Kannan asked.

"You mean issue orders to him," she responded, quickly discerning the true nature of his question. "Unless you want to risk angering him, I don't think that's a good idea."

"Your concerns are understood, Kannan," Optimus stated. "The quicker we can get inside Atlas the better off we'd all be. However, there doesn't seem to be anyway we can direct Gojira without him seeing it as an attempt to control him."

"The big guy had made it very clear he was against that," Adam concurred.

"What if we play to his aggression?" Hera suggested. "We've seen how often he's exploited weaknesses in the Imperial Forces. If we give him an opportunity to strike, he'll more than likely go for it."

"We can have the Hail fire droids open fire on the main defenses," Rex said. "At this range it won't be very accurate, but a few of the missiles should find their targets. Gojira could then be convinced to hit the facility directly if he sees it under fire."

"Shouldn't we be just as concerned with the Star Destroyers that are moving in?" Sabine asked suddenly. "They're going to make any attack pretty hard, even if all the AT-ATs and guns are knocked out."

Another fair point, one Ahsoka had already considered with Wolfe.

"We'll need to take them out if any assault is to be successful," Wolfe admitted. "If we're going to direct Gojira, or the Kaiju Girls' attention in any form, that should be our prime directive. For now we'll just launch a Hail Fire volley. The Star Destroyers are not really in range to do much harm for the moment."

"Our fighters are going to need all the help they can get to deal with them when that moment does come though," Hera cautioned. "That and convincing our giant friends there to coordinate with us is going to be a challenge. I should head up with the Ghost, I'll be of more help up there anyway. Maybe together Jake, Neteyri and I can figure something out."

"You'll need gunners," Kannan told her. "And some of us will need to stay and prepare for the ground attack."

"Chopper can take over the rear turret," Hera suggested. "Sabine still has that jet back she stole-"

"Liberated." The Mandalorian was quick to correct the Twi'Lek.

Hera rolled her eyes. "Fine, liberated," she relented. "I can take her into the heat of the battle myself when it's time and meet up with all of you at Atlas."

"I'd feel better about this if you had an extra hand," Kannan informed her. "You'd have full coverage that way."

"I agree," Ahsoka concurred. "I have just the person in mind. Well, person being the operative term."

She looked over her shoulder to look to see the Pandora Raiders' grungy old battle droid working on an anti-vehicle skiff in need of some repairs with Jack. The droid was unscrewing a latch when it suddenly opened and a flood of engine fluid spewed in Bolts and Jack's faces. Ahsoka chuckled slightly at the scene. Despite being accident prone as all of his metal brethren, Bolts was still more competent than most as the fight in orbit had proven. Besides Jake had put him at her disposal for the coming fight. No sense in wasting him on mechanical duty when the Rebels could use him in the fight more.

"Hey, Bolts," Ahsoka shouted over to him. "I got a new job for you. Less engine grease involved in this one."

The battle droid, still covered in oil and gunk from the skiff as well as Jack, just lifted his arm and gave a thumbs up. "Aye, Aye, Captain."

The battlements of Mantle were lined with turbolasers and missile launchers. AT-MPs patrolled around, while Stormtroopers and Atlassian soldiers held position on the Kingdom's wall. All guns trained on Alpha Predator One. They fired every now and again, but to little or no effect. The male Kaiju and the Kaiju Girls were occupied with the Imperial AT-AT Walkers. But everything they fired just seemed to bounce off while the Kaiju destroyed more and more Walkers. They weren't a threat, to any of them. A fact that wasn't really comforting.

Within the city itself, the Red and Blue Remnantian Troopers and the Dragon Riders were helping civilians evacuate to underground shelters or Ground Bridges that would take them to shelters outside of the Kingdoms.

While Sarge conversed with the leader of the Happy Huntresses, Robyn Hill, Jaune looked out to the battle that was happening less than twenty miles from the city. One AT-AT charged forward, slamming into the male Kaiju's upper leg with its head. Alpha Predator One looked down, seemingly surprised and confused that the Walker had slammed its head against his leg. In response Alpha Predator One knocked the Walker down with his fist and then slammed his foot down on its head. A few feet away, Jaune saw the female Godzilla Kaiju Girl doing the same thing. The two Gojirans then roared to the sky while facing different directions.

Well, the only bright side for the Empire was that the AT-ATs were affecting the Kaiju more than anything else they had thrown at it before. Even if he wasn't fighting alongside them at the moment, Jaune couldn't help but feel like there was futility in the Empire's actions. Like they were just delaying the inevitable.

Maybe it was just his nerves unraveling after facing the male Kaiju after so many times. Or maybe it was Caine's words that his concern stemmed from. How heroics were for naught and about memories he couldn't remember haunting him as much as those he could recall.

That last bit felt troublesome. With a fringe of truth behind it. Up until the battle at the pit, he didn't know why there was a blockade of Star Destroyers or why the Empire was working so closely with Atlas and the Fire Nation and he didn't bother to ask.

And apparently, he wasn't the only one asking questions. "I hear there are Rebels attacking," Robyn stated. "What's the plan?"

"Nothing, Ma'am." Sarge said. "The Rebels are fighting the real enemy of Remnant. That's all we can say."

Robyn rose an eyebrow. She looked liked she was about to ask for more before something pulled her attention. Jaune and Sarge followed her gaze and saw missiles flying out of control in the air. And they were plummeting towards the earth, towards the wall of Mantle and towards them!

"Hit the deck!" Sarge said before they all jumped down the stairs leading to the underground bunker. Explosions ruptured outside and the ground shook. Jaune could feel the quaking of his boots as whatever missiles hit them. He could even hear a few Troopers' death screams from the wall as the fire swallowed them up.

When it was over, Jaune and Sarge looked out with Robyn. Although there was a amount of casualties and property damage, the missiles seemed to hit a nearby AT-AT. The wall the two Troopers and Huntress were next to was just on the edge of the missiles area of effect.

"Let's get down below," Jaune said to the others. "The Rebels are trying open a weak spot for the Kaiju to exploit." He turned to Robyn. "Trust me, you don't want to be around when the male comes charging in."

Robyn took one last look out to the battle just outside of her Kingdom before walking down after them.

Winter rushed over from her station to Ironwood. The General was so transfixed by the holographic images of the battle on the strategic table that he didn't notice his Commander's approach. He didn't like what he was seeing as more and more AT-ATs were vanishing from the table, one after the other. Alpha Predator One and the Kaiju Girls were holding their own certainly. Winter finally got his attention by tapping his arm slightly.

"Sir," she began cautiously. "We've analyzed the barrage hit our lines. Our archives suggest they are similar to Hail Fire droids of the Clone Wars. It's likely the Rebels have appropriated such weapons from that conflict. Significantly modified too, Hail Fire droids never had that range before." She did not say what the Gotengo had done. She knew that the General knew what the Gotengo was capable of.

"Not accurate, at least." Ironwood noted. "And they're using it to help their giant friends. Same for those Rebel starfighters we've heard about."

Ironwood glanced over to Darth Vader briefly and saw him glaring at him. He knew, yes, things were not going well. Ironwood shook the death stare off and returned to work.

"Are the Star Destroyers in position?" he asked Winter.

"Almost, Sir." The Specialist promised. "But with the Kaiju so close to the Walkers, there is no guarantee they'll be able to avoid friendly fire."

"Tell them they'll have to risk it," Ironwood replied briskly, his agitation showing. "And have them send flyers to deal with the Rebels helping Alpha Predator One. I want them gone now! The AT-ATs are to push forward with their assault on the male Kaiju the most and ignore the rest of the threats. Have them engage four at a time! Gamma Formation. He seems only able to react to one Walker, we can use that to our advantage."

Winter saluted and headed off to relay orders. Ironwood in the meantime, tightened his grip on the table and gritted his teeth. He glared at the green dot on the radar, representing the male Godzilla.

"What is it going to take to kill you?" He glowered in a guttural voice.

After the barrage of Hail Fire droids hit, Jake decided they weren't about to let the Imperials get off that easy, and neither was his wife. In a diving strafe run, they and Silverbolt raced down from the clouds and opened up on the perimeter defenses while they were still reeling. They could only hit a small section, but at least it would be a few less Imps to deal with later. Jake and Neytiri's ARC's lasers ravaged the still reeling section of the perimeter. They and Silverbolt led their shots towards a couple of still intact turrets and laid into them. When they exploded, the Pandora Raider lead ARC and Aerialbot peeled off from their attack runs.

That was when Silverbolt spotted an AT-MP taking aim at him as he turned. "Woah!" he exclaimed as he rolled to the side in the air as a missile rocketed out, just barely missing him. He then re-acquired the Walker and let loose torrent of laser bolts, ripping into one of the missile pods. The shots ignited of the missiles in their tubes and caused an explosion that ripped straight through the war machine's head. As it toppled to the ground, Silverbolt pulled up back into the sky with the Pandora Raider lead ARC-170.

As they flew up, Jake and Neytiri took in the sight of a slightly more eye-catching display. The male Kaiju, Gojira had just used his tail to knock the legs out from one AT-AT. As it was toppling, the Kaiju was already biting into the neck of another Walker and wrenching the co*ckpit head away from the giant war machine. The beastly titan lizard then tossed the decapitated head a few hundred yards through the air only to crash into another AT-AT that was attacking one of the Kaiju Girls, Biollante if Jake remembered. The head embedded itself into the top of the Walker's back, whereas the force of the collision unbalanced the machine and caused it to fall onto its side.

"Such raw primal power,"declared the voice of the Sullys' Yautja companion through the radio."Relentless in the pursuit of his prey, undaunted by the odds against him, utterly fearless."Wolf said."He is an Apex Predator unlike any other."

Jake looked to his wife with a raised eyebrow while Silverbolt spoke."I really hope that praise isn't a precursor or something to a sudden desire to hunt that Kaiju down for sport,"the Aerialbot cautioned a little crassly.

"Cause if it is, you're on your own. There is no blaster big enough for that guy in existence." Jake added in his two cents.

"I'm just admiring another master hunter, Brother Jake,"Wolf reassured with a rumbling chuckle."There's no rule against that. Besides, I have more fun watching others fail to kill him so far. I'd rather not join in their error."

"That's a load off my mind,"Jake remarked to Neytiri in Na'vi, prompting a "I heard that,"from the Elite Yautja. He really didn't want to drag the Yautja away from a fight they had no stake in, especially when it would only help the Empire as far as Jake was concerned. He had to admit though, Wolf was right about the male Kaiju. It was a spectacle to watch this Gojira wreak havoc compared to the Kaiju Girls. He supposed that was relative though, considering the Stormtroopers and Decepticons most certainly did NOT feel the same way right now.

Meanwhile Norra rolled her fighter left and right, her craft cresting just a few feet above the ground at this point. The field was littered with the remains of a number of AT-ATs, their wreckages still burning from their brief battles mere moments ago. She darted through the broken war machines, turning and rolling past them. The TIEs on her tail kept pace with her regardless, blasting away at her as she fled from them. One or two clipped a wing on a sharp turn, smashing into the backside of a smoldering bulk of a dead AT-AT, but it wasn't enough to take them all out. Norra knew she couldn't keep away from them forever, so she decided a risky move.

Norra made a beeline for the center of the ground war, Gojira himself. The titanic reptile was currently engaged with another AT-AT, who was doing his best to keep it at a distance. The big machine was strafing the Kaiju instead of attacking head-on. Two of its compatriots were doing the same. A bit problematic for the Kaiju, an opportunity for Norra.

She flew towards the legs of the nearest AT-AT, the TIEs still following, and raced through the legs as they stomped through the field. The pilots of the Walker were too busy with Gojira to notice her fighter. The TIEs tried to match her moves, darting around the Walker's legs best they could as Norra flew beneath all three in rapid succession. Some accidentally crashed into the legs when the Walker's legs moved where they didn't anticipate, but some managed to weather the Rebel's maneuvers.

Norra flew towards Gojira himself now, specifically his tail. It was lashing about in the air rapidly and Norra suspected he was about to use it for another swipe at his attackers. Norra raced towards it just as the tail lifted violently and swished to the right. She pulled her stick hard towards the left, towards Gojira's back. Three TIEs were unable to do the same, crashing into the tail as it slashed through the air. The Kaiju's attack managed to break one of the knee joints for an AT-AT as well. It fell to the ground, flat on its face.

Norra then raced up along the spiky back of the Kaiju reptile, speeding towards the head. There were still two more TIEs were on her tail and they weren't about let her escape. When she reached open sky, past Gojira's massive head, they unleashed every green laser bolt they had been saving. Norra had to quickly dive quickly just to get away, passing by the Kaiju's big eye. She could've sworn she saw the Kaiju's eye move in her direction, watching her descend. She quickly kicked in her afterburners and leveled off on the stick. Her TIE pursuers followed, but only for a short while. A sudden gigantic clawed hand rose up and swatted them from the sky like bugs, removing the last of her attackers.

Norra wasn't sure if she should be grateful that the male Gojiran saw the TIEs as an enemy or lucky that she was able to get away from his grasp in time. Either way, she soon saw a more pressing concern. The Ghost was just a few feet in front of her, being harassed by a few TIEs.

But then she saw Silverbolt moving in, buzzing around the Ghost, flying under and around the ship. He locked onto the TIEs and fired a blaze of hot laser down their throats. As she turned back for another pass, he saw Hera was already using the slightly clearer skies to her advantage. She pulled a tight loop with her ship, faster and harder than one would expect with a vessel that size. The main turret continued to fire at the TIEs, Hera came around on their back sides. Her main guns easily cut down the stunned Imperial pilots still scrambling to figure out what had just happened.

When it was all clear, Hera joined Silverbolt along his Aerialbots. The Autobot flyer was a bit stunned.

"That was a killer move," Silverbolt reasoned. "How'd you pull that off?"

"Besides this thing being heavily modified,"Hera began, sounding rather proud."You just gotta know how to talk to her sometimes."

"I see. Shame this team up is a one-time thing, I would have enjoyed fighting alongside a pilot like you." Silverbolt stated.

Hera laughed in response."The feeling's mutual. While we're working now, there's another temporary Rebel who needs our assistance."

Silverbolt looked out to see Gojira, still embroiled in a fight with two AT-ATs that were keeping a fair distance away from him. The Aerialbot wondered why he didn't use that blue fire beam of his. Perhaps it took a lot of power to pull off? After all, from what he heard, Gojira had to absorb a ton of lightning to pull off what he did in the quarry. Regardless, the Kaiju had done a lot already for their side, Silverbolt figured he owed him a solid.

"Might as well," Silverbolt stated.

"Follow us in,"Hera declared."Stay sharp."

Silverbolt did so, speeding after the Ghost as it raced towards the brawl. Hera crested the top of the Walker as it walked around Gojira, moving towards the head. When she got over it, she called out over the radio loudly.

"Hit'em hard, Sabine!"

Lasers from the lower nose turret perforated the Walker's co*ckpit canopy. Bolts pounded on the head as Hera turned about for a direct confrontation. She lay into the face of the AT-AT with her main guns while Sabine kept firing with her turret. Silverbolt and Norra soon came around and added their own furious display of lasers to the mix. Eventually the co*ckpit caught fire and the head exploded from all the sustained fire. Not the best method when one-on-one with an AT-AT. But when it was distracted by a giant lizard, it became doable.

Not missing a beat, Silverbolt and Norra moved to the next AT-AT. For a split second, the Walker moved to follow them, but that was when it lost the fight. Because in the next second, Gojira seized the Walker. With no need to worry about the other Walker, he could focus on one. The Rebel pilot and Aerialbot watched as Gojira used his massive claws to tear into the back of the Walker. And once he dug in deep, he pried the war machine apart, splitting it down the middle. The two broken halves of the Walker fell to the frozen earth and Gojira let out a roar and then moved onto the next group of AT-ATs.

Silverbolt stared in stunned silence for a brief moment. Wolf was right, this Kaiju was an Apex Predator, a ruthless one at that. It was hard to imagine if anything could stop him at this point. But then the Aerialbot remembered the Star Destroyers and thought that they may pose a problem for him.

"Should we ask him for a thank you or just link up with the others and see what to do about the Destroyers?" Norra asked Hera over the radio.

"Destroyers,"Hera reasoned without missing a beat.

Yeah, Norra thought she'd say that. So they left Gojira to his work and raced back to the other Rebels. They'd need to come up with a plan on how to deal with those Star Destroyers. If they weren't dealt with, Ahsoka's people and the Autobots wouldn't be able to reach the cables that tie Atlas down with or without a hole blown through their defenses.

Ironwood had pulled out every AT-AT defensive action in the rule book. The Kaiju were taking a pounding, the females more than the male, it seemed. That wasn't a sexist remark on their part, but the male Gojiran was brushing off more hits than the Kaiju Girls were. Reports from the remaining Walker pilots had claimed though that Alpha Predator One was getting tired though. And yet, he wasn't dead, so those reports didn't matter. Unless the male Kaiju was dead, they were failing. As more and more AT-ATs fell, Ironwood relented.

"Tell all remaining Walkers to pull back to secondary," he ordered Winter. "Engaging the Kaiju directly isn't working, we need to create a wall. Draw them in and then hit them from behind on both sides with-"


Ironwood suddenly felt a cold chill run up his spine as ghostly deep breathing sounded over his shoulder. He slowly turned and saw Darth Vader staring down at him. It took all of Ironwood's courage to not jump back in fright.

"This is becoming embarrassing, General," Lord Vader stated. "You have been given every advantage in this battle. All our advanced and powerful weapons. And yet here you are, losing the initiative against an animal, of all things."

"I'm doing everything I possibly can, Lord Vader," Ironwood stated pleadingly. "I have the Destroyers moving in. Once they have line of sight and a clear target, they can bombard the immediate area with no more or less loss of life to our own forces. The Rebels will attack the Kingdoms whether or not he breaks through. We have to consider their inevitable-"

Darth Vader rose his finger suddenly, practically shoving it in Ironwood's face. "Do not presume what I have and have not considered," the Dark Lord boomed at him. "In regard to this Kingdom's defenses, I am still weighing many options at my disposable."

Ironwood did not like how Vader emphasized "disposable" just then. He had to think of something. A way to kill Alpha Predator One, not just hurt it. The Destroyers were one idea, but maybe there was something more he could do.

"We do have other weapons," he recalled. "The special Walkers Overseer Schnee procured for study and integration into the prototype before he. . . well. . ." Ironwood stopped there, not wanting to remember what happened mere hours ago. Mainly because he kept placing himself in Jacques' position continuously whenever he did. The General looked Winter instead, hoping she'd continue to explain.

"They're certainly more powerful than your average AT-AT," the Atlassian Specialist admitted. "They'd push him back if electricity really hurts him. But, we'd be risking our greatest asset against the Rebels in the process. Their shock value would be more potent against them than the Kaiju. Not to mention our troopers aren't trained with them as they should be."

"Well, there's no room for training," Ironwood declared adamantly. "Ready or not, we need them up and running as soon as possible. If the Destroyers fail, we'll send them in. If nothing, maybe it will finally finish off Alpha Predator One."

"For your sake, General," Princess Azula said from where she stood. "I hope that your confidence in these special Walkers is well placed."

Vader wordlessly walked away and stared out the Command Center window. He had stopped being the shadow, he was among Ironwood's people. Already, the Atlassian General felt the noose tightening. He had to make this work.

Since the AT-ATs were keeping their distance from his claws and jaws, Gojira pondered to use his Atomic Breath on the remaining Walkers. Firing the beam in a sweeping arc just as Godzilla did just that with her own would destroy them.

Queen Cesar slammed her staff down on the ground, unleashing a shockwave of tornado winds.

But that would feel like a waste of energy, and Gojira had already used a lot. Before he could ponder his options further, Mothra pointed out something.

"They're backing away," she said. Looking around, Gojira saw that the Moth Kaiju Girl was correct. The remaining Walkers were backing away. They didn't disengage, they were still firing, but they were widening their circle.

"Why the sudden change in tactics?" Queen Ghidorah asked as Gojira looked around them. "Why suddenly give us more room?" A low rumble in the air caused them all to look up.

"There's your answer," Gojira remarked.

The so-called Star Destroyers had arrived, hovering over all their heads. No doubt training all their guns on them where they stood.

"Now, it makes sense," Megalon stated. "The AT-ATs were giving their friends in the sky room enough to blast away everything with impunity. Well not everything, just us."

"Impu-what?" Godzilla Junior said.

"Mothra, Biollante, shield dome," Godzilla told the Moth and Saurian-Plant hybrid Kaiju Girls.

Just as the two Waterbender Kaiju formed a dome over their allies and friends, Gojira walked away from them. "Gojira, wait!" Mothra called after him.

The male Saurian Kaiju morphed into his human form before he roared defiantly to the Star Destroyers above him. "What are you waiting for? Do it. I know your trigger fingers are justitchingto pull. Come on. Do it. Come on! Do it! COME ON! DO IT! DO IT! SHOOT ME! SHOOT ME!SHOOT ME!"

". . . I don't know if that guy is completely ballsy or if he's insane," Rodan said to the other Kaiju Girls and that was when the Destroyers started firing.

Powerful green energy bolts rained down from above, churning up the ice as they struck the ground and the male Saurian, causing massive explosions. The Kaiju Girls ducked their heads under their icy dome. Concerned, Junior and Athena looked outside from where they hid but could not see what had become of the male Kaiju.

Scanners on the Star Destroyer's bridge couldn't pick up anything for a while and visual confirmation was impossible through all the ice, snow and smoke being kicked up. Perhaps they had jumped the gun a bit when the Kaiju started yelling up at them, but no one wanted to risk being hit by the Kaiju's Atomic Breath. While there was no clear indication that they were hitting anything, the area was so completely saturated it was impossible that they hadn't hit the monster at least more than twice. On the other hand, what good was a barrage on a singular target if it wasn't more focused on said target's current position? Eventually, the Imperial Captain waved his hand in a silencing motion and shouted across the bridge.

"Tell all the ships to stop firing!" he ordered. "We've lost visual. We need to reacquire the target again. Let the smoke clear, recycle the guns and then we'll coordinate our fire in a concentrated bombardment."

Eventually, the Destroyers silenced their guns, just for the moment. The smoke and snow took a while to clear, but when it did. . . they saw nothing. The Kaiju was nowhere to be found, as if he had just vanished into thin air. Briefly everyone started mumbling about the beast being vaporized but their Captain wasn't about to claim victory so quickly.

"Initiate heat signature and bio scan." He ordered. "If something is alive down there, I want to see it on the screen.

The Star Destroyer's sensors began to scan about the area, but all they could see was ice, ash and the broken remains of AT-ATs the Kaiju had destroyed. The Captain didn't understand. How did they lose sight of creatures that big?

They were all waiting beneath the broken and discarded machines, the snow and ice covering them all partially. It wasn't the best cover, Gojira admitted, it had been all he could find. His dead enemies would serve as a protective shell, at least for the moment while the Kaiju Girls' wounds all healed and their skyward foes scratched their heads in confusion. Gojira waited, lying perfectly still, letting them think they had won for a few precious moments more. He listened to the rumbling engines of the flying machines above, mentally determining their positions. He held up his hand up to the Kaiju Girls, Godzilla and Queen Ghidorah and counted down from three.

Then, as he began to charge his power, bright blue spreading among his back, he struck.

He burst from beneath the broken remains of the Imperial Walkers, ice chunks and snow exploding forth as he arched up with Godzilla and Queen Ghidorah. They aimed in the direction of one of the Destroyers and fired two blazing blue and golden beams of death directly at it. The blasts cascaded across the ship's stomach, easily cutting through the shields and burning away at the hull. The Star Destroyer rocked wildly as it took the hit and desperately listed to the right to escape the attack.

Gojira ended the sustained blast and pulled himself out out of the wreckage entirely. The Kaiju Girls all followed suit. As they did, the large broken machines gave him another idea. He picked up the decapitated head of an AT-AT and chucked towards the Star Destroyer like a baseball bat. The co*ckpit crashed into the side of the bridge tower as the already damaged Destroyer limped to the side.

Godzilla looked at that small explosion created and down at the broken machines around her. She reached down and grabbed a still intact chassis and threw it directly at the underbelly of the next ship. The Walker torso managed to burst through a number of decks with relative ease. She looked to Gojira with a smug expression.

Gojira snorted before turning to Mothra. "Make me some ice spears." he said. Mothra blinked before forming five large ice spears with her Waterbending. Gojira then threw four of them in the air one at a time before jumped into the air and kicked the ice spears and sent them flying towards the underbelly of the Destroyer. The ice spears imbedded the hull like a pin cushion.

Gojira looked to Godzilla with an expression that said, "Beat that." The female Gojiran scowled and turned away with a huff.

"Impressive," Queen Ghidorah grinned. "Most impressive."

The remaining AT-ATs on the ground opened fire, trying to force Gojira off the targeted Destroyer. The male Gojiran simply gestured with his hand. Biollante and SpaceGodzilla got the message. The green clad Kaiju Girl formed up a wall of ice in front of one line of Walkers while SpaceGodzilla laid down a wall of fire with her Aurora Beam towards the Walkers behind their group. That would disrupt their aim long enough to accomplish Gojira's main focus. To bring these flying machines down.

Gojira pulled out his Atomic Katana and stared up at the Destroyer as it moved away as fast as it could while the others followed his and Godzilla's example of throwing wreckage at it. Then Gojira noticed something. A large hangar in the Destroyer's stomach. That looked like a sufficiently big chink in the armor.

He held his katana up and closed his eyes. The blade began to hum as he channeled his Atomic energy into it before the blade was covered in blue flames. He opened his eyes with a growl and then roared as he swung the Atomic Katana upwards, unleashing a wave of Atomic Energy. The wave struck the hangar dead center. Smiling, Gojira then unleashed his Atomic Breath, the power pushing him back slightly and the blast cut clean through the ship, most likely hitting the engine core and caused the whole stern of the Destroyer to explode. He sheathed his sword and the Imperial ship fell from the skies in flames, descending towards the snow covered mountains as it crashed. When the massive vessel finally collided with the ground, a large fireball burst forth from its carcass.

"One down, four to go." Gojira declared as he turned away from the burning ship. He smirked slightly in amusem*nt as he saw the Kaiju Children looking at the ship in awe.

"I got to get a sword like that," he heard his female counterpart mutter. He snorted before looking up to the other ships. The attack had taken quite a bit out of him, but he couldn't let up. He then fired up at it and the others followed his example to the second Star Destroyer. But the ship was ready this time. It turned away from the blast even before their beam and fire attacks were fired. The beam missed the hangar and didn't do nearly as much damage against the underside hull.

"What?" Godzilla exclaimed.

"The Empire must be sending more power to its shields," Gamera theorized.

"We can break through them in time," Gamora stated confidently.

"But time is not what we have," Gojira said just before the Destroyer began firing down on them again. Godzilla reached down to shield her daughters and then Mothra and Biollante formed shields with ice.

"There has to be another way for to close the gap," Rodan said as they ducked under the laser fire. "Fight them one on one."

That was when Gojira got an idea. He had only used this trick once a decade or so. Mainly because it had taken a lot out of him just to pull it off. However, he'd be using just as much, if not more, to break through the shields while under fire. It was a risk he had to take.

(Go to YouTube, look up "Godzilla Thinks He's Adam Warlock But Backwards")

Turning his back to the Star Destroyers, he bent his head down. "What are you doing?" Mothra asked but he ignored her. He charged up his Atomic Breath and just as it reached the apex of its growing power, he jumped into the air. The force of his Atomic Breath acted like a jet engine and sent him flying backwards in the air. Gojira kept the blaze going, knowing the second he stopped was the second he fell back to earth. For the moment, it kept him airborne and speeding towards the Star Destroyer closest to him.

He almost faltered and resisted the urge to howl in laughter at the complete gob smacked, dumb founded and bamboozled faces of the Kaiju Girls and their fathers were giving as he was flying.

"Wha-?! But?!-He-?!" Megalon stuttered.

"HOW?!" shouted Godzilla and Queen Ghidorah.

As he neared the massive ship, Gojira angled the beam to lift his back right into the vessel's stomach. His dorsal fins sliced into the hull, scraping along the metal and lower decks. He then rose his arms up, digging his claws into the ship's insides. At last, he stopped shooting the Atomic Breath. He now hung precariously from the still flying ship and began to pull its guts out with reckless abandon. Wires, generators and machinery tumbled out, the pieces falling to the ground. He knocked some away in various directions, sending them flying towards the AT-ATs below and crushing them.

Already the excessive damage was taking its toll as the ship started to list downwards. Gojira was certain that his added weight wasn't helping either. The ground was starting to come up fast, but he wasn't in a hurry to leave. He still a lot of ship to gut after all.

Jake wasn't sure if he should believe what he and his wife was seeing. This giant dinosaur had just launched himself off the ground, flew backwards through the air and grabbed onto the belly of a Star Destroyer in order to tear it apart. They had said he was sentient, even in giant form, Jake didn't think he was borderline insane! It took him a while to find the words, but he managed.

"Well, that's something you don't see every day," Jake noted aloud.

Neytiri nodded trying to comprehend how in Eywa that worked, but her brain processed other things. Like the remaining Star Destroyers moving to fire on the precariously hanging giant lizard man. Gojira turned his head to one of them and fired his heat ray at it, setting it ablaze. But then he started swinging back and forth. It took a while for Neytiri and Jake to understand what it was planning.

The Saurian Kaiju then flung himself off the Destroyer he was on, morphed into his Kaiju form and drop kicked the other Destroyer. Large cracks formed across its form before Gojira starting ripping it open like he did the last one. He then tore out what looked like part of the hyperdrive with his jaws and spat it out towards the third Destroyer below him. The chunk hit on top of the ship and exploded.

Gojira then jumped down onto the other Destroyer, but he didn't get a good grip on it this time. He slid down, claws slashing through the hull until he fell off completely.

But he did not panic as he fell, instead he rolled onto his side and flattened a handful of remaining AT-ATs. The Destroyer he just dropped from veered away, fires raging across all decks. The other Star Destroyer, badly damaged from the attack, now began to plummet, explosions bursting from every deck.

Jake figured Gojira had damaged the engine core in the attack that it was too damaged to stay in the air. He contacted Hera and Silverbolt on the radio.

"You all saw that right?" he asked. "I didn't just have an hallucination or something?"

"No, no, I saw it too,"Silverbolt said, just as stunned.

"Still processing it and trying to decide if I should laugh or cheer."Hera admitted.

"Same," Jake concurred. "No matter which one it is though, that lizard is pretty damn hardcore."

The Captain of the Star Destroyer watched as his ship's bridge went up in flames. His panicked crew ran about, trying to get to the escape pods. He knew it was futile. They were just too low. At least they weren't crashing on any of the cities. But that was a small comfort.

As he watched the ground get closer, he tried to piece together what just happened. They had just been taken out of the sky by a wingless Kaiju that flew using its own fire breath and gutted out their engines. Of all the ways to lose a fight, this wasn't what he had considered in the slightest. Again, that wasn't much comfort.

"This is quite literally the most ridiculous way to die," he declared out loud. Then he just sighed in resignation and held his head high. "Oh well. At least it's memorable." That was when the Star Destroyer crashed into the ground and the entire bridge was consumed by flames.

Ezra had watched the whole thing with rapt attention. He imagined that everyone else was doing the same. Gojira had just destroyed two Star Destroyers and knocked another out of the fight. And the way he did it was nothing sort of astounding.

"Do you think he could always do that?" he asked Kannan curiously.

"I, uh, I guess so," Kannan replied in a flabbergasted tone. "Probably took a lot out of him though."

"It did," Ahsoka said, and Miki nodded. Both looked just as surprised as them. The psychic spoke. "I can sense his strength ebbing. He's using a lot of energy in this fight. The Empire may be on the ropes, but he's wearing himself down. And I don't think he's fully recovered from the Oxygen Destroyer."

Ahsoka nodded. "If he doesn't make a breakthrough soon, I'm not sure if he will at all."

Ezra couldn't help but hope Gojira was tiring himself out to give them a chance they needed to end this. But he knew the real reason. This was going to be the last fight. If he won, then he would be left alone in peace with a place to call home. To hold anything back would be considered foolish.

But his lack of restraint was costing him more than benefitting him. Ezra had some experience with that. If Ahsoka was right, then that meant it should be time to step off the sidelines.

"Can't we help him?" Ezra asked his fellow Force Users. "He might be stronger than anyone on this planet, but if he keeps pushing himself like this, the Empire will find a way to take him down."

"I understand your concern, Ezra." Optimus said to him. "But we will only be in the way."

"Optimus is right," Kannan said in agreement. "Our best bet is wait for our opening and move in quickly. We'll be in better position to help him then and we won't be wasting resources to burst through the outer perimeter of Atlas."

Ahsoka seemed to agree with them, much to Ezra's displeasure. Then he heard the sound of a jet flying. Looking up he saw a dark gray jet flying through the air with a dark purple sword and large cannon on it. Ezra furrowed his brow at that design before he saw the Decepticon insignia on it.

Optimus looked up and saw the jet. "Megatron."

And something jumped from the floating city of Atlas. Two large Walkers but unlike any Walker Ezra had ever seen. Gojira and the Kaiju Girls had new opponents.

Chapter 12: Godzilla vs the Empire Round 3 Part 2

Chapter Text

"WHAT THE f*ck WAS THAT sh*t?!" Gamora shouted in disbelief.

"AIN'T NO WAY YOU JUST FLEW WITHOUT WINGS!" Rodan, Megalon and Battra exclaimed.

"AND BACKWARDS!" Anguirus, Queen Cesar, Queen Kong, King Kong, Monster X and Gigan added.

"HOW?!" Godzilla, Mothra and Queen Ghidorah shouted in disbelief. "HOW THE f*ck DID YOU DO THAT?!" the female Gojiran and golden Dragon Kaiju Girl asked.

Gojira picked himself off and shook off the snow from his head and armor. He smiled smugly at the flabbergasted Kaiju Girls.

"THAT WAS AW-W-WE-SOME!" cried Junior and Athena as they slammed into his chest and hugged him tightly. They looked up to him with starry eyes. "Can you teach us how to do that? Can you? Can you? Please? Please? PLEASE?!" they asked in unison hyperactive tones.

Gojira chuckled and ruffled their hair. "If it's okay with your mother," he glanced to his female counterpart briefly before looking down to the young children. "I'll teach you some tricks I know."

"YAY!" cried the Kaiju children.

Suddenly, Gojira turned to the two new Walkers that arrived. They were large and almost spider like in appearance save for the fact they were two legs short. The Kaiju Girls followed his look and saw the Walkers.

"Megalon, analysis?" Queen Ghidorah asked.

"Mobile Heavy Cannons," Megalon said in a weary tone. "Originated from the world of Umbara, and created by the Umbarans. The deadliest Walkers the Empire has to offer."

For the Clone Troopers who encountered these war machines in the world shrouded in darkness many years ago, they were intimidated.

For Gojira? He just thought they looked like Kumonga and that made him think how annoying that lecherous bug was when he wasn't trying to eat Minilla.

Before he moved forward to engage, he was blasted in the back. It didn't hurt but it was enough to catch his attention. Turning in the direction, he saw a large dark grey jet with a large fusion cannon and a jagged amethyst sword on it. Gojira growled as he saw the Decepticon insignia on its underbelly and then charged up his Atomic Breath and fired.

The jet kept its distance and just a few feet away from a fiery death. It flew around him before returning fire of its own with its fusion cannon. He growled in annoyance before running forward and jumping to swing his claws at the Decepticon but it transformed into its robotic form and jumped off his hand before shooting him in the face again. He then jumped off the Kaiju's hand again, this time, flying to his face and punched him square in the face below his eye. Gojira growled again, eyes narrowing. He recognized this Cybertronian from the records.

"Megatron." He growled before shooting his Atomic Breath again.

Megatron flew away and around the beam of radioactive energy before he transformed and grabbed the large sword from his back. With an angry yell, he swung the Dark Star Saber in a wide arc and unleashed a massive wave of Dark Energon.

The dark violet wave of Energon swept through the air before it slammed into the Saurian Kaiju's chest. Gojira cried out in pain as he was knocked off his feet. The Dark Energon made his armor glow. He rose to his feet, ran a hand down his chest before grinning and looking up to the sky. "Finally, a challenge."

He turns to the Kaiju Girls. "Deal with the Walkers." he orders before turning to the flying leader of Decepticons. "Megatron's mine."

The female Kaiju didn't look like they minded that too much. Though Godzilla herself had wanted to fight the Decepticon. Fighting the Walkers looked too easy. That was until she found out that she shared the same weakness to electricity like her male counterpart but more due to her human skin. Probably why Queen Ghidorah and Monster X were such a challenge for her.

Gojira walked forward away from the others before calling out. "Megatron! I challenge you! One warrior to another. Swordsman to swordsman." he slammed his fists against his chest like King Kong, made an X with his hands like that of Black Panther and Wolverine or Wonder Woman with his claws stretched out then spread his arms out wide, much like the Incredible Hulk. He let out a challenging, daring roar.


"You think this is wise?" Megatron asked mockingly with a laugh as he stood on one of the wrecked Star Destroyers. "Challenging me? I am the Dominator! I am the Destroyer! I am MEGATRON!" he declared dramatically.

Gojira's lips curled up in a feral smile as he pulls out his Hydrogen Katana. "Well, I am the God of Destruction! I am Death, Destroyer of Worlds! I! AM! GOJIRA!" He roared. With that, he jumped onto one of the other Star Destroyers and ran towards the back of it. He jumped onto the top of it and used his tail to launch himself high into the air.

Megatron lets out a battle cry as he flies high into the air before letting himself fall down towards the male Saurian Kaiju. Both Kaiju and Decepticon Leader let out battle cries before swinging their swords.

The Hydrogen Katana and the Dark Star Saber collided and released a powerful shockwave that blasted off pieces of the crashed Destroyers and large cracks formed on the ice. The two traded parries and blocks before landing on the ground.

Gojira countered and slashed at Megatron who managed to dodge and counter with his Dark Star Saber twice before leaping into the air and spinning at Gojira's chest who blocked and leaned back to dodge another slash followed with giving him a slash that sent him sliding back.

Gojira cracked his neck before shrinking down to a size not too similar to the Decepticon's. With a roar, he charged forward.

Megatron rolled to his feet before Gojira charged forward. He dodged a downward stab and ducked under three swings to his head. Megatron unsheathed his wrist blade and swung it at Gojira's face.

The blade sliced at his left cheek and only got a snarl in response. Gojira retaliated with a swing of his Hydrogen Katana to him. Megatron swung his wrist blade to block it and parry, only for the blade to snap off his wrist upon contact with the katana.

Gojira then stabbed his sword into the ice and used it as a pole vault so he can drop kick Megatron in the chest and knocked him off his feet. Yanking his sword out of the ice, and jumped up in the air, somersaulting to build up momentum and bringing the Atomic Katana down.

Megatron held up his Dark Star Saber and blocked the katana, the two blades releasing another shockwave that cracked the ice more, blasting more bits of the Destroyers and forcing the Decepticon leader onto his back. Growling, Gojira leaned forward pushing his sword down on Megatron's.

Megatron gritted his teeth, putting all his strength to hold Gojira's sword back but it was proving to be futile. But then he got an idea, underhanded as it was. He aimed his fusion cannon at his eyes and fired at point blank range.

Gojira cried out in slight pain and Megatron swung the Dark Star Saber and his eyes before unleashing a wave of Dark Energon at his face. Now that hurt. Gojira stumbled back as his eyes burned. Gojira hadn't had enough time as he would've liked to recover from his flying attack and Megatron knew that.

Megatron stood up and backpedaled, putting some distance between them before firing his fusion cannon. He shot Gojira in the chest before firing again. This time however, Gojira swung his Hydrogen Katana and sliced the bolt of Energon in half. With his eyes closed. "Bring it on, Frank Walker." he challenged, curling his clawed fingers in a 'Bring it' motion.

Megatron faltered before firing his fusion cannon in rapid succession. But Gojira still deflected each bolt with his Hydrogen Katana while his eyes were still closed.Remind me to thank Matt Murdock for his training on fighting blind the next time I see him,Gojira thought to himself as he deflected the Energon bolts.

Megatron swung the Dark Star Saber and launched another wave of Dark Energon that hit Gojira in the chest and knocked him off his feet.

Megatron grinned before he heard footfalls behind him. Turning around, he saw the two Kaiju Children charging at him. He scoffed before ducking under the fist of Athena and shot her in the face with his fusion cannon. He slashed Junior in the stomach as well as Athena, knocking them back and drawing cries of pain.

Gojira's eyes snapped open upon hearing their cries, blue flames ignited around his katana.

Megatron jumped up to swing the Dark Star Saber down on Junior only for the amethyst blade to be blocked by a katana blade encased in cerulean blue flames. Surprised, he looked to the wielder, an angry Gojira. He tried to push the katana downwards but ended up getting shoved back.

"Don't. Touch. The. Kids." Gojira snarled before he spun around, Tail Whipping Megatron and sending him flying across the frozen landscape.

Snorting cerulean flames, Gojira looked to the downed Kaiju Children. "This is my fight, stay out of it." he said sternly.

"We just want to help!" Junior said. He pointed back to where their mother was. "Go and stay close to your mother." he told them. "You can help her with the Walkers." He then ran off towards Megatron. The two Kaiju children look at each other before getting up and jogging back to their mother.

Godzilla moved back, keeping her eyes on the attacking spider robots. These plasma weapons hurt more than previous ones, perhaps because of the electrical charge each plasma shot carried. Devastating against infantry enemy troops, painful against a Kaiju Girl whose only weakness was with electricity.

Rodan stepped forward and clapped her wings together, sending most of the Walkers away, but the two MHC and the remaining Walkers withstood the wind blast. The Walkers started firing at the Kaiju Girls again.

Godzilla gritted her teeth as shots of plasma and electricity hit her in the stomach and chest. She channeled her Aura to her front and pushed herself forward.

But then a red and blue blur zoomed into view and shot through one of the MHCs. She paused and looked at it. It was the Kryptonian girl. Kara Zor-El. She could see Kara turn looking to her and nodding her head. She nodded back silently.

But then she saw two waves of Dark Energon and Atomic Energy colliding with each other in the distance.

Gojira was down on one knee. He panted as Dark Energon coursed through his armor before he ran a finger down his cheek. He saw a small smidge of red on his fingertip. "All of that for a drop of blood." He grinned before charging to Megatron.

He picked up the remains of a Walker and slammed it against Megatron like a massive battering ram. He snarled as he punched Megatron in the face. He kneed the Decepticon in the stomach before stabbing him in the back with his claws. He then performed a cartwheel kick followed by a Tail Whip to the face.

Pulling out his Hydrogen Katana, Gojira then sliced Megatron left arm off then grabbed his Fusion Cannon arm and aimed it at Megatron face and it fired and blew half of Megatron's face off. Then Gojira did a tail swing, hitting Megatron, making him stumble back a bit until Megatron got hit in the chest by Gojira's Atomic Breath. This resulted in him go flying into the far distance.

After colliding with a mountain, Megatron spat out Dark Energon as he screamed in agonizing pain. "Starscream!"

In his blurry and flickering vision, Megatron saw the Alpha Predator One walking towards him in his Kaiju form. He ran his claws down his burned chest with a snort. He leans down to look at Megatron in the eye.

"You have my respect, Megatron." the Kaiju said to him. "When I'm done, half of the Decepticons will still be alive." He straightens up as Megatron tried to raise his Fusion cannon and aim at the Kaiju.

"I hope they remember you." Gojira said in a respectful tone. Then he lifted up his fist and slammed it down where Megatron was. He rose his fist back up and brought it back down a third time and then a fourth and two more times. The mountain then collapsed where Megatron laid and Gojira stared at the rubble before roaring to the sky.

He looked over to the Kaiju Girls still battling with the Walkers. He sighed while rolling his eyes. He gave them one job. One job.

He stomped forward and roared towards the remaining Walkers. As soon as they saw him, the Walkers began to unleash their fire at him. He growled in response as he charged. One Walker broke formation, trying to escape or something. He let it open fire on him. It wouldn't matter when he was done with it, for he closed the distance and leered his head down and then butted his head against the Walker's belly. As it reared up, Gojira grabbed it by the throat and kept running with it out in front, using it like a riot shield.

The last MHC reacquired Gojira but its shots did little to break through the metal bulk of the AT-AT in his grasp. Before long, the upturned Walker was slamming into the spider-like Walker with the force of a speeding freight train. The MHC stumbled backwards, slight damage to its hull, but Gojira was far from finished. He lifted the Walker up and began to slam it down on the MHC to a pulp with the Walker again and again until the co*ckpit window was smashed clean open and the plasma-electricity turret was broken off and useless. The giant Atomic Titan then tossed the broken remains of the AT-AT to the other Walkers nearby. He then bend down to pick up the MHC and lifted the massive Imperial machine off the ground and began to spin it around, roaring in rage as he did. He was running on pure adrenaline now, pure primal power that rivaled and surpassed the most powerful beings back in his universe. He swung the massive machine around him to build momentum, holding onto one of its dangling legs. Then he let go and let the giant broken metal spider sail through the air and crash onto Atlas in the sky onto the Kingdom's Hard Light Dust shield dome, right onto one of its projectors. The husk of the machine burst through with relative ease and soon the entire shield dome went down, leaving the entire city for attack.

"The shield is down!" Gamera declared. "Good job, Gojira. Now the Rebels can attack Atlas directly."

Gojira growled before lowering his head, panting as he did.

"Gojira?" Mothra asked in concern.

"I gave what the Rebels wanted," Gojira muttered. "A way in. Go on ahead and wreak your own havoc. Once I'm back to full strength, I'll finish off the Empire." And that won't take long.

"Tired?" Godzilla asked both jokingly and concerned.

"Too old for this sh*t." Gojira remarked. "But it doesn't matter. They've given their best shot and failed. The rest of this battle will be child's play."

"We have our opening," Ahsoka declared, opening the Comms channel. "All forces, converge on the facility. We need to exploit the opening now while the Empire is bleeding.

"You heard Commander Fulcrum," General Gyozen said from the Gotengo. "Move out and do not stop for anything!"

Ahsoka began rushing back towards the Juggernaut, Kannan and Ezra in tow. Already, the other Rebels were scrambling to their own vehicles and racing off towards Atlas en masse. Gojira had pulled through after all. He had given them their way inside. All they had to do now was storm Atlas Academy and destroy the Cyber Zillo-Beast and all research with it, liberate the Kaiju Girl clones and leave Remnant.

"You think Gojira will be alright?" Ezra asked as he ran alongside Ahsoka. "He's exhausted and the Empire still wants him dead."

"We can't worry about that right now, Ezra," Ahsoka insisted sternly. "We need to complete the mission. Right now, he's resting and rebuilding his strength. Let's just give him his space and let him recover. Our concern is the cyborg monster the Empire has inside right now."

Ezra turned away as they climbed into the Juggernaut, looking back to Gojira as he stood just outside of Mantle as the Kaiju Girls were flying or using the large cables to climb up to Atlas, recuperating. Ahsoka supposed she was being a bit harsh, dismissing Ezra's fears and concerns like that, but right now, they needed to stay focused. Their mission's goal was in sight. They couldn't trip up now.

Ironwood stared at the holo-table in disbelief. The Mobile Heavy Cannons had failed. Megatron had failed. Sure, Alpha Predator One was battered and exhausted, but he had prevailed regardless. Their defenses had been compromised and the Rebels were no doubt on their way. He was out of resources. What few AT-ATs he had left weren't enough to make up for every defensive turbolaser they had lost and with only two Star Destroyers remaining, damaged as they were, their air support was all but gone. He clutched the side of the table, breathing heavily, sweating profusely as he frantically tried to think.

"Winter, have all forces converge on the city limits," he stated hurriedly. "That is where the Rebels will be concentrating their efforts. Send out the Paladins and have the remaining AT-ATs focus on strategic approach vectors. We can set up fallback position in-"

"This has gone far enough," the booming voice of Darth Vader declared suddenly.

The tall dark cloaked figure turned towards the General, marching slowly up to him. Ironwood could no longer keep his legs steady as he backed away slightly in fear and panic was clearly etched on his face, but still retaining a sense of determination.

"I haven't lost yet," he insisted. "I can beat the Rebels! I still-ack!" Ironwood suddenly found himself clutching at his throat as if an invisible hand was closing around his windpipe like iron. The ghostly grip started to tighten, strangling him to the point he could hardly breathe. He choked and sputtered, digging at his neck as his eyes bulged and his tongue swelled. He looked to Darth Vader and saw that he was clutching his hand into a claw-like gesture at him directly.

It was then that Ironwood felt the ground beneath him vanish and he began to float ever so slightly off the ground. He wanted to scream in fear, beg Vader to stop, explain that he could still fix this, but he couldn't. All he could do was listen as everything in his vision started to go dark.

"You have failed the Empire for the last time, General Ironwood." Vader coldly informed him before his gaze turned to Winter. "Commander, have your forces prepare a defense against the Rebels with the Decepticons. Send in the Kaiju Girl clones against Alpha Predator One and inform the remaining Star Destroyers to close within range of the Kaiju's coordinates. I will contact them when the time is right. You are now in command of the Atlas Military, General Schnee."

Those were the last words James Ironwood heard before his whole body went limp and everything went dark.

All Winter could do as she watched her mentor fall to the floor was thank Lord Vader for his generosity. The Dark Lord and Princess Azula left the room, but not before the Royal Princess flashed her a smile and mouthed "Congratulations, General" as she left. Winter couldn't take her eyes off of Ironwood's body, the look of frozen horror on his face. She felt like she was going to be sick.

All their plans, their hopes, the things Ironwood said would be their reward for a job well done, they all died with him. Winter suddenly wondered if any of them would get out of this alive, if any of them would be spared Vader's wrath should the Kaiju fail to kill them.

She pulled out her Scroll and sent a message to one of the few people she believes she can still count on. She heard about that he was a great help in the Trap and that he had her sister and her friends.

Now all she could do now was stop the Rebels, carry out Vader's orders and hope for the best. She sent the orders for the Destroyers to move into position near Alpha Predator One and activated the Kaiju Girls' control chips.

Kara was one of the first into Atlas and saw the Imperials and Decepticons readjusting their strategy now that their force shield had been broken just now. The bulk of their remaining forces were moving to form a defensive line before the city. It was the only thing they could do, but it also made them easier targets for an air assault.

"Bato, how many bombs you and Kiri got left?" she heard Jake Sully ask on the radios.

"Jake, they got AT-MPs," the Southern Water Tribesman pointed out in a cautionary tone.

"I know that, but their missiles are going to be preoccupied with us and the ground, trust me." Jake assured him. "Just prepare for a run on that line. We break their defense there and the others can just move through the breach with little to no opposition."

"Our ship is going to need a place to land, Jake," Hera informed him over the comm. "We're going to need to meet up with our friends down below once they get inside."

"I'll do it," Kara assured the Twi'lek pilot through her own comm. "I'll make sure the way is clear for you."

"We have an ETA on the main force's arrival?" Neytiri asked. "Because the Imps are scrambling to secure a defensive line now."

"Fulcrum said they'd be here in minutes," Hera replied. "We'll be part of the opening barrage with the Autobots. Primary targets are the AT-ATs and any other heavy weapons we can spot. I'll be dropping Sabine off to help once the charge starts."

It seemed like everything was accounted for, save for the Star Destroyers that was supposed to be still flying around. However, they didn't seem to be in any hurry to help provide support. The remaining TIEs had been largely routed and any that remained were hovering over Atlas Academy. Kara couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. She turned to the direction of the damaged Star Destroyers and saw them limping in the opposite direction of the Kingdom of Atlas, heading towards Gojira. What in Rao's name were they thinking? Even if he was exhausted, that big lizard had enough juice to blow their smoking afterburners out of the sky like the Orbital Cannon. From what she saw, Imps weren't smart when it mattered in fights but they shouldn't be that stupid.


She looked to where the roars had come from and saw the two Godzilla Kaiju clones, Snow and Shin Godzilla, standing at the edge of the floating city before jumping down to the tundra below.

Now Kara was certain something was wrong. Really wrong.

Gojira lifted his head upon hearing the roars that sounded similar to his own and then he saw two Gojiran Kaiju Girls falling from the sky not too far from him.

One was taller than the other and appeared to be in her late twenties. She was dressed in red and black clothes with pale white skin with black scales, midnight black hair and red eyes. Her spines were maple leaf shaped and bloody red and her tail was long, very long with a pinkish red tip that swayed back and forth like a cat's.

The other was shorter and younger, like in her early twenties. She was dressed in blue and white clothes with porcelain skin with snow white scales, blue eyes, white hair with black and blue tips and maple leaf shaped spines that were charcoal gray at the center and bony white at the edges.

They both had blank expressions as they looked at him. And he was familiar to what that meant.

Mind control.

What a shocker.

He sighed again, looking to the ground with an exhausted expression before rising up with a battle hardened expression. He inhaled, leaning back.

"Let's f*cking go." as Wolverine and Deadpool would say.


Gojira charged to the two Gojiran Kaiju Girls and slashed at the younger one only for her to vanish in thin air. He quickly brushed aside his confusion on that and threw a punch at the older one, only for her to catch it, but it didn't stop there. Veins throughout her arm glowed purple and the glow traveled up her, across her chest, and down her other arm before she punched him in the chest and he was sent flying back.

Right, Semblances. He forgot that the Kaiju were capable of that in this world and based on the impact, the red and black Gojiran could absorb the kinetic energy from hits and dish it out twice or thrice as hard. He briefly wondered if the other Kaiju Girls had Semblances and if so, why didn't they use them on him when they first met? Were they limited to elemental bending or did they just think he wasn't worth it? Which was a bit insulting, he preferred if his opponents didn't hold back.

But then the younger Gojiran Kaiju Girl appeared above him in the air and double dropkicked him in the chest and sent him into the ice.

Snow Godzilla had teleportation and Shin Godzilla kinetic energy absorption. And all he had was exhaustion.

Sounded like a typical hard day of work.

As soon as he was back on his feet, Gojira began to charge his Atomic Breath. Opening his fanged mouth, the King of Monsters released his Atomic Breath at Shin Godzilla. The Gojiran Kaiju Girl held her arms up in to block the blast that covered her form. Her Aura flickered causing her to wince in pain. Gojira kept up the blast, continuing to fire until Shin Godzilla couldn't take the pain anymore and was knocked off her feet. The male Kaiju roared in temporary victory and lumbered towards the fallen Kaiju Girl, letting his nuclear power recharge.

He raised his foot over Shin's head.

Faster than he predicted, Shin Godzilla sprang to her feet and threw a devastating falcon punch to the male Kaiju's stomach, knocking the wind out of him and sending him careening back, dry heaving in agony.

Snow Godzilla moved forward before her spines flashed blue and she blasted Gojira in the chest with her Atomic Breath. Gojira bellowed in pain and took a few steps back. His opponent had a strong Atomic Breath it seemed. "Your power is impressive," he remarked.

He recovered and spun around to Tail Whip Snow Godzilla in the face. "But just because you have a strong Atomic Breath does not mean you are going to be the victor," Gojira said.

"I have no need for lectures from you, Alpha Predator One," Snow Godzilla replied, recovering from the Tail Whip to the face.

The King of Monsters rumbled, the Kaiju version of chuckling lightly. "One is never too old to be lectured, young one." He stated before roaring another challenge to the younger Gojiran. Sure enough, the young Kaiju Girl let out her war cry and charged at her enemy.

Gojira charged up his Atomic Breath but by the time he was ready to fire, it was too late. Snow Godzilla teleported right next to him and socked him hard in the face, causing him to stagger and fire harmlessly into the ground. The Gojiran then used her Time Dilation Semblance to speed up her attacks as she continued to box her opponent endlessly, punching so rapidly the male Kaiju couldn't keep up.

Snarling, Gojira spun around and swung his tail but Snow Godzilla teleported out of harm's way. Gojira turned his gaze to Shin Godzilla.

110,000 metric tons of scales and muscles lumbered forth as the Saurian Kaiju marched in to do battle with the younger Kaiju Girl. Shin Godzilla let out a ferocious growl as she held her ground, preparing a fighting position. But as the two were about to collide, a concentrated blue laser of nuclear fire swept over them both, bringing forth a small explosion and showers of sparks. The male Kaiju winced in pain while the younger Kaiju Girl simply turned to see the source of the attack.

It was another male Gojiran standing at the edge of the mountain range. It looked exactly like Gojira save for scales that were more like the color of obsidian.

Gojira rolled his eyes slightly. Great, this again. But on the other hand, based on the two Kaiju Girls' reaction, he knew he wasn't hallucinating. The last times this happened, no matter how many times he said it, everyone else he knew believed he was hallucinating the whole experience.

Which meant that it was a shame that no one from his universe were with him now, just so they would see that he was telling the truth.

If there's any way for them to see this,Gojira thought to himself.Stark, Logan, you two owe the most expensive drinks you can get. Clark, Steve, you two owe me fifty bucks.

He was pulled from his thoughts when his clone roared to him challengingly. The male Saurian Kaiju obliged and lumbered towards his duplicate, his teeth bared and his claws flexing.

Shin Godzilla, however, had other ideas. She lashed out with her left hand and delivered a bloody scratch to the older Kaiju's chest, causing him to yelp in surprise and back up-only to be hit square in the face with a swipe of Shin's ridiculously large tail. The Saurian groaned in pain as he fell to the ground, holding his skull due to the agonizing headache he had just obtained.

Both Shin and Snow Godzilla looked to the obsidian Gojiran with blank expressions before they received orders from their control chips. Help the new Kaiju kill Alpha Predator One and then kill the Kaiju now dubbed Alpha Predator Two.

Gojira reached forward and grabbed Shin Godzilla's tail before lifting her up and slamming her down on the ice, cracking the ice before throwing her to the Crater in Mantle.

With one enemy currently out of the way, Gojira turned back to the other Kaiju and received a tackle from his clone. Alpha Predator Two bit down on Gojira's neck and threw him to the ground. Gojira responded with swinging his tail and slamming it into Alpha Predator Twos flank and knocked him back. Gojira rose back to his feet while his yellow eyes glared at his clone.

Alpha Predator Two growled back and his spines flickered blue. Gojira flickered his spines in response as they circled one another. Their spines flickered almost hypnotically before Gojira then blasted his Atomic Breath but his clone ducked down low and spun around and knocked Gojira's feet out from under him with his tail.

The King of Monsters was tackled by Snow Godzilla who slammed her 92,000 metric ton body into him. The bulkier Godzilla male staggered back and nearly trip over his feet. The young leviathan charged the staggering Kaiju, grabbing hold of his shoulders with her clawed hands while she then proceeded to bite down on his snout.No place for the Atomic Breath to go,Snow Godzilla thought. She continued to hold onto her enemy's shoulder with one hand, while she repeatedly slashed his chest with the other.

But then Godzilla suddenly kneed the Gojiran Kaiju Girl in the groin, causing her to release her grip and groan in agony, then he swung a full 360 degrees and clubbed her across the chest with his tail. Not one to waste any opportunity, the older Kaiju charged forth at the seemingly incapacitated Titan and threw a punch at her neck. She felt the pain as the force of the blow rippled through her upper body.

The Earth Defender threw another punch at his opponent-only for her sister Shin Godzilla to catch it in her own hand. Shin smirked slightly, her eyes glowing slightly as did the veins in her arm. "Got you." The Kaiju threw a claw slash at him, which ended in painful failure when the Titan leaned back before from the hand before he lunged and bit down hard on Shin's arm, rewarding him with a scream of pain from his enemy.

Lunging up and jabbing her claws in Gojira's chest, Shin Godzilla clamped her teeth down on his throat like a tiger attacking a deer. The older Kaiju uttered a strangled snarl of both pain and defiance, but despite the situation at hand, he was far from done. As Gojira bit down harder, he was suddenly forced to let go when the Gojiran Kaiju Girl jabbed her clawed hand into his groin. Instantly taking the opportunity, Shin Godzilla headbutted the older predator, which caused him to release his hold entirely, then she delivered an energized punch to his chest. The older Gojiran bellowed out in pain but suddenly recovered and charged at his younger opponent. Shin Godzilla braced herself as she prepared for another close combat, mentally conflicted from fighting the first Kaiju she and her sister have ever met while at the same time, admiring his courage. It seemed that he possessed an unbreakable will.

The evolved Kaiju Girl bent down, facing the ground as her dorsal plates suddenly began to shine a bright purple color as did her scars and the tears in her clothing. She opened her maw to a shocking 90 degree angle, which also glowed a violet luminescence. The other Godzilla's didn't seem to notice as Alpha Predator Two and Snow Godzilla attacked Alpha Predator One.

Good. That was all she needed.

There was a loud rushing sound as an endless burst of glowing purple gas suddenly spewed forth from Shin's mouth and onto the ground before rushing forward in a great wave that didn't seem to stop. The clouds of gas covered the other Gojirans, forcing them to stop their cage match and looked around them. For a moment, it seemed as though nothing was truly abnormal about it as the gas continued to rush forth over them like a black river. But then Snow Godzilla teleported away while Gojira and his clone remained where they were.

An eyelid closed over Shin's eye as a spark ignited at the back of her mouth and the gas wave ignited into an enormous blast of fire. The Saurian Kaiju Girl kept up her fiery breath as the flaming waves rushed over the now shocked Gojirans. A massive explosion occurred, muffling a couple of pained roars. Even still, the Evolved Kaiju Girls continued to spew her radioactive flames for a good thirty seconds.

Finally the fire blast ceased and the Kaiju Girl stood back up to her full height to observe her handiwork. Despite the raging plumes of fire that burned away at the icy earth and all else it touched, she still remained cautious.

Her caution was proven correct as Alpha Predator One and Two emerge from the flames, looking completely unharmed despite enduring what she considered to be an attack straight out of Hell.

Unaware to her, Gojira did not think that her attack was anything that the realm of Hell could give to him.

Gojira then charges to Shin Godzilla with a roar. Shin readied herself to stop her opponent's charge but she was still pushed back before the Alpha Predator grabbed onto her arms before lifting her off the ground and over his head in a pro wrestling move before falling back and slamming her down on the ground with him.

Gojira turned around, rising to his feet only for Snow Godzilla to appear behind him and dropkicked in the head. He stumbled back before his clone Tail Whipped him in the face. Shin Godzilla channeled her Aura into her fists before punching Gojira in the face and chest before Spartan Kicking him and knocking him off his feet.

Alpha Predator Two reached down and grabbed onto Gojira's tail before lifting him up and began to spin the Saurian Kaiju around like a sack of potatoes. Alpha Predator Two spun once, spun six times, spun ten more times before finally releasing him and throwing him to the mountains. Gojira slammed headfirst into the mountainside.

Groaning in pain, Gojira pushed himself to his feet before he decided to pull one tactic. Playing dead. He acted like he was dizzy before falling down. It was a tactic he had used on Kiryu more than once along with the Justice League and the Avengers upon their first encounters and it had often worked.

Winter stared at the hologram of Alpha Predator One with bated breath. She looked to a monitor to show the male Kaiju's vitals, seeing that they seemed to be fading. His heart rate was slowing. She looked out to the window and saw Alpha Predator Two cautiously approaching the fallen Kaiju, Shin and Snow Godzilla slowly following. The only movement from the male Kaiju was his chest rising and falling slowly.

The obsidian Saurian rose his foot and placed it on Alpha Predator One's throat and kicked at it slightly. No reaction. He leaned forward, grumbling and growling.

As soon as he was close to the other male Saurian Kaiju, Gojira's eyes snapped open, his spines glowing blue.

Alpha Predator Two tried to recoil back but Gojira's tail swung up and slammed into the back of his head, sending him stumble forward as atomic energy pooled in Gojira's mouth.

A torrent of azure energy was unleashed from Gojira's maw and directly in Alpha Predator Two's face. The Gojiran clone was forced back but the King of Monsters was met with Snow Godzilla's Atomic Breath along with Shin Godzilla's fire breath. Gojira roared and rose up to try to back away from the combined attacks only for Snow Godzilla to use Water Bending that froze his feet in place.

Gojira then fired his Atomic Breath, both Snow and Shin met him in the middle with their own. Recovering from the attack, Alpha Predator Two joined in on the struggle of Atomic Breaths with his own. But then a high screeching noise rang as Shin's breath attack began to change from fiery red and orange to violet and thinned into a laser like beam that over powered Gojira's and slammed into his chest, pushing him back before it began to burn through Gojira's scales on his stomach and then pierced through his midsection completely, right through his secondary brain.

A horrific agony shot through Gojira's hip area. His eyesight went white from the molten pain and he shrieked in pain. For a moment, Gojira went into a seizure from his secondary brain, something that only happened once and only once, before swaying like a tree in the wind before he went limp and fell down and landed, face first with a mightyTHUD!

Both Snow and Alpha Predator Two then continued to rain fire down on Gojira's prone body, causing him to roar in pain.

Shin paused all of the sudden before arching her back and a dozen lasers shot out of her back to the charging Kaiju Girls behind them. The Kaiju Girls stopped in their tracks, flared up their Auras, but it didn't last against Shin's laser Atomic Breath. "OW! f*ck!" Godzilla and Queen Ghidorah shouted with Queen Kong.

A purple glow ran down Shin Godzilla's tail and suddenly a purple laser shot out of her tail tip to the flying Kaiju Girls.

"WHAT THE f*ck?!" Megalon exclaimed. How is this lab grown Kaiju defying the laws of physics?!

Snow Godzilla appeared between Godzilla and Queen Ghidorah, wrapping her tail around the Gojiran Kaiju Girl while grabbing onto the sides of the Draconian Kaiju Girl's head and spun the two in the air before slamming them down on the ground. She spun around, swinging her legs and kicking at Queen Kong, knocking her off her feet.

Alpha Predator Two turned around and shot his Atomic Breath in a sweeping arc at the gathered Kaiju Girls.

Gojira lifted his head slightly and roared weakly before his obsidian clone turned to him and walked down to him. He reached down and grabbed onto two of Gojira's dorsal spines and bit down on the largest dorsal spine with his teeth. Gojira roared in agony as his clone began to rip his dorsal spines out of his back.

Alpha Predator Two then picked up Gojira's Hydrogen Katana from the ground, held it in his hands before plunging it through Gojira's back and through his heart. Gojira screeched before his clone stabbed two of his ripped dorsal fins into his back like daggers before stabbing the largest one through his throat and then stomped down on his skull. The obsidian Saurian then roared to the sky before he walked away to battle the other Kaiju Girls. Gojira tried to rise but his katana pinned him down to the ice. Looking up, he noticed the two Star Destroyers above him.

Darth Vader and Princess Azula walked onto the roof of Atlas Academy and they could see the downed Alpha Predator One. The Sith Lord and Apprentice could sense the Kaiju's condition. He was exhausted, fatally injured but still alive, henceforth still a threat. And he had begun to notice the pair of Star Destroyers above him. It didn't fire at them, the pain he was in must be too much for him or he was focusing on trying to pull the sword out. All the better as far as Vader was concerned. He wanted the ship intact for his plan to succeed. He had confidence that it would. He had done it before, when he was younger. Back then, he had the ship evacuated, but now the Destroyers were useless now and their crews were expendable. All that mattered was killing the Kaiju while it was down.

"Lord Vader to Star Destroyers," he began, contacting the Captains over the Comms. "What is your status?"

"My Lord, we are in position as ordered,"the first Officer began in a nervous tone that was shared with the other captain, evident as he spoke up."Sir, I'm not sure what good we can do. All primary weapons have lost power, we're barely holding on as it is. If this Kaiju fires at us, our shields will not hold. I request that our ships move out of combat range and-"

"Your request is denied, Captain." Darth Vader said in a cold tone. "Your Empire requires one final service."

"Do not fear," Princess Azula said in a false reassuring tone with a sad*stic smirk. "You will be remembered for your bravery."

Both Dark Side Force wielders then reached out to the Star Destroyers with the Force. It was time to show this Kaiju that he was not the only one with impressive powers. That there was a cost to defying and challenging the Empire and the Dark Lords of the Sith.

With the power of the Force surging through them, harnessed at their fingertips, Azula and Darth Vader closed their hands around the Imperial Starships. The vessels buckled and shook in the air as both Siths strained to pull it down. The attention of the other Kaiju was earned as the first Star Destroyer's nose pointed down towards Alpha Predator One.

Vader then forced the ship to careen towards the Kaiju, ever so slowly at first but picking up speed with every second he had his invisible hold on the starship itself. Azula followed his example, intending to crash the second Destroyer on top the first. Pieces of metal and the hull began to crack and break off under the strain of the Sith Lords' power. Fires and explosions spread forth from open seams in the hull, jutting small towers of fire as the vessels fell.

It was only then that they heard the screams. They had apparently not turned off their Commlink, they were still connected to the bridge of the doomed Star Destroyers. The panic cries of the officers aboard, not understanding why they were suddenly falling, no, plummeting to their deaths. Neither Vader or Azula did anything, letting the screams carry on, tuning them out. They were of little consequence, they had to maintain focus on the task at hand. Their muscles strained as they continued to force the ships towards its target. Azula was letting out straining growls while Vader was silent save for his breathing. The pain was nothing compared to what he lived with every day inside his armor, he would not succumb to it. However, he knew that they were both restraining to their limits. They had to end this quickly.

Alpha Predator One roared defiantly as he could, with a spine in his throat, his tail tip glowing blue. The spines popped out along his tail and back and he aimed at the Destroyer before him. Vader forced the ship to fall faster. He strained and growled beneath his helmet, his and Azula's fingers turning into claws as they powered the Star Destroyers' descents forward. Until finally they both let out one last burst of strength and pushed the Destroyers into full freefall.

The first ship's nose slammed into the giant lizard's maw, pushing him down into the ice as the giant burning ship crashed atop of him and the second followed. Ice, snow, water, fire and smoke all exploded upon collision. The ship's engines exploding mere moments after hitting the ground. A huge fireball lit up the sky and set the tundra ablaze.

It was done.

Both Vader and Azula turned away from the platform and the burning wreckages below, their arms slumped to their sides, but the former stood tall and unwavering, both their strides unbroken. It was as Vader had predicted, Azula thought. Without true hate, the Kaiju's rage was a tiny flickering flame against their own. The power of the Dark Side had prevailed once again.

Alpha Predator One was dead.

Everyone had seen it, no one could've missed it. Their eyes had more or less been split between focusing on their final goal and Gojira. They were shocked when he was getting owned while recuperating and the Kaiju Girls tried to help before one of the Kaiju Girl clones pulled tricks even the Jedi were surprised at. When the Star Destroyers had suddenly dove down towards the male Kaiju, crashing into him, no one could turn away. A few transmitted the footage from their cameras to Ahsoka's Juggernaut. It was a disturbing sight to be sure.

"They. . . committed suicide to kill him?" Leo asked, astonished and horrified.

Ahsoka didn't think so and Kannan felt the same. Imperials weren't so keen on suicide runs like that and something felt off about how they started falling. There wasn't much time to think it over, as Ezra started shouting.

"We have to go!" he declared anxiously. "We have to get to that crash site and help him!"

"Ezra, we don't even know if he's still alive," Kannan shook his head sternly. "And if he was, the Kaiju could help him. He's buried under a ton of bulkhead!"

"But we have to try!" Ezra insisted. "We owe it to him! We wouldn't have a chance at getting this far without him!"

"That's right, we wouldn't have this chance," Kannan said firmly. "And if we take time to go out to that crash site, we're going to lose that chance." He told his Padawan. "Right now, he have to stay focused and get into that Academy."

Ezra turned to Ahsoka and Rex. But the two shook their heads. "It is the best way we can honor his actions," Ahsoka stated solemnly.

"I'm sorry, kid, but this mission is bigger than one, er, Kaiju." Rex added. "We can't stop this attack just to check on him on the chance he's alive."

"But he is alive!" Ezra insisted again. "I can feel it! We can't just turn our backs on him!

"And we can't just abandon this mission either," Kannan replied. "It's the whole reason we're even here in the first place."

"It wasn't his mission until we made it his," Ezra shouted back. "Maybe he had his own agenda but we pulled him into this! And now that he served his purpose, we're done with him?! Is that what this Rebellion is about? I thought we were better than that!"

Kannan sighed. "I'm sorry, Ezra, but I told you before that this fight will involve sacrifice from all of us. That's how it is. I wish it wasn't like that, believe me but it is."

Ezra looked away, seemingly giving up. Everyone but Optimus looked back to the screens. They had to rethink their strategy. "With Gojira gone, the Empire is going to feel a Hell lot better about themselves right now." Ahsoka warned.

"At least packed in as they are, their numbers aren't going to matter as much," Rex added. "If things get rough, we can encircle their defenses around the perimeter of the Academy and start squeezing."

"Either way, we need to concentrate on taking out the AT-ATs and-" Kannan spoke before their was a loud whooshing sound. The one of a door opening and closing. They all turned to see that Ezra was gone.

"He took a speeder bike," Optimus spoke up in a nonchalant tone. "He's heading to the crash site. To find Gojira, or whatever is left of him."

"Blasted kid." Kannan growled. He prepared to move to another speeder bike. Optimus however, stopped him.

"No." he said. "You are needed with the attack force and your crew needs your leader."

"So I should just let Ezra run off on his own?" Kannan retorted. "Sorry but not happening. Who else is going to get him?"

"I will," Optimus replied calmly. "The Autobots know the strategy and again, your crew needs you, someone familiar with the battle plans."

"You're going to go pick up my wayward Apprentice?" Kannan asked, seriously confused. "Why?"

Ahsoka placed a hand on his shoulder. "Trust me on this, Kannan," she insisted. "Right now, I don't think you're going to be able to convince Ezra of anything. He may be your Apprentice, but there are times that the Master has to trust their student to go their own way."

"He's doing something incredibly stupid and foolhardy!" Kannan argued. "And for what? He wants to help a giant Kaiju from another universe that hardly wanted to help us?"

"He's following his instincts," Optimus replied. "They are telling him where he needs to be. If you are going to trust yourself as his master, you need to trust your Padawan's judgement."

Without another word, Optimus transformed into his vehicle mode and drove off after Ezra. Leaving Kannan to ponder his words. The Prime wasn't sure if his advice actually made sense, but he was trusting his own instincts and they were telling him that he was needed to follow Ezra. Maybe it was the odd feeling he had when he saw the Star Destroyers crash. Maybe it was because a part of him knew that the boy was right. That they all owed it to Gojira to see if he was alive from being burned, stabbed with his own sword and spines before being crushed by a pair of giant ships. But he knew that Ezra was going off on his own path, but Optimus wasn't going to let him do it alone.

Chapter 13: I Am Tired

Chapter Text

The Ghost came in low with the Juggernaut burst into the battlefield. The other Rebel forces were already moving up as the Hail Fire droids bombarded the Imperial and Decepticon positions. AT-TEs moved up alongside the AAT-1s, firing into the sieged Stormtrooper lines. It was admittedly hard to tell at the moment if any explosions were doing anything though. The AT-ATs for their part returned fire, blasting at the Rebels as they approached. The closer they got, the more accurate the giant walking death machines would become. With that in mind, the Juggernauts held back. They still had soldiers on board, no sense putting them in more danger than they had to be, Right now, it was probably the safest place to drop off Sabine and Adam.

The back doors of the ship opened up and Sabine looked down at the Juggernaut below. For a bulky behemoth of a war machine, it moved pretty fast. The Mandalorian activated her 'liberated' jetpack, grabbed Adam and rocketed down towards the massive vehicle. They eventually managed to match the speed of the Juggernaut and placed themselves over the main body. Sabine then turned off the pack and let them roll across the top of the vehicle until they stopped.

"I'll provide what support I can from above," Hera contacted them on the Comms. "See you and the others inside the complex."

"Yeah, if the retro army we've cobbled together can get us there," Adam responded sardonically.

The Mandalorian and Bull Faunus scrambled towards the co*ckpit for the Juggernaut, and Sabine watched the battle unfolding before her. AAT-1s and AT-TEs were pounding the forward positions, but they were taking fire from the Imperial AT-MPs. Missiles struck one of the old Federation tanks, blowing a hole clean through the armor. Worse yet, the AT-ATs that were still in play were firing on the Rebels sporadically as well. One AT-TE was struck in the side and set on fire. Luckily, some of the Raider starfighters managed to force the giant walker's attention away from the ground troops. That wouldn't last long though, unless they took those giant four legged monstrosities out soon.

Thankfully, the smaller ground troops were doing a bit better, harassing the AT-MPs and Stormtroopers moving too close off their way inside the complex. One speeder bike raked several shots on a squad of Troopers as it raced past them. As she watched that though, she saw two TIE Fighters racing towards her from above. Sabine quickly tucked and rolled as a series of green laser bolts strafed the Juggernaut's roof. They luckily missed her and Adam by the slimmest of margins.

Just then, a red and blue blur raced through them and they exploded. Adam smiled slightly as he made eye contact with Kara briefly before she looked away to the crash site down in the icy tundra. Adam looked down to it as well while Sabine went to do her own thing before shaking his head. He honestly had a belief that the male Kaiju was alive. He survived a black hole, I doubt he survived that just to die here.

However, it wasn't just a Star Destroyer or two that crashed onto him. He was stabbed and a laser beam shot through his midsection.

"Sabine, Adam, you two there?" Kannan Jarrus' voice suddenly asked over the duo's Comms. "What's our damage?"

"The Rebels got hit hard, but they're still pushing," Sabine assured. "Plenty of bucket heads between us and the big hole in the wall though. I'd rather not have to go through all of them by ourselves here."

"We're dropping off the squads we have inside the Juggernauts to reinforce the attack," Ahsoka spoke next. "We'll send Zeb and the Turtles out to join you. We'll be along in a bit."

"What about Ezra?" Adam asked, confused as to why there was no mention of the Jedi Padawan.

"And where is Optimus?" Rachet asked next.

"Ezra took off for the Star Destroyer crash site," Kannan explained, growling slightly. "He's trying to see if Gojira is still alive. Optimus went after him."


That was all Sabine, and the Autobot Medic could say before a missile slammed into the ground a few dozen feet beside her and Adam. More Stormtroopers, desperately trying to hold off the Rebel advance. There was no time to comment or think more on what Ezra and the Prime were doing now. Sabine knew that she and Adam were in the thick of battle and she suspected that it wasn't going to let up any time soon. The Empire had no intention of surrendering this Kingdom, the planet of their monstrous knowledge to the Rebels knocking at their door.

Winter was not enjoying her field promotion at all. Not only had it cost her a father figure, but she had also inherited a problem she wasn't certain she could salvage. If past experience had taught her anything, that probably meant she was next on the chopping block. Or as far as Vader was concerned, the choking block.

Avoiding such a fate was growing ever slimmer by the second. The Rebels had just destroyed the remaining AT-ATs. Winter suspected that would happen. They weren't the best of shape after Alpha Predator One's attack. As powerful those kinds of Walkers were, if outnumbered, they could be destroyed. The old AT-TE's powerful heavy cannons were more than enough to puncture the weak point in their successor's neck. Winter didn't know where the Rebels had obtained so many of the old Clone Wars Era Walkers, but they had enough to cause damage meant to take down the bigger AT-ATs down. In the right circ*mstances, strength in numbers usually trumped straight up raw power.

At the moment, Winter was just hoping to choke the Rebels in the halls and corridors of the various buildings inside the complex. If they could hold them off long enough, they could get all the data and relevant materials out. The Rebels would take the Academy, but the Empire would still have enough to rebuild. If they were really lucky, they could get the prototype to safety. The problem was, Vader didn't seem to want to retreat, he had every intention of staying to fight. Winter wasn't sure if that was confidence or just sheer ruthless determination. Probably a mixture of both actually.

"We've lost another AT-MP, ma'am," one of the officers informed him. "And another two squads. Latest reports suggest the Rebels are inside the defensive perimeter now."

"Get some turrets or something up to the line," Winter ordered. "Lock down portions of the Academy and funnel them into kill zones. We have to thin them out and keep them away from the mission critical areas.

"Ma'am, we have reports of a larger Rebel craft in the skies, different from the others." Another officer spoke up suddenly. "Corellian freighter of some kind, hexagon in shape and fights like a demon. It's circling the Academy, probably looking to land inside the perimeter."

Damn, more enemy troops behind their lines. Just what they didn't need right now. They'd find their defensive positions overrun if this continued.

"Send fighters to shoot that ship out of the sky, it is a priority target now," she ordered adamantly. "Do not let it-"

"Belay that order."

The booming voice came from the back of the room. Winter didn't need to turn around to know who it was, but she did it anyway. She saw Darth Vader standing over the entire room, looking down on her.

"That ship is to be disabled only," he ordered. "Not destroyed."

"I see," Winter relented quickly. "Is there any reason why you-"

"If my instincts are correct, it holds several key Rebel elements I need to properly interrogate." Vader explained. "I need them alive. Keep me appraised of their position and progress, but do not destroy."

Winter saluted in response to the order. However, she decided to use the moment to voice her other concerns. They wouldn't last longer without more men. Surely Vader had to have more or some kind of reinforcement. His confidence in their victory had to come from somewhere. Of course that assumed it was confidence and not something else, but Winter liked to hope it was the former.

"Lord Vader, we are being overrun at the moment," she tried to inform him. "We can't hold them back. We need more men, more boots on the ground. I'm out of reserves, I've committed everything. If you have anything more you can offer-"

"I have committed what small forces I brought with me entirely to the fight as well," Vader informed her coldly. "If your soldiers and droids cannot hold against these Rebels, it is not du to my lack of assistance. Their failure, and yours, is their own."

"They are not failures and they are not cowards, Lord Vader," she stated astutely. "I assure you of that. But we simply do not have the numbers to keep them back for much longer at this rate. We need more men. Simple as that."

Darth Vader looked contemplative for a moment. It was a bit unsettling to see him thinking. Winter had seen how the Sith Lord thought and dealt with problems. Both with her father, General Ironwood and recently Alpha Predator One. Winter was not looking forward to what Vader had planned now. When he turned, obviously to provide an answer, the recently promoted General felt the unease as Vader looked to her. His gaze one of ruthless calculation mixed with devious thought. It was amazing how much one could tell about someone when that someone was wearing a mask.

"You have one more reserve, General Schnee," he assured Winter coldly. "Perhaps, it is time to use them."

Back in the tundra the Kaiju Girls were fighting Snow and Shin with Alpha Predator Two. And it wasn't really going well.

Punches, claw slashes, Tail Whips, kicks, headbutts and even bites were exchanged between the dueling Kaiju groups. Godzilla and SpaceGodzilla attempted to clash beams with Snow, Shin and Alpha Predator Two but were easily overpowered and knocked off their feet.

Gamora threw a punch at the obsidian Gojiran but the male caught her fist, spun on his heel and then threw her over his shoulder and she landed on her shell before she was kicked across the tundra and knocked Queen Kong off her feet. "We're not getting anywhere with this," the Gorilla Kaiju growled, worried that they were going to loose and frustrated at how easily their defeat was looking so far.

"I agree, we're going to need Gojira," Queen Cesar said.

"I'd be done for getting him out of that wreck," Queen Ghidorah concurred, "but these f*ckers aren't giving us a chance to get to the wreck."

"You are right, we are not." Shin Godzilla suddenly spoke in a different voice. One that most of the Kaiju Girls from Remnant recognized.

"Shredder," Godzilla growled. That made sense, the ruthless ninja master had to be the one to control a Kaiju Girl the Empire created. It also explained how the black and red clad Gojiran Kaiju Girl fought them all so easily.

"Oh joy, the so-called Queen remembers us," Snow Godzilla said, also in a different voice.

Mothra narrowed her eyes. "Princess Azula." she stated. The young Gojiran Kaiju Girl bowed to her mockingly in Fire Nation style.

"Now that we got the pleasantries out of the way," Shin Godzilla-Shredder began and then Alpha Predator Two roared at them all. The message was clear.

Come and get some.

Then another creature jumped from above from Atlas. The Cyborg Zillo Beast. Its left eye glowed red as its third arm sway with its spike tail.

Suddenly a wave of Dark Energon blasted Godzilla and Queen Ghidorah in the back. Turning around, they saw Megatron standing, sparks flying from the stump of his arm and he was using the Dark Star Saber as a cane.

"How are you NOT dead?!" both Kaiju Girls exclaimed before the Cyborg Zillo Beast blasted them and the others with its guns.

"First Rebellion happening on Remnant against the Empire," Robyn Hill declared within the bunker in Mantle. "And from what I see on the footage, the Empire is loosing. Kind of strange when the Rebels are using relic weapons from the Clone Wars according to records from the Empire." she added in a cynical tone.

"I'd point out that they were winning because of the big angry Kaiju friend of theirs," Sarge replied. "But given that he's under two Star Destroyers, I'd say it's because they're simply a better army than the Empire gave them credit for."

"And shouldn't you Stormtroopers be out there fighting them?" May Marigold asked them with a raised eyebrow.

The Remnantian soldiers were silent for a moment before Jaune spoke up, "We will." he declared.

Sarge and the others looked to him before Pyrrha, Nora and Ren stood up with him, nodding in agreement. The Reds and Blues were silent before Sarge bonked two of them, Griff and Caboose, on the heads.

"We're soldiers of Remnant, you idiots," he declared. "It's time we fight for our planet like we signed up for." With that, he took off his Stormtrooper helmet and threw it to the floor. Soon they all stood up, tossing their helmets to the ground.

"What. . . ?" Robyn trailed off before Jaune spoke to her. "If we survive this and are still alive tomorrow, we'll tell you what we know and you can spread it across Remnant." he said. Then they walked out of the bunker to the Ground Bridge controls.

Robyn blinked owlishly as did her friends. What is going on today?

Jaune's thoughts went to Caine and what he said. He had hoped to find the old Clone among the others. The way things were going, they were going to need him. But Jaune had a feeling in his gut that he wouldn't be found anywhere. Part of him wanted to go after the old Clone, figure out what he was doing and what came over him. But another part told him it would be a waste of time. The only person, or people who was going to find Caine was whoever he was after now. All Jaune and his friends could do realistically was try to survive this day and hope that his fire-forged friend would be alright without him.

"Of course he'll be alright," he said to himself as he walks into the Ground Bridge that would take them to Atlas, trying to reassure himself. "After everything we've been through, how can't he be?"

But at the moment, Jaune remembered the look the old soldier had given him, the words had spoken. Something had shook the old Clone up, something that seemed worse than the big lizard they had been fighting. Jaune couldn't help but think, What in the galaxy could possibly do that to a former Clone Trooper like Caine?

Following Ezra across the battle ridden tundra wasn't that difficult. It was following him in the Star Destroyer wreckage that was hard to navigate. Especially since it wasn't meant for beings large as Autobots and Optimus was one of the taller ones. That didn't even include how the crash messed up the corridors and everything inside.

The Prime wondered from time to time how Ezra even knew where he was going in all this and concluded he was probably navigating through the Force and his instinct alone. The same instinct that he claimed that had convinced him that Gojira was still alive. Part of him wanted to believe he was right, that the great Kaiju was still living and that they had not gotten him killed for their war. For all he knew though, Ezra's mind could be clouded. Perhaps by a sense of guilt. It was easy to lose yourself to your emotions.

After a good thirty minutes or so of walking, squeezing his way and forcing the corridor to expand, Optimus' optics finally beheld the wayward Jedi Apprentice that was climbing over wreckage and slicing away at the debris with his lightsaber. Based on the grunts and that he didn't acknowledge the Prime, the boy had been at this for a while now.

"It seems that your form could use some work," Optimus suggested aloud, catching the boy's attention.

Ezra turned around for a brief moment before turning back to his work. "I thought Kannan would've chased me," he remarked tersely.

"He wanted to," Optimus admitted. "But I didn't want your team down another man. " He approached Ezra now as he cut through some metal that gave way to a hole that led to the lower levels. Ezra began climbing down as Optimus used his hands to pull the metal apart.

"You can forget dragging me back," Ezra declared, not bothering to look. "I'm going to keep looking for him and you can't stop me."

"I could try to carry you back," Optimus remarked drily. Ezra paused and looked up at him. "So why aren't you?"

"Freedom is your right," the Autobot leader replied. "And I have a feeling that you'd try to escape if I tried something like that. Plus, we are deep inside this wreckage that we might as well move forward at this point.

Ezra huffed and started climbing down before he jumped down and landed on a floor. Optimus climbed after him. The kid was stubborn, that was for sure. He had an idea in his head and wasn't about to back down from running its course.

"You're putting a lot of effort into saving a dead Kaiju you barely know," he pointed out.

"Jedi and Primes are supposed to help people right?" Ezra asked before he began walking in a certain direction. "Does that not include giant monsters from other universes?"

"All life is sacred to Jedi," Optimus nodded. "And I do believe and agree with that, but you have a long way to go. And as much as I share your hope that Gojira survived somehow--"

Ezra turned with a growling look. "It's not hope," he stated firmly. "I know he's alive. I told you, I feel it."

"Forgive me if I find it a tad difficult to believe that you have that strong of a connection with a Kaiju after a very brief time conversing with him." Optimus argued as he walked after the human. "My point is, I want him to be alive as well, Ezra. But we have to look at the facts. He was weakened from the fight, he was stabbed by his own blade and spines, a laser shot through his mid-section and two city sized Imperial starships crashed into his face and exploded. The chances are not high."

"Considering what we've all been through, including you, that isn't very convincing," Ezra quickly countered and Optimus conceded that the boy had a point. They had survived trying events that were similar in nature. His memories of the war for Cybertron played in his mind before he brushed them aside.

"Ezra, I admire your devotion to an ally, I really do," he insisted. "But sometimes your instincts can be wrong. Jedi or not. Your judgment can be clouded."

"If they're right, then he needs our help," Ezra replied in a steadfast tone. "I'm not going to just abandon him. We owe it to him after we got him involved."

"If they're wrong," Optimus said in a warning tone, speaking from experience. "Then you've left your team for nothing.

Ezra pushed some metal aside before dropping his hands and sighs. He turns to Optimus, dropping his scowl. ". . . He trusted us," he said in a sincere tone. "We told him about Atlas and the Kaiju clones. We gave him our word that the planet would be his and leave him alone. He put trust in us. Maybe it wasn't much but it was something. We even helped him out a bit in the fight. That had to raise his expectations a bit. We can't just betray that. Not when it's the first bit of faith he had since coming here to this planet. That's important, right?"

"Trust and faith are important," Optimus nodded. There were times he wasn't certain of who to trust. His friends, his cause, even himself was all cast into doubt at one point during the Cybertron War. He took a deep breath and sighed. "Trust can be hard to earn. More so if it feels as if the galaxy is against you."

He reaches behind his back and pulls out his Star Saber and sliced a path through the debris and wreckage, big enough for the two of them. He motioned Ezra to continue walking with a nod of his head. His instincts had lead him this far, it would surely lead them the rest of the way.

"Do bear in mind the possibility of him being dead." Optimus cautioned. "But you deserve answers, if anything."

Hera didn't know why she was suddenly popular with the Imps in the sky, but the TIEs chasing after her were definitely unwelcomed. Kiri and the droids were doing their best to fight them off in the railgun and turret but Hera decided to try something that would give the Na'vi teen and droids a chance.

"Kids, you better hold onto something," she warned. "And Bolts, you and Kiri keep a finger on those triggers." She then turned the Ghost in a hard roll, turning the ship upside down as it flew down. Both Bolts and Kiri let off several laser shots that managed to destroy the TIEs on their tails.

"You all okay? Still got your bolts attached?" Hera asked after straightening the Ghost.

"We're good," Kiri replied.

"Mostly," Bolts said in a groggy tone. Who knew a Battle Droid could get dizzy. Chopper just whirred and grumbled.

A few other TIEs were shot down by a familiar ARC-170 with the words Tor 'Ruk Mak' to on. "Thanks for the cover, Pandora Leaders," Hera said in the Comms.

"No big deal, Ghost," replied Jake on the Comms. "Just extra kills on our scoreboard. Let's get your ship landed. There's a platform not too far from here."

The ship touched down with a slight thump and Hera jumped from her seat and grabbed her pistol. She went to the off-ramp and found Chopper, Bolts and Kiri. "Alright, we're inside, but we're only halfway done." she said to her fellow Rebels. "We still need to erase the data relevant to the project. Fulcrum gave me the location to meet her contacts inside the Academy. If they're still alive, they can help us accomplish the task while the main force destroy the facility's reactor core."

"Roger, Roger," Bolts replied with a thumbs up.

"How do you think it's going for the others?" Kiri asked.

"Depends if Kannan, Ezra and Ahsoka pulled their lightsabers out." Hera replied. "Knowing them, they won't be too far from here."

"This is completely illogical," declared Shockwave as he stood in the detainment center at Atlas Academy. "But the order is clear. Destroy the Rebels at all costs." He reached down and pressed a button that shut down the containment cells.

Releasing the Rejects and Shin Godzilla's humanoid offspring.

Pyrrha would admit that she almost thought the Rebels would attack her and her friends when they revealed themselves in the middle of the battlefield, but it went smoothly as one can think it would.

However, the fire fight that started between the Rebels and Stormtroopers, Decepticons was interrupted. Nora suddenly screamed, her hands on her head before she gestured with both her hands to something she could see. "WHAT THE HELL?!"

Soon screams of panicking was heard from behind the Imperial forces. They looked to the source and saw a pair of sizeable armies of inhuman and humanoid creatures. One army had brownish scales, lanky arms and round heads with sharp teeth. The others looked human in nature yet had bony tails with dorsal spines that looked like the Gojiran Kaiju Girls.

Kannan and the others got better looks at them when they were closer and tossing Stormtroopers in the air or climbing over Decepticons. Some of them looked like the Zillo Beast but smaller and different. Deformed with extra arms or not, no limbs like snakes.

"Reject clones," Captain Rex said right away.

"Great, just what we need," Sabine said. "Another surprise."

"You think we find something by now." Ezra grumbled to Optimus as they dug through the metal bulkhead with the Force, or in Optimus' case his own hands. "Like a hand or his face."

"He may be half buried in the ground," Optimus suggested. "These Destroyers did hit him pretty hard."

Ezra didn't seem that deterred as he kept removing debris. Optimus used the Star Saber to slice through more before he decided to ask something. "Tell me, why are you so eager to find Gojira alive?" he asked.

"I thought I explained that already," Ezra answered. "We owe it to him."

"And yet I have a feeling that there is more to it than that," Optimus replied.

Ezra paused and sighed, rubbing the back of his head. "I don't know," he began. "You would probably just think I'm being a stupid kid or something."

"We were all stupid at a young age once, Ezra," the Prime replied dutifully. "So please, share."

Shrugging, Ezra answered. "When we were close, I felt something in the Force," he admitted. "A lot of pain, mostly. He's suffered a lot and he hurt a lot of people in retaliation. He stopped caring about anything at one point, he just reacted to what was around him. It was about survival first and everything else second. But there was something else, deeper in there that I could sense."

"What?" Optimus prodded.

"Loneliness." Ezra replied. "He was the only of his kind for a long time, the last of them, until he found young ones that he took as family. When he was reawakened, it was into a world he didn't understand. One that didn't care about his pain and he lashed out against it. He knew he was alone, that he was the last and the first of a new species but no one bothered to really care. Almost everyone wanted just wanted him gone and forgotten. That fed his anger more and it led him down a darker path."

Optimus raised an eyebrow. "Are you saying he could've been something else?" he asked, curiously wondering if he wasn't the only one to think so. "One of his titles was the God of Destruction."

"Yeah, but he wasn't strictly tied to that one," Ezra argued. "he did more than just destroy, I felt that. He stopped enemies that threatened that planet, the galaxy, even the whole universe even! He attacked and stood his ground before monsters far worse than him. That is probably doesn't sound much of an excuse for the other things he's done, but he's not evil. He's just. . . Lost, I think. Lost in his pain."

". . . I doubt he would agree with that assessment." Optimus pointed out. "He doesn't strike me as someone who admits that he is wrong so easily. He could deny all of that."

Ezra nodded in acceptance. "It doesn't make it less true." he added. "I think deep down, there's more to him than a desire for vengeance and destruction. This is just all he knows, all he expects. Maybe if someone on his world kept bothering to help him more, showed him another way or gave him a chance. . . I don't know, maybe things would have been different. Maybe. . . he could find that part of himself he forgot.

Optimus nodded as an understanding came over him about the boy's sudden obsession. "He reminds you of yourself, doesn't he?"

The young Jedi paused in his tracks before turning to face him with a serious expression. "I was selfish when I was younger." he admitted. "When my parents were taken, I didn't care about anyone but me. I liked sticking it to the Empire, getting a bit of revenge now and then. But back then it didn't matter to me if they left Lothal or stayed until the Sun exploded. I just wanted them to hurt and me to survive another day. I didn't realize I could do more, be more."

"And you met Kannan and the Ghost crew," Optimus continued with a nod."

"I saw what helping people worse off than me could be like," Ezra explained. "Fighting for others, standing for something other than myself. Being a force for good, I discovered what that felt like. It felt like I was alive. Like I wasn't alone. I had a family again, people who cared about me. I forgot what that was like. Maybe Gojira has too. Maybe if he let those walls down, let himself trust again, he could be more than he is. Someone just needs to show him the way. Like my new family did for me. He could be a defender and not some angry monster clawing for survival. He could be more.

So long as he was alive, of course. The reason for all this was much more clear to Optimus now. But then Ezra sighed and looked away slightly. "I know," he admitted. "It sounds really stupid but that's what I sensed."

"It's not stupid," Optimus assured him. "Having empathy is important for all sentient beings. If you can understand others, learn from them, you can better yourself. Never doubt yourself, Ezra, in this regard. You cannot afford to forget it.

That was easier said than done, as he had learned all too well. Being a Prime meant fighting those who wished harm on others, battle injustice and sometimes see the worst the galaxy in doing so. It was hard for some to remain impartial and objective in the face of that.

But he understood what Ezra was saying and meant. Everyone, no matter how dark and lost, deserved a chance at redemption. They could surprise you, after all.

Who was to say Gojira was any different? Every sentient being had the capacity for good or evil, light or dark. She had seen back in Cybertron and here on Remnant. Ezra had seemed to learned that himself.

Then he paused. His audio receptors seemed to have picked up something faint. "Follow me closely," he said to Ezra, holding the Star Saber high as it glowed.

Before long, they were finally at the bottom of the ships. Several metric tons were now above their heads. Their feet were now touching blackened frozen earth and water of the crater made by the crash. They walked cautiously through what looked to be the remains of the Star Destroyer's hangar. All the while, they both honed on the faint feeling they had.

Then at last, they saw it. A black, dark figure covered in debris and half buried in the snow and ice. It laid on its side, broken and beaten. They only light was shining down on the Kaiju. Gojira, the once proud reptilian titan, now lay sprawled out before them beneath the ruined remains of the instrument of his defeat.

". . . Is he alive?" Ezra asked Optimus tepidly.

He approached the downed creature, illuminating the Kaiju's face as he drew near. It was massive next to her, his giant eye closed and unmoving. He increased his audio receptors as he closed his optics.

Ba. . . dum. . .




Ba. . . dum. . .

He turned to Ezra with astonishment. "By the All Spark! He's alive!" he declared. "Just barely, but he's alive! You were right, Ezra!"

The boy didn't show any pride in being proven correct, but he was smiling at knowing that Gojira was still alive. He raced up to Optimus and looked up at the unconscious Kaiju. His smile evaporated into a look of contemplation. "How are we going to get him out of all this?" he asked.

Optimus couldn't answer at first, for he had no idea. He theorized that the poor big lizard was in some kind of coma, perhaps a last ditch defense mechanism. They could wake hum up and he could dig his way out of this wreck. There was only one way to do that though.

"In his weakened state, his mental defenses won't be nearly as strong as before," he slowly reasoned.

"You mean I have to go back in?" Ezra asked, slightly put off by the idea.

"Not alone." Optimus replied. "Link with my mind, and then connect with his, we want to get him back into the fight, this could be our only shot."

Darkness was all he felt. A pitch black deathly silence that surveyed every thought. Failure. Defeat. Weakness. Things he had never experienced. No, he had experienced them, he just refused to admit that he had.

Wake up, Gojira.

He opened his eyes, in his human hybrid form. He stood in a white void and in front of him was someone he knew very well.

His expression melted completely as he smiled. "My Queen."

"My King." Mothra replied, bowing her head before she lunged forward and hugged him tightly.

"I missed you too," he chuckled, hugging her back.

"I sensed you," she said. "One second you were there, and the next you were gone."

"Worm holes tend to do that." Gojira remarked drily. Mothra pulled back and bonked him on the head. His expression didn't change one bit. He actually expected it and couldn't help but smile at her irritated expression.

"It's been five months and that's what you say?!" she snapped.

"Five months?" he repeated. "It's hardly been three weeks for me."

They both paused, going silent before they said in unison, "Multiverse travel. Of course."

". . . You need to wake up," she said. "You are needed."

Gojira scoffed. "What? I'm gone for five months from Earth and it all goes to sh*t?" he asked.

"Not Earth, this world needs someone like you." Mothra corrected. "Not just to liberate it from this Empire but another is rising in the future, one that threatens the balance more than the humans ever will."

Gojira frowned at that before sighing. "And what if I don't want to do anything about it?"

"Goji." Mothra said sternly.

"I am tired, Mothra," he said, suddenly looking older than his human form would ever appear to be. "So tired of it all. The fighting, the struggle, I am tired of it and I want to rest."

Mothra looked to him sadly. "I am sorry, Godzilla." was all she said.

"It doesn't matter," he shook his head. "I had used too much of myself, wasted too much power and energy." he went on. "And none of it had been enough." Behind the void, he could feel the sensation of pain lurking. All he could do was shelter himself off from it now and hope it would eventually subside.

"I had been so close, Mothra. One final effort and I would have known peace again." But now there was only the dark, the lonely unforgiving totality of eternity. His tomb, far from home, buried beneath the very technology of war he had railed against for so many years. In a way, this should've been peaceful, but it wasn't. The sense of failure was fresh in the mind, burrowing into him, never letting go. An open wound that would not heal. Defeat offered no release. Surrender did not bring an end. It simply weighed upon him, shackled him, embedded itself deep inside and he had not the strength or will to fight anymore.

"You still have a chance, Goji." Mothra said "You can win, but you can't win this fight alone."

"The Kaiju of this world? Mothra, they are hardly warriors. They could hardly fight Titano or Baragon.Baragon." he replied with emphasis at mentioning the most lazy Kaiju.

"I wasn't referring to them." the Queen of Monsters said patiently. This made Gojira blink in confusion. Mothra just smiled before reaching up to caress his face.

"Now that I know you're alive, I will look for you." she declared. Gojira chuckled mildly and placed a hand over hers. He paused when he felt something on her finger.

"I take it that's a yes?" he asked. He got a smile in response. He smiled back before frowning in concern. "How are they taking it?"

Mothra frowned. "They miss their father, Goji." she replied. "And the others miss their King. Miss their brother."

Gojira sighed in response. He should have known.

But what can he do? This was it for him, the end.

"Can you hear me?"

A voice, some strange voice echoed in his mind all of the sudden. It felt somewhat familiar.

"Can you hear me?"

Yes. Yes, I can hear you, he replied as the white void became black. Who is it? What was it? Why was it here?

"It's us, we spoke before, remember?"

Now, I do. The ones who had asked of my help. The Rebels. Those who stood against the Empire. Who revealed the true threat to his new Dominion and set him against it. Anger rose and quickly subsided. There was no point. Why are you here? Why are you speaking to me?

"We came to help. We led you here. It's the least we could do."

Blaming yourselves? As if they could place this burden on their backs. No. No, that is not your place to do. This failure is not yours. This fight was not yours. They had merely shared it with him. To suggest my defeat was on your shoulders is insulting. He knew why I lost and it wasn't because of you.

"It doesn't matter whose fault it was. We are here to help." spoke another voice. The robot. The Prime. "Isn't that enough?"

Why would you help me? You are a human, small and frail, selfish, arrogant, destructive and ignorant. And we are not even friends, Prime. We are not companions. This whole thing was about each side getting something they did not have. It was an alliance born of self interest, he admitted it, yet they didn't. That's what separated them. He was honest about what he was. Well, what he once was anyway.

"We help because that's what we're supposed to do. It was what Jedi were before the Empire destroyed us. We want to be that again, for the Galaxy to be like that again."

Noble intentions, always the stated reason behind any actions his kind gave. I still do not believe in you. Everything returned inward and selfish eventually.

"You can think that, but it's not true. We are here to help you because that's what Jedi and Primes do. The are born to understand nature. To be part of it because it is a part of everything. It's something that binds us together. It is called the Force. It's why we are speaking to you now."

The Force? Sounds interesting. Simple. Direct. Acceptable. What does that have to do with me?

"We can't deny the Force. Even those who can't use it are a part of it." the boy said. "You are of nature. A primal part and thus a part of the Force."

"To turn away from something in need, in pain is not our way." Optimus said. "Whatever external intentions you think we have, we are here because a sentient creature is in trouble and needs us. What you do after is up to you."

As if it mattered even if he believed them. I have no power left. Nothing to sustain or heal him. The power was gone. In the moment he needed it most, his strength had failed. Now there was nothing to draw on. He was drained. What little power he had was keeping him alive now and only just.

"What kind of power do you need?"

The same that awakened me. The same that sustained me against every foe in life. What he had drawn on all his life. The energy of the invisible. The power of the atom. The resonance of power's aftershock.

"Radiation, of course. The Dust crystals are radioactive. Will that suffice?"

Not enough and you have no time to gather the amount I need. And he was right. It was too little and too disperse to be any significant source of power. It was gone. He was beaten.

"You can't really believe that." Ezra said. "After everything you've been through, you're giving up?"

I am tired, boy. So tired. And this is accepting an end.That he was not strong or powerful enough to withstand his enemies. That was how it was. His anger and rage had served him well and in the end, it was not enough against his foes. What else do I have? That strength was long buried, and it was not enough to overcome this dark fog.

"But that's not the only strength you have." Ezra said firmly. "It never was. You have more. You can be more. Your anger, it's not going to be away. It's always going to be there. Believe me, I know. But if you rely too much on it, you'll never be more than what you think you are and never what you can be. I learned that not too long ago. I had people who helped me. Who cared for me enough to show another way.

And what could you be, little human? What could you be more than them selfish little primate wondering through life only caring about your own precious needs? What makes you think you understand pain or anger or anything? What made anyone understand anything beyond feeble perceptions?

"I won't pretend to know everything about you, but I do understand." Ezra replied. "I was lost. A lot of my friends were but we found something else to draw on. Something else to drive us beyond our anger.

"To be something greater." Optimus added. "For ourselves and others."

"My parents found it," Ezra went on. "My Master found it. I found it. You have that chance too. You can be so much more!"

What more was there? What other power could there be? What foolish notion is this?

"If you want to know, let us help." Optimus replied. "I believe I have a way to give you the power you need. But for it to work, you need to do what Ezra said. Draw from something else besides your anger and rage. Something stronger. True power does not come from rage, it comes from something else. Something that you have forgotten through all the pain you've suffered and returned in kind."

He paused and wondered if they'd succeed. He wondered if these people could surprise him again. And he wondered if Ezra was right. Was there something he had forgotten deep inside? Something he had buried under the rage? What could it be?

He was pulled from his thoughts when he could hear the boy and Prime conversing about what Prime believed would be enough to give Gojira the power he needed.

"The Matrix of Leadership." Optimus explained as his chest opened up to reveal something that reminded him of Dr. Strange's amulet.

Giving me your own core? Valiant but futile.

"It is not futile," the Prime said adamantly. "This energy will be enough! I know it will."

Your kind run on Energon, correct? Well, I already have some in my veins and it's not agreeing with me. Not keen on taking more. There is nothing that can be done, Prime. It was over. This was done.

"So after everything you've survived, everything you fought against, you're quitting now?" The disbelief was apparent in Ezra's voice. "All because your anger wasn't enough to face down a couple of lab grown Kaiju and a couple of exploding starships hitting in you in the face? I don't believe that."

It was interesting to have a human think so highly of his abilities after meeting hardly a day earlier. But it didn't matter. His strength had failed him. The rage could no longer stake his desire for combat. In the critical hour, it left him and left him vulnerable. There was not enough power now to actively return that lost strength.

"Because you use the rage to power you, your anger to keep you going, but it's not enough." Ezra said sagely. "It never was. You need to draw from something else. Think back, where did that rage come from? Why did you feel hurt? Why did you want others to suffer?"

What kind of questions are these? Why was this child asking him of that and reminding him of those from Earth. From New York, Jump City, Central City, Gotham City, Wakanda, Asgard, Themyscira. What was the point and why should I care? I can't even block you out of my mind.

"Because I had asked those same questions myself," Ezra replied. "I had to look inside and realize what that the anger was doing to me. What that pain made me become. And I realized that there was another way. A better way. To take that pain and anger, to use it for something more than my own survival. To fight for something bigger than myself. More than myself. You can do it too. I know you can. I just know."

This human really believes that. He had earnestly laid his emotions out in front of him and tried to compare the pain they had both suffered. Gojira could sense the anger from him, the rage resided in the boy, but it was tempered. The pain was pouring through another outlet.

So, Gojira did think back. To at least humor the boy, if nothing else. To see if any of this was true. And he remembered. His long sleep with the peace and tranquility. And before that, his existence on the surface. In a time before the Golden Terror and Ruler of Apokolips battled for supremacy before they were both driven off by the Defenders of Earth and their allies from the stars. Where more of his kind roamed. He was different then, compared to what he was now. Before the weapon of man augmented him. It was a savage world, yes, but it was innocent. Pure without the strife of decay or rot. Then they came from the stars and he was forced into hiding.

When he emerged, forced from his peaceful slumber, he discovered a planet vastly different than his own. Continents had shifted. Mountains had been mowed down; forests torn up. Concrete covered the landscape. Unliving things were erect over old stomping grounds. The oceans dirtied; the air poisoned. The planet was sick.

It angered him, that in his absence not only was his kind forgotten, but his world was forever gone. He wanted to fix that. To remove what he thought was a parasite. To make the world better. For sometimes you have tear something down to make something better rise from its ashes. That was the essence of nature, the struggle of survival, the cycle of life. Destruction could breathe new life.

That was why he had subsisted on this. The pain and anger fed him. Beneath that though, he thought of other times. Times where he spared a human city. The times where he fought against other Kaiju, sometimes alone or with allies like other Kaiju or even others like Jet Jaguar, Gypsy Danger, Striker Eureka or the Avengers and the Justice League. The Teen Titans, the Bat Clan and so much more. Against beings who wallowed in decay, misery, pain and destruction. He fought against them. To defend what was still his home despite how much changed. To defeat those that wished the world and others he considered friends and allies harm. He fought in those instances, not for the memory of a past but in hope of a future.

For a return to the peace he once knew. That's what he forgot and buried. That he wanted peace but kept seeking conflict instead of being left alone.

Vengeance has consumed you, isn't that what you would say, T'Challa? he thought to himself.

A defender, that's what Mothra expressed hope he could be. That despite all he destroyed, all he had done, there was a chance to be more. It was the same as this child and countless others had claimed then and now. To fight for survival was a basic need. To fight for something, a cause you believed in, made you more. And his cause was more than revenge. It was something he forgot over the course of his countless battles.


A way to fight injustice, as Bruce would say.

To teach those who harmed others would not go unpunished.

As he thought of this, the cloud began to fade, the darkness was retreating. And he could them. Voices of those who offered genuine friendship.

"There was more to existence than revenge."

"More to strength than rage."

More to his purpose than he realized.

"Your pain does not control you."

"Your anger does not need to be the only fire you fight with."

"You can be more."And he was back on Earth. A king. A teacher. A friend. A brother. A lover. A father.

"You can be greater."

And he will be. He opened his mouth and spoke to Optimus Prime. "Do what you need to do."

Optimus nodded back. "Power of the Primes, I call on you!" He declared. "Matrix of Leadership, LIGHT OUR DARKEST HOUR!"

The dark veil cracked, and light shined down on him.

"Get up, Goji."

"On your feet, you old fossil."

"Come on, Godzilla!"

"You can do it, Father!"

"Get up, Dad!"

"You can win, Papa! You will win!"

"Show them what you can do."

A stream of energy shot out of Optimus' chest and hit Gojira in the head. Slowly, his spines glowed brightly and brilliantly as the energy poured into the great giant. As it did, his arms moved until his claws sank into the metal above him, his body started to rise and his eyes began to stir.

"It's working!" Ezra shouted happily when Optimus Prime stopped. "You did it, Prime! He's getting his energy!"

That was when the ships above them began to shake violently and the crate rocked as if hit by a series of tremors. It didn't take a genius to figure out the epicenter. Ezra gulped nervously as everything started to crumble around them.

"It may be too soon to celebrate," Optimus suggested. "At least wait until we're not in danger of getting crushed!"

The two ran for cover as the great Saurian began to stir. His wounds were healing, flesh and bone mending and becoming whole again. The earth trembled with every bit of life pulled back into him. It was both glorious and terrifying to behold the sight for all near. Not that either Optimus or Ezra could appreciate it given that they were now running like mad away from it all.

The darkness had faded almost entirely. His mind returned and his body healed. New purpose filled him. New goals beyond mere survival. The Empire sought to use this world and its people to power its war machine. To destroy all that stood in its way. They dared desecrate nature for its own ends. It was not enough to wipe them out so he would know peace on this world. No, his anger how they reminded him the worst of humanity on Earth no longer held sway in his mind. Their destruction was demanded because they thought that nature could be used. That it could be tamed and that it could be theirs. For whatever faults he sensed in the Jedi, they were a force of balance. They were attuned to Nature. Sought to commune with it and had understanding. Ezra had proven as such this day.

The Galactic Empire had to pay, not for the crimes against him, not because they were more war lusting humans but because they thought that they had the right to be this way without consequence. Destruction did not always serve vengeance; it could serve a new beginning and an end to that which threatened the balance. In destroying the Empire here on Remnant, it would serve as a reminder for all time that Nature was not theirs to control. Not theirs to own. For he was Nature. Her Wrath incarnated. Her Agent of Justice. He could not be tamed or beaten. He was the earthquake. He was the tsunami. He was the hurricane. He was what none could hope to challenge, and this Empire would not change that. No surrender. No retreat. Never again.

It is time to finish what I started.

The fighting against the Zillo Beasts clone Rejects and Shin Gojiran Humanoids was forced to the rooftops of Atlas Academy. It was seeming hopeless. The Rebels did their best to fight them all off. The abominations swarmed the walls, filled the corridors and pressed forward at every turn.

Sabine did her best to hold them off with Adam and Wolf but she was getting low in her explosives and Wolf's plasma cannister was destroyed and now the Yautja Elite was bashing them with one of the Rejects.

Sometimes, you need to beat motherf*ckers with another motherf*cker.

But she could see that the other Rebels were not fairing any better besides the Autobots but it was hard to kill creatures that seemed to feel no pain and only desired to shed the blood of their prey.

It all seemed hopeless.

(Play "Rebirth" from Godzilla KOTM)

And then a roar echoed across the skies, low and rumbling, but familiar to Sabine and the others.


The Zillo Beast Mutants and the Shin Gojiran Humanoids heard it as did the Kaiju Girls and for some reason, the mutants stopped their attacks on the Rebels. They turned to the source it came from. The wrecked Star Destroyers that started to rise.

Blue lights appear out of the Star Destroyers rubble as both Ezra and Optimus smile at this from where they stood.

Meanwhile both Shin Godzilla-Shredder and Snow Godzilla-Azula looked back as they also saw the light. "That's impossible!" Azula exclaimed in shock.

Megatron clench his fist in anger while Darth Vader shook in rage from where he stood. This creature should be dead! They all watched Gojira lifting the rubble off of him as his spines were flashing and his eyes glowed blue.

The Kaiju Girls and their fathers smile at the sight. Both of Godzilla's daughters were cheering in excitement.

As for the two Gojiran Kaiju Girl clones and the Gojiran copy were in shock as the remaining forces of the Empire looked on in fear. Gojira stopped and looked at both Ezra and Optimus as he leans down to looked at them and then raised his head and looked at the two clones and his second copy and then appeared to look directly at both Darth Vader and Azula with a glare.

Wolf let out a laugh and held his spear above his head. "He lives! THE APEX PREDATOR LIVES!" he bellowed.

"Yeah, I'm alive." Gojira declared as he pulled out his katana from his chest. "God won't accept me into his kingdom and the Devil himself is scared sh*tless that I'd take his throne the moment I enter Hell. Soldiers of the Empire! You're either going to die this day or leave Remnant. This planet is not yours to conquer." He gestured around to the wrecked Imperial Walkers and Destroyers. "And look around. The fire is catching. Your Empire is starting to burn. If you try to burn me, you will all burn with me."

Then he muttered under his breath, "Peter and the other kids would probably have a field day, knowing that I just quoted that franchise." Then he released a powerful, devastating roar. The buildings shook. The mountains trembled and even the heavens themselves trembled.

Sabine and the other Rebels covered their ears while the Mutants and Humanoids looked just as agitated. As the roar died down, the Zillo Beast Rejects and Shin Gojiran Humanoids changed their targets. Something in their primitive minds had been triggered by Gojira's roar. They all snarled and gnashed their teeth at the giant lizard as they all roared and bellowed. Then without much warning, they all began to dash from Atlas, down the cables anchoring the Kingdom and down to the tundra. The Rebels all watched in shock as they charged and flew towards Gojira. Did they perceive him as a new threat? Better prey? No one could tell.

Sabine tried to track the stampede as they streamed towards Gojira. The Kaiju was already heading to Atlas, intending to deal with the clones and cyborg. Through the macrobinoculars in her helmet, she zoomed in on the Zillo Beasts that were all let out battle cries.

It wasn't long before they caught Gojira's attention. He held out a hand to the Kaiju Girls who made to move to his side. "No. Rest." he ordered them. "This is my fight."

He slammed his tail down, the dorsal spine at the tip popping upward and glowing crimson.POP!Then the other spines followed soon after, all glowing bloody crimson.



Godzilla and the other Kaiju Girls looked at the glow in awe and wonder as he leaned back, inhaling and his mouth glowed red as well. The spines all clamped back down, and he lunged forward, shooting a Red Spiral Atomic Breath to the Mutant Hordes.

Sabine covered her eyes at the bright flash of light filled her macrobinoculars. She pulled off her helmet and saw a great big scorch mark in the tundra was all that remained of the Mutant Hordes.

Flying Shin Gojiran Humanoids remained and tried to attack him like insects but then his whole body glowed like a red elemental before he released a Red Nuclear Pulse that reduced the Humanoids to ash.

A great cheer broke through the Rebels once they realized what the male Kaiju had done. Almost on cue, Gojira let out a short roar of victory. Some Rebels fired in the air, others chanted the Saurian's name. He had turned the battle's tide for them yet again.

As for Sabine, Zeb, Wolf and Adam. They just looked in astonishment, pleasantly surprised by what they saw.

"Heh-HAHAHA! So much for the Empire's best shot." Zeb laughed. "Not even taking two Star Destroyers to the face could take him down for good."

"He's one tough angry fossil," Sabine said in agreement. "That's for sure."

Darth Vader stood before walking to the Academy. While angered by the setback, it was nothing in the grand scheme of things. Alpha Predator Two, the Zillo Beast Cyborg and the Kaiju Girl clones remained. Shredder and Azula still controlled the clones, time for him to join with controlling the cyborg.

He walked through the hallway and saw remaining Rejects before him. They had not joined their brethren and stayed to look for prey.

And they found Darth Vader.

The Sith Lord paid them little attention, even as they rushed him, he continued walking at a leisurely pace. One lunged forward, only to be met with Darth Vader's lightsaber and its head was sliced off in two. The second charged and was sliced in half at the stomach followed by its head. The final one was grabbed at the neck by the Force. It struggled until its neck was crushed. Never once did Vader break his stride nor look away from the door. These things were of little consequence. He had bigger game to kill.

He entered the room where Shredder and Azula were controlling the Kaiju Girl clones. Before the Sith Lord was a control panel similar to his own chambers. Vader sat down and deactivated the panel's autopilot. He took up the controls in both hands and looked to the viewing screen.

It was time to show this dumb reptile a true monster.

"Ready for Round two?" Gojira growled to Alpha Predator Two, Shin and Snow Godzilla. His eyes looked to the Zillo Beast. "And you have another friend. Good. You're going to need all the help you can get."

The Cyber-Zillo Beast roared, its three arms stretching out in a display of aggression and dominance. Gojira simply gave it a steely gaze before unleashing his own primal, blood curdling roar. Shin and Snow Godzilla let out their own roars.


Chapter 14: Clash of Titans

Chapter Text

Universe 1954

Sanctum Sanctorum

Mothra opened her sapphire eyes, and she smiles knowing that her King is still alive in another universe and had some help by two people. Or more accurately, he had help from a human and robot. Even here, in a different universe, she felt his new goal to protect life and bring balance and she will thank both Ezra Bridger and Optimus Prime on helping her King and future husband when they meet.

She looked and saw Doctor Stephen Strange, the Sorcerer Supreme that was assisting her on finding Godzilla with combining their magic, as she knew deep down, he was still alive and wants to find him. "Thank you for helping me, Doctor Strange." Mothra said in a grateful tone.

"You are most welcome, Mothra," Strange bowed his head to her. "But what will you do now?" he questioned the Queen of the Monsters.

"Head back to Monster Island and get those lazy bums back into shape as this upcoming threat could be a problem for us. Both Athena and Junior can't do it alone." Mothra answered the Sorcerer Supreme.

Strange nodded his head at this and open a portal to Monster Island for her as she walked through it as it closed.

Doctor Strange stood silent before he looked at the dark corner of the room. "And your thoughts, Bruce?" Strange asks the dark corner.

A man came out in a bat theme suit with a frown on his face. This was Bruce Wayne better known as Batman and he was one of the few that disagreed on using the Black Hole Gun on Godzilla as it will bring unbalance to their world, which it did as in the past five months some Kaiju were getting out of line and both of the King's older children have been doing their best to keep them in line.

"We must inform the others." Batman told Doctor Strange. "We all have to get ready."

The Sorcerer Supreme nodded sternly. "Agreed."

Back in Universe 1995

Gojira looked at the four monsters and was ready to beat the crap out of them. "I am so going to enjoy this. You all believe that your Empire can tame nature herself, to control it, but here's the kicker, she can't be control and she can't be tame. And she has the ability to strike back so here I am." Godzilla said.

"I've said it before when we first talk reptile your arrogance will be your undoing." Vader said through the speakers of the Cyborg Zillo Beast.

"And like I said before you know a lot about arrogance, don't you Anakin Skywalker?" Gojira told the Sith Lord.

"What do you mean by THAT?" Vader snapped back.

Gojira smirks at this. "Simple really when you were a Jedi you were full of arrogance always trying to prove that you were the best but your master Obi-Wan held you back as he tried to beat that arrogance out of you," he said, eyes narrowing mockingly. "But it didn't work as you were known to throw tantrums like a child for not getting your way and when you became a Sith Lord you thought you had the power to destroy your former master Obi-Wan, but you were blinded by your own arrogance which led you to be in your current state that you are in right now." He explained to the Sith Lord.

"SILENCE YOU BEAST!" Vader yelled back.

Azula was in shock as she never saw her master this mad before and for someone to get under Vader skin but how did this creature know everything about her master but that's when it hit her the creature must have read their minds before they put up their mental blocks or he was reading their minds even with the mental blocks but how was that possible to have a power to go through the mental blocks to the mind of strong Force Users with ease? Who has that type of power?

Back at Earth 1954, a handful of strong psychics suddenly sneezed out of the blue.

Now back here in Remnant-Universe 1995. "I will not be lecture by a simple-minded creature like yourself and I will show you who is the true monster is and show you the true power of the Dark Side." Vader told Gojira firmly and angrily.

Rolling his eyes, Gojira scoffed at this. "You believe that your Galactic Empire and the Dark side of the Force is an unstoppable force, and no one can stop you but when someone gets in your way you stop and try to push through them? But they won't budge, so let me tell you what that is as you see, to quote a certain madman, this is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object" he declared. "Your Galactic Empire is the unstoppable force and I'm the immovable object." Gojira added as he gotten in his fighting stance. "But enough of that as it is time to lay the smack down on your candy ass."

Gojira charges the four with great speed as he speared his double to the ground with great force, shocking the others as he used this to his advantage as he used his tail to hit Shin in her stomach while his right fist glowed blue and Atomic Punched Snow in her face.

Lasers burned at his skin, missiles and rockets exploded upon contact with his hide, his body covered with fire and smoke, obscuring him from the view of others. When the smoke clear, Gojira was completely unfazed and raised his hand to brush and flick soot and cinders off his shoulders.

He glared at the cold, unfeeling eyes of his cybernetic opponent. So, this was the Zillo Beast Queen Ghidorah and Megalon told him about. The secret weapon the Rebels were so fearful of. He was angered at the sight of it. He could smell the stench of the artificial and unnatural coming from the Zillo Beast. This thing had been grown in a lab and then had been augmented with machinery. He could sense nothing behind its robotic eyes. No life, just wires. This thing was a tool. The Empire found a way to create life and then butchered it for their own selfish ends. This abomination was a perversion of the natural world, built only to serve the will of its human masters. It could not even be called a pet. It was a gun. A walking gun, to be used at their discretion.

All the things both he and his Queen personally hated about Kiryu and the other MechaGodzilla's back on Earth.

The Rebels were right to fear this monstrosity. It was a crime unto itself. A beast with no independence of thought. Born only to be a slave and kill those its tyrannical overlords wished to crush.

It was disgusting for Gojira to even look at. That's how wrong it was. Yes, this thing had to be destroyed, but the initial goal he had set out with no longer held sway at the forefront of the Atomic Saurian's mind. Making this world safe for him to rule was now secondary. The young Ezra had shown him that. This thing had to die because of what it represented, he saw that now. The Empire's perversion could not be allowed to escape this world and serve at its behest. He would not allow it. He would put this miserable cyborg out of its misery and see to it that the Empire would never again give life to more like it.

Nature would not be enslaved to serve them or anyone in this universe.

Gojira's senses went off as he dodges Shin Godzilla tackle, but when Shin turns around only for Gojira to quickly grabs her head and gave her an RKO. Then he saw Snow Godzilla charging but he grabs her body, spun her around where her head was between his legs, and he gave her a Tombstone Pile Diver on the icy surface. Gojira quickly got up as he saw his double coming after him, so he lowers down and picked up his double onto his shoulders and he gave his double an FU.

Meanwhile the Kaiju Girls, their fathers, the Kaiju Children and both Ezra and Optimus were watching the fight on the sidelines in awe.

"Damn!" was all Godzilla said as she was lost for words. Then she felt someone tapping her shoulder as she looked and saw it was Mothra with a smile on her face. "What is it?" she asked in confusion.

"Look." Mothra said as she pointed to the side.

Godzilla looked at where Mothra was pointing and saw both of her daughters cheering for Gojira and mock fighting in the air and trying to copy his moves as well.

"Looks like your daughters have a role model." Mothra said as she was still giggling at the scene before her.

Back with Gojira, he growled as he saw the clones, his and his female counterpart's, charging up their Atomic Breaths. The Cyber Zillo Beast opened its mouth and glowed with green energy. He charged his Red Spiral Atomic Breath before their beams all met in the middle of the space between them and started a beam struggle. Soon however, his own bloody crimson heat ray began to overpower all of theirs. He added more power before his beam pushed through theirs and hit Alpha Predator Two in the torso.

Then the Red Spiral Atomic Breath morphed into a red ball of atomic energy and then exploded.

The tundra cracked, mountains closest to the area cracked, buildings in Mantle crumbled like cards as a massive explosion erupted in front of Gojira.

The Kaiju Girls were all knocked off their feet by the shockwave released by the explosion. "Holy moly!" the two Kaiju children exclaimed before Minilla was sent tumbling away. Athena and Junior gasped and chased after their giggling sister.

When the shockwave died down, Godzilla and the others slowly opened their eyes. Before them, Gojira stood with a mushroom cloud rising high into the air tall as ten Eifel Towers.

Gojira growled before he saw the flash and flicker of Aura through the smoke and then Snow and Shin Godzilla collapsed, their Aura giving out as they hit the ground, passed out. He snorted, at least he saw the limit of Aura for Kaiju Girls. Which was probably because of being grown in a lab. But then again, their Aura drains the more they tank hits and use their Semblance, so they weren't at full power when he just unleashed his Red Spiral Atomic Breath.

He knelt down to their level and felt around the backs of their heads and necks before he found it. The mind control devices. It was always convenient that these devices were often placed in the same locations for almost every situation involving mind control, but he wasn't complaining. He held the devices in his palm before he crushed them. He glanced up to the others and gestured for these two to be moved off the battlefield.

He looked up and saw the Cyborg Zillo Beast and Alpha Predator Two, the former rising back up to its feet while the other's chest was healing from the blast. Growling, Gojira charged to his clone before jumping high into the air, back flipped before dropkicking the obsidian scaled Saurian in the chest, sending him stumbling back.

Gojira roared to the Cyborg Zillo Beast before charging, jaws open wide. His robotic opponent did the same, screeching as it did with its arms raised into attack position. The two massive monsters collided violently, Gojira's jaws closed around the cyborg's neck. The Zillo Beast pounded one fist against his eye and the other grasped at his neck. Even as he was being choked, Gojira continued to push the cyborg backwards, his teeth keeping a firm grip on his enemy. Then the third arm and fist came crashing down on his head. The first three punches were brushed off. The following four hardly made Gojira loosen his grip. After the five other punches, Gojira felt a cutting pain on his forehead like he was being cut by a chainsaw.

Which was strange given that Gigan was not armed with that in this universe, and he wasn't facing Gigan or Deadpool and Lobo or anyone else he knows that wouldn't hesitate to use a chainsaw on him.

He backed away, releasing the neck and saw a huge saw blade jutting out of the side of his robotic opponent's fist. It retracted back inside soon after. He narrowed his eyes and smirked.

Now he knew every weapon this cyborg had.

The electric spikes on its tail proved him wrong.

. . . Okay. . . NOW he knows everything this cyborg can do.

Kannan and the Clone Troopers met up with Hera and Kiri and they all managed to meet Ahsoka's contacts, Doctors Serizawa and Boll. They left the hangar the Cyborg Zillo Beast was kept and entered a small laboratory next to it. From the looks of the assembly lines and large metal appendages on the walls, this appeared to be a cybernetics lab. The assembly line wasn't their destination though. Boll and Serizawa led them to a small area which had a box containing eggs that Kannan instantly understood that they were meant for more Zillo Beasts.

"No one knows about them but the two of us," Boll explained. "We get them off Remnant and out of the Empire's reach and they will never know that they exist. That's why I asked Fulcrum for a sufficiently sized cargo ship to extract me."

"And you didn't bother to tell her why?" Kannan asked. Rex held a hand to him. The Clone turned to the scientist. "What my friend here mean is that we're here to destroy the Zillo Beast you created."

"Not help you momma more of them," Wolfe said bluntly. "You should have known the risk of the Empire finding out about them."

"That's a risk we should take!" Serizawa said. "These creatures deserve a chance to be more than weapons!"

"Okay, let's think for a second," Kiri spoke up. "We're looking at the fate of an entire species here. We can't just let them die off."

"We did not risk our lives getting here to bring an extinct species back to life!" Kannan insisted. "They had their shot and things didn't work out. I'm sorry for that, but that's not our responsibility to fix it. They're extinct, it's over for them."

Hera crossed her arms with a frown. "Like the Jedi are over?"

". . . That's different," Kannan shook his head. "The Jedi were-"

"Wiped out by the Emperor in order to achieve his own personal ends," Hera finished for him. "Slaughtered like animals because they threatened his power. That sounds awfully like the Zillo Beast, doesn't it?"

". . . She's got a point," Gregor admitted.

Kannan groaned in response before sighing. "Okay, fine." he relented. "But we need to move fast!"

The group got the hover cart out to the open. Everything seemed to be going smoothly before Kannan felt something in the Force. It was familiar and angry. And close by. He wasn't sure what it was, but it was targeted at him. In an instant, he pulled out his lightsaber, activated and a blaster bolt deflected off the blade.

"Sniper!" he exclaimed. "Hera, get the scientists out of here! I'll distract him!" He pulled out his blaster pistol and fired where he believed the shot came from. Hera looked hesitant for a moment.

"Go! Now! We'll cover him!" Rex said as he, Wolfe and Gregor pulled out their pistols.

Hera reluctantly complied and led the two scientists out of the large door while Kannan blocked the laser shots from the mysterious sniper while the Clones returned fire, causing the Stormtrooper to duck through the shadows.

With careful aim, Kannan threw his saber at the catwalk above and sliced right through it. The platform broke free and the Trooper tumbled down to another level.

Kannan quickly jumped onto that same level, and in doing so, he managed to get a good look at the Stormtrooper. His armor was covered in blue painting. Very odd for a Stormtrooper. When the sniper aimed his weapon, Kannan simply used the Force to push him backwards into a railing. The impact made him drop his rifle, but the Trooper caught himself before he fell over.

Standing tall, the Stormtrooper pulled a rocket launcher from his back and aimed it at Kannan.

"Move that hand again, and I'll blow you away," he warned.

His voice sounded strange yet familiar at the same time. Kannan then noticed that the Trooper was carrying a lot more hardware than any Imperial soldier he had seen.

"It doesn't matter how many weapons you have, you're still outnumbered." Kannan warned the Trooper. "Put it down and walk away."

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" The Trooper asked frantically. "So you and the traitors can slink back into the shadows. Kill me when I least expect it. You're underhanded like that. Only way you could have survived."

"Buddy, I don't even know who you are." Kannan retorted.

"And we were never part of the Empire," Rex said defensively.

"You're both right," the Trooper said in agreement as one of his hands went to his helmet. "And I don't know who you are. Not as a person. But I know what you are and why you're here. But if we're getting technical, you four can at least remember what I look like. Should be easy for you three traitors."

The Trooper took his helmet off, revealing a face that looked exactly like Rex's. Like Wolfe's. Like Gregor's. The face of a soldier Kannan once fought beside in the Clone Wars. The face of every soldier in the Republic.

Rex's eyes widened in surprise while Caine scowled and Kannan said nothing, only tightening his stance.

Caine put his helmet back on and aimed down the sight of the rocket launcher. "You thought you were getting revenge with a handful of traitorous brothers, didn't you Jedi? Well, that's not happening." he declared. "I'm finishing what I started at the Temple!"

"The Temple?!" Kannan repeated angrily without thinking. "You were at the Temple?!"

"Good soldiers follow orders!" Caine declared, not acknowledging Kannan's outburst.

"Brother, stop!" Wolfe said, holding a hand up.

"NO! Don't call me that!" Caine shouted back. "I have orders! And they are clear as daylight! Execute the Jedi!"

The rocket launcher fired and Kannan leapt away from the catwalk. The blast annihilated the area he was just standing moments before. Kannan landed on a crane for the assembly line and swung himself to another platform. Laser bolts struck the platform as he landed and made a mad dash for cover as did Rex, Wolfe and Gregor.

"You can't run anymore, Jedi!" The Clone Trooper shouted. "And I'm not running from you! Either of you! One of us is dying today! You hear me! One of us dies, and it sure as Hell isn't going to be me!"

Gojira sneered as he slammed Alpha Predator Two's face into the mountainside. Just as he morphed into his human-hybrid form, he was hit in the chest by his duplicate's tail. The obsidian scaled Saurian roared as he swung his claws at Gojira who ducked and weaved and dodged every claw slash and then picked him up off the floor while he screamed and then body slammed him onto the rocky and icy ground.

The Cyber Zillo Beast fired at his arm, neck and face, making the King of Monsters snarl before glaring at the cyborg and then he was kicked by Alpha Predator Two. Gojira caught himself before looking up at the two of them and then charging as they charged to him from the left and right.

Gojira grabbed his clone by the throat, blocked the blow from the Cyber Zillo Beast on his right. He punched Alpha Predator Two and the Cyborg next to him before headbutting the obsidian Saurian. He then elbowed the Zillo Beast in the face, sending him flying back. He then blocked a fist from the Gojiran behind him.He back punched the other male Saurian Kaiju before blocking the punch from the Alpha Predator Two and then jabbed him in the face. He turned around and punched the Cyborg down hard enough to send his face through the ice.

Gojira grabbed Alpha Predator Two and slammed his face into the mountain before doing the action on the opposite mountain wall before slamming him back into the first mountainside. He then fired his Red Spiral Atomic Breath at him and sent him flying back.

Alpha Predator Two looked up to his twin with a glare before shooting to his feet with a vengeful roar. He threw his fist to punch Gojira, only for his fist to be blocked by the forearm of the King of Monsters. Growling, he threw a couple of more punches, but they were blocked by Gojira before the older Saurian headbutted him, causing him to stagger back.

Gojira reared his right fist back and punched the obsidian scaled Saurian Kaiju in the face. He blocked another punch thrown by Alpha Predator Two before kneeing him in the stomach and then elbowing him in the throat, which caused the obsidian Saurian Kaiju grabbed at his throat with a wheeze of pain, and then Gojira back kicked him in the chest. Alpha Predator Two was sent flying back from the kick and he landed on top of a mountain peak.

He groaned in pain as Gojira walked towards him. The Cyber Zillo Beast charged from behind him, only for his tail to swing up and knocked the cyborg off his feet and into the mountain on his right which then collapsed on him.

Gojira roared as he jumped high into the air and slammed his feet down on his clone's chest and pushed him through the mountain peak and then used him as a snowboard down the other side of the mountain. They slid down to the next valley and Alpha Predator Two slid to a stop on his back with Gojira's feet digging into his chest.

The obsidian Saurian rolled onto his side, groaning in pain as Gojira stepped off him, only to kick him in the ribs. He stumbled to his feet before he was punched in the face, followed by an uppercut to the jaw. The Saurian human suddenly grabbed him by the throat, headbutted him and then shoved his face into mountain. He jabbed him in the face and then into his diaphragm, drawing the air out of him before throwing a cross punch that knocked him off his feet.

Gojira knelt down and grabbed onto Alpha Predator Two's tail and began to lift him off the ground and proceeded to spin the obsidian Saurian Kaiju around before throwing him face first into the Cyborg Zillo Beast.

Gojira pulled out his sword and walked forward. He held the blade up and plunged it through both of his opponents. Both Kaiju and Cyborg screeched before Gojira lifted them both in the air.

"This world isn't big enough for the two of us," growled Gojira to Alpha Predator Two and then he charged up his Red Spiral Atomic Breath and blasted both Alpha Predator Two and the Cyber Zillo Beast off the blade and they went flying off the katana and flew high into the air.

Alpha Predator Two rose to his feet, growling. He realized that he only beaten his double because he was exhausted, but now he was energized, supercharged even. There was no chance of him winning this, even with the help of his cyborg ally.




But you know what? So be it. If this is to end in fire, then he will die in a blaze of glory, prove that he is worthy of being called Godzilla. Being called the King of Monsters. He would battle with determination, without hesitation. Until his final breath. And he would laugh in the face of Lady Death, face her with eyes open wide.

What the f*ck. He was the last of his kind, not counting Gojira and his extended family. He was the truly last Godzillasaurus. And he would rather die than continue bearing that curse. It was better to join all the others in the afterlife instead living a world where they weren't living.

With one loud, final roar that would have made the Godzillasaurus race proud, Alpha Predator Two charged forward with Alpha Predator One and the two Saurian Kaiju fired off their respective Atomic Breaths, red and blue meeting each other in the middle.

Slowly, the red began to overpower the blue, the ball of energy moving closer and closer to Alpha Predator Two. The explosion was coming, and it was going to ignite in his face. Even still, the obsidian Saurian smiled.

And then there was light.

And all Alpha Predator Two thought was what new trials awaited him in the next life.

The mountains shook as another very large explosion occurred within. The Kaiju Girls looked among themselves before approaching area. They looked over the mountain peak and saw Gojira standing within a large crater.

With the burnt skeleton of a Gojiran in front of him.

They all stared in shock before Gojira knelt down and bowed his head to the skeleton. He stayed like this for a few moments before he rose to his feet. He silently walked away from the skeleton pulled out his sword to decapitate the cyborg before it could react.

"That. . ." Godzilla began as Gojira walked to them.

"Was. . ." Gamora added but trailed off.

"AWESOME!" cried Athena and Junior.

"Intimidating and arousing." Queen Ghidorah stated.

Gojira rolled his eyes before looking up to the floating city of Atlas.

Chapter 15: Long Live The King

Chapter Text

Azula and Shredder took off the headsets connecting them to the control panels of the Gojiran Kaiju Girl Clones while Darth Vader stood from his seat. His breathing was coming in and out in rapid speed as objects around the room shook and rattled before being crushed. Darth Vader turned around and walked out of the room. Azula and Shredder following after him.

"From the looks of it," Optimus spoke up, looking to see Gojira climbing on the cables that anchored Atlas as he was walking beside Ezra to rejoin the Rebels. "You made the right call, after all Ezra."

"Maybe, but I just know Kannan is going to give me a lecture either way" Ezra replied back. "And I deserve one. I did just take off and disobey orders."

"I'm not going to judge, given my history," Ahsoka said to the Jedi Padawan as she walked up to him from the others. "It was foolhardy to run off like you did." she admitted.

"But you did what you felt was right," Optimus added. "You can feel sorry for going against your Master, but don't be sorry for following what you believed."

Zeb and Sabine walked up to him. "Don't worry, I'm only slightly angry at you for bailing us," the female Mandalorian greeted him with a slight glare yet lighthearted smile. Ezra looked around. "Wait, where's Kannan? Or Rex and the others?"

"Stormtrooper," Hera replied. "Kannan stayed to hold him off, Rex, Wolfe and Gregor stayed to give him back up."

Optimus turned from conversing with the Autobots. "A Jedi and three veteran Clones against one Stormtrooper?" he asked.

Ezra and Ahsoka suddenly felt something in the Force and they ran in the direction of Atlas Academy.

For a brief moment, Kannan felt like a Padawan again. A Padawan watching as soldiers who fought alongside him and his master suddenly turning on him. Memories of his memory being murdered in cold blood filled his head the instant the Clone revealed his face to him. He almost attacked Rex and the others when he saw them.

"Good soldiers follow orders."

The same words uttered before were being uttered now. The fear he felt passed now. He was not a Padawan anymore. He was older now, wiser, stronger and he was more prepared this time.

He hid in the shadows of the assembly area for the moment with Rex. Wolfe and Gregor were doing the same while keeping a careful eye on the enemy Clone Trooper. For whatever reason, this Clone thought that Kannan had come here to Remnant to kill him, that he was here for revenge. Kannan couldn't deny that he had strong feelings about Clones, admittedly biased ones that showed when he first met Rex and his brothers, but well deserved nonetheless. But he never tried to seek out Clones to kill at random though, partly because the ones who killed his Master were long dead anyway and mainly because it wasn't the Jedi way.

This Clone however, thought that was exactly what he was here for and that gave him a slight edge. This time, it was the Clone who was more afraid than him and he could use that.

"Hiding like cowards, are we?" The Clone asked aloud in anger. "Guess not much has changed then, has it? Only way you could've survived this long."

Kannan kept out of sight, dashing to another piece of machinery for cover while Rex moved a different way. The Clone kept scanning the room, his gun following his line of sight as he walked. Scared or not, he still figured himself the hunter in this scenario that much was clear.

"I know you're not alone either," Caine continued. "I know there's at least two more of you running around. You're controlling the male Kaiju out there. I remember you Jedi could do that with animals, one of your best tricks. Well, once you're all gone, he'll be easier to contend with."

"You really think you can take on three Jedi?" Kannan asked aloud before bolting another piece of machinery. One where Wolfe was hiding. The Rebel Clone mouthed at him, 'Don't piss off the Clone.'

The rotary blaster slashed through the air, cutting up bits of metal as it fired over a hundred bolts a second. The Clone stopped after one pull of the trigger and scanned the area more.

"You wanna call them? Go ahead," Caine declared, carefully eyeing the platforms above him. "They won't make it in time. Even if they do, I already rigged a few key spots in here with explosives. Once I saw that big cyborg monster in the other room before it left, I realized one of you'd be coming this way eventually. Guess it's my luck more people were concerned with the other Rebels, getting in here was easy once you people breached the perimeter. Point is, the second every Force User I'm aware of shows up in here, I'm sending this place up in a puff of smoke with everyone in it."

"You think the Empire is going to be okay with you blowing up their stuff?" Rex asked as he quickly jumped to another platform and hid.

"Acceptable losses," Caine countered as he changed direction. "This entire facility has been compromised. Standard protocol requires all important assets to be moved off site in such an eventuality. The only reason the Empire came here was for secrecy. They've lost that now. Hell, I'm probably saving them the time scuttling part of the place for them"

Kannan shook his head at Wolfe when they heard that. The Jedi wasn't about to call Ahsoka and Ezra in anyway. He didn't want to put them at risk along with himself and the three Clones. There was only one enemy Clone but it would foolish to pretend he wasn't a threat. This one knew there were three of them and prepared a strategy beforehand. He knew what he was doing and he was prepared to potentially kill himself in the process of killing them all. It was better to deal with him now with just Rex, Wolfe and Gregor and not suck the others into this.

"I always suspected more of you would come back," Caine cried out. "In the back of my mind, I always knew a few of you were alive. You Jedi are a sneaky lot, very slippery, with a lot of tricks up your sleeves to boot. You all thought you were so clever. That's what made you think you could take over back then."

"Is that what you think or what the Empire told you to think in your Pod?" Kannan asked. He then reached out with the Force and caused some cybernetic pieces to fall down to the factory floor. The Clone saw them tumbling towards him and ran out of the way just in time as a large metal hinge crashed through a platform and nearly crushed him.

"Don't try to play your mind games on me like you did these three Clones," Caine argued. "I know what happened. You betrayed us, all of us. Sworn defenders of the Republic on the outside, but always plotting behind closed doors. Waiting for the day when you could use the war to overthrow the very government you sought to protect."

"You sound like a propaganda poster, you know that?" Gregor shouted down, his voice echoing throughout the chamber.

"We didn't betray anyone, you did." Kannan said. "You turned on the Republic and helped a dictator rise to power."

"We did our duty!" Caine argued vigorously. "Good soldiers follow orders! I followed them! I did what I had to do, for the Republic!"

"Don't you mean the Empire?" Kannan countered as he jumped to another platform with Wolfe. "The Republic doesn't exist anymore because of you."

The enemy Clone let off a few bolts suddenly in a widespread. They barely missed Kannan and Wolfe, who quickly took off to another set of cover. "Fine, I did it for the Empire then," Caine relented. "But that doesn't change anything. I did what I had to do. I fulfilled my mission. The fact you're here, bringing a bunch of terrorists to attack fellow soldiers, proves us in the right. Whatever I did, I did for the good of the Galaxy."

Kannan didn't get a chance to respond, as he heard something clanging against some machines nearby. Suspecting what it was, he made a dash for another platform. He reached it just seconds before an explosion ripped apart a large chunk of an assembly line and sent it crashing to the floor. As the dust settled, Kannan could see the enemy Clone Trooper looking through the wreckage.

"Gonna have to be quicker than that," Kannan shouted down at him before taking off and both Rex and Gregor gave him cover fire.

"You can't hide forever, Jedi," Caine declared. "There's nowhere to run. I hunted your own kind down easily enough in their own temple. How long do you think you can stay out of sight in here?"

Long enough,Kannan thought to himself. He just need to take his time and find the right moment to strike. Grabbing his blaster in one hand, he made his way down one end of the platform, keeping an eye out for the enemy Clone to cross his path.

"Attacking the Jedi in their own home is nothing to be proud of," Kannan goaded him. "You desecrated a place of peace and hope with mass murder."

"I don't have to feel proud," Caine shot back. "Never said I was. It was simply the only way. You wouldn't go quietly; you would've attacked soon enough. We had to act while you were all off your guard. It was our only option."

This conversation of sorts suddenly felt a lot stranger to Kannan. He suspected the Clone would try to goad him out of hiding by mocking the deaths of the Jedi. That he would call them easy pickings or foolish last stands. Instead, he was just trying to justify it all. Keep it vague. Why wasn't he making this personal? Try to make Kannan angry? He had mentally prepared for that, both this and when he first met Rex, Wolfe and Gregor, but this Clone wasn't doing that.

"Not everyone in that temple was a powerful Jedi Knight or master," Kannan argued back, hearing the Clone get closer. "There were children. Younglings, Padawans who hadn't even gotten their lightsabers yet. You're telling me you had no problems murdering them all? That everyone that night was just a traitor to you?"

The Clone's footsteps stopped suddenly. Kannan suspected a response, another excuse or justification, or the Clone laughing about how he didn't care, something. Nothing came, just silence. He looked out slightly to see the Clone standing his head down with his hand clutching at his head. He began shaking it heavily and then suddenly shouted.

"I didn't." he said. "I never did. It didn't happen. I didn't. I had to do it. It had to be done. We had orders."

"You're contradicting yourself," Rex noted as Kannan moved towards his next position along the side of the platform.

"SHUT UP!" Caine shouted up to them. "I'M NOT A MURDERER! I'M A SOLDIER! A good soldier! Good soldiers follow orders!" He raised his rotary blaster up to the platforms, pointing where Kannan had been. This was his chance. He pointed his blaster out into the open and levelled it at the Clone, ready to fire and end this. The Clone spoke up once again as the rotary began to spin, louder and louder.

"And I will execute mine!"

The rotary blaster suddenly turned, pointing directly towards Kannan's current position. The enemy Clone pulled the trigger and hundreds of blaster bolts started firing at him. Kannan ducked behind cover again as a blaze of laser bolts shot through the air, blasting bits of machinery and metal everywhere. Eventually the laser bolts turned down to the support beams of the platforms and began to slash through them. Kannan only had seconds to move before it was too late. Igniting his lightsaber once again, Kannan raised it up to block incoming shots as he ran across the crumbling platform. Just as he managed to get off it, the support system gave way. The catwalk and parts of the assembly line fell down to the factory floor below, nearly taking Kannan with them.

As he caught his breath, Kannan realized the enemy Clone was smarter for his age than he gave him credit for. He had caught on to his trap, probably guessed where he actually was in the platforms above. It was unlikely he'd fall for it again. As he got up, he heard something clanging against a nearby ladder. Before he knew it, the enemy Clone was up on his level again, the still smoking rotary blaster pointed right at the Jedi

"Told you," Caine stated coldly. "Nowhere to run."

Kannan raised the lightsaber to block the laser bolts as the Clone pulled the trigger again. He deflected the incoming shots, but with so many shots coming at him, Kannan knew it was a losing defense strategy. He ducked around a nearby corner and made a dash along the platforms. He had lost the high ground; the Clone was onto him, and he couldn't risk calling for help. He and Rex and the other two needed to find a way to beat this guy and fast.

Laser cannon blasts pummeled Gojira relentlessly as he stepped onto Atlas with a missile colliding into him every other second or two. Gojira weathered the storm of fire, even as explosions erupted all around him. Whatever didn't hit him, destroyed the buildings of Atlas in a fiery blast. He looked around, noting how the remaining buildings reminded him of Metropolis.

The fight with his double and the cyborg was in his mind. That and Rodan asking why he didn't use his Red Spiral Atomic Breath to finish the cyber Zillo Beast off sooner. It wasn't enough to destroy the walking gun, he had to humiliate the Empire's perversion of nature, hence he drew out the brawl compared to when he had defeated SuperMechaGodzilla the first time he had gained the Red Spiral Atomic Breath. Seeing the King of Monsters destroy their creation would send the right message to the Cyborg's masters. That no technology they could create would be able to chain Nature. They couldn't improve upon it for the sake of their war. He had to break the monstrosity or more like it would be created.

He could not let that happen.

Gojira exhaled deeply, ignoring the Kaiju Girls that were asking for help to be pulled up from the ledge. He started listening to the sounds of battle between the Rebels and the Imperial forces in the sky. He wondered what their objective was now. He had destroyed the weapon. They should leave the planet, right? Why stay and fight? No, somehow, he could feel that their objective had changed. Like he had changed.

He felt out further, and he could sense the Rebels on the ground. He could sense their struggles, their pain and their will to fight on. It wasn't for victory or glory though, as he had come to expect of so many of their kind.

It was more like what he felt with the Avengers and the others. It was for one another. He could feel the rebellious soldiers pulling away, assisting fallen comrades, desperately trying to race back from the enemy. They were in flight now, but not retreat. They had accomplished what they intended it seemed, now they only wished to fight for another day.

He wasn't sure how he could suddenly feel these emotions, these thoughts from them when none of them had attempted to link to his mind. Was this the Force that Ezra claimed tied all beings as one? Was this how they saw the world? How Mothra saw things on Earth? He could feel their will, their drive, their compassion and loyalty. Traits he stopped believing they could truly have. There it was, plain for all to see. He just hadn't felt it until now. They were fighting for one another, for what they had lost and for what could be.

That willpower and determination, resonating from these humans, filled Gojira with a sudden sense of kinship. They were allies, or at least they shared a similar noble goal. That kinship filled him with something. His rage completely left him now, replaced with something new and greater that had been dead for a long time. Here, he finally let go of his anger, rage and hatred and fully opened himself to what the Jedi Ezra had spoken of.

And it felt glorious.

He opened his eyes just as Anguirus asked, "Well, now what are we going to do?" Gojira looked at the Rebels.

"Rodan, Biollante, you two and Gamora get the Rebels out of here." he ordered the mentioned Kaiju Girls. "Mothra, Cesar, Kong's get any civilians out of this city. The rest of but Godzilla and Ghidorah and X, head back down and evacuate Mantle."

He turns to his female counterpart and to Queen Ghidorah with her father. "You three stand by and wait for my signal to destroy this floating city."

"Uh, what signal?" Godzilla asked.

"You'll see," Gojira replied as he walked forward. "I'm going to look for the leaders in charge of this army."

The Cyborg may be gone, but there was still the puppet masters to deal with.

Godzilla and Queen Ghidorah looked at each other. "Do you think our combined power could destroy this floating rock?" the Golden Dragon Kaiju Girl asked her father.

"Hold on!" a voice said, they looked to their left and saw the Kryptonian, Kara floating next to them.

"Adam told me of a way to do it." Kara said. "There's a Relic underneath Atlas Academy. I can get it and use it to create something and Atlas won't be in the sky anymore."

"Okay, that's good," Godzilla said. "Wait, what are you going to create?"

Kara paused at the question. "I didn't think that through. Oh Rao, I even to include every detail."

Queen Ghidorah gained a thoughtful expression. "I have an idea." she said with a grin. She pulled out her Scroll and showed to Supergirl her idea.

Kannan found himself constantly on the move now while dodging.I'm starting to wish I have Ezra's lightsaber,he thought to himself. Sure, would have been in handy here. He kept his head down low to avoid the occasional laser barrage and the machinery that was used for constructing more cyborg parts. The enemy Clone was was trying to overload him now, just wear him down trying to avoid all this junk while he set up a perfect shot.

He could barely return a few shots with Gregor and Wolfe when he saw his opening. The enemy Clone Trooper thought that he had them pinned as he approached but not too close. He wasn't stupid enough to get into range of a lightsaber. But he had, however, seemed to forget about the other weapon the Jedi had their disposal.

Instead of shooting, he sent out a powerful Force Wave. To his surprise, the Clone managed to dodge the wave, but dropped his blaster pistols. Rex then jumped down beside the Clone and disarmed him of the rotary blaster and threw him to the ground.

"Stand down," Rex said, aiming one of his blaster pistols as Kannan and the others jumped down to their level. "Don't make me hurt you, brother."

"Too late for that," Caine stated defiantly. "Way too late for that."

"You're unarmed, you don't have a chance here," Kannan informed him. "Just get up against the wall, give us the detonator for those bombs you've planted and let us walk out of here. This is over."

"Not yet," Caine insisted. "Not just yet." Suddenly he lunged forward, faster than Kannan had thought he would, and grabbed Rex's blaster and forced it at the Jedi and the other two Clones, fired three times before punching Rex in the face. Caine then threw Rex at Kannan, causing the Jedi to drop his blaster. He stood up quickly and raised his lightsaber. He then saw the Clone reach for his belt.

"Another gun?" he asked.

"No. Should've realized from the start that wasn't going to work on you." Caine admitted. "You wanna face a Jedi, do it on their terms." And he pulled out a sword. It was short and peculiar, then it started to spark with electrical energy along its sharp edge. Kannan and the three Clones instantly understood what it was before Caine even spelled it out.

"Vibroblade. Kept it as a souvenir off a Seppie Captain in the Clone Wars." he explained. "Never had a chance to use, not even in Order 66. Good thing I kept it."

Then the enemy Clone charged and slashed at Kannan. The Jedi recoiled but parried. The two opponents slashed and parried at one another; Rex aimed his blaster but had a conflicted expression as he looked to the enemy Clone Trooper.

And then a stun blast flew in and hit Caine in the shoulder, causing him to drop down on one knee while grabbing his arm. Ezra and Ahsoka ran into the room, the former holding his lightsaber in stun gun form.

Kannan smiled in relief before he remembered the detonator and the bombs this Clone had. Before he could shout a warning, or if Ezra could ask what was going on, the enemy Clone held up the detonator in hand.

"All of you drop your fancy swords, now!" he ordered. "Or this place goes up higher in the sky than the city already is."

"Brother, give me the detonator," Rex said as he stepped forward. He shared a look with Ahsoka who slowly nodded and deactivated her lightsaber. Kannan looked to them confused before Wolfe placed a hand on his arm and shook his head. Rex turned back to the Clone before him. "Let me disarm the bombs."

Caine laughed. "Why would I do that, Brother." he spat like venom.

"Because I know the reason why you're doing this," Rex replied, "And it's not the reason you think."

"I'm not falling for any mind games," Caine told him, tensing. "I may be old, but I'm not falling for that."

"No games," Rex replied, moving closer. "Just words. I know what's happening to you, why you're confused. It happened to me, happened to us all."

"I'm not confused!" Caine declared. "For the first time since the end of the war, everything is clear!"

"That's an illusion," Rex replied. "Something planted in your brain. You're being manipulated just like that mission, just like at the Temple. But it wasn't by the Jedi. It was the Empire, the Emperor lying to you."

"Just because I was tossed to the streets like garbage doesn't mean I'll betray them!" Caine shook his head. "I'm a soldier! Good soldiers follow orders! That's all I ever done! All I'm doing now!"

"Following orders, yes," Rex said softly. "But not because you really want to. They are making you do it. Think, do you remember anything about the Temple? What you did? What you felt?"

Caine tensed, shaking his head as Rex approached more. "You felt nothing, did you?" he asked. "You don't remember anything do you?"

". . . What. . . What is this?" Caine asked after a moment of silently shaking his head.

"It happened to a lot of our brothers," Rex replied as he knelt down. "Order 66 came down and we all attacked the generals we fought alongside for years. No hesitation, no remorse. No second thoughts. Doesn't that sound odd to you? At all?"

"SHUT UP!" Caine shouted frantically. "Just shut up. I'm a soldier. Good soldiers follow orders! That's all there is to it!"

"You keep saying that," Gregor spoke as he approached as well, kneeling down. "Why do you keep saying that?"

"Because-Be-Because it's true!" Caine replied shakily. "Because-"

"It echoes in your mind," Wolfe stated. "Constantly whenever you doubt, doesn't it? Makes you ignore and forget everything. Make you act without thinking. Like a droid with a voice command. They put that in us, brother."

"No," Caine shook his head.

"They made it so that you wouldn't step out of line!" Rex said passionately. "All of us. To keep us obedient! So we could something unthinkable and we couldn't refuse!"


"Think, brother." Rex pleaded, grabbing Caine's shoulders. "Try to think. Remember what happened at the Temple!"


"You have to think back. Remember. They blocked it out so you wouldn't question it again."

Caine suddenly screamed and fell back on the floor. He clasped his hands over his head as he shook violently. Kannan made a go for the detonator, but Ahsoka silently told him to not move.

". . . It was a bunch of Younglings, just kids," Caine spoke after a moment, shaking and rocking. "They. . . they were with their Master. Trying to get to a hangar in the lower levels. Trying to escape. Sniper took the Master out easy, and they started screaming, running scared as soon as he dropped down. They didn't. . . they didn't even have lightsabers. Nothing. They had nothing. And I-I. . . I didn't hesitate. Why didn't I at least hesitate? Why? I didn't even think of switching to stun! I just. . . I just. . . oh please, no! NO!"

And that was when he started openly weeping. Kannan finally deactivated his lightsaber. For a moment, he wanted to be angry, he had just admitted to killing children like he had accused earlier, but now he just felt pity for how broken the man looked. Whatever blocked out his memory or whatever was convincing him that he did the right thing came undone and it was all crashing down on him. And he hated himself for it.

"What have I done?" Caine asked between sobs. "What have I done?"

Rex placed a hand on his shoulder with an sympathetic expression. "It wasn't you." he said kindly. "It was your hand on the gun, but it wasn't the real you."

Caine looked up to him before holding the detonator up to him. Rex took it and carefully deactivated the bombs.

Ahsoka looked at the Clone sadly before turning to Kannan. "I've sent the order to evacuate and leave Remnant. Our mission is complete. The Kaiju are dealing with what's left of the military here and helping evacuate our people and civilians."

Good to hear, sounded like they were close to home free. They just needed to head out and meet the others. Rex looked back to Caine.

"We need to go, Brother." he told him gingerly. "If you want to, you can-"

"There they are!" Stormtroopers entered the room and started blasting them. Kannan, Ezra and Ahsoka deflected each blaster bolt while Rex, Wolfe and Gregor returned fire. But then Caine picked up his rotary blaster and started firing at the Stormtroopers.

"Go! Southwest corner! I'll cover you!" Caine shouted as he fired.

Kannan wanted to doubt the Clone's words, he was just the enemy less than two minutes ago. But Ahsoka and the other three Clones didn't question his word. And neither was Ezra, he saw and knew he had to follow after them.

As soon as they were through the door however, the Clone closed the door and he heard the lock activating on the other side.

"No!" Rex shouted.

"Go, Captain!" The Clone shouted from the other side. "I'll hold them off! This. . . this is what I was bred for. Now go!"

Rex and his brothers really looked reluctant, but Ahsoka said something to them quietly before she went rigid as did Kannan and Ezra. The Cold. The one from Lothal.

Which meant they were in trouble.

And sadly, so was the Clone Trooper. Kannan hardly knew him other than he was just an enemy soldier that tried to kill him for the past half hour hardly three minutes ago. But now he felt more sorry for the man.

It was just a small squad of Stormtroopers and Caine managed to kill them just as the rotary blaster overheated. Under the façade of a soldier in battle, he was in anguish on the inside.

"You're an excellent soldier, Caine. It's an honor to fight along your side."

The other Clones had made the truth come out in his mind. He could have brushed it off as a trick from the three Jedi, but it was too livid to be a lie. His memories, his thoughts of what he did, his feelings he or something had buried them and now it all came crashing down. He couldn't be sure how or what, but honestly, Caine didn't care.

"Good job, officer."

All his life he had felt nothing. All this time he just ignored the empty space in his mind. Now that the dam had broke, he was free but at the same time, he cursed himself. He now knew the why of everything. Why he and his brothers were discarded so easily. The forced retirement was because they served their purpose.

"Hey, let's give it up for Officer Caine!"

They had lifted a government into power by removing the very people they had served as soldiers with and could have stood in the way. They had been tools all along, like the giant cyborg he had seen earlier.


He lifted his head out of his dark thoughts and saw three figures walking into the room. He recognized them from Remnant news and Holo-nets outside of Remnant. The Shredder, Princess Azula of the Fire Nation and Darth Vader.

"Clone. . . Sooner or later, you'll realize how truly irrelevant you are."

Azula and Shredder looked down at the dead bodies and to the rotary blaster at his feet. He stared at the three of them before he reached down and picked up his Vibroblade.

Azula rolled her eyes, looking very bored and raised her hands to blast fire, but then Darth Vader held a hand to stop her. His black lenses seemed to stare at Caine's eyes before a red lightsaber ignited in his hand.

"Stand down, soldier." Darth Vader said as he took a step forward. "You are outmatched."

Caine swallowed his fear and held up his Vibroblade. "For the Republic," was all he said.




Darth Vader stared at the Clone before nodding his head slightly and kept walking to him before Shredder unsheathed his wrist blades and Azula ignited her own lightsabers.

Caine only hesitated a moment longer, considering what he was about to do. The fact remained that this place had caused enough damage. The Rebels probably erased some data or what not, but the Empire would probably just rebuild. Create more monsters to their bidding if given the chance. He supposed the Rebels would bomb this place or have their Kaiju friend destroy it. Every person on the army of this planet died protecting this place, protecting this damn facility that only churned out living, walking guns. Things like him, destined to serve unwillingly without a choice.

They took that away from him, he knew his brothers and their allies would return the favor in kind. For every Clone who followed unwittingly, who were tossed aside when they were used up. Who were nothing but guns to the Empire to place them on a seat of power. They made him a murderer of children, a monster. He knew that the Rebels or even the Kaiju were going to destroy their ability to make more.

With that in mind, Caine stood his ground before he attacked first.They are toying with me,Caine thought in the back of his head.They could kill me if they wanted to right now. But they're not.

Or maybe, just maybe, they're granting me a chance to die as a soldier.

They circled around him and both Shredder and Vader brought him down to a knee before he gritted his teeth and grabbed the Fire Nation Princess by the throat and started to squeeze with all of his strength, even if he was being stabbed in the stomach by the Shredder. He didn't feel clean, not after what he learned.

Azula's eyes widened in fear before she grabbed his wrist and used her Fire Bending to burn his hand off.

"He has a name, and it's Caine."

But unlike that night he had tried to forget, he did feel something. Contentment. Resolution. Serenity. But most importantly, he felt at peace. The old Clone Trooper smiled ever so slightly as he let out his final breath and the whole world went black. That was more than he deserved, he supposed.

Every Rebel ship was counted for, though Jake's ARC-170 was shot down, and he and his wife were riding in the Ghost now with Kiri and Bolts.

"We need to go!" Kannan said as soon as he and the other two Jedi and Clone Troopers met up with them outside. "Now!"

"You are not going anywhere!" Megatron declared with a growl. "None of you are."

"This is between us, Megatron," Optimus said as he and the Autobots stood before the Decepticon Leader as did the Ninja Turtles. "These people will leave Remnant alive and on their own accord."

Megatron laughed in response and Ezra felt the Cold return. Looking past the one-armed Decepticon, he saw the dark figure of the Sith Lord walking out of the Academy as did Princess Azula and the Shredder.

"Everyone, go! Now!" Optimus ordered other Rebels. "Autobots, cover their escape."

However, just as the Ghost was taking off, it stopped all of the sudden. Ezra and a handful of others lost their footing. The young Jedi Padawan looked back and saw the Sith Lord holding a hand up out towards their ship. He was using the Force like a tractor beam!

"Let them go!" Leonardo shouted. The Airbender, Aang blasted wind at the Dark Lord. "Your fight is with us!" Aang said.

But then the ground shook from thunderous footsteps, which could only mean one thing. Suddenly a large shadow casted over Darth Vader and Azula, both of which jumped back with the Force as a large reptilian foot stomped on where they once stood. The Ghost was now free from his grip and started to continue flying.

Ezra rose to his feet as the hatch began to close. He and others saw Gojira's face staring at them, directly at them.

It was hard to tell what his expression was in his Kaiju form, but he appeared to be ushering them on, tilting his head to the sky.

Thank you, Ezra Bridger. I vow to not forget you. In this life or the next. May the Force be with you, young Jedi.

Then he turned his head to where the Sith was as the door closed. Ezra sighed before speaking without thinking, "He saved us."

Kannan seemed to agree, but he looked surprised as the others. He had a slight grin to his face. "Looks like he came around."

Gojira stared down at Darth Vader as he stood with his lightsaber in hand with the Fire Nation Princess by his side as was the Shredder and Megatron. He could sense the anger from Shredder and Megatron, the rage and envy from Azula. The hatred and anguish from Vader. A pain that was similar to his own. It burned within him, resonated outward and destroyed all that came near.

He remembered sensing their presences when he had faced against the Gojiran Kaiju Girl clones and the Cyborg Zillo Beast at the start. The puppet masters pulling the poor Kaiju Girls and monster's strings. The Rebels were free of them, but the battle would not end until these dark masters were defeated.

You all have no more science experiments to hide behind anymore, Skywalker. You and your allies have to face me yourselves now.

Like real warriors.

With that, Gojira moved to face them all properly. One last fight. One last bunch of enemies for this planet.

She had escaped him, again. Vader watched her flee on that ship. For a brief moment, he thought he had seen her looking at him, directly at him. He briefly wondered what it could mean. He brushed aside the thoughts aside and looked to the giant lizard standing before him and his allies when Alpha Predator One. He didn't feel the rage and fury from the beast as he and Azula did, the pain no longer apparent. He had changed. No doubt influence from the Jedi and the Prime.

"We do not fear you, Monster." Darth Vader declared. "Your power and strength is nothing compared to the power of the Dark Side. And I will prove it."

The Kaiju's lips curled up in what looked to be amusem*nt as he let out noises that could described as chuckles. "That, I respect." he said in a deep and powerful voice. "Despite what you've seen me do, you don't feel fear. What I sense is a mix of arrogance and confidence. Even the tin man with one arm does not fear me."

"Perhaps our fight earlier didn't show it," Megatron spoke up, hefting the Dark Star Saber in his remaining hand. "Megatron fears NO ONE!"

"Oh, you will," Gojira growled cryptically, a tone not too similar to what Yoda would in the future to a certain boy from Tatooine on Dagobah. "You will." He said, intimating a certain Dark Knight that stood before a Kryptonian.

With that, Gojira reached down a claw to grab them, but Vader struck his hand with his lightsaber while Azula blasted a bolt of lightning to his neck. The Shredder jumped up and stabbed his titanium blades into Gojira's arm. Gojira recoiled as if pricked by a needle. He lunged again and Megatron slashed at his claw.

Gojira drew his hand back before stomping his foot down on the ground, sending a cloud of dust and snow at the Sith and his allies. The shockwave nearly pushed Vader, Shredder and Azula back while Megatron fired at Gojira's face.


Gojira roared down at them. Vader responded with flinging his lightsaber at the Kaiju's eye. Azula did the same, aiming for the throat.

Gojira recoiled with a slight wince, scratching at his face as Vader and Azula's blades returned to their hands. Vader reached a hand up and constrict it.

Gojira's eyes widened as he suddenly felt an invisible iron grip on his throat. He clawed at his throat, getting a strong sense of Deja vu of facing the Dark Phoenix and Cassandra Nova. And his brother in their human forms the first time. Vader used his other hand to tighten the grip and then Azula joined him. But Gojira was resisting further.

"Die," the two Siths growled. "Just. DIE."

Gojira looked down at them, seeming to hear that.You want to know the difference between us, Skywalker?He growled.

I'm not alone.

A familiar black jet flew into view. The Bat Wing. A missile launched from the Bat Wing and exploded right in front of the group. Megatron was then punched by Optimus Prime while Aang blasted Azula in the front by a large gust of wind. The Turtles attacked the Shredder. The Bat Wing flew around before the Batman jumped out of the co*ckpit and glided down towards the Shredder and kicked the ninja master in the chest.

With a powerful roar, Gojira spun around, slamming his tail into Darth Vader. The blow, while shielded by the Force, sent Vader flying serval hundred feet in the air. Through the Force, Vader controlled his flight, doing his best to avoid any solid objects. He ended up crashing through the windows of the CCT of Atlas Academy, more specifically, General Ironwood's office and then slammed into the ground beyond the Academy. Through the Force he had been able to cushion his landing, but it still hurt. He rose back up and saw Gojira stomping through the Academy while staring at him. He raised his head as a blue glow shining at his back and blue energy building in his mouth. Sensing what was coming, Vader raised his arms.

The Atomic Breath lashed out at Vader, destroying any buildings that were in the way. Vader remained standing though, using the Force as a shield to block the deadly radioactive beam. His cape burned at the edges, his muscles strained, and his armor felt like it was about to melt. But the Force protected him, pushing the fire away from him and redirecting it around him like a Fire Bender. When it subsided at last, Vader knelt to the ground and looked as Gojira crushed the ground beneath him with a tremendous stomp. The earth split open and Vader ran to avoid being swallowed by the encroaching quake. Gojira moved to chase him and then struck the ground with a powerful punch. The shockwave caught the Sith Lord by surprise, sending him tumbling across the earth.

When he stopped, he stood back up and stared the Kaiju down. With all his power, Vader began sending debris of all kinds hurtling towards Alpha Predator One. Remains of fighters, Atlassian mech suits and air ships, pieces of buildings, tanks, Walkers, broken Rebel attack vehicles, he sent them all cascading towards the approaching Kaiju. The beast refused to relent, marching forward, even as debris smashed into his face.

When the male Gojiran neared, he threw a punch to Vader with his fist for his transgressions. The Sith Lord avoided the attack and then lunged forward, rushing up the Kaiju's arm. Gojira tried to stomp him out with his other hand, but the Sith moved faster than one would expect, propelling himself upwards with the Force. He reached the side of Gojira's neck and stabbed into it with his blade. The massive reptile roared and tried to slap the Dark Lord. Vader quickly forced himself onwards and upwards, avoiding the attack.

He may have been only a bug to this Kaiju, but even an insect could bring down a massive predator if it struck where it counted.

He moved towards the Kaiju's eye, finally staring into the face of his enemy. Gojira looked at him just before Vader plunged his saber directly into the eyeball of Alpha Predator One. Gojira bellowed in pain and tried to claw the Sith off his face. Vader just pushed himself upwards and landed on the top of the monster's head. He began stabbing and slashing down into Gojira's skull, intending to break through to the brain.

Gojira decided on another course of action, he slammed his head into a nearby building. The crash sent Darth Vader hurtling off the Saurian, through the rest of the structure and onto the roof of another. When he managed to stand back up, Gojira stood before him in his human form, the spikes of his pitch black armor standing up on end, staring not out of anger or rage, but sheer will.

"I will not fall to you, or anyone," he declared, pulling out his katana and red flames ignited around the blade.

Vader intended to prove him wrong. "You will die," he declared coldly before reigniting his lightsaber and charged forward.

Both men in black armor charged at one another, blood red blades swinging and slashing, parrying and blocking at one another.

If Aang was being honest, he was completely terrified of facing against a Fire Bender who had the intent to kill him and a pair of swords that cut through his staff. Because one, he never fought anyone who wanted to seriously injury him at the most his whole life and two, in his perspective, the world did not suffer a hundred-year war and he had friends in the Fire Nation.

The downsides of being frozen in ice apparently.

At least no one on his side of the fight was really hurt. But the one-armed Decepticon was really proving to be quite the challenge for the ones called the Autobots, most of them were beaten save for the one named Optimus Prime. Oh and the Turtles were being beaten by the Shredder.

Those were his thoughts until he was thrown into the air by some invisible force and he landed on the ground. He groaned as he felt his Aura giving away. He opened his eyes and gasped as he saw the Fire Bender woman running towards him and she connected her two lightsabers together at the hilts and turned them into a staff.

Aang was now more terrified than before and jealous at the same time.

"You picked the wrong time to come out of retirement, Dark Knight." Shredder said to Batman as they pushed against one another before the ninja master shoved the Bat back.

Qrow backflipped away from Shredder and briefly looked around at the ruins of Atlas Academy and the city. "Seems like the perfect time to come out of retirement." he remarked drily.

"Then you have chosen death," Shredder replied. He charged forward and slashed at Batman with his wrist blades. Batman ducked and weaved past and away from the blades before he caught Shredder's hand and then snapped the blades off the gauntlet with his Aura powered hands.

Shredder pulled back and threw a punch only for Batman to lean back while jabbing his fist into Shredder's shoulder at the deltoid, he maneuvered around and did the same technique on the back of the Shredder's deltoid.

"A nerve bundle," Shredder deduced in an impressed tone. "Clever, Detective." The technique may not have hurt him, but he would not be able to move his left arm. For someone without Aura, it would have taken months to recover, but for someone with strong Aura like Oroku Saki, it would take a couple of weeks to recover.

Shredder let out a battle cry and jumped up to deliver a series of brutal kicks to the Batman that blocked them with his hands. Shredder forced him to backpedal before he punched him in the chest, followed by a cross punch to the face and then a backhand. He then grabbed the Bat by the head and forced him down to his rising knee.

Batman grunted in pain as he stumbled back before the Shredder gave him an upper cut to the face and sent him sliding back on the courtyard sidewalk. The Dark Knight groaned as his Aura flickered.

The Shredder walked to him and planted his foot on the Bat's chest. "As I said, Dark Knight." he stated coldly. "You have chosen death when you came out of retirement." He raised his right hand up, wrist blades extending out. He plunged the blades down, only for Batman to catch the blades in his hands before they could stab through his chest.

"You don't get it, Shredder," Batman growled defiantly as he forced Shredder's foot off of him and he stood up, snapping the wrist blades. He gave Shredder a headbutt. "The Empire is being burned off Remnant." he said as Shredder stumbled back.

"This is no longer a school courtyard." Batman went on as he kicked the feet out from under Shredder and punched him down to the ground, shattering his Aura and the concrete beneath him. "It's an operating table."

Shredder tried to shove the Dark Knight off of him, but Batman grabbed his hand and moved into an armlock with his arms and legs. "And like my father before me, I'm the surgeon." He then broke the Shredder's arm.

Oroku Saki screamed out in pain before Batman climbed onto him, channeled his remaining Aura to his fists and started punching the Shredder in the face. The first set of five began to dent his helmet. The next five cracked it until it split open. Batman punched him in the face before he turned around, wrapped his limbs around Shredder's leg and pulled until there was a sickeningCRUNCHheard.

Something in the back of my mind tells me to stop with the right leg,Qrow thought to himself. . .

. . . I don't listen to it.


Then he went back to punching the Shredder's face with his hands three more times. He stopped, panting heavily. The Dark Knight Rises to his feet(HA! See what I did there?)slowly, looking down at his handiwork before walking away.

Megatron headbutted Optimus and then managed to force his Star Saber to his throat with his own, causing the Prime to let out a groan of pain.

"We were brothers once," Megatron said in a bitter tone.

"Once," Optimus agreed in the same tone before pushing Megatron off of him and then back kicked him off the edge of Atlas and he fell down to the surface of Remnant.

"You know, I read about you Sith Lords," Gojira said, locking blades with Darth Vader. "How it seems you have fallen from what your ancestors stood for." He pushed Vader back before Tail Whipping him in the face before leaning back and double dropkicked him.

"You understand nothing!" Vader shouted before swinging his lightsaber.

"Then educate me," Gojira retorted before punching Vader in the chest, right where his control panel was, cracking it and making the Sith wheeze. He picked up his sword and then slashed off the left side of Vader's helmet.

"I've met countless others who believed they deserved power," Gojira went on as Vader dropped to his knee in pain and holding his face. "Some of them worked to the bone, to loose their souls for power. Loose their friends. Loose their families for the sake of power. What makes you so different than everyone else?"

Darth Vader shook in silent rage before turning to glare at the Saurian human hybrid with a sickly yellow eye. "Because Ikilledmy family!" he shouted. Gojira turned around to face with an impassive expression. Vader looked down. "I. . . lost everything. Everyone to gain power I was promised when I betrayed everything I believed in."

Gojira tilted his head. "Is that why you don't fear death?" he asked.

". . . I have nothing to lose," Vader replied.

Gojira hummed in response before sheathing his sword. "Take it from me, Anakin." he replied as he turned away. "Everyone always has something to lose."

With that he walked away from the Sith Lord and morphed into his Kaiju form and size. Vader looked at his retreating form, his eye becoming electric blue before he lowered his head.

Gojira walked up to the top of the mountain behind Atlas and then let out a roar to the sky and blasted his Atomic Breath to the sky.

Kara saw it with her X-ray vision and then instructed the Spirit of Creation to fix Queen Ghidorah's flying fortress. With that, Atlas began to drop from the sky.

Gojira growled and stomped towards the edge and jumped off the now falling city, the Kaiju Girls that don't fly followed his example. They all landed in the same location as the city landed, partially on Mantle and the other half fitting in the Crater.

The Arctic water almost flooded over the cities but Biollante and Mothra stopped the water and instead made an ice wall out of it. One that the Autobots climbed over.

"Could have given us a warning about the city being dropped," Raph said bitterly to the Kaiju with a glare.

"Pretty sure I did when I roared." Gojira remarked drily. The red masked turtle flipped off his middle finger in response.

"They could rebuild or make a new city out of the two cities," Gamera said sagely as they stared at the remains of the two cities.

"Perhaps," Gojira said in agreement. He paused and looked over to where the civilians and the remains of the Atlassian Military had gathered not too far from them. He heard movement and saw more Kaiju Girls, not just Shin and Snow Godzilla that have just awakened.

He had read about these ones, some were guardians of nature just like the Guardian Monsters, others were destroyers.

Behemoth, Manda, Tiamat, Femuto, Queen Muto, Scylla, Methuselah, Varan, Quetzalcoatl, Gorosaurus, Baragon, Zilla, Titanosaurus, even beings he had fought. Penny Polendina in her Kaiju size, Ginormica and Insectosaurus. And there were dragons like the Cannibal, a Titan Wing Bewilderbeast, a Red Death, a Titan Wing Screaming Death, a Submariper, a Shellfire.

But then there was a mutated Tyrannosaurus Rex with familiar scars that almost stood to his height but lacked any dorsal fins.

"You want peace?" he asked everyone, including the humans. "Or do you all want a war?"

Among them stood Winter Schnee, Team JNPR and the Reds and Blues. Gojira looked directly at them with a firm glare. Winter stared up and swallowed before making her decision. She got down on one knee and bowed her head.

"Long live the King." she declared.

Jaune and his new team copied her movement and gestured. "Long live the King."

The Reds and Blues followed suit as did Batman, Optimus Prime and the Autobots. "Long live the King." they declared.

Soon all the soldiers and civilians started bowing down the same way and repeating the same thing.

"Long live the King."

Gojira snorted and turned to the Kaiju Girls and Dragons gathered around. "Anyone else?" he growled.

Rexy and the Cannibal stared before bowing their heads first. Shin and Snow Godzilla followed suit before the red and black clad Gojiran Kaiju Girl looked up to him. "Thank you for freeing me and my sister . . . my King." she bowed her head. Snow looked up to him nervously like a nervous teen and nodded at him.

Soon all the Kaiju Girls and the dragons gathered began to bow before Gojira as he looked at them all one by one.

After a moment, Gojira raised his head up before roaring high to the heavens, declaring victory over all. The Empire is gone from Remnant, it was now his kingdom. His Dominion. And like Earth, he will defend it, and all in it, human, Faunus, dragon, Kaiju, Benders, non-Benders, spirits, and the superpowered from evil within and out. Because that's who he is now.

A Force of Nature, her Agent of Justice and Defender. Her Wrath. God of Destruction in all glory and horror. Keeper and Bringer of Balance.

A real King of Monsters.

He had a feeling, no, he knew that Mothra and the others were proud of him if they saw him now. He had accepted a new role, a new purpose. One that was greater than what he once believed he could be.

Humans were inherently selfish, greedy, arrogant and destructive. However, those were not traits that defined them. He had been reminded of that now. They had a right to live on this planet as much as anything.

"They stumble," Clark had said to him once.

"They make mistakes," Thor told him.

"But they have the capacity to change. They have the capacity to be so much more." Peter said that. Mothra said that. Steve said that. Diana said that. Jason, Raleigh, Miki, Charles and so much more have said that to him.

The Jedi and the Prime had shown him that. Reminded him of what he had perhaps ignored after the Civil War of the Superheroes, after he left the Avengers.

Maybe punishment no longer sufficed. Maybe what they really need was an example. Or at least a chance.

He thought of the young Jedi child, Ezra Bridger, who had given him his own second chance. Who opened him to another way. Perhaps a better way. He could find the peace he sought for years, the justice he wanted, if only he let go of that which he clung to. The rage and anger would probably always be there, but he did not need it to survive. There were other things he could put his faith in. His new allies, his own memories of pleasant times, and maybe hope for a better future. If only a little.

He did not know if this Force was real, if it was like what Ezra had claimed it to be. But he had just had a connection to creatures he thought were all petty and foolish. He had felt their compassion, their drive, will and it had given him new strength. All because of the actions of the young Jedi Ezra. He had helped him discover something deep inside himself he had forgotten.

And he will make sure to not forget it so easily.


Chapter 16: Epilogue


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"And you are certain that there is nothing salvageable?"

"Yes, my Master," Darth Vader answered as he knelt before the image of the Emperor Sheev Palpatine. "There is nothing left of the Zillo Beast or its genetic material. The destruction of Atlas and Mantle saw to that."

"Everything of value in the Academy was destroyed." Princess Azula added.

"And the Kaiju all bowed to this. . . Gojira?" The Emperor asked next. "General Schnee and the other leaders of Remnant are not responding to our calls?"

"Yes," Vader replied.

"And what of Shredder? Megatron?"

"There is no sign of them," Azula replied. "The Batman may not have killed Shredder, but the Foot may have taken him to one of his secret bases. Megatron is missing and Starscream had declared to be the new leader and the Decepticons have left our forces."

"This is of no consequence," the Emperor assured them. "The Rebels have only forced us to place more resources towards our true endeavors. We will find other ways of maintaining order in the meantime."

Both Vader and Azula supposed that he was right. But Vader couldn't shake the nagging feeling. Something he head thought of after everything was done.

"Did you suspect any of the project leads or staff to be working with the Rebels?" he asked. "That the project was compromised?"

"The possibility did cross my mind." The Emperor admitted. "It would explain the delays in the project. At the very least, your actions routed out the traitor in the end. They are no longer a concern."

"Yes, but did you suspect a Rebel attack was forthcoming?" Vader pressed further. "Is that why you really sent me? In an attempt to insure their destruction in some manner?"

Vader's thoughts were not with precedent, Azula knew that. Darth Sidious had done similar things in the past. It was not without reason that he'd have plans within plans.

More importantly to Vader, a part of him had started to wonder why he had been sent along with Azula and not someone else. Did he suspect who it would draw out? The Emperor himself seemed to sense his feelings on the matter.

"You believe I was offering you an opportunity to capture Skywalker's Apprentice," Palpatine inferred. "As well as crush the fledgling Rebellion you had frightened away from Lothal."

Azula frowned, looking away at the mention of the other apprentice. Former apprentice, she reminded herself. "It has occurred to me as a likely explanation," Vader answered promptly.

"I was not fully certain of what would occur," the Emperor assured him. "Let alone the intrusion of this Gojira, if that is what you are insinuating. I merely felt its possibility. As I told you time and again, Lord Vader, what events I foresee are for me alone to know in full. What I do with that information is for me to decide."

"I would have been more prepared had I known she would arrive," Vader elaborated.

"It was not a certain vision," the Emperor snapped back. "I didn't wish for you to endanger the project with a potential miscalculation of my knowledge. And in any case, how can you be sure she was there?"

Darth Vader raised his head and looked sternly at his Master. "I am certain that it was her," he assured. "It could no other Jedi."

"Ex-Jedi, if your suspicions are true," Palpatine corrected. "She has grown more powerful than we realized. She and the other would-be Jedi are a threat that grows ever greater with each passing moment."

"They will not evade us forever," Azula spoke up. Vader nodded in agreement. "They will be found. She will be found. And then she will lead us to others, such as Kenobi."

"Do not let your desire for revenge against your former Master cloud your mind, my friend," the Emperor warned. "Hatred is an important tool of the Sith but its power is not always enough and can blind you as much as free you. As you learned when you fought the Gojiran Kaiju. You must hone your hatred and rage, use it as an extension of your power and not a brute club to plow through your enemies. All power requires precision in its applications."

"I understand, Master," Vader assured. "I will not let it happen again." He bowed his head once more, Azula followed suit. Emperor Palpatine nodded in appreciation.

"Inform your Inquisitors of this development," he ordered. "They are to scour the Galaxy until Skywalker's Apprentice and the Jedi she has aligned with are found. There will be nowhere they can hide from us."

"Yes, my Master." Darth Vader agreed. "A final question though, what are your thoughts on the male Gojiran?"

The Emperor stroked his chin. "A powerful creature indeed," he admitted. "Had he been defeated, he would've made an excellent replacement for the pawn he killed. His decision to stay on Remnant removes him as an immediate concern, but he has given the Rebellion a false sense of hope. They will grow bolder because of him. We must prevent this from spreading as much as possible. All information concerning Remnant will be suppressed. Any knowledge will be denied. With any luck, the Kaiju's existence will fade from memory now that Remnant is no longer under our rule."

"And if another like him rises?" Vader asked. "Or he decides to leave Remnant?"

"By then, my Apprentice, it will be far too late." the Emperor replied. "Tarkin's work is almost complete now. When it is finished, no Rebellion or Kaiju will be able to stand against us. We need only bide our time for the moment. We shall prevail in the end, I have foreseen it."

Both Vader and Azula rose as the hologram faded. The latter left the room while the former moved back to his command chair. There were other matters to attend to. Namely Rebels to squash and an Apprentice to hunt down.

But he thought back to the Kaiju's words. Everybody has something to lose. What did that mean? Why say that to him?

Perhaps time will tell.

The Galactic Rebels have left Remnant. The White Fang, the Autobots and the Southern Water Tribe Warriors have stayed. The survivors of the battle told their side of the story and with help of Robyn Hill's Semblance, MONARCH's knowledge, the truth of the Galactic Empire's nature and reasoning for coming to Remnant was revealed to the people of the Kingdoms and Nations.

Not soon after, the Decepticons have disappeared without much of a trace. And Vought International was shut down once revealed to be a company supplying the Empire with people with powerful combat Semblances along with DNA samples of almost every powerful superhero.

Those that died, from the battle or from the Kaiju attack on Union City were all mourned, with a memorial dedicated to Spiderman, along with the heroes that were killed by the Empire. There was one funeral service held for a soldier that went by the name of Caine.

While this was happening, the Decepticon Warship flew in secret, away from civilization. The location known only to a few.

That few was mainly the Foot Clan.

A black manta airship flew towards the warship with the symbol of the Foot Clan and landed on the deck. Foot soldiers walked out and formed two lines as a young woman with black hair stepped out of the ship wearing black and gray clothes and a katana sheathed on her back.

"Greetings, Karai." Starscream greeted, accompanied by Soundwave, Shockwave, Breakdown and Knockout.

"Starscream," Karai greeted back stiffly.

"It is Lord Starscream now," the Decepticon seeker corrected haughtily. "Lord Megatron perished during the destruction of Atlas and Mantle." he said 'sadly.'

"I see," Karai replied, glancing over to Soundwave before looking back to the new 'leader' of the Decepticons. "My apologies, Lord Starscream." she bowed her head slightly. "But may I ask why you summoned me? With my father in critical care, the Foot is in disarray."

"Of course, and I wish Shredder a speedy recovery," Starscream replied in a 'sympathetic tone.' "I just thought it would be in your best interest that you know who did it."

"It doesn't come as a surprise that the Turtles had bested him," Karai replied dismissively. "He has been gone for more than four years since the Empire came to Remnant."

"I see your point, but it wasn't the Turtles that put your father in that critical condition," Starscream shook his head, getting Karai to tilt her head at him. The Decepticon seeker placed the back of his hand on head dramatically. "It was the superhero known as Batman."

Karai's eyes widened as she stiffened. Soundwave's 'face' showed the picture of the older bat themed vigilante. She stared at the photo before her eyes narrowed and her hands clenched. She took a deep breath and exhaled. "I appreciate the information, Lord Starscream, but the Foot is in no position to take on the Batman." she said as she moved to turn around and walk back to her ship.

"It will when you know the right information," Starscream replied with a devious smirk. Karai paused and turned her head to look at him with one eye. "His name. . . is Qrow Branwen-Wayne."

Karai's visible eye widens before narrowing. She let out a hum before turning away and continued walking back to her ship.

Kara settled in at a house in Anima, not too far and not too close to the cities. Courtesy of the Bull Faunus' family company. She first pondered how to cook and read some instructions before she paused. She heard something approaching fast in the air. She narrowed her eyes before quickly donning her suit and flew out the window and got ready to confront the thing that approached.

Only to freeze when she saw it was a young man wearing a blue Kryptonian skinsuit with red boots, matching cape and a red S on his chest. She stared at him in shock and he stared back. She was about to ask if he was really her little cousin Kal all grown up before she saw that he had a darker skin tone and different eye color. But she vaguely remembered him from Krypton.

"Oz-Dar?" she asked.

"Yeah, I go by Oscar Pine, but yeah, I'm Oz of House Dar," the male Kryptonian nodded his head to her. He moves closer to her. "How you younger than me? I don't mean to sound rude but you were older than me when the three of us left Krypton."

"The destruction sent my pod into the Phantom Zone," Kara replied. "I stayed in there for twelve years, I suppose, before crashing here two years ago."

"Oh." Oz/Oscar replied. Kara moved closer. "Is my cousin here?" she asked.

He shook his head. Kara looked down. "When did you get here? And why are you wearing something from my House?" Kara asked.

"There's a Scout ship up north," Oscar replied. "It's part of your House as well. And I've been here since Krypton."

"Why didn't you help me then?" Kara asked.

"I was off world," he replied shamefully. "There were so many superheroes before me, it seemed pointless for me to be here. But there were other worlds that weren't like this one, and there was 'evidence' that Krypton wasn't really destroyed. That it still exists, that our people still exist."

Kara's eyes widened. "But I saw the destruction myself," she said.

"And I saw what's left of it," Oscar replied. He crossed his arms. "Someone gave me false information. So that I would leave Remnant."

"And the Empire came," Kara deduced. "When did you get back?"

"Just two days ago." Oscar replied. "The Global Defense Agency Director informed me of what happened and then I saw footage of you. I followed your trail and came here as soon as I could. Didn't uh, expect to be a bit older than you."

Kara chuckled in response. "Well, I was about to cook something to eat, but I don't really know how this whole world operates. Can you lend me a hand?"

"Hm? Oh! Sure," Oscar replied. "I can show you the ropes of this place."

Kara tilted her head. "The ropes?" she repeated.

"It's an expression." Oscar said with a chuckle. "Trust me, Kara, I know this place like the back of my hand." He paused saw a bird on his wrist. "Oh, that's new."

Two weeks later

Gojira knew these Kaiju were very human like, other than their bodies and clothing, (Which is questionable.) but he did not expect there to be a small village on Monster Island.

He briefly wondered why something like this wasn't made back on Earth. Especially since the Kaiju there could do it. Perhaps they wanted to draw a line? Eh, who knows. Actually, with their daily lives and the Gargantuan Twins' antics, Kaiju sized houses will just be pointless to make on Monster Island.

But he met a few Kaiju that he knew didn't exist back on Earth. Tiamat, Behemoth, Methuselah, Scylla. All of them female. Again. And so were the Gargantuan Twins. If they're anything like the Twins he knew, he's already suspecting pranks and impractical jokes in the future.

And then there was a pair of feral Kaiju that were not humanoids like the others. And males.

But they were domesticated pets.

An Ion Dragon and Deuterious, a fish-rat Kaiju that Gojira is pretty sure he had eaten somewhere in the late 1980's.

They weren't a threat to him, just a pair of Kaiju that acted like a cat with wings and a rat that had a lightbulb on its head.

"The only thing annoying about the rat is that he keeps playing fetch with me," he said to Godzilla and Mothra.

"That doesn't sound too bad," Mothra tried to say while Godzilla shrugged her shoulders.

"No, not with me. WITH me!" Gojira stressed. "I throw a tree and say fetch, the little rat grabs my leg/tail and runs like Hell."

The two Kaiju Girls stare at him blankly while the Kaiju Children are heard giggling and laughing.

"It's not funny!" he tried to snap angrily at them but smiled despite his anger at the Rat-Fish Kaiju. He looks back to Godzilla and Mothra. "You think this sand on me is from my time sleeping outside? No, the little bastard tried burying me twice in the f*cking beach!"

Both Godzilla and Mothra began to laugh in amusem*nt and Gojira sulked.They're laughing. And I'm sure somewhere out there back on Earth, they're laughing at me too!he thought to himself.

He shook his head and pointed at the children 'threateningly.' "Teach that little rat to play fetch properly or I-"

And just then Deuterious grabbed onto his tail with his jaws and began to drag him away as soon as Gojira said the word fetch.

If he keeps this up, I'm going to eat him,Gojira thought as the Rat-Fish Kaiju stuffed him down a giant well.

"Well, I sure as Hell didn't expect to see the new King of monsters like this."

Gojira looked to the platform nearby and saw Cecil Stedman and Michael Ozpin. The Director of the Global Defense Agency and the Headmaster of Beacon Academy. "Cecil Stedman, Ozpin." he grunted as he pulled himself out of the well and stood to his full height. "Your Hammer satellite is powerful." He remarked to Cecil, recalling the giant laser beam that had shot him four times when he was trapped with the Oxygen Destroyer. "Do what do I owe this pleasure?"

"We'd like to talk about how things will go," Ozpin replied. "You feed on radioactive power, and our Dust reactors work as excellent substitutes."

"But they're also powering cities and are often in populated areas now," Cecil added. "So, wekindlyask that you don't go around taking away people's power and destroy cities in your Kaiju form."

"'Kindly ask?'" Gojira tilted his head.

"Shove your way around here, we'll shove back." Cecil replied. Gojira snorted derisively but was impressed. This man reminded him of a mixture of General Ross and Director Fury. Maybe even a bit of Amanda Waller.

In other words, dangerous if Gojira wasn't careful.

But he wasn't in the mood for being careful. "There's no one on this planet that can challenge me." he declared boldly.

"You haven't faced everyone on this planet," Cecil pointed out. "If two superheroes can prove to be a challenge as humans, I'm confident there will others that can go toe to claw with you."

Gojira's lips curled up in a grin. "Send them all." Prove that they can defend Remnant.

Cecil and Ozpin stared up at him before they nodded in acceptance. "As you wish, Gojira." Ozpin said before the two men teleported away.

And someone else took their spot.

They were roughly above three feet, and not human but a bipedal hedgehog with red eyes, black fur, red streaks on his quills, a white tuff of fur on his chest, white gloves with yellow rings on his chest, white and red shoes. He walked to the edge to look at Gojira with an air of confidence.

"It's been a long time since someone made the world this nervous." Shadow the Hedgehog said. "Gojira." he nods his head up to him.

Gojira's grin became. Absolutely.







And that concludes "Meet A Real King Of The Monsters" Book 1: The King Meets the Kaiju Girls. What do you think?

For those that don't know

The Ion Dragon is a Titan from the Apple Plus TV series "Monarch: Legacy of Monsters."

Deuterious is a unused Kaiju concept from Godzilla vs Biollante that Godzilla would fight in the ocean, and eat him. Hence what Gojira's general reaction is.

The Empire is gone from Remnant, the Decepticons still remain and it seems the Foot may be targeting Batman/Qrow Branwen-Wayne.

Gojira is at Monster Island and meets Shadow, the Ultimate Lifeform.

Meet A Real King of Monsters-Book 1: The King Meets the Kaiju Girls - GojiraFan455515 (2024)


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Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.