hospital administration - 英中 – Linguee词典 (2024)

(f) administrative

[...] services including hospital administration, admissions, staff [...]

accommodation and medical records, etc.

(f) 政支援,包括醫院行政、院行政 、職 員宿舍及醫 療紀錄等。

(a) Plans for the redevelopment of the Haven of Hope Hospital have been developed in close

[...] consultation with the hospital administration.

(a) 重新發展靈實醫院的各項計劃,是經過緊密諮 局而 立的

A doctor once admitted an AIDS patient for

[...] treatment but the patient was ordered to leave by the hospital administration.

曾有㆒位醫生收了㆒名愛滋病㆟ 院接 受治 療,也被 院行 局㆘ 驅逐 出院。

Graduates from the Health Care Diploma will


be able to work in a doctor’s

[...] office, clinic or hospital administration managing the [...]

day-to-day processing of paperwork and administration duties.

医疗保健大专文凭的毕业生可以在医生办公室,诊所 行政管 理上 处理每日文书与管理职务。

Ms. Chang's professional experiences


in the United States, Taiwan and China span

[...] over academia, hospital administration, consulting and [...]

the commercial sector.

Chang女士曾在美国、中国和台湾地区就职,在学术 、医 院管 理、 咨询 及商业领域积累了丰富的专业经验。

Ms LI Fung-ying held the view that the indirect cost borne by the


patients, such as the time they

[...] stayed in the hospital for administration of intravenous [...]

(IV) chemotherapy, should be taken


into account when determining the cost effectiveness of a drug.

李鳳英議員認為,在評定某藥物的成本效 益時,亦應把病人承擔的間接成本(例 接受脈注 射化療療程的住院時間)列入考慮。

The United Nations provides employment for around 2,500 workers in Mogadishu


to rehabilitate basic

[...] infrastructure, such as a hospital, a district administration office, markets, [...]

schools and roads.

联合国为摩加迪沙的约 2 500 名工人提供就业机会,以重建基本的基础设施, 如医院、室、市场 、学校和公路。

With more than 40 years in the health care industry, Bruce Frederick brings extensive national and international hospital management experience in the operations of multi-institutional acute


care settings, including medical

[...] center planning, hospital administration, patient care, ambulatory [...]

care services administration,


program development, quality improvement, facility planning, human resource issues, and broad fiscal responsibility.

Bruce Frederick在医疗行业拥有40多年的从业经验,他将自己在国内和国际医院管理方面的丰富经验运用到 多制度下急症医疗机构的运作中,包括医疗中心的规划、 医院管 理、 患者治疗、 治疗 服务 管理、项目开发、质量改进、设施规划、人力资源问题以及广泛的财务责任等。

of the latest situation of the implementation the cooperation agreement on the field of Chinese medicine signed by the authorities and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2007, with a breakdown of the relevant implementation situation in seven areas, namely strategy for the development of Chinese medicine, policy statutes on Chinese medicine, development of collaboration between Chinese and Western medicine, standards of Chinese


medicine, training for Chinese medicine

[...] practitioners, hospital administration as well as organization [...]

of cultural exchange and


science and technology activities in Chinese medicine; whether it will consider reviewing the content of the agreement to further strengthen cooperation

當局與國家中醫藥管理局於2007年簽署關於中醫藥領域的合作協議的最新落實情況,並按中醫藥發展的策略、 中醫藥政策法規、中西醫協作的發展、中醫藥標準、中醫師 、醫 管理 辦中 醫藥文化交流及科普活動等7方面列出有關的落實情況;會否考慮檢討協議的內容,以進一步加強合作

In his briefing on the policy initiatives of the Health, Welfare and Food Bureau (HWFB) on 20 January 2005, the Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food (SHWF) informed members that taking into account operational experience of three


Chinese medicine clinics

[...] operating in Hospital Authority (HA) hospitals, the Administration aimed to increase [...]

the number of Chinese


medicine clinics to no fewer than six in 2005-06 by stages.

生福利及食物局局長在2005年 1月 20日簡介生福利及食物

[...] 局的施政措施時告知委員,考慮到醫院管理局(下稱“醫管局”) 下醫院 開的3間中醫診所的運作經政府 局的 目標是在2005至 06年度分 階段把中醫診所的數目增加至不少於6間。

In disposing the four reserved

[...] sites for private hospital development, the Administration would impose appropriate [...]

conditions such


that the healthcare services provided by those future private hospitals could well meet the healthcare needs of the middle-class people in Hong Kong.

政府當局在批出4幅預留土地發 展家醫院時會訂 定合適的條件,例如日後落成 的私家醫院提供的醫療服務要充分滿足香港中產 人士的醫療需要。

The hospital component of the training and administration costs for running the programme will [...]

be absorbed by the HA within


its existing available resources.

至於該項課程提供訓練 及所需的經費,則會由調動現有 資源支付。

13.10 Mr WONG Kwok-hing expressed concern that during continuous outsourcing of public services to the private sector, in particular services provided by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Food and Environmental


Hygiene Department, Housing

[...] Department and Hospital Authority, the Administration had failed to [...]

ensure adequate wage protection


for workers employed by the contractors.

13.10 王國興議員關注到,政府當局不斷向私營機構外判公共 服務(特別是康樂及文化事務署、食物環境衞生署、房屋 及醫 理局所提供 的服務),但其間未有確保承辦商所聘用的工人 可獲得足夠的工資保障。

Since its

[...] takeover of the administration of hospitals, the Hospital Authority has [...]

neither formulated an official manpower


establishment nor a method of calculation therefor.

醫 管自接管醫院後,㆒直都 沒有正式的㆟手編制,也沒有訂定㆒個計算的方法。

Except for the Medical Services Industry where support was mainly through the


provision of land to

[...] encourage private hospital development, the Administration would earmark $250 [...]

million for the Government


Scholarship Fund and $100 million for a five-year pilot scheme to subsidize local students to participate in short-term internship or learning programmes in the Mainland under the Education Services Industry.

除了 醫療服務產業是透過供應土地鼓勵發展 營醫院作為 主要的 支援措施外,政府局會在教 育服務產業之下為政府獎學基金 預留2億 5,000萬元,以及預留1億元推行為期5年的先導計劃, [...]


Some members were

[...] concerned that the Administration might be using private hospital development to [...]

reduce its funding to


public healthcare system to ease the imbalance between the public and private healthcare sectors.

部分委員關政府當局可能利 用發展私 營醫 院, 少給 予公共醫 療體系的撥款,以紓緩公私營醫療界別的失衡情況。

17.5 SHWF said that in order to


relieve the financial pressure

[...] faced by the Hospital Authority (HA), the Administration had already increased [...]

the provisions to HA


in the past few years to meet the public need for specialist services among others.

17.5 衞生福利及食物局局長表示,為 緩醫 院管 理局 (下稱 "醫管局")面對的財政壓力,府當 局在過去數年已增加醫管局 的撥款,以應付市民對醫療服務(包括專科服務)的需求。

At the same time, the Administration and the Hospital Authority have [...]

been actively looking at ways to boost the size of the Samaritan Fund.

同時當局和理局 亦正積 極研究方法,以期增加撒瑪利亞基金的金額。

However, in view of the special needs of the children in distress who were temporarily housed


in RMH awaiting

[...] transfer to the Prince of Wales Hospital for treatment, the Administration agreed in this exceptional [...]

case to provide the


windows of RMH with thicker panes to protect the children from exposure to excessive noise.


[...] 鑒於那些臨時居住在麥當 勞叔叔之家 、 等 候轉送往威爾 斯親醫院接受治療的 困苦兒 童有特殊需 要府當局 同意在這個例外的個案中 ,為麥當 勞叔叔之家 的 窗戶裝 設更厚 [...]

的 玻璃,以免 他 們 需 承受過 量 的噪音。

Medical doctor, School of Medicine, University of Our Lady of the Rosary (1989); specialization in toxicology, School of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires (1990); specialization in occupational toxicology (1997), University


Teacher’s Certificate

[...] (1998); diplomas in hospital management (1998) and social security administration (1999), University [...]

of Our Lady of


the Rosary; diploma in toxicological emergencies, FUNDASALUD (1998); Master’s in social services management, Alcala de Henares University (2002).


[...] 年);圣母玫瑰大学职业毒理学专科(1997 年)、大学教师证书(1998 年);圣母玫瑰理证书(1998 年)和社会障管理证书(1999 年);促进 健康基金会毒理学紧急情况证书(1998 [...]

年);社会服务管理硕士,阿尔卡拉德恩纳 斯大学(2002 年)。

Its facilities

[...] will include administration buildings, 13 faculties, a 700-bed student hospital, laboratories, [...]

research centres,


and residential areas for students and staff.

其设施大楼13 个系,700个床位的学生 院, 实验 室,研究中心和为学生及教职员工提供的住宅区。

Under Secretary for Food and Health ("USFH"), Controller, Centre for Health Protection ("Controller, CHP") and Chief Manager (Cluster Performance), Hospital Authority briefed members on the latest influenza situation in Hong Kong


and the strategy and measures

[...] adopted by the Administration and the Hospital Authority ("HA") [...]

for the prevention and control


of influenza, details of which were set out in the Administration's paper (LC Paper No. CB(2)973/10-11(03)).


[...] 及醫院管理局總行政經理(聯網運作)向委員簡介本 港流感的最新情況,以及政府當局 理局 (下" 管局") 採取的預防及控制流感的策略和措 [...]

施,詳情載於政府當局的文件( 立法會 CB(2)973/10-11(03)號文件)。

According to the Administration, as "any hospital or similar institution which is [...]

maintained or controlled by the Crown"


refers to those maintained or controlled by the then Hong Kong Government as well as the former British Forces stationed in Hong Kong, it is proposed to be adapted by adding a new regulation 3(ba) "any mortuary situated within the precincts of a military hospital", i.e. a hospital of the Hong Kong Garrison.

政府當局表,由 於"官方所營辦或管院或機構 "是指那些由當時的香港政府及前駐港英軍營辦 或管轄的醫院,當局建議作適應化修改,加入新訂第3(ba)條 "位於軍方醫院的場地範圍內的殮房",即香港駐軍的醫院。

According to paragraph 8 of the Administration's information paper for the Panel on Health Services (LC Paper No.


CB(2)1015/09-10(04)) issued in

[...] February 2010, the Administration has consulted the Hospital Authority (HA) [...]

on the legislative proposals


contained in Appeal Board Regulation as it is expected that HA would be the main potential user of organ products and potential applicant for exemption for the regulated products under HOTO.

據政府當局於2010年 2月向衞生事務委員會發出的資料

[...] 文件(立法會CB(2)1015/09-10(04)號文件)第 8段所述,由於理局("醫管局")將 是器官產品的主要使用者,並且是根據 [...]




The Administration has assured that the Hospital Authority will [...]

continue to monitor international trends, changes and scientific


developments in blood safety and will review the health enquiry screening procedure and deferral criteria regularly with a view to ensuring the supply of safe blood to patients in Hong Kong.

政府當局向委員保理局(下 醫管 局” )會繼 續監察有關血液安全的國際趨勢和科技發展,並會定期檢討健康問卷 甄選程序和豁免準則,以確保本港病人使用的血液安全。

Activities to improve maternal health include integrating prenatal follow-up care within all front-line health facilities (Integrated Health Centres) and hospitals; making malaria treatment free to mothers and children up to 15 years of age; provision of free medical care to people living with HIV/AIDS; distributing insecticide-treated mosquito nets to mothers; provision of equipment and medication for basic and emergency obstetric and neonatal care to Integrated


Health Centres and

[...] national referral hospitals; on-site training in/review of basic and emergency obstetric and neonatal care and comprehensive first-aid care for maternal health-care workers and at Integrated Health Centres; systematic vaccination of pregnant women and children; systematic administration of iron to mothers [...]

and vitamin A


to children and to mothers post-partum.

改善母亲健康的活动主要集中于在一线卫生设施(综合卫生中心)和医院提 供综合产前护理;为母亲和 0-15 岁儿童免费治疗疟疾;向感染艾滋病毒/艾滋病 的患者提供免费医疗;向母亲发放经杀虫剂处理过的蚊帐;为综合保健中心设备和必 要的和急用的产科和新生儿护理药物;对产科人员和保健中 心进行必要的产科及新生儿保健和基本急救方面的现场全面培训/进修;对孕妇 和儿童正常进行免疫接种;母亲正常补铁,儿童和产后期的母亲补维生素 A。

In 2007/08, the Administration Department received 129 visitors who came from different medical units, local and overseas organizations, elderly and voluntary groups, overseas visitors including World Blind Union Asia Pacific Regional Massage Commission, Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government, Beijing,


Chengdu, Shanxi and Weizhou Disabled Persons’ Federation, China

[...] Blind Massage Administration Centre and Hong Kong Eye Hospital.

這些嘉賓包括:世界盲人聯會亞太區按摩委員,中央人民政府聯絡辦工室,北京、成都、山西和惠州市殘疾人聯合 會, 中國盲人按摩指導中心,及香眼科

The Advisory Committee was informed that it is envisaged


that the abovementioned

[...] reporting on administration of justice, pursuant to resolution 65/259, will be addressed in two separate reports, covering the formal system (Office of the Administration of Justice and [...]

other offices) and


the informal system, which will be addressed in the context of the annual report on the activities of the United Nations Ombudsman and Mediation Services.

咨询委员会获悉,上述根据第 65/259 号决议提出的内部司法报 告预计将分 为两份单独的报告,分别涵盖正式制度 (内部司法 办公 室和其他办公室)和非正式 制度,后者将在关于联合国监察员和调解事务活动的年度报告中述及。

That, in view of the Administration's failure to take effective action to amend the 15 relevant Ordinances which bind the Government so that they also bind the offices of the CPG in the HKSAR and to complete the review of the applicability of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance to the CPG offices in the HKSAR, resulting in these offices not being required to


abide by these

[...] Ordinances, and as the Administration has delayed the adaptation of the 35 relevant Ordinances which are expressed to bind, or apply to, the "Crown", this Council expresses serious concern and urges the Administration to explain the [...]

reasons for the slow


progress of the work and to expedite amendment and adaptation of the relevant Ordinances.

鑒於政府當局未有採取有效行動,對15條約束政府的有關條 例作出修訂使其亦約束中央政府駐香港特區機構,以及仍未 完成就《個人資料(私隱)條例》是否適用於中央政府駐香港特 區機構所進行的覆檢,以致該等機構無須遵守該等條例;而 政府當局又遲未 將明文規定對" 官方" 具約束力或適用的35 條有關條例作適應化修改,本會表示高度關注,並府 當局解釋此 方面工作進展緩慢的原因,以及加快對有關條例 作出修訂和適應化修改的工作。

Regarding funding support for the


arts groups, members in generally

[...] considered that the Administration should (a) ensure [...]

a reasonable and fair distribution


of funding resources amongst arts groups; (b) review the existing mode of subsidy for the major performing arts groups to avoid stifling the development of non-subvented commercial arts groups; (c) provide more funding for the support of small and medium sized arts groups and budding artists; (d) explore means to minimize staffing and administrative expenses in the operation of arts programmes so that the savings could be re-allocated to the use of arts development; (e) examine the effectiveness of the current funding policy in achieving the policy goals, such as encouraging diversified and balanced development of arts and culture; and (f) consider increasing its overall allocation of funding for culture and the arts, given the imminent need to achieve the vision of the West Kowloon Culture District project.

關於對藝團的資助,委員普遍認為 ,政府當 局必 (a ) 確保撥款資源在演藝團體之間得到合理而公平的分配;(b)檢討當 [...]

局資助主要演藝團體的現行模式,以免窒礙沒有接受資助的商業 藝團的發展;(c)提供更多資助以支援中小型藝團及新進藝術家; (d)探討有何方法可盡量減少在營辦藝術活動方面的員工和行政開


支,以便把節省下來的款項重新撥作藝術發展用途;(e)研究現行 撥款政策在達致各項政策目標方面的成效,例如鼓勵藝術與文化 作多元均衡發展的政策目標;及(f)考慮增加文化藝術方面的整體 撥款,因為現時有迫切需要實現西九文化區計劃的願景。

hospital administration - 英中  – Linguee词典 (2024)


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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.