Enduring Word John 15 (2024)

1. Enduring Word Bible Commentary John Chapter 15

  • “This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends. You are ...

  • David Guzik commentary on John 15, where Jesus talks to the disciples about the necessity to stay in Him by using the example of the vine and the branches.

2. Enduring Word Bible Commentary John 15:1-11 – Prepared to Abide

  • David Guzik Sermon on John 15:1-11 - Prepared to Abide.

  • David Guzik Sermon on John 15:1-11 - Prepared to Abide

3. YouVersion John 15 Enduring Word English

4. John 15:12-16:4 – Prepared for Persecution - Enduring Word

  • David Guzik Sermon on John 15:12-16:4 - Prepared for Persecution.

  • David Guzik Sermon on John 15:12-16:4 - Prepared for Persecution

5. Enduring Word Bible Commentary John

  • Prepared to Abide · Prepared for Persecution · Revealed to John the Baptist

  • How we use cookies

6. Study Guide for John 15 by David Guzik - Blue Letter Bible

  • "I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, ...

  • David Guzik :: Study Guide for John 15

7. John 14:15-31 – Prepared for the Spirit - Enduring Word

  • David Guzik Sermon on John 14:15-31 - Prepared for the Spirit.

  • David Guzik Sermon on John 14:15-31 - Prepared for the Spirit

8. I Am the True Vine: Bible Commentary on John 15:1-17

  • Jesus said, “I am the vine, and you are the branches.” Study this famous passage from the Gospel of John with the Enduring Word Bible Commentary by David Guzik.

  • Jesus said, “I am the vine, and you are the branches.” Study this famous passage from the Gospel of John with the Enduring Word Bible Commentary by David Guzik. This 12-day plan discusses how to abide in Jesus, how NOT to abide, and what bearing fruit looks like for the follower of Christ. Be encouraged by God’s Word as you remain in Jesus, the true Vine!

9. Enduring Word Bible Commentary 1 John Chapter 1

  • David Guzik commentary on 1 John 1 emphasizes the center of our relationship to God, which is found in Jesus Christ, who is life and light.

10. Enduring Word - David Guzik - John 15:11 - "These things I have spoken ...

  • 13 dec 2021 · John 15:11 - "These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full." enduringword.com.

  • ראה/ראי פוסטים, תמונות ועוד בפייסבוק.

11. Enduring Word Bible Commentary Ezekiel Chapter 15

  • Later Jesus used the vine to illustrate the rebellious Israel of His day (Luke 20:9-19) and also to picture the relationship He had with His people (John 15). i ...

  • David Guzik commentary on Ezekiel 15, where God gives Ezekiel the parable of the useless wood of the grapevine, being a picture of Jerusalem.

12. Enduring Word Bible Commentary YouVersion – English Devotionals

  • Skip to main content. Our English Plans: YouVersion John 15 Enduring Word English · Easter YouVersion Enduring Word · Go to bible.us (7Sm subpage).

  • Enduring Word has partnered with YouVersion to provide devotional reading plans based on our Bible commentary.

Enduring Word John 15 (2024)


What is the main point of John 15? ›

Bible Study Ideas and Commentary for John 15:1-17

In Jesus' final teaching to His disciples, He explains that our obedience to Him not only proves that we are His friend and disciple, but also that our obedience is how we experience the joy of our salvation. Through our obedience, we remain in Christ and glorify God.

What is the lesson of the vine and the branch? ›

If we fail to remain in Christ, Jesus tells us that we are like broken-off branches that wither and are picked up and thrown into the fire. But, if we remain connected to the vine, we will receive the life-giving nourishment we need to live and produce fruit. Only by staying connected can we bear fruit.

What does he cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit mean? ›

In this verse, there is a clear sense of expected growth. First mentioned is barrenness, then productivity, then abundance. In terms of our spiritual lives, this is how God expects us to progress. As part of that process, God removes and prunes the branches.

What is the meaning of John 15 14? ›

You are my friends if you do the things that I command you. “friends.” John 15:14-15 mark an important shift in the relation between Jesus and those who closely follow him and obey him. Jesus now says he will not call his close disciples “servants,” but friends, denoting an intimate and affectionate relationship.

What fruit is Jesus referring to in John 15? ›

There has been considerable dispute over the nature of the “fruit” that is envisaged [in this text]: the fruit, we are told, is obedience, or new converts, or love, or Christian character. These interpretations are reductionistic. The branch's purpose is to bear much fruit (v.

What was John's main message? ›

John's theme of life- eternal life, comes up again and again. One could argue this is his main purpose: to demonstrate Jesus as the source of eternal life. We've been throwing around the term “gospel” a lot.

What does the vine symbolize in John 15? ›

The True Vine (Greek: ἡ ἄμπελος ἡ ἀληθινή hē ampelos hē alēthinē) is an allegory or parable given by Jesus in the New Testament. Found in John 15:1–17, it describes Jesus' disciples as branches of himself, who is described as the "true vine", and God the Father the "husbandman".

What are the two moral lessons from Jesus as the true vine? ›

In this allegory are two important principles: First, we must be grounded in Christ. If we are not, we will not be fruitful (see John 15:4). If our lives are not in harmony with the teachings of the Savior, it is no more likely that we will bear good fruit than that a branch cut off from a vine will bear fruit.

What does the vine represent in the tree of life? ›

Jesus said that he is the vine and we are his branches. So not only do you eat from this tree, you're invited to become part of it, helping produce its fruit, so that his life and love can spread through us to others.

What does purge mean in John 15? ›

We must never forget that God's plan involves removing things from our lives—the process of purging—to make us more fruitful and productive for Him. His intention is not for us to see how much we can get away with, but to see how much we can do that is right and helpful.

What does pruning represent in John 15? ›

The word “prune” as stated in John 15:2 means 'to cleanse' in the original Greek. The only way to stay healthy is remain in Him and stay connected to the Vine. “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit.

What fruit does God want us to bear? ›

As long as they held on to their pride, they could not bear the fruits of repentance, faith, obedience, relationship and participation. These are the fruits that God wants us to produce. Producing these fruits does not depend on our desire or effort, but on God's mercy (Rom 9:16).

What does John 15 teach us? ›

That love is sacrificial, humble, and constant. Offering one's life for the sake of others is the ultimate expression of this love; however, Jesus does not mean that Christian love is only shown in grand gestures. Rather, it's to be the pattern of our entire lives (John 15:12–13).

Who is Jesus talking to in John 15? ›

Although ostensibly addressing his disciples, most scholars conclude the chapter was written with events concerning the later church in mind. Jesus is presented as explaining the relationship between himself and his followers, seeking to model this relationship on his own relationship with his Father.

What does John 15 13 teach us? ›

Christ's statement in John 15:13 demonstrates His boundless love for us. Jesus literally laid down His own life for His friends, those who obey Him (verse 14). He exhibited the most remarkable display of love when He died for our sins, showing what true, selfless love looks like.

Why is loving others so important in John 15? ›

John 15:12–17 builds on Christ's explanation of the vine and branches. Once again, Jesus commands His followers to demonstrate love toward each other. This is phrased, in no uncertain terms, as an obligation given directly by Christ. Jesus once again ties willingness to obey to the legitimacy of one's love for Him.

What is John's message to us? ›

The Gospel of John presents Christ as the longed for Messiah and Son of God, who comes to earth as a Jew to restore God's covenant people.

What moral lessons can we learn from John 15:1 8? ›

Jesus wants us to know that we are branches who cannot stand alone. Jesus himself is our gardener who continuously nourishes our spirit. If we remain faithful to Him, our life will prosper and bear much fruit. If we remain loyal to our belief, the hard work we did will result into more than we ever expected.


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Name: Edwin Metz

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.